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A fuzzy parameterized probabilistic analysis (FPPA) method was developed in this study to assess risks associated with environmental pollution-control problems. FPPA integrated environmental transport modeling, fuzzy transformation, probabilistic risk assessment, fuzzy risk quantification into a general risk assessment framework, and was capable of handling uncertainties expressed as fuzzy-parameterized stochastic distributions. The proposed method was applied to two environmental pollution problems, with one being about the point-source pollution in a river system with uncertain water quality parameters and the other being concerned with groundwater contaminant plume from waste landfill site with poorly known contaminant physical properties. The study results indicated that the complex uncertain features had significant impacts on modeling and risk-assessment outputs; the degree of impacts of modeling parameters were highly dependent on the level of imprecision of these parameters. The results also implied that FPPA was capable of addressing vagueness or imprecision associated with probabilistic risk evaluation, and help generate risk outputs that could be elucidated under different possibilistic levels. The proposed method could be used by environmental managers to evaluate trade-offs involving risks and costs, as well as identify management solutions that sufficiently hedge against dual uncertainties.  相似文献   

Joint Monte Carlo and possibilistic simulation for flood damage assessment   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
A joint Monte Carlo and fuzzy possibilistic simulation (MC-FPS) approach was proposed for flood risk assessment. Monte Carlo simulation was used to evaluate parameter uncertainties associated with inundation modeling, and fuzzy vertex analysis was applied for promulgating human-induced uncertainty in flood damage estimation. A study case was selected to show how to apply the proposed method. The results indicate that the outputs from MC-FPS would present as fuzzy flood damage estimate and probabilistic-possibilistic damage contour maps. The stochastic uncertainty in the flood inundation model and fuzziness in the depth-damage functions derivation would cause similar levels of influence on the final flood damage estimate. Under the worst scenario (i.e. a combined probabilistic and possibilistic uncertainty), the estimated flood damage could be 2.4 times higher than that computed from conventional deterministic approach; considering only the pure stochastic effect, the flood loss would be 1.4 times higher. It was also indicated that uncertainty in the flood inundation modeling has a major influence on the standard deviation of the simulated damage, and that in the damage-depth function has more notable impact on the mean of the fitted distributions. Through applying MC-FPS, rich information could be derived under various α-cut levels and cumulative probabilities, and it forms an important basis for supporting rational decision making for flood risk management under complex uncertainties.  相似文献   

An inexact fuzzy-random-chance-constrained programming model (IFRCCMM) was developed for supporting regional air quality management under uncertainty. IFRCCMM was formulated through integrating interval linear programming within fuzzy-random-chance-constrained programming framework. It could deal with parameter uncertainties expressed as not only fuzzy random variables but also discrete intervals. Based on the stochastic and fuzzy chance-constrained programming algorithms, IFRCCMM was solved when constraints was satisfied under different satisfaction and violation levels of constraints, leading to interval solutions with different risk and cost implications. The proposed model was applied to a regional air quality management problem for demonstration. The obtained results indicated that the proposed model could effectively reflect uncertain components within air quality management system through employing multiple uncertainty-characterization techniques (in random, fuzzy and interval forms), and help decision makers analyze trade-offs between system economy and reliability. In fact, many types of solutions (i.e. conservative solutions with lower risks and optimistic solutions with higher risks) provided by IFRCCMM were suitable for local decision makers to make more applicable decision schemes according to their understanding and preference about the risk and economy. In addition, the modeling philosophy is general and applicable to many other environmental problems that may be complicated with multiple forms of uncertainties.  相似文献   

