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Li isotope fractionation in peridotites and mafic melts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have measured the Li isotope ratios of a range of co-existing phases from peridotites and mafic magmas to investigate high-temperature fractionations of 7Li/6Li. The Li isotopic compositions of seven mantle peridotites, reconstructed from analyses of mineral separates, show little variation (δ7Li 3.2-4.9‰) despite a wide range in fertility and radiogenic isotopic compositions. The most fertile samples yield a best estimate of δ7Li ∼ 3.5‰ for the upper mantle. Bulk analyses of olivine separates from the xenoliths are typically ∼1.5‰ isotopically lighter than co-existing orthopyroxenes, suggestive of a small, high-temperature equilibrium isotope fractionation. On the other hand, bulk analyses of olivine phenocrysts and their host melts are isotopically indistinguishable. Given these observations, equilibrium mantle melting should generate melts with δ7Li little different from their sources (<0.5‰ lighter). In contrast to olivine and orthopyroxene, that dominate peridotite Li budgets, bulk clinopyroxene analyses are highly variable (δ7Li = 6.6‰ to −8.1‰). Phlogopite separated from a modally metasomatised xenolith yielded an extreme δ7Li of −18.9‰. Such large Li isotope variability is indicative of isotopic disequilibrium. This inference is strongly reinforced by in situ, secondary ion mass-spectrometry analyses which show Li isotope zonation in peridotite minerals. The simplest zoning patterns show isotopically light rims. This style of zoning is also observed in the phenocrysts of holocrystalline Hawaiian lavas. More dramatically, a single orthopyroxene crystal from a San Carlos xenolith shows a W-shaped Li isotope profile with a 40‰ range in δ7Li, close to the isotope variability seen in all terrestrial whole rock analyses. We attribute Li isotope zonation in mineral phases to diffusive fractionation of Li isotopes, within mineral phases and along melt pathways that pervade xenoliths. Given the high diffusivity of Li, the Li isotope profiles we observe can persist, at most, only a few years at magmatic temperatures. Our results thus highlight the potential of Li isotopes as a high-resolution geospeedometer of the final phases of magmatic activity and cooling.  相似文献   

We report Lithium (Li) concentrations and isotopic compositions for co-existing olivine, orthopyroxene (opx), and clinopyroxene (cpx) mineral separates from depleted and metasomatised peridotite xenoliths hosted by basaltic lavas from northwestern Ethiopian plateau (Gundeweyn area). The peridotites contain five lherzolites and one harzburgite and are variably depleted and enriched in LREE relative to HREE. In both depleted and enriched lherzolites, Li is preferentially incorporated into olivine (2.4-3.3 ppm) compared to opx (1.4-2.1 ppm) and cpx (1.4-2.0 ppm) whereas the Li contents of olivines (5.4 ppm) from an enriched harzburgiteare higher than those of lherzolites. Olivines from the samples show higher Li abundances than normal mantle olivines (1.6-1.9 ppm) indicating the occurrence of Li enrichments through melt-preroditite interaction. The average δ7 Li values range from +2.2 to +6.0‰ in olivine, from -0.1 to +2.0‰ in opx and from -4.4 to -0.9‰ in cpx from the lherzolites. The Li isotopic composition (3.5‰) of olivines from harzburgite fall within the range of olivine from lherzolites but the opxs show low in δ7Li (-2.0‰). Overall Li isotopic compositions of olivines from the peridotites fall within the range of normal mantle olivine, δ7Li values of ~+4±2‰ within uncertainty, reflecting metasomatism (enrichment) of the peridotites by isotopically heavy Li-rich asthenospheric melt. Li isotope zonation is also observed in most peridotite minerals. Majority of olivine grains display isotopically heavy cores and light rims and the reverse case is observed for some olivine grains. Orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene grains show irregular distribution in δ7Li. These features of Li isotopic compositions within and between grains in the samples reflect the effect of diffusion-driven isotopic fractionation during meltperidotite interaction and cooling processes.  相似文献   

Several important equilibrium Si isotope fractionation factors among minerals, organic molecules and the H4SiO4 solution are complemented to facilitate the explanation of the distributions of Si isotopes in Earth’s surface environments. The results reveal that, in comparison to aqueous H4SiO4, heavy Si isotopes will be significantly enriched in secondary silicate minerals. On the contrary, quadra-coordinated organosilicon complexes are enriched in light silicon isotope relative to the solution. The extent of 28Si-enrichment in hyper-coordinated organosilicon complexes was found to be the largest. In addition, the large kinetic isotope effect associated with the polymerization of monosilicic acid and dimer was calculated, and the results support the previous statement that highly 28Si-enrichment in the formation of amorphous quartz precursor contributes to the discrepancy between theoretical calculations and field observations. With the equilibrium Si isotope fractionation factors provided here, Si isotope distributions in many of Earth’s surface systems can be explained. For example, the change of bulk soil δ30Si can be predicted as a concave pattern with respect to the weathering degree, with the minimum value where allophane completely dissolves and the total amount of sesqui-oxides and poorly crystalline minerals reaches their maximum. When, under equilibrium conditions, the well-crystallized clays start to precipitate from the pore solutions, the bulk soil δ30Si will increase again and reach a constant value. Similarly, the precipitation of crystalline smectite and the dissolution of poorly crystalline kaolinite may explain the δ30Si variations in the ground water profile. The equilibrium Si isotope fractionations among the quadra-coordinated organosilicon complexes and the H4SiO4 solution may also shed light on the Si isotope distributions in the Si-accumulating plants.  相似文献   

Olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene in variably metasomatised peridotite xenoliths from three lithospheric mantle sections beneath the East African Rift in Tanzania (Lashaine, Olmani, Labait) show systematic differences in their average Li concentrations (2.4 ppm, 2.0 ppm and 1.5 ppm, respectively) and intermineral isotopic fractionations, with olivine being heaviest (δ7Li = + 2.3 to + 13.9‰, average + 5.0‰), followed by orthopyroxene (? 4.1 to + 6.5‰, average + 0.8‰) and clinopyroxene (? 6.7 to + 4.1‰, average ? 1.6‰). These features are ascribed to the effects of kinetic Li isotope fractionation combined with different Li diffusivities in mantle minerals.Two main mechanisms likely generate diffusion-driven kinetic Li isotope fractionation in mantle xenoliths (1) Li diffusion from grain boundary melt into minerals during recent metasomatism or entrainment in the host magma and (2) subsolidus intermineral Li-redistribution. The latter can produce both isotopically light (Li-addition) and heavy (Li-loss) minerals and may occur in response to changes in pressure and/or temperature.Modelling shows that non-mantle-like δ7Li in clinopyroxene (< + 2‰), combined with apparent equilibrium olivine-clinopyroxene elemental partitioning in most peridotite xenoliths from all three Tanzanian localities probably reflects incipient Li addition during interaction with the host magma. Low δ7Li (< ? 3‰), combined with high Li concentrations (> 3 ppm) in some clinopyroxene may require very recent (minutes) Li ingress from a Li-rich melt (100s of ppm) having mantle-like δ7Li. This might happen during late fragmentation of some mantle xenoliths caused by a volatile- (and Li-) rich component exsolved from the host basalt. In contrast, high Li concentrations (> 2 ppm) and δ7Li (> 4‰) in olivine from many Labait and Olmani samples are attributed to an older, pre-entrainment enrichment event during which isotopic equilibrium was attained and whose signature was not corrupted during xenolith entrainment. Low Li concentrations and mantle-like isotopic composition of olivine from most Lashaine xenoliths indicate limited metasomatic Li addition.Thus, Li concentrations and isotope compositions of mantle peridotites worldwide may reflect two processes, with olivine mainly preserving a signature of depletion in refractory samples (low Li contents and δ7Li) or of older (precursory) melt addition in metasomatised samples (high Li contents and δ7Li), while non mantle-like, low δ7Li in almost all clinopyroxene can be due to Li ingress during transport in the host magma and/or slow cooling, if the samples were erupted in lavas. In Tanzania, the peridotites experienced rift-related heating prior to entrainment and were quenched upon eruption, so Li ingress is the most likely process responsible for the isotopically light clinopyroxene here.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated Fe and Li isotope fractionation between mineral separates of olivine pheno- and xenocrysts (including one clinopyroxyene phenocryst) and their basaltic hosts. Samples were collected from the Canary Islands (Teneriffa, La Palma) and some German volcanic regions (Vogelsberg, Westerwald and Hegau). All investigated bulk samples fall in a tight range of Li and Fe isotope compositions (δ56Fewr = 0.06–0.17‰ and δ7Lima = 2.5–5.2‰, assuming δ7Li of the olivine-free matrix is virtually identical to that of the bulk sample for mass balance reasons). In contrast, olivine phenocrysts display highly variable, but generally light Fe and mostly light Li isotope compositions compared to their respective olivine-free basaltic matrix, which was considered to represent the melt (with δ56Feol = ? 0.24 to 0.14‰ and δ7Liol = ? 10.5 to + 6.5‰, respectively). Single olivine crystals from one sample display even a larger range of δ56Feol between ? 0.7 and + 0.1‰. One single clinopyroxene phenocryst displays the lightest Li isotope composition (δ7Licpx = ? 17.7‰), but no Fe isotope fractionation relative to melt. The olivine phenocrysts show variable Mg# and Ni (correlated in most cases) that range between 0.89 and 0.74 and between 300 and 3000 μg/g, respectively. These olivines likely grew by fractional crystallization in an evolving magma. One sample from the Vogelsberg volcano contained olivine xenocrysts (Mg# > 0.89 and Ni > 3000 μg/g), in addition to olivine phenocrysts. This sample displays the highest Li- and the second highest Fe-isotope fractionation between olivine and melt (Δ7Liol-melt = ? 13; Δ56Feol-melt = ? 0.29).Our data, i.e. the variable olivine- at constant whole rock and matrix isotope compositions, strongly indicate disequilibrium, i.e. kinetic Fe and Li isotope fractionation between olivine and melt (for Li also between cpx and melt) during fractional crystallization. Δ7Liol-melt is correlated with the Li partitioning between olivine and melt (i.e. with Liol/Limelt), indicating Li isotope fractionation due to preferential (faster) diffusion of 6Li into olivine during fractional crystallization. Olivine with low Δ7Liol-melt, also have low Δ56Feol-melt, indicating that Fe isotope fractionation is also driven by diffusion of isotopically light Fe into olivine, potentially, as Fe–Mg inter-diffusion. The lowest Δ56Feol-melt (? 0.40) was observed in a sample from Westerwald (Germany) with abundant magnetite, indicating relatively oxidizing conditions during magma differentiation. This may have enhanced equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation between olivine and melt or fine dispersed magnetite in the basalt matrix may have shifted its Fe isotope composition towards higher δ56Fe. The decoupling of Li- and Fe isotope fractionation in cpx is likely due to faster diffusion of Li relative to Fe in cpx, implying that the large investigated cpx phenocryst resided in the magma for only a short period of time which was sufficient for Li- but not for Fe diffusion. The absence of any equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation between the investigated cpx phenocryst and its basaltic host may be related to the similar Fe3 +/Fe2 + of cpx and melt. In contrast to cpx, the generally light Fe isotope composition of all investigated olivine separates implies the existence of equilibrium- (in addition to diffusion-driven) isotope fractionation between olivine and melt, on the order of 0.1‰.  相似文献   

