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Double-couple point-source parameters for 11 of the largest intraplate earthquakes in the northern Indian Ocean during the last 20 y were determined from a formal inversion of long-period P and SH waveforms. Nine of the events have centroid depths at least 17 km below the seafloor, well into the upper mantle; two have centroid depths as great as 39 km. Using the source mechanisms of these earthquakes, we distinguish two major intraplate tectonic provinces in the northern Indian Ocean. To the west of the Ninetyeast Ridge, in the southern Bay of Bengal, intraplate earthquakes have thrust-faulting mechanisms with P axes oriented N-S. The centroid depths of these earthquakes range from 27 to 39 km below the seafloor. Lithospheric shortening in this region is thus accomplished by thrust faulting in the strong core of the oceanic upper mantle, while other geophysical evidence suggests that shallow sedimentary and crustal layers apparently deform predominantly by folding. In the immediate vicinity of the Ninetyeast Ridge, earthquakes display strike-slip mechanisms with left-lateral motion on planes parallel to the ridge. This type of faulting occurs from at least 10°S to the northern end of the Ninetyeast Ridge near 10°N, where the ridge meets the Sunda Arc. Seismic activity diminishes to the east of the Ninetyeast Ridge, but is also characterized by strike-slip faulting. Despite these variations in deformational style, the inferred orientation of greatest compressive stress in the northern Indian Ocean displays a consistent long-wavelength pattern over a large portion of the Indian plate, varying smoothly from nearly N-S in the Bay of Bengal to NW-SE in the northeastern Indian Ocean. This plate-wide stress pattern and the high level of intraplate seismicity in the northern Indian Ocean are likely the results of substantial resistance, along the Himalayan continental collision zone, to the continued northward motion of the western portion of the Indian plate. Oceanic intraplate earthquakes in other regions, where the level of deviatoric stress associated with the long-wavelength part of the stress field is likely to be smaller, need not be comparably reliable indicators of the plate-wide stress field.  相似文献   

—The plate boundary along the north-central Caribbean margin is geologically complex. Our understanding of this complexity is hampered by the fact that plate motions are relatively slow (1 to 2 cm/yr), so that recent seismicity often does not provide a complete picture of tectonic deformation. Studies of the faulting processes of instrumentally recorded earthquakes occurring prior to 1962 thus provide important information regarding the nature and rate of seismic deformation within the region, and are essential for a comprehensive assessment of seismic hazard. We have conducted body waveform modeling studies of eight earthquakes which occurred along the north-central Caribbean plate margin, extending from southeastern Cuba to the Swan Island fracture zone (75 to 83°W). None of these earthquakes has been previously studied and several occurred in regions where no recent (post-1962) seismicity has been recorded. The plate margin in the western portion of our study area is characterized by a transform fault-spreading center system. In the central and eastern portions of our study area the plate margin is a complex, diffuse region of deformation that couples transform motion in the Cayman trough to subduction along the Lesser Antilles arc. Our results show that the western portion of the study area has only experienced large strike-slip earthquakes. Off southeastern Cuba two earthquakes appear to have occurred on high angle, northward dipping, reverse faults with south to southeastward directed slip vectors. An earthquake in northern Jamaica in 1957 shows pure strike-slip faulting, most likely along an east-west trending fault. Finally, an unusual sequence of events located in the Pedro Bank region ~70 km southwest of Jamaica has a mainshock with a reverse-oblique mechanism, suggesting continuity of the plate interface stress field well south of the northern Caribbean margin.  相似文献   

