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关于对虾池混养中的几个问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王岩 《台湾海峡》1999,18(1):106-112
在两年围隔实验的基础上讨论了对虾池混养中存在的几个问题,认为:(1)虾池混养能够提高养殖产量和池塘氮磷的利用率,有助于缓解养殖对环境的污染,但由于养殖种类在池塘氮磷收支所占的比例很小,仅靠混养还不能彻底解决养殖污染问题;(2)罗非鱼与海产贝类的食物灶存在一定的分化。二者对虾池水质的影响具有互补性,因此虾鱼贝混养较虾鱼混养或虾贝混养效果更好。(3)对多个池塘组成的养殖系统的总体优化应是今后虾池生态系统结构优化研究的重要内容。  相似文献   

为了探究经过15年种间竞争后的外来无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)与乡土红树植物秋茄(Kandelia obovata)的群落现状与发展趋势,采用样方法对福建省厦门市同安湾典型红树林群落特征开展实地研究。结果表明:(1)无瓣海桑是无瓣海桑群落中的优势种,而秋茄仅在该群落北侧与无瓣海桑少量混交,秋茄+无瓣海桑群落为种植秋茄和无瓣海桑的茂密混交林;(2)调查幼苗天然更新情况中发现,在两个群落中秋茄均有幼苗自然生长,但均未发现无瓣海桑幼苗;(3)生长状况的调查发现,无瓣海桑长势较秋茄差,其倒伏数量和倒伏程度明显比秋茄严重;(4)无瓣海桑在秋茄+无瓣海桑群落中的生长状况优于在无瓣海桑群落,倒伏程度较轻。综上可见,无瓣海桑在福建省厦门市该研究样地及其周边更新成林和扩散困难,未有入侵秋茄群落的优势;无瓣海桑在风浪环境下,较秋茄更易出现倒伏和枯死等不可逆生长现象;红树林种植过程中采用"外来种+乡土种"的模式,可提高整个林分的抗风浪能力,但需注意种植布局规格的合理性,可避免外来速生快长种与乡土种紧邻混交产生较大的种间竞争,减小对乡土种生长的影响。  相似文献   

人工养虾池生态系统结构特点及其控制对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
崔玉珩 《海洋科学》1994,18(2):64-65
为养殖对虾而修筑的大大小小的养虾池都是一相对独立的生态系统。在池内生态条件适于对虾正常要求的情况下,对虾可以在其中生存、生长。如果生态条件逐步恶化,非但影响对虾的正常生活、生长,严重时甚至导致全部对虾死亡。粗放式的养殖,其影响也相对小些,高密度养殖情况下潜在的危险较大,对养殖池的环境状况要特别注意。l人工养虾生态系统的基本特点1·1人工养殖池是一个结构简单的生态系统。在池内除放养的对虾(有时混养贝类等)外自然存在的生物通常是浮游植物和浮游动物,食物链大体上是二个层次(对虾靠投饵喂养例外)。养虾池…  相似文献   

潮汐淹水时间对秋茄幼苗生长的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
陈鹭真  王文卿  林鹏 《海洋学报》2005,27(2):141-147
模拟正规半日潮淹水的条件下,不同淹水时间对秋茄[Kandelia candel(L.)Druce]幼苗生长的影响.应用沙和土两种培养基质,制备盐度为15的人工海水栽培幼苗培养时间为70 d.不淹水(0 h)和长时间淹水(>8 h)对秋茄幼苗的生长有一定的抑制作用,而短时间淹水(淹水2~4 h)对幼苗生长有所促进.较长时间的淹水可促进贮气根的数量增加和长度的增长.在当前培养条件下,秋茄幼苗生长的最佳淹水时间是每个潮水循环淹水2~4 h.2 h处理的沙培秋茄幼苗总生物量和成熟叶面积最大,胚轴失重最小,土培幼苗也有相应的变化趋势.秋茄幼苗生长的临界淹水时间是每个潮水循环淹水8 h.秋茄幼苗有较强的抗淹水能力,适当的淹水对其生长有利.  相似文献   

北部湾大风江与南流江河口红树林空间分布格局研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
生长在潮间带的红树植物在河口植物群落构成、海岸防风消浪中具有重要价值。本文基于本地种桐花树胚胎浸泡下沉实验与北部湾南流江和大风江河口段水体盐度、沿线潮间带植物群落结构与地貌分析,探讨红树林在河口空间分布及影响因素。结果主要表明:南流江河口和大风江河口红树林自海向陆基本展现“红树林纯林(桐花树、秋茄、无瓣海桑种类混生)→红树植物与半红树植物(黄槿、苦朗等)混生→红树植物、半红树植物与非红树植物混生→红树植物镶嵌→稀疏红树林小苗”的分布格局,但大风江河口向陆界限主要以红树、红树幼苗及半红树混生为主。此外,红树被浸淹时长是控制河口红树空间分布结构的主要因素。潮水上溯时长影响红树向陆生长的极限位置,宜林滩地是红树发育生长的必要条件。  相似文献   

