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The companion paper by Zou et al. shows that the annual and semiannual variations in the peak F2-layer electron density (NmF2) at midlatitudes can be reproduced by a coupled thermosphere-ionosphere computational model (CTIP), without recourse to external influences such as the solar wind, or waves and tides originating in the lower atmosphere. The present work discusses the physics in greater detail. It shows that noon NmF2 is closely related to the ambient atomic/molecular concentration ratio, and suggests that the variations of NmF2 with geographic and magnetic longitude are largely due to the geometry of the auroral ovals. It also concludes that electric fields play no important part in the dynamics of the midlatitude thermosphere. Our modelling leads to the following picture of the global three-dimensional thermospheric circulation which, as envisaged by Duncan, is the key to explaining the F2-layer variations. At solstice, the almost continuous solar input at high summer latitudes drives a prevailing summer-to-winter wind, with upwelling at low latitudes and throughout most of the summer hemisphere, and a zone of downwelling in the winter hemisphere, just equatorward of the auroral oval. These motions affect thermospheric composition more than do the alternating day/night (up-and-down) motions at equinox. As a result, the thermosphere as a whole is more molecular at solstice than at equinox. Taken in conjunction with the well-known relation of F2-layer electron density to the atomic/molecular ratio in the neutral air, this explains the F2-layer semiannual effect in NmF2 that prevails at low and middle latitudes. At higher midlatitudes, the seasonal behaviour depends on the geographic latitude of the winter downwelling zone, though the effect of the composition changes is modified by the large solar zenith angle at midwinter. The zenith angle effect is especially important in longitudes far from the magnetic poles. Here, the downwelling occurs at high geographic latitudes, where the zenith angle effect becomes overwhelming and causes a midwinter depression of electron density, despite the enhanced atomic/molecular ratio. This leads to a semiannual variation of NmF2. A different situation exists in winter at longitudes near the magnetic poles, where the downwelling occurs at relatively low geographic latitudes so that solar radiation is strong enough to produce large values of NmF2. This circulation-driven mechanism provides a reasonably complete explanation of the observed pattern of F2 layer annual and semiannual quiet-day variations.  相似文献   

Annual, seasonal and semiannual variations of F2-layer electron density (NmF2) and height (hmF2) have been compared with the coupled thermosphere-ionosphere-plasmasphere computational model (CTIP), for geomagnetically quiet conditions. Compared with results from ionosonde data from midlatitudes, CTIP reproduces quite well many observed features of NmF2, such as the dominant winter maxima at high midlatitudes in longitude sectors near the magnetic poles, the equinox maxima in sectors remote from the magnetic poles and at lower latitudes generally, and the form of the month-to-month variations at latitudes between about 60°N and 50°S. CTIP also reproduces the seasonal behaviour of NmF2 at midnight and the summer-winter changes of hmF2. Some features of the F2-layer, not reproduced by the present version of CTIP, are attributed to processes not included in the modelling. Examples are the increased prevalence of the winter maxima of noon NmF2 at higher solar activity, which may be a consequence of the increase of F2-layer loss rate in summer by vibrationally excited molecular nitrogen, and the semiannual variation in hmF2, which may be due to tidal effects. An unexpected feature of the computed distributions of NmF2 is an east-west hemisphere difference, which seems to be linked to the geomagnetic field configuration. Physical discussion is reserved to the companion paper by Rishbeth et al.  相似文献   

Daytime F2-layer positive storm effect at middle and lower latitudes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Daytime F2-layer positive storm effects at middle and lower latitudes in the winter thermosphere are analyzed using AE-C, ESRO-4 neutral gas composition data, ground-based ionosonde observations and model calculations. Different longitudinal sectors marked by the storm onset as ‘night-time’ and ‘daytime’ demonstrate different F2-layer positive storm mechanisms. Neutral composition changes in the ‘night-time’ sector with increased [O] and [N2] absolute concentrations, while (N2/O)storm/(N2/O)quiet\approx1 at F2-layer heights, are shown to contribute largely to the background NmF2 increase at lower latitudes lasting during daytime hours. Storm-induced surges of the equatorward wind give rise to an additional NmF2 increase above this background level. The mid-latitude F2-layer positive storm effect in the ‘daytime’ sector is due to the vertical plasma drift increase, resulting from the interaction of background (poleward) and storm-induced (equatorward) thermospheric winds, but not to changes of [O] and [N2] concentrations.  相似文献   