The possibility that thermoelastic stresses due to plate cooling contribute significantly to the stress field and seismicity in young oceanic lithosphere has been a subject of considerable recent interest. This effect is suggested by three key observations: a decrease in seismicity with lithospheric age, the fact that focal mechanisms show extension perpendicular to the spreading direction, and a depth stratification of mechanism types. A difficulty with this idea is that although thermoelastic stresses should be comparable in different regions, the intraplate seismicity seems to occur in local concentrations. In particular, the ridge-parallel extensional seismicity occurs preferentially in the Central Indian Ocean region.We explore the possibility that much of the data favoring thermoelastic stresses can be interpreted in terms of stresses resulting from individual plate geometry and local boundary effects. In particular, the dramatic concentration of extensional seismicity in the Central Indian Ocean region is consistent with finite element results for the intraplate stress incorporating the effects of the Himalayan collision and the various subduction zones. The ridge parallel extensional stresses show a decrease with age similar to that of the seismicity. As earthquakes in this area provide a major portion of the data for both ridge-parallel extension and depth stratification, these effects may be due more to the regional stress. We thus propose that thermoelastic stresses provide a low level “background” in all plates, but that the dominant effect is that of individual plate geometry and local boundary effects.  相似文献   

Intraplate seismic activity in Bolivia is mainly located in the central region (16°–19°S, 63°–67°W) which includes the East Andean Cordillera and the Sub-Andean Sierras. At this region there is a bend in the trend of the main geological structures from NW-SE in the north to N-S in the south. Focal mechanisms have been calculated for 10 earthquakes of magnitudes 4.9–5.6, using first motionP-waves from long period instruments. Their solutions correspond to reverse faulting, some with a large component of strike-slip motion. Their solutions can be grouped into two types; one with pure reverse faulting on planes with azimuth NW-SE and the other with a large strike-slip component on planes with azimuths nearly N-S or WNW-ESE. The maximum stress axis (P-axis) is practically horizontal (dipping less than 5°) oriented in a mean N56°E direction. This orientation may be related with the direction of compression resulting from the collision of the Nazca plate against the western margin of the South American continent. Wave-form analysis of long-periodP-waves for one event restricts the focal depth to 8 km in the Sub-Andean region. Seismic moments and source dimensions determined from spectra of Rayleigh waves are in the range of 1016–1017Nm and 17–24 km, respectively. The Central Bolivia region can be considered as a zone of intraplate deformation situated between the Bolivian Altiplano and the Brazil shield.  相似文献   

Present-day seismicity,stress field and crustal deformation of Egypt   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In this study we investigate present-day seismicity and crustal deformation of Egypt based on a comprehensive earthquake catalog from 1900 to 2004 by focal mechanism stress inversion and by recent GPS observations. Spatial distribution of earthquake epicenters indicates that Egypt has been suffered from both interplate and intraplate earthquakes. Most earthquake activity (more than 70%) has been concentrated in northern Egypt along the geologically documented borders of Sinai subplate (northern Red Sea and its two branches Suez rift and Aqaba–Dead Sea transform). The majority of inland earthquake focal mechanisms in Egypt are normal with strike-slip component or strike-slip faulting events. Only a small minority, namely four events, exhibits reverse faulting. The inversion method of Gephart and Forsyth (1984) was applied to calculate the orientation of the principle stress axes and the shape of the stress tensor. The best fitting tensor in Egypt shows homogeneity stress field. The tension stress regime is dominant in northern Egypt. The stress directions are well resolved by the 95% confidence limits, the relative stress magnitude has a value of about 0.3. However, along southern Egypt the strike-slip regime is dominant. The shape factor (R-value) is 0.5, which means that the deviatoric components of σ1 and σ3 are of the same magnitude, but of opposite signs. The average horizontal velocity of GPS stations in Egypt is 5.15± 1.1 mm/year in mostly NNW direction. The results of deformation analysis indicate that the northern Egypt is deformed more than the southern part. Only the Egyptian-Mediterranean coastal–Nile Delta zone dominates as a compression deformation area. However, an extensional deformation has been observed throughout the rest of country. This means that the relative motion of African plate with respect to both Eurasian and Arabian has highly controlled the deformation processes in Egypt.  相似文献   

