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利用2005~2011年共7年的太阳辐射观测资料对三江平原紫外辐射的时间变化规律及紫外辐射与总辐射比值的变化特征进行了分析,结果表明紫外辐射与总辐射的变化规律一致,日变化为正午大、早晚小;季节变化规律是夏季高、冬季低。紫外辐射日累积值的7年年平均值为0.53 MJ m–2 d–1。紫外辐射与总辐射比值存在着明显日、季节变化特征,日变化特征为正午大、早晚小,而季节变化与紫外辐射的季节变化一致也是夏季大、冬季小。紫外辐射与总辐射比值7年平均为0.0433。利用2011年观测的总辐射、紫外辐射数据,通过紫外辐射与总辐射比值和大气质量数与晴空指数的相互依赖关系,建立了适合于三江地区紫外辐射估算的方程。利用建立的估算方程估算的紫外辐射瞬时值和日累积值与观测值之间的平均相对误差最大分别为8.5%和6.1%。  相似文献   

拉萨紫外辐射特征分析及估算公式的建立   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文利用2005~2010年的辐射观测资料对拉萨地区紫外辐射的时间变化特征及紫外辐射与总辐射比值的变化特征进行了分析,结果表明,紫外辐射与太阳总辐射的变化规律基本一致,日变化表现为正午大、早晚小;季变化特征是夏季6月最大,冬季1月最小.紫外辐射日累积值6年平均为0.87 MJ·m-2·d-1;紫外辐射有逐年递减的趋势.紫外辐射与总辐射比值也存在着明显日变化,表现为正午大、早晚小的规律;其季节变化也是夏季最大,冬季最小.紫外辐射与总辐射比值6年平均为0.0418;紫外辐射与总辐射比值也呈现逐年递减的趋势.利用2010年大气质量数和晴空指数,建立了适合于拉萨紫外辐射估量的公式,估算值的瞬时值与观测值的平均相对误差最大为8.66%,紫外辐射日累积重构值与观测值平均相对误差仅为5.5%.  相似文献   

太湖地区太阳紫外辐射的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用 1998年 1— 12月太湖湖泊生态系统研究站的太阳辐射观测资料进行分析 ,得到此间太湖地区近地面太阳紫外辐射及其占太阳总辐射比例的变化特征。结果表明 :该地区太阳紫外辐射年平均日总量为 0 .73MJ· m-2· d-1,大于临近的上海 ;紫外辐射瞬时极大值为 5 0 W· m-2 ;紫外辐射在总辐射中所占比例年平均值为 6 .2 % ,也比上海要大 ;其年变化特征与上海相同 ,夏季大冬季小  相似文献   

利用2005~2011年的太阳辐射观测资料分析三江平原地区光合有效辐射(Qp)的时间变化特征及其与总辐射(Rs)比值(Qp/Rs)的变化规律,结果表明,Qp与Rs具有相同的季节变化特征;Qp日累计值的变化范围为60.47~0.11 mol m-2 d-1,年均值为23.76 mol m-2 d-1。Qp/Rs的变化范围为1.52~2.07 mol MJ-1,年均值为1.91 mol MJ-1。Qp/Rs和Qp季节变化一致,两者都是夏季最大,春秋次之,冬季最小。通过利用2011年的Qp观测数据、大气质量数与晴空指数的相互关系,建立了适合于估量三江地区Qp的经验方程,估算值与观测值的相对误差在5.7%以内。  相似文献   

