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记述了产自河南汝阳盆地早白垩世晚期相互关联的禽龙类9个中前部尾椎椎体化石。由于化石只保存不完整的尾椎部分,其属种难以断定。但它的发现说明,汝阳巨型蜥脚类恐龙动物群中,除了植食性的大型蜥脚类恐龙外,也存在大型鸟脚类恐龙——禽龙类。保存的尾椎椎体系列与发现于比利时的早白垩世贝尼萨尔禽龙相比,不论是大小还是形态构造上均极为相似,从而判断这9个连续的尾椎体分别为第7到第15尾椎。进而推断,河南汝阳盆地产出巨型蜥脚类恐龙动物群化石的沉积地层形成于早白垩世晚期。  相似文献   

中国山东省诸城盆地张祝河湾村下白垩统杨家庄组发现了非鸟恐龙(蜥脚类和鸟脚类)与古鸟类足迹。该足迹点的非鸟恐龙足迹深受水浸沉积物的影响,发生了强烈变形。蜥脚类足迹的前后足迹面积相近,造迹者行进缓慢。鸟脚类足迹属于禽龙-鸭嘴龙类型的足迹。古鸟类足迹并不类似于中国以往发现的中生代鸟类足迹,而类似于韩国滨水鸟类足迹的金东鸟足迹(Jin-dongornipes)。讨论了莱阳足迹(Laiyangpus)和拟跷脚龙足迹(Paragrallator,亦译为拟似鹬龙足迹),前者因模式标本遗失而不明确,后者可归入安琪龙足迹未定种(Anchisauripus isp)。这批足迹的发现大大增加了山东省东部恐龙的多样性。  相似文献   

中国山东省诸城盆地张祝河湾村下白垩统杨家庄组发现了非鸟恐龙(蜥脚类和鸟脚类)与古鸟类足迹。该足迹点的非鸟恐龙足迹深受水浸沉积物的影响,发生了强烈变形。蜥脚类足迹的前后足迹面积相近,造迹者行进缓慢。鸟脚类足迹属于禽龙-鸭嘴龙类型的足迹。古鸟类足迹并不类似于中国以往发现的中生代鸟类足迹,而类似于韩国滨水鸟类足迹的金东鸟足迹(Jindongornipes)。讨论了莱阳足迹(Laiyangpus)和拟跷脚龙足迹(Paragrallator,亦译为拟似鹬龙足迹),前者因模式标本遗失而不明确,后者可归入安琪龙足迹未定种(Anchisauripus isp)。这批足迹的发现大大增加了山东省东部恐龙的多样性。  相似文献   

记述了广东省南雄盆地上白垩统主田组3组恐龙行迹,由杨梅坑足迹点的足迹命名了南雄鸭嘴龙足迹(Hadrosauropodus nanxiongensis ichnosp. nov.)一新种;古市足迹点的足迹归入鸭嘴龙足迹一未定种(Hadrosauropodus isp.)。这是中国鸭嘴龙足迹属的首次描述,将该足迹的分布从北美拓展至中国,并为南雄盆地存在大型的鸭嘴龙提供了新的化石证据。还整理了中国已描述的大型鸟脚类足迹:中国足迹(Sinoichnites)被定为非正式的塑模标本;扬子足印(Yangtzepus)被归入兽脚类足迹;禽龙足迹(Iguanodonopus)被认为是裸名,归入禽龙足迹(Iguanodontipus);嘉荫足迹(Jiayinosauropus)增加了新材料并得以具体描述;内乡足迹(Neixiang footprint)得以重新描述。  相似文献   

巨齿兰州龙:层位:河口群 时代:早白垩世 产地:兰州盆地 分类位置:鸟臀目,鸟脚类,斧胸类 巨齿兰州龙,由甘肃省地矿局第三地勘院古生物研究开发中心李大庆等2002年发现于甘肃省兰州盆地东南缘早白垩世地层中,为一新的鸟脚类恐龙,是目前世界上已知牙齿最大的植食性恐龙。  相似文献   

