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Creating resiliency, accomplished in part by individuals preparing for disaster, is the primary strategy outside of law enforcement for responding to the threat of urban terrorism. Individuals prepare when they perceive a need to do so, yet little is known about what shapes a person's awareness of vulnerability to terrorism. Because evidence indicates that social contacts act as conduits of information and affect perception of risk to natural hazards, it is possible that such contacts also affect terrorism vulnerability awareness. Because social contacts are also known to be systematically segmented by gender and location, we hypothesized that conversations about terrorism vary by gender and place, specifically the home and work place. Drawing on data from 93 interviews with householders in Boston, the study demonstrates that: (1) family networks generated discussions of home preparedness, whereas workplace networks engaged a wider variety of topics; (2) women discussed terrorism more frequently and in greater depth than did men; and (3) women heard more preparedness messages for the home than did men, whereas men undertook preparedness activities external to the home. The findings bridge geography and terrorism studies by theorizing emplaced and subjective human experiences that prompt conversations about terrorism. These conversations, in turn, help urban emergency managers and risk-hazards geographers promote rational dialogue and action vis-à-vis terrorism. Hazards researchers have shown that the more people discuss terrorism, the less they seek extreme and unwarranted responses.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that people interpret their risk from environmental hazards through places—such as urban neighborhoods. At the same time, heightened levels of mobility are theorized to be leading to a so-called “placeless society” and possibly nullifying theories of locality-based risk perception. The purpose of this study is to combine environmental risk-hazards scholarship with work in urban geography to explore the following question: is perception of vulnerability to terrorism influenced by place and mobility, and if it is, what is the relationship? Drawing on interviews with 93 householders in Boston, Massachusetts, I demonstrate that people perceive vulnerability via understanding the transportation environment as a place—not simply a conduit—and that these perceptions reflect larger societal structures, such as wealth and gender disparities, that combine with (im)mobility and human subjectivity to amplify or attenuate a person’s sense of vulnerability. These findings bring an understanding of subjective experience to the geography of transportation systems, which has not yet been theorized within the urban disaster literature.  相似文献   

This paper expands the values-vulnerability nexus for studying urban vulnerability to terrorism. Gender is among the most salient social structures affecting a person’s interpretation of risk, and urban geographers have demonstrated that gender also deeply affects the experience of urban life. However, the values that shape urban vulnerability to terrorism have been conceptualized more broadly, usually focusing on the underpinning economic organization of cities that terrorists exploit rather than on concepts such as gender. As a result, the role of gender in understanding societal responses to terrorism—specifically risk perception and preparedness—is underdeveloped, including in the 2008 US National Survey of Disaster and Preparedness, which sought to understand Americans’ responses to terrorism. This paper outlines a gender values–vulnerability nexus for studying terrorism. Using interview data from Boston, Massachusetts conducted before and after the 15 April 2013 Boston Marathon attacks, I demonstrate that gender deeply affected how Bostonians learned about and responded to terrorism. The gender values–vulnerability nexus explores the role of gendered political, social, economic, and geographical dimensions in urban vulnerability to terrorism. The role of gender has the potential to substantially increase vulnerability for urban populations, particularly given gender-similar social networks and urban contexts that continue to yield different experiences for men and women. The implications of these findings may signal challenges for urban emergency managers, public safety officials, and ordinary people in American cities.  相似文献   

