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南北地震带北段位于青藏高原东北缘,包含阿拉善块体、鄂尔多斯块体、青藏块体和四川盆地等多个活动块体。这些块体,尤其是它们的交界部位,具有十分复杂的结构。本文首先利用在天水布设的较小型台阵,对数据做空间自相关来提取频散曲线,采用传统成像方法得到地下50 m内浅层速度结构;之后应用背景噪声面波成像方法,背景噪声面波周期较短,路径覆盖密集,获得10~22 s的群速度和相速度信息;近年来,随着越来越多密集台阵的布设,延伸出一些基于密集台阵的新方法,如程函方程成像和赫姆霍兹成像。利用这种方法,得到20~70 s面波相速度图及各向异性信息;地震中面波周期较长,此地区比较复杂,需要对浅层速度做约束,而对10 km以上更浅层信息,需要通过面波另外一个特性进行解释。通过计算得到相同周期下,振幅纵横比反映深度大小的信息,但密集台阵数据过多,九分量NCF计算量更大,利用云计算的方法,大大节省了计算的时间。本文主要包括以下几点:(1)为了对比天然源面波勘探不同台阵布局的探测效果,筛选出探测成果可靠、效率高和便于野外施工的天然源面波勘探台阵阵形,我们在天水市黄土覆盖区的同一场地分别用4种常见的阵形进行了数据采集试验,并对各种阵形数据用SPAC或ESPAC方法提取了相应的频散曲线,通过反演得到了试验点地下的浅层速度结构模型。分析对比试验结果表明:4种台阵提取的频散曲线数值很相近;频散谱能量集中度较高的是嵌套式等边三角形和圆形台阵,L形和直线形相对分散;L形低频段(4~8 Hz)比直线形差,高频段(8~40 Hz)比直线形好。针对直线形排列在高频段信噪比较低的情况,在确保探测成果可靠的前提下,为了提高探测效率,提出了在同一直线形排列上开展天然源和人工源面波联合勘探的数据采集方法。实验结果证实:这种联合方法不仅可弥补直线形高频段的不足,确保探测精度和结果的可靠性,而且还能做到"高低"频兼顾,即"深浅"兼顾。(2)南北地震带北段位于东昆仑断裂带东段以北的青藏高原东北隅构造区,是研究青藏高原东北缘同周边块体相互作用的重要区域,也是研究大陆块体强震孕育模式的重要试验场。本文利用2013年12月到2015年5月密集台阵记录的数据,通过互相关方法提取瑞利波的经验格林函数,利用相匹配滤波的时频分析技术测量瑞利波相速度频散曲线。采用背景噪声面波成像方法得到南北地震带北段地区10~22 s的瑞利波群速度和相速度分布图,结果较好地匹配了块体边界及断层走向。(3)目前面波层析成像是研究地壳上地幔结构的重要方法,并且随着密集台阵的布设,出现了一些基于密集台阵的面波层析成像新方法。本文利用南北地震带北段密集台阵数据,通过自动获取面波相速度方法(ASWMS),得到20~70 s的瑞利面波相速度分布图像及方位各项异性。通过将本文结果和前人研究成果相结合,对南北地震带北段区域的低速层分布、活动块体边界及变形信息有了更深的认识。联合两种基于台阵的成像方法,可以使我们获得较为完备的壳幔结构,从而可以对该区的活动地块分界及其相互作用有较为深入的认识。(4)随着背景噪声研究的发展,九分量背景噪声互相关函数得到越来越多的应用。然而,大规模密集台站往往产生海量的数据集合,利用这些数据计算九分量噪声互相关函数的计算量过大,难以在传统计算模式下快速完成。本文提出一种基于云计算的九分量噪声互相关函数的计算方法,可以利用弹性的云计算服务,实现海量噪声互相关函数计算的分解和加速。我们将此技术应用于"中国地震科学台阵探测–南北地震带北段"674个宽频带台站2014–2015年的三分量连续记录,获取了所有台站间的九分量噪声互相关函数。总体计算共完成了约22万条台站对路径上近14.9亿条单天互相关函数的计算,整体平均耗时约为10.2小时。完成等量计算,传统计算模式需要耗时近6个月,基于云计算的NCF计算技术实现了近400倍的增速,并可以弹性地扩充。我们分析了所得九分量噪声互相关函数中瑞利面波的ZH振幅比,并同天然地震中瑞利面波的振幅比进行了比较,验证了计算结果的可靠性。基于云计算的噪声互相关函数计算方法,为利用现代计算技术处理海量数据提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