巨齿兰州龙(新属、新种)是发现于中国甘肃省兰州盆地早白垩世地层中的一新鸟脚类恐龙,其牙齿是世界上已知植食性恐龙中最大的。兰州龙下颌长1m,每侧有14个齿槽,而单个牙齿宽约4cm,这是已知恐龙中的首次报道。分支系统学分析发现巨齿兰州龙与非洲早白垩世Lurdusaurus arenatus关系密切。它们代表了鸟脚类恐龙进化中四足行走的笨重的一新支。兰州龙的发现也表明欧亚大陆与非洲在早白垩世具有较密切的联系。  相似文献   

山东诸城黄龙沟恐龙足迹产于下白垩统中部莱阳群杨家庄组,其中以兽脚类为主,同时有蜥脚类和疑似鸟脚类足迹;兽脚类足迹又可进一步区分为大型兽脚类、似跷脚龙类(Paragrallator)和东方强壮百合龙类(Corpulentapus lilasia)。足迹共组成至少63条行迹,作者系统实测了其中50条,并据足迹大小指数—复步长和GAE(跷脚龙—安琪龙—实雷龙)图解给出了识别3类兽脚类足迹的经验性数值。足迹点沉积特征显示,浅湖相粉砂质泥岩和粉砂岩逐渐过渡为滨湖相砂岩。足迹层及其邻近层位波痕、泥裂发育,根据波脊线恢复的古岸线方向为东西向,波浪运动方向呈现出北至北西周期性变化,表明可能存在季节性风向变化。泥裂以及恐龙分布特征显示足迹点以S/WS为湖心方向,以N/EN为湖岸方向。似跷脚龙类和东方强壮百合龙类足迹分布区域的差异性表明东方强壮百合龙类生活区域更靠近湖岸。恐龙足迹中存在的明显叠盖现象表明足迹不是同时,而是多次活动遗迹。小型兽脚类行迹中较多近于平行的行迹体现了集群性生活习性。行进行为研究又显示兽脚类的绝大多数为快速奔跑状态,但蜥脚类等为慢行状态。兽脚类与蜥脚类、疑似鸟脚类足迹数量之比远大于正常捕食者和被捕食者之比也表明,早白垩世中期的胶莱盆地生存着以兽脚类为主、蜥脚类和鸟脚类为辅的恐龙动物群。早白垩世晚期,胶莱盆地以及沂沭断裂带内蜥脚类、鸟脚类恐龙以及鸟类逐渐繁盛,这与华北北部恐龙足迹所恢复的造迹恐龙动物群特征较为一致。中国北方、韩国、日本白垩纪恐龙足迹以及骨骼化石发育情况暗示,晚中生代中国北方以及东亚地区发育一个以恐龙等脊椎动物为主的大型陆地动物群。  相似文献   

山东莒南后左山恐龙公园早白垩世恐龙足迹化石初步研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
山东省莒南县后左山恐龙公园内保存了数量众多、形态各异的恐龙足迹化石。该足迹化石群产于早白垩世大盛群田家楼组,主要是兽脚类、鸟脚类恐龙的足迹,尤以前者占优质。最大的一个为椭圆形,大小100cm×70cm,可能系鸟脚类恐龙的足迹。鸟脚类足迹大多为椭圆形,长轴一般30~40cm,常呈幻迹保存。最大的兽脚类足迹为三趾型,长49cm,宽35cm,是大型肉食龙类的足迹;最小的一个长8.5cm,宽4.5cm,可能是虚骨龙类的足迹。另外还发现了少量可能是驰龙的足迹,具有2个很长的趾(Ⅲ和Ⅳ趾),趾间角极小,二者几乎平行。鸟脚类恐龙足迹层位分布局限,但密度较大,产出的层面常发育泥裂、波痕,甚至冰晶痕,与泥岩、粉砂质泥岩等层位相关性较强。  相似文献   

