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Marine environments, key life-support systems for the earth, are under severe threat. Issues associated with managing these common property resources are complex and interrelated. Networks of marine reserves can be valuable for mitigating threats to marine systems, yet the successful design and implementation of such networks has been limited. Efficient ways to conserve marine environments are urgently needed. This Focus Section of The Professional Geographer explores the development of marine reserve networks based on geomorphology, fish biology, ecological connectivity, and appropriate governance. The articles in this Focus Section offer examples of the following: (1) distinctive reef geomorphology dictating the spawning locations of reef fishes, which in turn serve as critical source sites for the replenishment of distant reefs by means of larval transport; (2) an example of a simplified oceanographic model that predicts larval transport from fish breeding sites to important nursery areas; and (3) a case study of the development of a marine reserve network that illustrates key elements of a successful strategy. In sum, this Focus Section offers case studies that show the value of marine geomorphology, oceanographic connectivity, and stakeholder involvement as key elements of multidisciplinary geographic studies applied to the design of marine reserve networks. Geographers can further contribute to the conservation and management of coastal and marine ecosystems in many ways that involve subdisciplines of remote sensing and geographic information systems, political and economic geography, political ecology, and ethnography.  相似文献   

The northeastern Gulf of Mexico contains some of the most diverse and productive marine habitat in the United States. Much of this habitat, located on the shelf edge in depths of 50 to 120 m, supports spawning for many economically important species, including groupers. Here, we couple acoustic surveys with georeferenced videography to describe the primary spatial and geologic features of spawning aggregation sites for four economically important species: gag (Mycteroperca microlepis), scamp (M. phenax), red grouper (Epinephelus morio), and red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), with notes on fish distribution and abundance and spawning activities. We provide information on movement patterns of reef fish determined using acoustic telemetry. Finally, we discuss the possible coupling of geomorphology with hydrographic features to influence the overall productivity of the region and the importance of spatial fishery management in sustaining that productivity.  相似文献   

赵亮  张争胜  南文龙 《地理学报》2016,71(3):515-523
曾昭璇先生是中国著名的地理学家,地貌学家和教育家.他在学术生涯的不同阶段对地貌学,自然地理学,历史地理学,人类地理学等学科领域均有积极的探索,他对南海地理问题的研究贯穿他的一生,为中国南海地理研究作出重要贡献.他深入研究南海海岸地貌,珊瑚礁地貌,主张采用"地形类型分析法"划分海岸类型,将中国海岸类型划分为山地港湾岸,台地岸与平原岸;他与梁景芬等合著《中国珊瑚礁地貌研究》,系统论述中国珊瑚礁探测史和石珊瑚的种属,生态,地貌特征与发育,并将中国珊瑚礁划分为四大区,六种地貌类型;他完善了珊瑚礁地貌土地名分类,根据《更路簿》划分南海珊瑚岛礁分布区,绘制珊瑚岛礁探测图;他利用历史文献资料考证"石塘"等南海诸岛古地名;他从地质学与地貌学角度论证南海诸岛与中国大陆的陆缘关系,还利用历史地理与地方志等资料佐证了南海诸岛自古以来就是中国的固有领土.  相似文献   

David M. Mark published his first journal article in 1970. Since then, he has written or coauthored more than 220 publications over a period of 40 years as of 28 May 2012. Based on data from Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar, Mark’s publications have been cited over 7410 times by researchers in more than 80 countries or regions as of 28 May 2012, when this paper was first prepared. The geographic extent of Mark’s scholarly influence is truly global. An examination of his 20 most cited articles reveals that his work in diverse areas as digital elevation models, geomorphology, geographic cognition, and ontology of the geospatial domain enjoyed a lasting impact worldwide.  相似文献   

