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We shall establish a second order - with respect to a small parameter which is of the order of planetary masses - Uranus-Neptune canonical planetary theory. The construction will be through the Hori-Lie perturbation theory. We perform the elliptic expansions by hand, taking into account powers 0, 1, 2 of the eccentricity-inclination. Only the principal part of the planetary Hamiltonian will be taken into consideration. Our theory will be expressed in terms of the canonical variables of Henri Poincaré, referring the planetary coordinates to the Jacobi-Radau system of origin. Only U- N critical terms will be assumed as the periodic terms.  相似文献   

Over the last twenty years, the search for extrasolar planets has revealed the rich diversity of outcomes from the formation and evolution of planetary systems. In order to fully understand how these extrasolar planets came to be, however, the orbital and physical data we possess are not enough, and they need to be complemented with information about the composition of the exoplanets. Ground-based and space-based observations provided the first data on the atmospheric composition of a few extrasolar planets, but a larger and more detailed sample is required before we can fully take advantage of it. The primary goal of a dedicated space mission like the Exoplanet Characterization Observatory (EChO) proposal is to fill this gap and to expand the limited data we possess by performing a systematic survey of extrasolar planets. The full exploitation of the data that space-based and ground-based facilities will provide in the near future, however, requires knowledge about the sources and sinks of the chemical species and molecules that will be observed. Luckily, the study of the past history of the Solar System provides several indications about the effects of processes like migration, late accretion and secular impacts, and on the time they occur in the life of planetary systems. In this work we will review what is already known about the factors influencing the composition of planetary atmospheres, focusing on the case of gaseous giant planets, and what instead still need to be investigated.  相似文献   

We investigate how the formation and evolution of extrasolar planetary systems can be affected by stellar encounters that occur in the crowded conditions of a stellar cluster. Using plausible estimates of cluster evolution, we show how planet formation may be suppressed in globular clusters while planets wider than ≳0.1 au that do form in such environments can be ejected from their stellar system. Less crowded systems such as open clusters have a much reduced effect on any planetary system. Planet formation is unaffected in open clusters and only the wider planetary systems will be disrupted during the cluster's lifetime. The potential for free-floating planets in these environments is also discussed.  相似文献   

张威  朱进 《天文学进展》2002,20(4):379-383
对1995年至2001年《Natue》和《Science》上发表的天文学论文的统计表明,行星天文学领域的论文数量明显超过天文学的其它分支学科,占天文学总论文数的1/3左右。从这个角度来看,行星天文学是天文学最活跃和重要的分支学科之一。对这些论文具体内容的分析可以给出当前行星天文学领域的若干热点问题。相比之下,我国对这一重要领域的关注和投入还远远不够。  相似文献   

In this part we present the complete solution of the planetary canonical equations of motion by the method of G. Hori through successive changes of canonical variables using the Lie series. Thus, we can eliminate the long or critical terms of the planetary perturbing function, in our general planetary theory. In our formulas, we neglect perturbation terms of order higher than the third with respect to planetary masses.  相似文献   

We numerically model the evolution of dust in a protoplanetary disk using a two-phase (gas+dust) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code, which is non-self-gravitating and locally isothermal. The code follows the three dimensional distribution of dust in a protoplanetary disk as it interacts with the gas via aerodynamic drag. In this work, we present the evolution of a disk comprising 1% dust by mass in the presence of an embedded planet for two different disk configurations: a small, minimum mass solar nebular (MMSN) disk and a larger, more massive Classical T Tauri star (CTTS) disk. We then vary the grain size and planetary mass to see how they effect the resulting disk structure. We find that gap formation is much more rapid and striking in the dust layer than in the gaseous disk and that a system with a given stellar, disk and planetary mass will have a different appearance depending on the grain size and that such differences will be detectable in the millimetre domain with ALMA. For low mass planets in our MMSN models, a gap can open in the dust disk while not in the gas disk. We also note that dust accumulates at the external edge of the planetary gap and speculate that the presence of a planet in the disk may facilitate the growth of planetesimals in this high density region.  相似文献   

