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通过有机分子合成,矿物特性、相关地质作用的研究,可以认为,矿物质在导致生命演化的基本化学反应过程中起着关键性作用,地幔流体与地壳中的对流热液是生命产出过程的重要舞台,整个岩石圈对生命的产出是个必不可少的因素,在远古地球环境中,适当的水,大气、岩矿及物化组合,一定能够引发高分子化合物的产生甚至是生命的诞生,为了揭开生命起源的奥秘,一方面要对远古环境进行充分的研究,正确了解生命产生的初始环境;另一方面,要通过实验模拟,找出恰当的水、气、岩矿及物化条件组合。  相似文献   

生物圈是地球系统中唯一具有生命活动的圈层,生物圈及其与各圈层之间的相互作用对地球环境变化起着巨大的推动作用。因此,有关生命过程与地球环境相互关系的知识对于人类理解地球系统以及利用地圈、水圈和大气圈资源至关重要。地球环境与生命过程研究的内涵就是研究地球环境与生命过程相互作用中的各种化学、物理、生物过程,以及其在地圈、水圈、大气圈、生物圈各子系统之间发生的相互作用,增进对地球系统的理解和认识,区分人类活动与自然过程在全球变化中的作用,评估气候与环境变化对生命过程的影响及其反馈作用,揭示生命过程对于地球环境的适应性及其调控机理,为科学地管理地球,确保地球系统的可持续发展提供依据。其核心目标就是通过理解生命过程与地球环境相互作用的过程,评估人类对自然平衡和自然循环造成的影响,进而实施地球管理,确保地球生命支持系统的可持续发展。基于当前地球系统科学研究前沿,提出了未来关于地球环境与生命过程研究需 要重视的方面,尤其是关于生态系统对全球变化响应的阈值研究应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

影响钻探设备寿命长短的因素,不仅是钻探设备的自然寿命问题,更重要的是钻探设备的技术寿命和经济寿命问题。自然寿命是设备更新的基础,技术寿命和经济寿命是设备改造与更新的核心。钻探设备一次性投入费用与年度维持费的总和达到最小值为设备更新的最佳方案。通过计算可确定钻探设备的最佳更新期。   相似文献   

地球早期生命的个体极其微小,又因遭受了漫长地质年代中各种地质作用的破坏,现今保存下来的生命记录往往不完整,很难用常规分析手段对其进行原位分析.而纳米离子探针(Nano-SIMS)具有极高的空间分辨率,在使用Cs+一次离子源来获得非金属元素或同位素信息的条件下,其空间分辨率可达到50 nm,能有效地解决在地球早期生命研究中所面临的难题.基于选取的5个实例,介绍了NanoSIMS在寻找地球早期生命中发挥的重要作用.通过NanoSIMS获得的生命元素(C,N,S等)分布图像能够直观地观察到生命元素在待研究区域内的分布情况,在排除了无机成因的前提下,C,N,S等生命元素所呈现出的紧密联系可以用来指示生物成因;而获得的微区原位的C,S等同位素信息能够进一步帮助判断所谓的“生物体”或“生物遗迹构造”等是否是真正的生物或由生物活动造成的.  相似文献   

介绍并探讨了人类运用天文学、深空探测及计算机模拟与统计等多种方法和手段在太阳系内的地外天体及太阳系外的类地行星上寻找地外生命的进展,如:美国航空航天局及欧空局的一系列探测器都发现火星土壤略呈碱性可能适宜生命的存在,火星大气正在不断释放可能由火星地质或生物作用产生的甲烷;表面为巨厚的水冰覆盖的木卫二如果内部炽热,则极有可能存在生命;而土卫六则非常类似现代生命起源理论中生命起源时的原始地球。对彗星的撞击探测结果表明,其内部存在着有机物和黏土矿物,可能给早期原始地球带来了有机物甚至生命;对太阳系外的射电天文观测则发现了仅银河系中就有无数的类地行星。不仅如此,"寻找地外智慧生命"计划还试图通过倾听地外智慧生命的通讯信号和主动发射地球人类的通讯信号以和地外智慧生命取得联系。美国航空航天局发射了带有地球位置及生命信息的太阳系外探测器,也做出了类似的努力。从取得的探测结果和重要发现来看,地外可能存在着适宜生命产生及演化的条件,这使我们看到了寻找地外生命的新曙光。但囿于对地外生命形式认识的缺乏和深空探测技术的限制,目前想要找到它们还是个极其艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

