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Small-scale farmers' experimental innovations have not generally been considered for on-farm research trials as those in the traditional sector have been perceived as recipients, rather than originators, of technical knowledge and sustainable and viable practices. Yet there is abundant evidence throughout the tropics that small-scale farmers are adaptive and experimental problem solvers, and experts at devising innovative survival strategies. While literature on the topic is rich with accounts from Africa, Asia and Latin America, there is a general dearth of examples from the Caribbean. This paper highlights some examples of farm- and village-level problem solving and survival practices among small-scale domestic food producers in the challenging agroecological environment of Jamaica.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on information flows and the need for change in cottage industries in rural Indonesia. The context for small-scale business entrepreneurs has changed dramatically during the last decade of economic liberalisation and crisis. Emerging market opportunities, as well as national and international competition, now challenge indigenous businesses in their different geographical settings, and new information is indispensable for survival and growth. The principal question in the paper is whether small-scale agribusiness entrepreneurs are able to identify and utilise existing knowledge for the purpose of improving their competitive strength. By using case studies taking an actor's perspective, the empirical data give insight into the small entrepreneurs' perceptions of their business environments and the hindrances to innovation. Theories on dual economies, path dependence and information asymmetry form the basis for analysing two cases of Javanese agribusiness. The paper concludes that a gap prevails between "traditional" and "modern" sectors of this society, and that cottage industries have much to gain from linking up with external agencies. Regional universities may play a crucial role in enhancing information flows and disseminating competence.  相似文献   

The relationship between population mobility and farming is complex and has been the focus of numerous studies. Despite differing perspectives on the subject, there is an increasing realization that migration sustains farming in many rural communities, but with contradictory effects. Notwithstanding this conclusion, there is a paucity of village level studies that explain the precise ways in which migration in its various forms affects the survival of small farms. This paper reports on the results of a village level study of migration and small farming in the Rio Grande Valley of Jamaica. Apart from highlighting the various ways in which migration affects small farming at the local level, the study confirms the contradictory impact of migration on small farming in this remote agricultural community. It is noted, however, that the net effect is positive and the capital and labour resources, which are made available as a result of migration, play pivotal roles in the survival of small-scale farming as an economic activity in the area.  相似文献   

莫宏伟  尹寿兵  刘云霞 《热带地理》2022,42(11):1918-1930
在区分地方饮食与传统饮食概念的基础上,选择宏村传统饮食臭鳜鱼作为研究对象,通过对就餐环境、服务、食物3个原真性维度和满意度与行为意向2个维度,构建Amos结构方程模型,探究游客对传统饮食文化的原真性感知及其对旅游地就餐满意度和行为意向的影响。结果显示,3个维度的原真性均对满意度呈显著、直接、正向影响,对行为意向呈显著、间接、正向影响;其中,环境原真性对就餐满意度影响最大,其次为服务原真性,最后为食物原真性。研究认为,即使体验对象是与原真性关联紧密的传统饮食,大众游客仍更关注整体就餐环境和服务氛围,食物本身对满意度的影响最低。游客需求引发传统饮食文化舞台化重塑,并呈现“去传统化”与“去地方化”特征,旅游地饮食文化塑造对环境的关注大于食物,但当地居民更加关注食物本身的口味,主客关注差异和食物生产过程的游客需求导向引发当地居民对舞台化饮食的认同度降低。未来旅游地要充分考虑传统饮食的特殊性,重塑让游客与本地居民更加满意的饮食文化。  相似文献   

侗族禁忌文化的生态学解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闵庆文  张丹 《地理研究》2008,27(6):1437-1443
传统文化和传统的生态知识在当今环境和生物多样性保护中的重要性已被越来越多的研究者和决策者所认识,通过文化多样性保护促进生物多样性保护也成为重要的研究内容。我国禁忌文化是传统文化的重要组成部分,是一个民族在不同的自然环境和社会交际中自发地、逐步形成的一种复杂的社会文化现象。随着社会的发展,许多禁忌的具体内容与形式会随之发生转化甚至消亡,但是有些禁忌却仍然在现实生活中担当着重要的角色,许多民族的禁忌习俗对生态环境的保护仍然发挥着其他法律规范、制度措施所不能比拟的积极作用。在大量文献调研和实地考察的基础上,以黔东南侗族地区为例,较为系统地研究了一些禁忌产生的原因,重点分析了稻作文化中的一些禁忌及其生态学意义,揭示了少数民族地区包括禁忌在内的传统文化对生态保护和生物多样性保护的积极作用。  相似文献   