拉萨光合有效辐射的变化趋势及其估算方程的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2005年1月-2010年12月中国生态研究网络拉萨农田站的观测数据,分析了拉萨地区光合有效辐射Qp的变化特征.结果表明,拉萨地区的Qp与太阳总辐射Rs具有相同的月变化和日变化特征,Rs与Qp的平均日累计值分别为20.2 MJ·m-2和37.2 mol·m-2,Qp呈逐年递减趋势.Rs与Qp的月变化表现为6月最大、1月最小,其最大、最小值分别为25.4 MJ·m-2、14.0 M J·m-2和48.7 mol·m-2、25.2 mol·m-2.日变化表现为正午大、早晚小.光合有效辐射系数(Qp/Rs)的变化范围在1.3~3.2 mol·MJ-1之间,年平均值为1.89 mol·MJ-1,呈逐年递减趋势,2010年比2005年降低了6.7%.Qp/Rs的日变化表现为早晚大、正午小,季节变化表现为夏季最大、春秋季次之、冬季最小,而且夏、冬两季的季节变化较为明显,冬季比夏季低10.6%.通过分析Qp与晴空指数和太阳天顶角之间的关系建立了拉萨地区Qp的估算方程,相对误差在4.49%左右.  相似文献   

利用2010年春季民勤加强观测实验的地面辐射资料,分析了民勤沙漠干旱区总紫外辐射的变化特征,并对该地区的紫外辐射进行了估算和模拟。结果表明,紫外辐射和太阳总辐射表现出一致的变化特征,层云对两者的反射能力比卷云强。2010年6月紫外辐射的瞬时最大值为55.92 W·m-2,平均日总量为1.07 MJ·m-2,紫外辐射与太阳辐射比例的平均值为4.7%,其变化范围在3%~9%之间。根据晴空指数(Kt)与最大紫外辐射(UV0)及太阳总辐射(G)建立了民勤地区紫外辐射(UV)的估算方程:UV=2.94+1.22×(Kt×UV0)和UV=0.047G,均能较好地估计该地区的地表紫外辐射。由于受输入参数精度的限制,辐射传输模式SBDART低估了晴空条件下的紫外辐射,低估的总平均值为1.12 W·m-2(约5.6%),变化范围在-2.8~0.2 W·m-2之间。  相似文献   

利用阿克达拉大气本底站基准辐射观测站紫外辐射UV-A和UV-B数据,分析阿克达拉大气本底站紫外辐射和UV-B在不同时间尺度、云量和降水过程的变化特征。结果表明:阿克达拉大气本底站全年紫外辐射年总量达到321.1 MJ/m2,年均日曝辐量为0.88 MJ/m2,UV-B年曝辐量为5.3 MJ/m2,紫外辐射年平均值占总辐射年平均值的比例为5.6%。紫外UV和紫外UV-B的辐射强度的季节变化表现为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季。夏季紫外辐射曝辐量是冬季的2.79倍;UV-B夏季平均日曝辐量是冬季的8.10倍。积雪导致紫外辐射及占总辐射比值增大,积雪期与非积雪期紫外辐射占总辐射比值均值分别为6.53%和5.83%,积雪使地面紫外辐射增加25.89%。在多云与阴雨时可能由于水汽作用大量吸收波长较大的红外辐射致使紫外辐射与总辐射的比值较大。  相似文献   

利用2009年11月-2010年10月青藏高原玛多自动气象站辐射平衡观测资料,分析了高原两种不同下垫面辐射平衡各分量的季节平均日变化和年变化特征.结果表明,各季节的平均总辐射日变化和年变化在两种下垫面的趋势基本一致,夏季总辐射为非零值的时间在早上要比冬季早2h左右,而在傍晚出现零值的时间要比冬季晚2h左右.夏季总辐射最强、冬季最弱,年变化最小值为0.544 MJ·m-2,出现在1月;最大值为1.001MJ ·m-2,出现在7月.在11:00-16:00(北京时)之间反射辐射冬季最强、夏季最弱.这种现象与总辐射日变化趋势恰好相反,反射辐射的年变化最小值出现在2月,平均最小值为0.157MJ· m-2;最大值出现在11月,平均最大值为0.326 MJ· m-2.1号点和2号点反射辐射差值冬季最大,达到0.06 MJ·m-2;春季最小,为0.03 MJ·m-2.净辐射年变化最小值为-0.025 MJ·m-2,出现在12月;最大值为0.477 MJ·m-2,出现在7月.地表反射率2个观测点的变化趋势大致相同,各季节地表反射率最大值、最小值和平均值都是2号点大于1号点,平均偏大8%.  相似文献   