蔡晓梅  朱竑 《地理学报》2012,67(8):1057-1068
全球化是当今世界最重要的特征之一。有关跨国移民对城市景观的感知和跨文化认同研究也得到越来越多的关注。在文献回顾的基础上, 以广州高星级酒店外籍管理者作为研究对象, 通过定性研究进行数据的收集和分析, 构建了外籍管理者对城市地方景观感知和跨文化认同的形成演变机制, 并得出以下结论:① 在职业影响下, 外籍管理者对迁入城市产生了被动的地方认同, 进而形成了被迫同化的跨文化认同模式;② 外籍管理者基于身份构建对城市地方景观进行感知, 对反映“他者”、“我者”和“世界人”身份的景观感知度较高, 反映出他们对故乡和迁入城市的地方认同, 从而产生了同时具有整合和边缘特征的跨文化认同模式;③ 外籍管理者通过迁入城市的地方景观感知而产生地方意义的解读, 基于对迁入城市正面的地方意义解读, 对城市产生了地方认同和整合的跨文化认同模式, 基于对迁入城市负面的地方意义解读, 对城市产生了地方不认同和分隔的跨文化模式。研究结论丰富了城市景观研究和跨文化认同研究的相关理论成果, 并为中国跨国移民政策和国际化城市建设提供了可供借鉴的实践参考。  相似文献   

An economic census and a survey of seventy-nine firms revealed a changing geography of financial services after 11 September 2001. Although the suburbs benefited from the outward relocation of financial services from Manhattan immediately afterward, they lost considerably two years later, demonstrating the interdependence of the central city and its suburbs. Executives of financial services firms ranked highly locational attributes such as prestige, public transportation, and proximity to clients and other financial services before 11 September, but terrorism also emerged as a major locational factor after 11 September. The impact of terrorism and how it interacts with agglomeration economies, technological changes, and globalization to shape the geography of financial services is examined under the framework of quaternary place theory.  相似文献   

In the last several decades, garbage strikes have taken place around the world. In this article, I examine the case of garbage strikes in Oaxaca, Mexico, a rapidly growing city. Here, garbage, which is normally considered a hazard, is revealed also to be an effective political tool for people demanding “rights to the city.” Processes of modernization that have produced an expectation of cleanliness in modern cities have, at the same time, relied on production and consumption patterns that create more and more garbage. It is this inherent contradiction that provides a space for marginalized people to use garbage as a political tool.  相似文献   

陈勇  李青雪  曹杨  徐玉梅 《地理科学》2020,40(12):2085-2093
以受汶川“5.12”地震和“7.10”特大山洪泥石流灾害严重影响的汶川县原草坡乡为例,从农户风险感知现状出发,考察风险感知对搬迁意愿和搬迁行为的不同影响。研究结果表明:农户对自然灾害风险感知越强、对搬迁安置风险感知越弱,其搬迁意愿越强;较高的自然灾害风险感知会提高农户搬离灾害隐患点或风险区的概率,较强的搬迁安置风险感知会降低农户全家搬迁的可能性;搬迁安置风险感知对未搬迁和部分搬迁农户的影响程度超过自然灾害风险感知的影响。基于汶川县原草坡乡的实证研究,提出避灾搬迁安置决策中的“双重风险感知”假说。  相似文献   

城市化过程中包容性价值观的缺失导致城市社会走向分化,高质量的城市化是要建设人人共享的包容城市。通过明确城市包容性感知内涵的7个维度及26个评价要素,使用2020年城市体检问卷调查数据,评价老年群体、低收入群体、低学历群体和外地人4类相对弱势群体的城市包容性感知,并检验个体属性、客观城市特征以及主观感知等因素对居民包容性感知的影响。结果发现:年龄、收入、户籍差别导致的居民包容性感知差距较大,不同学历群体的包容性感知差距较小。4类相对弱势群体的包容性感知在城市之间均存在明显差别。包容性感知因个体属性特征和城市客观特征而异,中小城市居民包容性感知显著更低,常住人口占比、住房可支付能力、人均住房面积、人口密度对于包容性感知有正向促进作用。多项要素的主观感知与包容性感知显著相关,社会治安、对弱势群体友好性、邻里关系以及综合医院的满意度是影响4类相对弱势群体包容性感知的共性因素。  相似文献   