—Rayleigh and Love waves generated by sixteen earthquakes which occurred in the Indian Ocean and were recorded at 13 WWSSN stations of Asia, Africa and Australia are used to determine the moment tensor solution of these earthquakes. A combination of thrust and strike-slip faulting is obtained for earthquakes occurring in the Bay of Bengal. Thrust, strike slip or normal faulting (or either of the combination) is obtained for earthquakes occurring in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. The resultant compressive and tensional stress directions are estimated from more than 300 centroid moment tensor (CMT) solution of earthquakes occurring in different parts of the Indian Ocean. The resultant compressive stress directions are changing from north-south to east-west and the resultant tensional stress directions from east-west to north-south in different parts of the Indian Ocean. The results infer the counterclockwise movement of the region (0°–33°S and 64°E–94°E), stretching from the Rodriguez triple junction to the intense deformation zone of the central Indian Ocean and the formation of a new subduction zone (island arc) beneath the intense deformation zone of the central Indian Ocean and another at the southern part of the central Indian basin. The compressive stress direction is along the ridge axis and the extensional stress manifests across the ridge axis. The north-south to northeast-south west compression and east-west to northwest-southeast extension in the Indian Ocean suggest the northward underthrusting of the Indian plate beneath the Eurasian plate and the subduction beneath the Sunda arc region in the eastern part. The focal depth of earthquakes is estimated to be shallow, varying from 4 to 20 km and increasing gradually in the age of the oceanic lithosphere with the focal depth of earthquakes in the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

We have investigated the application of the F-ratio test, a standard statistical technique, to the results of relative plate motion inversions. The method tests whether the improvement in fit of the model to the data resulting from the addition of another plate to the model is greater than that expected purely by chance. This approach appears to be useful in determining whether additional plate boundaries are justified. We confirm previous results favoring separate North American and South American plates with a boundary located between 30°N and the equator. Using Chase's global relative motion data, we show that in addition to separate West African and Somalian plates, separate West Indian and Australian plates, with a best-fitting boundary between 70°E and 90°E, can be resolved. These results are generally consistent with the observation that the Indian plate's internal deformation extends somewhat westward of the Ninetyeast Ridge. The relative motion pole is similar to Minster and Jordan's and predicts the NW-SE compression observed in earthquake mechanisms near the Ninetyeast Ridge.  相似文献   

We select the Xiluodu-Wudongde reservoir area in the downstream of Jinsha River as the research area, and use the CAP and GPAT method to obtain focal mechanisms of ML ≥ 2.0 earthquakes from 2016 to 2017 in this region. Then, we analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of focal mechanism solutions in each local region and investigate the relationship between seismicity and regional structures. According to 414 focal mechanism solutions we get following conclusions:1)The Xiluodu dam began to impound water on May 4, 2013, and seismicity increased significantly after impoundment. We get 49 focal mechanisms in the Xiluodu dam and its adjacent area which are dominated by thrust faulting and next by strike-slip faulting, which are mainly distributed near the middle section of the Ebian-Jinyang fault zone. The distribution of nodal planes striking in NNW to NE direction is consistent with that of regional faults, and some large earthquakes are controlled by regional structures. 2)There are 39 and 24 focal mechanisms obtained in the unimpounded Baihetan and Wudongde dams and adjacent areas, and the spatial distribution of focal mechanism solutions are relatively consistent, dominated by strike-slip faulting with a small amount of thrust and normal faulting. The sinistral strike-slip earthquakes are consistent with the activity of Xiaojiang fault zone and Puduhe-Xishan Fault. The strikes of the nodal planes are distributed discretely, and many groups of faults intersect with each other in the area, suggesting that the seismogenic environment is relatively complex. 3)The seismicity in Ludian continues to be active after the Ludian M6.5 earthquake. By the end of 2017, we got 260 focal mechanism solutions in the aftershock area of the Ludian MS6.5 earthquake of Aug 3rd, 2014, which show an "L-shape" in distribution and are dominated by thrust and strike-slip faulting. The long axis is distributed in EW direction, and the short axis is distributed in near NNW direction. The strikes of nodal planes are mainly near EW and near NE, and the nodal planes in the NW direction are less. According to characteristics of a large number of focal mechanism solutions, we deduce that there may exist a buried structure in the EW direction, the seismicity is controlled by different types of faults and the seismogenic structure is very complex. 4)The centroid depth in each region is concentrated in the range of 5~15km, indicating that the seismogenic layer in the study area is 5~15km deep in the middle and upper crust.  相似文献   

