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2001年4月2日, 太阳爆发了一个近年来X射线通量最大的一次耀斑并伴有质子事件, 利用“资源一号”卫星星内粒子探测器和神舟二号飞船X射线探测器的观测资料, 对这一事件的高能粒子响应进行了特例研究. “资源一号”卫星运行于太阳同步轨道, 高度约800km, 和宁静时期的统计结果对比, 这次耀斑后, 星内粒子探测器在地球极盖区(地球开磁场区)观测到耀斑粒子的出现, 这是宁静时期没有的; 神舟二号飞船轨道高度400km, 倾角为42°, X射线探测器在42°中高纬地区也观测到高能电子通量比宁静时明显的增加, 这表明, 太阳耀斑引起的近地空间辐射环境的变化遍及纬度约40°以上的区域, 甚至在40°N附近400 km左右的高度上仍然有响应. 但是, 中高纬度、极光带和极盖区的粒子来源, 加速机制和响应方式却不一定相同, 需要分别讨论. 资料分析和对比还表明, 质子事件的强度并不一定和耀斑的X射线通量成正比, 因此, 近地空间高能粒子对耀斑的响应也不是完全决定于X射线强度.  相似文献   

本文比较了在太阳平静和扰动时期“资源一号”卫星星内粒子探测器对卫星舱内高能粒子的观测结果,发现在平静时期观测结果很好地反映了辐射带高能粒子在该高度上的分布情况.在扰动时期,粒子探测器观测到高能粒子分布出现重大变化,本文进一步讨论了影响高能粒子在近地空间分布的可能因素.  相似文献   

星内粒子探测器观测结果与辐射带模型的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
我们将资源一号卫星星内粒子探测器的观测数据与辐射带模式AE8/AP8的预测结果进行了对比,发现在南大西洋异常区的高能电子和质子的通量与辐射带模型的预测结果基本相同,而在两极极光带的电子通量比AE8模型预测的低得多.根据NOAA卫星的观测结果,可以认为这一差异主要是因为在南大西洋异常区(内辐射带)和两极极光带(外辐射带)的粒子投掷角分布的差异造成的.在南大西洋异常区粒子倾向于各向同性分布,而在极光带粒子各向异性明显,投掷角接近90°的粒子通量比0°投掷角附近的粒子通量大得多.  相似文献   

“嫦娥一号”卫星太阳高能粒子探测器的首次观测结果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"嫦娥一号"卫星(CE-1)的太阳高能粒子探测器(HPD)是国际上首次在200公里极月轨道观测高能带电粒子的探测仪器.HPD的科学目标是探测月球轨道空间的高能带电粒子(质子、电子和重离子)成分、能谱、通量和随时间的演化特征.通过比较分析HPD的观测结果、ACE卫星的观测结果与CRèME86模型的模拟计算结果,表明在太阳活动低年空间环境相对宁静时期,当月球处于太阳风中时,月球附近具有和行星际空间相近的宇宙线粒子流量背景.卫星在轨运行中发现了多起0.1~2MeV的高能电子流爆发事件.文中总结了2007年11月26日至2008年2月5日HPD观测的41起高能电子流爆发事件,发现此类现象可以发生在从太阳风到磁尾的所有空间区域.在月球经历的不同空间区域中,高能电子流爆发事件可能存在不同的诱发机制.  相似文献   

FY 1C星空间粒子成分探测器能够实现对质子能谱、电子积分通量及重离子成分的同时测量.在第23周太阳活动峰年期间,空间粒子成分探测器对860km高度的南大西洋负磁异常区高能粒子辐射进行了长达3年的连续探测.本文根据实测结果,得出了南大西洋负磁异常区粒子辐射特征,分析了太阳质子事件和地磁暴对南大西洋负磁异常区粒子辐射的影响.  相似文献   

