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We have obtained U - and R -band observations of the depletion of background galaxies resulting from the gravitational lensing of the galaxy cluster CL0024+1654 ( z =0.39). The radial depletion curves show a significant depletion in both bands within a radius of 40–70 arcsec from the cluster centre. This is the first time that depletion is detected in the U band. This gives independent evidence for a break in the slope of the U -band luminosity function at faint magnitudes. The radially averaged R -band depletion curve is broader and deeper than in the U band. The differences can be attributed to the wavelength dependence of the slope of the luminosity function and to the different redshift distribution of the objects probed in the two bands. We estimate the Einstein radius, r E, of a singular isothermal sphere lens model using maximum-likelihood analysis. Adopting a slope of the number counts of α =0.2 and using the background density found beyond r =150 arcsec, we find r E=17±3 and 25±3 arcsec in the U and R bands, respectively. When combined with the redshift of the single background galaxy at z =1.675 seen as four giant arcs around 30 arcsec from the cluster centre, these values indicate a median redshift in the range 〈 z S〉≈0.7 to 1.1 for the U AB≥24 mag and R AB≥24 mag populations.  相似文献   

We present evidence for a new morphologically defined form of small-scale substructure in the Coma cluster, which we call galaxy aggregates. Aggregates are dominated by a central galaxy, which is on average 5 mag brighter than the smaller aggregate members, nearly all of which lie to one side of the central galaxy. We have found three such galaxy aggregates: two dominated by the S0 galaxies RB 55 and RB 60, and one by the starbursting SBb NGC 4858.   RB 55 and 60 are both equidistant between the two dominant D galaxies NGC 4874 and 4889, while NGC 4858 is located near the large E0 galaxy NGC 4860. All three central galaxies have redshifts consistent with Coma cluster membership. We describe the spatial structures of these unique objects, and suggest several possible mechanisms to explain their origin. These include: chance superpositions from background galaxies, interactions between other galaxies and with the cluster gravitational potential, and ram pressure. We conclude that the most probable scenario of creation is an interaction with the cluster through its gravitational potential.  相似文献   

We present the results of a 22-cm radio survey carried out with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) covering the A3558 complex, a chain formed by the merging ACO clusters A3556–A3558–A3562 and the two groups SC 1327−312 and SC 1323−313, located in the central region of the Shapley Concentration. The purpose of our survey is to study the effects of cluster mergers on the statistical properties of radio galaxies and to investigate the connection between mergers and the presence of radio haloes and relic sources.
We found that the radio source counts in the A3558 complex are consistent with the background source counts. The much higher optical density compared with the background is not reflected as a higher density of radio sources. Furthermore, we found that no correlation exists between the local density and the radio source power, and that steep-spectrum radio galaxies are not segregated in denser optical regions.
The radio luminosity function for elliptical and S0 galaxies is significantly lower than for cluster early-type galaxies and for those not selected to be in clusters at radio powers log  P 1.4≳22.5, implying that the probability of a galaxy becoming a radio source above this power limit is lower in the Shapley Concentration compared with any other environment. Possible explanations will be presented.
The detection of a head–tail source in the centre of A3562, coupled with careful inspection of the 20-cm NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) and of 36-cm MOST observations, allowed us to spot two extended sources in the region between A3562 and SC 1329−313, i.e. a candidate radio halo at the centre of A3562 and low brightness extended emission around a 14.96-mag Shapley galaxy. The relation between these two extended galaxies and the ongoing group merger in this region of the Shapley Concentration are discussed.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of the morphology of the dwarf galaxy population in Abell 868, a rich, intermediate-redshift     cluster which has a galaxy luminosity function (LF) with a steep faint-end slope     . A statistical background subtraction method is employed to study the     colour distribution of the cluster galaxies. This distribution suggests that the galaxies contributing to the faint-end of the measured cluster LF can be split into three populations: dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrrs) with     dwarf elliptical galaxies (dEs) with     and contaminating background giant ellipticals (gEs) with     . The removal of the contribution of the background gEs from the counts only marginally lessens the faint-end slope     . However, the removal of the contribution of the dIrrs from the counts produces a flat LF     . The dEs and the dIrrs have similar spatial distributions within the cluster, except that the dIrrs appear to be totally absent within a central projected radius of about 0.2 Mpc     . The number densities of both dEs and dIrrs appear to fall off beyond a projected radius of ≃ 0.35 Mpc. We suggest that the dE and dIrr populations of A868 have been associated with the cluster for similar time-scales, but evolutionary processes such as 'galaxy harassment' tend to fade the dIrr galaxies while having a much smaller effect on the dE galaxies. The harassment would be expected to have the greatest effect on dwarfs residing in the central parts of the cluster.  相似文献   

