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This report extends previous work ([Louda et al., 1998a] and [Louda et al., 1998b]. Chlorophyll degradation during senescence and death. Organic Geochemistry 29, 1233–1251.) in which we detailed type-I (alteration) and -II (destruction) degradation of chlorophyll with representative fresh water phytoplankton. The present study covers similar experiments with marine phytoplankton, namely, a cyanobacterium (“ANA” Anacystis sp), a coccolithophore (“COC” Coccolithophora sp.), a dinoflagellate (“GYM” Gymnodinium sp.) and two diatoms (“CYC” Cyclotella meneghiniana and “THAL” Thalassiosira sp.). Mg loss (‘pheophytinization') was rapid and continuous in all species under room-oxic conditions and slow or sporadic under anoxic conditions. The proportion of dephytylated pigments (pheophorbides-a, chlorophyllides-a), relative to the phytylated forms (chlorophyll-a, pheophytins-a), increased over the first year under room-oxic conditions and in room-anoxic conditions only in “CYC”. Pheophorbide-a was converted to pyropheophorbide-a within 15 months only in “THAL” and “ANA”, and slightly in “COC”. After 9–15 months of oxic incubation, “COC” was found to contain traces of purpurin-18 phytyl ester. Consideration of carotenoid pigments is also included herein. All fucoxanthin containing species, except “THAL”, exhibited conversion of fucoxanthin to fucoxanthinol in room-oxic conditions. Diadinoxanthin was rapidly de-epoxidized to give diatoxanthin within the first 2–4 weeks. Diatoxanthin then disappeared from all species by 15 months with a concurrent increase in a pigment which we tentatively identify as a cis-zeaxanthin. Incubations of pure cultures are found to be an effective way by which to model the early type-I reactions for both chlorophylls and carotenoids. The influence of oxygen during senescence-death and the onset of early diagenesis is of paramount importance. The absence of oxygen and, by inference, aerobic microbiota, retards the breakdown of these pigments dramatically.  相似文献   

Data on glacier, tree-line, tree-ring, pollen, and ice-core variations in North America, Greenland, and Europe during the last 2000 yr (up to A.D. 1800) are compared in detail on the century time scale. Only data that may be indicative of summer temperature changes are included, since these comprise most of the available paleoclimatic information, although some variations (especially of glaciers) may have been in response to precipitation changes instead. Radiocarbon dates and 14C-dated records are converted to calendar (dendrochronological) years using the calibration of M. Stuiver (1982, Radiocarbon 24, 1–26). Despite the basic uncertainties in dating, interpretation, response times, and “noise level” of proxy climatic data, there is at times good agreement among different kinds of evidence from within a region to suggest an episode of generally warmer or cooler summers. Three previously identified episodes find expression in records from all of the regions considered: the “Little Ice Age” of the last few centuries, a “Medieval Warm Period” around the 12th century A.D., and an earlier cold period some time between the 8th and 10th centuries. However, the timing of minima and maxima within these episodes seems to have varied from region to region (although the evidence is consistent within regions). In the 15th century, summers were warm in the eastern Canadian Arctic and southern Greenland while there was a cold episode in Europe and western North America.  相似文献   

Gunhild Setten   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1097-1104
Since the turn of the millennium, human geography has witnessed the publishing of an increasing number encyclopaedias and dictionaries as well as books under the headings of “handbooks”, “readers” and “companions” to different fields within the discipline. In the present paper, I take as a point of departure this encyclopaedic “frenzy” in order to speculate on the works and values of a long-standing and authoritative geographical companion, The Dictionary of Human Geography (DHG) [Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Haggett, P., Smith, D.M., Stoddart, D.R. (Eds.), 1981. The Dictionary of Human Geography. Blackwell, Oxford; Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Smith, D.M. (Eds.), 1986a. The Dictionary of Human Geography, second ed. Blackwell, Oxford; Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Smith, D.M. (Eds.), 1994. The Dictionary of Human Geography, third ed. Blackwell, Oxford; Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Pratt, G., Watts, M. (Eds.), 2000a. The Dictionary of Human Geography, fourth ed. Blackwell, Oxford]. Apart from being subject to regular book reviews, the DHG has escaped attention from geographers critically engaged in debating the works of the discipline. It is argued here that this is due to the fact that the DHG appears to have established itself as an apparently objective recording of human geographers’ myriad of interests. The DHG is, however, a product of complex webs of subjective, situated concerns and thus a version of the discipline deserving of debate.  相似文献   

