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Mayon Volcano, southeastern Luzon, began a series of explosive eruptions at 0900 April 21, 1968, and by May 15 more than 100 explosions had occurred, at least 6 people had been killed, and roughly 100 square km had been covered by more than 5 cm of airfall ash, blocky ash flows, and a lava flow. All material crupted was porphyritic augite-hypersthene andesite. Explosions from the summit crater (elevation 2460 m) ejected large quantities of ash and incandescent blocks to a height exceeding 600 m and produced ash-laden clouds which rose to heights of 3 to 10 km. Backfall of the coarser material fed nuées ardentes which repeatedly swept down ravines on all sides of the volcanic cone. The velocity of one nuée ardente ranged from 9 to 63 m per sec. The largest nuées descended to the southwest and reached as far as 7 km from the summit. An aa lava flow also descended 3 1/2 km down this flank. The nuées ardentes deposited pyroclastic flows that contained large breadcrust-surfaced blocks averaging about 30 cm across, but occasionally reaching 25 m in greatest dimension. These blocks were still very hot in their interiors several days later. Surrounding the pyroclastic flows is a seared zone as much as 2 km wide, but averaging a few hundred meters, in which vegetation is charred and splintered, but over which only a thin layer of airfall ash was deposited.  相似文献   

Mt. Agung in Bali which has been dormant for about hundred and twenty years showed increased activity on February 18 this year culminating with a paroxysmal eruption early in the morning on March 17; the second paroxysmal eruption occurred on May 16. The activity started with minor explosions in the main crater with the production of pyroclastics followed by the effusion of lavas which flowed over the lowest northern crater rim and the formation of nuées ardentes d’explosion which came down into the northwestern sector of the volcano. Successive nuées ardentes d’explosion which accompanied the paroxysmal cruption on March 17 and on May 16, came down along the southern, southeastern and northern slopes, devastating many villages. The first cycle of activity killed about 1700 people of which 1500 died from the nuées ardentes. Cold lahars, caused by heavy rainfall immediately after the eruption destroyed villages and constructions on the southern slope and killed about 200 more people. The nuées ardentes from the second paroxysmal eruption killed also about 200 more people who were all caught in the « Closed Zone ». A map showing the devastated area is presented.  相似文献   

It is shown, firstly, that evaluation and then zonating of volcanic ricks depends on a large number of factors, some of which are difficult to estimate in the present state of our knowledge. It is therefore repeatedly stressed that it is necessary to continue geological studies in order to arrive at a quantification of the problems. Evaluation and then zonation of risks are based. first of all, upon the geological history of the Madeleine-Soufrière massif itself, for in the West Indies each recent volcanic structure has its own specific characteristics. Eruptions of other andesite volcanoes were, however, utilised when regional geology and its static aspect did not supply valid reference elements. Risks are arranged in a hierarchy in terms of the rough probabilities that the phenomena will occur, their types of occurrence and their effects. Particular attention is given to the problem of nuées ardentes which are especially feared in this region where the catastrophic eruption of Mt Pelée in 1902 is still clearly remembered. It is shown, inter alia, that the risk of nuée ardente phenomena of the 1902 Mt Pelée type is very slight for the Soufrière of Guadeloupe.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic studies on the active and potentially active volcanoes of the Lesser Antilles have revealed two main types of andesitic pyroclastic deposit. One with dense clasts in a poorly vesicular ash represents nuée ardente eruptions of Pelean type and the other group of vesicular pumice and ash represent both Plinian airfall and ash-pumice flow eruptions. The pumiceous deposits can be divided into airfall lapilli, airfall ash, crystal-pumice surge, ashpumice flow and ash hurricane types. No pumice eruptions have been witnessed in the Lesser Antilles during the period of written history although the stratigraphy of archaeological sites shows they occurred in pre-Columbian times. Detailed stratigraphic studies of Mt. Pelée, Martinique, and the Quill, St. Eustatius, show that, throughout their history, pumice eruptions have alternated with nuée ardente eruptions with approximately equal frequency. The widespread occurrence of pumiceous deposits on many of the West Indian volcanoes and the frequent alternations in the stratigraphic sections suggest the high probability that they will be witnessed in the future. On Martinique, some on the late prehistoric pumiceous pyroclastic flow deposits (the ash hurricanes) have been traced 20 km from the central vent to the out-skirts of Fort de France, indicating that they are the major hazard in the Lesser Antilles. Measured stratigraphic sections show that the Pelean type nuée ardente deposits are separated from the pumiceous pyroclastic deposits by others of intermediate vesicularity and appearance. The presence of such deposits of intermediate vesicularity could provide a future warning of impending change in pyroclastic style. As no such deposits formed on Mt. Pelée this century the present «safer» episode of nuée ardente (Pelean type) activity is expected to continue.  相似文献   

