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During the 1980s techniques for analysis of geographical patterns have been refined to the point that they may be applied to data from many fields. Quantitative spatial analysis and existing functions available in geographical information systems (GIS) enable computerized implementations of these spatial analysis methods. This paper describes the application of quantitative spatial analysis and GIS functions to analysis of language data, using the extensive files of the Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States (LAMSAS). A brief review of recent development of using quantitative and statistical methods for analysing linguistic data is also included.  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively explores farmers' vulnerability to flood in the Poyang Lake Region (PLR) with the supports of GIS spatial functions. The analysis consists of three major steps, which is based on the spatial unit of township. Firstly, the spatial extent and characteristics of flood risk areas were determined using a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from the 1:50,000 topographic map. Secondly, for each of the township, six indices indicating the economic activities of local farmers were calculated. These indices are: rural population proportion, cultivated land proportion, GDP per unit area, employment proportion of primary industry, net rural income per capita and agricultural income proportion. These six indices were then normalized and used for later vulnerability assessment. Thirdly, the normalized indices (as GIS data layers) were overlaid with the flood risk areas to produce the risk coefficient for each township and to calculate the overall vulnerability for each township. The analysis results show that in the PLR there are high flood risk areas where the farmers' livings are seriously influenced or threatened. About 55.56% of the total 180 townships in the flood risk areas have a high degree of flood vulnerability. The townships under flood risk are mainly distributed in the areas around the Poyang Lake and the areas along the "five rivers".  相似文献   


This paper reports on software to construct alternative weight matrices and to compute spatial autocorrelation statistics, namely the Moran coefficient and the Geary coefficient using Arc/Info’s data structure. As such it is an addition to recent efforts in linking GIS with exploratory spatial data analysis. The software is interfaced with Arc/Info via the Arc Macro Language (AML) so that it can be run in the ARC environment. This allows the user to perform exploratory analysis within GIS which may provide insights in subsequent spatial analysis and modelling.  相似文献   


Growth in the available quantities of digital geographical data has led to major problems in maintaining and integrating data from multiple sources, required by users at differing levels of generalization. Existing GIS and associated database management systems provide few facilities specifically intended for handling spatial data at multiple scales and require time consuming manual intervention to control update and retain consistency between representations. In this paper the GEODYSSEY conceptual design for a multi-scale, multiple representation spatial database is presented and the results of experimental implementation of several aspects of the design are described. Object-oriented, deductive and procedural programming techniques have been applied in several contexts: automated update software, using probabilistic reasoning; deductive query processing using explicit stored semantic and spatial relations combined with geometric data; multiresolution spatial data access methods combining poini, line, area and surface geometry; and triangulation-based generalization software that detects and resolves topological inconsistency.  相似文献   


Rather than seeing the oceans as an expansive void, researchers using acoustic technologies can detect the heterogeneity of biological resources and view the marine environment as a three-dimensional landscape. Underwater remote sensing, using acoustics, provides high resolution maps of the spatial distribution of organisms in aquatic ecosystems. Analyzing the spatial pattern of species distribution within the water column and the impact of that organization on ecological processes bridges the fields of fisheries and spatial analysis. Tools and concepts familiar to geographers, such as remote sensing, GIS, and landscape ecology, contribute to the investigation of large lake and marine ecosystems.  相似文献   


This paper describes a framework for the role of geographical information systems (GIS) in the monitoring and management of hazardous waste sites. Compilation of required information, incorporation of existing strategies for waste monitoring, analysis of these data in a GIS environment and the integration of computerized models for transport processes are discussed. Examples for the analysis of spatial data using techniques of cartographic overlay and the implementation of geo-statistical methods on monitoring data are provided from work in progress by the authors. These examples are set in the context of developing a fully integrated monitoring and management system utilizing GIS technology.  相似文献   


Geographical information systems (GIS) provide the decision-maker with a powerful set of tools for the manipulation and analysis of spatial information. The functionality of GIS is, however, limited to certain deterministic analyses in key application areas such as spatial search. The integration of multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) techniques with GIS is forwarded as providing the user with the means to evaluate various alternatives on the basis of multiple and conflicting criteria and objectives. An example application based on the search for suitable sites for the disposal of radioactive waste in the UK using the Arc/Info GIS is included. The potential use of a combined GIS-MCE approach in the development of spatial decision support systems is considered.  相似文献   

空间数据的多尺度表达问题已成为GIS研究的重点,也是地图自动综合的瓶颈。智能化的多尺度表达是亟须解决的问题。利用小波分析中的多分辨率分析原理,建立微分角度的线状要素简化模型,结合空间要素多尺度表达的特征,研究空间线状要素的简化方法,并对简化后的图形拓扑一致性做简单分析,实现线状要素的简化。  相似文献   


