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We have tested a previous analytical estimate of the dynamical friction time-scale in modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) with fully non-linear N -body simulations. The simulations confirm that the dynamical friction time-scale is significantly shorter in MOND than in equivalent Newtonian systems, i.e. systems with the same phase-space distribution of baryons and additional dark matter. An apparent conflict between this result and the long time-scales determined for bars to slow and mergers to be completed in previous N -body simulations of MOND systems is explained. The confirmation of the short dynamical-friction time-scale in MOND underlines the challenge that the Fornax dwarf spheroidal poses to the viability of MOND.  相似文献   

We use kinematic data of 103 dwarf galaxies, obtained from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey catalog, to test the Milgromian dynamics (MOND) inside a galactic void. From this data, we compute the line-of-sight velocity dispersions of the dwarf galaxies in the frameworks of MOND and Newtonian dynamics without invoking any dark matter. The prediction for the line-of-sight velocity dispersions from MOND of 53 selected dwarf galaxies is compared with their measured values. For appropriate mass-to-light ratios in the range 1 to 5 for each individual dwarf galaxy, our results for the line-of-sight velocity dispersions predicted by MOND are more compatible with observations than those predicted by Newtonian dynamics.  相似文献   

We test the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) theory with the velocity dispersion profiles of Galactic globular clusters populating the outermost region of the Milky Way halo, where the Galactic acceleration is lower than the characteristic MOND acceleration a 0. For this purpose, we constructed self-consistent, spherical models of stellar systems in MOND, which are the analogues of the Newtonian King models. The models are spatially limited, reproduce well the surface brightness profiles of globular clusters and have velocity dispersion profiles that differ remarkably in shape from the corresponding Newtonian models. We present dynamical models of six globular clusters, which can be used to efficiently test MOND with the available observing facilities. A comparison with recent spectroscopic data obtained for NGC 2419 suggests that the kinematics of this cluster might be hard to explain in MOND.  相似文献   

The modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND), suggested by Milgrom as an alternative to dark matter, implies that isothermal spheres with a fixed anisotropy parameter should exhibit a near-perfect relation between the mass and velocity dispersion of the form M ∝ σ  4. This is consistent with the observed Faber–Jackson relation for elliptical galaxies: a luminosity–velocity dispersion relation with large scatter. However, the observable global properties of elliptical galaxies comprise a three-parameter family; they lie on a 'fundamental plane' in a logarithmic space consisting of central velocity dispersion, effective radius ( r e) and luminosity. The scatter perpendicular to this plane is significantly less than that about the Faber–Jackson relation. I show here that, in order to match the observed properties of elliptical galaxies with MOND, models must deviate from being strictly isothermal and isotropic; such objects can be approximated by high-order polytropic spheres with a radial orbit anisotropy in the outer regions. MOND imposes boundary conditions on the inner Newtonian regions which restrict these models to a dynamical fundamental plane of the form where the exponents may differ from the Newtonian expectations ( α =2, γ =1). Scatter about this plane is relatively insensitive to the necessary deviations from homology.  相似文献   

We present predictions for the line-of-sight velocity dispersion profiles of dwarf spheroidal galaxies and compare them to observations in the case of the Fornax dwarf. The predictions are made in the framework of standard dynamical theory of spherical systems with different velocity distributions. The stars are assumed to be distributed according to Sérsic laws with parameters fitted to observations. We compare predictions obtained assuming the presence of dark matter haloes (with density profiles adopted from N -body simulations) with those resulting from Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). If the anisotropy of velocity distribution is treated as a free parameter, observational data for Fornax are reproduced equally well by models with dark matter and with MOND. If stellar mass-to-light ratio of 1 M/L is assumed, the required mass of the dark halo is     , two orders of magnitude larger than the mass in stars. The derived MOND acceleration scale is     . In both cases a certain amount of tangential anisotropy in the velocity distribution is needed to reproduce the shape of the velocity dispersion profile in Fornax.  相似文献   