Victims from volcanic eruptions: a revised database   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
 The number of victims from volcanism and the primary cause(s) of death reported in the literature show considerable uncertainty. We present the results of investigations carried out either in contemporary accounts or in specific studies of eruptions that occurred since A.D. 1783. More than 220 000 people died because of volcanic activity during this period, which includes approximately 90% of the recorded deaths throughout history. Most of the fatalities resulted from post-eruption famine and epidemic disease (30.3%), nuées ardentes or pyroclastic flows and surges (26.8%), mudflows or lahars (17.1%), and volcanogenic tsunamis (16.9%). At present, however, international relief efforts might reduce the effects of post-eruption crop failure and disease, and at least some of the lahars could be anticipated in time by adequate scientific and social response. Thus, mitigation of hazards from pyroclastic flows and tsunamis will become of paramount importance to volcanologists and civil authorities. Received: 3 August 1997 / Accepted: 10 April 1998  相似文献   

A series of comagmatic volcanic materials originated by subaerial eruptions that happened during the Neogene in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) are studied in this work. The sequence consists of flows (basalts, basanites, tephrites) underlying volcanic agglomerate sheets. The whole unit, which reaches a maximum thickness greater than 700 m, is cut by a number of phonolite plugs. Flows, agglomerate sheets and plugs are genetically related, forming a differentiation series whose evolution has been rather complex: crystal fractionation, amphibole resorption, changes in oxygen pressure and gaseous transfer have played a role in the genesis of these volcanics. From an evolutionary point of view, the Roque Nublo Formation can be described as an alkaline series with two different undersaturated zones (tephritic flows and phonolitic domes) separated by a maximum of saturation (the agglomerate matrix is chemically a trachyte). In this respect, the Roque Nublo Formation is similar to the alkaline Cantal series, although in Gran Canaria the relations between trachytes and phonolites seem to be better defined. As for the agglomerates, their uncommon characteristics (heterogeneous and very poorly sorted boulders predominating over a vitroclastic welded matrix) lead one to think that they were produced by an unusual kind of cruption; certainly not by the « nuée ardente » types which have been repeatedly postulated before. The author’s suggestion is that these agglomerates (« Roque Nublo type ») were formed in ignimbritic-style eruptions of higy-viscosity magmas contained in very high-pressure chambers.  相似文献   

The simultaneous eruption of Mt. Pelée, Martinique and Soufrière, St. Vincent are regarded as the first recognized examples of Pelean-type and St. Vincent-type pyroclastic eruptions. Both produced nuées ardentes, the former usually laterally directed because of the presence of a dome and the latter vertically directed from an open crater. Both volcanoes have subsequently erupted for a second time this century. The 1902–05 and 1929–32 eruptions of Mt. Pelée produced andesite lava of almost identical composition and mineralogy. Both contain two generations of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxide, corroded brown amphibole and olivine rimmed by pyroxene. In contrast, the Soufrière material is more basic in composition varying from basaltic andesite to basalt in 1902–03 and basaltic andesite in 1971–72. The Soufrière material contains two generations of plagioclase (with those of 1971–72 having additional zones of labradorite), clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine and Fe-Ti oxide. The pyroclastic deposits are strikingly different, those from the Pelean-type eruption are termed «block and ash deposits» being characterised by poorly vesicular lava blocks up to 7 m in diameter, while the St. Vincent-type eruption produced «scoria and ash deposits» containing vesicular ropey blocks or bombs no larger than 1 m in diameter. The differences in styles of eruption are attributed to differences in viscosity and mechanism of eruption of the magmas. Stratigraphic studies of Mt. Pelée reveal that the volcano has produced basaltic andesite scoria and ash deposits from St. Vincent-type eruptions. It is concluded that the recent eruptions of Pelée tapped a deep level magma during both eruptions releasing magma of similar composition, while the 1971 Soufrière magma is thought to be a remnant of the 1903 basaltic magma which remained at a high level within the volcano where it underwent enrichment in plagioclase and loss of olivine and oxide.  相似文献   

