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中国古地图遗产与文化价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁启章  齐清文  姜莉莉  张岸  梁迅 《地理学报》2016,71(10):1833-1848
中国古地图学创于公元三世纪《西晋·裴秀传》提出的“制图之体有六焉”,被西方誉为中国地图学之父的裴秀(西晋司空),领衔制作了《禹贡地域图》十八篇和《地形方丈图》(公元224-271年)。其后的1600年间,先后完成了一批著名的中国古地图,例如南朝大臣谢庄领衔完成的”木方丈图”(公元502-557年)、隋炀帝命学者崔绩(550-618年)撰《区宇图志》(公元581-600年)、唐朝宰相贾耽领衔绘制《海内华夷图》(公元730-805年)、北宋科学家沈括领衔绘制《守令图》(公元1031-1095年)、南宋礼部尚书黄裳绘制《苏州石刻天文图》原图(公元1190年)、元代玄教宗师朱思本制作《舆地图》(公元1273-1333年)、明代航海家郑和领衔完成《郑和航海图》与地理学家罗洪先领衔制作《广舆图》(公元1504-1564年)、明代天文学家徐光启等完成的《恒星屏障图》、清代高邮知州魏源受林则徐委托编撰《海国图志》(公元1842-1852年)等,继承与发展了独特的中国古代地图学,即使西方经纬度制图技术于公元1584-1600年前后传至中国,启动了中西地图融合发展,中西两种制图理论和方法并行地使用了400余年。闻名中外的中国古地图,包括古天文图、世界图、中国图、航海图、区域图、水利图、军事图、风景名胜图、历史图、教育图等,迄今仍被国内外著名藏图机构分散地保存着,构成了世界古地图文化遗产中的重要组成部分,具有十分珍贵的文化价值,值得进一步深入探讨、挖掘和利用。本文最后初步地探讨了中国古地图的稀有价值、应用价值、历史价值、科学价值和艺术价值。  相似文献   

Sketch mapping has been an important data collection technique for geographers since the 1960s. Structured sketch mapping requires participants to draw spatial data onto a base map containing cartographic information, in order to assist with spatial referencing. A concern that base map characteristics may influence sketch map content has been raised repeatedly in the research literature. However little scholarly attention has been paid to systematically testing the effect of base maps.This paper aims to test the effects of base map size and imagery on structured sketch maps of avoidance behaviour in university students. Using an experimental design, 272 sketch maps were compared for differences in: sketch map style; the location of collective avoidance hotspots; the extent of the reported area avoided; the number of reported areas avoided; the intensity of avoidance; and the tortuosity of sketch map features.No significant differences were found between base maps in sketch map style or the size, intensity or number of areas avoided. Provision of larger base maps caused respondents to draw more detailed sketch maps. Collective avoidance hotspots shifted location slightly between base maps, probably due to difficulties interpreting aerial photographs.Sketch map content appears to be remarkably robust to changes in base map. Base maps appear to assist respondents with spatial referencing rather than cueing respondents to report specific features.  相似文献   

Ancient Chinese cartography dates back to the Western Jin Dynasty in the third century. Cartography was initiated during this period by Pei Xiu, a minister and cartographic expert, who suggested six principles of cartography. Pei Xiu, who is known as the father of Chinese cartography, oversaw the completion of the “Yu Gong Regional Maps”, along with 18 articles and the “Terrain Fangzhang Map” (AD 224–271). This led to a number of subsequent cartographic initiatives including the “Wooden Fangzhang Map” (an administrative map) which was completed by Xie Zhuang, a minister during the Southern Dynasties (AD 502–557), “Haineihuayi Tu” (Map of China and its neighbouring countries) (AD 730–805), drawn by Jia Dan, a cartographer of the Tang Dynasty, and “Shouling Tu” (an administrative map, AD 1031–1095), drawn by Shen Kuo, a scientist during the Northern Song Dynasty. Throughout the 16th century, ancient Chinese cartography developed continuously and cumulatively, and formed the specific characteristics of China ancient cartography. Although Western latitude- based and longitude-based mapping techniques introduced to China in AD 1460, the theories and methods of Chinese and Western mapping systems co-existed for over 400 years. The cultural heritage of Chinese cartography can be seen in many famous ancient Chinese maps, including astronomical figures and atlases (world, Chinese, regional, military, water conservancy, historical, and educational maps), charts, and maps of scenic spots. These have hitherto been kept in well-known archives and institutions across the world. They form an important part of the global cultural heritage of ancient maps and cartography. Given their high cultural value, these maps remain an important point of study. This paper provides a preliminary discussion on the rarity, application, and the historical, scientific, and artistic value of ancient Chinese maps.  相似文献   

