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55年暑假我跟拉尔钦科专家在一起野外工作和学习了两个月,深深感到专家是创造性地把辩证唯物主义和地质科学结合了起来。现将我体会到的几点分述如下:  相似文献   

海峡两岸隧道与地下工程学术技术与研讨会是两岸相关学会和专业同仁自1999年开始共同发起的学术技术交流会,是两岸交流会中开展较为正规而成功的系列交流会。今年召开的第四届会议,是经中国科协审批的规格较高的一次盛会。本次会议得到国际隧道协会的支持,该协会的年度执委会将同时在济南召开。有十余位国外专家将出席本次会议开幕式,并做特邀报告。海外还将有英国、法国、日本、香港等国家或地区的专家与会。会议将在我国的历史文化名城泉城济南召开。近年因雨水充沛而复涌的著名七十二泉将欢迎海内外来宾去观赏。会议专题·隧道和地下工程…  相似文献   

1 德尔菲法的应用德尔菲法是一种客观地综合多数地质专家经验与主观判断的技巧.选聘若干名对评价区矿产与地质情况相当熟悉的专家做为咨询人员,每位专家在收到意见征询表后应在规定时间内作出回答,如得到的答复基本一致或相近,德尔菲班长将每位专家的答复用统计方法得出一个综合结果,并重新提请每位专家考虑,如此一轮一轮地进行,直到收到的回答与前次结果相同为止.  相似文献   

<正>2015年3月30日,美国国家科学基金会(NSF)和日本科学技术振兴机构(JST)联合宣布将支持6个基于大数据的项目来应对未来灾害的管理和预警。当灾难发生时,专家、决策者和救援人员可以获得实时信息,这对于采取救援措施极为关键。特别是近年来随着智能手机、移动应用程序和社交媒体平台的普及,可以形成相应的预警,专家、决策者和救援人员也可以及时得到准确的信息。信息技术的快速发展将为灾害管理提供新的机遇。例如,最新的计算机系统和网络技术,将会形成强大  相似文献   

基于ARCGIS的地质灾害防治信息与决策支持系统的研制   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
提出以四库一体模式实现基于ARCGIS的地质灾害防治决策支持的思路,即以模型为主导,调用方法,提取相关数据计算,对模型进行求解;利用ES对系统判识进行匹配、分析,辅助专家进行决策;将专家决策结果作为知识源提取而存入知识库中.信息系统是整个系统的事务管理层,决策支持系统则是系统应用处理层,两者互为依托.信息系统是决策支持系统的信息源,决策支持系统所产生的结果进入信息系统并对其进行管理,当决策支持系统的模型、方法、知识运作成熟,数据结构化后,又将进入信息系统中,成为信息系统的组成部分.  相似文献   

各科研院所、大专院校及相关单位:为了推动渗流力学研究成果的交流,迎接渗流力学发展的新挑战,促进科研工作者对渗流力学理论与应用的战略思考,第十二届全国渗流力学学术会议将于2013年8月在青岛召开。欢迎各位专家、学者以及工程技术人员踊跃投稿,参加本次学术会议,届时也将邀请国际知名渗流力学专家与会交流。  相似文献   

前不久 ,记者采访了有关工程地质专家 ,他们就此问题发表了极具参考价值的意见。区域稳定性问题与岩土体动力稳定性问题的研究将突出表现在我国西部大开发过程中。区域稳定性问题研究 ,是我国谷德振、刘国昌、胡海涛等老一辈工程地质学家开创的研究领域 ,在我国重大工程建设中作出过突出贡献 ,在国际学术界具有重要影响。目前 ,这一领域又有了新的发展 ,专家认为 ,我国西部地区现代地壳运动强烈 ,地应力高度集中、地形起伏巨大 ,岩土体动力稳定性问题将是一个突出的工程地质问题 ,应引起我国工程地质界高度重视。高陡边坡与滑坡问题研究继续…  相似文献   