The geological evolution of Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Merapi is an almost persistently active basalt to basaltic andesite volcanic complex in Central Java (Indonesia) and often referred to as the type volcano for small-volume pyroclastic flows generated by gravitational lava dome failures (Merapi-type nuées ardentes). Stratigraphic field data, published and new radiocarbon ages in conjunction with a new set of 40K–40Ar and 40Ar–39Ar ages, and whole-rock geochemical data allow a reassessment of the geological and geochemical evolution of the volcanic complex. An adapted version of the published geological map of Merapi [(Wirakusumah et al. 1989), Peta Geologi Gunungapi Merapi, Jawa Tengah (Geologic map of Merapi volcano, Central Java), 1:50,000] is presented, in which eight main volcano stratigraphic units are distinguished, linked to three main evolutionary stages of the volcanic complex—Proto-Merapi, Old Merapi and New Merapi. Construction of the Merapi volcanic complex began after 170?ka. The two earliest (Proto-Merapi) volcanic edifices, Gunung Bibi (109?±?60?ka), a small basaltic andesite volcanic structure on Merapi’s north-east flank, and Gunung Turgo and Gunung Plawangan (138?±?3?ka; 135?±?3?ka), two basaltic hills in the southern sector of the volcano, predate the Merapi cone sensu stricto. Old Merapi started to grow at ~30?ka, building a stratovolcano of basaltic andesite lavas and intercalated pyroclastic rocks. This older Merapi edifice was destroyed by one or, possibly, several flank failures, the latest of which occurred after 4.8?±?1.5?ka and marks the end of the Old Merapi stage. The construction of the recent Merapi cone (New Merapi) began afterwards. Mostly basaltic andesite pyroclastic and epiclastic deposits of both Old and New Merapi (<11,792?±?90 14C years BP) cover the lower flanks of the edifice. A shift from medium-K to high-K character of the eruptive products occurred at ~1,900 14C years BP, with all younger products having high-K affinity. The radiocarbon record points towards an almost continuous activity of Merapi since this time, with periods of high eruption frequency interrupted by shorter intervals of apparently lower eruption rates, which is reflected in the geochemical composition of the eruptive products. The Holocene stratigraphic record reveals that fountain collapse pyroclastic flows are a common phenomenon at Merapi. The distribution and run-out distances of these flows have frequently exceeded those of the classic Merapi-type nuées ardentes of the recent activity. Widespread pumiceous fallout deposits testify the occurrence of moderate to large (subplinian) eruptions (VEI 3–4) during the mid to late Holocene. VEI 4 eruptions, as identified in the stratigraphic record, are an order of magnitude larger than any recorded historical eruption of Merapi, except for the 1872?AD and, possibly, the October–November 2010 events. Both types of eruptive and volcanic phenomena require careful consideration in long-term hazard assessment at Merapi.  相似文献   

A particular nuée ardente type (Merapi-type avalanche nuée) has been defined at the Merapi volcano because of its prominent role in the recent activity of the volcano: gravity plays a significant role during the eruption. However, some other eruption styles occur too producing surges and ashfalls. Three types of tephra, deposited in a very short time-span (15 years) are compared: chemistry and mineralogy are similar, but grain-size analyses are different. There is no vesicular glass, and it is concluded that there is an absence of new magma. This example shows clearly the variety of volcanic styles, with similar chemistry in a very short period. Avalanche nuées from collapsed domes or flows are separated into two types:
  1. Merapi-typesensu stricto, without any fresh glass, derived from a wholly solidified dome.
  2. Arenal-type, containing pumiceous glass, derived from a dome, the interior of which is still liquid.