In the present work a detailed seismotectonic study of the broader area of the Mygdonia basin (N. Greece) is performed. Digital data for earthquakes which occurred in the broader Mygdonia basin and were recorded by the permanent telemetric network of the Geophysical Laboratory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki during the period 1989–1999 were collected and fault plane solutions for 50 earthquakes which occurred in the study area were calculated with a modified first motions approach which incorporates amplitude and radiation pattern information. Fault plane solutions for the 3 main shocks of Volvi (23/05/78, MW = 5.8 and 20/06/78, MW = 6.5) and Arnaia (04/05/95, MW = 5.8) events and the 1978 aftershock sequence were additionally used. Moreover, data from two local networks established in the Mygdonia basin were also incorporated in the final dataset.Determination of the stress field was realized by the use of the method of Gephart and Forsyth [Gephart, J.W., Forsyth, D.W., 1984. An improved method for determining the regional stress tensor using earthquake focal mechanism data: application to the San Fernando earthquake sequence: Jour. Geophys. Res., v.89, no. B11, p. 9305–9320] for the stress tensor inversion and the results were compared with independent estimates based on the calculation of the average moment tensor [Papazachos, C.B.,Kiratzi, A.A., 1992. A formulation for reliable estimation of active crustal deformation and its application to central Greece. Geophys. J. Int. 111, 424–432]. The obtained stress results show a relatively good agreement between the two approaches, with differences in the azimuth of the dominant extension axis of the order of 10°. Furthermore, comparison with independent information for the mean stress axes provided by the study of kinematics on neotectonic faults [Mountrakis, D., Kilias, A., Tranos, M., Thomaidou, E., Papazachos, C., Karakaisis, G., Scordilis, E., Chatzidimitriou, P., Papadimitriou, E., Vargemezis, G., Aidona, E., Karagianni, E., Vamvakaris, D. Skarlatoudis, A. 2003. Determination of the settings and the seismotectonic behavior of the main seismic-active faults of Northern Greece area using neotectonic and seismological data. Earthquake Planning and Protection Organisation (OASP) (in Greek)] shows a similar agreement with typical misfit of the order 10°. The stress inversion method was modified in order to select one or both nodal planes of the focal mechanism which corresponds to the “true” fault plane of the occurred earthquakes and was able to select a single fault plane in the majority of examined cases. Using this approach, the obtained fault plane rose diagrams are in agreement with results from various neotectonic studies. Moreover, several secondary active fault branches were identified, which are still not clearly observed in the field.  相似文献   

Amino acid enantiomeric (D/L) ratios in the mollusk Mercenaria are compared with recently published biostratigraphic and/or U-series solitary coral data from 22 Quaternary localities on the central and southern Atlantic Coastal Plain. In all cases, local relative aminostratigraphic sequences are consistent with relative ages inferred from U-series or biostratigraphic data, although occasionally more depositional events are recognized by aminostratigraphic than biostratigraphic methods. However, if the U-series data are used as age calibrations for the D/L values, latitudinal trends of “isochronous” D/L values are highly variable and conflict with trends expected from the present temperature gradient, which is smooth and nearly linear between 45° and 25° N. Age estimation can be performed independently of the U-series data using a kinetic model that relies on the assumption that Pleistocene temperature gradients have also been smooth functions of latitude, although significantly steeper than the present temperature gradient. Within the uncertainties of this assumption, kinetic model age estimates for localities in the coastal plain fall into the following groups: 70,000–130,000 yr, 200–250,000 yr, 300,000–400,000 yr, 500,000–600,000 yr, 700,000–800,000 yr, and > 1,000,000 yr. Major conflicts between these model age estimates are observed for localities near Charleston, South Carolina and in central Virginia. These conflicts could indicate that the basic temperature assumptions of aminostratigraphy are incorrect, and that apparent local aminostratigraphic sequences (clusters of different D/L values) could be due to factors other than age difference. Alternatively, some of the U-series dates may be only minimum ages for these localities.  相似文献   

