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Streamflow, suspended sediment transport and meteorological variables at two elevations were measured through the 1990–1992 field seasons at Lake C2, Northern Ellesmere Island, as part of the Taconite Inlet Lakes Project. The objectives were to determine the extent to which suspended sediment flux responded to climatic variability, and to ascertain which meteorological variable was most strongly associated with daily discharge and sediment load. This study provided a partial test of our hypothesis that the annually-laminated sediments of Lake C2 contain a paleoclimate signal. Streamflow to the lake was almost exclusively the result of snowmelt, in response to inputs of atmospheric energy as measured by air temperature at the median watershed elevation (520 m). Sea-level air temperature, global solar and net all-wave irradiance were less clearly associated with discharge. Fluctuations of discharge and suspended sediment concentration were nearly synchronous, and non-linearly related. Daily sediment discharge was therefore linked by streamflow, with a time lag, to the energy available for snowmelt. Mean daily air temperature and cumulative degree-days above 0 °C, at 520 m elevation, were successfully used to predict the daily and seasonal discharge of runoff and sediment to the lake.This is the third in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Inlet Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

A multiple core study was conducted on laminated minerogenic sediments from Lake C2, Northern Ellesmere Island, Canadian High Arctic. Lateral persistence, distal thinning, variation in grain size of these laminations as well as present-day processes of highly seasonal sediment transfer into the lake basin suggest that clastic varves have been formed. Sedimentation rates based on 210Pb dating agree well with sedimentation rates based on lamination counts giving further evidence that laminations are annual. Errors in varve counting were reduced from 12% to < 2% using the multi-core approach of cross-correlating all records. Varved sediments are occasionally interrupted by thick coarse-grained layers, which are interpreted as deposits of turbidity currents and may be related to extremely high discharge events and slope failures of the delta front. Micro-laminated sediments spanning the last two centuries were studied in detail. Suspension settling is the dominant process of deposition depending upon stream discharge which is controlled by nival melt and summer temperatures. Application of varve chronology thus allows to use lamination thickness measurements as source of high resolution proxy data for palaeoclimatic reconstruction.This is the fifth in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Inlet Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

A composite record of varve sedimentation is presented from high arctic meromictic Lake C2. The combination of a short runoff and sediment transport season with the strong density stratification of the lake lead to the formation of annual sediment couplets. This conclusion was confirmed by 210Pb determinations. High intra-lake correlation of the varves allowed the construction of a composite record of varve sedimentation from overlapping segments of multiple sediment cores. Cross-dating between core segments isolated counting errors in individual cores, that could be attributed to minor sediment disturbances and vague structures. Resolving counting errors by cross-dating reduced the chronological error of the composite series to an estimated ±57 years.The Lake C2 series is the first non-ice cap, high resolution late-Holocene environmental record from the Canadian high arctic. The composite varve series compares favorably with other high resolution proxies from the arctic, in particular with the ice core records from Devon Island and Camp Century, Greenland. A general correspondence between the varve record and other North American proxies for the little Ice Age period (1400–1900 AD) suggests that the Lake C2 record is sensitive to large-scale synoptic changes.This is the tenth in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Inlet Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of meteorological, hydrological, limnological and sedimentological conditions in the watersheds of density-stratified (meromictic) lakes around Taconite Inlet, Northern Ellesmere Island, N.W.T., Canada was carried out from 1990–1992. Lakes C1 and C2 contain seawater trapped by isostatic uplift as the former embayments became isolated from the sea. These lakes, and Lake C3, contain varved sediments which provide an annually resolvable paleoclimatic record. By studing the major systems influencing sedimentation in one of these lakes (Lake C2) a better understanding of the climatic controls on varve formation, and hence on the paleoclimatic signal in the varved sediment record, was obtained. The varves of Lake C2 provide a proxy record of summer temperature for the region.This is the first in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Inlet Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