In the analysis of X-ray fluorescence spectra from planetary surfaces, it is traditionally assumed that the observed surface is a plane-parallel, smooth, and homogeneous medium. The spectral and spatial resolutions of the instruments that have been used to measure X-ray emission from planetary surfaces to date have been such that this has been a reasonable assumption, but a new generation of X-ray spectrometers will provide enhanced spectral and spatial resolutions when compared with previous instrumentation. In light of these improvements in performance, it is important to assess how the requirements on the methodology of analysis of spectra may change when the surface is considered as a regolith. At other wavelengths, varying physical properties of planetary regoliths, such as the packing density, are known to have an effect on the observed signal as a function of viewing geometry. In this paper, the results from laboratory X-ray fluorescence measurements of regolith analogue materials at different viewing geometries are presented. Characteristic properties of the regolith such as particle sizes and packing density are found to affect the measured elemental line ratios. A semiempirical function is introduced as a tool for fitting fluorescent line intensity dependences as a function of viewing geometry. The importance of the results is discussed and recommendations are made for the future analysis of planetary X-ray fluorescence data.  相似文献   

On our way toward the characterization of smaller and more temperate planets, missions dedicated to the spectroscopic observation of exoplanets will teach us about the wide diversity of classes of planetary atmospheres, many of them probably having no equivalent in the Solar System. But what kind of atmospheres can we expect? To start answering this question, many theoretical studies have tried to understand and model the various processes controlling the formation and evolution of planetary atmospheres, with some success in the Solar System. Here, we shortly review these processes and we try to give an idea of the various type of atmospheres that these processes can create. As will be made clear, current atmosphere evolution models have many shortcomings yet, and need heavy calibrations. With that in mind, we will thus discuss how observations with a mission similar to EChO would help us unravel the link between a planet’s environment and its atmosphere.  相似文献   

The thermo-mechanical properties of planetary surface and subsurface layers control to a high extent in which way a body interacts with its environment, in particular how it responds to solar irradiation and how it interacts with a potentially existing atmosphere. Furthermore, if the natural temperature profile over a certain depth can be measured in situ, this gives important information about the heat flux from the interior and thus about the thermal evolution of the body. Therefore, in most of the recent and planned planetary lander missions experiment packages for determining thermo-mechanical properties are part of the payload. Examples are the experiment MUPUS on Rosetta's comet lander Philae, the TECP instrument aboard NASA's Mars polar lander Phoenix, and the mole-type instrument HP3 currently developed for use on upcoming lunar and Mars missions. In this review we describe several methods applied for measuring thermal conductivity and heat flux and discuss the particular difficulties faced when these properties have to be measured in a low pressure and low temperature environment. We point out the abilities and disadvantages of the different instruments and outline the evaluation procedures necessary to extract reliable thermal conductivity and heat flux data from in situ measurements.  相似文献   

人类利用雷达波进行天文研究距今已有40多年历史了.它是一种发射雷达波到目标天体,通过分析其回波特性来进行天文探测的技术.该文从地基雷达在太阳系天体探测中的应用出发,分析了地基雷达相比其他探测手段的优点;介绍了地基雷达的基本工作原理;给出了近年来地基雷达的发展情况和探测成果;最后从现有条件出发,探讨了我国开展地基雷达探测的设想.  相似文献   