Diopside single-crystals, oriented favorably for twin gliding on both systems: (001) [100] and (100)[001] have been deformed in a Griggs apparatus using talc as pressure medium. The latter mechanism is dominant at temperatures (T) below 1050° C at strain rates () of 10−3 sec−1, and below 800° C at ; at higher temperatures translation gliding on (100)[001] accompanied by syntectonic recrystallization is dominant but other glide systems also operate. Tests at a single set of conditions, T- and -incremental tests and stress-relaxation experiments have been carried out on websterite (68% CPX, 32% OPX), both in talc (“wet”) and talc-AlSiMag (“dry”) assemblies. Most tests were performed in the high-T regime, where syntectonic recrystallization and “relatively nonselective” glide are dominant. The mean size of recrystallized clinopyroxenes (D, μm) appears to be related to stress (σ, kb) as D = 60σ−0.9. The mechanical data fit the power law exp(-Q/RT)σn, where for the “wet” experiments A = 105.9kb−nsec−1, Q = 91.2 kcal/mole, n = 5.3; for σ < 3.5 kb n appears to decrease to 3.3. For the “dry” experiments A = 102.2, Q = 77.9, and n = 4.3 for σ < 7.0 kb. Clinopyroxene in the upper mantle occurs as ca. 0–15% mixed phase in peridotites and websterites occur as thin layers. Stresses in these materials will then be near those in the olivine-rich matrix. At , the equivalent viscosity of dry websterite is less than that of dry dunite at depths to 60 km but it increases rapidly at higher pressures; at 240 km it is 106 greater than that of dunite. This may account for the low strains and passive behavior observed for clinopyroxene crystals in most peridotites and websterites, that presumably have formed at great depth. Attenuated folds of websterite in peridotite—evidence of more ductile behavior—may then have formed at shallower levels; alternatively they may have formed under “wet” conditions.  相似文献   

The recent recognition that long period (i.e., of the order of hours) electromagnetic induction studies could play a major role in the detection of the asthenosphere has led to much interest amongst the geophysical and geological communities of the geomagnetic response functions derived for differing tectonic environments. Experiments carried out on the ocean bottom have met with considerable success in delineating the “electrical asthenosphere”, i.e., a local maximum in electrical conductivity (minimum in electrical resistivity) in the upper mantle.In this paper, observations of the time-varying magnetic field recorded in three regions of Scandinavia, northern Sweden (Kiruna—KIR), northern Finland/northeastern Norway (Kevo—KEV) and southern Finland (Sauvamaki—SAU), are analysed in order to obtain estimates of the inductive response function, C(ω), for each region. The estimated response functions are compared with one from the centre of the East European Platform (EEP), and it is shown that the induced eddy currents, at periods of the order of 103–104 s, in the three regions flow much closer to the surface than under the platform centre. Specifically, at a period of ~3000 s, these currents are flowing at depths of the order of: KEV—120 km; KIR—180 km; SAU—210 km; EEP—280 km; implying that the transition to a conducting zone, of σ -0.2 S/m, occurs at around these depths. One-dimensional inversion of and shows that there must exist a good conducting zone, of σ = 0.1–1.0 S/m, under each of the two regions, of 40 km minimum thickness, at depths of: KEV 105–115 km; KIR 160–185 km. This is to be contrasted with EEP, where the ρ-d profile displays a monotonically decreasing resistivity with depth, reaching σ~0.1 S/m at > 300 km.Finally, a possible temperature range for the asthenosphere, consistent with the deduced conducvitity, is discussed. It is shown that, at present, there is insufficient knowledge of the conditions (water content, melt fraction, etc.) likely to prevail in the asthenosphere to narrow down the probable range of 900°–1500°C.  相似文献   

Calcareous nannofossil assemblages at Site 641C (Galicia Margin, North Atlantic) were investigated in order to determine changes in fertility and temperature of surface waters. Taxa such as Zeughrabdotus spp. <3.5 μm, Biscutum constans, Discorhabdus rotatorius and Diazomatolithus lehmanii, which thrived in higher fertility conditions, are particularly abundant across the CM0 interval as opposed to those with oligotrophic affinities such as Watznaueria spp. and Nannoconus spp., which are generally reduced in abundance. The abundances of nannoconids are much lower than those observed in Tethyan sections, indicating higher fertility conditions. Slumpings and low recovery prevent the identification of the onset of the “nannoconid crisis”, but a sharp drop in nannoconid abundances, observed prior to the CM0 interval, correlates with the “nannoconid decline” observed in several Tethys sections.The normalized ratio between low and high fertility taxa (Fertility Index) was used to characterize the nannofossil assemblages in terms of productivity changes. The highest values of the Fertility Index were observed across magnetic chron CM0. The paucity of cold water taxa such as Seribiscutum spp. and Repagulum parvidentatum suggests warm water conditions throughout the deposition of upper Barremian–lower Aptian sediments on the Galicia Margin.  相似文献   

