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从长三角城市群看上海全球城市建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
概观当代城市发展的趋势,全球化促进了全球城市发展,区域化正在形成巨型城市区域,地方化使城市集群各具特色.长江三角洲城镇群在我国具有特别重要的地位与作用,也是中国融入全球化进程的首要全球区.该区域城市群发展应该顺应这些潮流,发展全球城市,建设巨型城市区,组建网络城市,规划走廊城市.上海是长江三角洲乃至中国正在崛起的全球城市,从国际资本流、国际贸易、跨国公司总部、金融业及高级生产性服务业、国际交通通讯信息平台等方面看,上海的全球城市已具雏形,但与世界主要全球城市相比差距仍然较大.从长江三角洲城市群发展看,上海全球城市建设必须面临相应的城市转型,主要包括产业结构重构和转移、社会结构转型、城市空间扩展和城市功能的重塑.  相似文献   

"数字上海"的研究与构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着信息化时代的到来和"数字地球"的提出,"数字城市"得到了越来越多的关注。而针对每个省市又有具有各自特点的信息化体系。上海作为国际大都市,其信息化水平占有越来越重要的地位。文章在"数字地球"和"数字城市"的基础上,对"数字上海"的基本概念进行简单总结和论述,提出了"数字上海"的研究目标和研究内容,并对"数字上海"的关键技术进行了论述,最后设计了"数字上海"总体框架模型。希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

据《中国社会发展研究报告》课题组负责人、中国人民大学区域经济研究所张敦富研究员介绍,他们根据我国目前城市的空间区位优势、对外开放程度、人才技术富集程度、国际贸易现状水平等,提出以五大国际城市、五大核心城市为主,多层次推进我国城乡建设现代化。经过 30— 40年的努力,使我国城乡建设达到中等发展国家水平。 香港、广州、上海、北京、大连为五大国际性城市,率先实现现代化。按照国际化城市标准,规划基础设施和生活设施,重点是强化其经济、 社会和文化服务功能,其设施建设应超前 5年以上,并注重与国际化城市建设接轨。 …  相似文献   

全球化与重建国家城市体系设想   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:18  
顾朝林  陈璐  丁睿  李震  代媚媚 《地理科学》2005,25(6):641-654
中国城市体系在城市化发展过程中为国家创造和聚集了巨大的物质和精神财富,尤其改革开放以来,国家城市体系发展很快。“十一五”期间,中国要参与经济全球化,并在国际经济中占有相对重要的地位,国家城市体系建设具有特别重要的意义。从全球化影响入手,就国家城市体系重建,例如城市体系发展战略、城市等级规模分布、城市体系功能重组、城市体系空间格局以及城市体系支撑系统进行研究。  相似文献   

蔡人群 《热带地理》1997,17(2):101-107
中国改革开放以来,香港、澳门与珠江三角洲之间已逐渐形成一个联系密切、优势互补的经济区域。本文分析了该经济区的形成条件及其在中国、亚洲的地位和作用。并建议开展全经济区协调性规划,处理好区内经济分工,香港、澳门与珠三角主要城市的协调发展,并建设统一的区域性基础设施,使经济区发展更上一层楼。  相似文献   

江浙沪主要中心城市对外经济联系的测度分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
城市是一个开放的系统,城市的发展离不开与其它城市和区域的相互联系。本文借助区域间相互作用的引 力模型,从节点分析、线路分析以及经济联系强度等方面对江浙沪主要中心城市对外经济联系状况进行实际测度, 定量分析其对外经济联系的空间结构等级层次性特征。结果表明:江浙沪主要中心城市对外经济联系不断增强,区 域差异明显,并且表现出按照一定的轴线发生联系,这种轴线的方向和路径具有一定规律性;上海对江浙中心城市 的经济联系强度大,并呈现距离衰减规律,形成圈层结构分异;苏锡常经济圈内部经济联系紧密,南京和杭州对外 经济联系不强,中心地位亟待提高;交通是宁波对外经济联系的最主要障碍。总之,江浙沪主要中心城市经济发展 水平是其对外经济联系的前提条件,而加快交通建设,特别是高速公路的建设,是加快经济发展的关键,也是加强 区域间经济联系的主要手段之一,当然这还与距离、行政区划和历史等因素有关。  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了价值链与全球生产系统的研究进展,结合跨国公司最新发展趋势对全球生产系统特征进行了总结;其次以改革开放以来上海对外贸易结构的改变,描述了90年代以来上海在全球生产系统分工中的变化,认为出口产品结构的转型并没有真正改变上海在国际劳动分工中处于低端环节的地位;最后就上海建设世界城市的差距与优势进行了总结,提出全球化发展的外部力量和地方化响应的内部力量将是上海发展世界城市的两个重要驱动力。  相似文献   

