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This work is devoted to the investigation of new holographic dark energy (infrared cutoff is the Hubble radius) in locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type-\(I\) universe within the framework of Saez–Ballester (Phys. Lett. A 113:467, 1986) scalar–tensor theory of gravitation. We construct interacting and non-interacting dark energy models by solving the field equations using a relationship between the metric potentials. This leads to a variable deceleration parameter model which exhibits a transition of the universe from deceleration to acceleration. We evaluate various cosmological parameters of our models. We have observed that the energy density parameters, equation of state and important cosmological planes (\(\omega _{\mathit{de}} - \omega _{\mathit{de}}'\) and \(r - s\)) yield the results compatible with the modern observational data. We have, also, discussed the stability analysis of our models.  相似文献   

We examine the properties of the viscous dissipative accretion flow around rotating black holes in the presence of mass loss. Considering the thin disc approximation, we self-consistently calculate the inflow-outflow solutions and observe that the mass outflow rates decrease with the increase in viscosity parameter (\(\alpha \)). Further, we carry out the model calculation of quasi-periodic oscillation frequency (\(\nu _{\mathrm{QPO}}\)) that is frequently observed in black hole sources and observe that \(\nu ^\mathrm{max}_{\mathrm{QPO}}\) increases with the increase of black hole spin (\(a_k\)). Then, we employ our model in order to explain the High Frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (HFQPOs) observed in black hole source GRO J1655-40. While doing this, we attempt to constrain the range of \(a_k\) based on observed HFQPOs (\(\sim \)300 Hz and \(\sim \)450 Hz) for the black hole source GRO J1655-40.  相似文献   

In a two-component jet model, the emissions are the sum of the core and extended emissions: \(S^{\mathrm{ob}}=S_{\mathrm{core}}^{\mathrm{ob}}+S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\), with the core emissions, \(S_{\mathrm{core}}^{\mathrm{ob}}= f S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\delta ^{q}\) being a function of the Doppler factor \(\delta \), the extended emission \(S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\), the jet type dependent factor q, and the ratio of the core to the extended emissions in the comoving frame, f. The f is an unobservable but important parameter. Following our previous work, we collect 65 blazars with available Doppler factor \(\delta \), superluminal velocity \(\beta _{\mathrm{app}}\), and core-dominance parameter, R, and calculated the ratio, f, and performed statistical analyses. We found that the ratio, f, in BL Lacs is on average larger than that in FSRQs. We suggest that the difference of the ratio f between FSRQs and BL Lacs is one of the possible reasons that cause the difference of other observed properties between them. We also find some significant correlations between \(\log f\) and other parameters, including intrinsic (de-beamed) peak frequency, \(\log \nu _{\mathrm{p}}^{\mathrm{in}}\), intrinsic polarization, \(\log P^{\mathrm{in}}\), and core-dominance parameter, \(\log R\), for the whole sample. In addition, we show that the ratio, f, can be estimated by R.  相似文献   

This study’s objective was to exploit infrared VVV (VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea) photometry for high latitude RRab stars to establish an accurate Galactic Centre distance. RRab candidates were discovered and reaffirmed (\(n=4194\)) by matching \(K_{s}\) photometry with templates via \(\chi ^{2}\) minimization, and contaminants were reduced by ensuring targets adhered to a strict period-amplitude (\(\Delta K_{s}\)) trend and passed the Elorietta et al. classifier. The distance to the Galactic Centre was determined from a high latitude Bulge subsample (\(|b|>4^{\circ}\), \(R_{\mathit{GC}}=8.30 \pm 0.36\) kpc, random uncertainty is relatively negligible), and importantly, the comparatively low color-excess and uncrowded location mitigated uncertainties tied to the extinction law, the magnitude-limited nature of the analysis, and photometric contamination. Circumventing those problems resulted in a key uncertainty being the \(M_{K_{s}}\) relation, which was derived using LMC RRab stars (\(M_{K_{s}}=-(2.66\pm 0.06) \log {P}-(1.03\pm 0.06)\), \((J-K_{s})_{0}=(0.31\pm 0.04) \log {P} + (0.35\pm 0.02)\), assuming \(\mu _{0,\mathit{LMC}}=18.43\)). The Galactic Centre distance was not corrected for the cone-effect. Lastly, a new distance indicator emerged as brighter overdensities in the period-magnitude-amplitude diagrams analyzed, which arise from blended RRab and red clump stars. Blending may thrust faint extragalactic variables into the range of detectability.  相似文献   