Leping coal is known for its high content of “barkinite”, which is a unique liptinite maceral apparently found only in the Late Permian coals of South China. “Barkinite” has previously identified as suberinite, but on the basis of further investigations, most coal petrologists conclude that “barkinite” is not suberinite, but a distinct maceral. The term “barkinite” was introduced by (State Bureau of Technical Supervision of the People's Republic of China, 1991, GB 12937-91 (in Chinese)), but it has not been recognized by ICCP and has not been accepted internationally.In this paper, elemental analyses (EA), pyrolysis-gas chromatography, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and optical techniques were used to study the optical features and the hydrocarbon-generating model of “barkinite”. The results show that “barkinite” with imbricate structure usually occurs in single or multiple layers or in a circular form, and no definite border exists between the cell walls and fillings, but there exist clear aperture among the cells.“Barkinite” is characterized by fluorescing in relatively high rank coals. At low maturity of 0.60–0.80%Ro, “barkinite” shows strong bright orange–yellow fluorescence, and the fluorescent colors of different cells are inhomogeneous in one sample. As vitrinite reflectance increases up to 0.90%Ro, “barkinite” also displays strong yellow or yellow–brown fluorescence; and most of “barkinite” lose fluorescence at the maturity of 1.20–1.30%Ro. However, most of suberinite types lose fluorescence at a vitrinite reflectance of 0.50% Ro, or at the stage of high volatile C bituminous coal. In particular, the cell walls of “barkinite” usually show red color, whereas the cell fillings show yellow color under transmitted light. This character is contrary to suberinite.“Barkinite” is also characterized by late generation of large amounts of liquid oil, which is different from the early generation of large amounts of liquid hydrocarbon. In addition, “barkinite” with high hydrocarbon generation potential, high elemental hydrogen, and low carbon content. The pyrolysis products of “barkinite” are dominated by aliphatic compounds, followed by low molecular-weight aromatic compounds (benzene, toluene, xylene and naphthalene), and a few isoprenoids. The pyrolysis hydrocarbons of “barkinite” are mostly composed of light oil (C6–C14) and wet gas (C2–C5), and that heavy oil (C15+) and methane (C1) are the minor hydrocarbon.In addition, suberinite is defined only as suberinized cell walls—it does not include the cell fillings, and the cell lumens were empty or filled by corpocollinites, which do not show any fluorescence. Whereas, “barkinite” not only includes the cell walls, but also includes the cell fillings, and the cell fillings show bright yellow fluorescence.Since the optical features and the hydrocarbon-generating model of “barkinite” are quite different from suberinite. We suggest that “barkinite” is a new type of maceral.  相似文献   

The nature of the petrogenetic links between carbonatites and associated silicate rocks is still under discussion (i.e., [Gittins J., Harmer R.E., 2003. Myth and reality of the carbonatite–silicate rock “association”. Period di Mineral. 72, 19–26.]). In the Paleozoic Kola alkaline province (NW Russia), the carbonatites are spatially and temporally associated to ultramafic cumulates (clinopyroxenite, wehrlite and dunite) and alkaline silicate rocks of the ijolite–melteigite series [(Kogarko, 1987), (Kogarko et al., 1995), (Verhulst et al., 2000), (Dunworth and Bell, 2001) and (Woolley, 2003)]. In the small (≈ 20 km2) Vuoriyarvi massif, apatite is typically a liquidus phase during the magmatic evolution and so it can be used to test genetic relationships. Trace elements contents have been obtained for both whole rocks and apatite (by LA-ICP-MS). The apatites define a single continuous chemical evolution marked by an increase in REE and Na (belovite-type of substitution, i.e., 2Ca2+ = Na+ + REE3+). This evolution possibly reflects a fractional crystallisation process of a single batch of isotopically homogeneous, mantle-derived magma.The distribution of REE between apatite and their host carbonatite have been estimated from the apatite composition of a carbonatite vein, belonging to the Neskevara conical-ring-like vein system. This carbonatite vein is tentatively interpreted as a melt. So, the calculated distribution coefficients are close to partition coefficients. Rare earth elements are compatible in apatite (D > 1) with a higher compatibility for the middle REE (DSm : 6.1) than for the light (DLa : 4.1) and the heavy (DYb : 1) REE.  相似文献   

