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《Urban geography》2013,34(6):536-557
Although much has been written about the abstract spaces of homelessness, relatively less has been documented on how the architecture of homeless shelters intersects with the homeless experience. Emergency shelters are the first places where homeless families begin their journey toward becoming "homed." Studies suggest that there is a middle-class bias in the design of emergency homeless shelters, but how do its spaces contribute to the route out of homelessness? Through narratives of homeless families, and observations of the places they occupy in an emergency shelter in Arizona, this article illustrates how they engage with the shelter's architecture to construct notions of home and homelessness. This study suggests that while homeless families try to achieve the psychological qualities of a "home" in the shelter, the materiality of the places in the shelter, where these qualities are acquired or negotiated, become important symbolic markers to becoming "homed."  相似文献   

In Singapore, owners of private housing estates reaping windfalls through collective sales have been subject to the news media's sensational coverage of the topic. While collective sales will give rise to new developments that regenerate the country's landscape to reflect the image and identity of an entrepreneurial city, efforts to resist this wealth generating urbanism are subject to erasure. Instances of minority owners disinterested in profit-making using the courts to save their homes from the collective sale juggernaut are certainly emblematic of the inherent tension between one's home as housing and home as investment repository. Drawing upon ethnographical experiences from a housing estate built for public officials in Singapore, this article's use of the Lefebvrian theory of spatial production sheds light on how minority owners unmotivated by monetary windfalls (re)produce spaces of their homes that are overtly inimical to the impulses of majority owners to monetize their homes at high premiums.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1192-1211
Since the 1960s, large housing estates have shaped the geography of suburbia in many Western and Eastern European cities. This paper examines the constitution of the social and spatial meanings of large housing estates within three different national contexts: in Germany, Poland, and France. Employing discourse theory and an empirical analysis of the coverage of major national newspapers, we identify cross-national and specific national patterns of discourses that (re)produce particular social spaces and distinct social orders. Quantitative discourse analysis reveals differences, similarities, and ruptures in various constructions of the meaning of large housing estates. We find that large housing estates in France and Germany are constituted in print media as threatening places and as places of foreignness located "outside" the "proper society." In contrast, Polish large housing estates are framed discursively as threatened places located in the social "inside."  相似文献   

2014、2015年教育部接连发文要求落实“免试就近入学”政策,由此公立初小的入学资格与住房紧密挂钩。在此背景下,初小教育资源如何影响住宅价格,并带来怎样的城市社会空间变化是有意义的科学问题。论文基于安居客、链家、百度开放平台及问卷访谈等数据,综合运用特征价格模型、地理加权回归模型等方法,以武汉市武昌区为实证区域,探索学区对住宅价格的真实影响,并尝试从“空间生产”入手,探究学区引发的城市社会空间重构。研究发现:① 学区特征对住宅价格的影响已超过传统区位、建筑、邻里特征等的影响;② 学区房提供了资本由二级循环进入三级循环的便利路径,形成了学区空间生产与社会空间新分层的宏观基础;③ 微观层面,对优质学区的争夺产生了“学区人”和“学区空间”,进而出现学区飞地,对传统城市社会空间产生影响;④ 不同于“单位人”与“社区人”,“学区人”并不主要依靠职业或收入划分,而是因相似的家庭生命周期发生关联。  相似文献   

孙九霞  周一 《地理研究》2015,34(12):2381-2394
文化地理学者对“地方”这一理论视角主观性意义的强调,使得“地方认同”等呈现人与地方情感联系的概念被重新审视。在当今中国申遗热的背景下,当地人的地方认同在各方力量对遗产归属与表述的争夺中重塑,如果将这种重塑放在多尺度的分析框架下,就可以发现地方认同不仅仅局限于某一特定封闭的地点,在本土、全国以及跨国空间中呈现不同的表述。开平碉楼与村落作为广东首个世界文化遗产,并且是中国唯一以华侨文化为主题的世界文化遗产,是研究遗产生产对地方认同变迁影响的典型案例。结合文献分析、观察法与访谈法等,阐述遗产旅游发展背景下当地居民的地方认同变迁,分析开平作为“碉乡”的具体内涵。研究发现:遗产申报和维护使碉楼被硬性确立为地方的象征,具有高度符号化的特点;“碉乡”形象在居民地方认同中的展开并不完整;“碉乡”在历史延续中存在着多重割裂;“碉乡”的空间边界既明确又封闭。  相似文献   

