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In the present study, detailed field survey in conjunction with remotely sensed (IRS-1D, LISS-III) data is of immense help in terrain analysis and landscape ecological planning at watershed level. Geomorphologically summit crust, table top summits, isolated mounds. plateau spurs, narrow slopes, plateau side drainage floors, narrow valleys and main valley floor were delineated. The soil depth ranges from extremely shallow in isolated mounds to very deep soils in the lower sectors. Very good, good, moderate, poor and very poor groundwater prospect zones were delineated. By the integrated analysis of slope, geomorphology. soil depth, land use/land cover and groundwater prospect layers in GIS. 29 landscape ecological units were identified. Each landscape ecological unit refers to a natural geographic entity having distinctive properties of slope, geomorphology. soil depth, land use/ land cover and groundwater prospects. The landscape ecological stress zone mapping of the study area has been carried out based on the analysis and reclassification of tandscape ecological units. The units having minimum ecological impact in terms of slope, geomorphology, soil depth and land use/land cover were delineated under very low stress landscape ecological zones. The units having maximum ecological stress in the form of very high slopes, isolated mounds, table top summits and summit crust, extremely shallow soils, waste lands and very poor groundwater prospects were delineated into very high stress landscape ecological zones. The integrated analysis of remotely sensed data and collateral data in GIS environment is of immense help in evaluation of landscape ecological units and landscape ecological stress zones. The delineated landscape ecological stress zones in the watershed have been recommended for landscape ecological planning for better utilization of natural resources without harming the natural geo-ecosystem of the area.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt has been made to characterize the biophysical land units in Kanholi bara river basin of sub-humid tropical ecosystem of central India using remotely sensed data, field surveys and GIS based multi-criteria overlay analysis. The geo-spatial database on elevation, slope, landforms, soil depth, soil erosion, land use/land cover and hydrogeomorphological parameters has been generated using IRS-ID LISS-III satellite data coupled with soil survey data in GIS. The methodology followed in characterization of biophysical land units in GIS includes assigning scores for different classes of the layers and weighatges for different layers based on their characteristics and degree of influence on desired output. GIS based ‘multi criteria overlay’ analysis reveals seventeen distinct biophysical land units in the river basin. Severe (50.5-59.5) to very severe (59.5) biophysical stress units are found in plateau spurs, isolated mounds, linear ridges, dissected plateau and escarpments. These zones are associated with severe to very severe erosion, steep to very steep, extremely shallow soils, poor to very poor groundwater prospects, wastelands and scrublands. The characterization of biophysical land units helps in analysis of their potentials, problems and stress environment to plan and execute site-specific landscape management practices and maximize the productivity from each biophysical land unit. The present study demonstrates that generation of geo-spatial database based on remotely sensed data and field surveys in GIS and their analysis helps great extent in characterization of biophysical land units and analysis of their stress environment for management.  相似文献   

