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We model the macroseismic damage distribution of four important intermediate-depth earthquakes of the southern Aegean Sea subduction zone, namely the destructive 1926 M?=?7.7 Rhodes and 1935 M?=?6.9 Crete earthquakes, the unique 1956 M?=?6.9 Amorgos aftershock (recently proposed to be triggered by a shallow event), and the more recent 2002 M?=?5.9 Milos earthquake, which all exhibit spatially anomalous macroseismic patterns. Macroseismic data for these events are collected from published macroseismic databases and compared with the spatial distribution of seismic motions obtained from stochastic simulation, converted to macroseismic intensity (Modified Mercalli scale, IMM). For this conversion, we present an updated correlation between macroseismic intensities and peak measures of seismic motions (PGA and PGV) for the intermediate-depth earthquakes of the southern Aegean Sea. Input model parameters for the simulations, such as fault dimensions, stress parameters, and attenuation parameters (e.g. back-arc/along anelastic attenuation) are adopted from previous work performed in the area. Site-effects on the observed seismic motions are approximated using generic transfer functions proposed for the broader Aegean Sea area on the basis of VS30 values from topographic slope proxies. The results are in very good agreement with the observed anomalous damage patterns, for which the largest intensities are often observed at distances >?100 km from the earthquake epicenters. We also consider two additional “prediction” but realistic intermediate-depth earthquake scenarios, and model their macroseismic distributions, to assess their expected damage impact in the broader southern Aegean area. The results suggest that intermediate-depth events, especially north of central Crete, have a prominent effect on a wide area of the outer Hellenic arc, with a very important impact on modern urban centers along northern Crete coasts (e.g. city of Heraklion), in excellent agreement with the available historical information.  相似文献   

The static displacement field of the Athens 1999 earthquake has been numerically modeled by a BEM method and analysed from SAR interferometry images with compatible results: (a) for a fault that reaches the surface the subsidence field coincides with the hangingwall domain of the Fili neotectonic normal fault with maximum amplitude, d max, 5.5–7 cm, which is consistent with the possibly co-seismic displacement of 6–10 cm observed in the field, the average fault dislocation of 5–8 cm found by the application of circular source models, and the displacement up to 6 cm predicted by empirical relations between magnitude and displacement; the field of uplift covers the footwall domain of the fault with d max1.5 cm;d gradually decreases with distance from the fault at a gradient of 0.4 cm/km, (b) for a blind fault d max is only 1.8 and 0.3 cm in the hangingwall and footwall, respectively, and the decay gradient becomes 0.15 cm/km, (c) the total deformation area is 15 km × 15 km and the Fili fault, with a preferred mean dip of 60°, constitutes the natural boundary between the subsidence and uplift areas. The macroseismic field pattern is similar with that of the static ground deformation. The majority of intensity values VI (MM and EMS-98 scales), are distributed within the hangingwall of the Fili fault, while the highest intensities (VIII and IX) concentrate very close to the Fili fault within its hangingwall domain. A gradual decrease of the intensities with the distance from the Fili fault is evident. Because of the similarity between the intensity distribution pattern and the static ground deformation pattern, we make the hypothesis that the latter predicts well enough the main characteristics of the former although the ground displacement is dominated by relatively low frequency as compared to the ground acceleration.  相似文献   