We have relocated the twenty-eight largest magnitude (4.3M s 7.3) historical (1922–1963) earthquakes of the southeastern Caribbean. We also present new focal mechanisms for seven of these events. The relocations are based on reported ISSP andS arrival times that we analyzed using generalized linear inversion techniques. The new focal mechanisms were constrained by first motionP polarities as reported by the ISS and as picked by us where records were available, and by the polarities and ratios ofSH andsSH, andSV andsSV arrivals that we determined from seismograms. The results of the relocations are commensurate with the distribution of seismicity observed in the recent era: hypocenters are shallow and intermediate in depth (0–200 km), and the events occur almost exclusively in areas known to be currently seismic. The frequent seismic activity in the vicinity of the Paria Peninsula, Venezuela, is clearly a persistent feature of the regional earthquake pattern; intermediate depth earthquakes indicative of subduction beneath the Caribbean plate occur here and along the Lesser Antilles arc. The Grenadines seismic gap is confirmed as an area of low seismic moment release throughout the historical era. Trinidad and the eastern Gulf of Paria were also largely quiescent.The new focal mechanisms, despite being a sparse data set, give significant insight into both subduction processes along the Lesser Antilles arc and into the shallow deformation of the Caribbean-South America plate boundary zone. The largest earthquake to have occurred in this region, the 19 March 1953 event (M m =7.01), is a Lesser Antilles slab deformation event, and another earthquake in this region of the Lesser Antilles is probably a rarely-observed interplate thrust event. Shallow deformation in the plate boundary zone is complex and, near the Paria Penninsula, involves mixed southeastward thrusting and dextral strike-slip on east-striking faults, and secondarily, normal faulting. Bending of the subducting Atlantic-South American plate also seems to generate seisms. The rather high ratio of intraplate deformation to interplate deformation observed along the Lesser Antilles subduction zone in the more recent era seems to have been operative in the historical era as well.  相似文献   

段梦乔  赵翠萍 《地震》2019,39(4):39-53
本文选取辽宁海城、 盖州地区(40°~41°N, 122°~123°E)作为研究区, 利用广义极性振幅技术(GPAT)方法, 反演得到研究区2012—2017年6月共184个地震震源机制解, 并利用Misfit角度分析震源机制一致性参数特征。 研究结果表明: ① 研究区地震震源机制解以走滑型和正断型为主。 海城地区地震震源机制解以NW—SE向节面的左旋走滑型和NWW向节面的正断型为主。 发震构造以NW向海城河断裂为主, NE向节面为主的地震可能受到NE向金州断裂带的控制。 ② 青石岭地区的发震构造为与九寨—盖县北段共轭的NW向未知断裂, 西海域的地震活动可能是NE向的雁式断裂和NW向共轭的未知断裂共同作用的结果。 ③ 震源机制一致性结果显示, 一致性增强后发生了震级相对较大的地震。 研究区的震源机制一致性较强, 表明该区域的应力较为集中。 但由于2016年以来活动趋于平静, 尚难以根据震源机制解一致性程度做出当前应力状态的判断。  相似文献   

We have conducted body waveform modeling studies of 13 historic earthquakes to provide a better understanding of the long-term spatial and temporal pattern of seismicity and deformation within a region extending from Barbuda, Lesser Antilles, to Cumana, Venezuela. Our results suggest that shallow earthquakes (<50 km deep) along the South American-Caribbean plate margin reflect right-lateral and extensional deformation. Intermediate depth events (100 km) show left-lateral strike-slip motion beneath the Paria peninsula of Venezuela. In the Lesser Antilles the 1960 Barbuda and 1946 Martinique earthquakes appear to be interplate thrust events, however the greatest moment release in the region has occurred at intermediate depths as a mixture of normal and strike-slip faulting, generally along trends oblique to the arc. The deformation rate estimated from the seismic moment release between 1926 and 1960 is only 1 to 10% of the estimated plate convergence rate for the region.  相似文献   