FY2D卫星与GOES卫星空间粒子观测结果的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
风云二号D星(FY2D)搭载的空间粒子探测器可以观测10~300 MeV的质子和≥350 keV与≥2 MeV的电子.卫星在轨测试阶段,空间粒子探测器观测到了空间环境宁静期间地球同步轨道的电子昼夜周期变化的典型特征,并在卫星发射后的12月15日首次观测到了有代表性的 2级太阳质子事件(SEP),观测到的较高能量质子比较低能量质子更快地恢复到平静时的状态.通过比较FY2D卫星与GOES卫星的探测结果,既显示了同步轨道区域不同位置高能电子通量扰动时间的一致性,也显示了高能电子通量具强烈的晨昏不对称性.通过对太阳质子事件和地磁平静时期该轨道空间高能粒子环境特征的分析和研究,并与GOES卫星同期的观测结果进行相关性分析,结果表明仪器确实具备了监测空间环境扰动和预警能力,探测结果可以用于研究地球同步轨道粒子空间分布、起源和传输等科学目的.  相似文献   

2000年7月14日10:24UT一个X5.6级的耀斑暴发生在太阳中心子午线附近(AR 9077), 同时伴随着一个朝向地球的CME事件及太阳高能粒子(Solar Energetic Particle, SEP)事件. 这次耀斑暴发及CME事件引起了地球磁层、电离层及高层大气的强烈扰动. 中国“风云二号(B)”卫星上的高能粒子探测器(EPD)观测到SEP事件期间, 同步轨道区高能质子、相对论电子有非常剧烈的增加. SEP期间, 高能质子对相对论电子通量的探测造成严重的污染. 结合“风云二号(B)”卫星上的高能粒子探测器(EPD)的特性, 建立了一种从相对论电子通量探测中“清除”高能质子“污染”的方法, 并对相对论电子通量的探测数据实施“清洁”处理. “纯净的”相对论电子通量探测结果显示, 当行星际磁场南向时, 上游太阳风中的高能电子使同步轨道区相对论电子通量有大幅度的增加.  相似文献   

风云二号系列卫星以自旋稳定方式工作于地球静止轨道,太阳X射线探测器是该系列卫星的重要有效载荷,监测太阳耀斑爆发过程,并对太阳质子事件等灾害性的空间天气事件进行预警.卫星自旋一周,该探测器完成一次全日面观测,记录太阳X射线的能谱与流量.2012年初,太阳活动进入第24周峰年,风云二号卫星太阳X射线探测器的在轨运行取得了良好的观测结果.相比于过去的太阳X射线探测器,风云二号F星的太阳X射线探测器应用了硅漂移探测(Silicon Drift Detector,SDD)技术,对GEO轨道海量的高能带电粒子采取了有效的屏蔽措施,可以对更"软"的X射线进行观测,能谱分辨率本领达到国际先进水平,对太阳耀斑的量化定级精度更高,在轨初步观测结果表明,精确的能谱探测能力可提高太阳质子事件预警能力,能道响应的时间特性比过去的探测数据更准确地反映了太阳耀斑的加热过程和带电粒子加速特性.本文介绍了风云二号F星太阳X射线探测器的设计及其发射前的标定试验结果,并且对发射后在轨运行获得的初步探测成果进行分析和讨论.  相似文献   

FY2G卫星新一代高能带电粒子探测器观测数据分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
风云二号系列卫星是我国开展动态空间天气事件和空间环境监测及预警业务的重要观测平台,各系列星上均安装有高能带电粒子探测仪器开展卫星轨道空间带电粒子辐射环境连续实时的动态监测.FY2G卫星于2015年1月发射,星上采用了全新的高能粒子探测器,包括:一台高能电子探测器可监测200keV-4 MeV的高能电子,一台高能质子重离子探测器可监测4~300 MeV的高能质子,从而实现对带电粒子更宽、更精细能谱的监测.本文给出了FY2G高能带电粒子探测器在2015年1月至2015年10月期间几起典型的带电粒子动态观测结果,结合太阳和地磁活动相关参数,对高能带电粒子通量在亚暴、磁暴和太阳爆发等扰动影响下细节变化过程和特征作出了较为详细的分析描述,展现了FY2G卫星高能带电粒子探测器对轨道空间粒子环境动态变化的准确响应能力,表明观测数据可开展更加精细的轨道粒子环境评估.针对FY2G高能带电粒子探测结果进一步开展了与GOES系列卫星同期观测的比对分析,结果反映出在较小的扰动条件下多星观测到的带电粒子响应和通量变化可基本趋于一致或保持相对稳定的偏差,而扰动条件的显著变化会加大多星观测带电粒子响应和通量变化的差异,这些结果可为今后开展多星数据同化应用提供参考,也为发展磁层对扰动响应的更加复杂的图像提供了新的可能.  相似文献   