We report and discuss the results of a 22-cm radio survey carried out with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) covering the A3528 complex, a chain formed by the merging ACO clusters A3528–A3530–A3532 , located in the central region of the Shapley Concentration. Simultaneous 13-cm observations are also presented. Our final catalogue includes a total of 106 radio sources above the flux density limit of 0.8 mJy. By cross-correlation with optical and spectroscopic catalogues we found 32 optical counterparts, nine of them belonging to the A3528 complex.
We explored the effects of cluster mergers on the radio emission properties of radio galaxies by means of the radio luminosity function (RLF) and radio source counts. We found that the radio source counts are consistent with the background counts, as already found for the A3558 complex. The RLF for this complex is consistent, in both shape and normalization, with the general cluster luminosity function for early-type galaxies derived by Ledlow & Owen. This result is different from the one we obtained for the A3558 merging complex, the RLF of which is significantly lower than that derived by Ledlow & Owen.
We propose that the different stage of the merger is responsible for the different RLFs in the two cluster complexes in the core of the Shapley Concentration. The early stage of merger for the A3528 complex, proposed by many authors, may not yet have affected the radio properties of cluster galaxies, while in the more much advanced merger in the A3558 region we actually see the effects of this process on the radio emission.  相似文献   

If a galaxy resides in a cluster, then its passage through the pervasive intracluster medium will produce a detectable signature in the X-ray emission from the cluster. Such features have now been detected in a number of systems. The simplest kinematic information that can be extracted from this signature is the galaxy's direction of motion on the plane of the sky. This paper explores the constraints on cluster dynamics that could be derived from such information. In particular, we show that it is possible to define a projected anisotropy parameter, B ( r ), which is directly analogous to the usual orbital anisotropy parameter. We describe an estimator for this quantity, ( R ), which can be derived in a robust and straightforward manner. We present a simple dynamical model for a cluster consisting of a Michie distribution function of galaxies orbiting in a truncated singular isothermal sphere potential. Using this model, we demonstrate the ambiguity between the distribution of mass and the distribution of galaxy orbits when interpreting the traditional measures of cluster kinematics (the projected density of galaxies and their line-of-sight velocity dispersion). As an example, we show how two very different dynamical models can fit the kinematic properties of the Coma cluster. We demonstrate that the measurement of using a relatively small sample of wake directions ( N wake≈50) would provide an effective mechanism for lifting this degeneracy. Thus, by combining X-ray measurements of wake directions with number counts and line-of-sight velocities derived from optical data, it will prove possible to measure both the orbit distribution and the form of the gravitational potential in clusters of galaxies. The requisite X-ray observations lie within reach of the soon-to-be-launched AXAF satellite.  相似文献   

An excellent candidate for a young elliptical, or 'protoelliptical' galaxy is NGC 1700. Here we present new B -, V - and I -band imaging using the Keck telescope, and reanalyse existing V - and I -band images from the Hubble Space Telescope . After subtracting a model of the galaxy from the Keck images, NGC 1700 reveals two symmetric tidal tail-like structures. If this interpretation is correct, it suggests a past merger event involving two spiral galaxies. These tails are largely responsible for the 'boxiness' of the galaxy isophotes observed at a radius of ∼13 kpc.
We also show that the B − I colour distribution of the globular cluster system is bimodal. The mean colour of the blue population is consistent with that of old Galactic globular clusters. Relative to this old, metal-poor population, we find that the red population is younger and more metal-rich. This young population has an age and metallicity similar to that inferred for the central stars, suggesting that both populations are associated with an episode of star formation triggered by the merger that may have formed the galaxy. We find that, although they have large errors, the majority of the age estimates of NGC 1700 are reasonably consistent and we adopt a 'best estimate' for the age of 3.0±1.0 Gyr. This relatively low age places NGC 1700 within the age range where there is a notable lack of obvious candidates for protoellipticals. The total globular cluster specific frequency is rather low for a typical elliptical, even after taking into account the fading of the galaxy over the next 10 Gyr. We speculate that NGC 1700 will eventually form a relatively 'globular cluster poor' elliptical galaxy.  相似文献   