We estimate the electron density, \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\), and its spatial variation in quiescent prominences from the observed emission ratio of the resonance lines Na?i?5890 Å (D2) and Sr?ii?4078 Å. For a bright prominence (\(\tau_{\alpha}\approx25\)) we obtain a mean \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\approx2\times10^{10}~\mbox{cm}^{-3}\); for a faint one (\(\tau _{\alpha }\approx4\)) \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\approx4\times10^{10}~\mbox{cm}^{-3}\) on two consecutive days with moderate internal fluctuation and no systematic variation with height above the solar limb. The thermal and non-thermal contributions to the line broadening, \(T_{\mathrm{kin}}\) and \(V_{\mathrm{nth}}\), required to deduce \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\) from the emission ratio Na?i/Sr?ii cannot be unambiguously determined from observed widths of lines from atoms of different mass. The reduced widths, \(\Delta\lambda_{\mathrm{D}}/\lambda_{0}\), of Sr?ii?4078 Å show an excess over those from Na?D2 and \(\mbox{H}\delta\,4101\) Å, assuming the same \(T_{\mathrm{kin}}\) and \(V_{\mathrm{nth}}\). We attribute this excess broadening to higher non-thermal broadening induced by interaction of ions with the prominence magnetic field. This is suggested by the finding of higher macro-shifts of Sr?ii?4078 Å as compared to those from Na?D2.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study new holographic dark energy (HDE) model in modified \(f(R,T)\) gravity theory within the framework of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model with bulk viscous matter content. It is thought that the negative pressure caused by the bulk viscosity can play the role of dark energy component, and drive the accelerating expansion of the universe. This is the motive of this paper to observe such phenomena with bulk viscosity. In the specific model \(f(R,T)=R+\lambda T\), where \(R\) is the Ricci scalar, \(T\) the trace of the energy-momentum tensor and \(\lambda \) is a constant, we find the solution for non-viscous and viscous new HDE models. We analyze new HDE model with constant bulk viscosity, \(\zeta =\zeta _{0}= \text{const.}\) to explain the present accelerated expansion of the universe. We classify all possible scenarios (deceleration, acceleration and their transition) with possible positive and negative ranges of \(\lambda \) over the constraint on \(\zeta _{0}\) to analyze the evolution of the universe. We obtain the solutions of scale factor and deceleration parameter, and discuss the evolution of the universe. We observe the future finite-time singularities of type I and III at a finite time under certain constraints on \(\lambda \). We also investigate the statefinder and \(\mathit{Om}\) diagnostics of the viscous new HDE model to discriminate with other existing dark energy models. In late time the viscous new HDE model approaches to \(\varLambda \mathit{CDM}\) model. We also discuss the thermodynamics and entropy of the model and find that it satisfies the second law of thermodynamics.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the geoeffectiveness of corotating interaction regions (CIRs), employing the data recorded from 25 January to 5 May 2005 and throughout 2008. These two intervals in the declining phase of Solar Cycle 23 are characterised by a particularly low number of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). We study in detail how four geomagnetic-activity parameters (the Dst, Ap, and AE indices, as well as the Dst time derivative, \(\mathrm{dDst}/\mathrm{d}t\)) are related to three CIR-related solar wind parameters (flow speed, \(V\), magnetic field, \(B\), and the convective electric field based on the southward Geocentric solar magnetospheric (GSM) magnetic field component, \(\mathit{VB}_{s}\)) on a three-hour time resolution. In addition, we quantify statistical relationships between the mentioned geomagnetic indices. It is found that Dst is correlated best to \(V\), with a correlation coefficient of \(\mathrm{cc}\approx0.6\), whereas there is no correlation between \(\mathrm{dDst}/\mathrm{d}t\) and \(V\). The Ap and AE indices attain peaks about half a day before the maximum of \(V\), with correlation coefficients ranging from \(\mathrm{cc}\approx0.6\) to \(\mathrm{cc}\approx0.7\), depending on the sample used. The best correlations of Ap and AE are found with \(\mathit{VB}_{s}\) with a delay of 3 h, being characterised by \(\mathrm{cc}\gtrsim 0.6\). The Dst derivative \(\mathrm{dDst}/\mathrm{d}t\) is also correlated with \(\mathit{VB}_{s}\), but the correlation is significantly weaker \(\mathrm{cc}\approx 0.4\)?–?0.5, with a delay of 0?–?3 h, depending on the employed sample. Such low values of correlation coefficients indicate that there are other significant effects that influence the relationship between the considered parameters. The correlation of all studied geomagnetic parameters with \(B\) are characterised by considerably lower correlation coefficients, ranging from \(\mathrm{cc}=0.3\) in the case of \(\mathrm{dDst}/\mathrm{d}t\) up to \(\mathrm{cc}=0.56\) in the case of Ap. It is also shown that peak values of geomagnetic indices depend on the duration of the CIR-related structures. The Dst is closely correlated with Ap and AE (\(\mathrm{cc}=0.7\)), Dst being delayed for about 3 h. On the other hand, \(\mathrm{dDst}/\mathrm{d}t\) peaks simultaneously with Ap and AE, with correlation coefficients of 0.48 and 0.56, respectively. The highest correlation (\(\mathrm{cc}=0.81\)) is found for the relationship between Ap and AE.  相似文献   