空间粒子探测中,几何因子是反演粒子能谱的关键参数.传统的几何因子以探测器的实际结构为输入条件,通过数值计算的方法获得.由于传统的几何因子没有考虑粒子与物质相互作用的物理过程以及不同能档间粒子干扰等因素对测量结果的影响,降低了数据反演的准确度.本文提出了一种改进的几何因子计算方法,该方法的思想是在GEANT4程序中对探测器的实际结构建模、考虑粒子与物质相互作用过程,通过蒙特卡罗模拟的方法,得到探测器对不同能档粒子的响应函数,并计算干扰粒子对几何因子的影响,最终得到探测器不同能档的几何因子.利用该方法获得的改进几何因子对我国风云三号卫星高能质子探测器的数据进行了反演,反演后的能谱更加符合空间物理公认的幂律谱分布,与POES卫星的实测结果比对表明:风云三号卫星数据与卫星的数据具有很好的一致性,说明该方法能够有效提高数据反演的质量.  相似文献   

"嫦娥"一号、二号绕月飞行经历地球磁尾边界层区域时,分别在2007年11月26日—2008年2月5日和2010年10月3日—2011年2月28日,发现了15次月球轨道0.1~2 MeV电子急剧增加(Bursts of 0.1~2 MeV Energetic Electrons,BEE),卫星周围等离子体离子加速的现象.统计研究表明,这类现象发生在稳定太阳风和弱行星际磁场条件下,且无显著空间环境扰动事件发生时,离子的加速滞后于高能电子爆发,离子能量的变化与高能电子通量的时间演化正相关,地球磁鞘内侧或边界层过渡区域是该类现象的高发区,离子能量增加时卫星表面电位大幅下降可达负几千伏.为了研究高能电子爆发与绕月卫星表面电位变化的关系及其对月球表面电位的影响,本文用电流平衡法建立绕月卫星和月球表面充电模型,并假设能量电子(2eV~2 MeV)满足幂律谱的分布,模拟急剧增加的能量电子对卫星和月球表面电位的影响.模拟结果表明,能量电子急剧增加使得绕月卫星和月球表面电位大幅下降;能量电子总流量1011 cm-2时,绕月卫星和月球表面充电电位可达负上千伏;月球充电到大的负电位的时间仅为卫星充电时间的1/10.鉴于高能电子急剧增加事件的高发生率(~125次/年),能量电子急剧增加使得绕月卫星表面电位大幅下降的发生率应大于实测等离子体离子加速现象的发生率(~25次/年).  相似文献   

On the basis of the currents induced by electron fluxes in the Scintillating Fibre Detector (SFD) onboard the EQUATOR-S satellite launched on 2 December 1997, an in-situ acceleration of radiation belt electrons is found to possibly contribute to the increase of the flux of electrons with energies greater than 400 keV. The data acquired between 16 December 1997 and 30 April 1998 on the 500–67300 km, 4° inclination EQUATOR-S orbit show that the increase of the energetic electron flux corresponds to the enhanced geomagnetic activity measured through the Dst index.  相似文献   

