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Weathering processes responsible for landscape denudation in Arctic environments are poorly understood. Traditionally, gelifraction has been widely invoked as the dominant weathering process, but empirical support for this is frequently lacking. In Norwegian Lapland, post-glacial weathering has been recently attributed to predominantly biophysical processes, based on field measurements of landscape lowering undertaken by André (1995). The study reported here examined bedrock samples from one of André's sites for mineralogical and chemical transformations since post-glacial exposure. Backscatter scanning electron microscopy reveals extensive mineral grain dissolution and accompanying development of rock porosity. Wavelength dispersive spectroscopy shows these mineral alterations to be the result of the loss of major chemical constituents including Ca, Mg, K, Si, and Al. Chemical weathering is clearly a component of post-glacial landscape denudation in Norwegian Lapland, in addition to the important role of biophysical processes identified by André (1995). Cosmogenic dating of the sampled bedrock surface confirms that much of this weathering has occurred in the last 10,000 years.  相似文献   

Rates and processes of rock weathering, soil formation, and mountain erosion during the Quaternary were evaluated in an inland Antarctic cold desert. The fieldwork involved investigations of weathering features and soil profiles for different stages after deglaciation. Laboratory analyses addressed chemistry of rock coatings and soils, as well as 10Be and 26Al exposure ages of the bedrock. Less resistant gneiss bedrock exposed over 1 Ma shows stone pavements underlain by in situ produced silty soils thinner than 40 cm and rich in sulfates, which reflect the active layer thickness, the absence of cryoturbation, and the predominance of salt weathering. During the same exposure period, more resistant granite bedrock has undergone long-lasting cavernous weathering that produces rootless mushroom-like boulders with a strongly Fe-oxidized coating. The red coating protects the upper surface from weathering while very slow microcracking progresses by the growth of sulfates. Geomorphological evidence and cosmogenic exposure ages combine to provide contrasting average erosion rates. No erosion during the Quaternary is suggested by a striated roche moutonnée exposed more than 2 Ma ago. Differential erosion between granite and gneiss suggests a significant lowering rate of desert pavements in excess of 10 m Ma− 1. The landscape has been (on the whole) stable, but the erosion rate varies spatially according to microclimate, geology, and surface composition.  相似文献   

Ice–polished quartz veins, feldspar phenocrysts and quartzite layers were used as reference surfaces to assess the impact of Postglacial rock weathering in Lapland (68°N). Over 3200 measurements were carried out on roches moutonées and glaciofluvially scoured outcrops distributed within three study areas covering 8 km2. Inferred weathering rates demonstrate that 10,000 years of Holocene weathering did not significantly modify the geometry of Weichselian rock surfaces. However, rates of general surface lowering range from 1 to 25, depending on the rock type, with average values at 0.2 mm ka−1 for homogeneous crystalline rocks (irrespective of their acidity and grain size), 1 mm ka−1 for biotite–rich crystalline rocks, and 5 mm ka−1 for carbonate sedimentary rocks. Accelerated rates were recorded in weathering pits and along joints with values up to ten times higher than on the rest of the rock surface. Comparisons with cold and temperate areas suggest that solution rates of carbonate rocks are highly dependent on climate conditions, whilst granular disintegration of crystalline rocks operates at the same rate whatever the environment. It probably means that microgelivation is not efficient on ice–polished crystalline outcrops even under harsh climate conditions, and that granular disintegration proceeds under various climates from the same ubiquitous combination of biochemical processes. Last, the weathering state of Late–Weichselian roches moutonées can be usefully compared to that of Preglacial tors of the nearby Kiruna area.  相似文献   

Ice–polished quartz veins, feldspar phenocrysts and quartzite layers were used as reference surfaces to assess the impact of Postglacial rock weathering in Lapland (68°N). Over 3200 measurements were carried out on roches moutonées and glaciofluvially scoured outcrops distributed within three study areas covering 8 km2. Inferred weathering rates demonstrate that 10,000 years of Holocene weathering did not significantly modify the geometry of Weichselian rock surfaces. However, rates of general surface lowering range from 1 to 25, depending on the rock type, with average values at 0.2 mm ka−1 for homogeneous crystalline rocks (irrespective of their acidity and grain size), 1 mm ka−1 for biotite–rich crystalline rocks, and 5 mm ka−1 for carbonate sedimentary rocks. Accelerated rates were recorded in weathering pits and along joints with values up to ten times higher than on the rest of the rock surface. Comparisons with cold and temperate areas suggest that solution rates of carbonate rocks are highly dependent on climate conditions, whilst granular disintegration of crystalline rocks operates at the same rate whatever the environment. It probably means that microgelivation is not efficient on ice–polished crystalline outcrops even under harsh climate conditions, and that granular disintegration proceeds under various climates from the same ubiquitous combination of biochemical processes. Last, the weathering state of Late–Weichselian roches moutonées can be usefully compared to that of Preglacial tors of the nearby Kiruna area.  相似文献   