Recently we (Kahler and Ling, Solar Phys.292, 59, 2017: KL) have shown that time–intensity profiles [\(I(t)\)] of 14 large solar energetic particle (SEP) events can be fitted with a simple two-parameter fit, the modified Weibull function, which is characterized by shape and scaling parameters [\(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)]. We now look for a simple correlation between an event peak energy intensity [\(I_{\mathrm{p}}\)] and the time integral of \(I(t)\) over the event duration: the fluence [\(F\)]. We first ask how the ratio of \(F/I_{\mathrm{p}}\) varies for the fits of the 14 KL events and then examine that ratio for three separate published statistical studies of SEP events in which both \(F\) and \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) were measured for comparisons of those parameters with various solar-flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) parameters. The three studies included SEP energies from a 4?–?13 MeV band to \(E > 100~\mbox{MeV}\). Within each group of SEP events, we find a very robust correlation (\(\mathrm{CC} > 0.90\)) in log–log plots of \(F\)versus\(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) over four decades of \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\). The ratio increases from western to eastern longitudes. From the value of \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) for a given event, \(F\) can be estimated to within a standard deviation of a factor of \({\leq}\,2\). Log–log plots of two studies are consistent with slopes of unity, but the third study shows plot slopes of \({<}\,1\) and decreasing with increasing energy for their four energy ranges from \(E > 10~\mbox{MeV}\) to \({>}\,100~\mbox{MeV}\). This difference is not explained.  相似文献   

It is reasonable that neighboring coronal loops may obtain similar momentum during a flare. The fast kink oscillations (FKOs) between them are thus mainly influenced by their physical differences. We discuss the dependencies of FKO on the physical properties of coronal loops in a low-\(\beta \) thin-tube approximation. From the analysis, we obtain the analytic relationship between the density [\(\rho _{\mathrm{i}}\)] and magnetic field [\(B\)] of loops and the corresponding period [\(\tau \)] and amplitude [\(A\)] of FKO, which may provide us with a powerful tool to diagnose the physical differences between neighboring loops.  相似文献   