The GPS radio occultation technique is sensitive for layered structures with horizontal scales of around 100 km and with vertical scales of a few 100 m or more at the Earth's limb. These structures cause strong fluctuations of the GPS L1 and L2 phase paths which have been measured by a GPS receiver onboard of Microlab-1 satellite in 730 km orbit during the GPS/Meteorology experiment (GPS/MET of UCAR, Boulder). By means of GPS/MET radio occultation data, profiles of electron density fluctuations are derived for the mesosphere/lower thermosphere region with a height resolution of around 1 km. Data analysis of 1900 radio occultation events in June/July 1995, 1540 events in October 1995, and 2690 events in February 1997 confirms seasonal dependence of sporadic E layers. The meridian slices of average sporadic E activity show a dominance of plasma irregularities in the summer hemisphere. The irregularities mainly occur at heights 90–110 km. Auroral and equatorial sporadic E, electron density depletions, and multiple ionization layers are also present in the high resolution GPS/MET data. The multiple layers often have a distance of around 5–10 km in height, and appear up to a height of 140 km (upper height limit for 50 Hz sampling rate of GPS receiver). For February and June, the GPS/MET observations are compared to ground-based observations of the Asia/Australia ionosonde chain.  相似文献   

A statistical study of field-aligned electron beams associated with upflowing ion conics is presented from Exos-D (Akebono) observations below 10 000 km. The electron beams are narrowly collimated along the field line and generally have energies of several tens of eV. They are divided in the analysis into three types: upflowing, downflowing, and counterstreaming. All the types of electron beams are almost equivalent in their energy and pitch angle characteristics and their association rate with upflowing ion events. About 50% of ion conies are found to be coincident with field-aligned electron beams. There is also a correlation in energy between the field-aligned electrons and ion conics. These show that the association is not a mere coincidence but rather that the field-aligned acceleration of electrons is related to the perpendicular energization of ions. The association rate of upflowing electrons is high on the nightside, while that of downflowing electrons is high on the dayside. The association rate of downflowing electrons is high at low altitudes, and the rates of the three types of electron beams become equivalent at high altitudes. Data indicate that the height of the electron acceleration region is lower on the nightside. It is suggested that the average height of the electron acceleration region is around the satellite apogee (–10000 km), and the average thickness of the region is about thousands km.  相似文献   

顶部电离层是低轨道卫星的运行空间,是能量粒子沉降的重要区域,认识这个空间的能量粒子分布特征对研究各种空间天气事件、地震、火山以及其他人类活动引起的扰动具有重要的现实意义.本文利用位于顶部电离层的5颗NOAA系列卫星数据,统计研究了100~300keV的电子和80~2500keV的质子的全球分布特征.研究发现:高能电子和质子主要分布在两极辐射带和南大西洋异常区,两极辐射带观测到的高能电子通量比南大西洋异常区高几倍到一个数量级,而质子则相反;高能电子在两极辐射带地区通量分布具有不对称性,主要表现为在北辐射带西经75°到东经90°存在低值区,相对应的是粒子主要聚集在其磁共轭区,且其边界和南大西洋异常区相交;高能质子两极辐射带对称分布,在南半球东经0°至东经50°存在高值区.利用概率密度统计分析发现,各颗卫星在南大西洋异常区和两极辐射带的高能电子和高能质子通量总体上均呈正态分布.在南大西洋异常区,NOAA-15观测到的高能电子通量比其他卫星的低,NOAA-16观测的高能电子通量比其他卫星的高,各卫星的高能质子观测结果基本相同.在两极辐射带,各卫星观测的高能电子通量结果基本相同,NOAA-18和NOAA-19观测的质子通量最高,NOAA-16和NOAA-17次之,NOAA-15最低,其中NOAA-19比NOAA-15观测到的质子通量要高一个数量级左右.在磁暴期间顶部电离层高能电子的变化表明地磁指数Dst和空间粒子通量变化具有时间同步性.本文的研究成果将为我国下一代电磁卫星设计提供基础依据.  相似文献   