Postsecular geographies seek to examine how place is linked with identity and how religious identities in turn can be accommodated in public space. Postsecular practices in urban contexts have been researched extensively, but they do not always fully engage with a relational approach to place‐making. This paper argues that through the place‐making practices seen at Virgin Mary statues in Dublin city, Ireland, a relational approach to examining postsecular practices and representations provides a more productive way to understand how the secular and the religious coexist in cities. The paper uses archival and contemporary data gathered from a sample of Marian statues in Dublin city to locate the relational geographies of the religious and the secular. By focussing on the ways that the statues remain uncontested within a changing urban landscape, the paper re‐examines the political significance of religious place‐making practices. It concludes that if geographies of religion in the postsecular city are to have a broader relevance to geography, they need a relational approach to place‐making.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):227-242
Political terrorism is endemic in many large cities of Latin America and the Caribbean. From 1976 to the present, and particularly in 1979–1982, armed conflict between and within the two major political parties in Jamaica has profoundly affected residential location patterns of the urban poor. The Kingston Urban Region (population 719,000) has experienced dramatic movements in residential location. Between 1970 and 1985, out of a total exodus of 63,000 people from deteriorating war zones in the inner-city ghettos, at least 35,000 can be attributed directly to political terrorism. Such terrorism has also led to loss of housing and places of employment, overcrowding of other ghettos that have been spared or less seriously damaged, and a massive movement to locations up to 50 kilometers distant from the city center, in many cases to shanty and squatter settlements. The conflict has followed the exodus to the shanty towns, which are decreasingly secure and increasingly politicized. Transportation costs for some shanty town dwellers have reached as high as 44% of takehome pay. It is illogical that large areas of empty, blighted wasteland should exist within a kilometer of downtown while tens of thousands spend an ever increasing portion of their low incomes on commuting.  相似文献   

马凌  陈浩然  朱竑 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1637-1651
景观研究是地理分析的关键单元。以往景观研究往往囿于物质景观的一面,忽视了观念景观的存在。本文以“珠江夜游——后珠三角景观”艺术展为案例,采用德国符号学家弗里克的“拟态理论”和焦点小组访谈法对其展开图像和内容分析,重新审视后城市化时代中观念景观所折射出来的乡愁与地方批判。研究发现,景观是研究人地关系议题的文化图像工具;观念景观是对物质景观的拟态,是基于真实世界之上的景观;“珠江夜游”艺术展通过大量的符号和观念景观的呈现,展现了后城市化时代珠三角地区民众独特的地方感知和地方记忆,也从直观和批判的视角展现了快速变化的社会现实下城市居民和城市之间的人地关系——城市本土居民表现出一种“不离地的乡愁”,并对人地关系失调的环境进行反思。研究对城市观念景观的图像和叙事分析是对传统文化地理学物质景观分析的有效补充,有利于从人的主体视角更深入地理解城市发展及其影响。  相似文献   

肖潇  张捷  卢俊宇 《地理科学进展》2012,31(8):1080-1086
文化地理学作为人文地理学的重要分支, 是学者们广泛关注的热点, 但鲜有研究涉及居民对文化景观的感知和认同问题。本文选取了中国传统文化代表--书法景观为研究切入点, 根据地方感理论构建了假设模型, 提出了17 个假设影响路径。根据遵义会议会址景区及周围红色旅游商业街中书法景观的居民感知调查数据, 构建了居民书法景观感知的结构方程模型。分析结果验证了居民感知态度与文化认同的递进性, 拒绝了部分研究假设。同时, 在书法景观功能感知的5 个维度:经济获益、环境审美、场所识别、景观原真性和行为导向中, 经济获益和景观原真性是居民文化认同的决定性因素。研究结果体现了原真性元素在城市文化景观中的核心地位, 验证文化景观对城市经济建设不可或缺的推动作用, 对城市文化景观保护和规划管理具有重要的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