In this paper, multiwavelength chromatic luminosity at radio (\(\log L _{\mathrm{R}}\)), optical (\(\log L_{\mathrm{O}}\)), X-ray (\(\log L _{\mathrm{X}}\)), and \(\gamma \)-rays (\(\log L_{\gamma }\)) for a sample of 442 Fermi blazars with known redshifts are collected from Fan et al. (2016), to study the correlations between the \(\gamma \)-rays and the low-energy bands using a multiple linear regression analysis. In this way, we can see which band is more important for the \(\gamma \)-ray emissions. Mutual correlation analysis is also used to discuss the correlations between the \(\gamma \)-ray and the low energy bands for the whole sample and subclasses. We come to following conclusions:
  1. 1.
    The multiple linear correlation indicates that the \(\gamma \)-rays are correlated with the radio, optical and the X-ray emissions for the whole sample and the subclasses of flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and BL Lac objects (BL Lacs), the correlation between the \(\gamma \)-rays and the radio emissions is the strongest one.
  2. 2.
    For BL Lacs, the optical emissions are more important than the X-rays for the \(\gamma \)-rays, while the X-ray emissions are more important than optical ones in FSRQs.
  3. 3.
    The \(\gamma \)-ray emissions in HBL are from an synchrotron self-Compton, while those in FSRQs may be from external Compton and synchrotron self-Compton as well.

Solar photospheric magnetic field plays a dominant role in the variability of total solar irradiance (TSI). The modulation of magnetic flux at six specific ranges on TSI is characterized for the first time. The daily flux values of magnetic field at four ranges are extracted from MDI/SOHO, together with daily flux of active regions (MF\(_{\text{ar}}\)) and quiet regions (MF\(_{\text{qr}}\)); the first four ranges (MF\(_{1\mbox{--}4}\)) are: 1.5–2.9, 2.9–32.0, 32.0–42.7, and 42.7–380.1 (\(\times 10^{18}\) Mx per element), respectively. Cross-correlograms show that MF4, MF\(_{\text{qr}}\), and MF\(_{ \text{ar}}\) are positively correlated with TSI, while MF2 is negatively correlated with TSI; the correlations between MF1, MF3 and TSI are insignificant. The bootstrapping tests confirm that the impact of MF4 on TSI is more significant than that of MF\(_{\text{ar}}\) and MF\(_{\text{qr}}\), and MF\(_{\text{ar}}\) leads TSI by one rotational period. By extracting the rotational variations in the MFs and TSI, the modulations of the former on the latter at the solar rotational timescale are clearly illustrated and compared during solar maximum and minimum times, respectively. Comparison of the relative amplitudes of the long-term variation show that TSI is in good agreement with the variation of MF4 and MF\(_{\text{ar}}\); besides, MF2 is in antiphase with TSI, and it lags the latter by about 1.5 years.  相似文献   

Although for many solar physics problems the desirable or meaningful boundary is the radial component of the magnetic field \(B_{\mathrm {r}}\), the most readily available measurement is the component of the magnetic field along the line of sight to the observer, \(B_{\mathrm {los}}\). As this component is only equal to the radial component where the viewing angle is exactly zero, some approximation is required to estimate \(B_{\mathrm {r}}\) at all other observed locations. In this study, a common approximation known as the “\(\mu\)-correction”, which assumes all photospheric field to be radial, is compared to a method that invokes computing a potential field that matches the observed \(B_{\mathrm {los}}\), from which the potential field radial component, \(B_{\mathrm {r}}^{\mathrm {pot}}\) is recovered. We demonstrate that in regions that are truly dominated by a radially oriented field at the resolution of the data employed, the \(\mu\)-correction performs acceptably if not better than the potential-field approach. However, it is also shown that for any solar structure that includes horizontal fields, i.e. active regions, the potential-field method better recovers both the strength of the radial field and the location of magnetic neutral line.  相似文献   

