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根据地球物理、声学探测、海底取样及现场测试等实测资料详细分析,发现香港外海具有独特的自然条件以及复杂的海洋工程地质特征。海底地形地貌较为复杂,存在地震、滑坡与崩塌、埋藏古河道、断层、海底沙波、浅层气及可能的砂土液化等潜在的地质灾害因素,尤其在大陆架边缘及陆坡部位,海底坡度较大,分布着多种潜在的地质灾害,是海底光缆的危险区,应引起重视。  相似文献   

南海北部陆架海底沙波基本特征及属性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
南海北部陆架海底沙波是否为残留沙波长期存在争议。为配合陆丰油田的开发,在LF13-2和LF13-1站位之间进行了详细的地形、地貌和海底底流测量。观测数据显示,本研究区发育两组海底沙波。两组沙波的分布和当今的海底地形密切相关,沙波的波宽、波高,沙脊的长度及延伸的方向也都和现今的水深密切相关。此外,沙波区的底质、沉积物颜色等也随现今水深的变化而变化。跨年度的测量结果显示,从2003年夏季到2005年冬季,海底沙波发生了明显的变化,除有明显的沙波迁移,并有新的沙波生成外,沙波区的水深也整体变深,研究区东南端平均加深了0.29m。由于东沙海底高原的存在,东沙区底流有了复杂的变化。实际的观测结果显示,在9MKII站位,向南的退潮流明显大于向北的涨潮流,但在AEM-HR站位,WNW向的涨潮流则稍稍大于ESE向的退潮流。9MKII站位测得的最大底流速为48cm/s,有22%的底流速大于20cm/s,这是启动海底沉积物并能形成海底沙波的最小底流速。本文指出,东沙隆起后,由于强烈的底流侵蚀,在东沙区的中陆架和外陆架区几乎没有现代沉积。构成海底沙波的沉积物主要来自海底地层的剥蚀。测深结果显示的海底加深可能和海底剥蚀有关。很明显,海底沙波和现今的海底底流体系有很好的吻合关系,从而是在现今底流体系条件下形成的,而非晚更新世末次冰期的残留沙波。  相似文献   

基于高精度多波束、单波束、侧扫声呐等资料研究发现,福建近岸闽江口和三沙湾口外海域分别发育一处海底沙波群。本文详细分析了海底沙波地貌发育特征,根据沙波发育形态及沙脊线走向将其分为挠曲型沙波、直线型沙波和过渡型沙波3类。调查区2处沙波群均呈迎潮面坡度缓而背潮面陡的特征,沙波末端均存在分枝并伴随着一定程度的弯曲变形。沉积物质来源和水文动力环境是控制海底沙波群发育的两个主要因素,研究区近岸基岩侵蚀物质、河流沉积物质和洋流输运物质来源减少打破了维持沙波动态平衡的物质供应,底流冲刷提供了海底泥沙的起动条件。结合沙波纹、残留沙丘及海底沙波的发育特征,本文认为沙波存在一定的活动性,具有向坡陡一侧不断迁移的规律。最后,通过对沙波活动性成因和演化规律进行分析,并详细探讨了海底沙波的存在对海洋工程应用的影响,提出了相应的防范措施,为近岸海底工程建设及灾害预防提供了一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

南海东北部海底潜在地质灾害类型及其特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据大量地质--地球物理实测资料,分析研究了南海东北部海底潜在的地质灾害因素,特别是海底滑坡与崩塌、活动断层、沙波与沙丘、陡坎与断裂谷、埋藏古河道与古三角洲、侵蚀沟谷及海底峡谷等与海洋工程关系密切的地质灾害的类型,分布特征、形成机制及危害性,为海洋开发与海底工程设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   

珠江口近岸海洋地质灾害类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据大量地质-地球物理实测资料,分析了珠江口近岸海底地质灾害因素,特别是浅层气、断层、沙波、浅埋基岩、埋藏古河道、陡坎、槽沟等与海洋工程关系密切的地质灾害的类型、分布特征、形成机制及危害性,为海洋开发与海底工程设计提供科学依据.  相似文献   

根据地球物理探测、海底取样、钻探及现场测试等实测资料详细分析,发现粤港澳跨海大桥海域具有独特的自然条件以及复杂的海洋工程地质特征。海底地形地貌较为复杂,存在含浅层气区、活动性断层、沙波、地震活动、不规则基岩、埋藏古河道、冲刷槽沟和水下浅滩等潜在灾害地质因素,尤其粤港澳跨海大桥是特大型建筑,它经过的海域分布着多种潜在的地质灾害,应引起重视。  相似文献   