利用行为地理学的方法,选取湖南省益阳市为调查地点,对城区居民不同商品类型的购物行为进行调查,分析了居民购物出行的一般特征、空间特征,在此基础上得出了居民购物出行的圈层结构。通过问卷的科学分析并将结果与已有国内大城市研究结果对比,得到了如下结论:(1)中小城市居民购物出行一般特征与大城市具有很大相似性,符合购物出行一般特征的普遍规律。(2)居民购物出行呈明显的圈层结构,但与大城市不同,中小城市呈现不连续的区间分布。(3)中小城市居民出行呈现被动购物型特征。(4)城市商业空间结构、距离、价格、商品质量为居民购物出行的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

广州河涌的自然社会构建与城市记忆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王敏  赵美婷  朱竑 《地理学报》2019,74(2):353-365
基于网络文本、访谈和照片评定等数据,本文采用NVivo分析方法对广州河涌案例展开分析,讨论了城市自然的社会建构与城市记忆之间的互动机制。研究发现,城市自然资源的功能随着社会经济条件变化而变化,并通过人的实践与社会系统彼此渗透、共同演化。具体来讲,以广州河涌为例,本文指出河涌的社会建构很大程度上反映了城市职能和物质形态的演变,反映了物质的利用方式及其与城市文化之间的关系;此外,城市居民与河涌的互动是文化生产的一种方式,在这个过程中,河涌是地方文化的物质承载者,也是维系地方感的重要物质载体;最后,河涌是城市居民产生记忆及其身体实践的重要物质场域,通过此类物理的沉淀,城市记忆才得以传承和保存下去。研究立足于物质地理学视角,强调了自然资源的社会建构过程,重新审视了人类与自然资源的互动关系及过程,进而反思城市发展与自然之间的处理方式,从实证角度回应了文化地理学从“唯物主义”到“文化表征”再回到“重返物质主义”这个轮回对“物质”和“文化”这两个核心概念的审视。从现实意义来讲,本文讨论了城市居民与城市自然之间的互动,为营造健康城市以及为城市再生产的发展思路提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

马凌  张媛媛  朱竑  陈晓亮 《地理研究》2019,38(8):2044-2057
快速城市化带来了行政区划的调整及城市土地、空间和边界的改变,也重构了传统的地方与地方认同。以广州市番禺小龙村为例,分析城市扩张和地方重构下影响地方认同的因素、机制与过程。研究发现:① 城市扩张过程中,居民户籍身份上的改变最为突出,农民对于其市民身份及新的行政地方的认同度不高,最终产生了一定程度的身份与区域的隔离;② 认同是多维度影响、深层次和动态变化的过程,地方认同需要从身份和地方双重维度进行分析,居民多元的自我身份感知与对地方的认知及其切实的个体需求共同影响其最终的身份归属和地方认同。因此,城市行政区划调整过程中需了解、重视区划调整变化后城郊居民的生产生活,同时注重社会基础福利的提升,以促进居民对于新的地方和身份的认同,进而促进城乡融合。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):144-164
This paper gathers potent visual images of one city, Los Angeles (L.A.), by examining three contemporary films— L.A. Story (1991), Boyz N the Hood (1991), and Grand Canyon (1991). It argues that popular culture, and in particular popular film, is an integral part of the portrayal of the cultural landscape. This paper primarily uses the assorted visual images of the urban landscape in considering how this one city has been recently depicted. The three films reveal a city shaped by rapid changes in urban America, depicting Los Angeles as an urban area composed of a fragmented landscape divided into many geographies: L.A. as a realm of simulations and void of consequences; L.A. as a city under siege, a place of epidemic violence and fear; L.A. as a place obsessed with security and control; L.A. as an increasingly ambiguous and chaotic place. Far from concluding that cities have become so fragmented that they are ageographic, these films reveal various geographies that are rooted in economic, political, and cultural contexts. Attention to the “restlessness” of cities and the postmodern focus on the instability and chaotic nature of urban experience actually challenge geographers to uncover the multitude of geographies of place. Interpreting the many geographies of Los Angeles shows that film can reveal a uniquely visual catalog of human experience of place, supplementing the ways in which we decipher place image and representation. This paper suggests that film is one way by which previously marginalized groups, such as blacks, can disseminate ideas from the margins and provide alternative experiencesof place. Geographers should add film to the cache of qualitative data that constructs an urban experience through images and representation, widening the discussion of what is place  相似文献   

Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, households and cities have changed dramatically. Dense urban developments have given way to lower density suburbanization, while the changing face of the typical family has led to different household makeups. Analyzing how changing urban form influences the sustainability of cities is important for planning future ways in which society aggregates itself. Using current data layers, such as urban boundaries and building footprints, along with past aerial photographs of the city and census data, a detailed reconstruction of the city of Pocatello, Idaho was possible for 1941 for both urban form and population. Using these data sources an algorithmic analysis of various aspects of the city, clustering, compactness, connectivity, and density, was performed on a decadal basis. Results showed an overwhelming trend toward less sustainable development for the city, larger blocks, measured by intersection density, larger distances between houses, fewer people utilizing more space, a more irregularly shaped urban form, an average greater distance from the city center for development, and decreased connectivity, as measured by intersection density. Because the data sources used for this study are readily available to most planning municipalities, the same analysis could be performed on various cities and metros across the United States.  相似文献   

Nightlife settings both facilitate urban sociality and act as sites of social conflict, however little research has focused on experience and encounter in these places. This paper addresses this gap in the context of night‐time economic planning and recent research on encounter. The use of mobile methods in nightlife spaces is shown to garner a more nuanced understanding of how forays into planned night‐time spaces are experienced and understood by people using those spaces. I argue that emplaced, mobile methods unveil complex narratives of place, revealing prejudices and discourses at play in place. These narratives begin to erode privileged images of the city shaped by increasingly neoliberal governance and other cultural intermediaries, and draw out the potential of these methods to improve the lived inclusivity of place.  相似文献   

基于调查问卷和半结构式访谈的数据,以西安市典型社区贫困群体的主观生活质量为研究对象,分别采用语义差别法研究生活环境感知、熵权TOPSIS 法测算主观满意度、关联网络法分析生活感受特征。结果表明:贫困群体对生活环境感知存在局限性,感知能力较差,大多数人群感知结果偏向于正,形成主观感知与客观事实存在偏差的特征。贫困群体对生活质量感知较为敏感。就生活质量主观满意度而言,贫困群体主观满意度不高,离各指标的最优状态还相差甚远。4个典型地区贫困人群的主观满意度同处于中等偏低水平。就生活质量感受特征而言,贫困群体对其生活状况的感受整体上是消极的和负面的,生活的不满主要与工作状况、薪资水平密切相关,生活的满意感主要与邻里关系及交通条件等有关。不同类型社区贫困群体感知差异显著,形成原因与典型社区的规划建设背景、所处地理位置、现有功能定位等因素有关。  相似文献   

本文聚焦于高学历人才“逆向梯次迁移”现象,基于武汉市中小学教师招聘考试数据,运用二元Logistic回归模型分析正规就业驱动下北上广深至武汉的高学历人才逆向梯次迁移,结合粘性理论解释其机制。结果表明:(1)正规就业导向下,高学历人才逆向梯次迁移已成为人才迁移的重要趋势之一,以武汉为目的地的跨省城际迁移中近1/4呈现逆向梯次迁移意愿,非应届生占比高于应届生。(2)“逆向梯次迁移”受粘性因素、个人因素和城市因素影响。粘性因素即“户籍地粘性”与“就学地粘性”起到关键作用;包括“年龄”“毕业学校级别”“学历级别”和“户籍地所在城市级别”在内的个人因素和城市因素也存在影响。(3)与西方受宗教、种族、家庭和个人价值等因素影响不同,基于乡缘、学缘关系产生的户籍地、就学地粘性更深刻作用于中国的高学历人才择业迁移选择,引发逆向梯次迁移现象。  相似文献   

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