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Recent LHC data provides precise values of coupling constants of the Higgs field, however, these measurements do not determine its coupling with gravity. We explore this freedom to see whether Higgs field non-minimally coupled to Gauss–Bonnet term in 4-dimensions can lead to inflation generating the observed density fluctuations. We obtain analytical solution for this model and that the exit of inflation (with a finite number of e-folding) demands that the energy scale of inflation is close to Electro-weak scale. We compare the scalar and tensor power spectrum of our model with PLANCK data and discuss its implications.  相似文献   

It is shown that the singularity of space-time in Einstein-Friedmann's cosmology can be avoided, if one takes into account the strong interaction of the elementary particles in the earliest stage of the Universe. Under the additional assumption that there exists a maximum temperature of particles and radiation (T max?1.9×1012 K) in consequence of which the number of hadrons (nucleons) in the early Universe has been greater than today by a factor of about 107, the Friedmann equation is integrated numerically where the integration constant is fitted by the present values of the massdensity, the Hubble-constant and the temperature of the background radiation. The minimum radius of curvature of the Universe becomes 1.4×1011 km; the density in its neighbourhood remains within reasonable limits of the magnitude of the nuclear density. The early evolution of the Universe with time will be discussed in detail. Concerning the idea of an universal upper limit for the temperature we follow the considerations of Hagedorn, but in contrast to the existing investigations we take explicitly into account the negative potential energy of the strong interaction according to Yukawa's theory.  相似文献   

We present a new interpretation of recent observations suggesting that the expansion of the Universe has recently started to accelerate. A cosmological model with a quintessence field driven by a potential motivated by M-theory is used to study the energy density and equation of state for the Universe. We find that late-time acceleration does not have to lead to the usual predictions of perpetual acceleration. The model allows another broad class of scenarios in which today's acceleration is a transient phenomenon, which is succeeded by a return to matter domination and decelerating expansion.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of inflationary models in which the scalar field potential governing inflation is generated by the same nonperturbative gauge dynamics that may lead to supersymmetry breaking. Such models satisfy constraints from cosmic microwave background measurements for natural values of the fundamental parameters in the theory. In addition, they have two particularly interesting characteristics: a “blue” spectrum of scalar perturbations, and an upper bound on the total amount of inflation possible.  相似文献   

It is argued that the primordial density fluctuations needed for galaxy formation may have been of thermal origin in a quasi-exponential state of inflation.  相似文献   

A simple analytical model is used to calculate the X-ray heating of the intergalactic medium (IGM) for a range of black hole masses. This process is efficient enough to decouple the spin temperature of the IGM from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and produce a differential brightness temperature of the order of ∼ 5–20 mK out to distances as large as a few comoving Mpc, depending on the redshift, black hole mass and lifetime. We explore the influence of two types of black holes, those with and without ionizing ultraviolet radiation. The results of the simple analytical model are compared to those of a full spherically symmetric radiative transfer code. Two simple scenarios are proposed for the formation and evolution of black hole mass density in the Universe. The first considers an intermediate mass black hole that form as an end-product of pop III stars, whereas the second considers supermassive black holes that form directly through the collapse of massive haloes with low spin parameter. These scenarios are shown not to violate any of the observational constraints, yet produce enough X-ray photons to decouple the spin temperature from that of the CMB. This is an important issue for future high-redshift 21-cm observations.  相似文献   

Principles of the theory of turbulence in relativistic cosmology are developed. By averaging Einstein's equations over stochastic fields a self-consistent system of equations is obtained which describes statistically: (1) the influence of the turbulence on the ‘basic state of the Universe (the background) on which the turbulence develops; (2) the behaviour of the turbulence on the background ‘distorted’ by it. By means of a qualitative study of exact equations in the region of a strong turbulence at an early stage of cosmological expansion conditions of the absence of singularity are found and the possibility of stationary solutions in the homogeneous, isotropic, on the average, Universe (the cosmological constantA=0) is shown. The rate of cosmological expansion increases if the energy density of the turbulence is positive, and decreases if it is negative. The latter alternative takes place if the absolute value of the energy density of excitations, which will change into potential motions in the future, exceeds the energy density of the remaining part of the turbulence.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the warm inflation during intermediate era in the framework of locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type I universe model. We assume that the universe is composed of inflaton and imperfect fluid having radiation and bulk viscous pressure. To this end, dynamical equations (first model field equation and energy conservation equations) under slow-roll approximation and in high dissipative regime are constructed. A necessary condition is developed for the realization of this anisotropic model. We assume both dissipation and bulk viscous coefficients variable as well as constant. We evaluate entropy density, scalar (tensor) power spectra, their corresponding spectral indices, tensor–scalar ratio and running of spectral index in terms of inflaton. These cosmological parameters are constrained using recent Planck and WMAP7 probe.  相似文献   