用面波联合勘探技术探测浅部速度结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
瑞雷面波勘探技术以其快速经济、受场地条件限制小等优点广泛应用于浅部横波速度结构探测.人工源面波勘探方法对浅部地层的探测精度高,但探测深度较浅;天然源面波勘探方法探测深度较深,但对浅部速度结构的探测精度不高.本文在夏垫和玉溪两地分别开展了人工源和天然源面波联合探测试验,尝试采用不同排列和相同排列两种方法,采集人工源和天然源面波信息,联合处理数据并提取频散曲线,反演得到浅部地层的横波速度结构.探测结果表明:人工源和天然源面波联合勘探,尤其是采用相同排列的方法,可以在几乎不增加常规面波勘探工作量的条件下,既能保证浅部地层的探测精度,又明显拓展探测深度,大大提升了面波勘探能力,有望在工程勘察领域中推广应用.  相似文献   

随着节点地震仪的发展,被动源地震成像方法在不同尺度的地下结构成像中得到了越来越广泛的应用.对于小尺度浅地表成像,因高频噪声源时空分布不均,一般采用基于台阵平均的方法,即所谓的微动成像方法提取高频被动源面波频散数据,但是不同类型的台阵一定程度上也会受到噪声源分布不均匀的影响.本文以水溶型盐矿溶腔探测为例,通过实测数据较为系统地分析了不同台阵的响应函数及其对噪声源方向不均匀性的适应能力.研究发现,当噪声源分布不均时,三角形台阵可以获得更可靠的频散数据,但对应的数据采集效率较低,而其他类型的台阵虽然布设相对简便,但是提取的相速度与真实速度存在较大的误差.当线性台阵和噪声源方位一致时,可以提取与三角形台阵一致甚至更好的频散数据.在这个基础上,我们分别采用三角形台阵和考虑噪声源的线性台阵在湘衡盐矿开展了两条剖面的数据采集,并利用适应性更好的扩展空间自相关方法(ESPAC)计算面波频散数据.最后,利用蒙特卡洛方法生成的随机初始模型进行了频散数据反演,获得研究区600 m以浅的横波速度结构,并刻画了盐溶腔的发育位置和空间分布形态.  相似文献   

用人工源和天然源面波联合探测浅层速度结构.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在简要介绍天然源与人工源瑞雷面波勘探基本原理、数据采集和资料处理方法的基础上,结合3个不同场地的探测实例,阐述了天然源和人工源瑞雷面波方法在浅部速度结构探测中的应用效果.结果表明,根据不同的场地条件和探测目的要求,分别采用天然源、人工源瑞雷面波方法提取瑞雷波频散曲线,再用遗传算法反演得到工程场地浅部地层横波速度结构的技术方法是有效和可行的.该方法对于类似工程的浅部横波速度结构探测具有经济适用、简便快捷的优点.  相似文献   

鉴于我国西部地区地震防灾需要一种简便快速、低成本的地下构造调查方法,本文利用对甘肃岷县漳县地震灾害科考机会,对高密度面波勘探和小型台阵地脉动观测在西部山区地下构造调查中的有效性进行了试验.试验选取房屋倒塌和滑坡等不同灾害类型以及不同地质条件的场地进行;2种方法的数据采集都使用普通小型便携式面波仪和4 Hz地震检波器,其中,小型台阵采用底边长16m的正三角形台阵,观测时间约30分钟.试验结果显示,高密度面波勘探能够探测地下约30~40m以内的剪切波速度构造,小型台阵探测深度稍深,约为40~50m,但是浅层分辩率较低.试验还显示,两种勘探方法使用同一台普通面波仪和地震检波器,设备小、成本低、便于携带,非常适合西部地区地震防灾之地下构造调查.  相似文献   