The largest nuée ardente eruption of Santiaguito since November 1929, occurred April 19, 1973. The nuée descended the valley of the Rió Nimá II for a distance of about 4 km. The ash flow itself was restricted to the river bed, but the hot gas cloud devastated an area of more than 3 square kilometers extending hundreds of meters on both sides of the river bed. Because the ash cloud stopped about 2 km from the nearest habitations, there were no fatalities.  相似文献   

The ability of turbulent nuées ardentes (surges) to transport coarse pyroclasts has been questioned on the basis that settling velocities of coarse fragments in the deposits are much too high for them to have been supported by turbulence in a dilute gas suspension. A computer model is used to evaluate the settling velocity of pyroclasts in suspensions of varying concentration and temperature. Since suspension of grains in low-concentration surges occurs if the shear velocity exceeds the settling velocity, the shear velocities related to the 16th and 84th percentiles, and the mean of the grain-size distribution are compared in surge deposits of the Vulsini, with the shear velocity necessary to move the coarsest grain on the bed surface (the Shields criterion). The results show that the settling velocities do not vary significantly in gaseous suspensions having volume concentrations lower than 15%, and that an increase in concentration to 25% is not sufficient to decrease the settling velocity of the coarser fraction, if it represents flow shear velocity. It is shown that the settling velocity of the mean grain size (M z ) best depicts the shear velocity of a dilute turbulent suspension. Applying the results to the May 1902 paroxysmal nuées ardentes of Mount Pelée shows that the estimated mean velocities are well within the observed velocities, and sufficient to support all the clasts in dilute, turbulent suspensions.  相似文献   

The eruption of 1631 A.D. was the most violent and destructive event in the recent history of Vesuvius. More than fifty primary documents, written in either Italian or Latin, were critically examined, with preference given to the authors who eyewitnessed volcanic phenomena. The eruption started at 7 a.m. on December 16 with the formation of an eruptive column and was followed by block and lapilli fallout east and northeast of the volcano until 6 p.m. of the same day. At 10 a.m. on December 17, several nuées ardentes were observed to issue from the central crater, rapidly descending the flanks of the cone and devastating the villages at the foot of Vesuvius. In the night between the 16th and 17th and on the afternoon of the 17th, extensive lahars and floods, resulting from rainstorms, struck the radial valleys of the volcano as well as the plain north and northeast.Deposits of the eruption were identified in about 70 localities on top of an ubiquitous paleosol formed during a long preeruptive volcanic quiescence. The main tephra unit consists of a plinian fallout composed of moderately vesicular dark green lapilli, crystals and lithics. Isopachs of the fallout are elongated eastwards and permit a conservative volume calculation of 0.07 km3. The peak mass flux deduced from clast dispersal models is estimated in the range 3–6 × 107 kg/s, corresponding to a column height of 17–21 km. East of the volcano the plinian fallout is overlain by ash-rich low-grade ignimbrite, surges, phreatomagmatic ashes and mud flows. Ash flows occur in paleovalleys around the cone of Vesuvius but are lacking on the Somma side, suggesting that pyroclastic flows had not enough energy to overpass the caldera wall of Mt. Somma. Deposits are generally unconsolidated, massive with virtually no ground layer and occasionally bearing sparse rests of charred vegetation. Past interpretations of the products emitted on the morning of December 17 as lava flows are inconsistent with both field observations and historical data. Features of the final phreatomagmatic ashes are suggestive of alternating episodes of wet ash fallout and rainfalls. Lahars interfingered with primary ash fallout confirm episodes of massive remobilization of loose tephra by heavy rainfalls during the final stage of the eruption.Chemical analyses of scoria clasts suggest tapping of magma from a compositionally zoned reservoir. Leucite-bearing, tephritic-phonolite (SiO2 51.17%) erupted in the early plinian phase was in fact followed by darker and slightly more mafic magma richer in crystals (SiO2 49.36%). During the nuées ardentes phase the composition returned to that of the early phase of the eruption.The reconstruction of the 1631 eruptive scenario supplies new perspectives on the hazards related to plinian eruptions of Vesuvius.  相似文献   