We have found that for the Bianchi types I–II–III–V in the Brans-Dicke theory, the scalar field of the theory φ has the same form in the isotropic case. It is shown that the isotropization of the Universe occurs in a very short time when the Universe is dominated by vacuum energy, proving that an isotropic Robertson-Walker model is a good approximation to use in the extended inflation scenario. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The dark energy model with barotropic equation of state, which interacts with dark matter by gravitation and by other force, which causes the energy-momentum exchange between them, is considered. Both components are described in approximation of ideal fluid, which are parameterized by density, equation of state and effective sound speed parameters. The three types of interactions between dark components are considered: interaction independent from their densities, interaction proportional to energy density of dark energy, and interaction proportional to energy density of dark matter. The equations that describe the expansion dynamics of homogeneous and isotropic Universe and evolution of densities of both components for different values of interaction parameter are obtained on the bases of the general covariant conservation equations and Einstein’s ones. For three kinds of interactions, the existing of the range of values of parameters of dark energy for which the densities of dark components are negative was shown. The conditions of positivity of energy density of dark energy and dark matter were written for which the constraints on the value of parameter of interaction were derived. The dynamics of expansion of the Universe with these interactions of dark energy and dark matter is analyzed.  相似文献   

In Section 1 of the paper the energy equation of the Friedmann universe, when matter dominates over radiation, is discussed. It is known that the value of the world potential is constant everywhere in the Universe, despite the pulsation motion of the Universe or a possible transformation of pulsation energy into matter or vice versa. The condition for the Universe being closed is deduced. Furthermore, the possibility to define the mass-energy of the Universe is discussed; and the conclusion is arrived at that the mass-energy of the Universe relative to an observer in the non-metric space outside the Universe is equal to zero; i.e. the Universe originated as a vacuum fluctuation. Finally, the view-point of an external observer is described. Such an observer can claim that our closed Universe is a black hole in a non-metric empty space. Besides, the differences between such a black hole and the astrophysical black holes are indicated.In Section 2 the origin of the gravitational force retarding the expansion is discussed, using the properties of the relativistic gravitational potential. In contradiction to Section 1, the view-point of an inner observer (inside the Universe) is used here. It is concluded that the boundary of the closed Universe is an unlocalizable potential barrier.In Section 3 of the paper the apparent discrepancy between Mach's principle and the general theory of relativity is resolved. The solution is based on the fact that, for the Euclidean open universe, the concept of mass is related to the potential of the background equal to –1, but the concept of the mass-energy is related to the zero-potential of the non-metric background. Because the universe is open and a potential barrier (a boundary of the universe) can be localized-i.e. is geometrically existing — by solution of the field equation, we have to refer to the background with zero-potential. The principal idea of the solution is then that the zero-density means the density of mass-energy, when simultaneously the mass density is equal to the critical value for which the Robertson-Walker metric becomes the Euclidean metric of the Minkowski (i.e., flat) space-time. Further a generalization of Newton's law of inertia is formulated, and the properties of nullgeodesics are touched upon. As a conclusion it is stated that this paper and the two previous ones (see Voráek, 1979a, b)de facto express Mach's principle.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of cosmological parameters from microwave background anisotropies requires high-accuracy understanding of the cosmological model. Normally, a power-law spectrum of density perturbations is assumed, in which case the spectral index n can be measured to around ± 0.004 using microwave anisotropy satellites such as MAP Planck . However, inflationary models generically predict that the spectral index n of the density perturbation spectrum will be scale-dependent. We carry out a detailed investigation of the measurability of this scale dependence by Planck , including the influence of polarization on the parameter estimation. We also estimate the increase in the uncertainty in all other parameters if the scale dependence has to be included. This increase applies even if the scale dependence is too small to be measured, unless it is assumed absent. We study the implications for inflation models, beginning with a brief examination of the generic slow-roll inflation situation, and then move to a detailed examination of a recently devised hybrid inflation model for which the scale dependence of n may be observable.  相似文献   

We “explain”, using a Classical approach, how the Universe was created out of “nothing”, i.e., with no input of initial energy nor mass. The inflationary phase, with exponential expansion, is accounted for, automatically, by our equation of state for the very early Universe. This is a Universe with no-initial infinite singularity of energy density.  相似文献   