增氧机在国内外淡水渔业中早已得到广泛应用[1,3],台湾及东南亚一些进行集约化养殖对虾的地区和国家,也在虾池中使用增氧机。目前我国有的地区在养虾中也有所应用。本文就虾池中如何正确使用增氧机及效果进行报道。1使用方法试验所用增氧机为中国水产科学研究院渔业工程研究所研制的1.5kw螺旋桨水流增氧机[2]。试验地点为牟平县宁海镇养虾场。1991年在养虾三区1号池(8亩,长180m,宽29.6m)安装了2台,以相邻的2号池(35亩)作对照池。1992年在养虾一区10号池(35亩,长400m,宽58.3m…  相似文献   

①对养殖池塘底质的研究目前尚较少[2]。由于放养生物对投入的饵料和肥料的利用率很低,经过多年养殖的池塘底部往往会形成很厚的淤泥,底泥中有机质大量积累后容易形成厌氧微环境[3],对底栖生活的养殖种类造成危害,因此,减轻养虾池底质中有机质的积累是改善对虾养殖环境的重要内容。作者1995,1996年进行了两次围隔养殖实验。本文初步讨论了不同养殖方式对海水实验围隔底泥中有机碳和氮磷含量的影响,以期为今后对虾池养殖生态系统结构优化提供基础资料。1材料和方法实验的时间、地点、围隔构造以及放养和管理的有关细节…  相似文献   

在养虾规模比较大的浅海、内湾,受虾池排污影响,出现了一些生态现象。例如,初级生产力提高,渔业资源量(特别是一些滤食性贝类)明显增长,养殖扇贝生长快,肥满度高,产量增加。由此人们有理由联想,鱼、虾、贝混养有可能很好地生长,而受虾池排污影响的浅海、内湾似乎更不应有问题。同时,  相似文献   

以秋茄(Kandelia candel L.Druce)幼苗为材料,在全日潮海区广西英罗湾开展为期5个月的野外梯度淹水胁迫实验。3座平台作为重复,每座设置8个梯度,相邻高程组间的高度相差10cm。实验5个月后测定幼苗的生长状况和一些生理指标。结果表明:秋茄幼苗的生长高度、节数、叶数和大根数这4个外部形态特征指标的最大值均出现在360cm高程组。生长高度、节数、叶数的曲线较为一致,幼苗大根数的略有不同,但总体上可看出太低的高程均不利于这4个指标的增长。叶面积对淹水胁迫的反应与叶数一致,但高程组之间的差异更大。叶绿素含量则表现长时间淹水胁迫促进含量增高。在任一高程组,秋茄幼苗各新生器官生物量分配均表现为:茎>根>叶。各新生器官及全株生物量的最大值出现在360cm高程组,它们的干重曲线表现比较一致。幼苗根系中的活性氧清除酶类活性均高于叶片。根系中SOD酶和POD酶的分布规律较为一致,都以360cm高程组的活性最高。叶片中SOD酶和POD酶的变化则相反,叶片SOD酶随高程增大而降低,POD酶则随高程增大而增大。根系中活性氧清除酶类活性的水平与幼苗全株生物量的关系均呈显著相关,叶片中的则无此相关性。360cm及以上高程组幼苗全部存活,较低高程组有部分死亡。综合本文实验结果,可初步判断北部湾沿海秋茄造林的滩涂高程不宜低于当地平均海平面。  相似文献   

互花米草入侵对闽东滨海湿地土壤有机碳的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨入侵种互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)对闽东滨海红树林湿地生态系统的影响,揭示互花米草的入侵机制,采用空间替代时间的研究方法,对闽东滨海湿地互花米草入侵不同阶段的群落类型(秋茄(Kandelia candel)红树林群落、秋茄红树林-互花米草共生群落、互花米草群落和光滩)土壤有机碳(TOC)的演化进行研究。结果表明:1)水平变化:4个不同入侵阶段TOC大小次序为:秋茄红树林群落秋茄-互花米草群落互花米草群落光滩,且秋茄红树林群落0-60cm土层深度有机碳平均值24.8g·kg~(-1),互花米草群落则为11.73g·kg~(-1),说明互花米草入侵闽东滨海红树林湿地有可能大大削弱该生态系统的碳汇功能。4个不同群落类型0-20cm土层深度的TOC不具有显著性差异(P0.05),但20-40cm、40-60cm土层深度具有显著性差异(P0.05);2)垂直变化:除互花米草群落TOC在40-60cm土层达到最大外(P0.05),其他3个群落类型都是在20-40cm土层深度达到最大(P0.05);3)相关性:土壤容重与土壤含水量存在极显著的负相关性(P0.01),TOC和土壤容重存在极显著的负相关性(P0.01),TOC与土壤含水量存在极显著的正相关性(P0.01)。  相似文献   

