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For over a thousand years many settlements in Korea forbid the digging of water‐wells. This custom can be explained using geomancy, which personifies local landscapes or names them after animate or inanimate objects. In ‘sailing boat’ landscapes the digging of water‐wells was prohibited because this was viewed as analogous to making a hole in the bottom of a boat, which would thus bring misfortune to local residents. Based on this geomantic reasoning, people considered the custom of forbidding well digging to be an integral part of the art of geomancy, with its origin in a geomantic belief system. My earlier research sustained this explanation but this paper, which is based on two recent instances of field work, rejects the established view on the custom. The aim of this paper is to critically re‐examine this established view and suggests a new idea that the folk custom of prohibiting well digging in Korea was not originally derived from geomancy, but was conceived from a non‐geomantic indigenous Korean idea and have become linked to geomancy through the enforcement process of practicing the custom in traditional Korean society.  相似文献   

The soil properties of a vegetation chronosequence in Hong Kong involving a grassland, a 22-year mixed woodland, a 52-year forest and two graduation 150-year old climax ( feng shui ) forests were examined. The objectives were to test the three hypotheses: (1) there are no significant differences in soil chemical properties between different climax forests, (2) exotic species are inferior to native species in soil amelioration; and (3) organic carbon, nitrogen and cation nutrients tend to accumulate in the soils during successional development of the vegetation. The results show that the soils along the vegetation chronosequence are strongly acidic in reaction, contained moderate to high levels of organic carbon, high exchangeable acidity, and low levels of mineral nitrogen (NH⊂4⊂> and NO⊂3⊂), available phosphorus and cation nutrients. All the three hypotheses are rejected. While the feng shui forests differed markedly in soil properties, exotic species were superior to native species in augmenting soil organic carbon, mineral nitrogen and exchangeable Ca. There was no accumulation of organic carbon, nitrogen and cation nutrients with ecological succession, due to the influence of patchy fire, species composition, parent materials and distance from the sea.  相似文献   

本文立足于宗教地理学的基本理论,以山西省 925 个“宗教景观”为研究对象,通过谷歌地球(GoogolEarth)及百度地图定位各个宗教景观的地理坐标。运用Arcgis10.3空间分析法、水文分析法进行可视化表达,分析山西宗教景观的空间分布格局及其影响因素。取得了较为理想的研究成果:山西宗教景观分布类型为集聚型,但存在较为明显的空间差异,形成“大分散、小集聚”式的空间分异模式;市域分布不均衡,呈现集中于以太原、长治、忻州、临汾市为依托的周边地区格局;高程空间格局具有高值集聚特征,且46%的宗教景观海拔高度<1000m;宗教景观分布具有倾向城市格局;从宗教景观格局影响因素看,其分布受总体地形控制海拔高程影响宗教集聚与分散程度,悠久的历史文化传承也是不可忽视的因素,人口分布状况影响宗教景观数量。  相似文献   

试论宗教与地理学   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
李悦铮 《地理研究》1990,9(3):71-79
宗教地理学是人文地理学的一个分支,国外早已进行了这方面的研究,我国这方面的研究刚起步。作者试图从宗教与地理之间的关系进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

孔翔  卓方勇 《地理科学》2017,37(1):110-117
以对黄山市徽州区呈坎古村居民和游客的问卷调查和半结构式访谈为基础,综合运用独立样本t检验和ArcGIS空间分析等方法,分析了文化景观在地方集体记忆建构中的作用。结果显示,无论居民或游客,都对呈坎古村的宗族文化和风水文化形成了集体记忆,而罗东舒祠和水口园林等文化景观则在建构地方集体记忆中发挥了重要作用。但由于与景观接触的方式不同,居民比游客更重视景观的真实性,相对排斥重建和新建的景观,也较少受到导游词的影响;而游客则对景观的真实性不敏感,文化景观和导游解说都可能影响游客的地方记忆。因此,为更好引导对古村落的集体记忆的建构,不仅要重视保护传统文化景观,更要在景观重建或新建过程中尊重居民的建议,争取在居民的传统意识和游客的旅游想象中实现平衡。  相似文献   

