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转动黑子触发超级太阳耀斑 五个转动黑子间的相互作用引发了近5年来观测到的最大的太阳耀斑。天文学家使用美国宇航局的太阳动力学天文台对这个耀斑区进行了5天的观测。  相似文献   

本文分析了廿一周峰年期间云南天文台观测到的20个无黑子区耀斑。指出了无黑子耀斑的一般特征,分析了无黑子耀斑前宁静暗条的激活过程,还讨论了无黑子耀斑产生的背景条件。  相似文献   

云南天文台是参加日地系统整体行为研究计划的单位之一,有四套太阳光学观测设备参加日地大事件的联合观测。它们是:13cm折射望远镜、18cm耀斑巡视望远镜、26cm高分辨太阳光球色球望远镜和多波段太阳光谱仪。13cm折射望远望和18cm耀斑巡视镜分别进行黑子描绘、照相和耀斑巡视的常规观测。它们所得的资料供云南天文台《太阳活动月报》、《中国太阳物理资料》发表。耀斑资料还供SGD发表。黑子和耀斑的常规观测为太阳活动预报提供及时的信息和基础。 26cm高分辨真空太阳光球色球望远镜用于太阳活动区现象特别是耀斑现象的精细结构研究。在耀斑观测中常使用H_a的±0.5A,±1.0A对人观测,所得的耀斑偏带照片清楚显示耀斑的亮点和亮块相对于黑子的位置,在耀斑研究中十分有用。 多波段太阳光谱仪的供光定天镜口径40cm,成像镜30cm,太阳象有152.2mm和418.5mm两个交替使用,色散1A/mm,10个波段分别为H_a、D_(1,2,3),H_δ、HeⅡ、H_β、H_γ、H,K、H_(9-13)和H_(13-∞)。利用计算机控制45°转象镜精确地快速扫描太阳象并控制10个波段的同时照相,这样可以快速地记录活动区中每一点的多波段光谱轮廓,进而测定各种物理量、为研究活动区物理场的时空演化提供重要手段。  相似文献   

本文分析了廿一周峰年期间云南天文台观测到的廿个无黑子区耀斑,得到如下结果: 1.无黑子区耀斑的一般特征是:1) 无黑子区耀斑的自然产率约3%,2) 其卡林顿经度分布有向东飘移的趋势,3) 无黑子区的耀斑多为低能耀斑,4) 无黑子区耀斑产生的背景条件和黑子区耀斑一样,必须在耀斑区的太阳大气中存在异极性磁场结构。无黑子区耀斑都发生在沿大尺度磁场中性线(H_=0)延伸的暗条两侧或其附近。 2.在耀斑前,由于磁场的扰动,使被浮托在H_=0线上的宁静暗条在耀斑前几小时到一两天激活,临近耀斑位置的一段暗条先是发展增大,同时伴随着谱斑增亮,在耀斑爆发前几分钟或与耀斑发展的同时,该暗条迅速衰减乃至完全消失。与此同时,有的无黑子活动区的可见纤维与暗条的交角由大变小,表明活动区所受的力由挤压力逐渐转化为剪切力。本文还粗略地估计了无黑子区耀斑的能量。  相似文献   

对太阳活动区δ黑子的研究有着非常重要的意义。因为几乎所有大耀斑都产生在δ黑子中,近30多年来对δ黑子的观测和研究,取得了长足的进步但仍有许多问题需要我们作进一步的研究和观测证实。在本文中总结了30多年来对δ黑子的研究进展,着重讨论了δ黑子的形成,发展和衰亡,以及与耀斑的关系等方面取得的最新成果。  相似文献   

AR5060是No.Ⅳ联测期中的第二个目标活动区。它从1988年6月25日东边缘初现到7月8日转出西边缘消失的14天中,黑子群一直保持最复杂的FKC、EKC型和最复杂的BGD磁型。6月29日黑子群面积发展到3000面积单位,是第22周以来第一群最大的黑子(更大的是1989年3月的AR5395,面积达3600单位)。该活动区的黑子群发生过强烈的运动和磁性重联。似乎具备发生强烈大耀斑的位形特征和动力学条件,可是在这期间,全球耀斑监测所观测到的120多个耀斑(据SGD)中,亚耀斑占81%,1级耀斑占15%,2级耀斑只有3个占4%,而且这3个2级耀斑的X射线级别只达到M6.5,M9.2,M3.9,没有一个达到X级。 在AR5060活动区耀斑活动高峰期的6月28日,29日,30日和7月1日这四天中,云南天文台26CM太阳望远镜观测到其中一个2B/M6.5耀斑(1988年6月29日0737UT)、几个1级耀斑和其它许多亚耀斑。从黑子群和色球单色照片上作耀斑发生点同黑子相对位置的比较,结果是出乎意料的,在结构复杂、运动剧烈的黑子群内部发生的都是小耀斑,而3个2B/M级耀斑都发生在黑子群以外只有卫星黑子浮现和消失的时期和地点。  相似文献   