Extensive shrimp ponds are located next to the landward edges of most of mangrove forests in China. A shrimp pond may influence mangroves by(1) routine effluent between pond and tide, and(2) dredging effluent from pond-dredging at least once a year. Our study consisted of two experiments to study the effects of these two effluents on the seedling growth of Kandelia obovata. One experiment simulated the effects of routine effluents.The other simulated four sedimentation thicknesses(0 cm, 2 cm, 4 cm, 8 cm) over mangrove soils by dredging effluent from pond-dredging, and revealed the cumulative effects of dredging effluents on K. obovata. At each of the three fixed salinities, i.e., 5, 15 and 25, routine effluent did not result in significant differences in each of the measured growth parameters of K. obovata seedlings. However, effects of dredging effluent on seedling growth of K. obovata were related with sedimentation thickness. Most growth parameters showed maximum values at sedimentation thickness 4 cm. The data indicated that K. obovata accelerated its growth under moderate sedimentation thicknesses and it was tolerant and adaptable to shrimp pond-cleaning effluent sediments up to about 8 cm in our experiment.  相似文献   

Coral reefs along the Malacca Straits (MS) are poorly developed mainly due to turbidity and sedimentation. This study describes the health status and community structure of the corals in Cape Rachado, West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia (WCPM), utilizing the Coral Video Transect (CVT) technique. All the survey transects were categorized as ‘fair’ coral conditions (27.39 ± 5.41%–48.56 ± 18.96%) with the reef floor mainly covered by corals and sediment. Twelve families of coral comprised of 25 distinct genera were identified. Coral communities were differentiated into four clusters with each being predominated by Galaxea, Diploastrea, Fungia and Pectinia respectively. Among all, Pectinia is the most spectacular genera and dominated the survey area. Along the MS, Favia, Favites and Porites are commonly found while Porites and Pectinia dominated the reefs. Low coral cover and diversity was recorded in MS as compared to the reefs in the South China Sea (SCS). The most prominent results include changes in the dominant coral from Porites to Pectinia while some species such as Acropora were absent from the study area. Based on the presented data, the reef in the study area was predominantly occupied by sediment and the coral communities were formed by a species with a high tolerance to turbidity and sedimentation.  相似文献   

The present investigation was targeted at diatom composition studies in the surface sediments (0–1 cm) sampled in the Sea of Okhotsk and the northwest Pacific in the depth range from 130 to 6110 m. The taxonomic analysis, as well as the quantitative (the diatom cell abundance per sediment dry weight unit) content and ecological group definition, was applied. Ten diatom taxa are the main body (80–100%) of the diatom assemblages: Bacterosira bathyomphala, Chaetoceros spp. (spores), Actinocyclus curvatulus, Thalassiosira latimarginata (group), T. antarctica (spores), Neodenticula seminae, Rhizosolenia hebetata f. hiemalis, Thalassiothrix longissima, Coscinodiscus marginatus, Coscinodiscus oculus iridis. The relative content of these species reflects the sedimentation conditions for different parts of the sea: the shelf, the continental slope, the open sea, and the ocean. The highest diatom content (45.6.3–60.0 106 per g of dry weight) was found for the surface sediments in the central part of the Sea of Okhotsk and the continental slope of western Kamchatka.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll a concentration (Cchl a) in the Sea of Azov is estimated by the two-band NIR-red algorithm [34] from MERIS images for 2002–2012. The sea-truth spectrophotometric measurements and MERIS remote estimates of Cchl a are compared. The monthly average Cchl a values are mapped from MERIS data for its lifetime for the first time. The features of the spatiotemporal distribution of Cchl a are ascertained. Differences between the seasonal dynamics of Cchl a in the Sea of Azov according to the literature data and the dynamics derived from MERIS data are found, namely: the summer–autumn phytoplankton growth period is longer than the spring period and is characterized by higher Cchl a values throughout the water area.  相似文献   