近年来发展的新型地震观测系统--分布式光纤声波传感器(DAS,Distributed Acoustic Sensing)可以实现低成本高密度观测,有望提高浅层结构成像的精度以及分辨率.最近国内研发了一系列具有自主知识产权的DAS设备,为验证国产设备在浅层结构研究中的可行性以及应用效果,2018年7月我们开展了一次DAS观测实验.实验采集了50kg落锤震源激发的地震信号,并采用多道面波分析方法提取了8~20Hz频段的主动源Rayleigh波相速度频散曲线,得到了实验区浅层30m的S波速度结构.获得的主动源面波频散曲线与共址检波器的结果吻合,也与背景噪声提取的结果具有较好的一致性,表明国产设备的可靠性和DAS在浅层结构主动源面波成像研究中的可行性.  相似文献   

多道面波分析勘探法在工程场地安全评价中应用广泛,主要有人工源和天然源两种方法,但人工源法具有勘探深度相对较小的缺陷;天然源法其数据采集周期长现场操作便捷性差.文章通过引入伪随机震源作为面波勘探震源,希望能够在较短的采样周期内获取质量较高的频散能量谱.对获得的面波数据记录分别使用适合主动源法的F-K法以及适用于被动源法的SPAC法获取相应频散谱,并将伪随机震源的频散谱与同场地、同排列条件下人工源和天然源面波数据结果对比,认为:(1)运用SPAC法进行伪随机震源面波法频散分析所得到的频散谱收敛性较高;(2)伪随机震源面波法能够弥补人工源面波法勘探深度较小的缺点,相对于天然源面波法能够兼顾浅层高频区域,且现场操作简单、工作效率更高,适宜于不同地质条件的场地应用评价.  相似文献   

高分辨率的面波频散谱成像是浅层地震勘探领域基于频散性质反演横波速度结构中的一个关键步骤.在天然地震探测领域,仅利用两个台站记录的线性信号比较法(LSC),被广泛用来计算面波的频散谱,并用于大尺度的面波层析成像.然而互相关的成像方式会造成频散谱在低频端较低的分辨率.非线性信号比较法(NLSC)利用指数函数克服了这个问题,同时极大地提高了频散谱的成像分辨率.然而,在研究中我们发现,仅利用两个台站的地震记录,并不能将面波的频散特性完整地考虑在内,导致LSC和NLSC方法对高阶模式的成像存在较大的误差.由于主动源面波勘探多道采集的方式,基于信号比较理论的多道信号比较法(MSC)充分利用多道地震信号,可以获得准确的多模式成像,然而该方法需要计算任意两道的频散谱并叠加,存在冗余的计算,导致计算效率较低.因此,本研究对MSC方法进行了相应的改进,通过追踪炮集记录上的面波波组提高了原方法的计算效率,同时,利用理论频散曲线进行叠加分析,验证了改进的MSC方法的正确性和有效性.通过与相移法、LSC和NLSC方法的对比分析,展示了MSC方法是一种准确的、高分辨率的面波多模式频散谱成像方法.实际地震资料的应用,揭示了MSC方法在浅层地震勘探中用于提取面波多模式频散信息的巨大潜力.  相似文献   

在近地表地球物理领域, 基于地脉动(或称背景噪声)提取的面波频散曲线反演地下S波速度结构是一种简单经济的工程勘察方法. 本文基于地脉动的空间自相关方法对一个微型台阵观测的背景噪声记录进行处理, 介绍了一种简单易行的提取频散曲线的数据处理方法, 获得了6.7—23 Hz频段的可靠频散曲线; 通过对该观测频散曲线与预测模型的频散曲线进行拟合, 反演得到S波速度结构. 结果表明, 该速度结构与钻孔直接测试的结果相吻合.   相似文献   