Block fields have developed on gently graded uplands of granite and gneiss on central and southern Melville Peninsula. The location of block fields is not controlled by elevation, but rather by areas covered by cold–based ice during the last glaciation. Block fields consist either of angular boulders, sorted circles 3–4 m across having blocky rims and central areas of weathered grus, concentrations of openwork boulders, or in the southeast, of immature bouldery till. The block fields are primarily relict features predating the last glaciation, produced by weakening of bedrock by weathering along joints, followed by frost heave, although some block fields have been modified by meltwater from regional glacier down–wasting. Frost processes are active in the modern environment but the extent of riven bedrock and the size of recent patterned ground forms on postglacial surfaces are insufficient to account for the forms in the block fields.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地那棱格勒河流域是我国目前最大的盐湖型锂矿区和工业设施最为完备的卤水锂工业基地,长期以来关于其尾闾盐湖区锂的物源问题备受关注。尽管目前的众多研究已经对流域内地表水体及尾闾区盐湖中锂的物源有了较为一致的看法,但盆地周缘围岩风化过程在其中起到的作用仍缺乏系统性认识。基于部分保守性微量元素在物源示踪研究中的重要作用,本文通过对流域内河流表层沉积物中的REEY、Li、Sc、Co、Nb、Ta、Th等微量元素开展其地球化学行为方面的分析,讨论了沉积物的物源属性特征及其中锂的来源特征,为深入认识盐湖区游离态锂资源的物源提供了新的证据。结果表明,那棱格勒河流域与毗邻的东、西对比区河流沉积物有着相似的化学风化背景和基岩类型,源岩具有显著的长英质岩和基性岩的二元混合特征,且基性源岩所占比重更大;而沉积物中的锂除尾闾盐湖区明显受到富锂孔隙水体夹带的影响外,其它地区锂的来源特征与沉积物的物源特征相同,表明地表迁移过程对介质中锂的通量影响较弱,沉积物中的锂更多的是以赋存在相关矿物结构中的形式存在;研究区来自源岩风化作用提供的游离态锂的量较为有限,尾闾盐湖中的锂资源主要以昆仑山深大断裂带涌出的热泉水的长年补给为主。  相似文献   

Dozens of references recognizing pediment landforms in widely varying lithologic, climatic, and tectonic settings suggest a ubiquity in pediment forming processes on mountain piedmonts worldwide. Previous modeling work illustrates the development of a unique range in arid/semiarid piedmont slope (< 0.2 or 11.3°) and regolith thickness (2–4 m) that defines pediments, despite varying the initial conditions and domain characteristics (initial regolith thickness, slope, distance from basin to crest, topographic perturbations, and boundary conditions) and process rates (fluvial sediment transport efficiency and weathering rates). This paper expands upon the sensitivity analysis through numerical simulation of pediment development in the presence of spatially varying rock type, various base level histories, various styles of sediment transport, and various rainfall rates to determine how pediment development might be restricted in certain environments. This work suggests that in landscapes characterized by soil and vegetation types that favor incisive fluvial sediment transport styles coupled with incisive base level conditions, pediment development will be disrupted by the roughening of sediment mantled surfaces, thereby creating spatial variability in topography, regolith thickness, and bedrock weathering rates. Base level incision rates that exceed the integrated sediment flux along a hillslope derived from upslope weathering and sediment transport on the order of 10− 3 m y− 1 restrict pediment development by fostering piedmont incision and/or wholesale removal (stripping) of regolith mantles prior to footslope pediment development. Simulations illustrate an insensitivity to alternating layers of sandstone and shale 3–15 m thick oriented in various geometric configurations (vertical, horizontal, and dip-slope) and generating different regolith hydrologic properties and exhibiting weathering rate variations up to 3-fold. Higher fluxes and residence times of subsurface groundwater in more humid environments, as well as dissolution-type weathering, lead to a thickening of regolith mantles on erosional piedmonts on the order of 101 m and an elimination of pediment morphology. An initial test of the model sensitivity analysis in arid/semiarid environments, for which field reconnaissance and detailed geomorphic mapping indicate the presence of pediments controlled by climatic conditions (soil hydrologic properties, vegetation characteristics, and bedrock weathering style) that are known and constant, supports our modeling results that pediments are more prevalent in hydrologically-open basins.  相似文献   