内蒙古乌拉特中旗恐龙足迹研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
2006年内蒙古地质环境监测院在乌拉特中旗海流图镇西10公里处发现一恐龙足迹化石点。由于恐龙足迹产地的地层研究程度较低,因此这批恐龙足迹的研究在地层年代确定、以及恢复古环境方面具有重大意义。共识别出脊椎动物足迹化石119个,其中大部分为恐龙足迹,包括兽脚类恐龙足迹:玫瑰实雷龙足迹(Eubrontes glenrosensis)、海流图卡岩塔足迹(Kayentapus hailiutuensis ichnosp.nov)和鸟脚类恐龙足迹中型异样龙足迹种(Anomoepus intermedius),以及鳄类足迹的蛙步足迹,其中海流图卡岩塔足迹(Kayentapus hailiutuensisichnosp.nov)为新种。根据足迹形态的对比,推断造迹恐龙分别为兽脚类恐龙中的巨齿龙类(Megalosaurus)和双脊龙类(Dilophosaurus)以及鸟脚类恐龙棱齿龙类(Hypsilophodont)。通过对比发现乌拉特与波兰Opatw附近的Podole地区的早侏罗世的足迹组合十分相似,因此建议将乌拉特中旗海流图的足迹及含足迹地层的年代归入侏罗纪早期。根据对足迹产地附近的地层剖面的研究以及足迹组合中含大量鸟脚类恐龙足迹的事实推断:侏罗纪早期研究区古环境为山涧河流环境,雨量充沛。  相似文献   

彭光照 《江苏地质》2009,33(2):113-123
自贡地区涵盖侏罗纪3个不同时期的恐龙动物群组合。早侏罗世是恐龙动物群的萌发阶段,以原蜥脚类和原始蜥脚类恐龙共存为主要特征,属禄丰蜥龙动物群范畴;中侏罗世蜀龙动物群具有过渡性质,代表恐龙动物群的繁荣阶段,特点是原蜥脚类绝迹,原始的蜥脚类和进步的蜥脚类共同成为动物群的主要成员,并开始出现一些特化的蜥脚类,肉食龙类和鸟脚类成为动物群的重要成员,剑龙类开始出现;晚侏罗世马门溪龙动物群代表恐龙动物群发展的鼎盛阶段,特点是成渝龟类被蛇颈龟类所取代,原始的蜥脚类已消亡,特化的长颈型的马门溪龙类为主要成员,肉食龙类、鸟脚类和剑龙类向大型化发展。自贡地区侏罗纪恐龙动物群的兴衰和更替与四川盆地古地理环境和古气候的变迁密切相关。  相似文献   

Based on a partial postcranial skeleton collected from the Lower Cretaceous Napai Formation of Guangxi, China, we erect a new sauropod taxon, Fusuisaurus zhaoi gen. et sp. nov. The holotype specimen consists of the left ilium, left pubis, anterior caudals, most of the dorsal ribs and distal end of the left femur. Fusuisaurus zhaoi is diagnosed by a unique combination of character states among the known sauropods. It displays several synapomorphies of Titanosauriformes but lacks many derived features seen in other titanosauriforms, suggesting that the new taxon represents the basalmost known titanosauriform and providing new evidence that Titanosauriformes originated from Asia. A size comparison suggests that Fusuisaurus zhaoi is among the largest Early Cretaceous sauropods, providing an important addition to the Early Cretaceous Chinese sauropod diversity.  相似文献   

A new ornithopod dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Snow Hill Island Formation, at James Ross Island, Antarctica is here described. This new taxon, named as Morrosaurus antarcticus gen. et sp. nov., is represented by a fragmentary right hind limb belonging to a medium-sized individual. Our phylogenetic analysis nests the new taxon in a monophyletic clade of Southern Hemisphere ornithopods that includes most Patagonian and Antarctic ornithopods. Several members of this group share a slender and bunched foot with narrow metatarsal IV, expanded chevrons, and bowed humerus without deltopectoral crest. Several features indicate that these ornithopods exhibit adaptations for a specialized cursorial mode of life. The recognition of Patagonian and Antarctic Ornithopoda belonging to a monophyletic clade reinforces palaeobiogeographical signals indicating that Patagonia, Antarctica and Australia shared a common Late Cretaceous terrestrial fauna.  相似文献   

