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中国工业经济联合会会长林宗棠在“中国工经联三届三次会议”的讲话中指出:为迎接新形势的机遇和挑战,中国工业协会和联合会应以工业现代化作出新贡献为目标;以提高国际竞争力,推进跨越式发展为主题;以加快培育发展有中国特色的工业协会为主线;以服务为宗旨;以顽强拼搏、争创一流的精神,做好工作,开创新局面。 为此,要尽快建立结构合理、  相似文献   

正本刊讯6月22日—23日,以"创新管理、提升能力、防范风险、提高效率"为主题的第三届全国勘察设计行业工程项目管理大会在京召开。中国勘察设计协会理事长施设出席大会并致辞;住房和城乡建设部建筑市场监管司二级巡视员江华出席大会并讲话;中国石油和化工勘察设计协会理事长、中国勘察设计协会副理事长兼中国勘察设计协会建设项目管理和工程总承包分会会长荣世立出席大会并作主题演讲;中国勘察设计协会原副理事长、中国勘察设计协会建设项目管理和工程总承包分会名誉会长袁纽等出席大会。大会分别由中国勘察设计协会副理事长王树平,  相似文献   

各位来宾,同志们: 大家早上好! 今天很高兴参加由中国勘察设计协会和中国国际工程咨询协会共同举办的工程总承包和项目管理发展论坛,本次论坛的主题是"创新发展,走向世界".  相似文献   

按照会议安排,我受王素卿理事长的委托,向大家汇报中国勘察设计协会2012年开展工作的主要情况。2012年,为了促进工程勘察设计行业持续健康发展,协会坚持稳中求进的总基调,紧紧围绕年初制定的"一个主线、两项重大活动、三项推进工作和四项基本建设"工作目标开展各项工作,即坚持以科学发展为主线;举办国际工程市场环境与风险管理专业大会和全行业  相似文献   

非常高兴受邀参加由中国勘察设计协会、中国工程咨询协会、中国国际工程咨询协会联合举办的工程咨询设计高峰论坛。这是三家协会首次联合举办"咨询发展,设计未来"的盛会,开了一次先  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯记者张颖程莹报道为推动勘察设计企业积极参加"一带一路"建设,促进中外工程公司、第三方咨询服务机构、投资企业等交流与合作,10月22日-23日,以"合作共赢、打造品牌、持续发展"为主题的第三届国际工程发展论坛在北京举行。中国勘察设计协会副理事长、秘书长王子牛,中国国际工程咨询协会会长王淑敏致辞;第十二届全国政协委员、商务部原副部长陈健,住房和城乡建设部建筑市场监管司副司长卫明,商务部原办公厅正司级巡视员任毅出席开幕式  相似文献   

<正>近期,由中国勘察设计协会指导,《中国勘察设计》杂志社、中国武汉工程设计产业联盟联合主办的2019第三届中国工程勘察设计行业创新发展高峰论坛在京举办,与会嘉宾围绕全过程工程咨询、工程总承包、数字化转型、高质量发展等话题进行了深入探讨。本期,本刊特别策划了"创新驱动高质量发展"专题报道,选登部分演讲嘉宾精彩演讲内容,以期为拓展行业发展思路,准确把握新时代脉搏,推动行业高质  相似文献   

正本刊讯为了深入学习贯彻《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和2035年远景目标纲要》,全面推进工程勘察设计行业"十四五"时期的改革创新和高质量发展,交流研讨2021年重点工作计划,5月13日,中国勘察设计协会在长沙召开了工程勘察设计行业发展"十四五"规划专题研讨会暨2021年度全国勘察设计同业协会工作会议。中国勘察设计协会理事长施设出席会议并作主题报告;湖南省住房城乡建设厅党组成员、副厅长宁艳芳致辞;中国勘察设计协会副理事长兼秘书长王子牛作全国勘察设计同业协会2020年工作报告;住房和城乡建设部城市管理监督局原局长朱长喜,湖南省住房和城乡建设厅勘察设计处处长吴勇,  相似文献   

正王素卿钱蒙等出席并讲话胡萍作主旨报告娄宇作工作报告本刊讯近日,中国电子工程设计院(以下简称"电子院")第三届科技创新大会在京召开。中国勘察设计协会理事长王素卿、工业和信息化部电子信息司司长丁文武、国投集团副总裁钱蒙等出席并讲话;电子院院长胡萍作主旨报告,副院长娄宇作工作报告并主持会议。2010年~2014年,电子院科技创新工作取得了优异的成绩:被认定为北京市企业技术中心;被国家发改委、科技部、财政部等五部门联合认定为国家企业技术中心,  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯为贯彻落实住房和城乡建设部《工程勘察设计行业2016-2020年发展纲要》及中国勘察设计协会《"十三五"工程勘察设计行业信息化工作指导意见》精神,3月1日,由中国勘察设计协会信息化推进工作委员会主办,上海市勘察设计行业协会、上海金曲信息技术有限公司协办的工程勘察设计企业三维设计及大数据信息技术应用研讨会在上海召开。中国勘察设计协会副理事长兼秘书长王子牛、上海勘察设计行业协会副  相似文献   