Silicon isotope ratios (δ30Si) of bulk mineral materials in soil integrate effects from both silicon sources and processing. Here we report δ30Si values from a climate gradient of Hawaiian soils developed on 170 ka basalt and relate them to patterns of soil chemistry and mineralogy. The results demonstrate informative relationships between the mass fraction of soil Si depletion and δ30Si. In upper (<1 m deep) soil horizons along the climate gradient, Si depletion correlates with decreases of residual δ30Si values in low rainfall soils and increases in high rainfall soils. Strong positive correlation between soil δ30Si and dust-derived quartz and mica content show that both trends are largely controlled by the abundance of these weathering-resistant minerals. The data also lend support to the idea that fractionation of Si isotopes in secondary phases is controlled by partitioning of silicon between dissolved and precipitated products during the initial weathering of primary basalt. Secondary mineral δ30Si values from lower (>1 m deep) soil horizons generally correlate with the isotope fractionation predicted by a study of dissolved Si in basalt-watershed rivers and driven by preferential 28Si removal from the dissolved phase during precipitation. In contrast, after correcting for the influence of dust, secondary mineral Si depletion and δ30Si values in shallow (<1 m deep) soil horizons showed evidence of biocycling induced Si redistribution and substantially lower δ30Si values than predicted. Low δ30Si values in shallow soil horizons compared to predictions can be attributed to repeated fractionation as secondary minerals undergo additional cycles of dissolution and precipitation. Primary mineral weathering, secondary mineral weathering, dust accumulation, and biocycling are major processes in terrestrial Si cycling and these results demonstrate that each can be traced by δ30Si values interpreted in conjunction with mineralogy and measures of Si depletion.  相似文献   

We present whole rock Li and Mg isotope analyses of 33 ultramafic xenoliths from the terrestrial mantle, which we compare with analyses of 30 (mostly chondritic) meteorites. The accuracy of our new Mg isotope ratio measurement protocol is substantiated by a combination of standard addition experiments, the absence of mass independent effects in terrestrial samples and our obtaining identical values for rock standards using two different separation chemistries and three different mass-spectrometric introduction systems. Carbonaceous, ordinary and enstatite chondrites have irresolvable mean stable Mg isotopic compositions (δ25Mg = −0.14 ± 0.06; δ26Mg = −0.27 ± 0.12‰, 2SD), but our enstatite chondrite samples have lighter δ7Li (by up to ∼3‰) than our mean carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites (3.0 ± 1.5‰, 2SD), possibly as a result of spallation in the early solar system. Measurements of equilibrated, fertile peridotites give mean values of δ7Li = 3.5 ± 0.5‰, δ25Mg = −0.10 ± 0.03‰ and δ26Mg = −0.21 ± 0.07‰. We believe these values provide a useful estimate of the primitive mantle and they are within error of our average of bulk carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. A fuller range of fresh, terrestrial, ultramafic samples, covering a variety of geological histories, show a broad positive correlation between bulk δ7Li and δ26Mg, which vary from −3.7‰ to +14.5‰, and −0.36‰ to + 0.06‰, respectively. Values of δ7Li and δ26Mg lower than our estimate of primitive mantle are strongly linked to kinetic isotope fractionation, occurring during transport of the mantle xenoliths. We suggest Mg and Li diffusion into the xenoliths is coupled to H loss from nominally anhydrous minerals following degassing. Diffusion models suggest that the co-variation of Mg and Li isotopes requires comparable diffusivities of Li and Mg in olivine. The isotopically lightest samples require ∼5-10 years of diffusive ingress, which we interpret as a time since volatile loss in the host magma. Xenoliths erupted in pyroclastic flows appear to have retained their mantle isotope ratios, likely as a result of little prior degassing in these explosive events. High δ7Li, coupled with high [Li], in rapidly cooled arc peridotites may indicate that these samples represent fragments of mantle wedge that has been metasomatised by heavy, slab-derived fluids. If such material is typically stirred back into the convecting mantle, it may account for the heavy δ7Li seen in some oceanic basalts.  相似文献   