Water resources systems are associated with a variety of complexities and uncertainties due to socio-economic and hydro-environmental impacts. Such complexities and uncertainties lead to challenges in evaluating the water resources management alternatives and the associated risks. In this study, the factorial analysis and fuzzy random value-at-risk are incorporated into a two-stage stochastic programming framework, leading to a factorial-based two-stage programming with fuzzy random value-at-risk (FTSPF). The proposed FTSPF approach aims to reveal the impacts of uncertainty parameters on water resources management strategies and the corresponding risks. In detail, fuzzy random value-at-risk is to reflect the potential risk about financial cost under dual uncertainties, while a multi-level factorial design approach is used to reveal the interaction between feasibility degrees and risk levels, as well as the relationships (including curvilinear relationship) between these factors and the responses. The application of water resources system planning makes it possible to balance the satisfaction of system benefit, the risk levels of penalty and the feasibility degrees of constraints. The results indicate that decision makers would pay more attention to the tradeoffs between the system benefit and feasibility degree, and the water allocation for agricultural section contributes most to control the financial loss of water. Moreover, FTSPF can generate a higher system benefit and more alternatives under various risk levels. Therefore, FTSPF could provide more useful information for enabling water managers to identify desired policies with maximized system benefit under different system-feasibility degrees and risk levels.  相似文献   

In this study, an interval-valued fuzzy linear programming with infinite α-cuts (IVFLP-I) method is developed for municipal solid waste (MSW) management under uncertainty. IVFLP-I can not only tackle uncertainties expressed as intervals and interval-valued fuzzy sets, but also take all fuzzy information into account by discretizing infinite α-cut levels to the interval-valued fuzzy membership functions. Through adoption of the interval-valued fuzzy sets, IVFLP-I can directly communicate information of waste managers’ confidence levels over various subjective judgments into the optimization process. Compared to the existing methods in which only finite α-cut levels exist, IVFLP-I would have enhanced the robustness in the optimization efforts. A MSW management problem is studied to illustrate the applicability of the proposed method. Four groups of optimal solutions can be obtained through assigning different intervals of α-cut levels. The results indicate that wider intervals of α-cut levels could lead to a lower risk level of constraint violation associated with a higher system cost; contrarily, narrower intervals of α-cut levels could lead to a lower cost with a higher risk of violating the constraints. The solutions under different intervals of α-cut levels can support in-depth analyses of tradeoffs between system costs and constraint-violation risks.  相似文献   

In risk assessment studies it is important to determine how uncertain and imprecise knowledge should be included into the simulation and assessment models. Thus, proper evaluation of uncertainties has become a major concern in environmental and health risk assessment studies. Previously, researchers have used probability theory, more commonly Monte Carlo analysis, to incorporate uncertainty analysis in health risk assessment studies. However, in conducting probabilistic health risk assessment, risk analyst often suffers from lack of data or the presence of imperfect or incomplete knowledge about the process modeled and also the process parameters. Fuzzy set theory is a tool that has been used in propagating imperfect and incomplete information in health risk assessment studies. Such analysis result in fuzzy risks which are associated with membership functions. Since possibilistic health risk assessment studies are relatively new, standard procedures for decision-making about the acceptability of the resulting fuzzy risk with respect to a crisp standard set by the regulatory agency are not fully established. In this paper, we are providing a review of several available approaches which may be used in decision-making. These approaches involve defuzzification techniques, the possibility and the necessity measures. In this study, we also propose a new measure, the risk tolerance measure, which can be used in decision making. The risk tolerance measure provides an effective metric for evaluating the acceptability of a fuzzy risk with respect to a crisp compliance criterion. Fuzzy risks with different membership functions are evaluated with respect to a crisp compliance criterion by using the possibility, the necessity, and the risk tolerance measures and the results are discussed comparatively.  相似文献   