Insufficient spatial coverage of existing land-cover data is a common limitation to timely and effective spatial analysis. Achieving spatial completeness of land-cover data is the most challenging for large study areas which straddle ecological or administrative boundaries, and where individuals and agencies lack access to, and the means to process, raw data from which to derive spatially complete land-cover maps. In many cases, various sources of secondary data are available, so that land-cover map assimilation and synthesis can resolve this research problem. The following paper develops a reliable and repeatable framework for assimilating and synthesizing pre-classified data sets. Assimilation is achieved through data reformatting and map legend reconciliation in the context of a specific application. Individual maps are assessed for accuracy at various geographic scales and levels of thematic precision, with an emphasis on the ‘area of overlap’, in order to extract information that guides the synthesis process. The quality of the synthesized land-cover data set is evaluated using advanced accuracy assessment methods, including a measure describing the ‘magnitude of disagreement’. This method is applied to derive a seamless thematic map of the land cover of eastern Ontario from two disparate map series. The importance of assessing data quality throughout the process using multiple reference data sets is highlighted, and limitations of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

A generic problem associated with different land cover maps that cover the same geographical area is the use of different legend categories. There may be disagreement in many areas when comparing different land cover products even though the legend shows the same or very similar land cover class. To capture the uncertainty associated with both differences in the legend and the difficulty in classification when comparing two land cover maps, expert knowledge and a fuzzy logic framework are used to map the fuzzy agreement. The methodology is illustrated by comparing the Global Land Cover 2000 data set and the MODIS global land cover product. Overall accuracy measures are calculated, and the spatial fuzzy agreement between the two land cover products is provided. This approach can be used to improve the overall confidence in a land cover product, since areas of severe disagreement can be highlighted, and areas can be identified that require further attention and possible re-mapping.  相似文献   

Dot mapping is a traditional method for visualizing quantitative data, but current automated dot mapping techniques are limited. The most common automated method places dots pseudo-randomly within enumeration areas, which can result in overlapping dots and very dense dot clusters for areas with large values. These issues affect users’ ability to estimate values. Graduated dot maps use dots with different sizes that represent different values. With graduated dot maps the number of dots on a map is smaller, reducing the likelihood of overlapping dots. This research introduces an automated method of generating graduated dot maps that arranges dots with blue-noise patterns to avoid overlap and uses clustering algorithms to replace densely packed dots with those of larger sizes. A user study comparing graduated dot maps, pseudo-random dot maps, blue-noise dot maps and proportional circle maps with almost 300 participants was conducted. Results indicate that map users can more accurately extract values from graduated dot maps than from the other map types. This is likely due to the smaller number of dots per enumeration area in graduated dot maps. Map users also appear to prefer graduated dot maps over other map types.  相似文献   

本文讨论了自然系列地图编制中的一个重要问题——自然界线之间的统一协调。作者通过对自然界线的定性、定量研究,阐述了自然界线及其相互联系的特征。并在此基础上提出了自然系列地图轮廓界线统一协调的主要方法和措施。  相似文献   

1:25万《毛乌素风沙地貌图》的编制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
风沙地貌图是认识和研究沙漠(沙地)最基本的图件。毛乌素沙漠沙丘类型复杂多样,对毛乌素沙漠风沙地貌进行详细划分,编制《毛乌素风沙地貌图》对深入研究毛乌素沙漠风沙地貌成因、分布和演化规律具有重要意义。根据编图范围和印刷纸张的要求,将《毛乌素风沙地貌图》的比例尺确定为1∶25万。选用1∶10万地形图作为基础资料,并以1∶5万地形图和1∶20万地质图作为补充资料;专题内容资料以landset-8卫星影像为主,结合Google Earth影像对部分细节内容进行补充。在形态成因相关分析的基础上建立地貌分类体系,将毛乌素沙漠地貌划分为风成地貌、湖成地貌、流水地貌、干燥地貌、黄土地貌和其他等6类,其中风成地貌是本图重点展示的内容。根据毛乌素沙漠的地貌特征,采用图例系统和地貌晕渲相结合的方法表示毛乌素沙漠的具体地貌类型,其中图例系统包括底色、符号、代码和注记等多种表示方法,地貌晕渲的使用增强了地貌的立体感,使地图看起来更加美观。  相似文献   