多尺度阵列嵌套组合反演宾川气枪源区横波速度结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙楠  潘磊  王伟涛  叶泵  王彬  陈晓非 《地球物理学报》2021,64(11):4012-4021
本文基于多尺度阵列嵌套组合的方式,利用频率-贝塞尔变换法(Frequency-Bessel,F-J方法)提取背景噪声面波频散信息,通过多个阵列融合的频散曲线反演得到宾川气枪发射台周边不同深度的横波速度结构.结果显示:浅层一阶面波频散信息的加入,使得基阶反演结果更加收敛,反演深度加深到8 km;深度在8 km以下的结构的研究利用多尺度阵列(密集台阵—宾川气枪台网—云南区域地震台网)嵌套组合的方式,面波基阶低频信息从0.55 Hz拓宽到0.008 Hz,使横波速度结构的反演深度显著增加,同时对反演过程提供约束,使得70 km深度以上的横波速度更收敛.由此本文所得的横波速度结构为该区地下结构的探测提供基础,多尺度阵列嵌套组合频散谱的研究方式也为以后区域结构的研究提供一种新的方法和思路.  相似文献   

面波多道分析方法(MASW)是获取垂向剪切波速度剖面的一种有效方法。频散曲线反演是MASW中关键的一步。由于瑞雷波频散曲线反演具有非线性、多参数和多极值的特征,这对于常规的局部线性化反演方法是极大的挑战。为此,本文采取确定性的全局优化算法,广义模式识别算法(GPS)对瑞雷波频散曲线进行反演。其原理可以简述为:算法首先通过模式以确定性的方式对目标函数进行采样来搜索一个点序列;然后使序列中每一个点到下一个点的目标函数值逐渐减少,从而使点序列逐渐逼近全局最优解,最后的解便为待求的最优模型参数。为验证GPS的有效性,首先利用设计的3种典型的6层地质模型通过快速矢量传递算法正演模拟产生基模式频散曲线(频率范围为5~101Hz,频率间隔为2Hz,频点数为49),并对理论频散曲线进行反演。反演结果表明,模型的真实值已经被高度精确地重建。说明GPS可以用于实际勘探中的基模式频散曲线反演。为进一步验证GPS的有效性,在吉林大学校园采集瑞雷波实测数据,并提取基模式频散曲线,应用GPS进行反演。反演重建的横波速度剖面与先验的地质信息吻合得很好。理论模型和真实数据的反演结果表明,GPS可以应用在瑞雷波频散曲线非线性反演中。   相似文献   

Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) is one recently developed seismic acquisition technique that is based on fiber-optic sensing. DAS provides dense spatial spacing that is useful to image shallow structure with surface waves. To test the feasibility of DAS in shallow structure imaging, the PoroTomo team conducted a DAS experiment with the vibroseis truck T-Rex in Brady’s Hot Springs, Nevada, USA. The Rayleigh waves excited by the vertical mode of the vibroseis truck were analyzed with the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) method. Phase velocities between 5 and 20 Hz were successfully extracted for one segment of cable and were employed to build a shear-wave velocity model for the top 50 meters. The dispersion curves obtained with DAS agree well with the ones extracted from co-located geophones data and from the passive source Noise Correlation Functions (NCF). Comparing to the co-located geophone array, the higher sensor density that DAS arrays provides help reducing aliasing in dispersion analysis, and separating different surface wave modes. This study demonstrates the feasibility and advantage of DAS in imaging shallow structure with surface waves.  相似文献   

Strong ground motions recorded on the sedimentary deposits of the Po River alluvial plain during the Emilia (Northern Italy) Mw 5.7 earthquake of May 29, 2012 are used to assess the vertical profile of shear-wave velocity above the limestone basement. Data were collected by a linear array installed for site effect studies after the Mw 5.9 mainshock of May 20, 2012. The array stations, equipped with both strong and weak motion sensors, are aligned in the South–North direction, at distances ranging from 1 to 26 km from the epicenter. The vertical components of ground motion show very distinctive, large-amplitude, low-frequency dispersive wave trains. Wavelet analysis yields group-velocity dispersion curve in the 0.2–0.7 Hz frequency band. The availability of a long ambient noise record allows estimates of the site resonance frequency along with its stability among stations. The joint inversion of dispersion of surface waves and ellipticity curves derived from ambient noise H/V allows extending investigations down to the sediment-limestone interface, at a depth of about 5,000 m. Our results add new information about the velocity structure at a scale that is intermediate between the local scale already investigated by other authors with small-aperture arrays using ambient noise and the regional scale inferred from modeling of seismogram waveforms recorded at hundreds of kilometers from the source.  相似文献   