Further information on the macroseismic field in the Balkan area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Papazachos and Papaioannou (1997) (called PP97 hereinafter) studied the macroseismic field in the Balkan area (Greece, Albania, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and western Turkey) with the purpose of deriving attenuation and scaling relations useful for seismic hazard assessment and study of historical earthquakes. In his comment, Trifunac suggests that our analysis might exhibit certain bias for all countries except Greece due to problems mainly associated with the database (completeness, etc.), conversion of local intensity scales used in the Balkan countries, as well as to the local variations of the attenuation relation due to the variation of the geotectonic environment in this area. Specifically, his most important comments can be summarized as follows: a) The large participation of Greek data probably biased the scaling relations proposed in the study. b) The conversion relations used between local macroseismic scales are less accurate than their proposed such relations. c) The variation of attenuation (geometrical and anelastic) in different regions of the study area is important and local relations (instead of the proposed single relation) should be determined for seismic hazard assessment. In the following, we study in detail each of these possible bias sources. Additional work on the macroseismic field of the Balkan area shows that none of the previously described factors, suggested by Trifunac, introduces bias in the results presented by PP97. Specifically, it is shown that the database used by PP97 fulfills the basic requirements for a reliable determinations of attenuation and scaling relations proper for seismic hazard assessment in all five countries of this area. Evidence is presented that no strong geographical variation of the attenuation of macroseismic intensities of shallow earthquakes is observed. Relations between local version of intensity scales suggested by Shebalin et al. (1974) are shown to be reliable. Finally, it is demonstrated that national practices for estimation of macroseismic intensities may affect the results of seismic hazard assessment but proper formulation can be applied (PP97) which allows to take into account such differences in national practices. This formulation allows also to introduce and correct for anisotropic radiation at the seismic source as well as the incorporation of site effects.  相似文献   

On October 27, 2004, a moderate size earthquake occurred in the Vrancea seismogenic region (Romania). The Vrancea seismic zone is an area of concentrated seismicity at intermediate depths beneath the bending area of the southeastern Carpathians. The 2004 M w?=?6 Vrancea subcrustal earthquake is the largest seismic event recorded in Romania since the 1990 earthquakes. With a maximum macroseismic intensity of VII Medvedev–Sponheuer–Kárník (MSK-64) scale, the seismic event was felt to a distance of 600 km from the epicentre. This earthquake caused no serious damage and human injuries. The main purpose of this paper is to present the macroseismic map of the earthquake based on the MSK-64 intensity scale. After the evaluation of the macroseismic effects of this earthquake, an intensity dataset has been obtained for 475 sites in the Romanian territory. Also, the maximum horizontal accelerations recorded in the area by the K2 network are compared to the intensity values.  相似文献   

