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基本面最早是在早型星系中发现的一种经验标度律,它是一个关于星系的有效半径、中心速度弥散度和有效半径内的平均面亮度之间的紧密相关关系.基本面对早型星系的形成机制、动力学演化理论等提出了很强的观测约束;不仅如此,它还可作为独立的星系距离测定方法,用于哈勃常数的定标和星系本动速度场的测量.对早型星系基本面的研究进展做了简要评...  相似文献   

星系间的相互作用和合并是一个非常普遍的现象,在星系的形成和演化过程中扮演了一个重要角色。理论和实测都有表明星系并合是椭圆星系形成的重要途径。极亮红外星系(ULIRGs)与星系间的相互作用和并合密切相关,是研究星系并合现象的理想实验室,对它们的测光研究将有助于理解星系的并合过程。哈勃望远镜(HST)的高分辨率观测为这方面的研究提供了条件。我们利用哈勃望远镜(HST)的宽场行星照相机(WFPC2)对极亮红外星短曝光巡天的I波段数据,选出了一个子样本。该子样本由21个以单核为主的极亮红外星系组成,这些星系一般处于星系并合的晚期。我们对这些星系进行了面源测光研究,并根据面亮度轮廓与R1/4律的差别利用χ^2判据律将它们分成了两大类:第一类八个星系的面亮度轮廓可以用R1/4律很好地拟合;而第二类星系在面亮度轮廓与R1/4  相似文献   

通过利用CANDELS-EGS(Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey-Extended Groth Strip)场中HST WFC3(Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3)F160W高分辨率的观测图像,研究了9个光谱红极亮红外星系的形态结构特征.发现这些星系的形态表现出多样性(从椭圆到多个亮核或弥散的结构),如:双核,气体桥,双不对称体,不规则或椭圆结构.为了定量地研究这些极亮红外星系的形态,测量了它们在静止光学波段的形态参数(基尼系数G和矩指数M20).与近邻极亮红外星系相比,高红移极亮红外星系的G偏小而M20偏大,表明这些星系的星族分布聚集度小且不对称性大.基于对样本中极亮红外星系2维面亮度轮廓的拟合,得到这些星系的有效半径分布在2.4 kpc到5.8 kpc之间,其平均值是(3.9±1.1)kpc.相比较于近邻相似质量的恒星形成星系来说,高红移极亮红外星系的平均大小要小1到2倍.在类似红移和红外光度条件下,得出的这些结果也与其它文献中给出的结论相一致.  相似文献   

龚俊宇  毛业伟 《天文学报》2023,64(2):20-105
利用星系解构软件GALFIT通过面亮度轮廓拟合对近邻早型旋涡星系M81 (NGC 3031)进行形态学解构,旨在探究M81星系的结构组成并对其进行形态学量化.通过6种解构模式,对M81进行了不同复杂程度的结构分解,其中最复杂的解构模式包含核球、盘、外旋臂、内旋臂、星系核5个子结构.研究结果显示, M81有一个Sérsic指数约为5.0的经典核球,其形态和光度在不同解构模式中均保持稳定; M81星系盘的Sérsic指数约为1.2,但它的形态参数和光度与是否分解内旋臂相关.不同子结构的组合对作为混合体的星系整体的形态有不可忽视的影响.星系解构的结果提供了不同解构模式适用性的建议:其中核球+盘+星系核的三成分解构适用于大样本星系的核-盘研究;而考虑旋臂的复杂解构则适合于对星系子结构的精确测量,如小样本(或个源)研究.基于Spitzer-The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) 4.5μm的单波段图像的形态学解构研究是后续一系列研究的开始,在此基础上未来将会对M81进行多波段解构,同时研究不同子结构的光谱能量分布和星族性质,并推断M81各子结构的形成历史和演化过程.  相似文献   

随着观测仪器的发展和观测技术的提高,人类发现的星系已经多达上百亿个。为了研究它们,几十年来已经建立了多种分类系统,其中影响最大、应用最广的当属哈勃分类。在这种分类中,星系按形状可分为椭圆星系、旋涡星系和不规则星系。这些星系中的绝大多数都相当宁静,物质活动的规模都较小,我们称之为正常星系。  相似文献   