We present a simple method for adaptively binning the pixels in an image. The algorithm groups pixels into bins of size such that the fractional error on the photon count in a bin is less than or equal to a threshold value, and the size of the bin is as small as possible. The process is particularly useful for generating surface brightness and colour maps, with clearly defined error maps, from images with a large dynamic range of counts, for example X-ray images of galaxy clusters. We demonstrate the method in application to data from Chandra ACIS-S and ACIS-I observations of the Perseus cluster of galaxies. We use the algorithm to create intensity maps, and colour images that show the relative X-ray intensities in different bands. The colour maps can later be converted, through spectral models, into maps of physical parameters, such as temperature, column density, etc. The adaptive binning algorithm is applicable to a wide range of data, from observations or numerical simulations, and is not limited to two-dimensional data.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of highly distorted X-ray emission associated with the nearby cluster Zw 1718.10108, one of the dominant members of which is the powerful radio galaxy 3C353. This cluster has been missed by previous X-ray cluster surveys because of its low Galactic latitude ( b =19.5°), despite its brightness in the hard X-ray band (210 keV flux of 1.21011 erg cm2 s1). Our optical charge-coupled device image of the central part of the cluster reveals many member galaxies which are dimmed substantially by heavy Galactic extinction. We have measured redshifts of three bright galaxies near the X-ray emission peak and they are all found to be around z =0.028. The ASCA gas imaging spectrometer and ROSAT high-resolution imager images show three aligned X-ray clumps embedded in low surface-brightness X-ray emission extended by 30 arcmin. The averaged temperature measured with ASCA is kT =4.3±0.2 keV, which appears to be hot for the bolometric luminosity when compared with the temperatureluminosity correlation of galaxy clusters. The irregular X-ray morphology and evidence for a non-uniform temperature distribution suggest that the system is undergoing a merger of substructures. Since the sizes and luminosities of the individual clumps are consistent with those of galaxy groups, Zw 1718.10108 is interpreted as an on-going merger of galaxy groups in a dark matter halo forming a cluster of galaxies and thus is in a transition phase of cluster formation.  相似文献   

We study the effect of contamination by interlopers in kinematic samples of galaxy clusters. We demonstrate that without the proper removal of interlopers the inferred parameters of the mass distribution in the cluster are strongly biased towards higher mass and lower concentration. The interlopers are removed using two procedures previously shown to work most efficiently on simulated data. One is based on using the virial mass estimator and calculating the maximum velocity available to cluster members and the other relies on the ratio of the virial and projected mass estimators. We illustrate the performance of the methods in detail using the example of A576, a cluster with a strong uniform background contamination, and compare the case of A576 to 15 other clusters with different degree of contamination. We model the velocity dispersion and kurtosis profiles obtained for the cleaned data samples of these clusters solving the Jeans equations to estimate the mass, concentration and anisotropy parameter. We present the mass–concentration relation for the total sample of 22 clusters.  相似文献   

We have observed the galaxy environments around a sample of 21 radio-loud, steep-spectrum quasars at 0.5≤ z ≤0.82, spanning several orders of magnitude in radio luminosity. The observations also include background control fields used to obtain the excess number of galaxies in each quasar field. The galaxy excess was quantified using the spatial galaxy–quasar correlation amplitude, B gq, and an Abell-type measurement, N 0.5. A few quasars are found in relatively rich clusters, but on average, they seem to prefer galaxy groups or clusters of approximately Abell class 0. We have combined our sample with literature samples extending down to z ≈0.2 and covering the same range in radio luminosity. By using the Spearman statistic to disentangle redshift and luminosity dependences, we detect a weak, but significant, positive correlation between the richness of the quasar environment and the radio luminosity of the quasar. However, we do not find any epoch dependence in B gq, as has previously been reported for radio quasars and galaxies. We discuss the radio luminosity–cluster richness link and possible explanations for the weak correlation that is seen.  相似文献   