根据云南天文台太阳色球H_α和相应的光球黑子观测以及磁场测量,并结合有关X—ray资料等,对1981年4月1日日面4N大耀斑进行了部份测量和分析。结果表明,该耀斑为环系;光球浮现磁流和黑子扭曲、挤压和剪切运动是触发该耀斑的直接原因。而活动的黑子光桥又是浮现磁流的一种重要标志;耀斑环或带与磁场位形密切相关;耀斑后在运动空间原位置处光球又浮现出部份磁流;卵形暗条内预示能爆发大耀斑。  相似文献   

本文研究了22周中的9个强质子耀斑活动区的共同特征,研究结果表明:单个团状结构黑子,即众多异极性黑子本影核紧锁在同一半影结构中的δ型黑子是强质子耀斑活动区的典型形态特征。黑子群的旋转是质子耀斑活动区的又一重要特征,黑子群的旋转方向与日面南、北半球无关。强质子耀斑的爆发总是在黑子群旋转角度达到正或负相极大之后出现。质子耀斑后,磁绳的松弛,黑子群可能会出现反向旋转,强的剪切过程和质子耀斑可能会再度出现。  相似文献   

本文研究结果表明:同一黑子群在日面期间的顺或反时针方向的旋转运动会先后并存.质子耀斑前1~2无,黑子群的旋转角速度达到极大.耀斑后,磁绳的松弛,黑子群可能会反向旋转,强的剪切过程和质子耀斑可能会再度出现.强质子耀斑活动区的共同特征是:(1)形态为单个团状结构δ型黑子,即众多异极性本影核紧锁在同一黑子半影中;(2)黑子面积>1000×10-6半球面积,日面跨度>10°;(3)黑子群都有快速的旋转运动.这类活动区,如果在日面西部活动性明显地增强,那么这个活动区在未来转到日面边缘及其背后、或再次从日面东边缘转出时,定能再次爆发耀斑和伴随较强质子事件。  相似文献   

太阳耀斑的分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太阳耀斑分类工作的进展反映了太阳耀斑观测研究与理论研究的进展。本文首先综述耀斑的分类,对近年提出的种种分类作评述,讨论这些分类的观测基础。然后,基于最近两个太阳周的观测工作,提出一种新的多能段太阳耀斑分类方法。按照耀斑在光学,X射线以及射电波段的观测表象,把耀斑较完整地分为8类。  相似文献   

D. J. Mullan 《Solar physics》1977,54(1):183-206
Short-lived increases in the brightness of many red dwarfs have been observed for the last 30 yr, and a variety of more or less exotic models have been proposed to account for such flares. Information about flares in the Sun has progressed greatly in recent years as a result of spacecraft experiments, and properties of coronal flare plasma are becoming increasingly better known. In this paper, after briefly reviewing optical, radio and X-ray observations of stellar flares, we show how a simplified model which describes conductive plus radiative cooling of the coronal flare plasma in solar flares has been modified to apply to optical and X-ray stellar flare phenomena. This model reproduces many characteristic features of stellar flares, including the mean UBV colors of flare light, the direction of flare decay in the two-color diagram, precursors, Stillstands, secondary maxima, lack of sensitivity of flare color to flare amplitude, low flux of flare X-rays, distinction between so-called spike flares and slow flares, Balmer jumps of as much as 6–8, and emission line redshifts up to 3000 km s–1. In all probability, therefore, stellar flares involve physical processes which are no more exotic (and no less!) than those in solar flares. Advantages of observing stellar flares include the possibilities of (i) applying optical diagnostics to coronal flare plasma, whereas this is almost impossible in the Sun, and (ii) testing solar flare models in environments which are not generally accessible in the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

Giannina Poletto 《Solar physics》1989,121(1-2):313-322
According to one of the most popular classifications, solar flares may be assigned either to the category of small short-lived events, or to the category of large, long-duration two-ribbon (2-R) flares. Even if such abroad division oversimplifies the flare phenomenon, our knowledge of the characteristics of stellar flares is so poor, that it is worthwhile to investigate the possibility of adopting this classification scheme for stellar flares as well. In particular we will analyze Einstein observations of a long duration flare on EQ Peg to establish whether it might be considered as a stellar analogy of 2-R solar events. To this end we apply to EQ Peg data a reconnection model, developed originally for solar 2-R flares, and conclude that stellar observations are consistent with model predictions, although additional information is required to identify uniquely the physical parameters of the flare region. Application of the model to integrated observations of a 2-R solar flare, for which high spatial resolution data are also available, shows, however, that future integrated observations may allow us to solve the ambiguities of the model and use it as a diagnostic tool for a better understanding of stellar flares.  相似文献   

Ambastha  Ashok  Basu  Sarbani  Antia  H.M. 《Solar physics》2003,218(1-2):151-172
Solar flares release large amounts of energy at different layers of the solar atmosphere, including at the photosphere in the case of exceptionally major events. Therefore, it is expected that large flares would be able to excite acoustic waves on the solar surface, thereby affecting the p-mode oscillation characteristics. We have applied the ring-diagram analysis technique to 3-D power spectra obtained for different flare regions in order to study how flares affect the amplitude, frequency and width of the acoustic modes. Data from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has been used. We have used data obtained for several active regions of the current solar cycle that have produced flares. In most cases, during the period of high flare activity, power in p modes appears to be larger when compared to that in non-flaring regions of similar magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSolarflaresreflecttheenergeticsofcorrespondingmagneticfields.Researchingthesolarflareparametersin 1 1 - yearsolarcyclescouldthrowlightontheenergeticsofmagneticstructuresformingthebasisofthechromosphericandcoronalactivity .Thevariabilityofthe…  相似文献   