An inexact double-sided fuzzy chance-constrained programming (IDFCCP) method was developed in this study and applied to an agricultural effluent control management problem. IDFCCP was formulated through incorporating interval linear programming (ILP) into a double-sided fuzzy chance-constrained programming (DFCCP) framework, and could be used to deal with uncertainties expressed as not only possibility distributions associated with both left- and right-hand-side components of constraints but also discrete intervals in the objective function. The study results indicated that IDFCCP allowed violation of system constraints at specified confidence levels, where each confidence level consisted of two reliability scenarios. This could lead to model solutions with high system benefits under acceptable risk magnitudes. Furthermore, the introduction of ILP allowed uncertain information presented as discrete intervals to be communicated into the optimization process, such that a variety of decision alternatives can be generated by adjusting the decision-variable values within their intervals. The proposed model could help decision makers establish various production patterns with cost-effective water quality management schemes under complex uncertainties, and gain in-depth insights into the trade-offs between system economy and reliability.  相似文献   

High concentrations of air pollutants in the ambient environment can result in breathing problems with human communities. Effective assessment of health-impact risk from air pollution is important for supporting decisions of the related detection, prevention, and correction efforts. However, the quality of information available for environmental/health risk assessment is often not satisfactory enough to be presented as deterministic numbers. Stochastic method is one of the methods for tackling those uncertainties, by which uncertain information can be presented as probability distributions. However, if the uncertainties can not be presented as probabilities, they can then be handled through fuzzy membership functions. In this study, an integrated fuzzy-stochastic modeling (IFSM) approach is developed for assessing air pollution impacts towards asthma susceptibility. This development is based on Monte Carlo simulation for the fate of SO2 in the ambient environment, examination of SO2 concentrations based on the simulation results, quantification of evaluation criteria using fuzzy membership functions, and risk assessment based on the combined fuzzy-stochastic information. The IFSM entails (a) simulation for the fate of pollutants in ambient environment, with the consideration of source/medium uncertainties, (b) formulation of fuzzy air quality management criteria under uncertain human-exposure pathways, exposure dynamics, and SPG-response variations, and (c) integrated risk assessment under complexities of the combined fuzzy/stochastic inputs of contamination level and health effect (i.e., asthma susceptibility). The developed IFSM is applied to a study of regional air quality management. Reasonable results have been generated, which are useful for evaluating health risks from air pollution. They also provide support for regional environmental management and urban planning.  相似文献   

This study develops a dual inexact fuzzy chance-constrained programming (DIFCCP) method for planning municipal solid waste (MSW) management systems. The concept of random boundary interval (RBI) is introduced to address the high uncertain parameters in the studied system. Fuzzy flexible programming and chance-constrained programming are also introduced to take into account the uncertainties of RBIs and various uncertainties in MSW management system. Compared with the existing methods, the developed method could deal with the uncertainty without simplification and thus is more robust. Moreover, the potential system-failure risks in MSW management system due to the existing uncertainties could be quantified by means of violation levels and satisfaction levels in DIFCCP. The developed method then is applied to a MSW management system. The obtained solutions could be used for generating efficient management schemes. The values of violation and satisfaction levels could help decision makers understand the tradeoffs between system cost and system-failure risk, and identify desired strategy according to the practical economic and environmental situation.  相似文献   

A fuzzy-Markov-chain-based analysis method for reservoir operation   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
In this study, a fuzzy-Markov-chain-based stochastic dynamic programming (FM-SDP) method is developed for tackling uncertainties expressed as fuzzy sets and distributions with fuzzy probability (DFPs) in reservoir operation. The concept of DFPs used in Markov chain is presented as an extended form for expressing uncertainties including both stochastic and fuzzy characteristics. A fuzzy dominance index analysis approach is proposed for solving multiple fuzzy sets and DPFs in the proposed FM-SDP model. Solutions under a set of α-cut levels and fuzzy dominance indices can be generated by solving a series of deterministic submodels. The developed method is applied to a case study of a reservoir operation system. Solutions from FM-SDP provide a range of desired water-release policies under various system conditions for reservoir operation decision makers, reflecting dynamic and dual uncertain features of water availability simultaneously. The results indicate that the FM-SDP method could be applicable to practical problems for decision makers to obtain insight regarding the tradeoffs between economic and system reliability criteria. Willingness to obtain a lower benefit may guarantee meeting system-constraint demands; conversely, a desire to acquire a higher benefit could run into a higher risk of violating system constraints.  相似文献   