The deviations of the marine surface slope spectra (measured using an array of wave gauge sensors) from the theoretical estimates obtained using the linear spectral model of the wave field are analyzed. It has been indicated that the average measured full slope spectra (the sum of the slope component spectra in the orthogonal directions) is higher than the theoretical estimates by 6% at frequencies from the surface wave spectral peak (f m ) to 4.5 f m . The difference between the measured and theoretical estimates of the full slope spectrum rapidly increases at frequencies of f < f m . At f m ≈ 0.75 f m , the average measured full slope spectrum is higher than the theoretical estimate by a factor of more than 5.  相似文献   

The species compositions of the genus Chironomus in the Curonian and Vistula lagoons are very similar, represented by Ch. plumosus and Ch. balatonicus. In the Curonian Lagoon, in addition to these two species, Ch. muratensis and the first-generation interspecific hybrid Ch. muratensis × Ch. plumosus are also found. In this lagoon, Ch. plumosus occurs most frequently (84%); Ch. balatonicus is considered a subdominant species (24%). In the Vistula Lagoon, on the contrary, the high frequency of occurrence is typical of Ch. balatonicus (89%); for Ch. plumosus, it reaches only 11%. The Ch. plumosus population occupies most of the Curonian Lagoon; Ch. balatonicus is present only in its northern part, from the village of Juodkrante to the city of Klaipeda. In the Vistula Lagoon, Ch. balatonicus is distributed over almost its entire area, while Ch. plumosus is found locally, only near the mouth of the Nogat River. The distribution of the sibling species in the lagoons is determined by the salinity gradient.  相似文献   

Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms that function as primary producers in aquatic ecosystems. Some species of microalgae undergo rapid growth and cause harmful blooms in marine ecosystems. Heterocapsa triquetra is one of the most common bloom-forming species in estuarine and coastal waters worldwide. Although this species does not produce toxins, unlike some other Heterocapsa species, the high density of its blooms can cause significant ecological damage. We developed a H. triquetra species-specific nuclease protection assay sandwich hybridization (NPA-SH) probe that targets the large subunit of ribosomal RNA (LSU rRNA). We tested probe specificity and sensitivity with five other dinoflagellates that also cause red tides. Our assay detected H. triquetra at a concentration of 1.5×104 cells/mL, more sensitive than required for a red-tide guidance warning by the Korea Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries in 2015 (3.0×104 cells/mL). We also used the NPA-SH assay to monitor H. triquetra in the Tongyeong region of the southern sea area of Korea during 2014. This method could detect H. triquetra cells within 3 h. Our assay is useful for monitoring H. triquetra under field conditions.  相似文献   

Based on specimens collected in Yinggehai, Hainan, China from 2013 to 2016, a stable epiphytic taxon is found on the surface of the individual of marine green alga Cladophora aokii Yamada. According to the morphological characteristics, the taxonomy of Cl. aokii and its epiphytes is carried out. There are some epiphytes attached on Cl. aokii Yamada including Cl. fascicularis(Mertens ex C. Agardh) Kützing, Chaetomorpha pachynema(Montagne) Kützing, Ceramium camouii Dawson, Licmophora abbreviata Agardh, Lyngbya sp. and Chattonella sp.. The formation of the individual of Cl. aokii is dissected and explained, which can help to analyze the adaption in details among this species, its epiphytes and native marine environment. The results reveal the marine macroepiphytic taxonomy in Hainan, China, and preliminarily explain the adaptive relationship between macroalgae and environment.  相似文献   

东印度洋现生浮游有孔虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A brief morphometric study of the recent planktonic foraminifera in the eastern Indian Ocean was provided with the taxonomic key to species,synonyms,SEM microphotographs of shells and chamber arrays.By recent classification,currently 20 species representing 13 genera and 6 families(Canderinidae,Heterohelicoidae,Hedbergellidae,Higerigerinoidae,Globigerinoidae,and Globorotaloidae)identified from the planktonic material of the eastern Indian Ocean up to a depth of 200 m.Their distribution in water(0–200 m)also reports on the new range of expansion in the eastern Indian Ocean,with Dentigloborotalia anfracta,Hastigerina pelagica,Streptochilus globigerus,Globigerinella calida,Globigerinella adamsi,Orcadia reidelii,Tenuitella parkerae,Tenuitella compressa,reported for the first time in this study area.In general,only around 50 planktonic species are valid worldwide,more specifically the species,e.g.,H.pelagica,G.calida,G.adamsi,S.globigerus,O.riedeli,T.parkerae,T.compressa,which occur in the eastern Indian Ocean to fill the the paucity of the recent regional taxonomic literature and the problematic identification from the eastern Indian Ocean.This work aims to bridge this gap and help scientists,managers,educators and students to identify plankton foraminifers by using species notes and images.  相似文献   

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