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束成钢 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):249-249
从星系形成和演化的角度出发,对星系结构和动力学进行的粗略的评述,内容包括:(1)初步描述了星系中各主要成分的物理特征(空间分布,运行学和化学)及其形成和演化,(2)Damped Lyman-alpha systems(DLAs)是本地星系的化石,对其进行观测研究是HST的主要任务之一,对DLAs宽的谱线轮廓的物理机制和其恒星形成,化学演化进行了讨论,(3)目前已证明Lyman Break方法是发现高红移高恒星形成星系的有效手段,讨论了Lyman Break Galaxies的动力学过程和恒星形象,(4)旋涡星系和椭圆星系的Scaling Law是星系形成和演化所必须解释的问题,对近期该方面的研究结果作了介绍,(5)整体超星的反馈作用在星系形成和演化中起了重要作用,评述了该物理过程对星系演化的影响;(6)随着观测资料的不断积累,各种物体对河外背景辐射的贡献已成了一个重要的研究方向,讨论了宇宙整体的星形成历史和化学演化,(7)银河系是进行星系形成和演化研究的归算零点,介绍了银河系的结构,动力学及演化。  相似文献   

从射电结构的角度评述了BLLac天体和FR-I射电星系的统一模型的最新进展,内容包括射电结构、延展射电光度(Pext)、最大角尺度(LAS)、射电核主导系数(f)的比较以及对相对论聚束的测试。最新的射电观测资料表明XBLs是介于FR-I和RBLs之间的过渡型天体,这为BLLac天体是聚束的FR-I射电星系提供了一个很好的证据。  相似文献   

介绍了活动星系核(AGN)的VLBI观测的新近展,特别关注其中心结构和低光度的活动星系核。主要目的是强调VLBI观测在该领域的重要性。  相似文献   

从射电结构的角度评述了BLLac天体和FR-I射电星系的统一模型的最新进展,内容包括射电结构,延展射电光度(Pext),最大角尺度(LAS),射电核主导系数(f)的比较以及对相对论聚束的测试。最新的射电观测资料表明XBLs是介于FR-I和RBLs之间的过渡型天体,这对BLLac天体是聚束的FR-I射电星系提供了一个很好的证据。  相似文献   

晚型星系金属丰度与自转速度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
星系物质化学组成的研究不仅对于理解有关星系形成和演化的各种物理过程具有重要意义,而且还可以对星系形成和演化的各种理论模型提供重要的约束。随着观测技术及理论工作水平的不断提高,利用星系的大量观测资料来系统地研究星系化学组成与星系宏观性质之间的关系将成为可能。星系金属丰度与光度之间的强相关性以及晚型星系金属丰度与自转速度的关系即是其中最有意义的内容之一。全面回顾了星系金属丰度与星系宏观观测性质间关系的研究历史,重点评述了晚型星系金属丰度与自转速度关系的最新研究进展,详细讨论了目前对此类关系的物理解释及其对星系形成和演化模型的影响。  相似文献   

徐璺  俞允强 《天文学报》1996,37(3):339-344
最近对哈勃常数的观测趋于一个大的值,引进宇宙学常数为主的宇宙学成了保持平坦宇宙并解决年龄矛盾的主要方法.本文讨论了(h,Ω∧,ΩM)=(0.8,0.8,0.2)的宇宙模型的一些后果,并和高红移椭球星系的观测,以及星系计数的观测作了比较.尽管观测事实表明Ω∧=0.8模型比Ω∧=0模型更具有优势,但这个结论仍是模糊的.除了年龄问题外,还不能排除(0.8,0,1)标准宇宙学的存在.  相似文献   

窄线Seyfert1型星系(NLS1)作为活动星系核的一个小类,由于其X射线等高能波段上独特的观测特征,近年来越来越受到天文学界的广泛关注,详细描述了NLS1在观测及理论上的一些新进展,并对其主要模型作了较细致的讨论。  相似文献   

对与球状星团形成与演化有关的观测特征进行了总结,分别从球产太星团的空间分布特征、金属度分布特征、光度函数和质量函数,以及不同星系中球状星团的数量特征等方面介绍了银河系和河外星系中球状星团的最新观测事实。  相似文献   

王放  郑宪忠 《天文学报》2011,52(2):105-114
从观测上测定早型星系中恒星形成活动随红移的演化有助于理解这类星系的形成演化.结合GEMS(Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and SEDs)巡天的HST/ACS(Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys)高分辨图像和CDFS(ChandraDeep Field South)天区Spitzer、GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)等多波段数据,基于形态、颜色和恒星质量选出一个0.2≤z≤1.0红移范围的包含456个早型星系的完备样本.利用stacking技术测量了样本星系紫外与红外平均光度,估计早型星系的恒星形成率.结果显示,早型星系中的恒星形成率较低(<3 M·yr-1),随红移递减而降低.在红移z=1以来的恒星形成贡献的质量小于15%.星族分析亦肯定大质量早型星系的主体星族形成于宇宙早期(z>2).  相似文献   