This paper uses a geographic perspective in discussing the social inequalities in health between men and women in southern Africa. Keeping in mind the reality of data scarcity that show male and female differences in mortality, this paper uses life expectancy data to illustrate the widening gender inequalities in access to health. The analysis in the paper addresses two main objectives. First, the paper reviews the literature on the underlying factors behind the presence of drastic differences between male and female life expectancies. Secondly, the paper examines in greater detail the trends and geographical patterns in life expectancy in southern African countries, particularly the reversal of life expectancy in favor of men during the past 30?years or so. The results of the analysis show a worrisome trend in life expectancies with regard to gender. The advantage in life expectancy that females had over men before 1980 has all but disappeared during the past 25?years. To make matters worse, life expectancy declined dramatically for both males and females, and in some cases the declines were more than 10?years. Women experienced greater declines in life expectancy lowering them to below those of men, a condition contrary to what existed before the 1980s. The upsurge in HIV infections and the attendant high female mortality rates as well as other factors have combined to result in the unequal gender realities in as far as life expectancies are concerned in the countries of southern Africa.  相似文献   

刘荒田散文小品展示出对理性化、程序化日常生活的认同。但他并不就此屈服于日常生活的枯燥、乏味。他指出,在被规范化的日常社会中发挥自由的意志,保持心灵的自在状态,这是使生命丰富、使人避免个性丧失的最好方式。用创造、用激情赋予生命以意义,让生命中的每一个看似平淡的细节都充满诗意,这是刘荒田散文中所透露出的生存哲学。  相似文献   

温度与侵蚀对沥青混凝土冻融疲劳寿命的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了提高盐渍土地区沥青路面的疲劳性能, 对SBS改性沥青混凝土进行了清水与饱和氯盐溶液的冻融劈裂疲劳试验, 研究了温度与氯盐侵蚀共同作用下, 沥青混凝土冻融疲劳寿命衰减规律. 结果表明: 温度与氯盐侵蚀是影响沥青混凝土冻融疲劳寿命的重要因素. 当冻融次数相同时, 沥青混凝土冻融疲劳寿命随冻融温度降低而不断减小; 当冻融温度相同时, 其冻融疲劳寿命随冻融次数增加而不断减小. 饱和氯盐溶液中沥青混凝土冻融疲劳寿命明显低于清水条件, 说明氯盐能够加速沥青混凝土冻融疲劳寿命衰减, 冻融温度越低, 盐冻破坏越严重. 通过对试验数据回归分析可知, 沥青混凝土冻融疲劳寿命与冻融循环次数之间具有较好的相关性, 可以利用两者之间的指数函数关系来预测沥青混凝土冻融疲劳寿命.  相似文献   

关岭生物群的生活环境   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
王尚彦  王宁 《贵州地质》2002,19(4):240-241
产于贵州省关岭县新铺乡附近晚三叠世早期地层瓦窑组下部的关岭生物群科学意义重大、观赏性极好、生活环境独特。岩相古地理分析其生活环境为海湾。沉积和古生态特征显示生活环境水体平静。  相似文献   

Life was limited for most of Earth's history, remaining at a primitive stage and mostly marine until about 0.55 Ga. In the Paleozoic, life eventually exploded and colonized the continental realm. Why had there been such a long period of delayed evolution of life? Early life was dominated by Archaea and Bacteria,which can survive ionizing radiation better than other organisms. The magnetic field preserves the atmosphere, which is the main shield of UV radiation. We explore the hypothesis that the Cambrian explosion of life could have been enabled by the increase of the magnetic field dipole intensity due to the solidification of the inner core, caused by the cooling of the Earth, and the concomitant decrease with time of the high-energy solar flux since the birth of the solar system. Therefore, the two phenomena could be responsible for the growth and thickening of the atmosphere and the development of land surface life.  相似文献   