Peralkaline silicic welded ash-flow tuffs differ characteristically in a number of properties from most calc-alkaline welded tuffs, due to their generally lower viscosity and higher temperatures. For example, individual cooling units are relatively small (less than 30 m thick, less than 5 km3 in volume); rocks can be thoroughly welded and crystallized to feldspar, quartz, and mafic minerals; several primary deformational structures (e.g. lineations, stretching of pumice, folds, ramp structures) indicate late stage laminar creep, resulting from the low yield strength of the nearly homogeneous glass of very low viscosity. Theoretical considerations also suggest that peralkaline melts are of low viscosity and high temperature, as inferred from,e.g., their chemical composition (high iron- and alkali-, and low alumina-concentrations). The low viscosity may also be due to trapping of volatiles. Absence or paucity of OH-bearing phenocryst phases, paucity of pyroclastic rocks, other than ash flow tuffs, formed from highly explosive eruptions, and apparently high crystallization temperatures, indicate that peralkaline silicic magmas are comparatively dry. The common occurrence of peralkaline ash-flow tuffs may be due to an increased water content of the magmas, resulting also in amphibole phenocrysts in some welded tuffs, or to specific volcanotectonic conditions. Ash flows of peralkaline composition move as particularly dense particulate flows. This type of flowage and the very rapid welding of the low viscosity glass lead to a high degree of homogenization of the fine glass shards. This in turn inhibits complete degassing of the collapsing ash flow. Semiclosed systems result where gas overpressures can develop and where volatiles play an important role by fluxing crystallization and transporting dissolved matter. Several types of vesicles can form under these conditions: (a) Spherical vesicles within collapsed ash and pumice particles formed after deposition of the ash flow. (b) Round or irregular vesicles transsecting pyroclastic particles, vesicle sheets, and large cavities, several m in diameter, may form in a largely homogenized ash-flow tuff beneath tightly welded layers. (c) Lensoid cavities formed during granophyric crystallization of large pumice particles. Small ash particles of peralkaline composition may assume spherical shapes due to their low viscosity and in some cases, expansion of bubbles. They form during transport and are preserved under low load pressure in the top part of cooling units. Globule lavas and most froth flows are interpreted as welded ash-flow tuffs, some of their unusual features being due to their peralkaline composition.  相似文献   

During the last 40,000 years B.P. the eruptive activity of Mont Pelée (Martinique) has been exclusively pyroclastic, including mainly pumice flow deposits, Pelean-type and Merapi-type nuée ardente deposits, characterized by an andesitic to dacitic magma composition. In addition, a few Saint-Vincent-type nuée ardente deposits are present. Their products are compositionally more basic (basalt, basaltic andesite) and show some characteristic magma mixing features. Two well defined Saint-Vincent type eruptions, named SV1 and SV2 have been studied here. They have been dated by the C14 method respectively at 25,700±1,200 and 22,300±1,200 years B.P. Both follow a similar eruptive pattern, evolving from an andesitic to a more basic magma composition, through an intermediate stage of magma mixing. The volume of ejected products is extensive (1 km3 or more), compared with other deposits such as the Pelean-type nuée ardente. The moderate and progressive variations of magma composition (3 to 6 % SiO2), mineralogy and crystallization pressure-temperature conditions (T: 920°–930° to 950°970°C, using Fe-Ti oxides geothermometer) demonstrate the cogenetic nature of these various magmas. These results, as well as the study of the recent activity of Mont Pelée suggest that during a former period (about 40,000 to 20,000 years B.P.), two magmatic chambers existed rather close to one another. The triggering of these Saint-Vincent type nuée ardente eruptions might involve injections of less-differentiated magma from a lower to a shallower reservoir, followed by the emptying of both reservoirs. During the recent period (less than 13,500 years B.P.), the cyclic eruptive activity of Mont Pelée Volcano has been controlled mainly by a relatively shallow and permanent magmatic chamber. The triggering of eruptions has depended on two processes: volatile overpressure and periodic replenishment of this superficial reservoir by deeper and less-differentiated magma injections. This change in eruptive character results perhaps from succession of SV1 and SV2 Saint-Vincent type eruptions; the volcano deep-structure might have changed, as a consequence of the extensive volume of ejected products.  相似文献   