甘肃省迭部县扎尕那生态人居多层次景观空间解构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃省迭部县扎尕那村是中国藏区传统村寨聚落的典型代表之一,基于多功能景观概念和中国风水理论,从区域环境层次、居住区域层次、组团邻里层次和住屋单元层次4个层次对扎尕那聚落空间进行解构。研究表明,在区域环境层次上,其空间要素组成在水平和垂直方向上均表现出以人类活动为中心的圈层结构;在居住区域层次上,受自然力与传统理念的影响,村落的聚落为簇群模式发展,形成典型的线性"飘积"聚落形态;在组团邻里层次上,每个独立的自然村落都由1~2个连续的界面贯穿村落;在住屋单元层次上,扎尕那藏式榻板房院落空间水平结构大致分为左右结构和前后结构两类,包括居住活动区和种植区两部分,垂直结构依照起居、宗教和生产储藏功能一般为二或三层。为扎尕那聚落的保护和发展模式的制定奠定了理论基础,并提出了进一步的保护和规划建议,即将扎尕那聚落整体作为一个传统生态文化遗产综合保护区;利用民族信仰进行生态保护;合理地进行空间生态引导规划,实现生态人居聚落模式的完善。  相似文献   

陕西传统村落文化遗产景观基因识别   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文化遗产景观是地域文化的符号表征,文化遗产景观基因则是地域文化代际传承的基本“遗传”单位和文化遗产景观形成的决定性因子。目前文化遗产景观基因研究已成为文化地理学的重要方向之一。通过识别与提取隐藏在文化遗产景观内的文化基因,可反映出地域文化的基本特质。传统村落是最具代表性的地域文化遗产景观,整体上延续和传承了中国优秀的传统文化,并集中体现在传统村落内的文化遗产景观之中,对传统村落进行遗产性景观基因识别研究可揭示地域文化的人文地理性和传统村落的社会文化性。基于地域文化遗产景观基因理念,以陕西省35个代表性传统村落为例,首先从宏观和中观尺度,分析了传统村落遗产性景观的文化环境特征;其次从微观视角,建立了传统村落文化遗产景观基因识别指标体系,综合运用景观基因识别与提取方法,对传统村落文化遗产景观的基因特征进行分析,识别出传统村落的地域文化特质。本文旨在从文化地理学的视角认识和保护传统村落文化遗产景观,为实现传统村落的文化复兴提供科学依据。  相似文献   

广州山水格局及其保护   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
广州“山水”的概念,不应仅仅理解为“云山珠水”。从越秀山、白云山起,向东北绵延200km的山脉,以及相辅的山丘台地,构成广州山的格局;广州的水,除了珠江以外,还应包括众多的河涌、湖泊、沼泽、滩涂等湿地。这些山地和湿地,对于广州的生态环境有十分重要的作用。保护和合理利用广州优越的山水条件,是建设现代化山水城市的必然要求。  相似文献   

在分析北京山地系统的三大景观生态区域的现状和土地利用特点以及存在的生态环境问题基础上提出北京市景观生态环境建设的规划分区原则 ,那立北京市的三个一级规划分区和 8个类型区 ,指出各区的土地利用调整和类型区的景观生态环境建设方向。本文建立土地利用控制分区与生态环境建设相结合的规划模式 ,体现两个《规划》的基本要求 ,从而将人类经济活动、土地资源利用和生态环境建设融合在一起 ,实现土地利用规划“一保吃饭 ,二保建设 ,三保生态环境”的原则。  相似文献   

Most traditional segregation measures, such as the index of dissimilarity D, fail to distinguish spatial patterns effectively. Previously proposed spatial measures modifying D suffer from several shortcomings. This article describes a general spatial segregation index based upon the concept of composite population counts, which are derived from grouping people in neighboring areas together to account implicitly for spatial interaction of groups across unit boundaries. The suggested spatial index can overcome the disadvantages of previous indices and can assess the spatial extent of the segregated clusters. The results offer a more comprehensive depiction of spatial segregation of a region.  相似文献   