南海北部海底微地貌特征与近代变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据大量测深和旁侧声纳资料,对南海北部海底微地貌特征进行了分析,并探讨了近代微地貌动态变化。滨海地貌主要有河口港湾、水下浅滩、水下岸坡、水下三角洲、潮流三角洲、海底沙波、潮流沙脊、海釜等;内陆架地貌主要有陆架堆积平原、水下阶地、古海岸线、古河道、小丘和坑洼群等;外陆架地貌主要有陆架平原、古浅滩、古三角洲、浅槽、沙波、沙丘、埋藏古河道、海底滑坡等等残留地貌。滨海地区水动力作用强,加上人为因素,地貌形态变化较大,内陆架和外陆架水动力作用较弱,地貌形态基本处于相对稳定。  相似文献   

针对瓯江口区域潮汐强烈及浅水作用明显的特点,海底管道的敷设及安全运营危险性大、且无法用常规方法进行检测的问题,采用了侧扫声纳系统的海底声学技术对海底管道穿越段地貌特征进行了有效探测。本次探测工作对发现的平坦海底、大型沙波、潮沟、小型洼坑、蚀余凸起等自然微地貌和抛锚等形成的锚沟及其后期自然发育而成的次生微地貌进行了特征分析,分析结果对不同类型海底地貌提出解决对策以及有效地减轻不良地貌形态对海底管道稳定性影响具有重要意义[1]。  相似文献   

文章介绍了第四纪地质学的一个新的应用领域--海底光缆工程路由勘察.该项勘察是在全球经济发展,人类从工业化向信息化社会转变,信息化基础建设蓬勃兴起的时代出现并逐步完善的一个新的海洋工程领域.海底光缆建设在国内外得到迅速发展.我国修建的国内外海底光缆已达20余条.海底光缆工程路由勘察与第四纪地质学关系密切.海洋第四纪地质现象是它进行勘察和研究的主要内容.海底光缆路由勘察使用先进的仪器设备,采集的是数字化信息,能快速准确的成图.该图反映路由区海底所有的自然环境特征.勘察融汇了现代化的高新技术,拓宽了第四纪研究的领域,推动了第四纪地质学的发展.  相似文献   

海底喷气成因热水沉积成矿理论研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要回顾了海底喷气成因热水沉积成矿理论发展的3个阶段,概述了海底喷气矿床分类、成矿模式、成矿规律等方面的研究现状。结合国内外新动向,提出要从整体沉积成矿盆地的岩石圈动力学成矿、地史成矿、流体动力学成矿和生物成矿等方面深入进行研究,以提高对海底喷气矿床综合预测和定量评阶的能力。  相似文献   

地球各向异性介质中地震波动理论、检测与应用研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
地下岩石的各向异性主要表现在地震波速度随传播方向发生变化,不同类型体波间相互耦合,横波发生分裂,波速度频散依赖于传播方向等。薄互层与裂隙定向分布等产生视各向异性,它在石油地震勘探、地震预测和岩石圈物理与动力学研究中有极大潜力和应用前景,并受到广泛重视。为此,文中讨论了地震各向异性研究在解决地球科学问题中的重要性与必要性;系统地介绍了中国在地震各向异性研究领域的各个方面,如波动传播、波场激发、数值模拟、偏移与反演成像,以及应用于油气资源探测、深部地球物理研究和地质灾害监测等方面所取得的新进展。结合笔者参加的第八届地震各向异性国际学术讨论会,及SEG,IASPEI,IUGG等有关学术会议情况,综述了国际上在该领域内的主要成果与发展动向,分析了国际上各国地震各向异性研究现状及存在问题,并对我国在该领域研究的进一步开展提供了主攻问题与相应建议。  相似文献   

海上多波多分量地震技术新进展与发展方向   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
中国海洋石油领域开展了首次海上多波多分量地震试验。试验效果是不错的,主要表现在烃类检测和模糊区成像上。同时充分利用已有资料对方位各向异性进行了初步的研究和探讨。从纵横波剖面的对比和频谱分析结果看,浅层横波的纵向分辨率高于纵波,中深层二者差不多。我国在多波的基础性研究方面还很欠缺,在许多方面还有待加强。  相似文献   

