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为探明气候变化对商丘地区冬小麦产量的影响,根据1991~2010商丘市气候资料和小麦产量资料,利用数学统计与Thornthwaite Memoriae模型,结合未来气候预测结果定量分析了气候变化对冬小麦产量的影响。结果表明,冬小麦产量整体上呈波动上升趋势;主成分分析表明,气温、降水量、蒸发量与极端温度为影响冬小麦产量的主要气候因子,蒸发量过大及极端低温对冬小麦生产不利。商丘地区“暖湿型”气候有利于冬小麦生产力的提高,“冷干型”气候对冬小麦生产最为不利;未来几十年内气候可能将向“暖湿型”变化,对商丘地区粮食作物产量的提升较为有利。  相似文献   

多模式气候预估对华北冬小麦产量模拟的不确定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于CMIP5的多模式气候预估资料,应用集合方法,评估了未来中国华北地区冬小麦产量受气候变化影响的不确定性,并给出未来中国华北冬小麦增产或减产可能的概率。利用CMIP5的15个全球气候模式2006-2030年4种排放情景的54组逐日气候预估结果,运用CERES-Wheat模型模拟了未来华北地区冬小麦的产量。结果表明,气温的预估结果较好,降水量和太阳辐射的气候预估值的不确定性较大。河北、山东和河南的3个代表点小麦产量的模拟集合表明,未来冬小麦产量年际波动较大,以弱增产的概率为主,但是随气候变化的冬小麦产量的低产概率明显上升。最后本文还给出了2011-2030年间华北地区冬小麦产量不同等级的概率分布。  相似文献   

为探明黄淮海典型农区冬小麦干热风灾害发生规律,以商丘为例,利用1963-2012年历年冬小麦生长后期的气象资料,系统分析了近50年冬小麦干热风年平均发生日数分布特征及其对气候变化的响应,探讨了干热风发生次数与冬小麦单产的关系。结果表明:近50年商丘地区冬小麦轻度、重度干热风灾害总体表现为减少趋势,轻度、重度干热风灾害年际变化较大,20世纪60年代干热风危害最严重,20世纪80年代和最近10年干热风危害较轻。1972年干热风发生期日最高气温呈现递增突变(P0.05),14时风速在1984年前后出现了显著的减小突变(P0.05),14时相对湿度显著增加,在1981年出现了一次显著的递增突变(P0.05)。日最高气温、14时风速和14时相对湿度三个气候要素综合作用决定了商丘冬小麦干热风灾害整体上呈递减趋势,其中风速的显著减小对干热风灾害减弱起主要作用。商丘地区干热风的年均发生日数与冬小麦单产呈明显的负相关关系。  相似文献   

大兴安岭阿尔山地区位于东亚季风边缘区,对气候变化响应敏感,是研究全球气候变化的理想区域。在该区的红水泡泥炭地,采集了3个泥炭芯,通过测定其腐殖化度和总有机碳含量,重建大兴安岭阿尔山地区约5 ka BP的古气候演变信息,进一步阐述东北地区气候变化规律,进而预测该区未来的气候变化趋势。研究结果表明,大兴安岭阿尔山地区红水泡泥炭地的泥炭腐殖化度高,指示气候相对温暖潮湿,泥炭腐殖化度低,指示气候相对清凉干燥;泥炭中的总有机碳含量高,指示气候相对温暖潮湿,泥炭中的总有机碳含量低,指示气候相对清凉干燥;根据泥炭记录的古气候特征,将该地区5.07~0.18 ka BP期间的古气候分为4个主要阶段,5.07~4.55 ka BP阶段为气候暖湿阶段,4.55~3.27 ka BP阶段为气候由暖湿转向凉干再转向暖湿阶段,该阶段在4.14 ka BP左右发生了一次全球较为普遍的冷事件,3.27~1.16 ka BP阶段为气候由暖湿转向凉湿后再转为凉干阶段;1.16~0.18 ka BP阶段为气候转向暖湿阶段。红水泡泥炭的腐殖化度和总有机碳含量可以指示区域古气候变化。  相似文献   