We investigate a method to test whether a numerically computed model coronal magnetic field \({\boldsymbol {B}}\) departs from the divergence-free condition (also known as the solenoidality condition). The test requires a potential field \({\boldsymbol {B}}_{0}\) to be calculated, subject to Neumann boundary conditions, given by the normal components of the model field \({\boldsymbol {B}}\) at the boundaries. The free energy of the model field may be calculated using \(\frac{1}{2\mu _{0}}\int ({\boldsymbol {B}}-{\boldsymbol {B}}_{0})^{2}\mathrm{d}V\), where the integral is over the computational volume of the model field. A second estimate of the free energy is provided by calculating \(\frac{1}{2\mu _{0}}\int {\boldsymbol {B}}^{2}\,\mathrm{d}V-\frac{1}{2\mu _{0}}\int {\boldsymbol {B}}_{0}^{2}\,\mathrm{d}V\). If \({\boldsymbol {B}}\) is divergence free, the two estimates of the free energy should be the same. A difference between the two estimates indicates a departure from \(\nabla \cdot {\boldsymbol {B}}=0\) in the volume. The test is an implementation of a procedure proposed by Moraitis et al. (Solar Phys.289, 4453, 2014) and is a simpler version of the Helmholtz decomposition procedure presented by Valori et al. (Astron. Astrophys.553, A38, 2013). We demonstrate the test in application to previously published nonlinear force-free model fields, and also investigate the influence on the results of the test of a departure from flux balance over the boundaries of the model field. Our results underline the fact that, to make meaningful statements about magnetic free energy in the corona, it is necessary to have model magnetic fields that satisfy the divergence-free condition to a good approximation.  相似文献   

This paper considers disruption of triple close approaches with low initial velocities and equal masses in the framework of statistical escape theory in a three-dimensional space. The statistical escape theory is based on the assumption that the phase trajectory of a triple system is quasi-ergodic. This system is described by allowing for both energy and angular momentum conservation in the phase space. In this paper, “possibility of escape” is derived with the formation of a binary on the basis of relative distances of the participating bodies. The complete statistical solutions (i.e. the semi-major axis \(a\), the distributions of eccentricity \(e\) of the binary, binary energy \({E}_{{b}}\), escape energy \({E}_{{s}}\) of escaper, and its escape velocity \({v}_{{s}}\)) of the system are derived from the allowable phase space volumes and are in good agreement with the numerical results in the range of perturbing velocities \({v}_{{i}}\)(\(10^{ - 1} \le {v}_{{i}} \le 10^{ - 10}\)) and directions of \({v}_{{i}}(0 \le \alpha _{{i}},\beta _{{i}},\gamma _{{i}} \le \pi )\), \({i} = 1,2,3\). In this paper, the double limit process has been applied to approximate the escape probability. Through this process, it is observed that the perturbing velocity \({v}_{{i}} \to 0^{ +} \), as the product of the semi-major axis \(a\) of the final binary and the square of the escape velocity \({v}_{{s}}\) approach 2/3, i.e. \({a} {v}_{{s}}^{2} \to 2 / 3\), whatever direction of \(\mathbf{v}_{{i}}\) may be.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study an interacting holographic dark energy model in the framework of fractal cosmology. The features of fractal cosmology could pass ultraviolet divergencies and also make a better understanding of the universe in different dimensions. We discuss a fractal FRW universe filled with the dark energy and cold dark matter interacting with each other. It is observed that the Hubble parameter embraces the recent observational range while the deceleration parameter demonstrates an accelerating universe and a behavior similar to \(\Lambda \mbox{CDM}\). Plotting the equation of state shows that it lies in phantom region for interaction mode. We use \(\mathit{Om}\)-diagnostic tool and it shows a phantom behavior of dark energy which is a condition of avoiding the formation of black holes. Finally we execute the StateFinder diagnostic pair and all the trajectories for interacting and non-interacting state of the model meet the fixed point \(\Lambda \mbox{CDM}\) at the start of the evolution. A behavior similar to Chaplygin gas also can be observed in statefinder plane. We find that new holographic dark energy model (NHDE) in fractal cosmology expressed the consistent behavior with recent observational data and can be considered as a model to avoid the formation of black holes in comparison with the main model of NHDE in the simple FRW universe. It has also been observed that for the interaction term varying with matter density, the model generates asymptotic de-Sitter solution. However, if the interaction term varies with energy density, then the model shows Big-Rip singularity. Using our modified CAMB code, we observed that the interacting model suppresses the CMB spectrum at low multipoles \(l<50\) and enhances the acoustic peaks. Based on the observational data sets used in this paper and using Metropolis-Hastings method of MCMC numerical calculation, it seems that the best value with \(1\sigma \) and \(2\sigma \) confidence interval are \(\Omega _{m0}=0.278^{+0.008~+0.010} _{-0.007~-0.009}\), \(H_{0}=69.9^{+0.95~+1.57}_{-0.95~-1.57}\), \(r_{c}=0.08^{+0.02~+0.027}_{-0.002~-0.0027}\), \(\beta =0.496^{+0.005~+0.009} _{-0.005~-0.009}\), \(c= 0.691^{+0.024~+0.039}_{-0.025~-0.037}\) and \(b^{2}=0.035\) according to which we find that the proposed model in the presence of interaction is compatible with the recent observational data.  相似文献   