山东省文化景观差异明显,形成了不同的文化区。按农业文化景观的差异性,山东省可以划分为胶东海洋渔作文化区、鲁南旱作—水作—渔作文化区、鲁中旱作文化区和鲁西旱作—牧业文化区;按民俗、宗教文化景观的差异性,山东省可以划分为半岛民俗宗教文化区、孔孟之乡民俗宗教文化区、运河沿岸民俗宗教文化区、泰山民俗宗教文化区和淄潍民俗宗教文化区。详细探讨每个文化区的共性特征及其形成的自然环境和文化背景。  相似文献   


Most traditional segregation measures, such as the index of dissimilarity D, fail to distinguish spatial patterns effectively. Previously proposed spatial measures modifying D suffer from several shortcomings. This article describes a general spatial segregation index based upon the concept of composite population counts, which are derived from grouping people in neighboring areas together to account implicitly for spatial interaction of groups across unit boundaries. The suggested spatial index can overcome the disadvantages of previous indices and can assess the spatial extent of the segregated clusters. The results offer a more comprehensive depiction of spatial segregation of a region.


宗教空间的变化能反映出宗教文化景观与地理环境相互作用所彰显的社会文化空间意涵.通过文献分析,对清代佛山镇“万真观”向“城隍庙”空间变化的现象进行研究,并揭示其变化所意涵的城市发展和社会文化意义.研究表明,从清代佛山镇万真观到城隍庙的宗教空间变化,折射了佛山镇由“乡村”到“城市”空间意义的转变,这种变化不仅是城市经济繁荣、人口激增的推动,更与行政治所诉求和“城市”身份的认同有密切关系,而且佛山城隍庙的“草根性”还凸显了清代佛山镇的政权、族权和神权的社会特征.  相似文献   

Olwig, K.R. 2015. Nationalist heritage, sublime affect and the anomalous Icelandic landscape concept. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift–Norwegian Journal of Geography Vol. 69, 277–287. ISSN 0029-1951.

The idea of landscape has undergone change, as has the physical landscape, under differing historical, technological, ideological and representational contexts. The article is concerned with the way modern imaginaries of landscape have been read back into the past in order to naturalize, essentialize and legitimize a particular imagined political, economic and physical national heritage. The image of Icelandic landnám, understood as the settlement of the naturally bounded, wild, sublime, virginal nature of Iceland encountered by rugged and free Nordic Vikings, speaking a pure Nordic language, played a foundational mythic role in particularly 19th century Nordic and Germanic national romanticism. This was because Iceland provided an apparent means of ground-truthing the nationalism, coupled with economic liberalism, that the national romantics promoted. The article examines the ways that such romantic nativist ideas of national character, as something embedded in a people through the esthetic experience of raw sublime nature, continue to operate on Iceland, and far beyond the boundaries of Norden, in a modern world of freebooting financiers, offshore neoliberal economics and renewed nationalistic fervor. The modern international role of the physical landscape in this ideology is exemplified by a case from Mexico, whereas Iceland exemplifies the continued vitality of this ideational landscape.  相似文献   

Analysing forest history is crucial to understanding how shifting harvesting methods have different effects on forest landscape structure. Two main harvesting regimes in a Norwegian boreal forest landscape over a period of 150 years were detected by the study. A homogeneous impact regime resulting from selective logging changed the forest structure by logging the oldest and largest trees evenly throughout the forest, resulting in a homogeneous landscape structure. However, population growth in the 19th century led to a substantial increase in traditional subsistence forestry to obtain building materials, firewood, etc. The most intensive stage of this regime started in c.1860 when farmers began selling logging contracts to companies and timber traders. Despite this being termed a homogeneous landscape impact, the actual exploitation of the forest was strongly influenced by local factors such as the location of farms, summer farms, lakes, and rivers. Clear-cutting from the 1950s has resulted in a new heterogeneous impact regime, giving a landscape structure dominated by patches of even-aged stands. This regime still predominates. The analysis is based on a study of Nordli and the Sand?la drainage basin in Nord-Tr?ndelag. Such studies should give a better understanding of the interaction between natural ecological conditions in and human impact on boreal forest landscapes.  相似文献   