I discuss open theoretical questions pertaining to the modified dynamics (MOND)—a proposed alternative to dark matter, which posits a breakdown of Newtonian dynamics in the limit of small accelerations. In particular, I point the reasons for thinking that MOND is an effective theory—perhaps, despite appearance, not even in conflict with GR. I then contrast the two interpretations of MOND as modified gravity and as modified inertia. I describe two mechanical models that are described by potential theories similar to (non-relativistic) MOND: a potential-flow model, and a membrane model. These might shed some light on a possible origin of MOND. The possible involvement of vacuum effects is also speculated on.  相似文献   

The effect of background dynamics of the universe on formation of large scale structures in the framework of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) is investigated. A spherical collapse model is used for modeling the formation of the structures. This study is done in two extreme cases: (i) assuming a universe with a low-density baryonic matter without any cold dark matter and dark energy; (ii) a dark energy dominated universe with baryonic matter, without cold dark matter. We show that for the case (ii) the structures virialize at lower redshifts with larger radii compared to the low-density background universe. The dark energy slow downs the collapse of the structures. We show that our results are compatible with recent simulations of the structure formation in MOND.  相似文献   

We compute the Milky Way potential in different cold dark matter (CDM) based models, and compare these with the MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) framework. We calculate the axial ratio of the potential in various models, and find that isopotentials are less spherical in MOND than in CDM potentials. As an application of these models, we predict the escape velocity as a function of the position in the Galaxy. This could be useful in comparing with future data from planned or already-underway kinematic surveys (RAVE, SDSS, SEGUE, SIM , Gaia or the hypervelocity stars survey). In addition, the predicted escape velocity is compared with the recently measured high proper motion velocity of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). To bind the LMC to the Galaxy in a MOND model, while still being compatible with the RAVE-measured local escape speed at the Sun's position, we show that an external field modulus of less than  0.03 a 0  is needed.  相似文献   

We calculate the structure of a wake generated by, and the dynamical friction force on, a gravitational perturber travelling through a gaseous medium of uniform density and constant background acceleration   g ext  , in the context of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). The wake is described as a linear superposition of two terms. The dominant part displays the same structure as the wake generated in the Newtonian gravity scaled up by a factor  μ−1( g ext/ a 0)  , where a 0 is the constant MOND acceleration and μ the interpolating function. The structure of the second term depends greatly on the angle between   g ext  and the velocity of the perturber. We evaluate the dynamical drag force numerically and compare our MOND results with the Newtonian case. We mention the relevance of our calculations to orbit evolution of globular clusters and satellites in a gaseous protogalaxy. Potential differences in the X-ray emission of gravitational galactic wakes in MOND and in Newtonian gravity with a dark halo are highlighted.  相似文献   

MOND理论和暗物质模型的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张杨  赵文  韩金林 《天文学报》2003,44(4):375-381
从理论上探讨在地球引力系统内,修正动力学的引力理论以及暗物质模型的预言.着重研究修正动力学(MOND)的引力理论中一些常用的模型,对其中一个最简单模型,给出了球对称情况下引力势的一般表达式,计算了地球引力场中这些模型预言的卫星角速度,发现不同模型给出的角速度是不相同的,并且将这些值分别与牛顿理论的角速度值相比较.虽然这些模型的角速度与牛顿理论角速度的差异都很小,但简单模型的差异更大一些.对于月球作为卫星的情况,目前的技术有可能对这个角速度差进行实际观测.最后估算暗物质模型中月球绕地球运动角速度所受到的影响,证明它远远小于MOND理论的效应.由此对这个角速度差的观测,就构成检验MOND理论与暗物质模型的一个判据.  相似文献   