基于NOAA/POES卫星观测的磁层相对论电子起源的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用低高度极轨卫星NOAA/POES的观测数据,并结合ACE卫星和Polar卫星的观测结果,研究分析了磁层相对论电子的起源. NOAA/POES卫星对于不同地磁活动时期相对论电子的分布和起源进行了较为详细观测, 分析结果表明(1) 亚暴期间注入磁层的能量电子可以为与磁暴相关的磁层高能电子暴提供种子电子;(2)太阳质子事件期间太阳风中的能量电子也可以为磁层中的相对论电子提供所需要的源.  相似文献   

Energetic electrons (e.g., 50 keV) travel along field lines with a high speed of around 20 REs−1. These swift electrons trace out field lines in the magnetosphere in a rather short time, and therefore can provide nearly instantaneous information about the changes in the field configuration in regions of geospace. The energetic electrons in the high latitude boundary regions (including the cusp) have been examined in detail by using Cluster/RAPID data for four consecutive high latitude/cusp crossings between 16 March and 19 March 2001. Energetic electrons with high and stable fluxes were observed in the time interval when the IMF had a predominately positive Bz component. These electrons appeared to be associated with a lower plasma density exhibiting no obvious tailward plasma flow (<20 keV). On the other hand, no electrons or only spike-like electron events have been observed in the cusp region during southward IMF. At that time, the plasma density was as high as that in the magnetosheath and was associated with a clear tailward flow. The fact that no stable energetic electron fluxes were observed during southward IMF indicates that the cusp has an open field line geometry. The observations indicate that both the South and North high latitude magnetospheric boundary regions (including both North and South cusp) can be energetic particle trapping regions. The energetic electron observations provide new ways to investigate the dynamic cusp processes. Finally, trajectory tracing of test particles has been performed using the Tsyganenko 96 model; this demonstrates that energetic particles (both ions and electrons) may be indeed trapped in the high latitude magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Particle and magnetic field measurements on the CRRES satellite were used, together with geosynchronous satellites and ground-based observations, to investigate the fine structure of a magnetospheric substorm on February 9, 1991. Using the variations in the electron fluxes, the substorm activity was divided into several intensifications lasting about 3–15 minutes each. The two main features of the data were: (1) the intensifications showed internal fine structure in the time scale of about 2 minutes or less. We call these shorter periods activations. Energetic electrons and protons at the closest geosynchronous spacecraft (1990 095) were found to have comparable activation structure. (2) The energetic (> 69 keV) proton injections were delayed with respect to electron injections, and actually coincided in time with the end of the intensifications and partial returns to locally more stretched field line configuration. We propose that the energetic protons could be able to control the dynamics of the system locally be quenching the ongoing intensification and possibly preparing the final large-scale poleward movement of the activity. It was also shown that these protons originated from the same intensification as the preceeding electrons. Therefore, the substorm instability responsible for the intensifications could introduce a negative feedback loop into the system, creating the observed fine structure with the intensification time scales.  相似文献   

An isolated region of energetic electron precipitation observed near local noon in the auroral zone has been investigated using imaging riometer (IRIS) and inco-herent-scatter radar (EISCAT) techniques. IRIS revealed that the absorption event was essentially co-rotating with the Earth for about 2 h. The spatial and temporal variations in D-region electron density seen by EISCAT were able to be interpreted within a proper context when compared with the IRIS data. EISCAT detected significant increases in electron density at altitudes as low as 65 km as the event drifted through the radar beam. The altitude distribution of incremental radio absorption revealed that more than half of the absorption occurred below 75 km, with a maximum of 67 km. The energy spectrum of the precipitating electrons was highly uniform throughout the event, and could be described analytically by the sum of three exponential distributions with characteristic energies of 6, 70 and 250 keV. A profile of effective recombination coefficient that resulted in self-consistent agreement between observed electron desities and those inferred from an inversion procedure has been deduced. The observations suggest a co-rotating magnetospheric source region on closed dayside field lines. However, a mechanism is required that can sustain such hard precipitation for the relatively long duration of the event.  相似文献   

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