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高速公路建设是广东省的重要基础设施建设。高速公路造价成本高是阻碍高速公路迅速发展的障碍。其中高速公路建设项目承担的不合理的税费负担是对其造价影响的一个重要因素。减轻高速公路建设项目承担的不合理费用,调整高速公路建设项目的税负,是降低高速公路造价成本,加快我省高速公路建设的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

夏津县国土资源局进一步明确责任,规范管理,加快办理德商高速公路(夏津至聊城段)建设项目前期用地报批手续,切实做好高速公路建设用地保障工作,确保夏津县高速公路建设项目依法顺利实施,进一步推进全县经济社会快速发展。  相似文献   

在省重点建设项目京港澳高速公路安阳至新乡段改扩建工程建设中,安阳市文峰区国土资源局指导项目单位采用鹅卵石取代黄土施工建设,既推进了建设项目用地和施工,又确保了耕地质量不降低。  相似文献   

为了保障绥伊高速公路建设项目如期开工,铁力市国土资源局克服重重困难,全力以赴开展征地测量,为大项目建设提供优质服务。  相似文献   

西藏羊八井国家地质公园建设项目即将启动,这个由河南省地质调查院承担建设的项目是由河南省人民政府出资2000万元,对西藏实施的经济和技术的双重援助。  相似文献   

西藏羊八井国家地质公园建设项目即将启动,这个由河南省地质调查院承担建设的项目是由河南省人民政府出资2000万元,对西藏实施的经济和技术的双重援助.  相似文献   

海南州国土资源系统广大干部职工围绕中心、服务大局,面对重点建设项目多、征地拆迁任务繁重的实际,统筹安排,攻坚克难,严格规范征地管理,积极维护被征地群众的合法权益,切实做好征地工作,有力地保障了恰卜恰城北新区、恰卜恰工业发展区、贵德黄河清旅游综合开发项目、共和至玉树高速公路海南段及保障性住房、新能源建设、民生工程等一大批重点建设项目的顺利实施。  相似文献   

王梅  苏梅 《国土资源》2010,(1):28-29
<正>2010年1月11日,辽宁省国土资源厅召开了辽宁省2010年重点基础设施建设征地工作务虚会,邀请了辽宁省发改委、交通厅、水利厅、高速公路建设局、沈阳铁路局、辽宁电力公司等承担国家或辽宁省重点基础设施建设的相关单位  相似文献   

正1月11日,数字漯河地理空间框架建设项目验收暨成果发布推广会在漯河市召开。河南省国土资源厅党组成员,省测绘地理信息局长刘济宝,漯河市副市长徐汇川出席会议并讲话。据悉,数字漯河地理空间框架建设项目由河南省测绘地理信息局和漯河市人民政府合作立项,河南省基础地理信息中心承担建设。项目总投资1210万元,构建了数字漯河地理信息公共平台,并  相似文献   

<正>为更好促进经济社会发展,根据国家统一规划,我省开始大广高速公路的建设,2003年至2004年,南乐县根据省国土资源厅项目建设项目预审意见及南乐县征地范围实地情况,向上级部门报送了南乐段项目建设用地请示,并获得国家发改委、国土部批准,该土地征用及对失地农民的补偿方案均符合国家相关法律法规。2008年高速公路开始建设以来,征地范围内少数村民质疑建设合法性及补偿标准偏低,多次群体上访,成为社会不稳定因素,成为我局社会风险管理的重点对象之一,经过长时间多方面的沟通协调,最终获得信访人理解,消除了社会风险因素。  相似文献   