Previous studies on iron isotope compositions of subduction zone magmas have revealed significant and complex variations that have great bearings on petrogenetic processes in the mantle wedge, e.g., partial melting, fluid metasomatism and redox state. However, interpretations for the fractionations are highly debatable and lack direct constraints from mantle wedge peridotites. This study presents iron isotope compositions for whole rocks and mineral separates in fresh forearc peridotites from the Yushigou ophiolite, North Qilian orogen in northern Tibet. Major and trace element compositions of whole rock and mineral indicate that the peridotites are highly depleted forearc peridotites overprinted by melt metasomatism, in contrast to the long‐holding opinion that the peridotites are derived from mid‐oceanic ridges. The minerals fall on a line with a slope of ~1 on the plot of δ56Fe vs. δ56Fe, indicating isotope equilibrium between minerals. δ56Fe fractionation between olivine and orthopyroxene is within the range of 0~0.05, while fractionation between olivine and spinel is about 0.05~0.10. The fractionation trend between olivine and spinel is opposite to previous theoretical and experimental constraints, which may be due to substantial Cr substitution into the spinel. This indicates that negative correlations between spinel Cr#, fO2 and spinel δ56Fe in previous studies are probably a reflection of gradual Cr enrichment in spinel during melt extraction, and spinel δ56Fe values are not a proxy for oxygen fugacity. Whole rock δ56Fe values are well correlated with mineral δ56Fe values, varying from overlapping with depleted mantle to slightly lower than depleted mantle. Therefore, variations in iron isotope compositions of subduction zone magmas are probably due to combined effect of source heterogeneity and partial melting fractionation.  相似文献   

We report a study of the oxygen isotope ratios of chondrules and their constituent mineral grains from the Mokoia, oxidized CV3 chondrite. Bulk oxygen isotope ratios of 23 individual chondrules were determined by laser ablation fluorination, and oxygen isotope ratios of individual grains, mostly olivine, were obtained in situ on polished mounts using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Our results can be compared with data obtained previously for the oxidized CV3 chondrite, Allende. Bulk oxygen isotope ratios of Mokoia chondrules form an array on an oxygen three-isotope plot that is subparallel to, and slightly displaced from, the CCAM (carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous minerals) line. The best-fit line for all CV3 chondrite chondrules has a slope of 0.99, and is displaced significantly (by δ17O ∼ −2.5‰) from the Young and Russell slope-one line for unaltered calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) minerals. Oxygen isotope ratios of many bulk CAIs also lie on the CV-chondrule line, which is the most relevant oxygen isotope array for most CV chondrite components. Bulk oxygen isotope ratios of most chondrules in Mokoia have δ18O values around 0‰, and olivine grains in these chondrules have similar oxygen isotope ratios to their bulk values. In general, it appears that chondrule mesostases have higher δ18O values than olivines in the same chondrules. Our bulk chondrule data spread to lower δ18O values than any ferromagnesian chondrules that have been measured previously. Two chondrules with the lowest bulk δ18O values (−7.5‰ and −11.7‰) contain olivine grains that display an extremely wide range of oxygen isotope ratios, down to δ17O, δ18O around -50‰ in one chondrule. In these chondrules, there are no apparent relict grains, and essentially no relationships between olivine compositions, which are homogeneous, and oxygen isotopic compositions of individual grains. Heterogeneity of oxygen isotope ratios within these chondrules may be the result of incorporation of relict grains from objects such as amoeboid olivine aggregates, followed by solid-state chemical diffusion without concomitant oxygen equilibration. Alternatively, oxygen isotope exchange between an 16O-rich precursor and an 16O-poor gas may have taken place during chondrule formation, and these chondrules may represent partially equilibrated systems in which isotopic heterogeneities became frozen into the crystallizing olivine grains. If this is the case, we can infer that the earliest nebular solids from which chondrules formed had δ17O and δ18O values around -50‰, similar to those observed in refractory inclusions.  相似文献   