The coupled thermosphere-ionosphere-plasmasphere model CTIP is used to study the global three-dimensional circulation and its effect on neutral composition in the midlatitude F-layer. At equinox, the vertical air motion is basically up by day, down by night, and the atomic oxygen/molecular nitrogen [O/N2] concentration ratio is symmetrical about the equator. At solstice there is a summer-to-winter flow of air, with downwelling at subauroral latitudes in winter that produces regions of large [O/N2] ratio. Because the thermospheric circulation is influenced by the high-latitude energy inputs, which are related to the geometry of the Earth’s magnetic field, the latitude of the downwelling regions varies with longitude. The downwelling regions give rise to large F2-layer electron densities when they are sunlit, but not when they are in darkness, with implications for the distribution of seasonal and semiannual variations of the F2-layer. It is also found that the vertical distributions of O and N2 may depart appreciably from diffusive equilibrium at heights up to about 160 km, especially in the summer hemisphere where there is strong upwelling.  相似文献   

Semiannual and annual variations in the height of the ionospheric F2-peak   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ionosonde data from sixteen stations are used to study the semiannual and annual variations in the height of the ionospheric F2-peak, hmF2. The semiannual variation, which peaks shortly after equinox, has an amplitude of about 8 km at an average level of solar activity (10.7 cm flux = 140 units), both at noon and midnight. The annual variation has an amplitude of about 11 km at northern midlatitudes, peaking in early summer; and is larger at southern stations, where it peaks in late summer. Both annual and semiannual amplitudes increase with increasing solar activity by day, but not at night. The semiannual variation in hmF2 is unrelated to the semiannual variation of the peak electron density NmF2, and is not reproduced by the CTIP and TIME-GCM computational models of the quiet-day thermosphere and ionosphere. The semiannual variation in hmF2 is approximately isobaric, in that its amplitude corresponds quite well to the semiannual variation in the height of fixed pressure-levels in the thermosphere, as represented by the MSIS empirical model. The annual variation is not isobaric. The annual mean of hmF2 increases with solar 10.7 cm flux, both by night and by day, on average by about 0.45 km/flux unit, rather smaller than the corresponding increase of height of constant pressure-levels in the MSIS model. The discrepancy may be due to solar-cycle variations of thermospheric winds. Although geomagnetic activity, which affects thermospheric density and temperature and therefore hmF2 also, is greatest at the equinoxes, this seems to account for less than half the semiannual variation of hmF2. The rest may be due to a semiannual variation of tidal and wave energy transmitted to the thermosphere from lower levels in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Ionospheric data observed in 30 stations located in 3 longitude sectors (East Asia/Australia Sector, Europe/Africa Sector and America/East Pacific Ocean Sector) during 1974–1986 are used to analyse the characteristics of semiannual variation in the peak electron density of F2 layer (NmF2). The results indicate that the semiannual variation of NmF2 mainly presents in daytime. In nighttime, except in the region of geomagnetic equator between the two crests of ionospheric equatorial anomaly, NmF2 has no obvious semiannual variation. In the high latitude region, only in solar maxima years and in daytime, there are obvious semiannual variations of NmF2. The amplitude distribution of the semiannual variation of daytime NmF2 with latitude has a “double-humped structure”, which is very similar to the ionospheric equatorial anomaly. There is asymmetry between the Southern and the Northern Hemispheres of the profile of the amplitude of semiannual variation of NmF2 and longitudinal difference. A new possible mechanism of semiannual variation of NmF2 is put forward in this paper. The semiannual variation of the diurnal tide in the lower thermosphere induces the semiannual variation of the amplitude of the equatorial electrojet. This causes the semiannual variation of the amplitude of ionospheric equatorial anomaly through fountain effect. This process induces the semiannual variation of the low latitude NmF2.  相似文献   