In this work, the recently developed “second-order” self-consistent method [Liu, Y., Ponte Castañeda, P., 2004a. Second-order estimates for the effective behavior and field fluctuations in viscoplastic polycrystals. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 52 467–495] is used to simulate texture evolution in halite polycrystals. This method makes use of a suitably optimized linear comparison polycrystal and has the distinguishing property of being exact to second order in the heterogeneity contrast. The second-order model takes into consideration the effects of hardening and of the evolution of both crystallographic and morphological texture to yield reliable predictions for the macroscopic behavior of the polycrystal. Comparisons of these predictions with full-field numerical simulations [Lebensohn, R.A., Dawson, P.R., Kern, H.M., Wenk, H.R., 2003. Heterogeneous deformation and texture development in halite polycrystals: comparison of different modeling approaches and experimental data. Tectonophysics 370 287–311], as well as with predictions resulting from the earlier “variational” and “tangent” self-consistent models, included here for comparison purposes, provide insight into how the underlying assumptions of the various models affect slip in the grains, and therefore the texture predictions in highly anisotropic and nonlinear polycrystalline materials. The “second-order” self-consistent method, while giving a softer stress-strain response than the corresponding full-field results, predicts a pattern of texture evolution that is not captured by the other homogenization models and that agrees reasonably well with the full-field predictions and with the experimental measures.  相似文献   

Eleven new estimates of heat flow (q) from the southern Altai-Sayan Folded Area (ASFA) have provided update to the heat flow map of Gorny Altai. Measured heat flow in the area varies from 33 to 90 mW/m2, with abnormal values of >70 mW/mq at four sites. The anomalies may have a deep source only at the Aryskan site in the East Sayan (q = 77 mW/m2) while high heat flows of 75–90 mW/m2 obtained for the Mesozoic Belokurikha and Kalguty plutons appear rather to result from high radiogenic heat production in granite, which adds a 25–30 W/m2 radiogenic component to a deep component of 50–60 mW/m2. The latter value is consistent with heat flow estimates derived from helium isotope ratios (54 mW/m2 in both plutons). Heat flow variations at other sites are in the range from 33 to 60 mW/m2. The new data support the earlier inferences of a generally low heat flow over most of ASFA (average of 45–50 mW/m2) and of a “cold” Cenozoic orogeny in the area (except for southeastern ASFA), possibly driven by shear stresses associated with India indentation into Eurasia.  相似文献   

E.A. Hetland  F.T. Wu  J.L Song   《Tectonophysics》2004,386(3-4):157-175
During 1998–1999, we installed a temporary broadband seismic network in the Changbaishan volcanic region, NE China. We estimated crustal structure using teleseismic seismograms collected at the network. We detected a near surface region of strong anisotropy directly under the main volcanic edifice of the volcanic area. We modeled 109 receiver functions from 19 broadband stations using three techniques. First we used a “slant-stacking” method to model the principal crustal P reverberation phases to estimate crustal thickness and the average crustal P to S speed ratio (vp/vs), assuming an average P-wave velocity in the crust. We then estimated crustal S-wave velocity (vs) and vp/vs profiles by modeling stacked receiver functions using a direct search. Finally, we inverted several receiver functions recorded at stations closest to the main volcanic edifice using least squares to estimate vs velocity profiles, assuming a vp/vs value. The results from the three estimation techniques were consistent, and generally we found that the receiver functions constrained estimates of changes in wave speeds better than absolute values. We resolved that the crust is 30–39 km thick under the volcanic region and 28–32 km thick away from the volcanic region, with a midcrust velocity transition at about 10–15 km depth. We estimated that the average crust P-wave velocity is about 6.0–6.2 km/s surrounding the main volcanic region, while it is slightly lower in the vicinity of the main volcanic edifice. The estimates of vp/vs were more ambiguous, but we inferred that the bulk crustal Poisson's ratio (which is related to vp/vs) ranges between 0.20 and 0.30, with a suggestion that the Poisson's ratio is lower under the central volcanic region compared to the surrounding areas. We resolved low S-wave velocities (down to about 3 km/s) in the middle crust in the region of the main volcanic edifice. The low velocity anomaly extends from about 5–10 to 15–25 km below the surface, probably indicating a region of elevated temperatures. We were unable to determine if partial melt is present with the data we considered in this paper.  相似文献   