包括联合国粮农组织(FAO)认定的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)和一些国家农业部认定的国家重要农业文化遗产(NIAHS)在内的农业文化遗产是一种新的遗产类型,通常具有丰富的生物多样性、多元的传统知识、独特的资源利用技术、杰出的文化景观,是一个典型的社会-生态系统。文化关键种作为塑造了一个地区的社会文化特征的重要物种,可以作为研究社会-生态系统保护与恢复力提升的一种独特视角和方法。本文通过系统梳理文化关键种概念的起源与内涵,分析了它们与生物文化多样性和社会-生态系统保护之间的关系,并结合农业文化遗产的基本特征和保护需求,尝试对农业文化遗产地文化关键种给出了定义,即"在农业文化遗产系统内,由生物资源和文化实践紧密结合,对当地社会文化的稳定性产生重要影响且能够促进农业文化遗产保护目标实现的生物文化复合体"。在此基础上,进一步分析了识别农业文化遗产文化关键种对农业文化遗产保护的主要意义:一是通过文化关键种的识别与保护有助于遗产地关键要素的识别和保护;二是利用文化关键种社区认同度高的优势可以调动社区参与遗产保护的积极性;三是以文化关键种的识别与保护为切入点,有助于更好地实现全球或国家重要农业文化遗产保护目标,即保障食物与生计安全、保护生物多样性、促进传统知识与技术体系传承以及维持景观特征等。  相似文献   

Agricultural shows in Australia are typically depicted as celebrations of colonisation and scientific and technical modernisation in food production. The historical focus of shows is on competition to maximise perceived quality and yield of goods, from wheat to cattle. Through these frameworks, shows are often understood as supporting industrial-scale agricultural practices that promote an ecologically-blind approach to food production. However, we suggest that competitions in contemporary agricultural shows play a role in contesting the limits of such anthropocentric thinking. We focus on a hitherto unexplored aspect of agricultural shows: small-scale growers who exhibit produce in their annual local show competitions. Through a case study drawing on interviews with exhibitors and judges, combined with participant observation at the 2012 Royal Canberra Show, we highlight the complex relationships between people, place and more-than-humans in this unique cultural site. In so doing, we suggest that exhibiting in the show can intensify urban and peri-urban small-scale producer engagement in practices of ‘tinkering’. This facilitates embodied encounters with the limits of both human mastery and those of the materiality of non-humans involved in food production. Through the ongoing, adaptive processes of tinkering encouraged by such competitions, we suggest that exhibiting in agricultural shows can support the growth of ecologically informed, place-based understandings of the food system and challenge binaries of the rural/city divide.  相似文献   

Entomophagy, the human consumption of insects, has not received significant attention in Western literature, despite the critical role which it plays as a protein supplement in many parts of the world. This paper explores the importance of entomophagy in Africa within the context of food security and indigenous technical knowledge. These issues are further investigated through a case study of the mopane caterpillar in Southern Africa. The findings clearly indicate the contribution which insects make to the diet of rural Africans.  相似文献   

试论知识经济时代的地理学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐建华 《地理科学》1999,19(4):349-352
近几年,知识经济这一概念在全世界范围得到迅速传播,引起了社会各界的强烈反响.尽管,对于知识经济时代空竟何时到来,学者们虽有争议,但是大家都不约而同地认为,知识经济这一概念恰当地概括了当今世界经济的特征和发展趋势,知识经济将改变人类社会经济生活的各个方面。  相似文献   

This paper explores the environmental knowledge of small-scale rural landholders and comments on the implications of this for environmental policy. The paper draws on conceptualisations of knowledge as 'know what', 'know why', 'know how' and 'know who', recognises a distinction between tacit and codified environmental knowledges and highlights the need to consider the politics of knowledge surrounding environmental issues. Both quantitative and qualitative data are reported, and are derived from structured interviews with 30 small-scale landholders who were participants in a nature and landscape conservation initiative – the Landscape Heritage Scheme – within South Devon, England. These data are used to explore the place of environmental concerns within the land management objectives of respondents; the nature and extent of their environmental knowledge; how a range of factors alongside their environmental knowledge shaped the environmental practices of respondents; and the politics of knowledge associated with the Landscape Heritage Scheme. The paper suggests that small-scale landholders should be of interest to environmental policy, prioritising environmental objectives in their land management, being relatively knowledgeable about the environment and highly responsive to environmental advice and financial incentives that support environmental management. A case is made for developing research in this area, given ongoing processes of rural demographic change and the rising importance within this of an increasingly diverse landholding population.  相似文献   