A series of wave‐flume experiments was conducted to closely look at characteristics of geometry and migration of wave‐generated ripples, with particular reference to the effect of velocity ‘hiatuses’ during which the near‐bed flow velocity becomes much smaller than the threshold of sediment movement. Three types of wave patterns were generated: two types for simulating waves with intervening velocity hiatuses; and regular waves for comparison purposes. In the former two types, two different wavelengths of water waves were generated alternately in the course of a wave test: the wave with a longer wavelength was set large enough to mobilize the bottom sediment, whereas the wave with a shorter wavelength was set too small to mobilize the sediment. The former two types were designed to be different in sequence of convexity and concavity of wave patterns. The sequence with the convex–concave longer wave and successive convex–concave shorter wave was described as a ‘zero‐up‐crossing’ wave pattern, and the inverse sequence was described as a ‘zero‐down‐crossing’ wave pattern. The ripples developed under oscillatory flow with intervening hiatuses manifested the following characteristics in geometry and migration. (i) The morphological characteristics of ripples, namely wavelength, height and the ripple steepness, are unaffected by the intervening hiatuses of velocity. (ii) The directions of ripple migration under the zero‐up‐crossing and zero‐down‐crossing wave patterns corresponded well with the directions of the flow immediately before onset of the hiatuses. (iii) The observation of sand particle movement on the ripple surface indicated that, under the zero‐up‐crossing waves, the velocity hiatus prevents the entrained sediment cloud from being thrown onshore, and thus the sediment grains thrown onshore are fewer than those thrown offshore. As a result of the sediment movement over one wave‐cycle, the net sediment transport is directed offshore under the zero‐up‐crossing wave pattern. (iv) The velocity of ripple migration was highly correlated with acceleration skewness. Under most of the zero‐up‐crossing (zero‐down‐crossing) wave patterns, flow acceleration skewed negative (positive) and ripples migrated offshore (onshore).  相似文献   

The ridge and swale topography of the Middle Atlantic Bight is best developed on the Delaware-Maryland inner shelf. Here sand ridges can be seen in all stages of formation. Several aspects of the ridge field are pertinent to the problem of ridge genesis. The first is ridge morphology. There is a systematic morphologic change from shoreface ridges through nearshore ridges to offshore ridges, which reflects the changing hydraulic regime. As successively more seaward ridges are examined, maximum side slope decreases, the ratio of maximum seaward slope to maximum landward slope decreases, and the cross-sectional area increases. These changes in ridge morphology with depth and distance from shore appear to be equivalent to the morphologic changes experienced by a single ridge during the course of the Holocene transgression. A second aspect is the change in bottom sediment characteristics that accompanies these large-scale morphologic changes. Megaripples, sand waves and mud lenses appear in the troughs between nearshore and offshore ridges. These changes indicate that the storm flows which maintain ridges are less frequently experienced in the deeper sector, and that the role of high-frequency wave surge becomes less important relative to the role of the mean flow component in shaping the sea-floor. A third aspect is the systematic relationship of grain size to topography. Grain size is 90° out of phase with topography, so that the coarsest sand lies between the axis of the landward trough and the ridge crest, while the finest sand lies between the ridge crest and the axis of the seaward trough. This relationship is characteristic of large-scale bedforms. Finally, flow was measured and transport calculated on the same ridge during a one-month period (November 1976). Threshold was exceeded only during storm events. Mean transport was southerly and a little seaward with respect to both the ridge crest and the shoreline. These flow measurements are in conformity with the pattern of smaller bedforms. A 43-year time series of bathymetric change for this ridge reveals a systematic pattern of landward flank erosion, seaward flank deposition, and seaward crest migration. Sand ridges are considered the consequence of constructive feedback between an initial topography and the resulting distribution of bottom shear stress. The relationship between grain size and topography supports this model, but does not account directly for the oblique angle of the ridge with respect to the coastline. This feature may be due to a more rapid alongshore migration rate of the inshore edge of the ridge than the offshore edge, and the relationship between this migration rate, and the rate of shoreface retreat.  相似文献   

为油气成烃成藏定量研究,特别为油田剥蚀量的计算,需要建立新生代天文地层年代表。该表的数据是立足于天文学"米氏旋回假说"中地球轨道三要素的周期性和准周期性变化,求出各组(段或亚段)地质年龄。计算方法是选定泌阳凹陷11口井从大仓房组至凤凰镇组的地层分层、测井曲线数据等作频谱分析,寻找响应0.405Myr周期中的最大优势旋回和提出的三个‘基准面'的绝对年龄值。研究和计算的最后成果年龄为:1)大仓房组‘红层'顶/核三4亚段底是以邻近渤海湾盆地东营凹陷沙四下亚段‘红层'顶42.671Ma作为年龄对比和标定,向上计算出核三3亚段底为40.951Ma、核三3~1亚段顶为36.490Ma,核二段的顶为34.845Ma;2)廖庄组底/核一段之间是以邻近渤海湾盆地东营凹陷东营组底32Ma计算的数据作对比和标定,向下计算出核一段底的年龄为34.468Ma,核二段/核一段之间可能为一个大约时长为0.4Myr的小剥蚀面;向上计算廖庄组现有顶平均年龄为26.811Ma,即泌阳凹陷廖庄组全沉积的顶在中新世23.03Ma,地质构造上升和沉积回剥时间平均为3.781Myr;3)平原组底界的年龄标定为目前"国际地层表"(2004)中年龄为2.588Ma,向下计算出凤凰镇组底界平均年龄为4.155Ma。  相似文献   