试论生态旅游的生态化道路--以自然生态旅游区为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
生态旅游已成为当今世界旅游发展的潮流。然而,在生态旅游开发过程中,存在着众多的。非生态化”现象,尤其是在自然生态旅游区。分析当前自然生态旅游区旅游开发和建设中的“非生态化”现象,主要包括盲目开发,自然景观破坏严重;游客严重超载,生态环境受破坏;人造景观和设施泛滥,景观污染和趋同现象严重;管理和文明建设落后,文化景观功能退化或受损等。运用景观生态学原理和生态安全理论等,从景观功能分区、旅游生态管理容量、景观结构生态设计、景观生态安全格局构建、生态教育等方面提出自然生态旅游区的生态化道路。  相似文献   

房艳刚  刘继生 《地理研究》2009,28(4):968-978
随着新农村建设的推进,农业型村落的建设将会成为今后的要点和难点。而集聚型农业村落乡村文化景观的代表性、典型性和示范性,使其文化景观演化研究对新农村建设具有重要参考意义。本文以山东曲阜峪口村为例,通过实地调查和入户访谈,对这一问题进行实证研究。研究发现,改革开放30年来集聚型农业村落文化景观的演化大致经历了三个阶段。其中,聚落空间演变经历了机械型外向扩展、蔓延型外向扩展与空心化、内部重填与再集聚三个阶段;民居景观演变经历了传统四合院、平顶化和立体发展三个阶段;土地利用经历了圈层化、细碎化与集约利用、集中化与粗放利用三个阶段。其演化是城乡关系、国家经济发展与现代化进程、计划生育与农地制度、国家政策等驱动因子影响下产生的乡村人口、社会、经济和文化变化所导致的。未来,聚落空间的再集聚,民居景观的现代化、生态化和特色化并重,土地利用景观的规模化、集约化和可持续发展将会成为集聚型农业村落的发展趋势。  相似文献   


Literature on environment-related outcomes highlights the role of political and religious factors—in particular, political orientation, party affiliation and biblical beliefs. Less is known about how these factors independently and interactively shape attitudes towards policy and environmental behaviors including how political factors may be moderated by religious beliefs. Using structural equation modeling and data from the 2010 GSS, we find that in the United States political orientation and party affiliation independently affect willingness to pay for the environment and to engage in pro-environmental behaviors. Biblical beliefs have no effect on behaviors, but strongly influence willingness to pay. Moreover, biblical beliefs moderate the effects of political orientation: the more politically conservative biblical literalist are the more willing they are willing to pay for the environment. We conclude with a discussion of these surprising results by calling for more intersectional approaches to environment-related behaviors and attitudes.  相似文献   

刘爱利  涂琼华  刘敏  刘福承 《地理研究》2015,34(9):1781-1794
遗产地旅游开发中的商业化现象越来越普遍,成为遗产保护与旅游实践中亟待解决的关键问题。尤其是具有特殊文化意义的宗教型遗产地,其旅游开发的商业化既影响了遗产资源的保护与可持续发展,也对游客的旅游体验产生了消极影响。在对相关研究进行总结回顾的基础上,选取嵩山少林寺为典型案例,从商业化阶段、产业链形态、旅游景观变迁、旅游世俗化影响等方面,对商业化的演化过程进行刻画与解读;通过利益相关者的视角,对商业化的形成机制进行分析和总结。提出的旅游商业化演化过程和形成机制的研究视角,对客观认知中国宗教型遗产地的商业化开发状态,指导宗教型遗产地的可持续发展,具有重要的现实作用。  相似文献   

研究了在不同形式人类经济活动下的森林景观变化与西双版纳地区鸟类多样性的关系.同时对发展生产时的用地布局和维护森林景观的动态发展与提高人们生活质量和持续发展的关系进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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