In regions that undergo low deformation rates, as is the case for metropolitan France (i.e. the part of France in Europe), the use of historical seismicity, in addition to instrumental data, is necessary when dealing with seismic hazard assessment. This paper presents the strategy adopted to develop a parametric earthquake catalogue using moment magnitude Mw, as the reference magnitude scale to cover both instrumental and historical periods for metropolitan France. Work performed within the framework of the SiHex (SIsmicité de l’HEXagone) (Cara et al. Bull Soc Géol Fr 186:3–19, 2015. doi: 10.2113/qssqfbull.186.1.3) and SIGMA (SeIsmic Ground Motion Assessment; EDF-CEA-AREVA-ENEL) projects, respectively on instrumental and historical earthquakes, have been combined to produce the French seismic CATalogue, version 2017 (FCAT-17). The SiHex catalogue is composed of ~40,000 natural earthquakes, for which the hypocentral location and Mw magnitude are given. In the frame of the SIGMA research program, an integrated study has been realized on historical seismicity from intensity prediction equations (IPE) calibration in Mw detailed in Baumont et al. (submitted) companion paper to their application to earthquakes of the SISFRANCE macroseismic database (BRGM, EDF, IRSN), through a dedicated strategy developed by Traversa et al. (Bull Earthq Eng, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s10518-017-0178-7) companion paper, to compute their Mw magnitude and depth. Macroseismic data and epicentral location and intensity used both in IPE calibration and inversion process, are those of SISFRANCE without any revision. The inversion process allows the main macroseismic field specificities reported by SISFRANCE to be taken into account with an exploration tree approach. It also allows capturing the epistemic uncertainties associated with macroseismic data and to IPEs selection. For events that exhibit a poorly constrained macroseismic field (mainly old, cross border or off-shore earthquakes), joint inversion of Mw and depth is not possible, and depth needs to be fixed to calculate Mw. Regional a priori depths have been defined for this purpose based on analysis of earthquakes with a well constrained macroseismic field where joint inversion of Mw and depth is possible. As a result, 27% of SISFRANCE earthquake seismological parameters have been jointly inverted and for the other 73% Mw has been calculated assuming a priori depths. The FCAT-17 catalogue is composed of the SIGMA historical parametric catalogue (magnitude range between 3.5 up to 7.0), covering from AD463 to 1965, and of the SiHex instrumental one, extending from 1965 to 2009. Historical part of the catalogue results from an automatic inversion of SISFRANCE data. A quality index is estimated for each historical earthquake according to the way the events are processed. All magnitudes are given in Mw which makes this catalogue directly usable as an input for probabilistic or deterministic seismic hazard studies. Uncertainties on magnitudes and depths are provided for historical earthquakes following calculation scheme presented in Traversa et al. (2017). Uncertainties on magnitudes for instrumental events are from Cara et al. (J Seismol 21:551–565, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s10950-016-9617-1).  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation of the magnitude–intensity and intensity–attenuation relationships for earthquakes in the Atlas block and Algeria using macroseismic data. This work is based on a selected sample of isoseismal maps from 32 events which were recently revised. Surface-wave magnitudes, Ms, are recalculated using the Prague formula and range from 4·2 to 7·45. Because the Atlas mountains block is in a collision zone, earthquakes occur in general within a layer 15 km deep. Expressions of general form for the magnitude–intensity and intensity–attenuation correlations are adopted and are, respectively, and where R2 = d2 + h2, d the source distance in km, h the focal depth in km, Ms the revised surface-wave magnitude, Msc the predicted surface-wave magnitude, Ii the intensity at isoseismal i, I the predicted intensity, σ the standard deviation and P is zero for 50-percentile values and one for 84-percentile, and the coefficients A's and B's are determined by regression analysis. The results of this study show that the intensity–attenuation models are adequate to predict quite well the die-out of intensity with distance in the Atlas zone and coastal Algeria; it is also found that magnitude can be predicted accurately by calibrating isoseismal radii against revised instrumental surface-wave magnitude. Such magnitude–intensity relationships may be used to evaluate the magnitude of historical earthquakes in the region under survey, with no instrumental data, for which isoseismal radii and intensities are available.  相似文献   

The distribution of the focal mechanisms of the shallow and intermediate depth (h>40 km) earthquakes of the Aegean and the surrounding area is discussed. The data consist of all events of the period 1963–1986 for the shallow, and 1961–1985 for the intermediate depth earthquakes, withM s 5.5. For this purpose, all published fault plane solutions for each event have been collected, reproduced, carefully checked and if possible improved accordingly. The distribution of the focal mechanisms of the earthquakes in the Aegean declares the existence of thrust faulting following the coastline of southern Yugoslavia, Albania and western Greece extending up to the island of Cephalonia. This zone of compression is due to the collision between two continental lithospheres (Apulian-Eurasian). The subduction of the African lithosphere under the Aegean results in the occurrence of thrust faulting along the convex side of the Hellenic arc. These two zones of compression are connected via strike-slip faulting observed at the area of Cephalonia island. TheP axis along the convex side of the arc keeps approximately the same strike throughout the arc (210° NNE-SSW) and plunges with a mean angle of 24° to southwest. The broad mainland of Greece as well as western Turkey are dominated by normal faulting with theT axis striking almost NS (with a trend of 174° for Greece and 180° for western Turkey). The intermediate depth seismicity is distributed into two segments of the Benioff zone. In the shallower part of the Benioff zone, which is found directly beneath the inner slope of the sedimentary arc of the Hellenic arc, earthquakes with depths in the range 40–100 km are distributed. The dip angle of the Benioff zone in this area is found equal to 23°. This part of the Benioff zone is coupled with the seismic zone of shallow earthquakes along the arc and it is here that the greatest earthquakes have been observed (M s 8.0). The deeper part (inner) of the Benioff zone, where the earthquakes with depths in the range 100–180 km are distributed, dips with a mean angle of 38° below the volcanic arc of southern Aegean.  相似文献   