We present a new photometric catalogue of the Coma galaxy cluster in the Johnson U and V bands. We cover an area of 3360 arcmin2 of sky, to a depth of     in a 13-arcsec diameter aperture, and produce magnitudes for ∼1400 extended objects in metric apertures from 8.8- to 26-arcsec diameters. The mean internal rms scatter in the photometry is 0.014 mag in V , and 0.026 mag in U , for     .
We place new limits on the levels of scatter in the colour–magnitude relation (CMR) in the Coma cluster, and investigate how the slope and scatter of the CMR depend on galaxy morphology, luminosity and position within the cluster. As expected, the lowest levels of scatter are found in the elliptical galaxies, while the late-type galaxies have the highest numbers of galaxies bluewards of the CMR. We investigate whether the slope of the CMR is an artefact of colour gradients within galaxies, and show that it persists when the colours are measured within a diameter that scales with galaxy size. Looking at the environmental dependence of the CMR, we find a trend of systematically bluer galaxy colours with increasing projected radius from the centre of the cluster. Surprisingly, this is accompanied by a decreased scatter of the CMR. We investigate whether this gradient could be caused by dust in the cluster potential, however the reddening required would produce too large a scatter in the colours of the central galaxies. The gradient appears to be better reproduced by a gradient in the mean galactic ages with projected radius.  相似文献   

The presence of two globular cluster subpopulations in early-type galaxies is now the norm rather than the exception. Here we present two more examples for which the host galaxy appears to have undergone a recent merger. Using multi-colour Keck imaging of NGC 1052 and 7332 we find evidence for a bimodal globular cluster colour distribution in both galaxies, with roughly equal numbers of blue and red globular clusters. The blue ones have similar colours to those in the Milky Way halo and are thus probably very old and metal-poor. If the red globular cluster subpopulations are at least of solar metallicity, then stellar population models indicate young ages. We discuss the origin of globular clusters within the framework of formation models. We conclude that recent merger events in these two galaxies have had little effect on their overall globular cluster systems. We also derive globular cluster density profiles, global specific frequencies and, in the case of NGC 1052, radial colour gradients and azimuthal distribution. In general these globular cluster properties are normal for early-type galaxies.  相似文献   

We present XMM–Newton observations of the wake–radio galaxy system 4C 34.16, which shows a cool and dense wake trailing behind the host galaxy of 4C 34.16. A comparison with numerical simulations is enlightening, as they demonstrate that the wake is produced mainly by ram pressure stripping during the galactic motion through the surrounding cluster. The mass of the wake is a substantial fraction of the mass of the X-ray halo of an elliptical galaxy. This observational fact supports a wake formation scenario similar to that recently demonstrated numerically by Acreman et al.: the host galaxy of 4C 34.16 has fallen into its cluster, and is currently crossing its central regions. A substantial fraction of its X-ray halo has been stripped by ram pressure, and remains behind to form the galaxy wake.  相似文献   

We present detailed predictions for the properties of Lyα-emitting galaxies in the framework of the Λ cold dark matter cosmology, calculated using the semi-analytical galaxy formation model galform . We explore a model that assumes a top-heavy initial mass function in starbursts and that has previously been shown to explain the sub-millimetre number counts and the luminosity function of Lyman-break galaxies at high redshift. We show that this model, with the simple assumption that a fixed fraction of Lyα photons escape from each galaxy, is remarkably successful at explaining the observed luminosity function of Lyα emitters (LAEs) over the redshift range  3 < z < 6.6  . We also examine the distribution of Lyα equivalent widths and the broad-band continuum magnitudes of emitters, which are in good agreement with the available observations. We look more deeply into the nature of LAEs, presenting predictions for fundamental properties such as the stellar mass and radius of the emitting galaxy and the mass of the host dark matter halo. The model predicts that the clustering of LAEs at high redshifts should be strongly biased relative to the dark matter, in agreement with observational estimates. We also present predictions for the luminosity function of LAEs at   z > 7  , a redshift range that is starting to be be probed by near-infrared surveys and using new instruments such as the Dark Ages Z Lyman Explorer (DAzLE).  相似文献   