Integrated risk assessment of urban water supply systems from source to tap   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Urban water supply systems (UWSS) are generally composed of water sources, transmission pipes, treatment plants, and distribution networks from source to tap and usually are exposed to variety of uncertain threatening hazards. These threats can be divided to three main groups of natural, human-made, and operational hazards which affect either water quantity or water quality. In order to evaluate the reliability of water supply systems, risk assessment tools must be used to identify threats, their probability, and consequences and vulnerabilities of each element of these systems against the hazards. Due to the complexity and uncertainties affecting water supply systems and threatening hazards, a comprehensive and effective risk assessment method is required. In this study, an integrated fuzzy hierarchical risk assessment model for water supply systems (IFHRA-WSS) is proposed to assess hazards in a complex UWSS using a systematic approach incorporating both water quantity and quality issues. This model uses a hierarchical framework for breaking down the UWSS infrastructures to their interrelated elements to reduce the overall complexity of the system. It also considers uncertainties using Fuzzy Logic approach. Effects of functional interdependencies between different components of the system have also been considered in the vulnerability analysis. IFHRA-WSS incorporates the contributions of urban water experts in a group risk assessment procedure in a way that they can be easily expressed in terms of the qualitative and quantitative risk measures. Efficiency of this model has been examined in a case study which includes a large part of a drinking water supply system in a major city in Iran. This system includes all the elements of the UWSS from the delivery point to the consumption point. In the case study, different components and subcomponents of this system have been ranked based on their estimated risk values. It is envisaged that the results of the proposed model can help the decision makers to plan for effective risk mitigation measures.  相似文献   

In this study, a risk aversion based interval stochastic programming (RAIS) method is proposed through integrating interval multistage stochastic programming and conditional value at risk (CVaR) measure for tackling uncertainties expressed as probability distributions and intervals within a multistage context. The RAIS method can reflect dynamic features of the system conditions through transactions at discrete points in time over the planning horizon. Using the CVaR measure, RAIS can effectively reflect system risk resulted from random parameters. When random events are occurred, the adjustable alternatives can be achieved by setting desired targets according to the CVaR, which could make the revised decisions to minimize the economic penalties. Then, the RAIS method is applied to planning agricultural water management in the Zhangweinan River Basin that is plagued by drought due to serious water scarcity. A set of decision alternatives with different combinations of risk levels employed to the objective function and constraints are generated for planning water resources allocation. The results can not only help decision makers examine potential interactions between risks under uncertainty, but also help generate desired policies for agricultural water management with a maximized payoff and a minimized loss.  相似文献   

为了弥补现有地铁火灾风险评估方法的不足,并为地铁的消防设计与管理提供量化指标,建立了以层次分析法(AHP)、专家调查法为基础,以可拓法为核心的地铁火灾风险的多级可拓评估方法,并给出了评估流程。对一地铁算例进行了评估,并根据评估结果得到地铁火灾风险的薄弱环节及管理重点。通过对比分析可知,本文方法与模糊评估方法所得的评估结果一致,从而表明:将可拓原理应用到地铁火灾风险性的评估中是合理可行的,很好地解决了地铁火灾风险评估的实际问题,本文方法可应用到相关的风险评估领域中。最后,对地铁火灾安全提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Probabilistic-fuzzy health risk modeling   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Health risk analysis of multi-pathway exposure to contaminated water involves the use of mechanistic models that include many uncertain and highly variable parameters. Currently, the uncertainties in these models are treated using statistical approaches. However, not all uncertainties in data or model parameters are due to randomness. Other sources of imprecision that may lead to uncertainty include scarce or incomplete data, measurement error, data obtained from expert judgment, or subjective interpretation of available information. These kinds of uncertainties and also the non-random uncertainty cannot be treated solely by statistical methods. In this paper we propose the use of fuzzy set theory together with probability theory to incorporate uncertainties into the health risk analysis. We identify this approach as probabilistic-fuzzy risk assessment (PFRA). Based on the form of available information, fuzzy set theory, probability theory, or a combination of both can be used to incorporate parameter uncertainty and variability into mechanistic risk assessment models. In this study, tap water concentration is used as the source of contamination in the human exposure model. Ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact are considered as multiple exposure pathways. The tap water concentration of the contaminant and cancer potency factors for ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact are treated as fuzzy variables while the remaining model parameters are treated using probability density functions. Combined utilization of fuzzy and random variables produces membership functions of risk to individuals at different fractiles of risk as well as probability distributions of risk for various alpha-cut levels of the membership function. The proposed method provides a robust approach in evaluating human health risk to exposure when there is both uncertainty and variability in model parameters. PFRA allows utilization of certain types of information which have not been used directly in existing risk assessment methods.  相似文献   