On the Vantage Peak nunatak in the Juneau Icefield of southeastern Alaska, grus and soils display evidence of extensive chemical alteration in a self-evidently periglacial environment. Accompanying the alteration of bedrock to grus and soil is a decrease in grain size. Grus is dominated by very coarse sand while the soils are predominantly fine sand. Grain-size reduction is attributed primarily to mineral grain dissolution. Total chemical analyses show that alkali earths (calcium and magnesium) and alkalis (sodium and potassium) are lost as weathering progresses, while silicon and iron increase relative to resistant elements. Secondary clay minerals present in the grus and soils appear to have been derived from clay-size primary minerals. Vermiculite is the principal secondary clay mineral and appears to have formed by the alteration of biotite. Scanning electron microscopy shows that quartz and feldspars are primarily weathered by dissolution with no evidence of feldspar transformation to secondary clays. Superimposed on these weathering transformations is evidence of eolian processes. Chemical weathering processes, notably dissolution and clay mineral transformation, do occur in the periglacial environment of the Vantage Peak nunatak and are clearly an important component of the periglacial geomorphic process suite.  相似文献   

The endolithic lichen Lecidea auriculata is known to enhance rock surface weathering on the Little Ice Age moraines of the glacier Storbreen in Jotunheimen, central southern Norway. This study demonstrates the reduction in Schmidt hammer Rvalues that followed the rapid colonization by this lichen of pyroxene‐granulite boulders on terrain deglaciated over the last 88 years. In the absence of this lichen, the characteristic mean R‐value of boulder surfaces is 61.0 ± 0.3; where this lichen is present, R‐values are lower by at least 20 units on surfaces exposed for 30–40 years. A similar reduction in rock hardness on rock surfaces without a lichen cover requires about 10 ka. The rapid initial weakening of the rock surfaces is indicative of rates of biological weathering by endolithic lichens that may be two orders of magnitude (200–300 times) faster than rates of physico‐chemical weathering alone. If not avoided, the effects of this type of lichen are likely to negate the effectiveness of the Schmidt hammer and other methods for exposure‐age dating, including cosmogenic‐nuclide dating, in severe alpine and polar periglacial environments. The results also suggest a new method for dating rock surfaces exposed for <50 years.  相似文献   

Johan M. Bonow   《Geomorphology》2005,72(1-4):106-127
Classifications of large-scale landscapes in Greenland have traditionally been based on type and intensity of glacial erosion, with the general idea that present landforms are mainly the result of erosion from ice sheets and glaciers. However, on southern Disko and in areas offshore in Disko Bugt, a basement surface has preserved remnants of weathered gneiss and pre-Paleocene landforms, recently exhumed from Paleocene basalt. Isolated hills and lineaments have been mapped in a digital terrain model and aerial photographs. Offshore have hills been mapped from seismic lines. The medium size bedrock forms on southern Disko as tors, clefts and roche moutonées have been studied in the field. Remnant saprolites were inventoried, sampled and analysed according to grain size and clay mineralogy. The basement surface retains saprolites up to 8 m thick in close relation to the cover rocks. The landforms in the basement rocks belong essentially to an etched surface only slightly remodelled by glacial erosion and, below the highest coastline, also by wave action. The outline of hills is governed by two lineament directions, ENE–WSW representing the schistocity of the gneiss and NW–SE fracture zones. These structures are thus interpreted to have been exploited by the deep weathering while the frequent N–S lineaments have not and thus might be younger. Main ice-flow has been from the NE and has resulted in plucking of SW facing lee sides, however the resulting bedrock forms are mainly controlled by structures and orientation of joints. The identification of re-exposed sub-Paleocene etch forms on Disko and the hills of similar size offshore, forming a hilly relief, have implications for identification of a hilly relief south of Disko Bugt, its relation to younger planation surfaces as well as for conclusions of uplift events.  相似文献   