论确定地震震源深度的地震宏观方法及其解答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者基于在近场震源不能视作点源的认识,分析导出了相当于线、面源幅射场的深度公式,进而对源的类型不予作假定,将源指标的几何扩散率n作为待定参数,导出了一个物理意义明确且普遍化的震源深度公式。该公式的诸种解法中,以计算方法较准确,精度高;作图求解有较直观的优点,但准确性差,精度低;图算法仅作为获取粗略值和考察数据的均匀性用。用该公式对我国发生的一些不同震级的地震的震源深度进行了计算,经对比,效果很好。利用计算所得震源类型,初步研究了这些地震的震源几何学,并且首次给出了宏观地震震源深度测定值的标准误差。  相似文献   

A method is suggested for the analysis of macroseismic intensity data in order to accurately determine an average attenuation structure of the upper part of the crust in an area. The method is based on a model which assumes that the observed intensities depend on source properties (radiation pattern, size, focal depth), geometrical spreading and anelastic attenuation. The method is applied to 13,008 intensity values, observed in corresponding sites of Greece and grouped (in 4228 groups), according to their spatial clustering in order to diminish observational errors and site effects. An average intensity attenuation coefficient,c=–0.0039±0.0016, corresponding to a quality factor, Q=350±140, is determined for the upper 20 km of the crust in this area. This value is relatively low, in good agreement with the relatively high heat flow and high seismic activity of this area. A byproduct of the present study is the determination, for each earthquake, of a macroseismic focal depth and of a macroseismic size, which is strongly correlatted with both the earthquake's magnitude and its seismic moment determined by independent methods.  相似文献   

Regional seismic apparent attenuation was estimated for Costa Rica, Central America, by using a time domain single scattering model of the shear wave coda decay of local earthquakes. The sensitivity of coda Q (Qc) measurements with respect to geological differences in the crust is demonstrated in eight sub-regions with a large variety of tectonic and geologic properties. The Qc estimations were performed for 96 selected local earthquakes recorded at 13 sites during a period of three months. In order to model the scattering as a weak process and to avoid short distance nonlinear effects, we made use of the S-wave coda data only from events within a hypocentral distance of 12 to 106 km with a lapse time between 9 and 53 s. Seismograms were also divided into groups with three different focal depths d, namely d<21 km, 21 kmc values are frequency dependent in the range 1–9 Hz, and are approximated by a least-squares fit to the power law Qc(f) = Q0(f/f0)n. The estimated parameters of the power-law dependence of Qc for the whole region, including all depths and possible wave paths, are Q0 = 91 (± 8.4) and n = 0.72 (±0.071). Differences in the parameter of Qc for different depths intervals are small, ranging from Q0 = 90 (±0.7) and n = 0.70 (±0.006) for the uppermost group, with focal depths less than 21 km, to Q0 = 97 (±0.7) and n = 0.79 (±0.005) for the deepest group with focal depths larger than 43 km. The regional differences in Qc for the eight sub-regions are significantly larger when compared with the differences between the three focal depth groups. An attempt is made to interpret the variation of Qc in terms of spatial variations in the geologic and tectonic properties of the crust. Other authors have found that the frequency exponent n might be larger in active tectonic areas and smaller in more stable regions. In the northern region of the Pacific coast we obtain a value of n = 0.52 (±0.011), which might indicate a lower level of tectonic activity when compared with n = 0.85 (±0.015) and 0.83 (±0.031), respectively, for the central and southern sub-regions along the Pacific coast. The latter two sub-regions are located closer to the active area near the Cocos ridge. We obtain the frequency exponent n = 0.72 (±0.052) along a major shear zone in central Costa Rica characterized by high volcanic activity and large geologic complexity. Values of n along the Panamean border are 0.62 (±0.029) in the north and 0.86 (±0.009) and 0.83 (±0.031) in two regions adjacent to the subduction zone and the Cocos Ridge, respectively.  相似文献   