By solving a Wheeler-De Witt ‘extended’ equation in the Brans-Dicke theory, we have found that the probability distribution predicts: i) An initial value for the Brans-Dicke scalar field φ ∼ ρ1/2_VAC in the beginning of the inflation, where ρVAC is the vacuum density energy (this gives a planck mass ∼ ρ1/4_VAC) ii) Large values for the Brans-Dicke parameter w. On the other hand it is shown that by taking into account the dynamical behaviour of φ and the matter scalar field σ we can formulate a ‘creation boundary condition’ where in the ‘beginning’ of the Universe (R =0, ‘nothing’ for some authors) we have a dynamical σ already ‘created’. This could be the energetic mechanism which makes Universe tunnels the potential barrier to evolve classically after. Besides we have found the possibility of a cosmological uncertainty principle. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

There is something unknown in the cosmos. Something big. Which causes the acceleration of the Universe expansion, that is perhaps the most surprising and unexpected discovery of the last decades, and thus represents one of the most pressing mysteries of the Universe. The current standard ΛCDM model uses two unknown entities to make everything fit: dark energy and dark matter, which together would constitute more than 95 % of the energy density of the Universe. A bit like saying that we have understood almost nothing, but without openly admitting it. Here we start from the recent theoretical results that come from the extension of general relativity to antimatter, through CPT symmetry. This theory predicts a mutual gravitational repulsion between matter and antimatter. Our basic assumption is that the Universe contains equal amounts of matter and antimatter, with antimatter possibly located in cosmic voids, as discussed in previous works. From this scenario we develop a simple cosmological model, from whose equations we derive the first results. While the existence of the elusive dark energy is completely replaced by gravitational repulsion, the presence of dark matter is not excluded, but not strictly required, as most of the related phenomena can also be ascribed to repulsive-gravity effects. With a matter energy density ranging from ~5 % (baryonic matter alone, and as much antimatter) to ~25 % of the so-called critical density, the present age of the Universe varies between about 13 and 15 Gyr. The SN Ia test is successfully passed, with residuals comparable with those of the ΛCDM model in the observed redshift range, but with a clear prediction for fainter SNe at higher z. Moreover, this model has neither horizon nor coincidence problems, and no initial singularity is requested. In conclusion, we have replaced all the tough problems of the current standard cosmology (including the matter-antimatter asymmetry) with only one question: is the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter really repulsive as predicted by the theory and as the observation of the Universe seems to suggest? We are awaiting experimental responses.  相似文献   

The paper deals with Bianchi type V Universe, which has dynamical energy density. We consider Bianchi type V space-time, introducing three different skewness parameters along spatial directions to quantify the deviation of pressure from isotropy. To study the anisotropic nature of the dynamical dark energy, we assume that the skewness parameters are time dependent. It is found that the Universe achieves flatness in quintessence model. The physical behavior of the Universe has been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

We consider a non-singular scalar field cosmology proposed by Starkovich & Cooperstock, in which the matter- and radiation-dominated eras are preceded by a 'prematter' era characterized by negative pressure and rapid inflation. The form of the scalar potential during this period is of approximately power-law form, and is consistent with COBE and Tenerife data on the spectral index of density perturbations. However, the predicted density contrast is considerably larger than that observed. The theory also violates constraints on the energy at the end of inflation. Prospects for addressing these difficulties are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested recently that self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) fits better the observational characteristics of galaxy dynamics. We propose that the SIDM is composed from the glueballs of the hidden sector non-Abelian gauge group, while the hidden matter states exist in vector-like representation and decouple from the light spectrum. It is shown that these glueballs are semi-stable with the lifetime larger than the present age of the Universe, if their mass is 1 GeV or less. The constraint on their abundance today suggests that the energy was stored in the hidden sector soon after inflation. This imposes an upper limit on the reheating temperature. We further study the naturalness of this scenario in the context of the free-fermionic string models and point out a class of such models where the SIDM from the hidden sector is indeed plausible.  相似文献   

The phenomenology of a cosmic-phase transition on the GUT energy scale is considered. Relying on numerical studies of the nucleation theory, we find, within a restricted range of parameters, an approximate power-law expansion accompanied by a large increase of both the scale factor and the comoving entropy. The distinct feature of this particular idea is the fact that inflation and phase conversion of the GUT continuum proceed simultaneously. The generic features of such an idea are explored.  相似文献   

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