Small-scale farmers all over the world face a number of common biophysical and socio-economic challenges. In this paper we draw on data from a workshop held in the UK in 2005, to assess whether experiences in addressing these challenges, as gained in the global South, may be used to inform solutions to similar challenges in the UK. In doing so, we contribute to a growing body of literature that seeks to challenge predominantly North–South flows of knowledge and resources. We first identify specific common challenges faced by small-scale farmers in the global North and South. We then compare the different solutions used to address these problems, drawing on the first-hand experiences of the academics, small-scale farmers, NGO staff and policymakers who participated in the workshop. Next, we examine the transferability of solutions between locations, elucidating the conditions that support and hinder such transfers. Finally, we evaluate the potential for a workshop approach to act as a 'learning space', in which the sharing of experiences can foster learning for participants and lead to new, creative ways of thinking about the process-based challenges faced by small-scale farmers  相似文献   

This paper presents a site suitability model for growing coffee in the island of Jamaica and how it can be used to assist the development of the Jamaican coffee industry as it seeks to regain the presence it once had in the specialty coffee market. Home to the Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee – one of the world's most exotic and expensive coffees, the industry has struggled in face of increased competition in the specialty coffee market and increasing costs of production. This decline in competitive advantage has forced stakeholders to seek innovative means to remain viable. This suitability model integrated the perspectives of local coffee stakeholders using the analytic hierarchy process to determine the weights for the biophysical and infrastructure criteria used in the suitability analysis. The results indicated that the most suitable locations for growing coffee in the island were in the mountainous core of central and eastern Jamaica, especially in and around the Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee region and the hills of south-central Jamaica. The results also highlighted areas with limited coffee production potential across the island. This model lays the groundwork for potential applications of the model such as its use in policy making decisions and scenario planning as the industry contemplates the possible impacts of climate change on coffee growing regions across the island. This suitability model promises to be a stepping stone in the creation of novel applications of geospatial technology in agriculture within small islands.  相似文献   

The article examines an alternative food network evolution in the post-communist context in Czechia in general and farm shop developments in particular. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with farm shopkeepers operating in Czechia. The results revealed that the development of the farm shop network was significantly shaped by the communist past of the country. While consumers’ demand for quality food contributed to the initiation of developments in local food movements such as farm shops in Czechia, the inconvenient structure of the farming sector, comprising a limited number of small-scale farmers, hindered the development. Although the farm shops usually operate as middlemen by reselling goods produced by a range of farmers, farm shopkeepers expressed significant awareness of the sustainability principles of the local food concept and dissociated themselves from unethical practices of large retailers. Nevertheless, the author finds that the local concept is used in a flexible manner to meet customers’ demands. Despite obstacles faced by farmers when developing their own farm shops, there is significant potential in ‘Czech-type’ farm shops operating solely as retailers. However, the author concludes that the threat of the diversion from the sustainability principles of the local food concept should not be neglected.  相似文献   

论全球化与地区发展之间的辩证关系--被动嵌入   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
全球化是当今世界发展的重要趋势之一。地理学家基本上都承认这种趋势正在对地区发展产生深刻的影响,但对具体影响还缺少比较一致的看法。在过去的10多年中,国外经济地理学者主要借用社会经济学的思想和概念来为全球化下地区的作用来辩护。本文继承了这种学术思路,利用“嵌入”的思想建立了“被动嵌入”模型,来反映外资与地方制度环境之间的相互作用关系。“被动嵌入”模型表明,全球化是依赖于地方制度环境的一个过程,离开地区谈全球化是一种“理想主义”。另一方面,地区如何在全球化浪潮中获得益处取决于自身的知识创新与制度创新。  相似文献   

Astrid Wood 《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1238-1254
In this paper, I explore the variety of actors who circulate international best practice around the world. I trace the introduction and adoption of bus rapid transit (BRT) projects and policies across six South African cities through international and municipal policy actors, to expose the role of individuals moving policy within the messy and tangled process of policy circulation. The analysis demonstrates the particularly important role of local actors in localizing global practice. While cities may learn of circulated forms of knowledge through innovative and dynamic individuals, policy is adopted only through local actors with governmental support. This premise adds a critical dimension to the policy mobilities field by demonstrating that adopting localities are instrumental in cultivating a receptive ground for the application of circulated policy. Global best practice does not simply float around waiting to be selected, but rather local policymakers are actively seeking and transforming innovations such as BRT.  相似文献   

作为一种土地利用活动,传统农林复合系统已经经历了成百上千年的历史,并且依然发挥着重要的作用在世界上,特别是热带和亚热带地区。在全球变化和粮食安全等危机的时代背景下,传统农林复合系统受到越来越多政府和非政府组织的重视,因为传统农林复合系统具有重要的经济、生态和社会文化效益。这与全球重要农业文化遗产要求的特征也相一致,目前为止,已经有5个国家4个典型的传统农林复合系统被列为全球重要农业文化遗产。这些传统农林复合系统具有丰富的农业生物多样性,多重的生态系统服务功能,重要的社会文化价值,无论在区域还是全球水平上。目前传统农林复合系统面临一些威胁和挑战,如人口迁移、市场冲击、气候变化等,但是只要政府和非政府组织、社区、农民之间采取多种方式紧密合作,在未来的全球土地利用活动中,传统农林复合系统必将得到有效保护和推广。  相似文献   