人们对河外水脉泽的观测与研究已经30年了。目前已经在约70个河外星系中检测到水脉泽辐射(已公开发表64个)。近年来,河外水脉泽的观测及理论研究十分活跃。重点介绍了目前河外水脉泽的检测及研究进展,包括水脉泽源的分类、水脉泽对研究活动星系核的重要科学价值、水脉泽源的X射线观测研究及其各物理量之间的统计分析结果等。  相似文献   

We have carried out targeted submillimetre observations as part of a programme to explore the connection between the rest-frame ultraviolet and far-infrared properties of star-forming galaxies at high redshift, which is currently poorly understood. On the one hand, the Lyman break technique is very effective at selecting     galaxies. On the other, 'blank-field' imaging in the submillimetre seems to turn up sources routinely, amongst which some are star-forming galaxies at similar redshifts. Already much work has been done searching for optical identifications of objects detected using the SCUBA instrument. Here we have taken the opposite approach, performing submillimetre photometry for a sample of Lyman break galaxies, the ultraviolet properties of which imply high star formation rates. The total signal from our Lyman break sample is undetected in the submillimetre, at an rms level of ∼0.5 mJy, which implies that the population of Lyman break galaxies does not constitute a large part of the recently detected blank-field submillimetre sources. However, our one detection suggests that with reasonable SCUBA integrations we might expect to detect those few Lyman break galaxies that are far-infrared brightest.  相似文献   

We present a semi-analytical model of star formation which explains simultaneously the observed ultraviolet (UV) luminosity function (LF) of high-redshift Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) and LFs of Lyman α emitters. We consider both models that use the Press–Schechter (PS) and Sheth–Tormen (ST) halo mass functions to calculate the abundances of dark matter haloes. The Lyman α LFs at   z ≲ 4  are well reproduced with only ≲10 per cent of the LBGs emitting Lyman α lines with rest equivalent width greater than the limiting equivalent width of the narrow band surveys. However, the observed LF at   z > 5  can be reproduced only when we assume that nearly all LBGs are Lyman α emitters. Thus, it appears that  4 < z < 5  marks the epoch when a clear change occurs in the physical properties of the high-redshift galaxies. As Lyman α escape depends on dust and gas kinematics of the interstellar medium (ISM), this could mean that on an average the ISM at   z > 5  could be less dusty, more clumpy and having more complex velocity field. All of these will enable easier escape of the Lyman α photons. At   z > 5  , the observed Lyman α LF are well reproduced with the evolution in the halo mass function along with very minor evolution in the physical properties of high-redshift galaxies. In particular, up to   z = 6.5  , we do not see the effect of evolving intergalactic medium opacity on the Lyman α escape from these galaxies.  相似文献   

Recent results have shown that a substantial fraction of high-redshift Lyman α (Lyα) galaxies contain considerable amounts of dust. This implies that Lyα galaxies are not primordial, as has been thought in the past. However, this dust has not been directly detected in emission; rather it has been inferred based on extinction estimates from rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) and optical observations. This can be tricky, as both dust and old stars redden galactic spectra at the wavelengths used to infer dust. Measuring dust emission directly from these galaxies is thus a more accurate way to estimate the total dust mass, giving us real physical information on the stellar populations and interstellar medium enrichment. New generation instruments, such as the Atacama Large Millimeter Array and Sub-Millimeter Array, should be able to detect dust emission from some of these galaxies in the submillimeter. Using measurements of the UV spectral slopes, we derive far-infrared flux predictions for of a sample of  23 z ≥ 4  Lyα galaxies. We find that in only a few hours, we can detect dust emission from 39 ± 22 per cent of our Lyα galaxies. Comparing these results to those found from a sample of 21 Lyman break galaxies (LBGs), we find that LBGs are on average 60 per cent more likely to be detected than Lyα galaxies, implying that they are more dusty, and thus indicating an evolutionary difference between these objects. These observations will provide better constraints on dust in these galaxies than those derived from their UV and optical fluxes alone. Undeniable proof of dust in these galaxies could explain the larger than expected Lyα equivalent widths seen in many Lyα galaxies today.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a set of models to predict the colours of galaxies over a wide range of redshifts. We present examples of output from the simulations, and discuss their application to the selection of galaxies at high redshifts, particularly through identification of the Lyman break. Additionally we consider the optimal choices of filters for selection at a range of redshifts.
An interface to a subset of the simulations has been made available on the World Wide Web for the benefit of the community at the location http://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~rejs/research/galcols.html/  相似文献   