频率-贝塞尔变换方法(Frequency-Bessel Transform method,简称F-J方法)是一种分析微动信号的新方法,由于该方法采用频率矢量波数变换处理水平层状各向同性弹性模型中时空平稳随机分布的微动信号,所以从理论上可以提取出清晰的瑞利波基阶和高阶模态频散曲线,但是目前还没有相关的野外实验对此进行研究和应用.本文首先采用该方法对上海市苏州河地区采集的城市微动信号进行处理获得了频率-相速度谱,然后提取了多模态瑞利波频散曲线,最后通过粒子群算法对频散曲线进行联合反演,得到了浅地表0~70 m深度范围的S波速度结构,并且利用钻孔数据对反演的速度结构进行了验证.另外,本文还通过对比F-J方法和传统的SPAC(SPatial AutoCorrelation method)方法分别提取的频散曲线,展示了F-J方法在处理城市微动信号方面的优势.本文研究结果表明:(1)F-J方法可以从少量台站(21个台站)短时记录(1小时)的微动信号垂直分量中提取出清晰的基阶和高阶模态瑞利波频散曲线;(2)F-J方法提取的高阶模态频散曲线比传统SPAC方法提取的更加清晰,高频部分(>13 Hz)优势更为明显;(3)联合基阶和高阶模态频散曲线反演的浅地表速度结构更加精确,可以分辨出第四系沉积层中物性相差较小的速度界面和低速异常,在城市浅地表精细结构成像方面具有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   

Valuable information about one-dimensional soil structures can be obtained by recording ambient vibrations at the surface, in which the energy contribution of surface waves predominates over the one of other types of waves. The dispersion characteristics of surface waves allow the retrieval of the shear-wave velocity as a function of depth. Microtremor studies are usually divided in two stages: deriving the dispersion (or auto-correlation) curve from the recorded signals and inverting it to obtain the site velocity profile. The possibility to determine the dispersion curve over the adequate frequency range at one site depends on the array aperture and on the wavefield spectra amplitude that can be altered by filtering effects due to the ground structure. Microtremors are usually recorded with several arrays of various apertures to get the spectral curves over a wide frequency band, and different methods also exist for processing the raw signals. With the objective of defining a strategy to achieve reliable results for microtremor on a shallow structure, we analyse synthetic ambient vibrations (vertical component) simulated with 333 broadband sources for a 25-m deep soil layer overlying a bedrock. The first part of our study is focused on the determination of the reliable frequency range of the spectral curves (dispersion or auto-correlation) for a given array geometry. We find that the wavenumber limits deduced from the theoretical array re sponse are good estimates of the valid spectral curve range. In the second part, the spectral curves are calculated with the three most popular noise-processing techniques (frequency–wavenumber, high-resolution frequency–wavenumber and spa tial auto-correlation methods) and inverted indi vidually in each case. The inversions are performed with a tool based on the neighbour hood algorithm that offers a better estimation of the global uncertainties than classical linearised methods, especially if the solution is not unique. Several array apertures are necessary to construct the dispersion (auto-correlation) curves in the appropriate frequency range. Considering the final velocity profiles, the three tested methods are almost equivalent, and no significant advantage was found for one particular method. With the chosen model, all methods exhibit a penetration limited to the bedrock depth, as a consequence of the filtering effect of the ground structure on the vertical component, which was observed in numerous shallow sites.  相似文献   