改革开放以来,武建集团坚持以市场为取向,与时俱进,大胆探索,不断深化企业改革,优化企业结构,转换企业体制和机制,创新企业管理,推动了企业持续发展,在集团信誉、工程质量、经营领域和地域的开拓等方面不断取得了新的进步。下面就武建集团的改革和我们的体会向大家作一汇报。  相似文献   

Don L. Anderson 《《幕》》2008,31(4):452-453
From time to time the phrase 'Theory of the Earth' occurs among titles in Earth science history. It usually happens after times of changing major scientific paradigms. A first peak occurred in the Renaissance at the time of the origin of modern science with the introduction of the word geology by Ulisse Aldrovandi in 1603; and the phrase moved around in the controversy about the origin of marine fossils found in mountains, with works by Alessandro degli Alessandri (about 1500), Girolamo Cardano (1550), Gabriele Falloppio (1564), Bernard Palissy (1580), Andrea Cesalpino (1596), and Simeone Maioli (1597).  相似文献   

家具的摆放也司以影响一个人的心情 一般在家具的摆放方面没有什么固定的原则,我们给你一些指导,希望能帮你创造一个舒适的空间,让你的客人和家人置身其中能感到安逸和放松.  相似文献   


Edenopteron, with a lower jaw some 48?cm long, and total length perhaps exceeding 3 m, is the largest Devonian lobe-fin known from semi-articulated remains. New material described from the type locality (Boyds Tower, south of Eden) includes three slightly smaller articulated skulls and jaws, and additional bones of the shoulder girdle. Another articulated skull roof, shoulder girdle and palate is described from a second locality (Hegarty Bay), about 10?km south of Boyds Tower. Both localities represent the upper part of the Worange Point Formation, of late Famennian age (uppermost Upper Devonian). The new morphological evidence supports a close relationship to the tristichopterids Mandageria and Cabonnichthys, from the slightly older (Frasnian, Upper Devonian) fossil fish assemblage at Canowindra, New South Wales. Features of the shoulder girdle (supracleithrum, anocleithrum) suggest that Edenopteron is more closely related to Mandageria than Cabonnichthys. Eight characters are used to define a tristichopterid subfamily Mandageriinae, to which Notorhizodon from the Middle Devonian of Antarctica is also referred. The Mandageriinae is endemic to East Gondwana (Australia–Antarctica). In combination with possibly the most primitive tristichopterid, Marsdenichthys from the Frasnian of Victoria, these distributions implicate East Gondwana as a likely place of origin for the entire group. This relates to the major but unresolved question of a possible Gondwana origin for all the land vertebrates (tetrapods).
  • An endemic Gondwanan sub-group (Mandageriinae) of the Devonian fishes closest to land animals (tetrapodomorph tristichopterids) is confirmed.

  • Retention of primitive features (e.g. accessory vomers) points to an earlier origin of the Mandageriinae in East Gondwana, consistent with the Victorian occurrence of another primitive tristichopterid (Marsdenichthys).

  • Edenopteron is confirmed from a second south coast fossil site, and new characters indicate its closest relative is Mandageria from Canowindra, NSW.

  • Congruent evidence of older Gondwanan occurrences in other groups (basal tetrapodomorphs, rhizodontids, canowindrids), and previously dismissed trace fossil evidence (Grampians trackways), implicate South China and East Gondwana as the likely place of origin for all land vertebrates.


To estimate the age of the glaciation in the New Siberian Islands, fossils of small mammals from the Sana-Balagan site (Faddeevsky Island, Russian Eastern Arctic) have been studied. The evolutionary degree of this fauna, which indicates the age of the sediments underlying the glacial deposits, suggests that the glaciation of the New Siberian Islands began no earlier than 190–210 thousand years ago. The new biochronological data in combination with 230Th/234U dates show that the geological event in question was synchronous with the Moscow glaciation or the Moscow stage of the Dnieper glaciation (the Vychegda glaciation, the final stage of the Saalian, the final stage of the Riss, the end of the MIS 6, 180–140 thousand years ago).  相似文献   

鲍玛序列的多解性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鲍玛序列作为浊积岩的识别标志被广泛认可,但随着对深水沉积过程认识的深入,鲍玛序列逐渐被重新认识。近年来对深水沉积物重力流的研究发现:鲍玛序列不是浊流的唯一产物,深水环境中其它沉积过程也可形成鲍玛序列。因此,在野外识别浊积岩的过程中,要慎重使用鲍玛序列进行判别。  相似文献   

The author discusses dimorphism in Egorovella and his new genus Egorovellina. A new term, "marginal dimorphism," is proposed for dimorphism involving a broadening of the marginal surface, as contrasted with "velar" and "histial" dimorphism which refer to modifications of various types of carinal structures. The author suggests that this type of dimorphism may indicate that the males and females lived in different biotopes. Seven new species of Egorovella and the genus and two species of Egorovellina are described and illustrated. --J. M. Berdan.  相似文献   

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