Galactic winds and mass outflows are observed both in nearby starburst galaxies and in high-redshift star-forming galaxies. We develop a simple analytic model to understand the observed superwind phenomenon with a discussion of the model uncertainties. Our model is built upon the model of McKee & Ostriker for the interstellar medium. It allows one to predict how properties of a superwind, such as wind velocity and mass outflow rate, are related to properties of its starforming host galaxy, such as size, gas density and star formation rate. The model predicts a threshold of star formation rate density for the generation of observable galactic winds. Galaxies with more concentrated star formation activities produce superwinds with higher velocities. The predicted mass outflow rates are comparable to (or slightly larger than) the corresponding star formation rates. We apply our model to both local starburst galaxies and high-redshift Lyman break galaxies, and find its predictions to be in good agreement with current observations. Our model is simple and so can be easily incorporated into numerical simulations and semi-analytical models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

As part of a large spectroscopic survey of   z > 5  Lyman break galaxies (LBGs), we have identified a single source which is clearly hosting an active galactic nucleus (AGN). Out of a sample of more than 50 spectroscopically confirmed R -band dropout galaxies at   z ∼ 5  and above, only J104048.6−115550.2 at   z = 5.44  shows evidence for a high ionization potential emission line indicating the presence of a hard ionizing continuum from an AGN. Like most objects in our sample the rest-frame-UV spectrum shows the UV continuum breaking across a Lyα line. Uniquely within this sample of LBGs, emission from N  v is also detected, a clear signature of AGN photoionization. The object is spatially resolved in Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) imaging. This, and the comparatively high Lyα/N  v flux ratio indicates that the majority of the Lyα (and the UV continuum longward of it) originates from stellar photoionization, a product of the ongoing starburst in the LBG. Even without the AGN emission, this object would have been photometrically selected and spectroscopically confirmed as a Lyman break in our survey. The measured optical flux  ( I AB= 26.1)  is therefore an upper limit to that from the AGN and is of order 100 times fainter than the majority of known quasars at these redshifts. The detection of a single object in our survey volume is consistent with the best current models of high redshift AGN luminosity function, providing a substantial fraction of such AGN is found within luminous starbursting galaxies. We discuss the cosmological implications of this discovery.  相似文献   

Models for the formation of galaxies and clusters of galaxies require strong feedback in order to explain the observed properties of these systems. We investigate whether such feedback has observational consequences for the intergalactic medium, as probed in absorption towards background quasars. A typical quasar sight-line intersects one protocluster per unit redshift, and significant feedback from forming galaxies or active galactic nuclei, heating the protocluster gas, will result in a large clearing of reduced absorption in the Ly α forest. Such a gap could be detected at redshift ≳3 when the mean opacity is high. Feedback from Lyman-break galaxies in protoclusters can be probed by the absorption lines produced in their winds. Strong feedback from galaxies has a major impact on the number and properties of absorption lines with column densities N H  i ∼1016 cm−2. This feedback can be probed with multiple sight-lines and by studying the unsaturated higher order lines of the Lyman series. Galactic winds from dwarf galaxies should break up into clouds, in order not to overproduce the number of absorption lines. These clouds can then coast to large distances.  相似文献   

A model for gas outflows is proposed which simultaneously explains the correlations between the (i) equivalent widths of low-ionization and Lyα lines, (ii) outflow velocity, and (iii) star formation rate observed in Lyman break galaxies (LBGs). Our interpretation implies that LBGs host short-lived (30 ± 5 Myr) starburst episodes observed at different evolutionary phases. Initially, the starburst powers a hot wind bound by a denser cold shell, which after ≈5 Myr becomes dynamically unstable and fragments; afterwards the fragment evolution is approximately ballistic while the hot bubble continues to expand. As the fragments are gravitationally decelerated, their screening ability of the starlight decreases as the ultraviolet (UV) starburst luminosity progressively dims. LBG observations sample all these evolutionary phases. Finally, the fragments fall back on to the galaxy after ≈60 Myr. This phase cannot be easily probed as it occurs when the starburst UV luminosity has already largely faded; however, galaxies dimmer in the UV than LBGs should show infalling gas.  相似文献   

We estimate the evolution of the contribution of galaxies to the cosmic background flux at 912 Å by means of a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation and evolution. Such modelling has been quite successful in reproducing the optical properties of galaxies. We assume that high-redshift damped Lyman α systems are the progenitors of present-day galaxies, and we design a series of models that are consistent with the evolution of cosmic comoving emissivities in the available near-infrared, optical, ultraviolet and far-infrared bands along with the evolution of the neutral hydrogen content and average metallicity of damped Lyman α systems. We use these models to compute the galactic contribution to the Lyman-limit emissivity and background flux for 0 ≃  z  ≤ 4. We take into account the absorption of Lyman-limit photons by H  I and dust in the interstellar medium of the galaxies. We find that the background Lyman-limit flux due to galaxies might dominate (or be comparable to) the contribution from quasars at almost all redshifts if the absorption by H  I in the interstellar medium is neglected. Such H  I absorption would result in a severe diminishing of this flux — by almost three orders of magnitude at high redshifts and by one to two orders at z  ≃ 0. Though the resulting galaxy flux is completely negligible at high redshifts, it is comparable to the quasar flux at z  ≃ 0.  相似文献   

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