<正>A new sauropod dinosaur,Liubangosaurus hei gen.et sp.nov.,is erected based on a specimen represented by five articulated middle-caudal dorsal vertebrae,which was discovered in the Lower Cretaceous Napai Formation of Guangxi Province,southern China.This new taxon is diagnosed by a unique combination of derived features:prezygapophysis closely contacts with parapophysis,with the prdl and prpl absent;presence of cavity on the dorsal surface of the diapophysis;neural spine very low,with its distal end level with that of diapophysis;distal end of the neural spine strongly expanded laterally to form a platform;marked fossa formed between the infradiapophyseal lamina and the parapophysis;broad,flat area of featureless bone on lateral surface of neural arch;vertically directed infradiapophyseal lamina expands or bifurcates ventrally to form a inverted "Y";highly positioned parapophyses large and tear-drop in shape.The discovery of this new taxon increases the diversity of sauropods in China during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A nearly complete right maxillary or left dentary tooth(NHMG 10858) from the Lower Cretaceous Xinlong Formation of the Napai Basin, Fusui County, Guangxi, southern China, is described. The tooth is large in size, with a CBL of 37 mm. Given the geological age and its crown morphology, including the size, it is most likely that the tooth belongs to a carcharodontosaurid. The recovered specimen represents one of the largest theropod teeth hitherto reported from the Early Cretaceous of Asia.  相似文献   

A new large-bodied theropod dinosaur,Datanglong guangxiensis gen.et sp.nov.,was recovered from the Lower Cretaceous Xinlong Formation of the Datang Basin,Guangxi.It is unique in several features including:posteriormost dorsal vertebra with teardrop-shaped pneumatic foramen confined by enlarged pcdl,acpl and the centrum; posteriormost dorsal with well-developed,horizontal prpl; posteriormost dorsal with a parapophysis projecting more laterally than the diapophysis; brevis fossa shallow with short,ridge-like medial blade; and iliac pubic peduncle with posteroventrally expanded margin.Cladistic analysis supports the idea that this new taxon Datanglong guangxiensis is a primitive member of the Carcharodontosauria in possessing two unambiguous synapomorphies:large external pneumatic foramina and internal spaces present in the lateral surface of ilium,and a peg-and-socket ischiac articulation with the ilium.The presence of the new taxon from Guangxi further confirms that Carcharodontosauria were cosmopolitan large-bodied predators during the Early–mid Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A new dinosaur of Early Cretaceous age was recently discovered from the Mazongshan area of northwestern Gansu Province, China. The new dinosaur represents a new genus and species of Sauropoda, and is among the most basal members of Titanosauria. Its finding also suggests that titanosaurs might have originated in Asia no later than the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A new basal hadrosauriform dinosaur, Xuwulong yueluni gen. et sp. nov., is reported based on an articulated specimen including a complete cranium, almost complete axial skeleton, and complete left pelvic girdle. The specimen is recovered from the Early Cretaceous Yujingzi Basin in the Jiuquan area, Gansu Province of northwestern China. Xuwulong is among the most basal members of hadrosauriform dinosaurs, and distinguished by its unique lower jaw in having a V-shaped rostral end of the dentary in lateral view and a mandibular articular surface which levels with mid-height of the dentary ramus, as well as an enlarged and downturned prepubic process. Including Xuwulong, three basal hadrosauriforms have been discovered from the Early Cretaceous Xinminpu Group in the Mazongshan area, making it an important area to study the origin and early evolution of duck-billed dinosaurs.  相似文献   

An almost complete juvenile dinosaur skull with lower jaw was discovered from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation in Beipiao, Liaoning Province, China. Here, the specimen is described and a cladistic analysis is performed in order to find its phylogenetic relationships. The result shows that this specimen represents a new genus of Psittacosauridae, Hongshanosaurus houi, gen. et sp. nov., and confirms the monophyletic status for Ceratopsia and Marginocephalia. However, Heterodontosaurus is found to be the sister taxon to Marginocephalia, rather than a basal Omithopoda.  相似文献   

We report new theropod dinosaur material from the Presidente Prudente Formation (Campanian–Maastrichtian), Bauru Group, in southwestern São Paulo state. The material comprises a fragment of right maxilla of Carcharodontosauridae, an anterior portion of a left ilium of Abelisauroidea and a proximal portion of a right fibula of a coelurosaurian. Previous theropod records from the Bauru Basin comprise Abelisauridae and Tetanurae and in São Paulo state these have been represented by only a right premaxilla of an abelisaurid and isolated abelisaurid and carcharodontosaurid teeth. The new material reported here represents the first theropod remains from the Presidente Prudente Formation, and includes the first abelisauroid and coelurosaurian postcranial remains from the Bauru Basin in São Paulo state and the first latest Cretaceous carcharodontosaurid known from non-dental remains anywhere.  相似文献   

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