何光强    刘云刚   《地理学报》2022,77(4):818-834
地缘政治理论的提出和发展深刻烙印了地图的影响。在地缘政治发展史中,不同地图投影既服务于各思想家的理论提出,也深入到各思想家在不同时期对自身理论的动态修正。地图投影到底是如何参与到地缘政治理论构建过程中的?本文在既有地缘政治地图研究的基础上,从空间性和文本性两大地图基本属性出发,通过阐释并沟通地图的空间分析与话语分析功能,探讨地图投影与地缘政治理论构建间的关系。一方面,地图投影变形抽象后的心象地图框架为构建地缘政治理论提供了空间依托;另一方面,地图投影通过地图变形在复杂情境中聚集了丰富的文本性含义。在地图投影各层次文本性的互文(互补性叙事)下,新的地图话语得以产生并渗透进心象地图,具象式推动了地缘政治理论核心概念的生成和逻辑关系的构建。综合考虑麦金德的地图观影响,本文对麦金德“心脏地带”地缘政治思想变迁各阶段(1904年、1919年、1943年)地图投影透视的分析验证了该关系框架的解释力。这启示该分析框架在其他地缘政治理论研究中的潜在适用性,更期待在百年变局和复兴全局等交织下的复杂情境中,基于地图投影创新互文下的中国地缘政治理论构建。  相似文献   

Topographic maps are powerful tools for the purpose of identifying land use and cover change (LUCC) as they are among the most reliable representations of past landscapes for the time prior to the existence of aerial photography. In light of the increased availability of historical maps, we argue that there is a need for a standardized process to assess map comparability in a systematic way in order to avoid, or at least minimize, the detection of spurious landscape changes due to incompatible map series. A full understanding of map quality, background and error distributions is fundamental to attain reliable LUCC results. The conceptual framework presented in this study considers the context, distortion and cartographic generalization of topographic maps. Furthermore, it includes an approach to homogenize the level of generalization of landscape elements (e.g. forests) from maps with different scales. To demonstrate its application, we assessed the comparability of seven topographic maps from Canton Zurich covering a time span of 336 years (1664–2000). Overall, for the maps of Canton Zurich, a wall-to-wall comparison of forest cover based on the topographic maps presented here can be problematic for the oldest map from 1664. Based on the results, a wall-to-wall comparison with the later maps is not recommended, due to its substantial distortion. Yet, after re-generalization of natural landscape elements, such as forests, a comparison based on landscape indices is possible, even for the oldest map. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that maps from the mid-19th century onward possess an acceptable level of accuracy. This framework can be applied to a wide range of maps at regional, national, or global levels, providing the opportunity to look at land cover history over multiple centuries.  相似文献   


Crucial aspects of the referent phenomena which provide the subject matter for cartographic symbolism are often overlooked by map interpreters in their haste to “read maps at a glance.” The blame rests largely on those practitioners of the environmental sciences who stress the simple, intuitive nature of maps, while effectively ignoring the true complexity of the cartographic communication process. Those persons who are responsible for traditional map interpretation training programs are also at fault for implying, through long emphasis, that symbol identification, position location, and navigation constitute the essence of map analysis. The intuitive acceptability of map symbols in spite of their abstract character is also a deceptive factor. The fact that there is far “more than meets the eye” to map interpretation is easily demonstrated by looking closely at several basic cartographic symbols. In order to become an effective map user the environmental scientist apparently must go well beyond the mastery of conventional map reading principles and learn to deal with diverse informational dimensions in the context of the map use purpose and the physical/cultural make-up of the geographical region under study.  相似文献   

地理信息可视化中的二元方法论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩雪培  李满春  徐建刚 《地理研究》2008,27(5):1087-1096
作为一种方法论的探索,以二元分析为基本方法,初步探讨和形成了地理信息可视化二元概念模型 ,力求构建一个简单的、易于被人们理解和接受的地理信息可视化理论框架。文章首先从地理学、语言学、哲学等方面阐述了二元方法论的理论基础,然后以符号语言学为范式,从地理信息可视化的所指与能指两个方面展开,阐述地理信息可视化二元方法论的主要内容;最后得出结论。研究表明:①地理信息具有二元性,它包括时间与空间二元 、瞬时与历时二元、空间几何与空间属性二元、定性与定量二元;②地图设计也具有二元性,它们是地图整体样式与个体符号二元、符号外观与内在二元、形状与尺寸二元、色彩与纹理二元。  相似文献   