This paper discusses solar cosmic ray phenomena and related topics from the solar physical point of view. Basic physics of the solar atmosphere and solar flare phenomena are, therefore, considered in some detail. Since solar cosmic rays are usually produced by solar flares, we must first understand the processes and mechanism of solar flares, especially the so-called proton flares, in order to understand the acceleration mechanism of solar cosmic rays and their behaviour in both the solar atmosphere and interplanetary space. For this reason, detailed discussion is given on various phenomena associated with solar flares, proton flare characteristics, and the mechanism of solar flares.Since the discovery of solar cosmic rays by Forbush, the interplanetary space has been thought of as medium in which solar cosmic rays propagate. In this paper, the propagation of solar cosmic rays in this space is, therefore, discussed briefly by referring to the observed magnetic properties of this space. Finally, some problems related to the physics of galactic cosmic rays are discussed.Astrophysics and Space Science Review Paper.  相似文献   

Solar flare gamma-ray emissions from energetic ions and electrons have been detected and measured to GeV energies since 1980. In addition, neutrons produced in solar flares with 100 MeV to GeV energies have been observed at the Earth. These emis-sions are produced by the highest energy ions and electrons accelerated at the Sun and they provide our only direct (albeit secondary) knowledge about the properties of the acceler-ator(s) acting in a solar flare. The solar flares, which have direct evidence for pion-decaygamma-rays, are unique and are the focus of this paper. We review our current knowl-edge of the highest energy solar emissions, and how the characteristics of the acceleration process are deduced from the observations. Results from the RHESSI, INTEGRAL and CORONAS missions will also be covered. The review will also cover the solar flare ca-pabilities of the new mission, FERMI GAMMA RAY SPACE TELESCOPE, launched on 2008 June 11. Finally, we discuss the requirements for future missions to advance this vital area of solar flare physics.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of the surface distribution of the larger solar flares of the 21st cycle is carried out in this paper. The results are as follows: (1) There exist two active longitude belts, 220°–140° and 340°–320°. (2) The distribution of flares is assymetric about the solar equator. (3) Active regions located in 50°–60° E and 10°–20° W are good producers of flares; those in 80°–90° E (i.e., near the East limb) and 60°–70° W are poor producers. (4) The autocorrelation function of the flare series shows that a flare active region has a large probability of producing another flare after one rotation and a small probability of so doing after more than one rotation, and that there is a high probability of a flare occurring in the region next to the one in which a flare has already occurred.  相似文献   

A superposed epoch analysis of 1964–1970 solar flares shows a marked increase in flare occurrence within a day (13° of longitude) of (- +) solar sector boundaries as well as a local minimum in flare occurrence near (+ -)sector boundaries. This preference for (- +) boundaries is more noticeable for northern hemisphere flares, where these polarities match the Hale polarity law, but is not reversed in the south. Plage regions do not show such a preference.  相似文献   

Solar flare prediction plays an important role in understanding and forecasting space weather.The main goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager(HMI), one of the instruments on NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, is to study the origin of solar variability and characterize the Sun's magnetic activity.HMI provides continuous full-disk observations of the solar vector magnetic field with high cadence data that lead to reliable predictive capability; yet, solar flare prediction effort utilizing these data is still limited. In this paper, we present a machine-learning-as-a-service(MLaa S) framework, called Deep Sun,for predicting solar flares on the web based on HMI's data products. Specifically, we construct training data by utilizing the physical parameters provided by the Space-weather HMI Active Region Patch(SHARP)and categorize solar flares into four classes, namely B, C, M and X, according to the X-ray flare catalogs available at the National Centers for Environmental Information(NCEI). Thus, the solar flare prediction problem at hand is essentially a multi-class(i.e., four-class) classification problem. The Deep Sun system employs several machine learning algorithms to tackle this multi-class prediction problem and provides an application programming interface(API) for remote programming users. To our knowledge, Deep Sun is the first MLaa S tool capable of predicting solar flares through the internet.  相似文献   

This paper describes the methods used to obtain the thermal evolution and radiative output during solar flares as observed by the Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). How EVE measurements, due to the temporal cadence, spectral resolution and spectral range, can be used to determine how the thermal plasma radiates at various temperatures throughout the impulsive and gradual phase of flares is presented and discussed in detail. EVE can very accurately determine the radiative output of flares due to pre- and in-flight calibrations. Events are presented that show that the total radiated output of flares depends more on the flare duration than the typical GOES X-ray peak magnitude classification. With SDO observing every flare throughout its entire duration and over a large temperature range, new insights into flare heating and cooling as well as the radiative energy release in EUV wavelengths support existing research into understanding the evolution of solar flares.  相似文献   

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