The study area is one of the watersheds of North Pennar basin, covering an area of 570 km2 in Pavagada taluk of Tumkur district. The watershed has been subdivided into nine sub-watersheds namely Dalavayihalli, Maddalenahalli, Talamaradahalli, Puluvalli tank, Nagalamadike, Gowdatimmanahalli, Naliganahalli, Devadabetta and Byadanur. These nine sub-watersheds have been evaluated to delineate groundwater potential zones based on the characteristics of geomorphic units together with slope, geology, lineaments, borewell data using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. Slope varies from nearly level (0–1%) to very steep (>35%). The different geomorphic units in each sub-watershed consist of denudational hills, residual hills, inselbergs, pediment inselberg complex, pediments, shallow weathered pediplains, moderately weathered pediplains and valley fills. The lineament map for each sub-watershed has been prepared and the trends were analysed with rose diagrams. The analysis of borewell locations and their yield data in association with lineaments at subwatersheds level reveals that the lineaments are acting as a pathway for groundwater movement. The integrated map comprising groundwater potential zones prepared by “Union” function using GIS indicate that valley fills and moderately weathered pediplains are very good to good, shallow weathered pediplains are good to moderate, pediment inselberg complex and pediments are moderate to poor and denudational hills, residual hills and inselbergs are poor to very poor groundwater prospect zones.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt has been made to analyse IRS-ID LISS-III satellite data in conjunction with field observations for geomorphological mapping and pedo-geomorphological characterisation in Mohgaon area of Nagpur district, Maharashtra. Analysis of satellite data reveals distint geomorphological units viz., plateau top, isolated mounds, linear ridges, escarpments, plateau spurs, subdued plateau, rolling plains, pediments, narrow valleys and main valley floor. Soil profiles, studied on different identified landforms, showed variation in site and morphological charactaristics. Moderate soil erosion occurs on plateau top, isolated mouds, plateau spurs, rollinmg plains and pediments. Severe erosion was identified on escarpments and subdued plateau and narrow valleys suffer very slight erosional hazards. Moderately well drained soils were found on rolling plains, pediments, narrow valleys and main valley floor. Well drained soils were noticed on plateau top and plateau spurs. Very shallow soils were found on the plateau top and isolated mounds. Shallow soils are found in linear ridges, escarpments, plateau spurs and rolling plains. Moderately deep and deep soils are found on subdued plateau, pediments and main valley floor. The landform-soil relatioinship reveals that the soils on the plateau top and isolated mounds are very shallow, well drained, clay textured. The soils on the narrow valleys and main valley floor are deep, moderatly well drained, and clayey in texture. It also indicates that landform-soil processes are governed by physiographic position, drainage, slope and erosion conditions of the area. The present study reveals that the analysis of remotely sensed data in conjunction with field observations in GIS will be of immense help in geomorphology mapping, analysis of landform-soil relationships and generation of their geo-spatial database.  相似文献   

In this study, an attempt has keen made for the identification, categorisation and mapping of degraded lands in Palamau district of Bihar using remotely sensed data (IRS-1A, raise colour composite, on 1:50,000 scale), It was observed that water erosion is the main cause of land degradation affecting 6.27 per cent area of the district, of which 5.22 per cent is subjected to severe to very severe erosion and remaining 1.05 per cent is moderately to severely gulleid land Degradation due to rock quarries, mine spoils and dumps accounted for only 0.01 per cent of the district area. Degraded lands were mostly confined to agricultural areas (4.76%) follwed by forest lands (1.10%) and opert-scrub/pastures (0.42%), respectively, Subdivision-wise categorisation of degraded lands was also attempted for efficient location-speeific reclamation planning and easy monitoring.  相似文献   

The study area is characterized by low and fluctuating rainfall pattern, thin soil cover, predominantly rain-fed farming with low productivity coupled with intensive mining activities, urbanization, deforestation, wastelands and unwise utilization of natural resources causing human induced environmental degradation and ecological imbalances, that warrant sustainable development and optimum management of land resources. Spatial information related to existing geology, land use/land cover, physiography, slope and soils has been derived through remote sensing, collateral data and field survey and used as inputs in a widely used erosion model (Universal Soil Loss Equation) in India to compute soil loss (t/ha/yr) in GIS. The study area has been delineated into very slight (<5 t/ha/yr), slight (5–10 t/ha/yr), moderate (10–15 t/ha/yr), moderately severe (15–20 t/ha/yr), severe (20–40 t/ha/yr) and very severe (>40 t/ha/yr) soil erosion classes. The study indicate that 45.4 thousand ha. (13.7% of TGA) is under moderate, moderately severe, severe and very severe soil erosion categories. The physiographic unit wise analysis of soil loss in different landscapes have indicated the sensitive areas, that has helped to prioritize development and management plans for soil and water conservation measures and suitable interventions like afforestation, agro-forestry, agri-horticulture, silvipasture systems which will result in the improvement of productivity of these lands, protect the environment from further degradation and for the ecological sustenance.  相似文献   