Future planetary exploration of Titan will require higher degrees of on-board automation, including autonomous determination of sites where the probability of significant scientific findings is the highest. In this paper, a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) method for the identification and interpretation of sites that yield the highest potential of cryovolcanic activity is presented. We introduce the theory of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) as a tool for the analysis of remotely collected data in planetary exploration. A cognitive model embedded in a fuzzy logic framework is constructed via the synergistic interaction of planetary scientists and AI experts. As an application example, we show how FCM can be employed to solve the challenging problem of recognizing cryovolcanism from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Cassini data. The fuzzy cognitive map is constructed using what is currently known about cryovolcanism on Titan and relies on geological mapping performed by planetary scientists to interpret different locales as cryovolcanic in nature. The system is not conceived to replace the human scientific interpretation, but to enhance the scientists’ ability to deal with large amounts of data, and it is a first step in designing AI systems that will be able, in the future, to autonomously make decisions in situations where human analysis and interpretation is not readily available or could not be sufficiently timely. The proposed FCM is tested on Cassini radar data to show the effectiveness of the system in reaching conclusions put forward by human experts and published in the literature. Four tests are performed using the Ta SAR image (October 2004 fly-by). Two regions (i.e. Ganesa Macula and the lobate high backscattering region East of Ganesa) are interpreted by the designed FCM as exhibiting cryovolcanism in agreement with the initial interpretation of the regions by Stofan et al. (2006). Importantly, the proposed FCM is shown to be flexible and adaptive as new data and knowledge are acquired during the course of exploration. Subsequently, the FCM has been modified to include topographic information derived from SAR stereo data. With this additional information, the map concludes that Ganesa Macula is not a cryovolcanic region. In conclusion, the FCM methodology is shown to be a critical and powerful component of future autonomous robotic spacecraft (e.g., orbiter(s), balloon(s), surface/lake lander(s), rover(s)) that will be deployed for the exploration of Titan.  相似文献   

It was believed until very recently that a near-equatorial satellite would always keep up with the planet’s equator (with oscillations in inclination, but without a secular drift). As explained in Efroimsky and Goldreich [Astronomy & Astrophysics (2004) Vol. 415, pp. 1187–1199], this misconception originated from a wrong interpretation of a (mathematically correct) result obtained in terms of non-osculating orbital elements. A similar analysis carried out in the language of osculating elements will endow the planetary equations with some extra terms caused by the planet’s obliquity change. Some of these terms will be non-trivial, in that they will not be amendments to the disturbing function. Due to the extra terms, the variations of a planet’s obliquity may cause a secular drift of its satellite orbit inclination. In this article we set out the analytical formalism for our study of this drift. We demonstrate that, in the case of uniform precession, the drift will be extremely slow, because the first-order terms responsible for the drift will be short-period and, thus, will have vanishing orbital averages (as anticipated 40 years ago by Peter Goldreich), while the secular terms will be of the second order only. However, it turns out that variations of the planetary precession make the first-order terms secular. For example, the planetary nutations will resonate with the satellite’s orbital frequency and, thereby, may instigate a secular drift. A detailed study of this process will be offered in a subsequent publication, while here we work out the required mathematical formalism and point out the key aspects of the dynamics. In this article, as well as in (Efroimsky 2004), we use the word ‘‘precession’’ in its most general sense which embraces the entire spectrum of changes of the spin-axis orientation -- from the long-term variations down to the Chandler Wobble down to nutations and to the polar wonder.  相似文献   

刘玉娟  赵刚 《天文学进展》2005,23(3):226-238
随着对外太空探索脚步的加快,人类开始对与太阳系具有相似结构的恒星行星系统越来越感兴趣,因为它们有可能也拥有智慧生命。简单介绍了目前地外恒星行星系统的探测情况,分析了现在比较常用的几种探测方法的可行性和适用范围,重点讨论了利用视向速度法得到的结果及其意义。近年来,各种探索地外行星的小卫星的升空以及探测技术的进步使得大批高质量数据获得成为可能。可以预见,在未来几年内,地外恒星行星系统的探索将会进入一个蓬勃发展阶段。  相似文献   