This is the first of two papers elaborating a framework for embedding urban models within GIS. This framework is based upon using the display capabilities of GIS as the user interface to the conventional modelling process, beginning with data selection and analysis, moving to model specification and calibration, and thence to prediction. In this paper, we outline how various stages in this process based on purpose-built software outside the system, are accessed and operated through the GIS. We first deal with display based on thematic maps, surfaces, graphs and linked windows, standard to any data from whatever source, be it observations, model estimates or predictions. We then describe how various datasets are selected, how the spatial system can be partitioned or aggregated, and how rudimentary exploratory spatial data analysis enables scatterplots to be associated with thematic maps. We illustrate all these functions and operations using the proprietary GIS ARC-INFO applied to population data at the tract level in the Buffalo region. In the second part of the paper, various residential location models are outlined and the full modelling framework is assembled and demonstrated.  相似文献   

GIS elemental unit representations of spatial data are often defined in terms of points, lines and areas. However, another type of spatial data that is becoming frequently captured, but as yet is largely ignored in GIS, is that of video. While digital video recording is a commonly encountered medium in modern society and encompasses many forms, from simple personal camcorders through to sophisticated survey and surveillance systems, its geographical representation in a GIS has not been fully examined or realised. In the majority of cases the video footage is usually captured while the device and/or the objects being viewed are in motion. What is of particular interest is when video streams can be, or have been, associated with spatial data such as location and orientation to create geographically referenced videographic data, which, for simplicity, will be defined as spatial video. Fundamentally, the nature of video is to record space, so when spatial properties can be accurately acquired and associated with this footage, an important geographical element can be considered for integration and analysis within a GIS.

Existing spatial video systems, both commercial and research, are predominantly used in survey or LBS roles and are usually bespoke and application specific. These systems do not model spatial video to any recognised standards that is generalised to be both data and platform independent. They do not support GIS integration and/or analysis from a purely spatial content perspective. A video-image/remote-sensing centric approach prevails where usage options range from simple visualisation interfaces to interactive computer vision systems. What has been largely overlooked is a spatial approach where the inherent geographical extent recorded in each video frame can be modelled and used in a geo-spatial analysis context. While this modelling approach has not been fully realised, it does exist in a GIS form based on Open Geospatial Consortium standards, where the spatial context of video is defined in a structure called a ViewCone. However, a ViewCone only defines a 2D model of the geographical extent of each frame and is restricted to a three-or-five sided polygon representation.

Thus, this article examines the potential of modelling spatial video through the use of elemental data types within GIS; gives some examples of using this approach; describes some problems in using spatial video within GIS; and then demonstrates how these problems are being solved. This is done in three stages: Firstly, a detailed overview of spatial video in its current GIS role is provided – this is achieved through a complete introduction to the distinct elements of spatial video followed by a review of its use in both commercial and academic application areas. Secondly, a brief theoretical overview of an alternative GIS-constrained ViewCone data structure is given that defines a more flexible spatial video model for both 2D and 3D GIS analysis and visualisation. Thirdly, a selective sample of results is presented based on an implementation of this approach being applied to a constrained spatial video data source in a specific study area.  相似文献   


The existence of global computer networks in conjunction with various computer based tools offers the GIS community the possibility of identifying existing spatial data in a faster and more complete way. Using such tools could help the GIS community reduce the high costs of data collection. This paper focuses on the discovery of environmental data using metadatabases and network information resource tools and includes comments on some of the limitations of these computer based tools. The article will conclude by describing how the system developed by the GENIE project attempts to overcome some of these limitations.  相似文献   


Kriging is an optimal method of spatial interpolation that produces an error for each interpolated value. Block kriging is a form of kriging that computes averaged estimates over blocks (areas or volumes) within the interpolation space. If this space is sampled sparsely, and divided into blocks of a constant size, a variable estimation error is obtained for each block, with blocks near to sample points having smaller errors than blocks farther away. An alternative strategy for sparsely sampled spaces is to vary the sizes of blocks in such away that a block's interpolated value is just sufficiently different from that of an adjacent block given the errors on both blocks. This has the advantage of increasing spatial resolution in many regions, and conversely reducing it in others where maintaining a constant size of block is unjustified (hence achieving data compression). Such a variable subdivision of space can be achieved by regular recursive decomposition using a hierarchical data structure. An implementation of this alternative strategy employing a split-and-merge algorithm operating on a hierarchical data structure is discussed. The technique is illustrated using an oceanographic example involving the interpolation of satellite sea surface temperature data. Consideration is given to the problem of error propagation when combining variable resolution interpolated fields in GIS modelling operations.  相似文献   


Recent changes in information technology offer the opportunity to explore alternative architectures for geographical information systems (GIS) which might better support advanced applications. This paper describes the architecture and implementation of the environmental decision support system (EDSS), a prototype GIS tool kit. The architecture is based on a simple yet powerful systems model using only data collections, views and operations as the basic entity types. The design of the user interface, data management and data analysis within the model are outlined, with particular emphasis on the advanced facilities for which implementation is simplified by the architecture. A prototype applications system, BANKSIA, is also described.  相似文献   