A re-assessment of the historic seismicity of the central sector of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera (EC) is made by revision of bibliographic sources, by calibration with modern instrumental earthquakes, and by interpretations in terms of current knowledge of the tectonics and seismicity of the region. Throughout the process we have derived an equation to estimate Mw for shallow crustal earthquakes in Colombia using the length of isoseismal VIII, LVIII:
We also derived an equation to evaluate Mw for Colombian crustal earthquakes using the rupture length, L, estimated generally from the aftershock distribution of strong earthquakes:
We calculated average attenuation parameters for intermediate depth and shallow earthquakes that may be used, combined with other observations, to estimate the focal depth of historical events. Our final picture shows three distinct regions of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera (EC) where historical earthquakes are distributed. (a) The southern sector, from the Páramo de Sumapaz down to the Colombian Massif where the largest crustal earthquakes have occurred (1827, M 7 3/4; 1967, Mw = 7.0). (b) The central sector, between the Páramo de Sumapaz and Tunja with moderate to large earthquakes associated to the reverse faults on the piedmonts (the 1805 earthquake, M 6 3/4, on the western flank, and the 1743, 1923 and 1995 with M 6 1/2, 6 3/4, and 6.5, respectively, on the eastern flank). (c) The northern sector, to the north of Tunja, which is characterized by recurrent earthquakes probably associated with major reverse faults in the axial zone (e.g., 1646, I0 = VIII; 1724, M 6 3/4; 1755, I0 VIII; and 1928, M 5 3/4). Two events appear to be related to the axial faults to the south of Bogotá: those in 1644 (M 6) and 1917 (M = 7.1). The 1785 earthquake might have been an intraplate event in the subducting plate under the EC. Events in 1616 and 1826, which caused damage along the axial zone of the Cordillera near Bogotá, have no historical records precise enough to allow the estimation of their location and size, but their epicentres are probably not farther than some tens of kilometers from Bogotá.  相似文献   

Modelling seismic attenuation is one of the most critical points in the hazard assessment process. In this article we consider the spatial distribution of the effects caused by an earthquake as expressed by the values of the macroseismic intensity recorded at various locations surrounding the epicentre. Considering the ordinal nature of the intensity, a way to show its decay with distance is to draw curves—isoseismal lines—on maps, which bound points of intensity not smaller than a fixed value. These lines usually take the form of closed and nested curves around the epicentre, with highly different shapes because of the effects of ground conditions and of complexities in rupture propagation. Forecasting seismic attenuation of future earthquakes requires stochastic modelling of the decay on the basis of a common spatial pattern. The aim of this study is to consider a statistical methodology that identifies a general shape, if it exists, for isoseismal lines of a set of macroseismic fields. Data depth is a general nonparametric method for analysis of probability distributions and datasets. It has arisen as a statistical method to order points of a multivariate space, e.g., Euclidean space \({\mathbb {R}}^{p}\), \(p \ge 1\), according to the centrality with respect to a distribution or a given data cloud. Recently, this method has been extended to the ordering of functions and trajectories. In our case, for a fixed intensity decay \(\varDelta I\), we build a set of convex hulls that enclose the sites of felt intensity \(I_s \ge I_0 -\varDelta I\), one for each macroseismic field of a set of earthquakes that are considered as similar from the attenuation point of view. By applying data depth functions to this functional dataset, it is possible to identify the most central curve, i.e., the attenuation pattern, and to consider other properties like variability, outlyingness, and possible clustering of such curves. Results are shown for earthquakes that occurred on the Central Po Plain in May 2012, and on the eastern flank of Mt. Etna since 1865.  相似文献   