Li concentrations and isotopic compositions of coexisting minerals (ol, opx, and cpx) from peridotite xenoliths entrained in the Hannuoba Tertiary basalts, North China Craton, provide insight into Li isotopic fractionation between mantle minerals during melt-rock interaction in the considerably thinned lithospheric mantle. Bulk analyses of mineral separates show significant enrichment of Li in cpx (2.4-3.6 ppm) relative to olivine (1.2-1.8 ppm), indicating that these peridotites have been affected by mantle metasomatism with mafic silicate melts. Bulk olivine separates (δ7Li ∼ +3.3‰ to +6.4‰) are isotopically heavier than coexisting pyroxenes (δ7Li ∼ −3.3‰ to −8.2‰ in cpx, and −4.0‰ to −6.7‰ in opx). Such large variation suggests Li elemental and isotopic disequilibrium. This conclusion is supported by results from in situ SIMS analyses of mineral grains where significant Li elemental and isotopic zonations exist. The olivine and opx have lower Li concentrations and heavier Li isotopes in the rims than in the cores. This reverse correlation of δ7Li with Li concentrations indicates diffusive fractionation of Li isotopes. However, the zoning patterns in coexisting cpx show isotopically heavier rims with higher Li abundances. This positive correlation between δ7Li and Li concentrations suggests a melt mixing trend. We attribute Li concentration and isotope zonation in minerals to the effects of two-stage diffusive fractionation coupled with melt-rock interaction. The earliest melts may have been derived from the subducted oceanic slab with low δ7Li values produced by isotopic fractionation during the dehydration of the seawater-altered slab. Melts at later stages were derived from the asthenosphere and interacted with the peridotites, producing the Li elemental and isotopic zoning in mineral grains. These data thus provide evidence for multiple-stage peridotite-melt interaction in the lithospheric mantle beneath the northern North China Craton.  相似文献   

We present high-precision iron and magnesium isotopic data for diverse mantle pyroxenite xenoliths collected from Hannuoba, North China Craton and provide the first combined iron and magnesium isotopic study of such rocks. Compositionally, these xenoliths range from Cr-diopside pyroxenites and Al-augite pyroxenites to garnet-bearing pyroxenites and are taken as physical evidence for different episodes of melt injection. Our results show that both Cr-diopside pyroxenites and Al-augite pyroxenites of cumulate origin display narrow ranges in iron and magnesium isotopic compositions (δ57Fe = ?0.01 to 0.09 with an average of 0.03 ± 0.08 (2SD, n = 6); δ26Mg = ? 0.28 to ?0.25 with an average of ?0.26 ± 0.03 (2SD, n = 3), respectively). These values are identical to those in the normal upper mantle and show equilibrium inter-mineral iron and magnesium isotope fractionation between coexisting mantle minerals. In contrast, the garnet-bearing pyroxenites, which are products of reactions between peridotites and silicate melts from an ancient subducted oceanic slab, exhibit larger iron isotopic variations, with δ57Fe ranging from 0.12 to 0.30. The δ57Fe values of minerals in these garnet-bearing pyroxenites also vary widely (?0.25 to 0.08 in olivines, ?0.04 to 0.25 in orthopyroxenes, ?0.07 to 0.31 in clinopyroxenes, 0.07 to 0.48 in spinels and 0.31–0.42 in garnets). In addition, the garnet-bearing pyroxenite shows light δ26Mg (?0.43) relative to the mantle. The δ26Mg of minerals in the garnet-bearing pyroxenite range from ?0.35 for olivine and orthopyroxene, to ?0.34 for clinopyroxene, 0.04 for spinel and ?0.68 for garnet. These measured values stand in marked contrast to calculated equilibrium iron and magnesium isotope fractionation between coexisting mantle minerals at mantle temperatures derived from theory, indicating disequilibrium isotope fractionation. Notably, one phlogopite clinopyroxenite with an apparent later metasomatic overprint has the heaviest δ57Fe (as high as 1.00) but the lightest δ26Mg (as low as ?1.50) values of all investigated samples. Overall, there appears to be a negative co-variation between δ57Fe and δ26Mg in the Hannuoba garnet-bearing pyroxenite and in the phlogopite clinopyroxenite xenoliths and minerals therein. These features may reflect kinetic isotopic fractionation due to iron and magnesium inter-diffusion during melt–rock interaction. Such processes play an important role in producing inter-mineral iron and magnesium isotopic disequilibrium and local iron and magnesium isotopic heterogeneity in the subcontinental mantle.  相似文献   