本文利用东疆红柳河黑戈壁下垫面陆气相互作用观测站2017年太阳紫外辐射、总辐射和气象站天气现象观测数据,对东疆黑戈壁不同时间尺度和不同天气背景下的太阳紫外辐射A波段(UVA)和B波段(UVB)的变化特征进行了分析。结果表明:1)紫外辐射UVA和UVB日变化呈正态分布,UVA、UVB最大瞬时辐照度为67.97W·m-2、2.15W·m-2,日均最大曝辐量为2.09MJ·m-2和0.05MJ·m-2,年曝辐量为400.31 MJ·m-2和8.63 MJ·m-2;季节变化呈现夏季高,冬季低、春季高于秋季的特点;年变化呈现倒“U”型,年变化幅度呈夏季大,冬季小的趋势。2)紫外辐射占总辐射的比例呈夏高冬低的特点。不同天气下,其比例变化幅度也不相同,晴天大于雨天。3)太阳紫外辐射的月和年平均量以及紫外辐射年均值占总辐射年均值的比例,东疆黑戈壁地区都明显高于其他地区。  相似文献   

临沂市紫外线辐射变化特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用临沂市2004年7月至2005年6月逐日紫外线观测资料,分析太阳紫外线辐射强度指数和等级的年、季、月和日变化特征。指出临沂市日紫外线最大辐射强度为4级的日数为多数,即紫外线辐射指数为7~9的日数占52%,4级以上紫外线辐射主要出现在春夏季节,冬季紫外线辐射较弱,出现4级辐射日数很少且无5级辐射。晴空条件下,冬季太阳紫外线辐射强度日变幅明显小于其他季节,夏季日最大辐射强度出现在12-14时,较其他季节的日最大辐射强度出现时段滞后1小时。  相似文献   

Measurements of the broadband global solar radiation (R S) and total ultraviolet radiation (the sum of UV-A and UV-B) were conducted from 2005 to 2010 at 9 sites in arid and semi-arid regions of China. These data were used to determine the temporal variability of UV and UV/R S and their dependence on the water vapor content and clearness index. The dependence of UV/R S on aerosol optical depth (AOD) and water vapor content was also investigated. In addition, a simple and efficient empirically model suited for all-weather conditions was developed to estimate UV from R s. The annual average daily UV level in arid and semi-arid areas is 0.61 and 0.59 MJ m?2 d?1, respectively. The highest value (0.66?±?0.25 MJ m?2 d?1) was recorded at an arid area at Linze. The lowest value (0.53?±?0.22 MJ m?2 d?1) was recorded at a semi-arid area at Ansai. The highest daily value of UV radiation was measured in May, whereas the lowest value was measured in December. The monthly variation of the UV/R s ratio ranged from 0.41 in Aksu to 0.35 in Qira. The monthly mean value of UV/R s gradually increased from November and then decreased in August. A small decreasing trend of UV/R s was observed in the arid and semi-arid regions due to recently increasing amounts of fine aerosol. A simple and efficient empirically model suit for all-weather condition was developed to estimate UV from R s. The slope a and intercept b of the regression line between the estimated and measured values were close to 1 and zero, respectively. The relative error between the estimated and measured values was less than 11.5%. Application of the model to data collected from different locations in this region also resulted in reasonable estimates of UV.  相似文献   