Detailed geological, geomorphological, hydrogeological and land use/land cover studies have been carried out for the Kamthi and adjoining areas of district Nagpur by visual interpretation method of remote sensing data of IRS LISS III, FCC of bands 2, 3 and 4. The interpreted data is supplemented as well as cross-checked by field visits to add minor details of lithounits, nature of lithological contacts, geological and geomorphological features. On the basis of these studies, the various lithounits: Archaean metasediments, the Talchir Shale. the Barakar Sandstone, the Kamthi Sandstone, basalt and alluvium have been mapped. Geomorphological units are mainly of denudational and fluvial origins and are represented by dissected plateaus, pediplains, pediments and alluvium. The land use/land cover study shows that a major part of the area is covered by agricultural land followed by built up and waste land. The flowing and stagnant water bodies, mine and mine dump have also been identified. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to delineate the area with reference to ground water prospects into excellent, very good to good, moderate and poor ground water prospect zones. It has been observed that the sandstone lithounits form excellent aquifers while the basalt and shale form moderate to poor aquifers respectively.  相似文献   

Degraded lands in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra were assessed using remote sensing technique. District wise land degradation maps were generated on 1:25,0000 scale through visual interpretation of lRS 1A data supported by limited ground survey. It was observed that degraded lands occupy nearly 2.1 million ha or 21.5 per cent of the total geographical area. The analysis of district wise land degradation statistics indicate that. Yavatmal and Akola districts are graded as having most problematic lands in the region. Nagpur, Amravati, Buldana and Wardha districts are categorised as moderately problematic, whereas Gadchiroli, Chandrapur and Bhandara are districts having least problem of degradation. Among the major land forms, the largest degraded area is associated with undifferentiated plain accounting for 1.1 million ha or 12 per cent of the total area of region, which is mostly under cultivation. It thus follows that problem of degradation is more rampant in agricultural land than forest/waste lands.  相似文献   

应用了多种不同类型的卫星遥感数据,利用遥感与GIS结合的技术手段,解译并提取了成都市全域现状山、水、田、林、城市建设用地、新农村等现状基础数据,为科学地进行成都市生态总体规划与建设、管理和监测提供基础资料和科学依据。  相似文献   

土地利用遥感监测数据库系统设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着土地利用遥感监测的产业化,监测数据汇总积累将是海量数据。为了有效的管理和使用监测成果,将监测成果及时有效的应用于日常的土地管理和规划中去,提高工作效率,需要采用GIS技术、关系数据库技术和计算机网络技术,设计和开发用于有效管理和高效应用监测成果数据的土地利用遥感监测数据库系统,提高相关管理的效率和科学性。本文针对土地利用遥感成果数据的特点和土地资源管理的实际需要,按照先进性和实用性等原则,设计和开发了遥感监测数据管理系统。  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt has been made to delineate and characterize the different geomorphic units of Tundiya river catchment in a part of Lower Maharahstra Metamorphic Plateau, north-eastern part of Nagpur district, Maharashtra. The drainage, contour and delineated geological units have been overlaid on IRS-ID LISS III satellite imagery (bands 2,3 and 4) in EASI/PACE analysis system to delineate and characterize different geomorphological units and analysis of their processes based on the field observations. The study area is basically of metamorphic in origin with different geological formations and is influenced by the various fluvio-morphological processes. Based on the satellite data analysis, the distinct geomorphological units viz., table top summits, structural hills, subdued plateau, linear ridges, shallow, moderate and deeply buried foot slopes, shallow valley fills and deep valley fills have been delineated and characterized. The information generated from satellite data in the form of vector layers has been used in GIS to generate geological and geomorphological maps of the study area. The present study demonstrates that IRS-ID LISS-III data in conjunction with geology, drainage and contour parameters to enable detailed evaluation of different geomorphological units and analysis of their processes based on the field observations. The delineated geomorphological units can be utilized for evaluation and management of natural resources and geo-environment on sustainable basis at river catchment level.  相似文献   