We will show that the period T of a closed orbit of the planar circular restricted three body problem (viewed on rotating coordinates) depends on the region it encloses. Roughly speaking, we show that, \(2 T=k\pi +\int _\Omega g\) where k is an integer, \(\Omega \) is the region enclosed by the periodic orbit and \(g:{\mathbb {R}}^2\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}\) is a function that only depends on the constant C known as the Jacobian constant; it does not depend on \(\Omega \). This theorem has a Keplerian flavor in the sense that it relates the period with the space “swept” by the orbit. As an application we prove that there is a neighborhood around \(L_4\) such that every periodic solution contained in this neighborhood must move clockwise. The same result holds true for \(L_5\).  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the possibility of accreting primordial black holes as the source of heating for the collapsing gas in the context of the direct collapse black hole scenario for the formation of super-massive black holes (SMBHs) at high redshifts, \(z\sim \) 6–7. One of the essential requirements for the direct collapse model to work is to maintain the temperature of the in-falling gas at \(\approx \)10\(^4\) K. We show that even under the existing abundance limits, the primordial black holes of masses \(\gtrsim \)10\(^{-2}M_\odot \), can heat the collapsing gas to an extent that the \(\mathrm{H}_2\) formation is inhibited. The collapsing gas can maintain its temperature at \(10^4\) K till the gas reaches a critical density \(n_{{c}} \,{\approx }\, 10^3~\hbox {cm}^{-3}\), at which the roto-vibrational states of \(\mathrm{H}_2\) approaches local thermodynamic equilibrium and \(\mathrm{H}_2\) cooling becomes inefficient. In the absence of \(\mathrm{H}_2\) cooling, the temperature of the collapsing gas stays at \(\approx \)10\(^4\) K even as it collapses further. We discuss scenarios of subsequent angular momentum removal and the route to find collapse through either a supermassive star or a supermassive disk.  相似文献   