Sedona, Arizona, an amenity town that trades on intangible quality-of-life attributes like spectacular scenery, the arts, and its nonmetropolitan location, has a conflict between low-wage employment catering to its tourist sector and expensive housing for its affluent residents. Many of those who work in Sedona do not live in the community. This study, based on a survey of 286 employees, shows that workers who live in Sedona do not have incomes that are significantly higher than commuters from the outside, but they live in housing that is almost twice as expensive. Employees who live in Sedona pay dearly for housing in order to be near jobs, natural beauty, and the cultural ambience of an amenity town. Commuters, on the other hand, incur high travel costs but enjoy cheaper housing and the lifestyle of small towns and rural areas. The emergence of amenity environments and long-distance commuting in Sedona is symbolic of the increased differentiation of nonmetropolitan landscapes.  相似文献   

快速城市化背景下乡村绅士化的时空演变特征   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
何深静  钱俊希  徐雨璇  刘斌 《地理学报》2012,67(8):1044-1056
乡村绅士化是指移民从城市迁入乡村地区, 通过对一定的经济资本的利用, 来达到对乡村的自然环境与独特的生活方式及文化氛围的体验与消费的过程。乡村绅士化过程造成了乡村地区人口结构的重构以及物质景观的变迁。本文选取广州小洲村作为研究案例, 对乡村绅士化的时空特征及其演变过程进行了深入分析。研究发现, 小洲村乡村绅士化过程分为艺术先锋绅士化及学生化两个阶段。由于空间需求、付租能力、群体数量等方面的差异, 两类绅士化过程对当地的物质环境、文化、社会、经济等方面产生了不同的影响。但两者的发展紧密相连, 在时间和空间上经历了延续、重叠、更替等阶段。乡村绅士化的过程, 在一定程度上缓解了乡村社区经济发展的困境, 也没有造成对本地居民的置换。但是随着社区住房成本的上涨, 先期迁入的艺术家群体正在被付租能力更强的学生群体逐渐替换。值得注意的是, 本地村民通过积极的寻租行为成为乡村绅士化的重要推动者, 而非被置换者。研究发现, 乡村绅士化现象的中西方差异主要体现在4 个方面:经济和物质层面的影响、与城市化的关系、人口置换的后果、绅士化的推动者。这些差异主要与乡村绅士化发展的社会经济背景、机制和特殊的土地政策等密切相关。这一研究对于探讨转型期中国乡村绅士化现象的特征与机制以及乡村社区发展的模式具有重要的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

重庆市公共租赁住房社区居民的职住空间匹配   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李小广  邱道持  李凤  曾珍 《地理研究》2013,32(8):1457-1466
居住与就业间的空间组织是城市空间结构的重要组成要素之一,国外自20 世纪60 年代提出后引发了大量关于弱势群体居住和就业空间机会及其关系的实证研究。近年来在中国城市快速空间重构的背景下,中低收入群体的职住分离现象也引起广泛关注。运用职住空间错位理论,以重庆市主城区公共租赁住房社区为案例进行研究,对541 份有效问卷的统计分析表明:① 公共租赁住房居民搬迁前通勤距离与通勤时间的均值分别从6.5 km与32 min,增加到搬迁后的15 km与52 min;② Logit回归分析表明,群体类型对公共租赁住房居民通勤时间差异影响最为显著,年龄与居民通勤时间呈负相关关系,性别与年龄对通勤时间产生较显著影响。③ 公共租赁住房供应的政策性因素造成了被动迁移型空间不匹配现象,是其住户的区位选择与主要就业场所不匹配而引发的,因此需要深入研究公共租赁住房合理的空间布局方案和实施途径,尽可能将公共租赁住房区位规划在内城。  相似文献   

张骁鸣  翁佳茗 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1581-1593
从基于现象学路径的地方感研究引入,批判性地借鉴地方芭蕾概念,按照人地之间实际相处的亲疏程度不同,将广州天河体育中心公共休闲空间中的人地关系区分为三类:日常式相处、周期式相处、背景式相处。其中背景式相处的人地关系已经超越了地方芭蕾概念的解释边界,由此引发出如下两个值得进一步探讨的理论命题:第一,“人地整体”或“人地相处”或可取代人文主义地理学研究中用以刻画人地关系本质的“地方整体”概念;第二,目前主流的地方感研究实质上是一种基于心理学的局部的地方感研究,在它之外还应有一种围绕着人地相处的各种实际可能性来展开的整体的地方感研究,以及一种接近于哲学层次的人地关系基础研究。  相似文献   