面积辽阔的南海是中国未来重要的能源接续区与资源基地,也是涉及国家海洋权益最为集中的区域。本文针对地理信息技术支撑下的南海岛礁研究现状,从南海岛礁现有基础数据成果、遥感手段岛礁基础地理信息提取方法及提取成果所做的岛礁分析与评价3方面,系统地回顾了国内外涉及南海岛礁资源环境研究的相关进展,评述了现有研究技术方法存在的不足,并对未来的研究进行了展望,在此基础上,提出了3个主要方向作为未来研究的重点:①促进遥感数据获取多源化,构建海量多源、多尺度南海岛礁遥感数据仓库;②加强技术协同创新,结合地理信息技术的发展,提升岛礁信息提取与监测的准确性与可靠性;③提升遥感分析智能化,研究并建立综合分析与情势推演平台及战略决策辅助支撑系统,以期为南海岛礁的进一步深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article examines recent changes to conservation in New Zealand. The argument is influenced by practical experience over the past 15 years, first as conservation planner employed by the Department of Conservation, then as an environmentalist involved in community conservation projects. The development of public‐private partnerships in conservation action over the past 15 years is reviewed. These changes point to the configuration of new landscapes, although the diverse and uncoordinated nature of many contemporary initiatives suggest that future biological communities will comprise a diversity of hybrid mixes from predominantly native to fully non‐native species.  相似文献   

This is the second in a series of reports on Japanese geographic research prepared in cooperation with the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG). Like the report on historical geography, which appeared in the August issue, this report on geomorphology has been modified for the English-speaking readership of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER. As an indication of the relative importance of geomorphology in Japanese geography, at the April 1979 annual meeting of the AJG in Tokyo 30 percent of the 138 papers presented were devoted to geomorphology.—H. Jesse Walker, Member, U.S. National Committee, IGU  相似文献   

The historic data on the fisheries on Norwegian spring spawning herring and Barents Sea capelin show that the migration pattern and time of spawning have changed for these species. Furthermore, modern techniques like tagging, hydroacoustic abundance estimation and virtual population analysis have shown that the abundance, both of the adult and the immature parts of the population, fluctuates widely. Predators (other fish, seabirds, sea mammals) of pelagic fish must have experienced corresponding fluctuations in food availablilty.  相似文献   


This is the second in a series of reports on Japanese geographic research prepared in cooperation with the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG). Like the report on historical geography, which appeared in the August issue, this report on geomorphology has been modified for the English-speaking readership of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER. As an indication of the relative importance of geomorphology in Japanese geography, at the April 1979 annual meeting of the AJG in Tokyo 30 percent of the 138 papers presented were devoted to geomorphology.—H. Jesse Walker, Member, U.S. National Committee, IGU  相似文献   

Sociospatial information is critical to marine and coastal ecosystem management. The Hawaii Coastal Uses Mapping Project used a participatory geographic information systems (PGIS) methodology to gather local knowledge regarding the location and intensity of coastal human activities in Hawaii's priority sites for coral reef management. PGIS provided an efficient and effective means of obtaining information in a data-poor context, particularly at a scale and location where considerable local knowledge is held by community members and resource users. We detail the PGIS methods developed to collect sociospatial data on human uses in the project regions and discuss important considerations regarding the practice of PGIS that emerged from the mapping process, as well as implications for the production and documentation of spatial knowledge. Key themes include: issues of scale and appropriateness in using PGIS as a method for mapping human coastal and marine activities; data validity, authority, and the nature of local knowledge; community trust, engagement, and collaboration; and utility for coral reef management. While several factors limit local agencies' ability to use this spatial information to date, natural resource managers found the participatory mapping process to be highly valuable for stakeholder identification and engagement, and the maps provide a resource to state and federal managers to better understand the human implications of future management scenarios.  相似文献   

传统时期太湖流域的渔民群体分为陆上定居的兼业渔民(仍属农民身份)和水上流动的专业渔民,其生产与生活方式因水环境和鱼资源的分布而存在区域差异。太湖周边低地湖荡区的兼业渔民从事捕鱼的环境支持度和资源便利程度较高,渔业在农村副业序列中占有重要地位。东部河网地区水鱼资源欠丰,捕鱼技术简单,农民捕鱼生产的季节性和流动性较大。太湖上流动捕鱼的专业渔民生产技术高,具有规模化和互助性,构成自然捕捞商品鱼生产的主力大军。流动于东部内河上的专业渔民以单家独户生产为主,产量低收入少,缺乏互助合作。各类渔民共同具有的流动性和人口来源的复杂性,使其成为社会安全管理的重灾区,也是促成20世纪60,70年代政府彻底实施渔民上岸定居的重要原因。  相似文献   