层次分析法判断矩阵中任一元素值的确定是众多调查专家意见的综合,而在运用此法的实践中,专家意见往往参差不齐且存在很多误判值,如果这些误判值也参与矩阵元素值的确定中,将会使判断矩阵建立偏离轨道。根据正态分布函数特性,通过一定的数学模型,提出了叠代法,将误判值剔除方法,从而使判断矩阵的构建更加科学,更具有可操作性。  相似文献   

联合国水电与可持续发展论坛拟于10月27日—29日北京召开,之后将组织技术考察—参观三峡大坝。 此次论坛是可持续发展世界首脑会议后有关工作的延续,目的是将所有利益相关者召集在一起,共同探索水电在可持续发展中当前和未来的作用。政府官员、专家以及来自国际组织、非政府组织、商业界和原住民  相似文献   

正尊敬的作者、读者和专家:为更好地服务广大读者和作者,及时有效地与外审专家沟通,缩短审稿周期和数字化出版周期,提高稿件处理和办公效率,本刊开通了网上投稿系统,并从2016年3月1日起正式对外试运行,网址为:http://hddz.paperopen.com/,自此作者投稿、专家审稿、稿件处理等各项工作将直接在网上进行。如  相似文献   

Natural resources, especially the forest provide a means of livelihood to rural communities in most developing countries. Unfortunately these resources are under the threat of disappearing because of high population growth rates and poverty that characterise these communities. Any attempt by development agencies at conserving these resources is tantamount to depriving these rural areas of their survival base. Yet due to its strategic socio-economic and cultural importance, the forest ecosystem needs to be sustained for future generations. This paper examines the various challenges faced by the State and other conservation agencies in natural resource management and the possible options which can be employed in an effort to ensure a sustainable exploitation of the forest in Anglophone Cameroon. It discusses the efforts of these actors, within the framework of the emerging concept of community forestry, local community strengthening and integrated rural development. While highlighting some of the achievements of international NGOs like Bird Life International and World Wide Fund for Nature in the region, the study concludes that the future of sustainable management of forest resources relies on a holistic poverty alleviation approach that takes into consideration the empowerment of these communities. This will ensure that they participate and benefit from the exploitation of the resources in the form of local development. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Water resources availability is increasingly constrained, considering the quality and quantity available for use. There is an urgent need of recovering this availability, focusing on the planning and management process of water supply systems. One of the main threats to water resources is related to erosion effects, namely widespread pollution load and the silting of watercourses and reservoirs useful life reduction. The objective of this study was to evaluate water supply systems environmental fragility within the Paulista Macro Metropolis area and to use the results to develop environmental zone classes to orient territorial planning. The study was conducted in seven superficial water supply systems of the aforementioned region. Environmental fragility evaluation was focused on four environmental variables that represent natural vulnerability to erosion, and 2015 land cover map to delineate human influence on erosive processes. Results indicate that Tietê River water supply systems, namely Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí (PCJ) and Itupararanga systems, can be considered the most fragile water supply systems in the study area. The environmental fragility map was used to derive the environmental zoning map, including conservation and priority areas, suitable regions for agriculture expansion, and areas with high needs for restoration efforts. In addition, environmental fragility framework herein can be viewed as a model with high replication potential for regional planning and management in that land cover can be manipulated to minimize environment natural vulnerability, guiding territorial occupation toward a more sustainable landscape design, which subsidizes water resources multiple uses.  相似文献   

As the largest ecosystems of the earth, marine ecosystem provides many types of ecosystem service to human. More than 60% of the global population lives the coastal area. A healthy ocean is critical to our economy, health and way of life. However, with rapid population growth and densely inhabited coastal areas, our dependence on marine resources is greater than ever. The overuse and mismanagement of ecosystem services have placed great pressure on marine systems, thereby threatening the future of marine ecosystems, and the services they provide. With anthropogenic pressures increasing in coastal cities, adopting ecosystem-based management frameworks that minimize impacts on marine environments while allowing for sustainable development is critical. Marine Ecosystem-Based Management seeks to manage marine resources in ways that protect ecosystem health while providing the ecosystem services needed by people. Rather than focusing solely on a single species or resource, MEBM incorporates science and balances the demands of user groups in a manner that produces management strategies that are more likely to be sustainable than traditional approaches. The definition, principles and framework were discussed in this paper based on the summary of literature, and two examples were introduced. Last, some suggestions were put forward to marine ecosystem management for ocean ecosystem and for healthy coastal resources sustainable utilization.  相似文献   