Solar active regions (ARs) that produce major flares typically exhibit strong plasma shear flows around photospheric magnetic polarity inversion lines (MPILs). It is therefore important to quantitatively measure such photospheric shear flows in ARs for a better understanding of their relation to flare occurrence. Photospheric flow fields were determined by applying the Differential Affine Velocity Estimator for Vector Magnetograms (DAVE4VM) method to a large data set of 2548 coaligned pairs of AR vector magnetograms with 12-min separation over the period 2012?–?2016. From each AR flow-field map, three shear-flow parameters were derived corresponding to the mean (\(\langle S\rangle \)), maximum (\(S_{\mathrm{max}}\)) and integral (\(S_{\mathrm{sum}}\)) shear-flow speeds along strong-gradient, strong-field MPIL segments. We calculated flaring rates within 24 h as a function of each shear-flow parameter and we investigated the relation between the parameters and the waiting time (\(\tau \)) until the next major flare (class M1.0 or above) after the parameter observation. In general, it is found that the larger \(S_{\mathrm{sum}}\) an AR has, the more likely it is for the AR to produce flares within 24 h. It is also found that among ARs which produce major flares, if one has a larger value of \(S_{\mathrm{sum}}\) then \(\tau \) generally gets shorter. These results suggest that large ARs with widespread and/or strong shear flows along MPILs tend to not only be more flare productive, but also produce major flares within 24 h or less.  相似文献   

We study a holographic dark energy model in the framework of Brans-Dicke (BD) theory with taking into account the interaction between dark matter and holographic dark energy. We use the recent observational data sets, namely SN Ia compressed Joint Light-Analysis (cJLA) compilation, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) from BOSS DR12 and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) of Planck 2015. After calculating the evolution of the equation of state as well as the deceleration parameters, we find that with a logarithmic form for the BD scalar field the phantom crossing can be achieved in the late time of cosmic evolution. Unlike the conventional theory of holographic dark energy in standard cosmology (\(\omega_{D}=0\)), our model results in a late time accelerated expansion. It is also shown that the cosmic coincidence problem may be resolved in the proposed model. We execute the statefinder and Om diagnostic tools and demonstrate that interaction term does not play a significant role. Based on the observational data sets used in this paper it seems that the best value with \(1\sigma \) and \(2\sigma \) confidence interval are \(\varOmega_{m}=0.268^{+0.008~+0.010}_{-0.007~-0.009}\), \(\alpha =3.361^{+0.332~+0.483} _{-0.401~-0.522}\), \(\beta =5.560^{+0.541~+0.780}_{-0.510~-0.729}\), \(c=0.777^{+0.023~+0.029}_{-0.017~-0.023}\) and \(b^{2} =0.045\), according to which we find that the proposed model in the presence of interaction is compatible with the recent observational data.  相似文献   

We investigate the conditions under which the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modes in a cylindrical magnetic flux tube moving along its axis become unstable against the Kelvin–Helmholtz (KH) instability. We use the dispersion relations of MHD modes obtained from the linearized Hall MHD equations for cool (zero beta) plasma by assuming real wave numbers and complex angular wave frequencies/complex wave phase velocities. The dispersion equations are solved numerically at fixed input parameters and varying values of the ratio \(l_{\mathrm{Hall}}/a\), where \(l_{\mathrm{Hall}} = c/\omega_{\mathrm{pi}}\) (\(c\) being the speed of light, and \(\omega_{\mathrm{pi}}\) the ion plasma frequency) and \(a\) is the flux tube radius. It is shown that the stability of the MHD modes depends upon four parameters: the density contrast between the flux tube and its environment, the ratio of external and internal magnetic fields, the ratio \(l_{\mathrm{Hall}}/a\), and the value of the Alfvén Mach number defined as the ratio of the tube axial velocity to Alfvén speed inside the flux tube. It is found that at high density contrasts, for small values of \(l_{\mathrm{Hall}}/a\), the kink (\(m = 1\)) mode can become unstable against KH instability at some critical Alfvén Mach number (or equivalently at critical flow speed), but a threshold \(l_{\mathrm{Hall}}/a\) can suppress the onset of the KH instability. At small density contrasts, however, the magnitude of \(l_{\mathrm{Hall}}/a\) does not affect noticeably the condition for instability occurrence – even though it can reduce the critical Alfvén Mach number. It is established that the sausage mode (\(m = 0\)) is not subject to the KH instability.  相似文献   

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