Sand and gravel materials are often used in Ethiopia's construction sector. However, the impacts of sand mining on the water body's habitat and biodiversity are not yet considered in the country. In this paper, we study how sand mining activities at Lake Tana and its inflowing rivers affect the environment and spawning grounds of the endemic Labeobarbus species. We measured physico‐chemical parameters in‐situ and developed structured questionnaires to collect primary data on the fishery and sand mining. We found significant differences in conductivity, total dissolved solids and temperature among sampling sites (P < 0.05). Majority (>90 per cent) of the respondents confirmed the drastic physical changes in the rivers and a severe decline in fish production. The study revealed that the ecology of the mined rivers was seriously affected by sand mining, which interfered with migratory routes of fishes and resulted in loss of their spawning grounds. The unregulated sand mining also conflicted with the interests of the fisheries management and environment. Thus, urgent policy intervention is needed to protect the ever‐declining Labeobarbus species of Lake Tana and the environment.  相似文献   

Montane (alpine) areas are generally of high value for nature conservation. Such environments and the habitats they support are dynamic and often fragile. They are vulnerable to disturbance from a range of human activities and are responsive to climate changes over short and long timescales. Biodiversity and conservation values are closely linked to geological history, geomorphological processes and soils, and it is crucial that management systems are based on understanding these links.
There are many similarities between the Cairngorm Mountains (Scotland), the Giant Mountains (Czech Republic) and Abisko Mountains (Sweden) in terms of geology, geomorphology, ecology, links with biodiversity and high conservation importance. Comparable pressures and management issues involve, to varying degrees, a history of human use and impacts from deforestation, pasturing, grazing, recreation and atmospheric pollution. Landscape change therefore involves a complex interplay between natural and anthropogenic factors. Managing such change requires better understanding of the geo–ecological processes involved and the factors that determine landscape sensitivity. This is illustrated through a simple framework and examples from the three areas. Comparison of landscape sensitivity between similar montane areas, but in different geographic locations and climatic environments, should allow more informed management planning and a precautionary approach in advance of further changes in human activity and from predicted global warming scenarios.  相似文献   

Montane (alpine) areas are generally of high value for nature conservation. Such environments and the habitats they support are dynamic and often fragile. They are vulnerable to disturbance from a range of human activities and are responsive to climate changes over short and long timescales. Biodiversity and conservation values are closely linked to geological history, geomorphological processes and soils, and it is crucial that management systems are based on understanding these links.
There are many similarities between the Cairngorm Mountains (Scotland), the Giant Mountains (Czech Republic) and Abisko Mountains (Sweden) in terms of geology, geomorphology, ecology, links with biodiversity and high conservation importance. Comparable pressures and management issues involve, to varying degrees, a history of human use and impacts from deforestation, pasturing, grazing, recreation and atmospheric pollution. Landscape change therefore involves a complex interplay between natural and anthropogenic factors. Managing such change requires better understanding of the geo–ecological processes involved and the factors that determine landscape sensitivity. This is illustrated through a simple framework and examples from the three areas. Comparison of landscape sensitivity between similar montane areas, but in different geographic locations and climatic environments, should allow more informed management planning and a precautionary approach in advance of further changes in human activity and from predicted global warming scenarios.  相似文献   

The Sundarban Biosphere Reserve in West Bengal, India, is part of the largest mangrove forest ecosystem in the world. The reserve is a world heritage site and the last refuge for the endangered Bengal tiger at a crucial time when global climate change threatens their existence. The mangrove ecosystem and wildlife conservation have become the priority for the state government of West Bengal. However, in becoming so, the state government imposes restrictions on catching fish in the core and buffer areas of the biosphere reserve, which intensify fishermen's everyday resource‐access struggles in the mangrove forest. This paper examines the conflict between local fishermen and conservation needs, broadening the understanding of human‐environment relationships in the Sundarbans region of India.  相似文献   