在全球范围内极端气候事件呈现出增加的时空态势,对人类社会和自然生态系统产生严重影响。本研究以埃塞俄比亚为例,分析了1956年至2016年的极端温度和降水,并评估了极端气候对埃塞俄比亚作物产量的潜在影响。研究结果表明极端温度指数在低温事件中呈现下降趋势,但在极端高温事件中呈现出显着上升趋势,且每年暖夜日数(warm nights)的频率比冷昼日数(cold days)增加的程度更大。年总降水量以46 mm/decade的速度显着下降,干旱天数以5.6 d/decade的速度持续增加,降水天数则以1.4 d/decade的速度下降。此外,年降水量与作物产量显著相关,并且极端降水比极端温度对作物产量的年度变化影响更大。结果表明在没有适当气候应对措施的埃塞俄比亚地区,极端的气候变化已经对农作物产量产生了显着的不利影响。  相似文献   

气候变化对甘肃定西、安徽合肥小麦生产影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于大气中温室气体的不断增加, 全球气候发生了巨大变化。据最新气候模式模拟研究表 明未来全球气候将发生更为剧烈的变化, 这必将对很多部门产生显著的影响特别是对气候变化 十分敏感的农业。尤其对于中国这样的人口大国, 农业作为社会最基本也是最重要生产部门之 一, 气候变化将对中国的农业生产带来巨大的影响。小麦是中国的第二大作物, 其中冬小麦占全 国小麦总产量近90%, 因此评价气候变化对中国小麦生产影响是十分必要的。为了分析在未来气 候变化情景下中国小麦生产可能遇到的风险, 以15 年ECMWF 再分析实验数据(1979~1993)作为 边界条件驱动PRECIS 区域气候模式模拟产生作物模型所需要的气候资料并输入CERES-Wheat 模型, 验证CERES-Wheat 模型与区域气候模式PRECIS 结合的模拟能力。在以上验证工作的基 础上, 将区域气候模式PRECIS 的模拟结果与作物模型CERES-Wheat 相连接, 同时考虑到CO2 对小麦的直接施肥作用, 模拟了两个小麦站点(定西和合肥)在IPCC SRES A2 和B2 情景下雨养 和灌溉小麦的变化趋势。得到如下结论: 无论是在A2 情景还是B2 情景, 定西和合肥的小麦产量 都会有所增加, 但增加的幅度相差很大。A2 情景的增产效应一般要大于B2 情景的增产效应, 灌 溉小麦比雨养小麦更加受益于气候变化, 冬小麦(合肥) 产量的增长幅度要大于春小麦(定西) 增 长幅度。CO2 对小麦生长的肥效作用十分明显, 产量增幅很大。以上结果说明未来气候变化可能 会对我国的小麦生产带来益处, 但由于未来气候情景模拟的不确定性以及CO2 肥效作用通常是 在作物过程中的水肥条件完全满足的情况下才充分体现, 这都给研究结果带来了不确定性, 但本 项研究为评价未来气候变化对中国小麦生产影响提供了一种全面的评价方法。  相似文献   

宁夏农牧交错区(盐池)草地生产力对气候变化的响应   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
用宁夏农牧交错区(盐池县)1954—2004年的气候资料,分析了该地区51 a来气温、降水的变化趋势及其草地气候生产力的变化。结果表明:从1954年以来的51 a内,盐池气温呈明显上升趋势;春、夏季降水量和年降水量略呈增加趋势,秋、冬季降水量略呈减少的态势,但趋势不明显;草地气候生产力呈增加趋势。草地气候生产力与年降水量关系密切,水分是制约草地气候生产力的关键因子。未来“暖湿型”气候对盐池草地的干物质生产最有利,平均增产幅度为10% ,而“冷干型”气候对草地的干物质生产最不利,平均减产幅度为10%。若气温升高1~2 ℃,降水量增加10%~20% ,则盐池草地的气候生产力将增加10%~20%。  相似文献   

全球气候变化影响下中国农业产量的可持续性   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
赵昕奕  张惠远 《地理科学》2000,20(3):224-228
气候变化的区域影响愈益成为具有挑战性的问题,尤其是气候变化对农业产量可持续性的影响已引起广泛的关注。基于全示气候变化对中国的影响和区域气候变率分析,提出了粮食气候产量形成模型,半将其应用于黄淮海地区冬小麦小分条件和产量研究,同时对全球气候变化情形下冬小麦产量的变化做出评价。  相似文献   

气候波动对莱州湾地区水资源及极端旱涝事件的影响   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
通过对莱州湾地区1960~1993年气候波动水资源及极端旱涝事件的影响分析,楞以看出该地区水资源对气候波动敏感。当降水增加10%,全区水资源总量可增加22%;若降水减少10%,全区水资源总量则减少23%。在气候处于少雨时期,极端干旱频高远高于多雨时期。同时还分析了未来气候变化对莱州湾地区水资源的可能影响。  相似文献   