CEPA是内地与香港经贸关系上的一个重要文件,对双方经济发展具有重大影响。CEPA将掀起香港的再次工业化,特别是高新技术产业将有较大的发展;CEPA也会加快香港现代服务业的扩散。本文着重在CEPA框架下,探讨上海经济所受的影响。从宏观角度,CEPA对上海经济发展的机遇大于挑战。从微观角度,文中分析了CEPA对上海的货物贸易和关税、制造业、以及现代服务业发展的影响。2004沪港贸易总额将达16700亿元,但关税损失仅3000万元,关税的损失微乎其微。香港的再次工业化会对上海的生物医药和微电子产业带来一定影响,但不会受到致命的冲击。香港的现代服务业外溢正是上海翘首以盼的,因为这可以振兴正处于低谷的上海服务业,也可为上海应对WTO构筑一个热身平台。因此上海应抢占CEPA先机,主动对接香港,促进现代化服务业大发展。  相似文献   

全球城市区域是21世纪前后的一种重要经济地理现象,并已经成为世界各地区域经济增长的动力。将长江三角洲作为全球城市区域研究对象,重点关注以国际城市上海为核心的外围二级城市,提出全球城市区域二级城市的概念特征,认为苏州、杭州、南京、无锡、宁波可以界定为二级城市。参考国内外典型国际城市及二级城市的发展经验案例,对长三角全球城市区域二级城市的产业功能进行深入分析,相对发达成熟的制造业和趋于优化提升的服务业是其重要特征。以杭州为例,基于城市国际化战略目标的实施,探索其制造业与服务业的发展路径,进而提出产业转型升级和城市功能提升的策略措施。  相似文献   

中国三大都会经济区的演变及其发展战略   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10  
薛凤旋  蔡建明 《地理研究》2003,22(5):531-540
我国沿海地区特别是主要入海河流的三角洲上的城市,乃近代发展最迅速的城市。1978年改革开放以来,全球经济一体化更为这些城市注入了新的动力。围绕着北京、上海和香港等核心城市,近年来已形成三个不同程度的外向型都会经济区。过往20年来,它们在外贸、外资、经济发展及城市化速度方面均领先全国。因此对这些都会经济区的功能特点和形成机制进行研究,是我国区域发展规划的重要前提。同时都会经济区亦是我国城市化二元体中有关大城市群或都市连绵带式的城市化的重要内容  相似文献   

This study examines the spatiality of interlocking directorates of Canadian companies, with particular emphasis given to international interlocks. From a geographical standpoint, do these connections to foreign firms reinforce the importance of Canada’s top corporate cities as ‘gateways’ to international business? Is there a geography associated with the interlocking to these gateway cities? Findings build on James O. Wheeler’s body of research focused on corporate headquarters. This study is placed within the context of the current economic geography dialogue. Particular focus is placed on Saxenian’s theory of brain circulation, wherein she argues that individuals with international experience serve as brokers linking domestic businesses with those in distant regions. A further purpose of this study then is to examine Saxenian’s argument in the context of Canadian corporations. First, is there a geographical association between directors’ foreign educations and where Canadian firms are interlocked to internationally? Second, the corporate performance of Canadian firms interlocked internationally will be measured against those firms that are not. It seems logical to assume that increased connections would yield more diverse and rich knowledge, which could lead to better decisions, and thus corporate performance, in today’s global world. But does it? This study finds that being linked to an international company through a common director did translate into more profitability for Canadian firms. Findings also revealed a geographical link between international interlocks and a director’s foreign education. However, when Canadian firms were interlocked with an international company with a director who had international education, greater profits did not necessarily result.  相似文献   


Globalisation, supply–demand dynamics, uneven development, enhanced connectivity including the better flow of information, communication and the reduced cost of travel have encouraged the global integration of nursing labour markets. Developed regions of the world have attracted internationally educated nurses (IENs) because of growing healthcare needs. India, along with the Philippines, has become a key supplier of nurses in the global economy. Traditionally the supply of nurses was heavily regionalised in south India, especially Kerala, but of late Punjab, in north India, has played an increasing role in nurse training and migration as the profession has become more respected and more international. This paper uses survey and interview data to detail the recent interest in nursing as a channel for independent female international migration from Punjab, and to examine how migratory ambitions have developed over the last decade in parallel with the changing status of nursing as an internationally respected profession. We identify growing interest in international migration for nursing students and their increased intention to pursue employment opportunities in Australia and New Zealand. This research highlights how nursing and care migration are increasingly structured by international circuits of training and employment, and how such circuits alter migrant and occupational geographies on the ground in sending regions.  相似文献   

地理尺度转换若干问题的初步探讨   总被引:69,自引:18,他引:51  
大量研究证实,地理学研究对象格局与过程及其时空特征均是尺度依存的,随着研究工作的不断深入,尺度问题越来越展示出其重要性。针对地理学各个分支学科都不同程度存在诸如概念模糊、转换模式不统一、转换效果评价缺乏客观标准等与尺度相关问题,本文对一些有关尺度转换的议题进行了探讨。在评述了尺度及其转换研究的地理学意义后,着重阐述了地理学尺度研究理论框架的内容和对象,提出了地理科学中需要解决的10个关键尺度问题,并给出了初步的解决方案。  相似文献   