‘Watershed Management’ has assumed urgency for planned development of land and water resources and to arrest land degradation process to preserve environment and ecological balance. Decision support to such management planning requires scientific knowledge of resources information, expected runoff and sediment yield, priority classification of watersheds for conservation planning, monitoring of watershed for environmental impact assessment and technologies of GIS for data base creation, scenario development and appropriate decision making. Remote sensing technique is ideally suited to evolve such a management strategy. Scientific basis of this approach is explained.  相似文献   

Udumbanchola Taluk, located in the fragile zone of Western Ghats in the Idukki District of Kerala has undergone severe land use changes in the past century. The changing land use scenario of Udumbanchola Taluk was assessed using remote sensing technique. The historic land use map was derived from topographic maps of Survey of India, surveyed in 1910 and published during 1912–14. The land use map of 1997 was generated through the visual interpretation of IRS—1 C LISSIII images supported by ground truths and was observed that the original land use system was highly modified. The comparative study shows that the settlement areas that occupied hardly 0.73 % in 1910 were increased to 30.57 % in 1997 by transferring forest lands, grassland and cardamom plantations. Due to the depletion of natural vegetation and grassland system by the establishment of houses, cash crops and infrastructure facilities, combined with the absence of sufficient land management measures in the side slopes resulted severe land degradation and the present status of degraded lands is about 14.12 % of the total geographical area. It is also observed that the prevailing agro-climatic conditions favorable for the sustenance of sensitive crops like cardamom has undergone changes mainly due to the impact of large-scale land use modifications.  相似文献   

Land degradation in Puruliya district, West Bengal was assessed using remote sensing techniques. Analysis of satellite data (False Colour Composite in 1:50,000 scale) was carried out visually and subsequent ground verification and translation of imgae interpretation units into various categories of degraded lands. The results indicate that 31.8 per cent area of the district suffers from one or the other kind of land degradation. Water induced soil erosion is the major problem which accounts for 31.3 per cent area of the district. Land degradation due to waterlogging is limited to only 0.3 per cent area whereas 0.2 per cent area is degraded due to rock quarries, brick kiln and indus-trial effluents.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is the most important factor in land degradation and influences desertification in semi-arid areas. A comprehensive methodology that integrates revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) model and GIS was adopted to determine the soil erosion risk (SER) in semi-arid Aseer region, Saudi Arabia. Geoenvironmental factors viz. rainfall (R), soil erodibility (K), slope (LS), cover management and practice factors were computed to determine their effects on average annual soil loss. The high potential soil erosion, resulting from high denuded slope, devoid of vegetation cover and high intensity rainfall, is located towards the north western part of the study area. The analysis is investigated that the SER over the vegetation cover including dense vegetation, sparse vegetation and bushes increases with the higher altitude and higher slope angle. The erosion maps generated with RUSLE integrated with GIS can serve as effective inputs in deriving strategies for land planning/management in the environmentally sensitive mountainous areas.  相似文献   

钟玉龙  吕明伦 《遥感学报》2006,10(4):531-536
保安林分布遍及全台湾省,但在自然与社会环境的变迁下,民众对土地资源需求日益迫切,区外保安林常遭非法使用,因此如何有效地订定经营决策,为经营者应注视之问题。本研究以垦丁公园辖区之区外保安林为研究范围,利用1993与2001年SPOT卫星遥测影像为材料,并用监督性分类法中之最大概似法进行影像分类,建立都市、森林、农耕地等3种土地利用类型,分类结果提供监测1993至2001年间保安林之土地变迁。此外保安林地受人为之冲击评估乃采用分类之结果与地理信息系统之空间分析技术,配合保安林地之开发地成长率、农耕地开垦率及保安林地受人为潜在开发率等冲击指标,评估垦丁公园境内各编号保安林所受到的人为冲击。研究结果显示,共有8处保安林所受之冲击最为严重,值得管理者加以重视。  相似文献   