气候变暖背景下中原腹地冬小麦气候适宜度变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
朱新玉  刘杰  史本林  张怡 《地理研究》2012,31(8):1479-1489
通过构建冬小麦光照、温度、降水及综合气候适宜度计算模型,探讨气候变化对冬小麦气候适宜性的影响。结果表明:冬小麦全生育期温度、光照、降水及综合气候适宜度均值分别为0.54、0.64、0.37及0.50;冬小麦对光照适宜性较好,降水是限制冬小麦生长发育的主要因子;温度和降水适宜度以0.001·a-1线性趋势下降,光照适宜度以0.002·a-1线性趋势下降,气候因子匹配效果变差对冬小麦的生长不利。冬前生长阶段温度、光照和降水适宜性较弱,各气候因子匹配效果较差。出苗-拔节期降水适宜性较强,各气候因子组合效果较差;拔节-抽穗期和抽穗-乳熟期温度与光照适宜性较强,水分胁迫较大,气候因子组合效果趋好。乳熟-成熟期光照和降水适宜性较强,综合气候适宜性变差。光照、温度和降水适宜度在全生育期的中后期与冬小麦产量的相关性比较显著。  相似文献   

This study utilizes global climate models and crop growth models to estimate the potential agricultural effects of climate change caused by a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide for the southern Great Plains. Projected climate changes cause simulated wheat and corn yields to decrease in the study area. Decreases in modeled grain yields are caused primarily by temperature increases which shorten the duration of crop life cycle and curtail the harvestable biomass production. While physiological effects of carbon dioxide and changing cultivars offer some hope of climate change mitigation, detrimental consequences to regional crop production, including need for increased irrigation, are suggested.  相似文献   

LIU Yujie  YUAN Guofu 《地理学报》2010,20(6):861-875
Global climate change has significant impacts on agricultural production. Future climate change will bring important influences to the food security. The CERES-Wheat model was used to simulate the winter wheat growing process and production in Panzhuang Irrigation District (PID) during 2011–2040 under B2 climate scenario based on the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) assumptions with the result of RCMs (Regional Climate Models) projections by PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies) system introduced to China from the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research. The CERES-Wheat model was calibrated and validated with independent field-measured growth data in 2002–2003 and 2007–2008 growing season under current climatic conditions at Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station (YCES), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The results show that a significant impact of climate change on crop growth and yield was noted in the PID study area. Average temperature at Yucheng Station rose by 0.86℃ for 1961–2008 in general. Under the B2 climate scenario, average temperature rose by 0.55℃ for 2011–2040 compared with the baseline period (1998–2008), which drastically shortened the growth period of winter-wheat. However, as the temperature keep increasing after 2030, the top-weight and yield of the winter wheat will turn to decrease. The simulated evapotranspiration shows an increasing trend, although it is not very significant, during 2011–2040. Water use efficiency will increase during 2011–2031, but decrease during 2031–2040. The results indicate that climate change enhances agricultural production in the short-term, whereas continuous increase in temperature limits crop production in the long-term.  相似文献   

气候变化对山东省潘庄灌区冬小麦生长的影响(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Global climate change has significant impacts on agricultural production.Future climate change will bring important influences to the food security.The CERES-Wheat model was used to simulate the winter wheat growing process and production in Panzhuang Irrigation District(PID) during 2011-2040 under B2 climate scenario based on the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios(SRES) assumptions with the result of RCMs(Regional Climate Models) projections by PRECIS(Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies) system introduced to China from the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research.The CERES-Wheat model was calibrated and validated with independent field-measured growth data in 2002-2003 and 2007-2008 growing season under current climatic conditions at Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station(YCES),Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS).The results show that a significant impact of climate change on crop growth and yield was noted in the PID study area.Average temperature at Yucheng Station rose by 0.86℃ for 1961-2008 in general.Under the B2 climate scenario,average temperature rose by 0.55℃ for 2011-2040 compared with the baseline period(1998-2008),which drastically shortened the growth period of winter-wheat.However,as the temperature keep increasing after 2030,the top-weight and yield of the winter wheat will turn to decrease.The simulated evapotranspiration shows an increasing trend,although it is not very significant,during 2011-2040.Water use efficiency will increase during 2011-2031,but decrease during 2031-2040.The results indicate that climate change enhances agricultural production in the short-term,whereas continuous increase in temperature limits crop production in the long-term.  相似文献   