新构造运动在塔里木盆地演化中作用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
王跃  董光荣 《地质论评》1992,38(5):426-430
在第四纪以来的新构造运动的影响下,塔里木盆地逐渐向封闭的干旱盆地演化。由于波动式的新构造运动在每阶段表现的形式有差异,因而盆地的演化也相应表现出明显的阶段性。该盆地新构造运动大致经历了上新世末—早更新世、早更新世末—中更新世以及晚更新世三个阶段,其中以早更新世末的一次构造运动对盆地的地貌影响最大。新构造运动是由印度板块和欧亚板块挤压引起的,故塔里木盆地与青藏高原的演化阶段在时间上大致吻合。  相似文献   

High-angle stratification (greater than 20°) is produced in several areas of shallow marine sedimentation along the barrier islands of the central Georgia coast. The maximum angle of inclination is 30° which is the angle of repose for the saturated, fine-grained, angular sand of this area. High-angle stratification forms in the following locations: (1) The depositional margin of tidal channel inlets. Under some wave and current conditions, sand accumulates near low tide level and steepens the depositional interface to the angle of repose. (2) The steep face of asymmetrical megaripples developed by tidal currents. Ripples with amplitudes as much as 3 ft. and wave lengths of 20–40 ft. commonly develop in channel inlets and other areas of sand sediments. (3) The steep face of sand waves formed in channel inlets. These large asymmetrical ripples have amplitudes as great as 12 ft. and wave lengths of ca. 300 ft. Lengths along the crests are over 600 ft. (4) The landward side of low bars developed on the beach. Bars and troughs (ridges and runnels) are common on the beaches of this area. The bars, which are as much as 5 ft. high, shift landward by deposition on the steep landward face. (5) The oceanward side of large sand waves at the mouth of offshore tidal channels. Large sand waves are located 6 miles offshore from Doboy Sound inlet in 20–25 ft. of water. The steep face of these asymmetrical sand waves is orientated toward the ocean. Amplitude of these large ripples is as much as 17 ft. and length along the crests is over 1/2 mile.  相似文献   

孤立波在近岸地区会引起剧烈的泥沙运动,导致采用淹没式桩基础的近海建筑物周围发生局部冲刷,严重影响近海建筑物的稳定性。采用中值粒径为0.22 mm的均匀沙在波浪水槽中布置平底沙床,在两种不同桩径条件下,对孤立波作用下淹没桩周围的冲刷发展过程进行了记录分析,探讨入射波高及淹没率对局部冲刷的影响,并从冲刷形态方面对比分析了孤立波与单向水流、规则波作用下局部冲刷的异同。结果表明:在相同淹没率条件下,随着入射波高的增大,桩周冲刷形态由双喇叭型向瞬态型冲刷形态发展;在相同入射波高条件下,桩高与桩径比h_c/D位于1~7范围内,淹没率对桩前最大冲刷深度影响不大,而桩后最大冲刷深度随淹没率增大而减小,并给出了淹没因子K_s与淹没率的多项关系曲线;孤立波与单向流作用下的淹没桩周围地形变化相似,而与小周期规则波作用下的地形变化差异较大。对实测数据进行多元回归得到冲刷深度的综合计算公式,经验证该公式计算值与实测值最大误差不超过7%。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the propagation, reflection and transmission of shear waves in monoclinic media. The dispersion equation for a monoclinic layer overlying a monoclinic half-space has been obtained and curves are plotted. The amplitude ratios for both the reflected and transmitted waves due to reflection of shear waves at the interface of two monoclinic half-spaces have also been computed and the numerical results are presented graphically. The results are compared with the isotropic case. It has been observed that, in monoclinic media, the amplitude ratios for reflected and transmitted wave increases approximately by 25 and 50 per cent respectively, in comparison to the isotropic case. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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