Annually-laminated clastic sediments preserve a high resolution proxy record of paleoclimate, provided that allochthonous sedimentation represents a response to meteorological forcing of watershed sediment transfer. Here, we demonstrate this linkage, and illustrate a calibration process using the most recent 40 years of a varve record from Lake C2 (82°50 N; 78°00 W), three years of field measurements, and meteorological data for 1951–92 from nearby AES weather station Alert. Field measurements were used to correlate proxies of the energy available for snowmelt (e.g. air temperature) and daily suspended sediment discharge (SSQ). Our calibration was extended through use of weather data from Alert. Both mean daily air temperature at Echo, and daily SSQ, were well correlated with air temperature at 600 m above Alert, as obtained from the 1200 Z (0800 LST) rawinsonde sounding. Accordingly, we used pooled 1990 and 1992 Alert 600 m data to predict the lagged daily sediment discharge into Lake C2 (adj. r 2=0.43). Daily values were summed each year in order to produce an annual series of predicted sediment transfer to the lake. The original varve chronology was based on eight sediment cores recovered from the deep basin of the lake (>80 m). Although low-frequency fluctuations of the varve and predicted SSQ series agree, slight tuning of the varve record optimizes the correlation between them. Adjustments were based on examination of weather data for specific years, reexamination of sediment core thin sections, and by aligning fluctuations in the two series which closely matched. Although the original chronology is reasonably well correlated with 600 m temperatures at Alert (for JJA mean, r=0.41, significant at 0.01), the adjusted chronology is both better correlated and contains a more precise climate signal (r=0.54 for July mean, significant at 0.01). This is the first calibrated varve record produced from Arctic lake sediments, and demonstrates that varves from Lake C2 contain a paleoclimatic record. We believe the post-facto manipulations required to produce the adjusted varve chronology are reasonable given the uncertainties inherent in varve counting, and the lack of any independent corroborating chronostratigraphic markers.This is the ninth in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Inlet Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

The middle arm of Taconite Inlet shows many features in common with high-Arctic fjords and coastal meromictic lakes. The surface mixed layer is fresh, and a relatively constant 5.5 m deep, indicating a layer of ice of approximately the same thickness blocks communication with the Arctic Ocean. Below the primary halocline to a depth of 85 m, at least partial communication with the Arctic Ocean exists as indicated by the oxygen, salinity and thermal structures. A sill is probably found between 40 and 85 m depth, reducing circulation below it and contributing to the oxycline. For a long but undetermined period prior to the separation of lakes C1, and C2 from the middle arm of Taconite Inlet, the surface water of the inlet was probably strongly brackish to marine suggesting that the entrance to Taconite Inlet was not blocked by an ice shelf at the time of separation. The deep water of these future lakes probably became isolated from the general estuarine circulation and began to develop some of their present limnological features prior to actual separation of the surface waters of the lakes from the inlet.This is the seventh in a series papers published in this issue on the Tactonite Inlet Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

Both habitat preferences and community associations for some of the most prominent pennate taxa in our profile were established using samples from the modern lake and its watershed. Habitat preferences were used to establish a simple indicator for the relative contribution of lotic communities in this lake (Lotic Index) and indicator taxa for both littoral (Achnanthes spp. and Cymbella spp.) and lotic (Hannaea arcus and Meridion circulare) communities. When profiled, the Lotic Index showed a clear positive relationship to sedimentation rate as recorded in the varves, while profiles of littoral indicator taxa show the opposite trends. It seems likely that the patterns we observed in the Lotic Index are related to changes in runoff. Apparently, there was a period of declining runoff beginning ca. two centuries ago and ending in the late 1800's. This was followed by increasing runoff lasting until the middle of the 20th century. A brief minimum occurred in ca. 1970 followed by a recovery by ca. 1980.A strong positive relationship was also found between the dates of major turbidites, exceptionally thick varves and the concentration of valves in the sediment. It is possible that many of the thicker varves in the profiles contain littoral material transported to the site of deposition by turbid interflows and underflows. For this reason, the concentration of valves in the sediment in our cores appears to be a proxy for sediment deposition from turbidity currents.This is the sixth in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Inlet Lakes project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

Human activity and climatic forcing have influenced sedimentation in three of Finland's deepest lakes during the last centuries. High-resolution sediment sequences of Lake Päijänne, Lake Pääjärvi and Lake Pyhäjärvi represent records of the last 440 years, 839 years and 633 years, respectively. The accumulation rates of dry matter, organic carbon and biogenic silica refer to changes in human activity in the catchments. However, they also reveal the importance of climatic forcing on lake sediment deposition. A significant correlation was found between instrumentally measured records of temperature (163 years) and precipitation (148 years), and varve thickness. Warm winter months indicating a short ice-cover period have the strongest control on varve thickness. This shows that wind-driven resuspension of littoral material is the forcing mechanism of climate on lake sediments. The long-term human-induced erosion pulses observed may even have magnified the climatic signals in some cases. Nevertheless, increased anthropogenic field erosion in the catchment, and the associated leaching of bioavailable nutrients, hampers the observation of climate signals, especially during the last 50 years, in the lakes studied.This is the second paper a series of papers published in this issue on high-resolution paleolimnology. These papers were presented at the Sixth International Palaeolimnology Symposium held 19-April, 1993 at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Dr A. F. Lotter and Dr. M. Sturm served as guest editors for these papers.  相似文献   