Crustal attenuation for Jamaica, West Indies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The S and coda wave spectra of small earthquakes on the island of Jamaica were used to determine the near surface and coda Q attenuation, and Q c,respectively. Q c determined by the single-station method was found in the range of 1 to 10 Hertz to be given by the relationship, Q c= 60 ± 5f 0.87±0.05. This suggests that the Jamaican crust is highly attenuating which is further supported by the observation of rapid intensity fall-off with distance for earthquakes that have affected the island in the past. , determined from S-wave spectra with short travel times was found to be 0.058 ± 0.012 on the central crustal block, which makes up nearly two-thirds of the island, and 0.080 ± 0.014 in surrounding belt sub-regions. The pattern of values seems to fit with the surface geology in that the central block has areas of exposed outcrops of older and harder rock than the belts, which are characterized by thicker sedimentary sequences as well as intense fracturing and faulting.Atkinson and Boore (1998) and Atkinson(2001) presented an alternative method to stochastic modelling for ground motion in Eastern North America, whereby California attenuation relationships were modified to account for crustal differences invelocity-depth profile, Q and between both regions. Following their example, the California spectral attenuation relation of Boore, Joyner and Fumal (1997) was modified to account for differences between the California and Jamaica crust, resulting in an attenuation relation that is deemed to be more appropriate for Jamaica. Spectral accelerations for Jamaica when compared to California, are especially reduced beyond 20 km from the source and at high frequencies, f 1 hertz.The study concludes that the Jamaican crust, although having an oceanic composition is highly attenuating, which may be a result of intensive tectonic processes, whereas is consistent with near-rock conditions on the central block and soft rock conditions elsewhere on the island.  相似文献   

The regularities in the radiation and propagation of seismic waves within the Baikal Rift Zone in Buryatia are studied to estimate the ground motion parameters from the probable future strong earthquakes. The regional parameters of seismic radiation and propagation are estimated by the stochastic simulation (which provides the closest agreement between the calculations and observations) of the acceleration time histories of the earthquakes recorded by the Ulan-Ude seismic station. The acceleration time histories of the strongest earthquakes (M W ~ 3.4–4.8) that occurred in 2006–2011 at the epicentral distances of ~96–125 km and had source depths of ~8–12 km have been modeled. The calculations are conducted with estimates of the Q-factor which were previously obtained for the region. The frequency-dependent attenuation and geometrical spreading are estimated from the data on the deep structure of the crust and upper mantle (velocity sections) in the Ulan-Ude region, and the parameters determining the wave forms and duration of acceleration time histories are found by fitting. These parameters fairly well describe all the considered earthquakes. The Ulan-Ude station can be considered as the reference bedrock station with minimum local effects. The obtained estimates for the parameters of seismic radiation and propagation can be used for forecasting the ground motion from the future strong earthquakes and for constructing the seismic zoning maps for Buryatia.  相似文献   

We collect 1974 broad-band velocity records of 94 earthquakes (ML=2.8~4.9, △=13~462 km) from seven stations of the Fujian Seismic Network from March 1999 to March 2007. Using real-time simulation, we obtain the corresponding acceleration and then adopt different models to analyze the seismic data. As a result, a new attenuation relationship between PGA and PGV of the small and moderate earthquakes on bedrock site in Fujian region is established. The Yongchun earthquake occurred recently verifies the attenuation relationship well. This paper provides a new approach for studying the ground motion attenuation relationship using velocity records.  相似文献   

A modelling of the observed macroseismic intensity of historical and instrumental earthquakes in southern Spain is proposed, with the aim of determining the macroseismic parameters for seismic hazard evaluation in a region in which the characterization of intensity distribution of seismic events shows different levels of difficulty referable to the complex faults system of the area in study. The adopted procedure allows an analytical determination of epicenters and principal attenuation directions of earthquakes with a double level of verification with reference to the maximum shaking area and structural lineaments of the region, respectively. The analyses, carried out on a suitable number of events, highlight, therefore, some elements for a preliminary characterization of a seismic zonation on the basis of the consistency between seismic intensity distribution of earthquakes and corresponding structural framework.  相似文献   