中国“三生空间”分类评价与时空格局分析   总被引:47,自引:1,他引:46  
刘继来  刘彦随  李裕瑞 《地理学报》2017,72(7):1290-1304
本文在探究“生产—生活—生态”三生空间理论内涵的基础上,分析了土地利用功能与土地利用类型的辩证关系,依据土地利用现状分类国家标准,建立了三生空间分类与评价体系,揭示了1990-2010年间中国三生空间的格局及其变化特征。结果表明:① 生产空间主要分布在胡焕庸线东南侧的主要城市群及粮食主产区,其扩张区域主要分布于东北平原、新疆西北、宁夏、兰州—西宁、四川盆地、环渤海、长三角、厦漳泉、珠三角等地区,缩小区域主要分布在黄土高原、呼伦贝尔大草原、江汉平原、闽南丘陵等地区;② 生活空间主要集中在全国主要城市及城市群,整体上呈现“东高西低、北高南低;大分散、小集聚”的空间格局,其扩张过程表现为环渤海、长三角、珠三角三大城市群的大规模、区域式扩张和各主要省会城市的小规模、点状式扩张。③ 生态空间主要分布在胡焕庸线西北侧,整体呈现“西高东低,南高北低”的空间格局;④ 工业化、城镇化是中国三生空间变化的基本动力,西北和东北地区的农田开垦、华北平原和三大城市群的城镇化建设、黄土高原的退耕还林等是导致三生空间区域差异的主要原因。本文可以为三生空间的分类规划和优化决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

马晓亚  袁奇峰  赵静 《地理研究》2012,31(11):2080-2093
城镇保障性住房制度直接塑造了保障性住区,这一“国家化”的社会空间在不同的城市呈现出迥异的类型。通过梳理城镇保障房制度的演变及在广州的实施,将广州的保障性住区分为四类:1986~1998年建成的承接单位体制内住房困难户的住区、1999~2005年建成的承载党政机关和教医系统住房困难家庭的住区、2006年后新建的主要承载具有城市户籍的社会双困群体的住区、建设历程跨越多制度阶段的承载多类保障群体的综合住区;通过“典型案例”研究,各类保障住区的现状社会空间可归纳为:“类西方‘社会型’公共住区的极度贫困均质空间”、“介于中国城市普遍存在的贫困集聚区的‘贫困混杂空间’和西方混合社区的‘有序混合空间’之间但混杂性高的贫困空间”、“介于两者之间但有序性强的混合空间”、“类商品房住区”的均质非贫困空间。  相似文献   

This paper describes an exercise with children in the implementation of housing rights. Based on the argued opinion that housing rights cannot be exercised without participation and that participation without knowledge is pretence, a Kids and Architecture programme was initiated with a group of 40 children — displaced from homes in the Klong Toey slum in Bangkok — at a girls' home run by the Human Development Foundation (HDF). The programme, developed in two phases and involving students from the King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), School of Architecture, set about to teach these children some of the elements of architecture so that they could participate in the design of their own housing. From this experiment a number of conclusions are drawn about the implementation of housing rights and about the teaching of architecture, both to children and architecture students.  相似文献   

The city of Denver, Colorado recently outlawed camping in all open space. Part of a broad effort to accelerate the profit potential of prime urban land through real estate speculation and commerce, the camping ban has dislocated homeless people from the city’s marginal spaces. Based on ethnographic fieldwork and archival research in Denver, this article develops a tripartite approach to public space—prime, everyday, and marginal—to analyze challenging ways in which people who are homeless in Denver must now manage their exposure to others in everyday public spaces. In addition to eliminating places of hard-won safety and security, this singular new code disrupts hygiene, mobility, and sociability routines, thus throwing already precarious lives into further disarray by rendering housing status visible. To demonstrate how everyday social justice springs from interaction between different people co-present in public space, we foreground the voices of Denver’s homeless people, those most impacted by quality of life laws. Evicting individuals from marginal spaces and rendering them visibly homeless in everyday and prime spaces, the ban deprives them of a fundamental right to the city: anonymity.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):661-683
Since the beginning of the 1990s, the global expansion of gated communities has become an increasingly important part of the residential geography of many cities. The gated community phenomenon has not been researched in West African cities, and the extent of these communities' formation and convergence or divergence with global trends is unknown. This article provides the first-ever analysis of their formation in Greater Accra, Ghana. The analysis suggests that the globalization of real estate markets and Diaspora living are important aspects in the residential geography of Accra. The concept of "transnational houses" is employed to explain aspects of the local property market that are being globalized and differentiated from local housing. Transnational houses add another layer of diversity to the contemporary urban geography of Greater Accra.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(1):129-142
As municipalities have enforced laws meant to enhance "quality of life" in gentrifying neighborhoods, controversies have erupted over the legitimacy of such laws. This study investigates one such controversy in New York City. It focuses on how the denial by the courts of social dancing as constitutionally protected mode of expression has led to the judicial endorsement of the municipality's cabaret law regulating the spaces for social dancing, despite the questionable legitimacy of this regulation. The study also draws out two implications for urban activism associated with movements making claims for "the right to the city": first, that we should take seriously activities such as social dancing and the spaces that enable them, which are invaluable to urban life but are not constitutionally protected; and second, that we may use the notion of "urban rights" as a principle to protect these activities and spaces from gentrification and questionable governmental regulations.  相似文献   