Organic materials deposited in lacustrine environments can be derived from both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and can serve as valuable indicators of catchment and in-lake ecological changes over time. However, spatial and temporal variation in the deposition of these materials within a lake basin will influence the interpretation of these sediment deposits. In this study, materials deposited in suspended sediment traps and basin sediments in Lough Feeagh, a temperate coastal humic lake, show variations in organic matter, total organic carbon and nitrogen loads, algal pigment concentrations and diatom assemblages. Sediment trap samples from three locations along with adjacent surface sediment cores show a clear north–south (inlet to outlet) gradient. C/N ratios reflected a mixture of algal and land-derived organic matter with a major peat influence, and comparisons between sediment trap and surface sediment assemblages revealed pigment and diatom assemblages influenced by lake-basin position and water depth. While some coherency between trap and sediment samples was apparent a more complicated biological response is demonstrated along with reduced water clarity in recent years thus highlighting the implications of increased allochthonous imputs for biological and biogeochemical processes in oligo-humic aquatic systems.  相似文献   

A high resolution sediment record spanning the entire time since the ice retreat after the Last Glacial Maximum has been recovered from Lac d'Annecy. The main focus of this study is to develop a reliable chronology of the record and to evaluate the environmental variability during the period of Late Würmian ice retreat. Most of the record is laminated. These laminations are of different structure, composition, and thickness. On the basis of varve stratigraphy five sedimentation units were identified which correspond to particular stages in the deglaciation of the region. Except for one each facies type has been related to an annual cycle of deposition. Varve counting in combination with radiocarbon dating provides the time control of the record and dates the base of lacustrine deposits to 16,600 varve yrs BP. The beginning of the Late Glacial is marked by a shift from clastic to endogenic carbonate varves caused by the climatic warming. Clastic varves have been further subdivided into a succession of complex and standard varve types. These variations of clastic varve formation are triggered by the ice retreat and related hydrological variations in the watershed of the lake. Sedimentological, mineralogical and isotopic data help identify different sediment sources of the sub-layers. Proximal sediments originate from local carbonaceous bedrock whereas distal sediments have characteristics of the molassic complex of the outer Alps. The alternation of proximal and distal sediments in the varve sequence reflects the deglaciation of the Annecy area with a changing influence of local and regional glaciers. The melting of the Alpine ice sheet is the driving force for regional environmental changes which in turn control the sediment transport and deposition processes in Lac d'Annecy.  相似文献   

As part of an investigation aimed at assessing the potential of northern Swedish varved lake sediments for fine-resolution reconstruction of past climatic conditions, the following questions were addressed; how representative is a single core, does the appearance of varves change as the sediment ages, and how can varve thickness and within-varve structures be digitized? Analyses of replicate cores from Kassjön, using sample sequences of seasonal, annual and centennial time resolution, show that spatial variability of sediment accumulation in the varved sediment is very low. Comparisons of intensity curves from image analysis of freeze cores of recent sediments from Lake Nylandssjön, sampled in 1980 and 1985, indicate that the varves acquire their appearance at the sediment-water interface during sedimentation and that the varve structures are preserved during diagenetic processes. Measurement of varve thicknesses with a tree-ring microscope and with image analysis gave similar results. However, with image analysis, within-varve structures such as colour variations and thicknesses of seasonal layers, can also be recorded, increasing the possibilities for palaeolimnological and palaeoclimatic inferences.  相似文献   

Data derived from monthly sediment traps in Sihailongwan, a maar lake in northeastern China, yielded a detailed record of seasonal sediment fluxes. Sediment fluxes correspond to seasonal climatic variations. The diatom flux shows two distinct peaks in September and November, whereas the flux of chrysophyte stomatocysts shows a maximum in May. The blooms of diatoms may be related to the subsequent deepening of the thermocline in September and lake overturn in spring and November, and influx of nutrient-rich groundwater sometime after the onset of the summer monsoon. The fluxes of organic matter and siliciclastics show a distinct seasonal pattern. They are varying between 0.03 and 0.56 g m−2 d−1 and reach a maximum in May. Quartz in the trap samples indicates that the siliciclastic matter may originate from distant aeolian sources. Sediment trap data and thin section investigations confirm the seasonality of Lake Sihailongwan sediments. Dark-colored layer, which mainly consists of valves of Cyclotella comta, might be deposited during autumn, and then is followed by a light-colored mixed layer starting with siliciclastics deposited after ice-out. The varved sediments in the U-shaped Lake Sihailongwan represent a sensitive siliciclastic and geochemical archive of paleoenvironmental variability in this data-sparse area. Detailed investigations of varved sediments should provide decadal to annual records of seasonal sediment flux and its relation to climatic parameters. Especially the diatomaceous layer is regarded to indicate summer climatic fluctuations, while the thick siliciclastic layer could be an indictor of dust events.  相似文献   