The applicability of the method proposed by Titheridge [1995] to the estimations of the ionization vertical drift velocity V is studied. The values of the F2-layer maximum height, h m F2, obtained from the measurements using the DPS-4 digital ionosonde at Irkutsk (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics) in 2003–2006, are the initial data. The neutral gas parameters were calculated from the [Hedin, 1987] thermospheric model. The obtained calculations of the vertical ionization drift velocity are estimated by comparing with the [Hedin et al., 1991] empirical model. In some cases, good agreement with this model has been obtained. However, such agreement is registered not always, and the cause of such discrepancies is still unclear. The diurnal variations in the vertical ionization drift velocity in different seasons are also discussed.  相似文献   

Theoretical model calculations along with ground-based observations from Huancayo ionosonde station and ESRO-4 gas analyzer data, were used to estimate the contribution of neutral gas composition changes and E×B vertical plasma drift to the observed F2-layer storm effects at the geomagnetic equator. Atomic oxygen concentration increase may give the main contribution to the positive NmF2 effect when drift velocity changes are small, but negative storm effects, on the other hand, are related mostly to vertical drift variations.  相似文献   

The seasonal effects in the thermosphere and ionosphere responses to the precipitating electron flux and field-aligned current variations, of the order of an hour in duration, in the summer and winter cusp regions have been investigated using the global numerical model of the Earths upper atmosphere. Two variants of the calculations have been performed both for the IMF By < 0. In the first variant, the model input data for the summer and winter precipitating fluxes and field-aligned currents have been taken as geomagnetically symmetric and equal to those used earlier in the calculations for the equinoctial conditions. It has been found that both ionospheric and thermospheric disturbances are more intensive in the winter cusp region due to the lower conductivity of the winter polar cap ionosphere and correspondingly larger electric field variations leading to the larger Joule heating effects in the ion and neutral gas temperature, ion drag effects in the thermospheric winds and ion drift effects in the F2-region electron concentration. In the second variant, the calculations have been performed for the events of 28–29 January, 1992 when precipitations were weaker but the magnetospheric convection was stronger than in the first variant. Geomagnetically asymmetric input data for the summer and winter precipitating fluxes and field-aligned currents have been taken from the patterns derived by combining data obtained from the satellite, radar and ground magnetometer observations for these events. Calculated patterns of the ionospheric convection and thermospheric circulation have been compared with observations and it has been established that calculated patterns of the ionospheric convection for both winter and summer hemispheres are in a good agreement with the observations. Calculated patterns of the thermospheric circulation are in a good agreement with the average circulation for the Southern (summer) Hemisphere obtained from DE-2 data for IMF By < 0 but for the Northern (winter) Hemisphere there is a disagreement at high latitudes in the afternoon sector of the cusp region. At the same time, the model results for this sector agree with other DE-2 data and with the ground-based FPI data. All ionospheric and thermospheric disturbances in the second variant of the calculations are more intensive in the winter cusp region in comparison with the summer one and this seasonal difference is larger than in the first variant of the calculations, especially in the electron density and all temperature variations. The means that the seasonal effects in the cusp region are stronger in the thermospheric and ionospheric responses to the FAC variations than to the precipitation disturbances.  相似文献   

New ionospheric activity indices are derived from automatically scaled online data from several European ionosonde stations. These indices are used to distinguish between normal ionospheric conditions expected from prevailing solar activity and ionospheric disturbances caused by specific solar and atmospheric events (flares, coronal mass ejections, atmospheric waves, etc.). The most reliable indices are derived from the maximum electron density of the ionospheric 2-layer expressed by the maximum critical frequency foF 2. Similar indices derived from ionospheric M(3000)2 values show a markedly lower variability indicating that the changes of the altitude of the 2-layer maximum are proportionally smaller than those estimated from the maximum electron density in the 2-layer. By using the ionospheric activity indices for several stations the ionospheric disturbance level over a substantial part of Europe (34°N–60°N; 5°W–40°E) can now be displayed online.  相似文献   