To meet the challenge of sustainable development, sustainability must be made. Ecological network analysis(ENA) was introduced in this paper as an approach to quantitatively measure the growth, development, and sustainability of an economic system. The Guangdong economic networks from 1987 to 2010 were analyzed by applying the ENA approach. Firstly, a currency flow network among economic sectors was constructed to represent the Guangdong economic system by adapting the input-output(I-O) table data. Then, the network indicators from the ENA framework involving the total system throughput(TST), average mutual information(AMI), ascendency(A), redundancy(R) and development capacity(C) were calculated. Lastly, the network indicators were analyzed to acquire the overall features of Guangdong's economic operations during 1987–2010. The results are as follows: the trends of the network indicators show that the size of the Guangdong economic network grows exponentially at a high rate during 1987–2010, whereas its efficiency does not present a clear trend over its whole period. The growth is the main characteristic of the Guangdong economy during 1987–2010, with no clear evidence regarding its development. The quantitative results of the network also confirmed that the growth contributed to a great majority of the Guangdong economy during 1987–2010, whereas the development's contribution was tiny during the same period. The average value of the sustainability indicator(α) of the Guangdong economic network was 0.222 during 1987–2010, which is less than the theoretically optimal value of 0.37 for a sustainable human-influenced system. The results suggest that the Guangdong economic system needs a further autocatalysis to improve its efficiency to support the system maintaining a sustainable evolvement.  相似文献   

运用1978–2011年的时间序列数据,构建VAR模型对广东省金融发展与渔民收入增长之间的关系进行实证研究。实证结果显示:金融发展规模的扩大提高了渔民收入,而金融发展效率的提高降低了渔民收入。发挥金融发展的普惠效应,缓解农村金融排斥,促进农村金融资源回流,提高金融机构涉渔信贷投资效率,是促进渔民增收的有效途径。  相似文献   

随着广东省海洋经济发展,其无居民海岛利用的深度和广度进一步加大,相关政策的作用开始凸显,但经济效益型无居民海岛无人问津、生态保护型与生态修复型无居民海岛遭严重破坏、海洋权益型无居民海岛亟需保护等问题严重。针对当前现状,政府今后的政策趋势应主要集中在三方面:一是明确产权管理,二是加强执法力度,三是实行分类管理。在制定无居民海岛发展政策时,要结合地方特点并不断探讨、制定与国家层面相配套的地方法规和政策措施,从而推动无居民海岛的可持续发展。  相似文献   

目前,旅游业已经成为国民经济发展中的重要产业,而旅游业的发展需要外部资金的支持,因此,能否吸引外来资金是一个关系旅游业能否可持续发展的重要问题~([1])。本文尝试构建包含经济环境、旅游业发展、区域条件和外部环境4个层面共32个指标的旅游投资环境评价指标体系,运用因子分析法对我国东部沿海十省市的旅游投资环境进行了综合测评与排序。结果显示,广东省旅游投资环境最好,河北的最差。广东省的各项指标值均高于其他省市,说明其投资吸引力最强。而其他省市各有优劣之处,建议在以后的发展中逐渐改善劣势从而达到改善旅游投资环境。  相似文献   

广东吴川吴阳镇是国家级的历史文化名镇,境内历史文物众多.因濒临南海,自古为雷州半岛与外界交往的海洋通道.据考察研究及文物普查,该镇存在着一处古沉船遗址.沉船年代未明,一说为唐宋船,一说为近代外国船.通过民俗、历史地理遗迹调查,结合相关历史文献,论证吴阳古沉船为明代古船的可能性,甚至为17世纪荷兰古沉船.古沉船的历史信息不仅丰富了雷州半岛与域外交往的历史,而且为今后进一步开展雷州半岛航海史考古特别是古沉船考古奠定了文献基础  相似文献   

城市潜能作为城市体系空间相互作用的代表性指标,反映了城市与其所在的城市体系内所有城市间相互作用的强度,即城市所具备的的集聚能力。合理分析城市空间布局及结构、探寻城市发展的空间差异,以及制定区域发展政策日益迫切,研究城市空间相互作用具有重要意义。本文以Globcover数据集提取中国大陆范围内26 619个城市斑块,获取了城市潜能计算时所需的城市斑块规模总量;同时,以DMSP/OLS夜间灯光影像为数据,提取能综合反映人类社会经济活动的城市斑块夜间灯光总强度,参与城市潜能的计算。利用潜能模型,依据城市斑块分层结果,以城市斑块规模和时间成本为参数,计算得到公里格网的城市潜能值模拟分布图,并分析了中国大陆城市潜能的空间分异特征。  相似文献   