We studied stable iron isotope fractionation during dissolution of a biotite and chlorite enriched mineral fraction from granite by HCl and 5 mM oxalic acid in a pH range of 4-5.9. Batch experiments covered a time period from 2 h to 100 days and were performed at initial potassium concentrations of 0, 0.5, and 5 mM to induce different levels of biotite exfoliation. All experiments were kept anoxic to investigate solely the dissolution step without the influence of oxidation and precipitation of secondary Fe oxyhydroxides. Oxalic acid increased the release of Fe by a factor of ∼15 compared with the HCl experiments. Addition of 0.5 mM K to initial solutions in proton-promoted dissolution decreased the release of Fe by 30-65% depending on the dissolution stage. In ligand-controlled dissolution, K reduced the Fe release only to a minor extent. All solutions of the early dissolution stages were enriched in light Fe isotopes by up to −1.4‰ in δ56Fe compared with the isotopic composition of biotite and chlorite mineral separates, which we explained by a kinetic isotope effect. In proton-promoted dissolution, early released fractions of K-enriched experiments were significantly lighter (−0.7‰ to −0.9‰) than in the initially K-free experiments. The evolution of Fe isotope ratios in solution was modeled by a linear combination of kinetic isotope effects during two independent dissolution processes attacking different crystallographic sites. In ligand-controlled dissolution, K did not influence the kinetic isotope effect and the Fe isotope composition in solution in the late dissolution stages remained slightly lighter than the bulk composition of the biotite/chlorite enriched mineral fraction. This study demonstrates that the initial Fe weathering flux should be enriched in light Fe isotopes and that Fe isotope data in combination with dissolution kinetics and stoichiometry provide new insights into dissolution mechanisms.  相似文献   

Chemical weathering of silicate minerals consumes atmospheric CO2 and is a fundamental component of geochemical cycles and of the climate system on long timescales. Artificial acceleration of such weathering (“enhanced weathering”) has recently been proposed as a method of mitigating anthropogenic climate change, by adding fine-grained silicate materials to continental surfaces. The efficacy of such intervention in the carbon cycle strongly depends on the mineral dissolution rates that occur, but these rates remain uncertain. Dissolution rates determined from catchment scale investigations are generally several orders of magnitude slower than those predicted from kinetic information derived from laboratory studies. Here we present results from laboratory flow-through dissolution experiments which seek to bridge this observational discrepancy by using columns of soil returned to the laboratory from a field site. We constrain the dissolution rate of olivine added to the top of one of these columns, while maintaining much of the complexity inherent in the soil environment. Continual addition of water to the top of the soil columns, and analysis of elemental composition of waters exiting at the base was conducted for a period of five months, and the solid and leachable composition of the soils was also assessed before and after the experiments. Chemical results indicate clear release of Mg2+ from the dissolution of olivine and, by comparison with a control case, allow the rate of olivine dissolution to be estimated between 10−16.4 and 10−15.5 moles(Mg) cm−2 s−1. Measurements also allow secondary mineral formation in the soil to be assessed, and suggest that no significant secondary uptake of Mg2+ has occurred. The olivine dissolution rates are intermediate between those of pure laboratory and field studies and provide a useful constraint on weathering processes in natural environments, such as during soil profile deepening or the addition of mineral dust or volcanic ash to soils surfaces. The dissolution rates also provide critical information for the assessment of enhanced weathering including the expected surface-area and energy requirements.  相似文献   

Two higher plant species (rye grass and clover) were cultivated under laboratory conditions on two substrates (solution, phlogopite) in order to constrain the corresponding Mg isotope fractionations during plant growth and Mg uptake. We show that bulk plants are systematically enriched in heavy isotopes relative to their nutrient source. The Δ26Mgplant-source range from 0.72‰ to 0.26‰ for rye grass and from 1.05‰ to 0.41‰ for clover. Plants grown on phlogopite display Mg isotope signatures (relative to the Mg source) ∼0.3‰ lower than hydroponic plants. For a given substrate, rye grass display lower δ26Mg (by ∼0.3‰) relative to clover. Magnesium desorbed from rye grass roots display a δ26Mg greater than the nutrient solution. Adsorption experiments on dead and living rye grass roots also indicate a significant enrichment in heavy isotopes of the Mg adsorbed on the root surface. Our results indicate that the key processes responsible for heavy isotope enrichment in plants are located at the root level. Both species also exhibit an enrichment in light isotopes from roots to shoots (Δ26Mgleaf-root = −0.65‰ and −0.34‰ for rye grass and clover grown on phlogopite respectively, and Δ26Mgleaf-root of −0.06‰ and −0.22‰ for the same species grown hydroponically). This heavy isotope depletion in leaves can be explained by biological processes that affect leaves and roots differently: (1) organo-Mg complex (including chlorophyll) formation, and (2) Mg transport within plant. For both species, a positive correlation between δ26Mg and K/Mg was observed among the various organs. This correlation is consistent with the link between K and Mg internal cycles, as well as with formation of organo-magnesium compounds associated with enrichment in heavy isotopes. Considering our results together with the published range for δ26Mg of natural plants and rivers, we estimate that a significant change in continental vegetation would induce a change of the mean river δ26Mg that is comparable to analytical uncertainties.  相似文献   