光学、近红外、红外、紫外、射电等波段及CO的观测研究表明,低面亮度星系是相对没有充分演化的系统,气体成分比例较高,金属丰度和恒星形成率较低。这样的星系为研究星系的形成和演化提供了新的资料和证据。主要阐述了低面亮度星系的观测特性,包括探测与搜寻、选择效应对观测研究的影响、低面亮度星系的划分、星系的颜色和星族特征、星系的演化和恒星形成、金属丰度、数密度及光度密度;最后,介绍了几个特殊的低面亮度星系。  相似文献   

通过对近邻星系团Abell 2199中290颗成员星系进行形态分类,研究这些星系的恒星形成率及其与形态和相关物理特性之间的关系.该星系团中星系的特征恒星形成率与Ha等值宽度、星系光谱在4000A处的跃变程度以及星系所包含的恒星质量之间有较强的相关性.这些星系的恒星形成活动没有表现出明显的环境效应,表明该星系团仍处在剧烈的动力学演化阶段,远没有达到动力学平衡.  相似文献   

极红天体(EROs)是指利用光学和近红外两个波段的色指数(如I-K4 mag)挑选出来的一类星系。研究表明极红天体可分为两类:一类是被大量尘埃红化的高红移恒星形成星系,主要是较年轻的旋涡或不规则星系,有恒星正在形成,称为DGs;另一类是由年老星族(≥1 Ga)主导的高红移椭圆星系,基本上没有或仅有弱的恒星形成,简称为OGs。极红天体中这两种不同类型的星系,很可能是近邻大质量星系的前身星系,只是分别代表着不同的形成历史。介绍了不同类型极红天体的各种物理性质的研究进展,如形态和结构、光谱特征、成团性、红移分布和星系计数等,以及阐述了该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

宇宙信息分辨出矮旋涡星系哈勃星系分类法根据星系的外形将“正常”星系分成椭圆星系。透镜星系、旋涡星系和不规则星系。此分类法也适用于矮星系,矮星系是光度和质量都小的星系,绝对星等一般为一8—一16等;质量一般为106~109太阳质量。矮星系中多数为椭圆星...  相似文献   

面向类(face-on)旋涡星系盘的有效厚度或标高不能通过表面亮度测光的方式测量.为了获得面向类旋涡星系盘的厚度参数,将基于三维星系盘引力势Poisson方程在等角对数螺旋型物质密度扰动情形下的解,运用一种解析法对面向类旋涡星系盘的标高进行测算.为了去除星系核球的光污染而获得旋臂最内点位置(r0)的重要参数,使用了在星系观测图像中扣除双成份(盘+核球)测光模型的图像处理方法.通过对旋涡星系相关结构参数的拟合测量,各得到了一个普通旋涡星系(S)与棒旋星系(SB)的有效厚度与相关参数,并给出了它们的球盘比(rb/rd)和星系盘的标长与厚度之比(rd/H).采用这种在观测图像中扣除双成份测光模型的方法,将更容易看清旋臂结构的最内端,因而这里获得的禁区半径r0的数值往往比从原星系图像上直接测量的数值要小,获得的星系盘有效厚度将更薄.  相似文献   

The frequency of barred spiral galaxies as a function of redshift contains important information on the gravitational influence of stellar discs in their dark matter haloes and may also distinguish between contemporary theories for the origin of galactic bulges. In this paper we present a new quantitative method for determining the strength of barred spiral structure, and verify its robustness to redshift-dependent effects. By combining galaxy samples from the Hubble Deep Field North with newly available data from the Hubble Deep Field South, we are able to define a statistical sample of 46 low-inclination spiral systems with I 814 W<23.2 mag. Analysing the proportion of barred spiral galaxies seen as a function of redshift, we find a significant decline in the fraction of barred spirals with redshift. The redshift distribution of 22 barred and 24 non-barred spirals with suitable inclinations is inconsistent with their being drawn from the same distribution at the 99 per cent confidence level. The physical significance of this effect remains unclear, but several possibilities include dynamically hotter (or increasingly dark-matter-dominated) high-redshift discs, or an enhanced efficiency in bar destruction at high redshifts. By investigating the formation of the 'orthogonal' axis of Hubble's classification tuning fork, our result complements studies of evolution in the early–late sequence, and pushes to later epochs the redshift at which the Hubble classification sequence is observed to be in place.  相似文献   