Granitic regolith, developed in the Boulder Creek catchment and adjacent areas, records a history of deep weathering, some of which may predate Quaternary time. Field and well-log measurements of weathering, chemical denudation and rates of erosion derived from 10Be cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) data help to quantify rates of landscape change in the post-orogenic Rocky Mountains. The density of oxidized, fractured bedrock ranges from 2.7 to about 2.2 g cm− 3, saprolite and grus have densities between 2.0 and 1.8 g cm− 3, and 30 soil samples averaged 1.6 ± 0.2 g cm− 3. Highly weathered regolith in 540 wells averages 3.3 m thick, mean depth to bedrock in 1661 wells is 7 m, and the weathered thickness exceeds 10 m in relatively large local areas east of the late Pleistocene glacial limit. Thickness of regolith shows no simple relationship to rock type or structure, local slope, or distance from channels. Catchments in the vicinity of the Boulder Creek have an average CRN erosion rate of 2.2 ± 0.7 cm kyr− 1 for the past 10,000 to 40,000 yr. Annual losses of cations and SiO2 vary from about 2 to 5 g m− 2 over a runoff range of 10 to nearly 160 cm.Using measured rates in simple box models shows that if a substantial fraction of void space is created by volume expansion in the weathering rock materials, 7 m of weathered rock materials could form in as little as 230 kyr. If density loss results mainly from chemical denudation and some volume expansion, however, the same weathering profile would take > 1340 kyr to form. Rates of erosion measured by CRN could be balanced by the rate of soil formation from saprolite if the annual solute loss from soil is 2.0 g m− 2 and 70% of the density decrease from saprolite to grus and soil results from strain. Saprolite, however, forms from oxidized bedrock at a far slower rate and rates of saprolite formation cannot balance soil and grus losses to erosion. The zone of thick weathered regolith is likely an eroding relict landscape. The undulating surface marked by relatively low relief and tors is not literally a topographic surface of Eocene, Oligocene or Miocene age unless it was covered with deposits that were removed in Pliocene or Quaternary time.  相似文献   

Micropiping processes and biancana evolution in southeast Tuscany, Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biancane badlands consisting of small domes dissected by rills and micropipes, with rough disordered microrehef, can be found along the Apennines in Italy. The dominant processes forming biancane differ from those of badlands formed on smectite-rich mudrocks, as micropipes associated with pseudokarstic enlargement of pores and cracks predominate and form the main routes for evacuation of eroded material.Biancana evolution is controlled by water infiltration into intact bedrock, producing an erodible weathering ‘rind’ which is more porous than intact rock. This rind is easily removed by rill or micropipe flow, and erosion is therefore ‘weathering-controlled’, depending on rind production by infiltrating water. Infiltration is initially slow and stepped, due to slow water movement through very small capillary pores in intact rock alternating with rapid filling of macropores and cracks. This occurs due to rapid matrix pore enlargement by dispersion and/or dissolution. The infiltration pattern is accurately reproduced by a model built on progressive development of weathering layers by moisture penetration. Model results are consistent with weathering rind depths and erosion observed in the field, and show that a pipe network can be generated on newly exposed rock by the rainfall of one year.Propagation of the pipe network diverts a progressively larger proportion of runoff into micropipes, expanding weathering rind production within the biancana as well as on the surface. Internal weathering and flow progressively dominate with few unweathered corestones, and the biancana gradually collapses into a penultimate “soufflé-like” form.  相似文献   