A self-consistent method for daytime F-region modelling was applied to EISCAT observations during two periods comprising the very disturbed days 3 April 1992 and 10 April 1990. The observed strong Ne decrease at F2-layer heights originated from different physical mechanisms in the two cases. The negative F2-layer storm effect with an NmF2 decrease by a factor of 6.4 on 3 April 1992 was produced by enhanced electric fields (E 85 mV/m) and strong downward plasma drifts, but without any noticeable changes in thermos-pheric parameters. The increase of the O+ + N2 reaction rate resulted in a strong enrichment of the ionosphere with molecular ions even at F2-layer heights. The enhanced electric field produced a wide mid-latitude daytime trough on 03 April 1992 not usually observed during similar polarization jet events. The other strong negative storm effect on 10 April 1990 with a complete disappearance of the F2-layer maximum at the usual heights was attributed mainly to changes in neutral composition and temperature. A small value for the shape parameter S in the neutral temperature profile and a low neutral temperature at 120 km indicate strong cooling of the lower thermosphere. We propose that this cooling is due to increased nitric oxide concentration usually observed at these heights during geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

The F-region peak electron densities NmF2 measured during daytime quiet geomagnetic conditions at low solar activity on January 22, 2008, April 8, 1997, July 12, 1986, and October 26, 1995, are compared. Ionospheric parameters are measured by the ionosonde and incoherent scatter radar at Millstone Hill and calculated with the use of a 1D nonstationary ionosphere–plasmasphere model of number densities and temperatures of electrons and ions at middle geomagnetic latitudes. The formation of the semiannual anomaly of the midlatitudinal NmF2 under daytime quiet geomagnetic conditions at low solar activity is studied. The study shows that the semiannual NmF2 anomaly occurs due to the total impact of three main causes: seasonal variations in the velocity of plasma drift along the geomagnetic field due to the corresponding variations in the components of the neutral wind velocity; seasonal variations in the composition and temperature of the neutral atmosphere; and the dependence of the solar zenith angle on a number of the day in the year at the same solar local time.  相似文献   

Current theories of F-layer storms are discussed using numerical simulations with the Upper Atmosphere Model, a global self-consistent, time dependent numerical model of the thermosphere-ionosphere-plasmasphere-magnetosphere system including electrodynamical coupling effects. A case study of a moderate geomagnetic storm at low solar activity during the northern winter solstice exemplifies the complex storm phenomena. The study focuses on positive ionospheric storm effects in relation to thermospheric disturbances in general and thermospheric composition changes in particular. It investigates the dynamical effects of both neutral meridional winds and electric fields caused by the disturbance dynamo effect. The penetration of short-time electric fields of magnetospheric origin during storm intensification phases is shown for the first time in this model study. Comparisons of the calculated thermospheric composition changes with satellite observations of AE-C and ESRO-4 during storm time show a good agreement. The empirical MSISE90 model, however, is less consistent with the simulations. It does not show the equatorward propagation of the disturbances and predicts that they have a gentler latitudinal gradient. Both theoretical and experimental data reveal that although the ratio of [O]/[N2] at high latitudes decreases significantly during the magnetic storm compared with the quiet time level, at mid to low latitudes it does not increase (at fixed altitudes) above the quiet reference level. Meanwhile, the ionospheric storm is positive there. We conclude that the positive phase of the ionospheric storm is mainly due to uplifting of ionospheric F2-region plasma at mid latitudes and its equatorward movement at low latitudes along geomagnetic field lines caused by large-scale neutral wind circulation and the passage of travelling atmospheric disturbances (TADs). The calculated zonal electric field disturbances also help to create the positive ionospheric disturbances both at middle and low latitudes. Minor contributions arise from the general density enhancement of all constituents during geomagnetic storms, which favours ion production processes above ion losses at fixed height under day-light conditions.  相似文献   