应用中国地震局地球物理研究所和蒙古科学院天体和地球物理研究中心合作编制的蒙古国及邻区M≥3.5的地震目录,研究了中蒙弧地区的地震活动性特征.结果表明,与中国大陆的“南北地震带”相对应,研究区地震总体分布大致以107°E为界,呈现西强东弱的特点,7级以上的强震集中于贝加尔湖、萨彦、阿尔泰以及天山地区,107°E以东,除纬度40°线附近(燕山地震带)地震较集中且强度大之外,其它地区地震稀少,强度也低.通过断层的野外调查和本地区震源机制解,进一步研究了该地区地震活动性特征的构造应力场及地球动力学成因.研究区大部份地震都是走滑型断层活动的地震.逆断层活动的地震主要分布于中国的天山地区和中蒙边境一带的阿尔泰山地区,正断层活动的地震主要分布于俄罗斯的贝加尔湖裂谷带,走滑兼倾滑断层活动的地震主要分布在研究区域的西部地区.研究区域内的大部份地区主压应力轴(P)的倾角都小于30°,为水平或近水平的构造应力场,自西向东主压应力轴的走向从近南-北方向逐渐转为北东-南西方向.断层的野外调查、震源机制解和区域构造应力场的方向表明,中蒙弧地区主要来自西南面的印度洋板块向北偏东方向的碰撞挤压,通过青藏高原传递到本区,来自东面太平洋板块的影响已较微弱,这是研究区地震活动西强东弱、8级以上强震都发生在西部的主要原因.  相似文献   

While most aspects of subduction have been extensively studied, the process of subduction initiation lacks an observational foundation. The Macquarie Ridge complex (MRC) forms the Pacific-Australia plate boundary between New Zealand to the north and the Pacific-Australia-Antarctica triple junction to the south. The MRC consists of alternating troughs and rises and is characterized by a transitional tectonic environment in which subduction initiation presently occurs. There is a high seismicity level with 15 large earthquakes (M>7) in this century. Our seismological investigation is centered on the largest event since 1943: the 25 MAY 1981 earthquake. Love, Rayleigh, andP waves are inverted to find: a faulting geometry of right-lateral strike-slip along the local trend of the Macquarie Ridge (N30°E); a seismic moment of 5×1027 dyn cm (M w=7.7) a double event rupture process with a fault length of less than 100km to the southwest of the epicenter and a fault depth of less than 20km. Three smaller thrust earthquakes occurred previous to the 1981 event along the 1981 rupture zone; their shallow-dipping thrust planes are virtually adjacent to the 1981 vertical fault plane. Oblique convergence in this region is thus accommodated by a dual rupture mode of several small thrust events and a large strike-slip event. Our study of other large MRC earthquakes, plus those of other investigators, produces focal mechanisms for 15 earthquakes distributed along the entire MRC; thrust and right-lateral strike-slip events are scattered throughout the MRC. Thus, all of the MRC is characterized by oblique convergence and the dual rupture mode. The true best-fit rotation pole for the Pacific-Australia motion is close to the Minster & Jordan RM2 pole for the Pacific-India motion. Southward migration of the rotation pole has caused the recent transition to oblique convergence in the northern MRC. We propose a subduction initiation process that is akin to crack propagation; the 1981 earthquake rupture area is identified as the crack-tip region that separates a disconnected mosaic of small thrust faults to the south from a horizontally continuous thrust interface to the north along the Puysegur trench. A different mechanism of subduction initiation occurs in the southernmost Hjort trench region at the triple junction. newly created oceanic lithosphere has been subducted just to the north of the triple junction. The entire MRC is a soft plate boundary that must accommodate the plate motion mismatch between two major spreading centers (Antarctica-Australia and Pacific-Antarctica). The persistence of spreading motion at the two major spreading centers and the consequent evolution of the three-plate system cause the present-day oblique convergence and subduction initiation in the Macquarie Ridge complex.  相似文献   