Measurements of broadband global solar and ultraviolet radiation (UV-KZ) by a Kipp & Zonen radiometer from 2005 to 2011 at three sites in the background region over Northeast China were used to investigate the characteristics of the temporal variability of UV-KZ radiation in Northeast China. The highest annual mean daily values of UV-KZ (0.53 MJ m?2 d?1) were observed at Sanjiang and Changbai Mountain. The lowest value (0.49 MJ m?2 d?1) was measured at Hailun due to the high aerosol burden and the long path of solar radiation. The diurnal variation in UV-KZ radiation on four clear days near the equinoxes and solstices exhibited bell-shaped curves, with a maximum at approximately noon. There was little difference in UV-KZ radiation between representative spring and autumn days except that the amount of UV-KZ radiation during the spring was higher than that during the autumn. The relationship between the maximum values of UV-KZ radiation and clearness index can be accurately demonstrated with three polynomial equations. An empirical estimation model suited for all weather conditions was developed using measurements collected at Hailun. The slope of the linear regression between the measured and modeled UV-KZ radiation was approximately 1, the intercept of the linear regression equation was near zero, and the relative error of the equation was less than 8.5 %. These validation results suggest that this model can accurately estimate the UV-KZ radiation based on more conventional measured radiation data. The empirical estimation model can also serve as a valuable method for the study of ecological processes in other regions.  相似文献   

In situ measured data of broadband solar radiation (Rs) and ultraviolet (Uv) radiation were used to investigate the spa- tiotemporal variation properties of Uv radiation and the ratio of Uv radiation to Rs over the North China Plain (NCP). Based on the analysis, an empirical model for estimating Uv radiation under all weather conditions in this region was developed. The results showed that the annual Uv radiation over the NCP ranges from 0.38-0.52 MJ m^-2 d^-1. The highest value during the study period was recorded at the Changwu site, which is located near the margin of the Loess Plateau, while the lowest value appeared at the station in Beijing. The seasonal variation pattern of the ratio of Uv radiation to Rs is similar to that of Uv radiation; namely, the highest value appears in August and then decreases gradually until the lowest value appears in November. A small increasing trend in the Uv radiation levels and the ratio of Uv radiation to Rs was observed over the NCP. The evaluation results showed that the empirical estimation model can be widely used to estimate Uv radiation under all atmospheric conditions. The relative error between the modeled and measured daily values were within ± 15%.  相似文献   

上海地区地面太阳紫外辐射的观测和分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
通过对上海地区2001~2003年地面太阳总辐射和紫外辐射观测资料的分析表明:(1)上海地区太阳辐射和紫外辐射年总量分别为4487.1MJ/m^2和149.6MJ/m^2。(2)紫外辐射的季节变化特征十分明显,夏半年(4-9月)各月极大紫外辐射强度远大于冬半年(10月~次年3月),7月份最强,12月份最弱。(3)不同天气条件下,紫外辐射日变化显示出明显的差异,晴天强且稳定,多云天气波动较大,阴天则次之。(4)紫外辐射占总辐射的比例(η)也显示冬半年低,夏半年高的分布特征。(5)影响上海地区到达地面紫外辐射的主要因子有:太阳高度角的大小大致决定了到达地面紫外辐射的强弱,两者具有相近的年变化趋势;云、雨等天气类型是影响紫外辐射的重要因子;大气能见度对紫外辐射也有比较明显的影响。  相似文献   

Climatic characteristics of broadband solar radiation (Rs) in Chinese arid and semi-arid areas are reported in this study. The annual average daily Rs in the arid and semi-arid areas is 16.3 ±5.77 and 15.3 ± 5.16 MJ m^-2 d^-1, respectively. The highest value (17.2 ± 5.84 MJ m^-2 d^-1) appears in an arid area at Linze. The lowest value appears in the semi-arid area of Ansai. Pronounced seasonal variation of Rs is observed with the highest value in summer and the lowest in winter. The clearness index showed similar seasonal pattern at most sites, with the minimum observed in the summer and the highest values in winter at both arid and semi-arid areas. The seasonal variation of the ratio of Rs to its extraterrestrial value Kt in the arid area is more significant than that observed in the semi-arid region, and it is caused by the different range of variation of water vapor between arid and semi-arid areas. The seasonal fluctuations in Rs and Kt are mainly controlled by the water vapor content in these areas. The aerosol particles have significant influence on Rs and Kt at stations with higher aerosol burden.  相似文献   