The Nevado de Toluca, in the middle of the Mexican volcanic belt, has been built by two very dissimilar phases. The first one that lasted more than one million years is mainly andesitic. Numerous massive and autobrecciated lava flows of this phase pass outwards into thick conglomeratic formations. The volume of this primitive volcano represents the essential part of the Nevado. After an intense periode of erosion, the second phase is of very short duration (about 100.000 years) and is dacitic in nature. Three main episode can be distinguished:
  1. Eruption of important ash and pumice pyroclastic flows related to caldera collapse above a shallow magmatic reservoir.
  2. Extrusions of several dacitic domes within and outside the caldera with numerous associated «nuées ardentes» surrounding the volcano.
  3. Plinian eruption leading to widespread pumiceous air-fall and to the opening of the present crater inside the caldera. Extrusion of a new small dacitic dome and late phreatic explosions.
This second sequence of events can be interpreted as the progressive emptying of the crustal magmatic chamber without refilling by a new magma supply. The most recent activity in the area is represented by monogenic cones and flows of basic andesites outside the central vent system of the Nevado.  相似文献   

Studies of ERT Satellite photographic documents and of acrial photographs with complementary lield work reveal the presence of recent very large nuée ardente deposits north-west of Socompa Volcano (Andean Cordillera of Atacama, northern Chile). Three zones are distinguishable from the bottom of Socompa Volcano to the front of the nuée ardente deposits: 1) pumice blocks are covered with parallel ridges of debris (lava blocks) from the north-western flank of Socompa Volcano, 2) pumice blocks lie upon small cones and flows from El Negrillar volcanoes located inside the graben of Negros de Aras, 3) pumice flow threads its way between cones and flows from El Negrillar volcanoes and stops more than 40 km away from the base of Socompa Volcano. The calculated thermal energy of this cruption is 7.9 × 1025 ergs, being in the range of of the most important recorded eruptions on earth. The pumice is almost aphyric (rare plagioclase, hypersthene and hornblende phenocrysts) and is of dacite composition lying pertectly on the K2O-SiO2 trend of the Socompa Volcano. Trace and major element data of the pumice are similar to those of two dacites from a pre-nuée lava flow and a post-nuée lava dome of Socompa Volcano and support a common magmatic origin with the Socompa Volcano lavas. A relative chronology is proposed.  相似文献   

Since long it has been accepted that Lake Singkarak in Central Sumatra is nothing else but a remnant of a gigantic volcano — the Singkarak volcano — which once blew off its top to form a lake. Van Bemmelen, though not referring to Singkarak lake especially, explained the numerous depressions in Sumatra as the combined result of volcanic and tectonic activities, a phenomenon he called volcano-tectonic process which caused the formation of the socalled volcano-tectonic depressions. A short visit to the lake area in the months of February and March (1970) convinced the author that Lake Singkarak is neither a volcanic ruin nor a volcano-tectonic depression in the sense of van Bemmelen. Faulting evidences, morphology and the position of the Singkarak trough plus the distribution of volcanic products north and south of the lake led to the conclusion that the Singkarak trough is a depression making part of the 1650 km graben zone which stretches from Sumatra’s northern tip untill the Semangko valley in the SE. Field evidences suggest that the lake results from a damming process by volcanic material produced by the Marapi-Singgalang-Tandikat volcanoes in the north and by the products from the Talang volcano in the south.  相似文献   