We calculated focal mechanisms for 30 of the strongest events (1.5 M L 3.3) in distinct subregions of Vogtland/Western Bohemia between 1990 and 1998. Our investigations are concerned with events of the swarms near Bad Elster (1991), Haingrün (1991), Nový Kostel (1994 and 1997) and Zwickau (1998), two events from a group of earthquakes near Klingenthal (1997) and eight single events. Seismograms were provided by the digital station networks of the Geophysical Observatory of the University of Munich, the Technical University of Freiberg, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague, the Masaryk University in Brno and some nearby stations of the German Regional Seismic Network (GRSN). To calculate focal mechanisms two inversion methods were applied. The inferred focal mechanisms do not show a simple, uniform pattern of seismic dislocation. All possible dislocation types – strike-slip, normal and thrust faulting - are represented. The prevailing mechanisms are normal and strike-slip faulting. Considerable differences in the fault plane solutions are noted for the individual subregions as well as in some cases among the individual events of a single swarm. For the Nový Kostel area we succeeded to resolve a change in the orientations of the nodal planes for the two successive swarms of December 1994 and January 1997. Besides this we also observe a change in the mechanisms, namely from strike-slip and normal faulting (December 1994) to strike-slip and thrust faulting (January 1997). Based on the inferred focal mechanisms the stress field was estimated. It turned out, that the dominating stress field in the region Vogtland/Western Bohemia does not substantially differ from the known stress field of West and Central Europe, being characterized by a SE-NW direction of the maximum compressive horizontal stress. We conclude that the seismicity in the Vogtland/Western Bohemia region is not predominantly caused by an independent local stress field, but rather controlled by the dominating stress regime in Central Europe.  相似文献   

欧亚地震带现代构造应力场及其分区特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用美国哈佛大学矩心矩张量目录中的2818个地震的震源机制解资料,分析了欧亚地震带及其5个分区现代构造应力场的基本特征,给出了5个分区的震源机制主压应力方向分布图。结果表明:①欧亚地震带以逆断型和走滑型断层活动为主;②地中海地震区以走滑断层活动为主,主压应力方向为SSW向;③伊朗—阿富汗—巴基斯坦地震区以逆断型断层活动为主,主压应力优势方向为NNE—NS向;④喜马拉雅地震以逆断型为主,主压应力优势方向为NS和NE向;⑤川—滇—缅地震区以走滑断层活动为主,主应力场方向为NNE向;⑥印度尼西亚地震区以逆断型断层活动为主,主压应力优势方向为NE—SSW向。各分区的主压应力方向明显受其所在区域板块运动的影响,由此推测板块运动可能是产生欧亚地震带构造应力的主要力源。  相似文献   

Conventional K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar total-fusion and incremental-heating ages from basalts recovered from the Ninetyeast Ridge confirm earlier indication from paleontology of basal sediments that basement crystallization ages increase systematically from south to north. A rate of migration of volcanism of 9.4 ± 0.3 cm/yr best fits the age-distance relationship determined from these basalts. The geometry, distribution of ages, paleomagnetism and geochemistry are most compatible with an origin of the Ninetyeast Ridge by northward movement of the Indian plate over a hotspot near Heard Island in the southern Indian Ocean, from mid-Cretaceous to Early Oligocene time. The Ninetyeast Ridge and nearly parallel Chagos-Laccadive Ridge provide an absolute frame of reference for the reconstruction of the eastern Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Study of focal mechanisms of earthquakes in the Near and Komandorsky Islands indicate that there are several distinct zones of tectonic activity. South of the Near Islands, normal faulting occurs in the trench east of 172°E and low-angle thrusting dominates the Aleutian ridge. Mechanisms indicate underthrusting as far west as Mednyy Island with strike-slip faulting restricted to the south and west of Beringa Island. A zone of northeast striking left-lateral faulting near 1645.°E is proposed to separate the Aleutian Ridge from Kamchatka Peninsula. This motion, as well as faulting north of the Komandorsky Islands, may be related to the existance of a buffer plate comprising the Aleutian Ridge in the Komandorsky Islands. Active subduction terminates near 173°E and the faulting north of the Komandorsky Islands may, in part, be due to the bouyancy of a remnant slab. Depth phase modelling indicates bulletin-reported depths are overestimated due to a misidentification of depth phases.  相似文献   