动荷载作用下水泥土的疲劳寿命分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张敏霞  徐平  简文彬 《岩土力学》2010,31(4):1264-1268
采用荷载控制、非对称正弦波动荷载对水泥土进行疲劳载荷试验。在动荷载的作用下,水泥土表现为低应力性破裂特征。通过试验结果分析,提出水泥土应力空间的疲劳破坏准则,建立了水泥土3参数幂函数疲劳寿命模型。分析了影响水泥土疲劳寿命的主要因素,结果表明:动荷载应力水平越高,水泥土的疲劳寿命越短,反之越长;水泥土的龄期越长、水泥掺合比越大,水泥土的疲劳寿命越长。  相似文献   

全长粘结式预应力锚索锈胀开裂时服务年限研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洪海春  徐卫亚 《岩土力学》2008,29(4):949-953
将全长粘结式预应力锚索注浆体受到的环向应力,考虑为预应力引起的注浆体环向拉应力和锚索体对注浆体的锈胀力共同作用,推导出锚索体均匀锈蚀导致注浆体开裂时的极限增长量计算公式。在前人研究成果基础上,得出了水利水电工程高边坡的预应力锚索开裂时服务年限的估算表达式。最后,结合2 000 kN预应力锚索,探讨了与服务年限相关的4个影响因素及其相对重要性:预应力对服务年限最不敏感,随着预应力的增加,服务年限逐渐减小,曲线呈线性函数关系;锚索体直径要相对敏感得多,随着锚索体直径的增加,服务年限逐渐增加,曲线的斜率逐渐稍微变陡;然后是握裹层厚度,随着握裹层厚度的增加,服务年限也逐渐增加,曲线的斜率逐渐稍微变陡;最敏感的是注浆体抗压强度,随着抗压强度的增加,服务年限逐渐增加,曲线的斜率也逐渐稍微变陡。  相似文献   

河流健康生命评价指标体系的构建   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
高永胜  王浩  王芳 《水科学进展》2007,18(2):252-257
维持河流健康生命,实现人水和谐是我国新时期治河目标。在探讨河流健康生命内涵的基础上,构建了河流健康生命评价指标体系。该评价体系既考虑了人类社会需求的满足程度,又考虑了维持河流自身生命的需要,从生态学、河流地貌学、经济学、河流动力学等多学科综合角度,构建了分层次分类别反映河流结构和河流功能的16个具体指标,并明确相应指标的意义及确定方法,最后选择分层次二元对比专家分析法确定指标权重。  相似文献   

Increasing urbanisation and the growth of urban areas in cities in developing countries present major challenges for local governments, policy makers and urban planners even though the phenomenon offers opportunities. Studies focusing on the quality of life (QoL) help in assessing objectively, urban conditions which inform urban policy and planning. Using Kumasi as a case study, this paper investigates the relationship between quality of life and socio-economic characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, educational background, household income and housing type. To this end, the paper uses data from 500 households to examine the relationship between urban dwellers socio-economic characteristics and quality of life index in Kumasi. Findings indicated that objective QoL varied considerably with some of the socio-economic variables (household income and housing type) in the study area and these variables contributed significantly to the objective quality of life in Kumasi. The paper concludes that there are six (6) dimension of quality of life in Kumasi.  相似文献   