Silicon stable isotopes can be used to trace the biogeochemical pathways of Si as it moves from its continental sources to its sink in ocean sediments. Along the way, Si is incorporated into clay minerals, taken up by plants where it forms plant opal, and leached into rivers, the major land-to-ocean conduit. Compared to igneous rocks, the waters that drain continents are enriched in heavy Si isotopes, but the mechanisms that control fractionation have not been elucidated. We studied Si isotope fractionation along a 4 million yr basaltic soil chronosequence on the Hawaiian Islands. Using the natural context of these samples in combination with laboratory experiments, we demonstrate that the isotopic composition of dissolved Si in weathering systems is determined by the combined effects of rock disintegration, clay mineral neosynthesis, and Si biocycling. Weathering preferentially releases 28Si into solution, whereas secondary mineral formation preferentially removes 28Si from solution. In humid environments, leached soils have lost large amounts of this soluble Si, thus creating a net loss of 30Si from the entire soil system. As soils develop and greater fractions of Si reside in neoformed clay minerals, δ30Sibulk soil values change progressively toward more negative values; basalt δ30Si values are about −0.5‰, but older soils have δ30Si values up to −2.5‰. The difference between the solid and solution δ30Si values remains more or less constant with progressive weathering, and therefore, soil water from older soils has a more negative δ30Si composition. In the upper horizons of the Hawaiian soils, this weathering-driven δ30Si shift is modified by the addition of unweathered primary minerals via dust, carrying δ30Si values of about −0.5‰, and by biocycling of Si via plants, producing negative δ30Si values in phytoliths and positive δ30Si values in soil solutions derived from upper horizons. Due to the high concentrations of dissolved Si in these near-surface layers, rivers have more positive δ30Si values than predicted based on the weathering status of the lower horizons. When combined with published δ30Si values from large rivers worldwide, we find that the results from Hawaii point to weathering control of Si isotopes delivered to the oceans, and thus, to an important continent-ocean linkage that warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Steady-state element release rates from crystalline basalt dissolution at far-from-equilibrium were measured at pH from 2 to 11 and temperatures from 5 to 75 °C in mixed-flow reactors. Steady-state Si and Ca release rates exhibit a U-shaped variation with pH where rates decrease with increasing pH at acid condition but increase with increasing pH at alkaline conditions. Silicon release rates from crystalline basalt are comparable to Si release rates from basaltic glass of the same chemical composition at low pH and temperatures ?25 °C but slower at alkaline pH and temperatures ?50 °C. In contrast, Mg and Fe release rates decrease continuously with increasing pH at all temperatures. This behaviour is interpreted to stem from the contrasting dissolution behaviours of the three major minerals comprising the basalt: plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. Calcium is primarily present in plagioclase, which exhibits a U-shaped dissolution rate dependence on pH. In contrast, Mg and Fe are contained in pyroxene and olivine, minerals whose dissolution rates decrease monotonically with pH. As a result, crystalline basalt preferentially releases Mg and Fe relative to Ca at acidic conditions. The injection of acidic CO2-charged fluids into crystalline basaltic terrain may, therefore, favour the formation of Mg and Fe carbonates rather than calcite. Element release rates estimated from the sum of the volume fraction normalized dissolution rates of plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine are within one order of magnitude of those measured in this study.  相似文献   

Lithium isotope signatures of whole rock pegmatite samples and mineral separates from the rare element-bearing Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group, NWT, and whole rock samples from nearby granitic intrusions were measured. Correlation of the Li isotopic values from the pegmatite dikes with whole rock trace element geochemistry, mineralogy and primary textural evidence reflect mechanisms of Li isotopic fractionation during pegmatite formation. The heavier δ7Li signatures within the broad range measured from whole rock LNPG samples (? 0.94‰ to + 11.36‰) are related to the consolidation of the final ~ 15% melt fraction of a volatile-rich peraluminous magma in the late stages of magmatic fractionation. Rock-forming minerals (quartz, albite, spodumene and mica) display δ7Li signatures that indicate consolidation of the dikes under variable, non-equilibrium conditions. Lithium isotope signatures of relatively cool, highly evolved peraluminous magmas reflect the build-up of fluxes (e.g., H2O and F) and provide a qualitative assessment of the state of mineral/melt chemical equilibrium.  相似文献   

Komatiites from Alexo, Canada, are well preserved and represent high-degree partial mantle melts (∼50%). They are thus well suited for investigating the Mg and Fe isotopic compositions of the Archean mantle and the conditions of magmatic differentiation in komatiitic lavas. High precision Mg and Fe isotopic analyses of 22 samples taken along a 15-m depth profile in a komatiite flow are reported. The δ25Mg and δ26Mg values of the bulk flow are −0.138 ± 0.021‰ and −0.275 ± 0.042‰, respectively. These values are indistinguishable from those measured in mantle peridotites and chondrites, and represent the best estimate of the composition of the silicate Earth from analysis of volcanic rocks. Excluding the samples affected by secondary Fe mobilization, the δ56Fe and δ57Fe values of the bulk flow are +0.044 ± 0.030‰, and +0.059 ± 0.044‰, respectively. These values are consistent with a near-chondritic Fe isotopic composition of the silicate Earth and minor fractionation during komatiite magma genesis. In order to explain the early crystallization of pigeonite relative to augite in slowly cooled spinifex lavas, it was suggested that magmas trapped in the crystal mush during spinifex growth differentiated by Soret effect, which should be associated with large and coupled variations in the isotopic compositions of Mg and Fe. The lack of variations in Mg and Fe isotopic ratios either rules out the Soret effect in the komatiite flow or the effect is effaced as the solidification front migrates downward through the flow crust. Olivine separated from a cumulate sample has light δ56Fe and slightly heavy δ26Mg values relative to the bulk flow, which modeling shows can be explained by kinetic isotope fractionation associated with Fe-Mg inter-diffusion in olivine. Such variations can be used to identify diffusive processes involved in the formation of zoned minerals.  相似文献   