Contaminated site remediation is generally difficult, time consuming, and expensive. As a result ranking may aid in efficient allocation of resources. In order to rank the priorities of contaminated sites, input parameters relevant to contaminant fate and transport, and exposure assessment should be as accurate as possible. Yet, in most cases these parameters are vague or not precise. Most of the current remediation priority ranking methodologies overlook the vagueness in parameter values or do not go beyond assigning a contaminated site to a risk class. The main objective of this study is to develop an alternative remedial priority ranking system (RPRS) for contaminated sites in which vagueness in parameter values is considered. RPRS aims to evaluate potential human health risks due to contamination using sufficiently comprehensive and readily available parameters in describing the fate and transport of contaminants in air, soil, and groundwater. Vagueness in parameter values is considered by means of fuzzy set theory. A fuzzy expert system is proposed for the evaluation of contaminated sites and a software (ConSiteRPRS) is developed in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 platform. Rankings are employed for hypothetical and real sites. Results show that RPRS is successful in distinguishing between the higher and lower risk cases.  相似文献   

Y. Huang  X. Chen  Y. P. Li  G. H. Huang  T. Liu 《水文研究》2010,24(25):3718-3732
In this study, a fuzzy‐based simulation method (FBSM) is developed for modelling hydrological processes associated with vague information through coupling fuzzy vertex analysis technique with distributed hydrological model. The FBSM can handle uncertainties existed as fuzzy sets in the hydrological modelling systems, and solutions under an associated number of α‐cut levels can be generated by solving 2n deterministic models. The lower reach of the Tarim River Basin in China is selected as a study case for demonstrating applicability of the proposed method. The developed model is calibrated and validated against observed groundwater elevation for four wells during the period 2000–2001, and generally performed acceptable for model Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient (R2) and correlation coefficient (R). The R2 is approximately over 0·65 and the correlation coefficient is higher than 0·90. Based on the technique of fuzzy simulation, the uncertainties of two parameters (KH and LC) are reflected under different α‐cut levels. The results indicate that, under a lower degree of plausibility, the interval between the lower and upper bounds of the groundwater elevation is wider; conversely, a higher degree of plausibility would lead to a narrow interval. The main effect of KH is more significant than the effect of LC at most well sites. The proposed method is useful for studying hydrological processes within a system containing multiple factors with uncertainties and providing support for identifying proper water resources management strategies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, an environmental-friendly modeling system was developed and applied to an agriculture nonpoint source (AGNPS) management in Ulansuhai Nur watershed. In this system, water environmental capacity, credibility-based chance-constrained programming (CCCP), and AGNPS optimization models were integrated into a general modeling framework. It could be used to calculate water environmental capacity of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in Ulansuhai Nur watershed, which could consequentially provide input data for the developed AGNPS optimization model. Also, the inherent uncertainties in estimating water environmental capacities that can be expressed as possibilistic distributions were reflected and addressed based on computational results of three widely used methods. Such uncertainties were consequentially transferred to the proposed CCCP model based on the adoption of multiple credibility satisfactory levels, significantly facilitating objectivity reflection of decision alternatives. The developed modeling system was then applied to Ulansuhai Nur watershed of Inner Mongolia, a semi-arid river basin in northwestern China. Optimal strategies for AGNPS management in Ulansuhai Nur watershed were generated with consideration of the maximum total agricultural income under multiple policy scenarios. The results showed that the total agricultural income would increase with point source pollution being cut down, and would decrease with rising credibility levels, representing decreasing system violation risks. It was indicated that the higher of total nitrogen/phosphorus discharge being less than water environmental capacity of Ulansuhai Nur, the lower the total agriculture incomes. The proposed methods could help decision makers establish various production patterns with cost-effective agriculture nonpoint source management schemes in the basin of Ulansuhai Nur, and gain in-depth insights into the trade-offs between total agricultural incomes and system reliabilities.  相似文献   