In this chapter, we will give a brief overview on our current theoretical understanding how planets form from the solid material in circumstellar disks in the core accretion-gas capture model. This chapter will not be as concise and complete as a review on this matter, yet will serve as an introductory text to generate interest in the subject. Students are referred to comprehensive text books and some important reviews.This chapter will discuss “dusty storms”, e.g. the dust transport in turbulent protoplanetary disks, followed by the latest model of planetesimal formation, e.g. gravoturbulent planetesimal formation, which deals with particle concentration in turbulence and N-body simulations thereof. We also briefly describe the core accretion-gas capture process and talk about nascent planets, e.g. the observability of planet–disk interaction concluding with the migration of young planets and the final arrangement of planetary systems.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe how to avoid the introduction of Hori's pseudo time in general planetary theory in the case of two planets.  相似文献   

We calculate in this paper the secular and critical terms arising from the principal part of the classical planetary Hamiltonian. This is the first step to establish a third order canonical planetary theory of Uranus-Neptune through the Hori-Lie technique. We truncate our expansions at the second degree of eccentricity-inclination. Our planetary theory is expressed in terms of the canonical variables of H. Poincaré.  相似文献   

About 20 years after the discovery of the first extrasolar planet, the number of planets known has grown by three orders of magnitude, and continues to increase at neck breaking pace. For most of these planets we have little information, except for the fact that they exist and possess an address in our Galaxy. For about one third of them, we know how much they weigh, their size and their orbital parameters. For less than 20, we start to have some clues about their atmospheric temperature and composition. How do we make progress from here?We are still far from the completion of a hypothetical Hertzsprung–Russell diagram for planets comparable to what we have for stars, and today we do not even know whether such classification will ever be possible or even meaningful for planetary objects. But one thing is clear: planetary parameters such as mass, radius and temperature alone do not explain the diversity revealed by current observations. The chemical composition of these planets is needed to trace back their formation history and evolution, as happened for the planets in our Solar System. As in situ measurements are and will remain off-limits for exoplanets, to study their chemical composition we will have to rely on remote sensing spectroscopic observations of their gaseous envelopes.In this paper, we critically review the key achievements accomplished in the study of exoplanet atmospheres in the past ten years. We discuss possible hurdles and the way to overcome those. Finally, we review the prospects for the future. The knowledge and the experience gained with the planets in our solar system will guide our journey among those faraway worlds.  相似文献   

The steadily growing international interest in the exploration of planets in our Solar System and many advances in the development of space-sensor technology have led to the launch of a multitude of planetary missions to Mercury, Venus, the Earth's moon, Mars and various Outer-Solar System objects, such as the Jovian and Saturnian satellites. Camera instruments carried along on these missions image surfaces in different wavelength ranges and under different viewing angles, permitting additional data to be derived, such as spectral data or digital terrain models. Such data enable researchers to explore and investigate the development of planetary surfaces by analyzing and interpreting the inventory of surface units and structures. Results of such work are commonly abstracted and represented in thematic, mostly geological and geomorphological, maps. In order to facilitate efficient collaboration among different planetary research disciplines, mapping results need to be prepared, described, managed, archived, and visualized in a uniform way. These tasks have been increasingly carried out by means of computer-based geographic information systems (GIS or GI systems) which have come to be widely employed in the field of planetary research since the last two decades. In this paper we focus on the simplification of mapping processes, putting specific emphasis on a cartographically correct visualization of planetary mapping data using GIS-based environments. We present and discuss the implementation of a set of standardized cartographic symbols for planetary mapping based on the Digital Cartographic Standard for Geologic Map Symbolization as prepared by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). Furthermore, we discuss various options to integrate this symbol catalog into generic GI systems, and more specifically into the Environmental Systems Research Institute's (ESRI) ArcGIS environment, and focus on requirements for symbol definitions in the field of planetary mapping. A symbology of this type can be embedded into any modular GIS environment capable in dealing with external stand-alone as well as database-driven management of symbol sets. Using such a uniform GIS-based symbol catalog will give the research community access to map results already cartographically elaborated, enabling them to create digital maps as a secondary data source in subsequent studies.  相似文献   

In this part we expand the indirect part of the planetary perturbing function by Smart's method, via Taylor's theorem. We neglect, in our expansion, terms of degree higher than the fourth with regard to the eccentricities and tangents of the inclinations.  相似文献   

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