Indigenous people often exclusively depend on the natural resources available within the ecosystems where they live, and commonly manage their resources sustainably. They have developed, and continue to develop indigenous knowledge systems which encompass sustainable management of natural resources. This study compares indigenous knowledge of natural resource management developed by two different communities in two different environments—Maori in the temperate environment in New Zealand and Dusun in the tropical environment in Brunei Darussalam, and comparatively evaluates the role of indigenous knowledge in sustainable resource management in three categories of knowledge such as spatial and seasonal distribution of natural resources, sustainable harvesting, and habitat management. The comparison reveals that despite the differences in environment and the great geographical distance between the two communities, there are remarkable similarities between the two knowledge systems in concepts, principles, strategies and technologies used in natural resource management.
Rohana UlluwishewaEmail:

流域科学与水资源管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流域是水资源管理的基本单位。基于水资源文献的综合分析,讨论了自20世纪以来水资源管理概念、目标及途径的变迁,提出建立流域科学,以流域为研究对象,以揭示流域生态水文过程的客观规律为前提,采用现代管理科学理论和方法,应用先进工程技术手段优化配置水资源,满足人类活动及生态系统的多种需求,促进社会、经济及环境的可持续发展。并且指出流域科学的内涵应包括:①水资源的调查、监测和模拟;②水资源利用多目标设定;③水资源分配机制;④水资源管理指标的确定与评价;⑤水资源管理决策机构;⑥水资源管理反馈分析与人类活动调控。  相似文献   

Ailikun  Wang Xiaoyi 《地球科学进展》2015,30(11):1278-1286
由于研究对象、目的、数据、方法等方面的不同,自然科学和社会科学的协同存在着非常大的困难,近20年来,气候变化、环境、生态、能源、粮食、资源、灾害、健康等跨学科交叉研究的兴起,为自然科学和社会科学协同带来了新的契机。为克服自然科学和社会科学协同的困难,首先要开展"以解决问题为导向"的研究,从项目初始就贯彻"协同设计、协同实施"的理念,将政府和社会作为全球变化与可持续性研究的服务对象。在研究对象的空间尺度协同上,通过自然科学的降尺度和社会科学的升尺度,在局域尺度上开展气候变化脆弱性与适应研究是实现自然科学和社会科学协同的基础。同时,正确理解和沟通科学的不确定性是自然科学和社会科学协同的重要环节,进行观测数据及调查资料的协同是未来自然科学和社会科学协同成功的关键。最后,对自然科学和社会科学协同中沟通和交流的鸿沟以及人才培养、重理轻文倾向、跨学科研究的评价标准等问题进行了思考和讨论。  相似文献   

Effective natural resource management requires interrelated technical practices and social arrangements that are appropriate to a region’s biophysical characteristics and that address protection and sustainable management of resources. This is illustrated from our experience in the Republic of Niger, West Africa. In 1980 barren plains, infertile soils, drought, dust storms, severe fodder shortages, and agricultural pest outbreaks were normal occurrences in Niger’s rural regions. In general, despite large investments of time and funding, conventional reforestation efforts had little impact. However by 2008 over five million hectares of once barren land had been transformed through wide adoption of an agroforestry method known as ‘Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration’ (FMNR), introduced in 1983. In the Aguie Department, the practice of FMNR was formalized through the Desert Community Initiative (DCI), addressing interrelated technical and social issues in resource management. New governance structures, which include marginalized groups, implement monitoring and enforcement systems enabling communities to manage land and regenerating trees. These, together with technical solutions that build on local knowledge and skills and use previously undervalued indigenous tree species, have generated a sustainable fuel-wood market for the first time. Increased linkage and compatibility between institutions at local and national levels and strengthened social capital have been crucial to these impacts. Food security and community resilience to drought have been markedly enhanced and local incomes have increased. The experience provides important lessons for approaches to addressing environmental degradation and poverty in other semi arid areas and facilitating the spread and adoption of new agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