Sedimentary processes were monitored in a varved lake in the Canadian High Arctic through three melt seasons and revealed that seasonal sediment deposition rates were highly dependent on short-lived inflow events driven by high suspended sediment concentrations that varied with runoff intensity. Our results illustrate that in accordance with the suspended sediment discharge into the lake, the rate of sediment accumulation changed over short distances down-lake, in a given year. This result indicates that there is a rate and accumulation dependence on short-lived, intense inflow conditions. In addition, there was strong evidence for substantial decoupling between deposition rate and mean grain size of sedimentary deposits. These results have important implications for paleoclimate interpretation of annually laminated sedimentary records from dynamic lake environments and suggest that grain size measures may not be representative proxies of inflow competence. Grain size indices based on a measure of the coarser fraction, rather than the bulk sediment, may be more appropriate to use as a link between contemporary runoff processes and sedimentary characteristics.  相似文献   

The timing of clastic sedimentation in two glacial‐fed lakes with contrasting watersheds was monitored using sequencing sediment traps for two consecutive years at Allison Lake (Chugach Range, Alaska) and four months at Shainin Lake (Brooks Range, Alaska). Shainin Lake is a weakly stratified lake fed by distant glaciers, whereas Allison Lake is more strongly stratified and fed predominantly by proximal glaciers. At Shainin Lake, sediment accumulation started in late June and reached its maximum in mid‐August, just before lake mixing and during a period of low river discharge. The grain size of the sediment reaching the sediment trap in Shainin Lake was homogenous throughout the summer. At Allison Lake, pulsed sedimentation of coarse particles during late summer and early fall storms were superimposed on the fine‐grained sedimentation pattern similar to that observed at Shainin Lake. These storms triggered underflows that were observed in the thermal structure of the lake and deposited abundant sediment. The sequencing sediment traps reveal a lag between fluvial discharge and sediment deposition at both lakes, implying limitations to interpreting intra‐annual sedimentary features in terms of inflow discharge.  相似文献   

Sediment trap studies and high frequency monitoring are of great importance to develop a deeper understanding of how seasonal environmental processes are imprinted in sediment signal formation. We collected whole year diatom assemblages from 2002 to 2014 with a sequential sediment trap from a varved boreal lake (Nylandssjön, Sweden) together with environmental and limnological parameters, and compared them with the corresponding diatom record of the annual laminated sediment. Our data set indicates a large year-to-year variability of diatom succession and abundance patterns, which is well reflected in the varved sediments. Specifically, Cyclotella glomerata dominated the annual sediment trap record (as well as in the corresponding sediment varves) in years with warmer air temperatures in March/April, and Asterionella formosa dominated the annual sediment assemblages as a consequence of years characterized by higher runoff before lake over-turn. Years succeeding forest clearance in the lake catchment showed marked increase in diatom and sediment flux. The DCA scores of the yearly diatom trap assemblages clearly resemble the lake’s thermal structure, which indicates that the relative abundance of major taxa seems primarily controlled by the timing of seasonal environmental events, such as above-average winter air temperature and/or autumn runoff and the current thermal structure of the lake. The high seasonal variability between environmental drivers in combination with the physical limnology leaves us with several possible scenarios leading to either an A. formosa versus C. glomerata dominated annual diatom sediment signal. With this study we highlight that short-term environmental events and seasonal limnological conditions are of major importance for interpreting annual sediment signals.  相似文献   

Sediment stratigraphy and diatom succession were studied in an 80.5-cm core taken from the deepest part of Third Sister Lake, a small kettle hole in a recently urbanized landscape of southeastern Michigan. Alternating light clay and dark organic bands documented sporadic inputs of clay from outside the basin during rain events, rather than annual laminations. Urban construction activity also disrupted the inflow stream bed and facilitated transport of clay into the lake to generate non-rhythmic banding in the lake's deep hole. Diatom analysis revealed dramatic changes in predominant taxa with sediment depth verifying the non-annual nature of the sediment bands. Observation of halophilic diatom taxa also documented effects of human activity such as road salting on this small, urban lake.  相似文献   