We study the amplitude of the weak gravitational lensing signal as a function of stellar mass around a sample of relatively isolated galaxies. This selection of lenses simplifies the interpretation of the observations, which consist of data from the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that the amplitude of the lensing signal as a function of stellar mass is well described by a power law with a best-fitting slope  α= 0.74 ± 0.08  . This result is inconsistent with modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND), which predicts  α= 0.5  (we find  α > 0.5  with 99.7 per cent confidence). As a related test, we determine the MOND mass-to-light ratio as a function of luminosity. Our results require dark matter for the most luminous galaxies ( L ≳ 1011 L). We rule out an extended halo of gas or active neutrinos as a way of reconciling our findings with MOND. Although we focus on a single alternative gravity model, we note that our results provide an important test for any alternative theory of gravity.  相似文献   

It is well known that the application of Newtonian dynamics to an expanding spherical region leads to the correct relativistic expression (the Friedmann equation) for the evolution of the cosmic scalefactor. Here, the cosmological implications of Milgrom's modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) are considered by means of a similar procedure. Earlier work by Felten demonstrated that in a region dominated by modified dynamics the expansion cannot be uniform (separations cannot be expressed in terms of a scalefactor) and that any such region will eventually recollapse regardless of the initial expansion velocity and mean density. Here I show that, because of the acceleration threshold for the MOND phenomenology, a region dominated by MOND will have a finite size which, in the earlier Universe ( z >3), is smaller than the horizon scale. Therefore, uniform expansion and homogeneity on the horizon scale are consistent with MOND-dominated non-uniform expansion and the development of inhomogeneities on smaller scales. In the radiation-dominated era, the amplitude of MOND-induced inhomogeneities is much smaller than that implied by observations of the cosmic background radiation, and the thermal and dynamical history of the Universe is identical to that of the standard big bang model. In particular, the standard results for primordial nucleosynthesis are retained. When matter first dominates the energy density of the Universe, the cosmology diverges from that of the standard model. Objects of galaxy mass are the first virialized objects to form (by z =10), and larger structure develops rapidly. At present, the Universe would be inhomogeneous out to a substantial fraction of the Hubble radius.  相似文献   

Clusters of galaxies offer a robust test bed for probing the nature of dark matter that is insensitive to the assumption of the gravity theories. Both Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and General Relativity (GR) would require similar amounts of non-baryonic matter in clusters as MOND boosts the gravity only mildly on cluster scales. Gravitational lensing allows us to estimate the enclosed mass in clusters on small (∼20–50 kpc) and large (∼several 100 kpc) scales independent of the assumptions of equilibrium. Here, we show for the first time that a combination of strong and weak gravitational lensing effects can set interesting limits on the phase-space density of dark matter in the centres of clusters. The phase-space densities derived from lensing observations are inconsistent with neutrino masses ranging from 2–7 eV, and hence do not support the 2 eV-range particles required by MOND. To survive, the most plausible modification for MOND may be an additional degree of dynamical freedom in a covariant incarnation.  相似文献   

We compare orbits in a thin axisymmetric disc potential in Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) with those in a thin disc plus near-spherical dark matter halo predicted by a ΛCDM cosmology. Remarkably, the amount of orbital precession in MOND is nearly identical to that which occurs in a mildly oblate CDM Galactic halo (potential flattening   q = 0.9  ), consistent with recent constraints from the Sagittarius stream. Since very flattened mass distributions in MOND produce rounder potentials than in standard Newtonian mechanics, we show that it will be very difficult to use the tidal debris from streams to distinguish between a MOND galaxy and a standard CDM galaxy with a mildly oblate halo.
If a galaxy can be found with either a prolate halo or one that is more oblate than   q ∼ 0.9  this would rule out MOND as a viable theory. Improved data from the leading arm of the Sagittarius dwarf – which samples the Galactic potential at large radii – could rule out MOND if the orbital pole precession can be determined to an accuracy of the order of  ±1°  .  相似文献   