浙江山区的珍稀濒危植物较为丰富,有67科、108属、125种.论述了当地珍稀濒危植物的特点、地理分布、属和种的地理成分,探讨了珍稀濒危植物的就地保护、迁地保护和离体保存.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hydrodynamic-based investigation of constructed wetland suitability for fish habitat. A constructed wetland adjacent to river is manoeuvred to imitate riparian fish habitat by means of computer modelling. Flow-velocity conditions, water depths and effects of macrophytes to resistance of flow in constructed wetland are modelled and steered towards creating a favourable ground for natural substrate spawning of native fish species. The model suggests combination of two zones, which are a macrophyte zone for typical functions of a wetland and an open water zone with gravel bed to support fish reproductive cycles.  相似文献   

Inshore artisanal fishing in Malta is under intense spatial competition as the coastal zone is fragmented by multiple uses and designations including maritime transport, infrastructure, industrial fisheries, aquaculture, tourism and recreation. This research, adopting a grounded visualization methodology, explains how the artisanal fishing sector has undergone and been affected by ‘spatial squeezing’. Our results show that artisanal fishermen have been forced to give up fishing grounds or co-exist with other uses to the point where the ability to fish is becoming increasingly challenging. These difficulties might escalate with the advent of the marine protected areas (MPAs) which encompass nearly half of the inshore fishing zones. Since there does not seem to be effective MPA consultation mechanisms that elicit the real social, cultural and economic value of artisanal fishing grounds, fishermen feel threatened, alienated and disempowered. This study urges for a more holistic approach to spatial marine planning and accentuates the need of realizing the dependency of the artisanal sector on the inshore zones in the implementation of conservation measures, such that the prolonged existence of the coastal fishing communities is not jeopardized.  相似文献   

The hydraulic and sedimentary characteristics of the spawning habitat of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in tributary and mainstem locations in a river system in north-east Scotland are described. Salmon used spawning sites with a relatively wide range in sediment characteristics, although measures of central tendency were all in the gravel (2–64 mm) size-class. The dominant factor differentiating the sediment characteristics of study sites was the level of fine sediment, which accounted for significant differences between tributary and mainstem samples. The ranges of depth and velocity in areas used for spawning by salmonids were found to be similar in all tributary study sites. However, due to the interdependence of depth and velocity, major differences were observed between tributary and mainstem study sites in that spawning in larger streams tended to be associated with deeper, faster flowing water. Spawning locations were shown to have similar Froude number, despite different sized streams and species of salmonid. Due to its dimensionless nature and significance in characterising flow hydraulics, the Froude number is proposed as a potentially useful variable for describing the habitat of aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

韦雨鑫  余克服  陈飚 《热带地理》2022,42(11):1783-1796
石芝珊瑚(Fungiidae)作为珊瑚礁生态系统框架的主要构建者之一,以其丰富的物种多样性、独特的移动性和对环境变化的强适应性,在维持珊瑚礁生态系统的稳定中起重要作用。文章综述了国内外对石芝珊瑚的研究进展,包括:1)物种多样性;石芝珊瑚可起源于白垩纪中期,现共有17属、约55种,具有多样化的进化分歧与丰富的物种多样性。2)生活史(繁殖、营养模式、生长发育与移动性);石芝珊瑚具备独特的生活史策略,双向性别转换(bidirectional sex conversion)可增强石芝珊瑚种群的繁殖成功率与环境适应性,而成体移动性(adult mobility)则能够有效拓宽石芝珊瑚生态位,并提高其种群的竞争力与恢复力。3)空间分布模式(跨大陆架分布、珊瑚礁地貌带分布与纬向分布)及影响因素;石芝珊瑚是全球性的珊瑚物种,其能够在岩石、沙地、淤泥等多样化的生境中存活,具有广阔的生物地理分布范围。基于目前石芝珊瑚的研究进展,建议从以下3个方面开展进一步研究:1)基于形态学与分子分类,厘定南海石芝珊瑚科的谱系,阐明南海石芝珊瑚物种多样性的演变规律及驱动机制;2)依托宏观生态调查,揭示石芝珊瑚在南海不同纬...  相似文献   

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