特枯水情对长江中下游悬浮泥沙的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于长江中下游气象资料、历史水沙资料和2006 年10 月现场水沙观测资料, 分析了 典型枯水年大通站的月均径流量和输沙率特征、2006 年特枯水情产生的气候背景以及对长江中下游含沙量和悬沙粒径产生的影响。分析表明, 枯水年长江干流输沙量有显著的减少, 2006 年特枯水情下大通站汛期输沙量仅占多年平均值(1985-2000 年) 的19.8%。在特枯水情 和三峡工程蓄水的背景下, 2006 年10 月长江中下游含沙量平均为0.057 kg/m3, 只占 2003-2005 年10 月平均值的20.6%。2006 年10 月长江中下游悬沙中值粒径平均为4.8 µm, 悬沙中值粒径只占多年平均值的26.3%, 占近期平均值的41.8%。含沙量、悬沙粒度和中游 河床冲淤特性的综合分析表明, 城陵矶-湖口河段水沙垂向交换强, 是三峡兴建以后近期河 道调整频繁的河段。洞庭湖和鄱阳湖对长江干流含沙量的贡献较大, 尤以鄱阳湖的贡献最大, 长江中下游其他支流对长江干流含沙量的贡献较小。汉江和巢湖对长江中下游悬沙粒径的影响相对较大, 而洞庭湖和鄱阳湖则对悬沙粒径的影响相对较小。  相似文献   

This study assesses Little Ice Age (LIA) lake sediment morphological and geochemical records and moraine chronologies in the upper Fraser River watershed, British Columbia, Canada, to resolve differences in paleoenvironmental interpretation and to clarify sediment production and sediment delivery processes within alpine geomorphic systems. Moose Lake (13.9 km2), situated at 1032 m a.s.l., contains a partially varved record indicating variable rates of accumulation during the last millennium that, in general, coincide with previously documented LIA glacial advances in the region and locally. Dendrochronological assessment of forefield surfaces in the headwaters of the catchment (Reef Icefield) shows that periods of moraine construction occurred just prior to ad 1770, ad 1839 and ad 1883, and some time before ad 1570. Taken collectively, increases in varve thickness within eight Moose Lake sediment cores coincide with documented glacier advances over the twelfth through fourteenth centuries, the eighteenth century, and nineteenth through twentieth centuries. Glacial activity during the sixteenth century is also indicated. While varve thickness variations in proximal and distal sediments clearly reflect glacial activity upstream of Moose Lake, the intermediate varve record is relatively insensitive to these decadal and longer‐term catchment processes. Variations in Ca and related elements derived from glaciated carbonate terrain within the Moose River sub‐catchment (including Reef Icefield) indicate gradually increasing delivery from these sources from the twelfth through twentieth centuries even where the varve thickness record is unresponsive. Elevated carbonate concentrations confirm glacial activity c. ad 1200, ad 1500, ad 1750, and ad 1900.  相似文献   

The recent sediment record of Lake Belau (Schleswig–Holstein, Germany), deposited in the period 1945–2002, was compared with instrumental meteorological and limnological data. The sediments deposited during this period are annually laminated. A varve chronology was established and supported by 137Cs measurements. Micro-facies and diatom assemblage composition analyses were confirmed in thin sections and compared statistically with limnological and meteorological data. Comparison of phytoplankton data with diatom assemblage data from the sediment for the time interval from 1988 to 1999 proved that the sediments reflect limnological processes in the lake and record seasonal changes in the primary producer communities. Among the climatological data, the number of contiguous ice days (days with maximal temperatures ≤0 °C) and the state of the winter NAO are strong predictors for micro-facies development and diatom assemblage composition. Furthermore, solar and local (nutrient input) influences are visible in the diatom assemblage compositions. Our study illustrates the high potential for using analyses of micro-facies and diatom assemblages to reconstruct past weather conditions in varved sediments of Lake Belau.  相似文献   

The subsiding Upper Klamath Lake Basin contains sediments that were continuously deposited in a shallow, freshwater lake for more than 40 000 years. Well dated by radiometric methods and containing volcanic ashes of known age, these sediments constitute a valuable paleoclimate record. Sediment constituents and properties that reflect past climatic conditions in the area include pollen, diatoms, sediment geochemistry, and sediment magnetic properties. Many of these proxy measurements are also useful for comparing natural conditions in the lake to conditions following human settlement. Because of its location, the paleoclimate record from Upper Klamath Lake is valuable for comparisons to offshore marine records and as part of latitudinal transects of paleoclimate records along the west coast of the Americas.  相似文献   

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