Further development of the method proposed by Danilov and Mikhailov is presented. The method is applied to reveal the foF2 long-term trends on 30 Northern Hemisphere ionosonde stations. Most of them show significant foF2 trends. A pronounced dependence of trend magnitude on geomagnetic (invariant) latitude is confirmed. Periods of negative/positive foF2 trends corresponding to the periods of long-term increasing/decreasing geomagnetic activity are revealed for the first time. Pronounced diurnal variations of the foF2 trend magnitude are found. Strong positive foF2 trends in the post-midnight-early-morning LT sector and strong negative trends during daytime hours are found on the sub-auroral stations for the period with increasing geomagnetic activity. On the contrary middle and lower latitude stations demonstrate negative trends in the early-morning LT sector and small negative or positive trends during daytime hours for the same period. All the morphological features revealed of the foF2 trends may be explained in the framework of contemporary F2-region storm mechanisms. This newly proposed F2-layer geomagnetic storm concept casts serious doubts on the hypothesis relating the F2-layer parameter long-term trends to the thermosphere cooling due to the greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

Ionospheric F2-layer peak height hmF2 variations, as measured over 1986–1995 by the MU radar (34.85°N, 136.1°E) and as calculated with a theoretical model, are discussed. The diurnal variations of the measured peak height for different seasons and levels of solar activity are compared with those estimated from ionosonde M3000F2 and IRI predictions. Also given are the measured ion drift velocities and meridional neutral winds needed to understand the dynamic behavior of the F2-layer. It is found that: (1) hmF2 is generally higher during periods of the solar maximum than during periods of the solar minimum, and higher in summer than in winter; (2) for the solar maximum, hmF2 drops markedly in the morning and in the afternoon, while, for the solar minimum, the hmF2 minimum occurs in the morning during summer and usually in the afternoon during winter. In general, the measured hmF2 is well reproduced by our model when we use the observed drift velocities and plasma temperatures as inputs. Our modeling study shows that the neutral wind contributes strongly to the diurnal variation of hmF2 in winter by lowering the ionization layer by day, particularly for the solar maximum; it also helps to enlarge the day–night difference of hmF2 in summer. The northward electromagnetic drifts that usually cancel the neutral wind effect have only a minor effect for the location of the MU radar. Other features of the observed hmF2 variations, e.g., the solar maximum–minimum difference, the summer–winter difference, and the morning and afternoon drops, are explained by the basic processes of O+ production, loss and diffusion, as influenced by the atomic oxygen concentration and neutral and plasma temperatures.  相似文献   

The measurements of the critical frequencies of the ionospheric F2 layer based on vertical radiosounding, which was performed with a CADI digital ionosonde at the Voeykovo magnetic–ionospheric observatory in February 2013, have been considered. The observations have been compared with the upper atmosphere numerical model (UAM) data for three days that differ in the amplitude and the character of solar and magnetic activity and correspond to quiet and moderately disturbed states of the ionosphere. The work was performed in order to improve the methods for determining the ionospheric state by vertical sounding ionograms. The time variations in the F2 layer critical frequency, electric field vector zonal component, and thermospheric wind velocity meridional component have been analyzed. Calculations were performed with three UAM variants. The UAM version providing the best agreement with the CADI ionosonde data was the version in which the neutral temperature, neutral composition, and pressure gradients are calculated according to the MSIS empirical model and the horizontal neutral wind velocity is determined by the equation of motion with pressure gradients from MSIS. The calculated values corresponded to the measurements, except those for the evening, because the electron density at the ionospheric F2 layer maximum depends more strongly on electric fields and thermospheric wind velocities during this period. Thus, the indicated UAM version with the above limitations can be used to determine the state of the subauroral ionosphere.  相似文献   