Previous studies of chemical weathering rates for soil developed on glacial moraines generally assumed little or no physical erosion of the soil surface. In this study, we investigate the influence of physical erosion on soil profile weathering rate calculations. The calculation of chemical weathering rates is based on the assumption that soil profiles represent the integrated amount of weathering since the time of moraine deposition. The weathering rate of a surface subjected to denudation is the sum of the weathering loss from the existing soil profile added to the weathering loss in the material removed by denudation, divided by the deposition age. In this study, the amount of weathered material removed since moraine deposition is calculated using the denudation rate estimated from cosmogenic nuclide data and the deposition age of the moraine. Weathering rates accounting for denudation since moraine deposition are compared to weathering rates based on the assumption of no physical erosion and on the assumption of steady-state denudation for the Type Pinedale moraine ( 21 ka) and the Bull Lake-age moraine ( 140 ka) in the Fremont Lake Area (Wind River Mountains, Wyoming, USA). The total weathering rates accounting for denudation are 8.15 ± 1.05 g(oxide) m 2 y 1 for the Type Pinedale moraine and 4.78 ± 0.89 g(oxide) m 2 y 1 for the Bull Lake-age moraine, which are  2 to 4 times higher, respectively, than weathering rates based on the assumption of no physical erosion. The weathering rates based on denudation since moraine deposition are comparable or smaller than weathering rates assuming steady-state denudation. We find the assumption of steady-state denudation is not valid in depositional landscapes with young deposition ages or slow denudation rates. The decrease in weathering rates over time between the Type Pinedale and Bull Lake-age soils that is observed in the case of no physical erosion is decreased when the influence of denudation on the total weathering rates is taken into account. Fresh unweathered material with high reactive mineral surface area is continuously provided to the surface layer by denudation diminishing the effect of decreasing weathering rate over time.  相似文献   

Hollows in the Sierra de Aracena, part of western sector of Sierra Morena region (Huelva, Spain), are geoecologically unusual macroforms. They are underlain by deeply weathered bedrock but have eutrophic soils with distinctive vegetation. Paleosols with very dark colours, a predominance of smectites and large amounts of total and free iron occur on the floors on the hollows. An evolutionary model is proposed for the hollows, involving differential weathering during the Mesozoic on plutonic and amphibolitic rocks, alpine tectonic activity followed by Quaternary erosion and exhumation leading to formation of erosional terraces.  相似文献   

A toposequence of Holocene soils located between 1100–2400 m asl in the Italian Alps served as the basis for the following analyses: the weathering of limestone and dolomite, the calculation of mass balances, understanding the formation of pedogenic Fe and Al, the determination of soil mineral and clay mineral reactions and transformation and the measurement of accumulation and stabilisation mechanisms of soil organic matter. Leaching of carbonates is most intense at the lower elevations, although calcite and dolomite have a higher solubility at low temperatures. The pCO2 in the soil is higher at lower elevations and weathering is driven mainly by carbonic acids. At higher elevations, organic acids appear to determine the mineral transformations and weathering reactions to a greater extent. This suggests that two very different weathering regimes (carbonic and organic acid weathering) exist along the toposequence. The transformation of mica into vermiculite is the main process in both the clay and fine-earth fraction. Weathering of silicate minerals started even before the carbonates had been completely removed from the soils. The transformation mechanisms of silicate minerals in the A and O horizon at higher elevations was at least as intensive as that at the climatically warmer sites. The neoformation of pedogenetic clays at climatically cooler sites was slightly greater than that at the warmer sites. However, the formation rate of secondary Fe and Al phases was more pronounced at lower elevation, which means that this process seemed to be driven dominantly by carbonic acid (weathering of primary minerals). Soil organic matter (SOM) abundance in the mineral soil is nearly 15 kg/m2 at all sites and, surprisingly, no climate-driven effect could be detected. In general, the preservation and stabilisation of SOM was due to poorly crystalline Al and Fe phases and vermiculite, regardless of some variations in the composition of the parent material (varying calcite/dolomite ratio).  相似文献   

Spots of oil thrown up on to a coastal rock platform just above high water mark protect the rock beneath from weathering. Differential weathering subsequently leads to the emergence of oil-capped pedestals. Measurement of the rate of bedrock lowering of the surrounding surface by micro-erosion meter (MEM) provides a method of estimating the age of the pedestals and consequently the duration of oil persistence on the shore. The maximum duration of oil is estimated at 17–18 years.  相似文献   

华北北部玄武岩风化晕厚度测年的尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了华北北部玄武岩风化作用速度随时间减小在矿物学和化学方面的可能原因。根据6个热释光和2个~(14)C年龄测定值校正的风化晕厚度生长曲线拟合于下列公式:T=16396D~(2.06)利用风化晕厚度对本区一些河流阶地、冲积扇、倒石堆以及断层崖进行了测年尝试。岩石风化晕厚度是第四纪沉积物和地貌面年龄的最佳定量指标。  相似文献   