Most scenarios of greenhouse-gas climatic change predict a warmer drier Great Plains environment. The goal of this research was to determine the resulting change in soil moisture and to relate this to changes in agricultural productivity. Soil moisture was used in regression-based models to predict yields for the four major grain crops: wheat, corn, soybeans, and grain sorghum. The results indicate that a warmer drier climate would reduce yields for the summer crops throughout the state. The yield for winter wheat also decreased in the western part of the state but actually increased in eastern Kansas. Corn and soybeans could decline in the dry land crop mix in eastern Kansas as wheat becomes a more viable alternative. Thus, the results imply possible geographic shifts in the crop belts in Kansas. [Key words: climatic change, agricultural production, soil moisture.]  相似文献   

基于跨部门影响模型比较计划(ISI-MIP)中20种气候模式与作物模型组合的模拟结果,预估了RCP 8.5排放情景下21世纪印度小麦和水稻单产变化。研究发现:① 多模式集合模拟结果基本再现了印度小麦和水稻单产的空间差异;同时,再现了小麦和水稻单产对温度和降水变化的响应特征:与温度呈负相关,与降水呈正相关。② RCP 8.5情景下,水稻和小麦生长季温度和降水均呈增加趋势,小麦生长季的温度、降水增加幅度大于水稻。空间上,温度增加幅度自北向南逐渐减小,降水增幅则逐渐增加,并且小麦种植区升温幅度大于非种植区,降水增幅则少于非种植区,水稻种植区升温幅度小于非种植区,降水增幅则多于非种植区。③ RCP 8.5情景下,小麦和水稻单产均呈下降趋势,21世纪后半叶尤为明显。小麦单产的下降速度明显大于水稻,其中21世纪前半叶小麦和水稻单产下降速度约分别为1.3%/10a (P < 0.001)和0.7%/10a (P < 0.05),后半叶分别增至4.9%/10a (P < 0.001)和4.4%/10a (P < 0.001)。小麦和水稻单产变化存在明显的空间异质性,小麦单产的最大下降幅度出现在德干高原西南部,降幅约60%,水稻单产最大下降幅度出现在印度河平原北部,降幅约50%。这意味着未来气候变化情景下印度粮食供给将面临较大的挑战。  相似文献   

Extreme climate events exhibit an increasing spatio-temporal trend globally, and the increasing intensity and frequency may have severe impacts on the human society and natural ecosystems. This study analyzed the extreme temperature and precipitation variability from 1956 to 2016, and evaluated their potential effects on crop yield in Ethiopia. Relative extreme temperature indices exhibited a decreasing trend with low-temperature events, but a significantly upward trend with extreme high temperature events. The frequency of annual warm nights increased to a greater degree than that of cold days. The total annual wet-day precipitation decreased significantly at a rate of -46 mm/decade. Further, the succession of dry days gradually increased by 5.6 day/decade, while an opposite trend of wet days was found with a decline of 1.4 day/ decade. The correlation between annual precipitation and crop production was 0.422, indicating that extreme precipitation indices may have higher explanatory power than extreme temperature indices in the crop yield variations. Moreover, the extreme climate changes have induced significant adverse impacts on crops yield particularly in Ethiopia where no proper adaptation measures have been implemented.  相似文献   

Rainfall is the major driver of crop growth in Mediterranean agricultural regions and its spatial and temporal distributions determine yield potential. This study uses a long term spatial archive of rainfall observations for the Eyre Peninsula (South Australia) to estimate the spatial and temporal impacts of climate change on wheat yield. The three step process involved: (1) cluster analysis and statistical comparison to spatially distinguish heterogeneous “hazardscapes” (places that represent the physical susceptibility to hazards (Khan, 2012)); (2) using historical rainfall reliabilities to estimate the probability of receiving rainfall within a range of predefined thresholds and season for each hazardscape; (3) applying 2030 and 2070 climate change projections to determine the potential future impacts on rainfall. Nine hazardscapes were spatially differentiated each having temporally different historical seasonal rainfall reliabilities. Variations over space and time mean that the impacts of climate change will be spatially explicit. Projected rainfall reductions for 2030 showed marginal impact on hazardscapes with low seasonal reliabilities, primarily in winter and spring. The 2070 projections showed that some hazardscapes were unlikely to receive past rates of rainfall thus limiting the ongoing prospects of current and perhaps the potential adoption of alternative rain-fed land uses. Reductions in rainfall for hazardscapes with higher historical rainfall reliabilities will cause negative impacts on crop development. The ability to quantify the potential spatial and temporal impacts of climate change on seasonal trends will inform land managers' climate change mitigation and adaptation pathways.  相似文献   

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