On Oct. 4th, 1983 the area of Phlegraean Fields, near Naples (Southern Italy) was shaked by an earthquake of magnitude (M L) 4.0 that caused some damage in the town of Pozzuoli and its surroundings. This seismic event was the largest one recorded during the recent (1982–84) inflation episode occurred in the Phlegraean volcanic area, and a detailed macroseismic reconstruction of the event was carried out.Failing macroseismic data on other earthquakes occurred in Phlegraean Fields, the attenuation law of the intensity as a function of the distance as obtained for the Oct. 4th earthquake was compared with those obtained for other volcanic areas in central Italy —i.e., Tolfa, Monte Amiata — in order to check the reliability of the results obtained for Phlegraean Fields.The Blake's model of the earthquake of Oct. 4th, 1983 does not agree with the experimental data because isoseismals contain areas larger than those shown by the model. This result has been interpreted as an effect of energy focusing due to a reflecting layer 6–8 km deep.  相似文献   

The 1964 Prince William Sound earthquake (March 28, 1964;M w =9.2) caused crustal deformation over an area of approximately 140,000 km2 in south central Alaska. In this study geodetic and geologic measurements of this surface deformation were inverted for the slip distribution on the 1964 rupture surface. Previous seismologic, geologic, and geodetic studies of this region were used to constrain the geometry of the fault surface. In the Kodiak Island region, 28 rectangular planes (50 by 50 km each) oriented 218°N, with a dip varying from 8o nearest the Aleutian trench to 9o below Kodiak Island, define the rupture surface. In the Prince William Sound region 39 planes with variable dimensions (40 by 50 km near the trench, 64 by 50 km inland) and orientation (218°N in the west and 270°N in the east) were used to approximate the complex faulting. Prior information was introduced to constrain offshore dip-slip values, the strike-slip component, and slip variation between adjacent planes. Our results suggest a variable dip-slip component with local slip maximums occurring near Montague Island (up to 30 m), further to the east near Kayak Island (up to 14 m), and trenchward of the northeast segment of Kodiak Island (up to 17m). A single fault plane dipping 30°NW, corresponding to the Patton Bay fault, with a slip value of 8 m modeled the localized but large uplift on Montague Island. The moment calculated on the basis of our geodetically derived slip model of 5.0×1029 dyne cm is 30% less than the seismic moment of 7.5×1029 dyne cm calculated from long-period surface waves (Kanamori, 1970) but is close to the seismic moment of 5.9×1029 dyne cm obtained byKikuchi andFukao (1987).  相似文献   

S coda wave of seventy-four local earthquakes recorded in a network of ten seismic stations were used to calculate coda Q attenuation (Qc) in the João Câmara area (northeastern Brazil). The estimates show Qc as a strong function of frequency in the range from 6.0 to 20.0 Hz. We found out that Qc in João Câmara has a functional form given by Qc= Q0 f, where Q0= 151 ± 99 and = 0.98 ± 0.05. If the standard deviations are taken into account,we conclude that there are no relevant changes in both Q0 and values from one station to another. The estimated Q0 values at the different stations suggest that the Samambaia fault is a boundary between two different seismic attenuation zones. In one side of the fault (left), where stations were installed in Pre-Cambrian terrain and thick sedimentary layer, the seismic attenuation is stronger than in the other side (stations installed in thin sedimentary layer and limestone outcrop).The anomalous Q0 values in the left side of the Samambaia fault can be explained due to the presence of a shallow conductive layer in the upper crust( 10 km), such as proposed by Padilha et al. (1992). According to our results, if there is a conductive layer in the area, it probably spreads over João Câmara city and surrounding regions.However, more detailed investigation either with seismic methods (seismic attenuation,3D tomography with P and/or S wave velocities) or with other geophysical methods is needed to interpret the observed differences in Q0 values between the two sides of the Samambaia fault.  相似文献   

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