2009年7月20日至21日,由广东社会学学会海洋专业委员会发起,广东海洋大学和中国海洋大学联合主办了"中国海洋社会变迁与海洋社会学学科建设学术研讨会"。会议围绕海洋社会学学科建设与深入海洋社会研究的两大主题展开交流与讨论,展现我国社会学学者的海洋关怀与主张,展望了基于田野灵感的经验分析和理论建构的海洋社会学学科研究的操作途径和发展前景。  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO NThe concept ofthecorridorhas a long historyintheur-ban and regionalresearch.Because of itsgreatimpor-tanceand impacts,researchon corridors has receivedgrowing attentionof geographers.Studieshave rangedfrom the theoreticaulnderpinning…  相似文献   

The adjustment of administrative divisions is one of the important factors guiding China’s urbanization, which has profound economic and social effects for regional development. In this paper, we comprehensively describe the process of the adjustment of administrative divisions at provincial and municipal levels in China and summarize the effects on the basic structure and patterns of the spatial development. We quantitatively assess the effects on fields such as urbanization and social economy through the use of multidimensional scaling. The results show that: 1) Upgrading county to municipality (or city-governed district) is the main way of adjusting the administrative divisions. It is also an important factor in the spatial differentiation of interprovincial urbanization. China’s population urbanization can be divided into four patterns including interprovincial migration, provincial migration, natural growth, and growth caused by the adjustment of administrative divisions, which is also the main reason for the increased Chinese urbanization rate at the provincial level. 2) Taking the city of Beijing as an example, we generalize five adjustment patterns made to administrative divisions: the set-up of sub-districts, the set-up of regional offices, the upgrading of townships to sub-districts, the upgrading of townships to towns, and the set-up of towns and the addition of new regional offices. We summarize the municipal urban spatial structure, including the sub-district office area in the central urban area, the regional office area in the new urban area, the mixed area of villages, towns, and sub-district offices in the suburb area, and the township area in the outer suburb area. 3) The adjustment of administrative divisions triggers a significant circulative accumulation effect, resulting in the spatial locking of population and industrial agglomeration. It affects the evolution of the urban spatial form and plays an important role in shaping the urban spatial structure to move to the characteristic of multicenter. In general, the adjustment of administrative divisions was an important factor affecting the inflated statistical level of urbanization and also an important driving force for the evolution of Chinese urban spatial organization structure.  相似文献   

Applicability and prospect of China’s development zone model in Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Development zones have been an important spatial approach to promoting economic development since China's reform and opening-up. They have also been major contributors to the processes of China's industrialization and urbanization. Along with improvements in the worldwide industrial division of labor and the gradual implementation of China's development zones' Go Global strategy, it is necessary for Africa, a hot spot of global industrialization in recent years, to learn from China's development zone model. By attracting China's capital, technology and enterprises to Africa via Sino-African co-built development zones, a pattern of high complementarity and mutual development between China and Africa can be formed which does favor further improvement of the global industrial division of labor. In order to study the applicability and prospect of China's development zone model in Africa as per the above-mentioned international situation, this paper first sorts out the development course of China's development zones and discusses their roles in China's industrialization and urbanization. Subsequently, this paper analyzes the status quo of industrial development in Africa as a whole and the differences in industrial development between China and Africa, aiming to justify the timing of industrial transfer from China to Africa by constructing Sino-African co-built development zones. Lastly, this paper analyzes the current situation of six Sino-African co-built development zones by focusing on their operation modes, industry types and investment promotion models. In the authors' view, Sino-African co-built development zones can function as a new window of China-African cooperation, a new carrier of African industrialization, and a new engine of global industrial restructuring. China should adhere to the general principles of ‘Sino-African Integration, Multi-Cooperation, Mutual Benefit, Scientific Location, Systematic Planning, Cluster Growth and Open Development' in the planning and construction of development zones in Africa, effectively promoting Africa as the very important part of the global industry system.  相似文献   

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