南京城区住宅售租价格时空分异与影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
住宅价格空间分异是中国城市地理学和经济地理学近年来关注的热点前沿课题。以南京4560个居住小区为研究总样本,采集2009-2017年间30个季度各小区平均住宅售价和租金,选取6个特征时段和小区分布相对集中的重点研究区,采用克里格插值法分析研究区内住宅售租价格的空间分异与演变特征,发现售价空间分异明显加剧,高值区渐显于河西新城、江心洲和鼓楼名校学区;租金空间则从城市中心向外围递减格局转变为整体更加均衡的新老城区多中心结构。在此基础上,重点围绕住宅“区位”属性,构建售租价格分异影响因素指标体系,通过逐步多元回归分析发现,中心位势变量对售租价格的解释度最高,而配套服务类区位因素对售租价格的解释力在降低。南京城市房价快速增长背景下,常规“区位”因素对房价分异的重要性持续减弱,学区、政策偏向等特殊“区位”因子对房价的决定性作用则逐步突显,而“售租比”全面快速增长则预示着城市房价风险程度的整体提高。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(1):54-77
Since 1987, the Chinese government has begun to liberalize its approach to land markets, allowing for the development of commercial residential housing and sparking greater distinctions in housing quality. At the same time, there have been growing income differentials among Beijing's residents. This paper discusses how Beijing's new urban affluent have begun to take advantage of greater housing choices. It reports on a survey conducted in 1997 that uncovers the occupational characteristics, consumption patterns, housing characteristics, and residential locations of affluent residents. The results indicate that Beijing's new urban affluent are beginning to share some of the consumption features of middle-class Westerners. At the same time, social segregation is still nascent in Beijing. There is now only a sprinkling of affluent neighborhoods in the city, and a slight majority of wealthier respondents continue to live in public housing. Moreover, few are able to afford detached single-family housing or a private automobile. The continuation of current trends could both deepen and broaden social segregation in Beijing, as class divisions come to be manifested in separate neighborhoods. [Key words: socialist cities, affluence, Beijing, housing, social stratification.]  相似文献   

The article argues that the interpretation of segregation indices has been deeply conditioned by U.S. and U.K. studies. Using an empirical example of the P index on data pertaining to Singapore's public housing residents, the article investigates the “exposure” dimension of segregation for Singapore's three main ethnic groups: Chinese, Malay, and Indians/Others. While the figures yielded are low in comparison to those in Western studies, the article demonstrates that low index values are nonetheless sociologically significant. The figures generated for Malay isolation in higher–quality public housing were argued to be qualitatively different from those for Indian isolation in lower–quality public housing. The former demands an appreciation of household structure and kinship ties, while the latter involves atomized individuals in a highly urbanized setting. Blind application and interpretation of indices run the risk of coming to erroneous conclusions. A contextual approach is needed for a better appreciation of the diverse ways in which segregation is manifested and experienced.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):728-755
The Chinese government has recently formulated a long-term strategy to "foster indigenous innovation capacities" across technology sectors. The government provides incentives to attract global R&D investment and strives to upgrade its economic structure to develop China into "an innovation nation." This paper examines the exact meaning of this policy in the context of biotechnology development in Shanghai's Zhangjiang High-Tech Park (ZJHP). We suggest that the role of the municipal state has been critical in the initial stage of biotech concentration in the park, and in the later stage biotech developments in ZJHP have been encouraged to become embedded in the global knowledge flow. The development of ZJHP reveals a hybrid approach to the governance of innovation in China, which combines the developmental state and entrepreneurialism at the scale of the science park as an urban project.  相似文献   

城市轨道交通是大城市缓解交通拥堵的重要公共交通方式,其对周边住宅的时空溢价效应一直是城市研究热点,但传统研究存在样本量少、数据时间跨度短、忽视预期效应等问题。该文利用网络爬虫获取住宅交易大数据,以天津市地铁6号线为例,采用直接比较法、特征价格模型测度城市轨道交通对沿线住宅价格的时空溢价效应,结果表明:1)空间尺度上,轨道交通对沿线住宅价格具有显著溢价效应,但溢价程度并非随着距轨道交通站点距离的增加而下降,而是呈现先上升后下降的“倒U形”趋势。其中,500~1000 m的影响区溢价幅度最大,溢价率高达17.2%。2)时间尺度上,轨道交通对住宅价格的影响具有超前效应,在施工期溢价就已显现,且在首个开通运营年达到峰值,说明住宅价格对开通运营这一“标志性”事件反应强烈。3)受心理预期效应的影响,轨道交通全线开通运营的溢价效应明显低于首个开通运营年的溢价效应。研究结论可为公共交通导向模式下城市综合开发和轨道交通的“溢价回收”策略提供决策支持。  相似文献   

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