This study constitutes a comprehensive attempt to interpret the multistoreyed benchland scenery of the South Indian shield. In South India, two rifted margins (and now competing base levels), a low-elevation margin facing the Bay of Bengal, in existence since ≈130  Ma, and a younger (65  Ma) high-elevation margin facing the Arabian Sea, together with a high-standing backbone of extremely resistant granulitic rocks known as charnockites, have influenced the long-term erosional response to rock uplift and to the eustatic shift of shorelines in a complex way.
Several tiers of flat-lying, denudational topographic surfaces, which are indifferent to stratification, schistosity or foliation and highlighted by a characteristic weathering mantle, are identified and the conditions of their genesis discussed. General definitions and assumptions concerning the evolution of planation surfaces are presented. A major key issue is the nature of crustal uplift in cratonic regions: its relation to global tectonics, its role in the redistribution in time and space of available relief and in the deformation of pre-existing planation surfaces, and its bearing on denudational signals which may be recorded both by isotopic measurement techniques and offshore sedimentary sequences. The proposed denudation chronology considers all these aspects, and the analysis sets out to establish a thread of geodynamic events that can account for the observed morphology. Drainage, weathering and crustal uplift patterns, geological structures and chronostratigraphic data are examined in relation to their possible connections with the migration of drainage divides and surface lowering patterns. The high number of degrees of freedom involved when considering the long-term interplay between gravity-driven and radiation-driven denudation systems is one of the many problems facing this analysis, and is extensively addressed in the discussion.  相似文献   

杨立辉  叶玮  郑祥民  周立旻  苏优 《地理科学》2015,35(11):1475-1481
对浙江新昌玄武岩、花岗岩风化壳红土和江西南昌第四纪沉积型红土剖面的磁学特征进行了分析,结果表明,同一气候区内风化壳红土的磁学特征受母质特征影响较大。随着风化强度的增加,强磁性的玄武岩风化壳磁化率先减小后增加,磁性矿物颗粒先变粗后变细,弱磁性的花岗岩风化壳磁化率逐渐增加,磁性矿物颗粒逐渐变细。第四纪沉积型红土剖面中,均质红土磁化率远大于网纹红土,磁性矿物颗粒亦较网纹红土层细。这些差别说明了第四纪沉积型红土剖面中均质红土与网纹红土不完全相同的物质来源。  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of hillslope mobility on the evolution of a 10-km2 drainage basin located at the northern border of the Swiss Alps. It uses geomorphologic maps and the results of numerical models that are based on the shear stress formulation for fluvial erosion and linear diffusion for hillslope processes. The geomorphic data suggest the presence of landscapes with specific cross-sectional geometries reflecting variations in the relationships between processes in channels and on hillslopes. In the headwaters, the landscape displays parabolic cross-sectional geometries indicating that mass delivered to channels by hillslope processes is efficiently removed. In the trunk stream portion, the landscape is (i) V-shaped if the downslope flux of mass is balanced by erosion in channels (i.e. if mass delivered to channels by hillslope processes is efficiently removed) and (ii) U-shaped if in-channel accumulation of hillslope-derived material occurs. This latter situation indicates a non-balanced mass flux between processes in channels and on hillslopes.Information about the spatial pattern of the postglacial depth of erosion allows comparative estimates to be made about the erosional efficiency for the various landscapes that were mapped in the study area. The data suggest that the erosional potential and sediment discharge are reduced for the situation of a non-balanced mass flux between processes in channels and on hillslopes. These findings are also supported by the numerical model. Indeed, the model results show that high hillslope mobility tends to reduce the hillslope relief and to inhibit dissection and formation of channels. In contrast, stable hillslopes tend to promote fluvial incision, and the hillslope relief increases. The model results also show that very low erosional resistance of bedrock promotes backward erosion and steepening of channel profiles in headwaters. Beyond that, the model reveals that sediment discharge generally increases with decreasing erosional resistance of bedrock, but that this increase decays exponentially with increasing magnitudes of fluvial and hillslope mobilities. Very high hillslope diffusivities even tend to reduce the erosional potential of the whole watershed. It appears that besides rates of base-level lowering, factors limiting sediment discharge might be the nonlinear relationships between processes in channels and on hillslopes.  相似文献   

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