Pyroclastic deposits interpreted as subaqueous ash-flow tuff have been recognized within Archean to Recent marine and lacustrine sequences. Several authors proposed a high-temperature emplacement for some of these tuffs. However, the subaqueous welding of pyroclastic deposits remains controversial.The Visean marine volcaniclastic formations of southern Vosges (France) contain several layers of rhyolitic and rhyodacitic ash-flow tuff. These deposits include, from proximal to distal settings, breccia, lapilli and fine-ash tuff. The breccia and lapilli tuff are partly welded, as indicated by the presence of fiamme, fluidal and axiolitic structures. The lapilli tuff form idealized sections with a lower, coarse and welded unit and an upper, bedded and unwelded fine-ash tuff. Sedimentary structures suggest that the fine-ash tuff units were deposited by turbidity currents. Welded breccias, interbedded in a thick submarine volcanic complex, indicate the close proximity of the volcanic source. The lapilli and fine-ash tuff are interbedded in a thick marine sequence composed of alternating sandstones and shales. Presence of a marine stenohaline fauna and sedimentary structures attest to a marine depositional environment below storm-wave base.In northern Anatolia, thick massive sequences of rhyodacitic crystal tuff are interbedded with the Upper Cretaceous marine turbidites of the Mudurnu basin. Some of these tuffs are welded. As in southern Vosges, partial welding is attested by the presence of fiamme and fluidal structures. The latter are frequent in the fresh vitric matrix. These tuff units contain a high proportion of vitroclasis, and were emplaced by ash flows. Welded tuff units are associated with non-welded crystal tuff, and contain abundant bioclasts which indicate mixing with water during flowage. At the base, basaltic breccia beds are associated with micritic beds containing a marine fauna. The welded and non-welded tuff sequences are interbedded in an alternation of limestones and marls. These limestones are rich in pelagic microfossils.The evidence above strongly suggest that in both examples, tuff beds are partly welded and were emplaced at high temperature by subaqueous ash flows in a permanent marine environment. The sources of the pyroclastic material are unknown in both cases. We propose that the ash flows were produced during submarine fissure eruptions. Such eruptions could produce non-turbulent flows which were insulated by a steam carapace before deposition and welding. The welded ash-flow tuff deposits of southern Vosges and northern Anatolia give strong evidence for existence of subaqueous welding.  相似文献   

The Spurr volcanic complex (SVC) is a calc-alkaline, medium-K, sequence of andesites erupted over the last 250000 years by the eastern-most currently active volcanic center in the Aleutian arc. The ancestral Mt. Spurr was built mostly of andesites of uniform composition (58%–60% SiO2), although andesite production was episodically interrupted by the introduction of new batches of more mafic magma. Near the end of the Pleistocene the ancestral Mt. Spurr underwent avalanche caldera formation, resulting in the production of a volcanic debris avalanche with overlying ashflows. Immediately afterward, a large dome (the present Mt. Spurr) formed in the caldera. Both the ash flows and dome are made of acid andesite more silicic (60%–63% SiO2) than any analyzed lavas from the ancestral Mt. Spurr, yet contain olivine and amphibole xenocrysts derived from more mafic magma. The mafic magma (53%–57% SiO2) erupted during and after dome emplacement from a separate vent only 3 km away. Hybrid block-and-ash flows and lavas were also produced. The vents for the silicic and mafic lavas are in the center and in the breach of the 5-by-6-km horseshoe-shaped caldera, respectively, and are less than 4 km apart. Late Holocene eruptive activity is restricted to Crater Peak, and magmas continue to be relatively mafic. SVC lavas are plag ±ol+cpx±opx+mt bearing. All postcaldera units contain small amounts of high-Al2O3, high-alkali amphibole, and proto-Crater Peak and Crater Peak lavas contain abundant pyroxenite and anorthosite clots presumably derived from an immediately preexisting magma chamber. Ranges of mineral chemistries within individual samples are often nearly as large as ranges of mineral chemistries throughout the SVC suite, suggesting that magma mixing is common. Elevated Sr, Pb, and O isotope ratios and trace-element systematics incompatible with fractional crystallization suggest that a significant amount of continental crust from the upper plate has been assimilated by SVC magmas during their evolution.  相似文献   

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