This paper examines demographic and socioeconomic forces in high isolated parts of the world. These regions were not always isolated; they were once the centers of their own particular worlds which, in some cases, were complex civilizations. It is their relegation to the very periphery of the modern world that is the principal theme of this paper. Population migration, both into and out of these areas, has played a vital role in linking mountainous regions to the wider world. Particular attention is paid to the part played by the traditional mobility patterns and by the resource base of the mountains in the transformation of integral, self-sufficient cultures into dependent, subservient part-cultures, the regions of refuge. The effect of population pressure and the development of outmigration from the Andes of Peru is examined first and the analysis extended to the highlands of Papua-New Guinea and to several regions in the Himalayan arc to provide the background for a comparative study of regions of refuge.  相似文献   

Small-scale coastal fisheries are exposed to many stressors, such as poor governance, lack of alternative employment, overfishing and diseases. Stressors, in this context, constitute environmental and socio-economic changes or events at local, national or global levels making the fisheries sector or fishers vulnerable. Climate change is expected to compound the consequences of these stressors on fisheries and livelihoods. Identifying and understanding the effects of important stressors are imperative for building and organising appropriate capacity to adapt and, ultimately, for successful adaptation. However, how climate-related and non-climate stressors jointly affect small-scale fisheries is still to be fully explored. In this paper, we use case studies of three coastal communities in the Western Region of Ghana to gain insights into how multiple stressors combine to affect small-scale fisheries. The findings show that multiple stressors combine in complex ways, affecting fisheries-based livelihoods and the coastal landscape, vegetation and infrastructure. This suggests that any single stressor is just a part of a set of stressors that jointly affect small-scale coastal fisheries. This study proposes that the effects of climate-related stressors are better comprehended when analysed in light of the synergetic effect of multiple stressors. It has the potential to guide policy-makers and managers in designing and implementing improved strategies to enhance adaptive capacity in response to climate change. Moreover, this knowledge can present an opportunity and justification for solving other inherent developmental problems through climate change adaptation policies and actions.  相似文献   

Tin mining carried out on the Jos Plateau since the beginning of the last century has disturbed some 320 km2 of agricultural land. Formal attempts at reclamation of this land failed, but local farmers have developed a successful informal strategy for reclamation. This paper reports on a study undertaken to comprehend the farmers'informal' approach to soil fertility management. Their soil fertility management practices centre on the use of a complex combination of traditional organic manures and 'modern' inorganic fertilizers that they have developed entirely on the basis of experimentation. A central focus of this paper is therefore the empirical knowledge base of the farmers and an assessment of any underlying scientific explanations for their strategies, including an analysis of their assertion that different brands of NPK fertilizers differ in their nutrient value. This discussion is followed by a consideration of the difficulties in accessing and understanding empirical knowledge. It is concluded that farmers' knowledge and understanding of the values of different fertilizers and manures does have a scientific basis. It is argued that for further agricultural development to take place on the Jos Plateau, there must be synergy between farmers' empirical knowledge (which has led to the development of successful and effective soil fertility management strategies, unlike the attempts of the local 'scientific' communities) and scientific knowledge (which can identify health and environmental hazards which may not be immediately visible to farmers).  相似文献   

In the context of climate change, research on extreme climates and disaster risk management has become a crucial component of climate change adaptation. Local communities, which have been facing extreme climates for a long time in their production and daily life, have developed some locally applicable traditional knowledge that has played an important role in their adaptation to extreme climate and disaster risk management. Therefore, this research aims to link Local knowledge (LK) to community extreme climate disaster risk management in order to construct a conceptual model. It then takes the extreme climate adaptation strategy of traditional nomads in a temperate grassland of China as an example to analyze the role of LK in extreme climate adaptation using the proposed theoretical framework. The main research objectives of this study are: (1) To construct a conceptual model to illustrate the relations among extreme climate events, risk management, LK, and farmers' adaptation strategies; (2) To apply the theoretical framework to a field case to reveal context-specific extreme climate adaptation mechanisms with LK as a critical component; (3) To test the framework and provide suggestions for the extreme climates adaptation, and the conservation of LK related to climate change adaptation. The results show that from the perspective of disaster risk management, local communities could manage extreme climates as a disaster risk through adaptation strategies formed from LK, because as a knowledge system, LK contains relevant knowledge covering the whole process of disaster risk management.  相似文献   

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