“Disaster risk assessment” is important in the planning of risk management strategies that reduce societal losses. However, governmental agencies in Taiwan generally assess risks that emerge from debris flows without adequately considering risk management and taking a systems approach. This work proposes an approach to thoroughly consider the interactive influence mechanism of debris flow disaster risk. Additionally, a systematic method for assessing disaster risks is developed. This proposed method can be used in the current risk assessment and as a basis for management strategy planning. Based on systems thinking, the components and attributes of a conceptual system of disaster risk management associated with debris flows in a river basin are identified. Subsequently, a conceptual mitigation–hazard–exposure–resistance framework and an indicator system for assessing the debris flow disaster risks in a river basin are identified. The disaster risks for each exposed community in each drainage zone can be systematically calculated based on the current status or plans of prevention and evacuation measures using the proposed indicator system. A case study of implementing the proposed methodology that involves the Chishan River Basin is presented, in which disaster risk according to the current status of prevention and evacuation measures is assessed. Drainage zones and communities with a significant debris flow disaster risk are located; this risk is associated with a lack of adequate prevention and evacuation measures that have been planned of government agencies. Analytical results indicate that the proposed methodology can systematically and effectively assess the disaster risks of a river basin. The proposed methodology provides a valuable reference for governmental agencies that must manage disaster risk associated with debris flows.  相似文献   

Efficient tools capable of using uncertain data to produce fast and approximate results are more practical in rapid decision-making applications when compared to conventional methods. From this point of view, this study introduces a risk assessment model for one-story precast industrial buildings by fuzzy logic which builds a bridge between uncertainty and precision. The input, output and relations of the fuzzy based risk assessment model(FBRAM) were determined by reference buildings. The Monte Carlo simulation method was used to handle uncertainties associated with the structural characteristics of the reference buildings. Section dimension, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, column height related to building elevation, confinement ratio and seismic hazard are regarded as input and the plastic demand ratio is considered as the output parameter by the mathematical formulation of strength and deformation capacity of the buildings. The supervised learning method was used to determine the membership function of fuzzy sets. Fuzzy rules of FBRAM were constructed from Monte Carlo simulation by mapping of inputs and output. FBRAM was evaluated by a group of simulated buildings and two existing precast industrial buildings. Comparisons have shown significant agreement with analytical model results in both cases. Consequently, it is anticipated that the proposed model can be used for the seismic risk mitigation of precast buildings.  相似文献   

Emergency risk management (ERM) is a process which involves dealing with risks to the community arising from emergency events. Emergency management evaluation as one of the important parts of ERM aims assessing and improving social preparedness and organizational ability in identifying, analyzing, and treating emergency risks. This study first develops an emergency management evaluation model. It then proposes an extended fuzzy multi-criteria group evaluation method, which can deal with both subjective and objective criteria under multi-levels by a group of evaluators, for emergency management evaluation. A fuzzy multi-criteria group decision support system (FMCGDSS) is then developed to implement the proposed method for the case of emergency operating center/system evaluation.  相似文献   

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