The thermospheric and ionospheric effects of the precipitating electron flux and field-aligned-current variations in the cusp have been modelled by the use of a new version of the global numerical model of the Earths upper atmosphere developed for studies of polar phenomena. The responses of the electron concentration, ion, electron and neutral temperature, thermospheric wind velocity and electric-field potential to the variations of the precipitating 0.23-keV electron flux intensity and field-aligned current density in the cusp have been calculated by solving the corresponding continuity, momentum and heat balance equations. Features of the atmospheric gravity wave generation and propagation from the cusp region after the electron precipitation and field-aligned current-density increases have been found for the cases of the motionless and moving cusp region. The magnitudes of the disturbances are noticeably larger in the case of the moving region of the precipitation. The thermospheric disturbances are generated mainly by the thermospheric heating due to the soft electron precipitation and propagate to lower latitudes as large-scale atmospheric gravity waves with the mean horizontal velocity of about 690 ms–1. They reveal appreciable magnitudes at significant distances from the cusp region. The meridional-wind-velocity disturbance at 65° geomagnetic latitude is of the same order (100 ms–1) as the background wind due to the solar heating, but is oppositely directed. The ionospheric disturbances have appreciable magnitudes at the geomagnetic latitudes 70°–85°. The electron-concentration and -temperature disturbances are caused mainly by the ionization and heating processes due to the precipitation, whereas the ion-temperature disturbances are influence strongly by Joule heating of the ion gas due to the electric-field disturbances in the cusp. The latter strongly influence the zonal- and meridional-wind disturbances as well via the effects of ion drag in the cusp region. The results obtained are of interest because of the location of the  相似文献   

Analysis of the variability of the @F2-layer height, @hmF2@, from the 1950s to 1960s to the 1990s is performed on the basis of vertical sounding data for a series of midlatitude ionospheric stations. It is found that the scatter of the @hmF2@ values (standard deviation) increases sharply from the earlier decades to the later ones. This increase is better pronounced in the spring period of the year and does not depend on geomagnetic activity. The increase in the scatter of @hmF2@ indicates, evidently, the presence of systematic changes (trends) in thermospheric dynamics, the existence of these trends having been suggested in the recent publications of the author on the basis of the analysis of the foF2(night)/foF2(day) and R(foF2) parameters.  相似文献   

Using ionosonde made observations at Concepción (36.8°S; 73.0°W) for the 1958–1994 interval, long-term trends of critical frequency (foF2) and peak height (hmF2) of the ionospheric F2-layer are analysed. The trends found for different times-of-day and all seasons are consistent with an increasing diurnal-variation amplitude of both foF2 and hmF2. An increasing hmF2 trend of up to 1.5 km/year found between midnight and dawn during winter has no precedent. It is suggested that these long-term amplitude changes may be associated with changes in the prevailing thermospheric meridional neutral winds.  相似文献   

Using data from ground-based ionospheric sounding stations, we studied the morphologic features of the disturbance pattern of the electron concentration at the midlatitude F2-layer maximum (NmF2) in the period of a magnetic superstorm, which began on July 15, 2000. In the Southern (winter) Hemisphere in the latitudinal sector, where the main storm phase began after sunrise, negative NmF disturbances were observed at quite high midlatitudes both day and night; whereas large positive NmF disturbances took place at lower midlatitudes in nighttime hours. In the Northern (summer) Hemisphere at latitudes where the main storm phase occurred in the local evening, only long-term negative disturbances were observed in daytime and nighttime hours; whereas at latitudes where the main storm phase began in the afternoon, NmF2 experienced both negative and positive disturbances. Based on analysis of data of KOMPSAT-l, ROCSAT-1, DMSP F13, F14, and F15 satellites, we present clear arguments for the viewpoint of many authors that it is just the enhancement of the eastward electric field in the evening sector that led to formation of the large-scale trough in the nighttime low-latitude upper ionosphere. This field enhancement was due to penetration of the magnetospheric electric field to low latitudes, not to the dynamo action of the disturbed neutral wind. It is also shown that, due to equatorward expansion of the magnetospheric convection system during the main storm phase, the plasmapause and the main ionospheric trough were shifted to a magnetic latitude of 40° (L ∼ 1.7).  相似文献   

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