The position of linear elements on historical maps can be digitized and numerically compared with similar features on modern maps. This allows for the evaluation of amounts and rates of improvement in cartographic accuracy and of the primary sources used for the generation of subsequent maps. A case study of the Colorado-Green River system illustrates the method and documents the pace of improvement in the cartographic depiction of the river system as a function primarily of the historical pressures of westward expansion.  相似文献   

社会地图研究综述与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用地图方法研究社会空间已有较长历史,在不同的研究背景下形成了多种研究模式。近年来,大数据的出现和空间信息可视化技术的发展,不仅为社会地图的广泛应用提供了更多数据和方法支撑,也为社会空间的再认识提供了新的契机和可能。本文在对面向社会空间研究的国内外社会地图运用成果进行系统梳理的基础上, 将社会地图的研究应用归纳为要素呈现、问题解释和理论验证3个阶段,并对其具体应用内容、方法和数据形式进行了综述,总结为统计图、点值图、网格图、密度图等四种类型,并就社会地图在中国社会空间研究中的应用可能性及其方向进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   


Current geographical information systems (GIS) include functions to create cartographic output interactively or automatically. However, none of the systems presently incorporates mechanisms to ensure correct application of graphic functions. Many of today's users of GIS are not trained in the design and production of graphics and may create maps that confuse or mislead map users. Poorly-designed maps may obliterate the patterns in displayed information.

This article investigates ways to improve the quality of GIS graphical displays and increase their effectiveness for decision-making. Alternatives are presented for improving map design in GIS, ranging from non-technical efforts to enhancement of software functionality. Suggestions propose augmenting users' abilities to create maps in an automated environment, using an approach termed amplified intelligence: key decisions default explicitly to users, whose knowledge is amplified by a range of high-level tools to carry out map design operations automatically.  相似文献   

基于多源地图信息重组的土壤侵蚀背景值图编制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对土地利用图进行信息的挖掘,结合岛状地的界定,提取了其中的岛状地信息;与天然性程度的信息源进行融合,得到了天然岛状地信息;再与土壤侵蚀图、地貌图信息重组,最终得到了土壤侵蚀背景值信息,生成土壤侵蚀背景值图。通过在内蒙古农牧交错带内的试验研究,说明基于土地利用图、土壤侵蚀图和地貌图的多源地图信息重组,编制土壤侵蚀背景值图的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

While linguistic diversity is an integral component of cultural landscapes, the spatial depiction of languages fails to represent all community members. Language is difficult to map and established guidelines are lacking. The perception of power conveyed is arguably the most meaningful design issue in language mapping, as most language maps inaccurately show one language per place. This research examines the cartographic visualization of linguistic diversity, contributing to our understanding of the perception of power through cartographic decisions, with the application of a linguistic diversity index. The resulting maps serve as new figures for linguistic diversity lessons in educational contexts.  相似文献   

城市边界识别是定性和定量研究城市的基础和前提,已有的关于城市边界提取的研究大都需要提前设定阈值或依赖人口统计数据。基于分形几何学,利用矢量建筑物分布数据识别城市边界,虽可克服这一缺陷,但国内城市边界的研究往往受阻于矢量建筑物分布数据获取困难。本文提出了一种基于道路交叉点的邻域扩张曲线作为识别城市边界的新方法。结果表明:该方法以电子地图为数据源,基于道路交叉点矢量数据进行研究时,城市集群数据随搜索半径增大而改变,城市扩张曲线中的最佳距离阈值是提取城市边界的关键;提取成都、西安、武汉、南京和长沙城市边界的最佳距离阈值分别为133、114、139、124和129 m,各城市的集群面积分别为769、350、270、317和359 km2。利用道路交叉点提取城市边界,方法简便可行,数据较易获得,本文结论有望为城市形态发展演变和城市规划等相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Despite the growing practice of community mapping, empirical research remains limited. Extant studies have focused primarily on “counter‐maps” and indigenous maps, leaving many locally produced maps and their authors' perspectives unexplored. This article identifies the mapping process as critical to the definition and understanding of community mapping. It links critical cartography literature to goals of community‐mapping practitioners through themes of inclusion, transparency, and empowerment. The discussion highlights the social construction and practice of “community,” the relationship between maps and power, the definitional difficulties associated with community mapping, and the figurative and literal boundaries that constrain community cartography. Finally, it points to areas for further research and exploration.  相似文献   

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