城市突发性地质灾害应急系统探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
城市突发性地质灾害是当今减灾的重点,已引起了广泛的关注。人们意识到灾后及时地采取应急抢险救援措施,可以有效地减少人员伤亡。灾害应急行动包括建立应急指挥机构,明确职责,并进行资源调配。灾害应急抢险救灾时实性强,其快速反应行动涉及危机管理、预警、撤离、避险,以及维护法律与社会秩序、信息通报、灾情评估。应急救援行动还包括城市基础和生命线的恢复,以确保受灾居民和社区的基本需求。论文在分析城市突发性地质灾害应急管理进展和存在问题的基础上,探讨了当前城市地质灾害应急反应系统中的监测预警系统、快速反应系统、应急指挥系统、应急避难系统、信息发布系统、空间信息系统和宣传教育系统:通过实施这些应急系统并制定预案可以达到减轻城市突发性地质灾害的目的。  相似文献   

Asia, and in particular the Mekong Delta region, is under increasing water use pressure. Food production and quality is one element of these growing pressures, as is water management. The authors have first-hand knowledge and experience in groundwater use and management in rural Thailand. Through the adoption of a micro-management, demand-driven approach, with its ultimate objective of sustainability and the betterment of the quality of human life, the Mekong delta and other similar rural areas in Asia offer considerable opportunity for more optimal sustainable exploitation of groundwater. This water source should be prioritized for village usage, which if properly allocated and managed, will lift a significant human population from poverty, into a more sustainable existence. This readily available, reliable groundwater resource exists and has both the capacity for abundant storage as well as the potential for commercial and household supply. The focus has been on understanding the distribution of the delta’s relatively shallow, well sustained, and consistently recharged groundwater resource, and its potential symbiotic linkage to low-volume household demand. Water has been employed in a variety of ways from improving quality of life and sanitation to generating income through the cultivation of cash crops and other similar productive uses. The fundamental aims of the initial model and subsequent trials have been to harness this robust water source and deliver otherwise unattainable income to households. As the following, more detailed study of rural Thailand demonstrates, the benefits of such an approach deliver sustainable enhancements to the quality of constituents’ lives, are environmentally sensitive and sustainable, and harmonize with governmental efforts to alleviate poverty through the enablement of income generation from groundwater utilization.  相似文献   

Groundwater resources of Sohag, Egypt are currently threatened by contamination from agricultural and urbanization activities. Groundwater in Sohag area has a special significance where it is the second source for fresh water used for agricultural, domestic, and industrial purposes. Due to growing population, agriculture expansion, and urbanization, groundwater quality assessment needs more attention to cope with the increasing water demand in this arid zones and limited water resources. The aim of this paper is to address the integrated role of geochemical processes, agriculture and urbanization in evolution of groundwater composition, and their impact on groundwater quality to help in management and protection of groundwater resources of study area using geochemical modeling techniques and geographical information systems. Spatial variation of groundwater hydrochemical properties, rock–water interaction, ion exchange, and assessment of groundwater quality were investigated. Results indicated that groundwater properties are varied spatially and its evolution in the study area is generally controlled by the prevailed geochemical processes represented by leaching, dissolution, and precipitation of salts and minerals, ion exchange, in addition to human activities represented by agriculture and urbanization as well as climatic and poor drainage conditions. Management alternatives should be followed in the study area to avoid degradation of groundwater quality and provide sustainable development.  相似文献   

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