We study the jet and counterjet of the powerful classical double Fanaroff–Riley type II (FR II) radio galaxy Cygnus A as seen in the 5-, 8- and 15-GHz radio bands using the highest spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio archival data available. We demonstrate that the trace of the radio knots that delineate the jet and counterjet deviates from a straight line and that the inner parts can be satisfactorily fitted with the precession model of Hjellming & Johnston. The parameter values of the precession model fits are all plausible although the jet speed is rather low (≲ 0.5 c ) but, on investigation, found to be consistent with a number of other independent estimates of the jet speed in Cygnus A. We compare the masses and precession periods for sources with known precession and find that for the small number of active galactic nuclei with precessing jets the precession periods are significantly longer than those of microquasars.  相似文献   

The overall morphology of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 7479 is modelled in numerical simulations of a minor merger. Special attention is paid to the morphology and velocity field of the asymmetric spiral structure and the strong stellar bar. The mass of the satellite galaxy is 1/10 of the mass of the primary disc, or 1/30 of the total mass of the primary. The satellite is placed initially in a circular prograde orbit at six disc scalelengths from the centre of the primary. We follow the evolution of the merger until the secondary galaxy reaches the nuclear region of the primary. A comparison between the modelled and observed morphologies of the stellar and the ionized and neutral gas distributions and velocity fields supports the hypothesis that the transient look of NGC 7479 is a result of a minor merger. We vary several of the initial parameters of the merger and discuss their effects on the resulting morphology. The merging satellite galaxy is likely to lie within the bar of NGC 7479. We identify a possible candidate in the observational data. We discuss briefly the most probable future evolution of NGC 7479 in the light of our minor-merger simulations, and conclude that NGC 7479 is likely to evolve toward an earlier Hubble type.  相似文献   

An analysis of the environments around a sample of 28 3CR radio galaxies with redshifts 0.6< z <1.8 is presented, based primarily upon K -band images down to K ∼20 taken using the UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). A net overdensity of K -band galaxies is found in the fields of the radio galaxies, with the mean excess counts being comparable to that expected for clusters of Abell Class 0 richness. A sharp peak is found in the angular cross-correlation amplitude centred on the radio galaxies that, for reasonable assumptions about the luminosity function of the galaxies, corresponds to a spatial cross-correlation amplitude between those determined for low-redshift Abell Class 0 and 1 clusters.
These data are complemented by J -band images also from UKIRT, and by optical images from the Hubble Space Telescope . The fields of the lower redshift ( z ≲0.9) radio galaxies in the sample generally show well-defined near-infrared colour–magnitude relations with little scatter, indicating a significant number of galaxies at the redshift of the radio galaxy; the relations involving colours at shorter wavelengths than the 4000 Å break show considerably greater scatter, suggesting that many of the cluster galaxies have low levels of recent or on-going star formation. At higher redshifts the colour–magnitude sequences are less prominent owing to the increased field galaxy contribution at faint magnitudes, but there is a statistical excess of galaxies with the very red infrared colours ( J − K ≳1.75) expected of old cluster galaxies at these redshifts.
Although these results are appropriate for the mean of all of the radio galaxy fields, there exist large field-to-field variations in the richness of the environments. Many, but certainly not all, powerful z ∼1 radio galaxies lie in (proto)cluster environments.  相似文献   

The backward evolution approach to modelling galaxy source counts is re-visited in the wake of the numerous results and revelations from the Infrared Space Observatory ( ISO ), the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) and the detections and measurements of the cosmic extragalactic background light. Using the framework of the Pearson & Rowan-Robinson galaxy evolution model, the observed source counts and background measurements are used to constrain the evolution in the galaxy population. It is found that a strong evolution in both density and luminosity of the high-luminosity tail of the infrared (IR) luminosity function, interpreted as the ultraluminous galaxies discovered first by IRAS and later elevated in status by SCUBA and ISO , can account for the source counts from 15 μm (where it matches the undulations in the integral counts and the hump in the differential counts extremely well) to the submillimetre region, as well as explain the peak in the cosmic infrared background at ∼140 μm. The submillimetre counts are interpreted as the superposition of two separate populations comprising ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIGs) at the brighter submillimetre fluxes and starburst galaxies at fluxes fainter than ∼2 mJy. In this scenario the high-redshift ULIGs are tenuously interpreted as the progenitors of today's giant elliptical (gE) galaxies.
All the source count models can be accessed via the world wide web at the URL http://www.ir.isas.ac.jp/~cpp/counts/  相似文献   

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