How can the apparently growing frequency and cost of environmental hazards be explained? Drawing on a range of examples, and especially the Canterbury earthquakes, it is argued that the creation of knowledge about these events depends on the interplay of lived and historical experience with scientific awareness. But often the vulnerability of places to particular events is obscured by popular use of the terms ‘natural hazard’ or ‘natural disaster’, as if human behaviour is absolved from any responsibility. It is shown how such thinking often increases the extent of the hazard, so that although we do not cause earthquakes, floods and bushfires, we are implicated and complicit in the outcomes.  相似文献   

A healthy food environment is an important component in helping people access and maintain healthy diets, which may reduce the prevalence of chronic disease. With few exceptions, studies on healthy food access in urban regions typically ignore how time of day impacts access to food. Similarly, most extant research ignores the complexities of accounting for the role of transportation in spatial access. Examining healthy food access is important, especially for populations whose day-to-day schedules do not align with a typical work schedule. This study profiles novel methods that can be used to examine the daily dynamics of food access in Toronto, Ontario, using grocery stores as a case study to examine the changing geographies of food access over a 24-h period, and the impact of a changing public transit schedule on food access. Walking and automobile travel times are also reported. Results indicate that access to grocery stores is severely diminished for large parts of the city in the late night and early morning, and that public transit travel times are higher and more variable in the early morning hours. Ultimately, this research demonstrates the need for further study on how residents with nonconventional schedules experience, and are affected by, the dynamic food and transportation environments. Future research should build upon the methods presented here to include a broader range of food retailers.  相似文献   

贫穷VS.环境:从红绿冲突到红绿愿景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第三次地球高峰会已于南非约翰内斯堡落幕,此国际盛事的主题为“环境”与“贫穷”,然而对照第二次地球高峰会所制颁的“21世纪议程”,我们不禁感叹人类对于解决问题的努力不仅是步履蹒跚,更似乎是有退无进。但或许我们更应该问的是,究竟什么才是造成环境与贫穷问题的根源?基于这样的提问,本文试图从贫穷的社会与环境投射切入,探讨必须解决的三个主要歧见(谁来出钱?基金应如何调度运用?技术转移及智能财产权的问题应如何处理?)。然后从全球化的趋势,本文尝试解读不同面向与尺度的极化效应,最后提出二个谈判桌外的解决之径:取径绿色资本主义、取径地方创新。  相似文献   

The paper deals with land use changes in semi arid Burkina Faso, specifically the issue of field encroachment on extensively used land. Some theoretical perspectives of field expansions in agricultural production systems characterised by crop-livestock interaction are discussed with reference to Boserup's theories on intensification. The empirical part provides documentation for the land use patterns and practices, based on aerial photos from 1978 and 1994 and village surveys. Answers are sought to some of the key questions presented by the ‘land use land cover change community’, i.e.: how has ‘land cover been changed by human land use?’—how do immediate human and biophysical dynamics affect the sustainability of specific types of land uses?—and how do land uses and land covers affect the vulnerability of land users in the face of change? Based on the findings, the paper proposes the notion of the expansion dilemma which questions the theory that agricultural expansion should always be perceived as a forerunner of intensification.  相似文献   

In view of a globalizing marketplace and the continual need for market intelligence, firms seek venues in which to access cost effective, functional information. Significant sources of such knowledge, especially in tacit form, can be found within temporary clusters: international trade fairs. This article explores how firms in the solar photovoltaic (PV) industry use educational programs held during a trade fair as a means of information acquisition and exchange, providing a new angle to research on the economic geographies of these events, especially in terms of learning processes. Specifically, it analyzes how firms use educational programs to access remote knowledge (i.e., tacit information unavailable in a local context) in these temporary, spatially confined environments. Analyses of firm-level survey data gathered at a recent solar industry trade fair revealed that there is a significant effect of educational program participation on accessing remote knowledge. The results provide evidence that firms participate in trade fair educational programs to access remote knowledge that is critical to international success. Key Words: educational programs, knowledge exchange, remote knowledge, trade fairs.  相似文献   

The changing contexts in the drylands of Africa in which pastoralists operate pose potential negative effects for the livelihood sustenance of pastoralists. We examined present livelihood adaptations among Afar pastoralists in north eastern Ethiopia through a household survey. With an average per capita income of 1.20 USD a day (PPP-adjusted in 2006), all households surveyed in the study area fall below the international 2 USD a day poverty line. Most Afar pastoralists have become increasingly involved in farming and non-farming/non-pastoral activities, but do not display a total detachment from traditional mobile herding. Pastoral households are still less likely to diversify their livelihoods, while semi-pastoral and agro-pastoral households keep livestock more as an additional insurance against failure in other livelihood activities such as farming. This indicates combining livestock production and farming has improved or at least constrained declines in livelihood outcomes. Our quantitative findings are congruent with the general patterns of pastoral livelihood contraction occurring in the region even if a substantial group of pastoralists continue to engage in keeping livestock. These findings are highly relevant in a management context, suggesting more encompassing, and locally adapted policy and development strategy rather than a wholesale abandonment of support to pastoral livelihood styles.  相似文献   

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