Along the Nankai trough, southwestern Japan, the Philippine Sea plate (PSP) is subducting beneath the Eurasian plate, and large interplate earthquakes have occurred repeatedly with a recurrence interval of about 100-200 years. The most recent large thrust event in the eastern Nankai trough off Kii Peninsula was the 1944 Tonankai earthquake. In this region, current seismicity is very low and hypocenters are not determined accurately by the land seismic network. We conducted microseismicity observations around the rupture area of the 1944 Tonankai earthquake using ocean bottom seismographs (OBSs). Hypocenters were determined using a 2-D seismic velocity structure model based on an airgun-OBS seismic survey. Results obtained show that the seismicity was relatively active near the trough axis. These earthquakes may relate to deformation of the subducting Philippine Sea plate. On the other hand, microseismicity in the rupture area of the 1944 Tonankai earthquake was very low. This low-level seismic activity in the co-seismic rupture area of the 1944 Tonankai earthquake likely relates to a single large asperity off Kii Peninsula.  相似文献   

Seismological data of the events that took place in the Bengal Basin during 1918 to 1989 have revealed an increased frequency of earthquakes in the last 30 years. The increase in seismic activity is an indication of fresh tectonic activity or propagation of fractures from the adjacent seismic zones.The tectonic trend TT3 as determined from the tectonic flux and from the crustal model is in good coincidence with the NE-SW trending linear zone of gravity high, the zone of Moho upwarping and the location of earthquake events having fault-plane solutions of prominent strike-slip component. It is further observed that most of the earthquakes that occurred in the Bengal Basin in the 20th century follow the tectonic trend TT3. The NE-SW trending tectonic trend TT3 is inferred as one of the most remarkable features in the Bengal Basin. The extension of this trend is well marked by the “Halflong-Disang Thrust” in the NE and by the “Swatch of No-Ground” in the SW.The tectonic flux has also revealed some other striking tectonic trends distributed over broad regions and is not confined to definite geologic or physiographic provinces but instead is transverse to major structural elements of the region, thus forming conjugate sets of active zones. The focal mechanism solutions of 12 earthquake events reveal the nature of faulting which is predominantly strike-slip. The strike-slip fault solutions for most of the events are indicative of a changing pattern from convergence and subduction to strike-slip displacement in the Bengal Basin. The focal mechanism of two events having solutions of strike-slip with a normal fault component located on the tectonic trend TT3, the nature of Moho upwarping and the crustal configuration lend support to a process of crustal extension prevailing in the Bengal Basin. The crustal segment to the east of TT3 is relatively more mobile than that of the crustal segment to the west. The general trend of compression (P-axis) is N57 °W in the Bengal Basin, while it is N40 °E in the Bay of Bengal. The oblique convergence of the crustal segments situated in the Bengal Basin and in the Bay of Bengal has been inferred.  相似文献   

2008年6月10日14时5分,内蒙古鄂伦春自治旗发生M5.2地震,该地震处于大兴安岭梯度带北段,是内蒙古东北部地区近年来发生的最大地震。基于内蒙古地震台网观测资料,使用TDMT方法、CAP方法、PTD方法和sPn-Pn等方法测定此次地震的震源机制解和震源深度。结合已有数据资料,分析震源区域地震的时空分布特征和构造应力特征,并探讨该地震的发震构造。此次地震震源深度较浅,位于上地壳,结合震源机制解结果、地震分布特征和构造背景分析认为,此次地震为右旋走滑类型,走向NNE,主压应力方向为SWW。  相似文献   

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