This paper is based on the study done in Rohini and surrounding project area of Delhi. The objective of the paper is to evaluate the application of aerial remote sensing for preparing inventory of derelict land around urban areas. Inventory and monitoring of derelict lands is very important for urban planners and decision makers. Because of unmanageable growth of urban areas, the pressure on rich agricultural land in the urban-rural fringe is increasing day by day, while vast stretches of derelict land are lying unused. These derelict lands can be used for urban development, if properly mapped. An operational remote sensing methodology has been worked out. A classification has been developed and used for this study. Results of the ground truth collected have proved the efficacy of aerial remote sensing for such studies.  相似文献   

In the present study efforts have been made to evaluate ground water potential zones for ground water targeting using IRS-IC LISS-II1 geo-coded data on 1:50,000 scale. The drainage, geology, geomorpholgoy and lineament information has been generated and integrated to evaluate hydro-geomorphological characteristics of the Gairnukh watershed, Bhandara district, Maharashtra for delineation of ground water potential zones. The analysis reveals that the deep valley fills with thick alluvium have excellent, shallow valley tills and deeply weathered pediplains with thin alluvium have very good and moderately weathered pediplains in the geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss and Sausar Groups have god ground water potential and these units are highly favourable for ground water exploration and development. Shallow weathered pediments in geological formations of Tirodi Gnesis and Sausar Groups are marked under moderate ground water potential zone. Shallow weathered pediplains in geological formations of Tiridi Gneiss and Sausor Groups are grouped under limited ground water potential category, except along the fractures/lineaments. Structural hills in geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss and Sausar Groups have poor ground water prospects. Inselbergs and Linear ridges in geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss are grouped under very poor ground water prospects zone. The good inter-relationship was found among the geological units, geomorphological units, lineament density, hydro-geomorphological zones and ground water yield data.  相似文献   

Soil data obtained from soil resource inventory, land and climate were derived from the remote sensing satellite data (Landsat TM, bands 1 to 7) and were integrated in GIS environment to obtain the soil erosion loss using USLE model for the watershed area. The priorities of different sub-watershed areas for soil conservation measures were identified. Land productivity index was also used as a measure for land evaluation. Different soil and land attribute maps were generated in GIS, and R,K,LS,C and P factor maps were derived. By integrating these soil erosion map was generated. The mapping units, found not suitable for agriculture production, were delineated and mapped as non-arable land. The area suitable for agricultural production was carved out for imparting the productivity analysis; the land suitable for raising agricultural crops was delineated into different mapping units as productivity ratings good, fair, moderate and poor. The analysis performed using remote sensing and GIS helped to generate the attribute maps with more accuracy and the ability of integrating these in GIS environment provided the ease to get the required kind of analysis. Conventional methods of land evaluation procedures in terms of either soil erosion or productivity are found not comparable with the out put generated by using remote sensing and GIS as the limitations in generating the attribute maps and their integration. The results obtained in this case study show the use of different kinds of data derived from different sources in land evaluation appraisals.  相似文献   

利用决策树和支持向量机分类方法,基于多期Landsat MSS,TM and ETM+遥感图像和其他辅助数据,对1970s以来近40年半干旱的老哈河流域土地利用变化(land use and land cover change,LUCC)进行动态监测,并利用GIS方法对LUCC进行了定量分析和空间分布制图.结果显示,利用支持向量机分类方法对该地区1976年、1989年、1999年和2007年土地覆盖类型分类可达到较满意的效果;近40年老哈河流域土地利用变化显著,水体和草地减少,城乡用地持续扩张,耕地大幅增加,林地和未利用地大幅度波动、总体减少.LUCC主要发生在林地、草地和耕地之间,表明农、林、牧用地之间转换显著,且在各个时期的空间分布差别较大.从变化强度来看,土地利用的年综合变化率最大值渐趋增大,年均土地动态度在空间分布上差异很大,另外在各研究期赤峰市区周边动态度都很大,反映了赤峰市持续性的城市化进程.  相似文献   

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