We dissolved Boulder Creek Granodiorite in a plug flow reactor for 5794 h at pH = 1 and T = 25 °C. The primary purpose of the experiment was to identify controls on dissolved δ44/40Ca, δ44/42Ca, and δ26/24Mg values during granite weathering. Herein, we also examine the origin of Ca and Mg isotopic variability among minerals composing the Boulder Creek Granodiorite, and we constrain fundamental characteristics of granite weathering important for quantifying the elemental and isotopic geochemistry of the reactor output. Nine Ca-bearing minerals display an 8.80‰ range of δ44/40Ca values and a 0.51‰ range of δ44/42Ca values. Three Mg-bearing minerals display a 1.53‰ range of δ26/24Mg values. These ranges expressed at the mineralogical scale are higher than the ranges thus far reported for bulk igneous rocks. Most of the δ44/40Ca variability reflects 40Ca enrichment in K-feldspar, and to a lesser extent, biotite, due to the radioactive decay of 40K over the 1.7 Ga age of the rock, whereas the entire range of δ44/42Ca values reflects mass-dependent isotope fractionation during igneous differentiation and crystallization. The range of δ26/24Mg values may represent either fractionation during the chloritization of biotite or interaction of the Boulder Creek Granodiorite with Mg-rich metamorphic fluids having low δ26/24Mg values.The elemental and isotopic composition of the reactor output varied substantially during the experiment. We synthesize the mineralogical and fluid data using coupled mass-conservation equations solved at non-steady-state. Model calculations reveal an intricate balance between increasing specific surface area and decreasing mineral concentrations. While surface area normalized dissolution rate constants were time-invariant, specific surface area increased as a power-law function of time through positive feedbacks between mechanical disaggregation, chemical dissolution, and mineral depletion. Variations in dissolved δ44/40Ca, δ44/42Ca, and δ26/24Mg values reflect conservative mixing rather than fractionation. Apatite and calcite initially control δ44/40Ca and δ44/42Ca values, followed by biotite, titanite, epidote, hornblende, and plagioclase. The release of radiogenic 40Ca clearly defines the period where biotite dissolution dominates. The brucite layer of chlorite initially controls δ26/24Mg values, followed by biotite, the TOT layer of chlorite, and hornblende. Through direct isotopic tracking, these results demonstrate that trace minerals, such as apatite and calcite in the case of Ca and brucite in the case of Mg, dominate elemental release during the incipient stages of granite weathering. The results further show that biotite dissolution dominates the middle stages of granite weathering and that plagioclase dissolution only becomes important during relatively late stages. The Ca and Mg isotope variations associated with these stages are distinct and potentially resolvable in soil mineral weathering studies.  相似文献   

High-spatial resolution analysis of light element isotope variations by secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) has numerous applications in geochemistry and cosmochemistry. Recent attention has focused on 7Li/6Li variations in magmatic phenocrysts to infer the volatile degassing history of their parent magmas, and on minerals from mantle samples to determine source-region processes and the recycling history of mantle reservoirs. In these studies the effect of mineral composition on the 7Li/6Li ratio measured by SIMS has been considered secondary, and generally disregarded. We show, using a suite of nine olivines analyzed by MC-ICP-MS or TIMS, that there is a substantial effect of composition on the 7Li/6Li ratio of olivine measured by SIMS. For magnesian olivine (74 < Fo < 94) the effect is a linear function of composition, with δ7Li increasing by 1.3‰ for each mole percent decrease in forsterite component. At higher Fe contents, the relationship ceases to be linear. The composition range over which linear behavior is exhibited appears to depend on instrumental conditions. A calibration of this matrix effect over the linear range is presented, assuming the measurement of 7Li/6Li relative to an olivine standard of known composition. Application of this calibration to a suite of olivines separated from basaltic lavas from Ko'olau, Hawai'i demonstrates that the matrix effect is responsible for a geologically spurious correlation between δ7Li and Mg#. However, after correction, the olivines retain evidence of Li isotope heterogeneity, the degree and nature of which differs in each of the four separates studied. These results emphasize the importance of compositional correction for SIMS measurement of δ7Li in olivine, particularly in zoned crystals, and support previous conclusions that Li isotope variability in igneous materials is subject to late-stage disturbance. The significant matrix effect demonstrated for olivine suggests that matrix effects in other minerals require further evaluation.  相似文献   

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