The origin of life on Earth remains enigmatic with diverse models and debates.Here we discuss essential requirements for the first emergence of life on our planet and propose the following nine requirements:(1)an energy source(ionizing radiation and thermal energy);(2)a supply of nutrients(P.K.REE.etc.);(3)a supply of life-constituting major elements;(4)a high concentration of reduced gases such as CH_4,HCN and NH_3;(5)dry-wet cycles to create membranes and polymerize RNA;(6)a non-toxic aqueous environment;(7)Na-poor water;(8)highly diversified environments,and(9)cyclic conditions,such as dayto-night,hot-to-cold etc.Based on these nine requirements,we evaluate previously proposed locations for the origin of Earth's life,including:(1)Darwin's "warm little pond",leading to a "prebiotic soup" for life;(2)panspermia or Neo-panspermia(succession model of panspermia);(3)transportation from/through Mars;(4)a deepsea hydrothermal system;(5)an on-land subduct ion-zone hot spring,and(6)a geyser systems driven by a natural nuclear reactor.We conclude that location(6)is the most ideal candidate for the o rigin point for Earth's life because of its efficiency in continuously supplying both the energy and the necessary materials for life,thereby maintaining the essential "cradle" for its initial development.We also emphasize that falsifiable working hypothesis provides an important tool to evaluate one of the biggest mysteries of the universe-the origin of life.  相似文献   

Political culture is an attractive concept to characterize the specific preferences regarding politics in different political communities. However, it is a blurred concept because of the confusion between patterns of individual values and collective culture at the one hand, and the disputable separation between orientations and practices at the other hand. This contribution explores the potential of Cultural Theory, also called the Theory of Sociocultural Viability, to analyze political culture. This theory postulates the existence of four viable ways of life, which are patterns of social interactions and rationalizations reinforcing each other. Each way of life offers a partial explanation of reality and therefore reaches out for cultural allies who can compensate for its weakness. Such an alliance, generally between two ways of life, can be quite stable and therefore determines to a large degree the nature and the stability of the political institutions of a country. The political culture of a political community can be characterized by the proportion of adherents of each way of life (its regime), and by the predominant alliance of two ways of life.  相似文献   

The Holdridge life zone system has already been used a number of times for analysing the effects of climate change on vegetation. But a criticism against the method was formulated that it cannot interpret the ecotones (e.g. forest steppe). Thus, in this paper transitional life zones were also determined in the model. Then, both the original and modified life zone systems were applied for the climatic fields of database CRU TS 1.2. Life zone maps were defined in the Carpathian Region (43.5–50.5° N, 15.5–28° E) for each of five 20-year periods between 1901 and 2000. We estimated correctness of the result maps with another vegetation map using Cohen’s Kappa statistic. Finally, temporal changes in horizontal and vertical distribution of life zones were investigated. The coverage of boreal region decreased with 59.46% during the last century, while the warm temperate region became almost two and a half larger (257.36%). The mean centres of those life zones, which were not related to mountains, shifted northward during the investigation period. In case of the most abundant life zone types, the average distribution elevation increased. Using the modified model, the potential distribution of forest steppe could be also identified.  相似文献   

Algae is an informal term used to describe a broad group of simple organisms from the plant kingdom. The organisms included within this grouping are aquatic photosynthetic biota with an extensive range of life habits and forms. These organisms range from micron-sized unicellular forms to giant seaweeds and kelps, which can grow to several metres long. Both benthic and planktonic modes of life are known and display a wide variety of life cycles.  相似文献   

基于幸福生活预期评价黑河流域各地社会发展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
个体的福利可以反映其需求的满足程度,一个地区居民的总体福利可以反映该地满足居民需求的能力大小.通过调查问卷可以测量个体的幸福指数,将地区内所有居民的幸福指数加总平均,即可得出当地的国民幸福指数,国民幸福指数与居民出生时的预期寿命结合,可以得到反映该地居民能幸福生活多久的指标:幸福生活预期.幸福生活预期能更全面地反映地区...  相似文献   

通过使用Butler旅游地生命周期理论,以兴文石海世界地质公园开发最早园区一石海洞乡为研究对象,对景区进行旅游地生命周期划分。同时结合问卷调查数据分析影响该旅游地生命周期演变的主、次因素,以及两者在各阶段的具体演化对旅游地发展的作用,阐明景区主导因素演变机制。研究认为石海洞乡经历了探索期、参与期,现阶段处于发展期,其主导因素分别为:探索期为当地群众,参与期为上级政府、高层官员与专家学者,发展期为当地政府与投资企业。  相似文献   

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