利用东南极高原熊猫-1自动气象站2011年2月—2012年1月观测的辐射资料和相关资料,对辐射分量和辐射平衡的季节变化进行了研究。结果表明,夏季是东南极高原获得太阳能的主要时段,总辐射通量夏季平均为365.0 W/m2,总量达到2752.1 MJ/m2,占全年总辐射量的58%。各个季节均能出现总辐射瞬时值大于大气顶水平总辐射,春季发生频率最高,冬季最小,总辐射平均日变化呈单峰型。大气长波辐射除夏季外,日变化不明显。冰雪面长波辐射除冬季外,各季节平均日变化呈明显的单峰单谷型。净辐射12月和1月为很小的正值,其他月份为负值。年平均净辐射为 -8.7 W/m2,表明地表相对于大气为冷源。该站的辐射平衡特征与其他南极内陆高原站相似,雪面具有强烈的辐射冷却效应,导致净辐射绝对值都小于下降风区。  相似文献   

王晓东  曹雯  伍琼  岳伟  段春锋 《气象科学》2021,41(2):245-252
利用1961-2015年黄淮地区8个辐射站太阳辐射和日照时数等常规气象资料,分别评价6种常用的太阳总辐射和有效辐射估算模型在黄淮地区的适用性,同时采用多元回归分析和迭代等方法,对辐射参数进行优化调整,建立了适合本地区的辐射最优化估算模型.结果 表明:童宏良公式和邓根云公式分别在估算太阳总辐射和地面有效辐射时的误差最小,...  相似文献   

Tazhong station, located at the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert in northwest China, experiences frequent dusty weather events during spring and summer seasons (its dusty season) caused by unstable stratified atmosphere, abundant sand source and strong low-level wind. On average, it has 246.2 dusty days each year, of which 16.2 days are classified as sand and dust storm days. To better understand the characteristic of solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation and factors influencing its variations under such an extreme environment, UV radiation data were collected continuously from 2007 to 2011 at Tazhong station using UVS-AB-T radiometer by Kipp and Zonen. This study documents observational characteristics of the UV radiation variations observed during the five-year period. Monthly UV radiation in this region varied in the range of 14.1–37.8 MJ m?2 and the average annual amount was 320.7 MJ m?2. The highest value of UV radiation occurred in June (62.5 W m?2) while the lowest one in December (29.3 W m?2). It showed a notable diurnal cycle, with peak value at 12:00–13:00 LST. Furthermore, its seasonal variation exhibited some unique features, with averaged UV magnitude showing an order of summer > spring > autumn > winter. The seasonal values were 37.0, 29.1, 24.9 and 15.9 MJ m?2, respectively. In autumn and winter, its daily variations were relatively weak. However, significant daily variations were observed during spring and summer associated with frequent dust weather events occurring in the region. Further analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between the UV radiation and solar zenith angle under different weather conditions. Under the same solar zenith angle, UV radiation was higher during clear days while it was lower in sand and dust storm days. Our observations showed that there was a negative correlation between UV radiation and ozone, but such a relationship became absent in dusty days. The UV radiation was reduced by 6 % when cloud amount was 1–4 oktas, by 12 % when the cloud amount was 5–7 oktas, and by 24 % when the cloud amount was greater than 8 oktas. The relative reduction of UV radiation reached 26, 38, and 45 % in dust day, blowing sand day and sand and dust storm day, respectively. The results revealed that decrease in UV radiation can be attributed to cloud coverage and dust aerosols. Moreover, the reduction of UV radiation caused by dust aerosols was about 2–4 times greater than that caused by cloud coverage. These observational results are of value for improving our understanding of processes controlling UV radiation over sand desert and developing methods for its estimation and prediction.  相似文献   

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