The most accurate data on galaxy types, corrected apparent magnitudes and redshifts as given in the Sandage-TammanRevised Shapley-Ames catalog are analyzed. It is shown that Sb galaxies of the same luminosity class as M31 and M81 define a narrow Hubble relation withH 0=65 –6 +15 km s–1 Mpc–1.In contrast, Sc galaxies deviate strongly towars higher redshift from a linear, log redshift—apparent magnitude relation. Not all this deviation can be selection effect due to increasing volume sampled at increasing redshift (Malmquist bias). Physical associations of groups of galaxies in theRSA Catalog are used to establish the existence of various amounts of excess (non-velocity) redshifts among Sc and allied types of galaxies.Independent distances fromHi line width — luminosity criterion (Tully-Fisher) are analyzed. It is shown that this criterion gives much smaller distances than redshifts do for galaxies which deviate above the Hubble line. Unless the Tully-Fisher relation gives too small distances for more luminous galaxies, this confirms the excess redshift to be intrinsic to the Galaxy. But it is next demonstrated, that for low redshift galaxies, there is no discrepancy between redshift and Tully-Fisher distance even though there is a wide range of absolute magnitudes.If Tully-Fisher distances are accepted, the onlly alternative to having a Hubble constant which increases strongly with distance is to have a component of the higher redshift Sc's contributed by a non-recessional redshift. Streaming motions would have to be large, increase with distance and be always in the receding sence. It is shown here that the Sc's which deviate most from the Hubble relation and have the largest discrepancies with Tully-Filsher distances lie predominantly in the sky toward very nearby groups of galaxies. If they were at these closer distances the discordant galaxies, mostly ScI's, would have dwarfish physical properties but not so unprecedented as the large sizes which result from redshift distances.Finally the interaction of specific high redshift ScI's with nearby galaxies is presented as an independent proof that ScI's are generally small, low luminosity galaxies. This result furnishes insight into the long standing puzzle of how apparently distant ScI's can interact with nearby galaxies such as in Stephan's Quintet, Seyfert's Sextet and NGC 4151/4156.  相似文献   

Dependence of the central velocity gradients on Hubble's type is presented for 78 spiral galaxies with existing rotation curves. Also the dependence of the maximum rotational velocities of 27 galaxies on both Hubble's type and the luminosity is studied. The central velocity gradient is shown to be related with Hubble's type. Maximum rotational velocities of 27 galaxies of our sample depend on Hubble's type such that the mean values of maximum rotational velocity decrease from Sa through Sc. It is also determined that there is a dependence of the maximum rotational velocity on the absolute blue magnitude for each intrinsic Hubble type. For each Hubble type, maximum rotational velocity increases with increasing absolute blue magnitudes.  相似文献   

We discuss the integrated kinematic parameters of 20 M 51-type binary galaxies. A comparison of the orbital masses of the galaxies with the sum of the individual masses suggests that moderately massive dark halos surround bright spiral galaxies. The relative velocities of the galaxies in binary systems were found to decrease with increasing relative luminosity of the satellite. We obtained evidence that the Tully-Fisher relation for binary members could be flatter than that for local field galaxies. An enhanced star formation rate in the binary members may be responsible for this effect. In most binary systems, the direction of the orbital motion of the satellite coincides with the direction of the rotation of the main galaxy. Seven candidates for distant M 51-type objects were found in the Northern and Southern Hubble Deep Fields. A comparison of this number with the statistics of nearby galaxies provides evidence for the rapid evolution of the space density of M 51-type galaxies with redshift z. We assume that M 51-type binary systems could be formed through the capture of a satellite by a massive spiral galaxy. It is also possible that the main galaxy and its satellite in some of the systems have a common cosmological origin.  相似文献   

We present a study of pixel colour–magnitude diagrams (pCMDs) for a sample of 69 nearby galaxies chosen to span a wide range of Hubble types. Our goal is to determine how useful a pixel approach is for studying galaxies according to their stellar light distributions and content. The galaxy images were analysed on a pixel-by-pixel basis to reveal the structure of the individual pCMDs. We find that the average surface brightness (or projected mass density) in each pixel varies according to galaxy type. Early-type galaxies exhibit a clear 'prime sequence' and some pCMDs of face-on spirals reveal 'inverse-L' structures. We find that the colour dispersion at a given magnitude is found to be approximately constant in early-type galaxies but this quantity varies in the mid and late types. We investigate individual galaxies and find that the pCMDs can be used to pick out morphological features. We discuss the discovery of 'Red Hooks' in the pCMDs of six early-type galaxies and two spirals and postulate their origins. We develop quantitative methods to characterize the pCMDs, including measures of the blue-to-red light ratio and colour distributions of each galaxy and we organize these by morphological type. We compare the colours of the pixels in each galaxy with the stellar population models of Bruzual & Charlot to calculate star formation histories for each galaxy type and compare these to the stellar mass within each pixel. Maps of pixel stellar mass and mass-to-light ratio are compared to galaxy images. We apply the pCMD technique to three galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field to test the usefulness of the analysis at high redshift. We propose that these results can be used as part of a new system of automated classification of galaxies that can be applied at high redshift.  相似文献   