Joint inversion of multimode surface waves for estimating the shear (S)-wave velocity has received much attention in recent years. In this paper, we first analyze sensitivity of phase velocities of multimodes of surface waves for a six-layer earth model, and then we invert surface-wave dispersion curves of the theoretical model and a real-world example. Sensitivity analysis shows that fundamental mode data are more sensitive to the S-wave velocities of shallow layers and are concentrated on a very narrow frequency band, while higher mode data are more sensitive to the parameters of relatively deeper layers and are distributed over a wider frequency band. These properties provide a foundation of using a multimode joint inversion to define S-wave velocities. Inversion results of both synthetic data and a real-world example demonstrate that joint inversion with the damped least-square method and the singular-value decomposition technique to invert high-frequency surface waves with fundamental and higher mode data simultaneously can effectively reduce the ambiguity and improve the accuracy of S-wave velocities.  相似文献   

为了避免微动勘探技术中因忽略高阶模式瑞雷波而影响反演精度的不足,提出从微动面波中提取多模式瑞雷波频散曲线的映射式方法.该方法从微动信号入手,首先通过相关法提取多半径台阵的相关系数曲线,然后建立从多条相关系数曲线到多模式瑞雷波频散曲线的映射模型,最后采用分区拟合准则优化实现模型结构,达到提取微动面波中多模式瑞雷波频散曲线的目的.为验证方法的有效性,通过有限差分方法数值计算实际近表面应用中三种常见典型地质结构中的微动信号,采用映射式方法提取微动面波中多模式瑞雷波频散曲线,将提取结果和理论值进行对比分析.结果表明,映射式方法提取微动面波中多模式瑞雷波频散曲线可以满足反演地质结构的要求.  相似文献   

Ambient seismic noise or microtremor observations used in spatial auto-correlation (SPAC) array methods consist of a wide frequency range of surface waves from the frequency of about 0.1 Hz to several tens of Hz. The wavelengths (and hence depth sensitivity of such surface waves) allow determination of the site S-wave velocity model from a depth of 1 or 2 m down to a maximum of several kilometres; it is a passive seismic method using only ambient noise as the energy source. Application usually uses a 2D seismic array with a small number of seismometers (generally between 2 and 15) to estimate the phase velocity dispersion curve and hence the S-wave velocity depth profile for the site. A large number of methods have been proposed and used to estimate the dispersion curve; SPAC is the one of the oldest and the most commonly used methods due to its versatility and minimal instrumentation requirements. We show that direct fitting of observed and model SPAC spectra generally gives a superior bandwidth of useable data than does the more common approach of inversion after the intermediate step of constructing an observed dispersion curve. Current case histories demonstrate the method with a range of array types including two-station arrays, L-shaped multi-station arrays, triangular and circular arrays. Array sizes from a few metres to several-km in diameter have been successfully deployed in sites ranging from downtown urban settings to rural and remote desert sites. A fundamental requirement of the method is the ability to average wave propagation over a range of azimuths; this can be achieved with either or both of the wave sources being widely distributed in azimuth, and the use of a 2D array sampling the wave field over a range of azimuths. Several variants of the method extend its applicability to under-sampled data from sparse arrays, the complexity of multiple-mode propagation of energy, and the problem of precise estimation where array geometry departs from an ideal regular array. We find that sparse nested triangular arrays are generally sufficient, and the use of high-density circular arrays is unlikely to be cost-effective in routine applications. We recommend that passive seismic arrays should be the method of first choice when characterizing average S-wave velocity to a depth of 30 m (Vs30) and deeper, with active seismic methods such as multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) being a complementary method for use if and when conditions so require. The use of computer inversion methodology allows estimation of not only the S-wave velocity profile but also parameter uncertainties in terms of layer thickness and velocity. The coupling of SPAC methods with horizontal/vertical particle motion spectral ratio analysis generally allows use of lower frequency data, with consequent resolution of deeper layers than is possible with SPAC alone. Considering its non-invasive methodology, logistical flexibility, simplicity, applicability, and stability, the SPAC method and its various modified extensions will play an increasingly important role in site effect evaluation. The paper summarizes the fundamental theory of the SPAC method, reviews recent developments, and offers recommendations for future blind studies.  相似文献   

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