The field of geographical information systems (GIS) is reviewed from the viewpoint of spatial analysis which is the key component of the familiar four-part model of input, storage, analysis and output Input is constrained by the limits of manual methods and problems of ambiguity in scanning. The potential for developments in output is seen to be limited to the query mode of GIS operation, and to depend on abandoning the cartographic model. Discussion of storage methods is organized around the raster versus vector debate and the need to represent two spatial dimensions in one. A taxonomy of GIS spatial analysis operations is presented together with a generic data model. Prospects for implementation are discussed and seen to depend on appropriate scales of organization in national and international academic research.  相似文献   


A raster/quadtree geographical information system (GIS) was established For a 932 ha natural area in central Missouri. The GIS contained map layers depicting vegetative cover from 1939 to 1982, soils, topographic aspect and distance from a forest seed source. Discriminant function analysis was used to quantify and describe ecological succession on the area during this period. The calibration of discriminant functions is discussed, as are the statistical and spatial validations of the model. It was concluded that this approach provides a useful technique to examine long-term temporal phenomena in a spatial context.  相似文献   


GIS is a technology which is ideally suited to analysis of the market values of properties, since such values are based upon spatial comparisons as well as individual property attributes. Great Britain now has a new mechanism of local taxation, the council tax, which is based upon the capital values of properties. Central to the implementation of this tax has been the potentially controversial assignment of properties to valuation ‘bands’. This paper posits that a geographical model embedded within a GIS provides an alternative means of devising credible capital values, and anticipates some of the prospects for the use of GIS in local revenue-raising.  相似文献   

Shape characterisation is important in many fields dealing with spatial data. For this purpose, numerous shape analysis and recognition methods with different degrees of complexity have so far been developed. Among them, relatively simple indices are widely used in spatial applications, but their performance has not been investigated sufficiently, particularly for building footprints (BFs). Therefore, this article focuses on BF shape characterisation with shape indices and classification schemes in a GIS environment. This study consists of four phases. In the first phase, the criteria for BF shape complexity were identified, and accordingly, benchmark data was constructed by human experts in three shape complexity categories. In the second phase, 18 shape indices were selected from the literature and automatically computed in GIS. The performance of these indices was then statistically assessed with histograms, correlation matrix and boxplots, and consequently four indices were found to be appropriate for further investigation. In the third phase, two new indices (Equivalent Rectangular index and Roughness index) were proposed with the objective to measure some BF shape characteristics more efficiently. The proposed indices also were found to be appropriate with the same statistical assessment procedures. In the final phase, BF shape complexity categories were created with the pairs of six appropriate indices and four choropleth mapping classification schemes (equal intervals, natural break, standard deviation, and custom) in GIS. The performance of the index–scheme pairs was assessed against the benchmark data. The findings demonstrated that both new indices and two of the selected indices (Convexity and Rectangularity) delivered higher performance. The custom classification scheme was found more ideal to reveal absolute shape complexity with the index value ranges derived from the boxplots while the other classification schemes were more appropriate to reveal relative shape complexity.  相似文献   


The opportunities available at a demand location are usually measured as the costs of reaching a specified critical number of facilities from that location. This method does not however, account for multistop trips nor for differences in the diversity of supply at the level of individual facilities. In this paper we introduce an alternative measurement method that overcomes these shortcomings. In this method the probability of successfully visiting a specific facility is assumed to be a function of the diversity of supply provided. Trip routes are constructed that have an acceptable probability of success. Then, the expected costs of travelling the optimum route are determined as an indicator of spatial opportunities. The proposed method has been implemented in a GIS environment, using typical GIS data and GIS tools for spatial analysis and display. The results of a case study indicate that the new method, compared to current methods, may lead to different evaluations of the level of opportunities at demand locations.  相似文献   

遥感与GIS技术在湿地定量研究中的应用趋势分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在充分吸收已有相关研究成果基础上,提出利用RS与GIS技术,全面开展湿地系统定量化研究的思路和框架。重点分析了RS与GIS技术在湿地识别及类型划分、湿地生物量的遥感估测、湿地景观演变的动态分析、湿地评价与湿地保护区建设、湿地管理信息系统等研究中的应用趋势。研究表明,利用遥感与GIS技术可以增强湿地研究的宏观性、动态性、定量性。  相似文献   


Although biological diversity has emerged in the 1980s as a major scientific and political issue, efforts at scientific assessment have been hampered by the lack of cohesive sets of data. We describe, in concept, a comprehensive national diversity information system, using geographical information system (GIS) techniques to organize existing data and improve spatial aspects of the assessment. One potential GIS analysis, to identify gaps in the network of nature reserves for California, is discussed in greater detail. By employing an information systems approach, available data can be used more effectively and better management strategies can be formulated.  相似文献   

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