We determine the companion galaxy luminosity function (LF) for regions around isolated spiral galaxies. If we assume that any excess in the galaxy number counts in the vicinity of a spiral galaxy is due to galaxies at the same distance, then a system LF can be determined from the variation of excess numbers with apparent magnitude. By studying the excess over many field 'centre' galaxies, a good statistical accuracy can be obtained for the companion galaxy LF. Since redshift information is not required for the faint galaxies, it is possible to sample further down the LF as compared with redshift surveys. For 23 primary galaxies of known redshift, we find a dwarf satellite Schechter LF with a characteristic magnitude M V *( D )≃−19 and a faint-end slope α=−1.7, down to MV =−14 ( H 0=50 km s−1 Mpc−1).  相似文献   

We present a quantitative method of classification of the multi-wavelength morphology of galaxies, elaborated from the nearby galaxies and usable to high redshift objects. We use the morphological parameters of concentration of light at the galaxy center and 180°-rotationnal asymmetry, computed in several wavelengths, from ultraviolet (UV) to R band. The variation of these indices with λ reflects the proportion of young and old stellar populations in galaxies, that is characteristic of every morphological type: elliptical/lenticular, spiral and irregular. We need to elaborate some templates of these variation spectra from the study of nearby objects, for an application to distant galaxies. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We use morphological information of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) hosts to set limits on the fraction of the accretion density of the Universe at   z ≈ 1  that is not likely to be associated with major mergers. Deep X-ray observations are combined with high-resolution optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope in the All-wavelength Extended Groth strip International Survey, Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) North and GOODS South fields to explore the morphological breakdown of X-ray sources in the redshift interval  0.5 < z < 1.3  . The sample is split into discs, early-type bulge-dominated galaxies, peculiar systems and point sources in which the nuclear source outshines the host galaxy. The X-ray luminosity function and luminosity density of AGN at   z ≈ 1  are then calculated as a function of morphological type. We find that disc-dominated hosts contribute  30 ± 9  per cent to the total AGN space density and  23 ± 6  per cent to the luminosity density at   z ≈ 1  . We argue that AGN in disc galaxies are most likely fuelled not by major merger events but by minor interactions or internal instabilities. We find evidence that these mechanisms may be more efficient in producing luminous AGN     compared to predictions for the stochastic fuelling of massive black holes in disc galaxies.  相似文献   

在对不同光度星系大尺度分布进行空间两点相关函数分析的基础上,仍以CfA红移巡天资料为样本,对不同光度星系分布进行了交叉相关分析。结果表明,不同光度星系间的交叉相关函数仍可近似地以幂函数表示,说明不同光度星系在空间是一起成团的。但在较小尺度上((?)4—6Mpc),光度较高的星系间相关更强,而在更大一些尺度上光度较高的星系间相关减弱更快,甚至变得比与光度较低星系间的相关更弱。结合前面对自相关函数分析的结果可以看到,统计上看来,星系分布形成群和团。群或团中亮的星系形成更致密的分布而较暗的星系则在这些群和团中分布较弥散。此结果表明星系光度和其环境(密度)有关,从而从观测上为Biased星系形成理论提供了一个可能的证据。  相似文献   

Understanding the formation and evolution of massive galaxies provides important keys to constrain the baryon assembly processes in the ΛCDM hierarchical scenario. We review the main results obtained so far with the K20 and other recent near-IR surveys on the redshift distribution, the evolution of the luminosity function and luminosity density, the nature of old and dusty EROs, the evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function and the nature of luminous starbursts at z∼2 which may be the progenitors of the present-day massive spheroidal galaxies.  相似文献   

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