Marine, organic-rich rock units commonly contain little for vitrinite reflectance (VR0) measurement, the most commoly used method of assessing thermal maturity. This is true of the Lower Jurassic “Nordegg Member”, a type I/II, sulphur-rich source rock from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This study examines the advantages and pitfalls associated with the use of Rock-Eval Tmax and solid bitumen reflectance (BR0) to determined maturity in the “Nordegg”. Vitrinite reflectance data from Cretaceous coals and known coalification gradients in the study area are used to extrapolate VR0 values for the “Nordegg”.Tmax increases non-linearly with respect to both BR0 and extrapolated VR0 values. A sharp increase in the reflectaance of both solid bitumen and vitrinite occurs between Tmax 440–450°C, and is coincident with a pronounced decrease in Hydrogen Index values and the loss of solid bitumen and telalginite fluorescence over the same narrow Tmax interval. This Tmax range is interpreted as the main zone of hydrocarbon generation in the “Nordegg”, and corresponds to extrapolated VR0 values of 0.55–0.85%. The moderate to high sulphur contents in the kerogen played a significant role in determining the boundaries of the “Nordegg” oil window.A linear relationship between BR0 and extrapolated VR0, as proposed elsewhere, is not true for the “Nordegg”. BR0 increases with respect to extrapolated VR0 according to Jacob's (1985) formula (VR0=0.618×(BR0)+0.40) up to VR0≈0.72% (BR0≈0.52%). Beyond this point, BR0 increases sharply relative to extrapolated VR0, according to the relatioship VR0 = 0.277 × (BR0) + 0.57 (R2 = 0.91). The break in the BR0−VR0 curve at 0.72%VR0 is thought to signifiy the peak of hydrocarbon generation and represents a previously unrecognized coalification jump in the solid bitumen analogous to the first coalification jump of liptinites.  相似文献   

Effect of water and stress on the lattice-preferred orientation of olivine   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The influence of water and stress on the lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine aggregates was investigated through large strain, shear deformation experiments at high pressures and temperatures (P = 0.5–2.1 GPa, T = 1470–1570 K) under both water-poor and water-rich conditions. The specimens are hot-pressed synthetic olivine aggregates or single crystals of olivine. Water was supplied to the sample by decomposition of a mixture of talc and brucite. Deformation experiments were conducted up to γ (shear strain)  6 using the Griggs apparatus where water fugacity was up to  13 GPa at the pressure of 2 GPa. The water content in olivine saturated with water increases with increasing pressure and the solubility of water in olivine at P = 0.5–2 GPa was  400–1200 ppm H/Si. Several new types of LPO in olivine are found depending on water content and stress. Samples deformed in water-poor conditions show a conventional LPO of olivine where the olivine [100] axis is subparallel to the shear direction, the (010) plane subparallel to the shear plane (type-A). However, we identified three new types (type-B, C, and E) of LPO of olivine depending on the water content and stress. The type-B LPO of olivine which was found at relatively high stress and/or under moderate to high water content conditions is characterized by the olivine [001] axis subparallel to the shear direction, the (010) plane subparallel to the shear plane. The type-C LPO which was found at low stress and under water-rich conditions is characterized by the olivine [001] axis subparallel to the shear direction, the (100) plane subparallel to the shear plane. The type-E LPO which was found under low stress and moderate water content is characterized by the olivine [100] axis subparallel to the shear direction, the (001) plane subparallel to the shear plane. Observations by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show that the dislocations in water-poor samples (type-A) are curved and both b =  [100] and b = [001] dislocations have a similar population. Numerous subgrains are seen in water-poor samples in backscattered electron images. In contrast, water-rich samples (both type-B and type-C) contain mostly b = [001] dislocations and dislocations are straight and sub-grain boundaries are rare compared to those in water-poor samples. These observations suggest that (1) dominant slip systems in olivine change with water fugacity (and stress) and (2) grain boundary migration is enhanced in the presence of water. Seismic anisotropy corresponding to the fabrics under water-rich condition is significantly different from that under water-poor condition. Consequently, the relationship between seismic anisotropy and flow geometry in water-rich regions is expected to be different from that in water-poor regions in which type-A fabric dominates (i.e., the lithosphere). A few cases are discussed including anisotropy in the subduction zone and in the deep upper mantle.  相似文献   

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