We apply the modified acceleration law obtained from Einstein gravity coupled to a massive skew symmetric field,   F μνλ  , to the problem of explaining X-ray galaxy cluster masses without exotic dark matter. Utilizing X-ray observations to fit the gas mass profile and temperature profile of the hot intracluster medium (ICM) with King 'β-models', we show that the dynamical masses of the galaxy clusters resulting from our modified acceleration law fit the cluster gas masses for our sample of 106 clusters without the need of introducing a non-baryonic dark matter component. We are further able to show for our sample of 106 clusters that the distribution of gas in the ICM as a function of radial distance is well fitted by the dynamical mass distribution arising from our modified acceleration law without any additional dark matter component. In a previous work, we applied this theory to galaxy rotation curves and demonstrated good fits to our sample of 101 low surface brightness, high surface brightness and dwarf galaxies including 58 galaxies that were fitted photometrically with the single-parameter mass-to-light ratio ( M / L )stars. The results obtained there were qualitatively similar to those obtained using Milgrom's phenomenological Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) model, although the determined galaxy masses were quantitatively different, and MOND does not show a return to Keplerian behaviour at extragalactic distances. The results obtained here are compared to those obtained using Milgrom's phenomenological MOND model which does not fit the X-ray galaxy cluster masses unless an auxiliary dark matter component is included.  相似文献   

I consider X-ray emitting clusters of galaxies in the context of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). Self-gravitating isothermal gas spheres are not good representations of rich clusters; the X-ray luminosity at a given temperature is typically an order of magnitude larger than observed, and the predicted X-ray surface brightness distribution is not well-matched by the standard 'β-model' fits to the observations. Pure gas spheres with a density distribution described by a β-model also fail because, with MOND, these objects are far from isothermal and again overluminous. These problems may be resolved by adding an additional dark mass component in the central regions, here modelled by a constant density sphere contained within two core radii and having a mass typically of one to two times the total cluster mass in the gas. With this additional component, the observed luminosity–temperature relation for clusters of galaxies is reproduced, and the typical mass discrepancy in actual clusters is three to four times smaller than implied by Newtonian dynamics. Thus, while MOND significantly reduces the mass of the dark component in clusters it does not remove it completely. I speculate on the nature of the dark component and argue that neutrinos, with mass near the experimental upper limit are a possible candidate.  相似文献   

We study the distribution of dark matter in dwarf spheroidal galaxies by modelling the moments of their line-of-sight velocity distributions. We discuss different dark matter density profiles, both cuspy and possessing flat density cores. The predictions are made in the framework of standard dynamical theory of two-component (stars and dark matter) spherical systems with different velocity distributions. We compare the predicted velocity dispersion profiles to observations in the case of Fornax and Draco dwarfs. For isotropic models the dark haloes with cores are found to fit the data better than those with cusps. Anisotropic models are studied by fitting two parameters, dark mass and velocity anisotropy, to the data. In this case all profiles yield good fits, but the steeper the cusp of the profile, the more tangential is the velocity distribution required to fit the data. To resolve this well-known degeneracy of density profile versus velocity anisotropy, we obtain predictions for the kurtosis of the line-of-sight velocity distribution for models found to provide best fits to the velocity dispersion profiles. It turns out that profiles with cores typically yield higher values of kurtosis which decrease more steeply with distance than the cuspy profiles, which will allow us to discriminate between the profiles once the kurtosis measurements become available. We also show that with present quality of the data the alternative explanation of velocity dispersions in terms of Modified Newtonian Dynamics cannot yet be ruled out.  相似文献   

We argue that the so-called “Pioneer Anomaly” is related to the quantum vacuum fluctuations. Our approach is based on the hypothesis of the gravitational repulsion between matter and antimatter, what allows considering, the virtual particle–antiparticle pairs in the physical vacuum, as gravitational dipoles. Our simplified calculations indicate that the anomalous deceleration of the Pioneer spacecrafts could be a consequence of the vacuum polarization in the gravitational field of the Sun. At the large distances, the vacuum polarization by baryonic matter could mimic dark matter what opens possibility that dark matter do not exist, as advocated by the Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND).  相似文献   

Some consequences of MOND (Modification of Newtonian dynamics) proposed as an alternative hypothesis to dark matter for various astrophysical situations is discussed. The ubiquitous occurrence of the fundamental acceleration invoked is pointed out.  相似文献   

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