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In this work we investigated changes of the water emission from a model comet of the size and orbital elements of Comet P/2008 R1 (Garradd). We performed simulations for model cometary nuclei of different compositions and two different orientations in space. Our simulations indicate, that the emission of water decreases from one orbital period to another one, but in some cases slowly. When the rotation axis of the nucleus lies in the orbital plane the seasonal maximum of water production during the first two orbital periods can be as high as about 1026 mol s?1, but decreases by two orders of magnitude during only 50 orbital periods. The highest rate of water production after many orbital periods is expected when the rotation axis is perpendicular to the orbital plane – the seasonal maximum of water production can be about 5 × 1025 mol s?1 during the first two orbital periods after activation of the comet and no more than 0.8 × 1025 mol s?1 500 orbital periods later. The upper estimate for the production of water derived from observations of P/2008 R1 (Garradd) by Jewitt et al. (Jewitt, D., Yang, B., Haghighipour, N. [2009]. Astron. J. 137, 4313–4321) is 5 × 1025.  相似文献   

Titan’s moment of inertia (MoI), estimated from the quadrupole gravity field measured by the Cassini spacecraft, is 0.342, which has been interpreted as evidence of a partially differentiated internal mass distribution. It is shown here that the observed MoI is equally consistent with a fully differentiated internal structure comprising a shell of water ice overlying a low-density silicate core; depending on the chemistry of Titan’s subsurface ocean, the core radius is between 1980 and 2120 km, and its uncompressed density is 2570–2460 kg m?3, suggestive of a hydrated CI carbonaceous chondrite mineralogy. Both the partially differentiated and fully differentiated hydrated core models constrain the deep interior to be several hundred degrees cooler than previously thought. I propose that Titan has a warm wet core below, or buffered at, the high-pressure dehydration temperature of its hydrous constituents, and that many of the gases evolved by thermochemical and radiogenic processes in the core (such as CH4 and 40Ar, respectively) diffuse into the icy mantle to form clathrate hydrates, which in turn may provide a comparatively impermeable barrier to further diffusion. Hence we should not necessarily expect to see a strong isotopic signature of serpentinization in Titan’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

The Tyrrhena Terra region of Mars is studied with the imaging spectrometers OMEGA (Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activité) onboard Mars Express and CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Infrared Spectrometer for Mars) onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, through the observation of tens of craters that impacted into this part of the martian highlands. The 175 detections of hydrated silicates are reported, mainly associated with ejecta blankets, crater walls and rims, and central up-lifts. Sizes of craters where hydrated silicates are detected are highly variable, diameters range from less than 1 km to 42 km. We report the presence of zeolites and phyllosilicates like prehnite, Mg-chlorite, Mg-rich smectites and mixed-layer chlorites–smectites and chlorite–vermiculite from comparison of hyperspectral infrared observations with laboratory spectra. These minerals are associated with fresh craters post-dating any aqueous activity. They likely represent ancient hydrated terrains excavated by the crater-forming impacts, and hence reveal the composition of the altered Noachian crust, although crater-related hydrothermal activity may have played a minor role for the largest craters (>20 km in diameter). Most detected minerals formed over relatively high temperatures (100–300 °C), likely due to aqueous alteration of the Noachian crust by regional low grade metamorphism from the Noachian thermal gradient and/or by extended hydrothermal systems associated with Noachian volcanism and ancient large impact craters. This is in contrast with some other phyllosilicate-bearing regions like Mawrth Vallis where smectites, kaolinites and hydrated silica were mainly identified, pointing to a predominance of surface/shallow sub-surface alteration; and where excavation by impacts played only a minor role. Smooth plains containing hydrated silicates are observed at the boundary between the Noachian altered crust, dissected by fluvial valleys, and the Hesperian unaltered volcanic plains. These plains may correspond to alluvial deposition of eroded material. The highlands of Tyrrhena Terra are therefore particularly well suited for investigating the diversity of hydrated minerals in ancient martian terrains.  相似文献   

We present observations of the O2(a1Δg) nightglow at 1.27 μm on Mars using the SPICAM IR spectrometer onboard of the Mars Express orbiter. In contrast to the O2(a1Δg) dayglow that results from the ozone photodissociation, the O2(a1Δg) nightglow is a product of the recombination of O atoms formed by CO2 photolysis on the dayside at altitudes higher than 80 km and transported downward above the winter pole by the Hadley circulation. The first detections of the O2(a1Δg) nightglow in 2010 indicate that it is about two order of magnitude less intense than the dayglow (Bertaux, J.-L., Gondet, B., Bibring, J.-P., Montmessin, F., Lefèvre, F. [2010]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 42, 1040; Clancy et al. [2010]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 42, 1041). SPICAM IR sounds the martian atmosphere in the near-IR range (1–1.7 μm) with the spectral resolution of 3.5 cm?1 in nadir, limb and solar occultation modes. In 2010 the vertical profiles of the O2(a1Δg) nightside emission have been obtained near the South Pole at latitudes of 82–83°S for two sequences of observations: Ls = 111–120° and Ls = 152–165°. The altitude of the emission maximum varied from 45 km on Ls = 111–120° to 38–49 km on Ls = 152–165°. Averaged vertically integrated intensity of the emission at these latitudes has shown an increase from 0.22 to 0.35 MR. Those values of total vertical emission rate are consistent with the OMEGA observations on Mars-Express in 2010. The estimated density of oxygen atoms at altitudes from 50 to 65 km varies from 1.5 × 1011 to 2.5 × 1011 cm?3. Comparison with the LMD general circulation model with photochemistry (Lefèvre, F., Lebonnois, S., Montmessin, F., Forget, F. [2004]. J. Geophys. Res. 109, E07004; Lefèvre et al. [2008]. Nature 454, 971–975) shows that the model reproduces fairly well the O2(a1Δg) emission layer observed by SPICAM when the large field of view (>20 km on the limb) of the instrument is taken into account.  相似文献   

Phase angle and temperature are two important parameters that affect the photometric and spectral behavior of planetary surfaces in telescopic and spacecraft data. We have derived photometric and spectral phase functions for the Asteroid 4 Vesta, the first target of the Dawn mission, using ground-based telescopes operating at visible and near-infrared wavelengths (0.4–2.5 μm). Photometric lightcurve observations of Vesta were conducted on 15 nights at a phase angle range of 3.8–25.7° using duplicates of the seven narrowband Dawn Framing Camera filters (0.4–1.0 μm). Rotationally resolved visible (0.4–0.7 μm) and near-IR spectral observations (0.7–2.5 μm) were obtained on four nights over a similar phase angle range. Our Vesta photometric observations suggest the phase slope is between 0.019 and 0.029 mag/deg. The G parameter ranges from 0.22 to 0.37 consistent with previous results (e.g., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Magnusson, P., Williams, I.P., Buontempo, M.E., Argyle, R.W., Morrison, L.V. [1992]. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 94, 43–71; Piironen, J., Magnusson, P., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Williams, I.P., Buontempo, M.E., Morrison, L.V. [1997]. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 121, 489–497; Hasegawa, S. et al. [2009]. Lunar Planet. Sci. 40. ID 1503) within the uncertainty. We found that in the phase angle range of 0° < α ? 25° for every 10° increase in phase angle Vesta’s visible slope (0.5–0.7 μm) increases 20%, Band I and Band II depths increase 2.35% and 1.5% respectively, and the BAR value increase 0.30. Phase angle spectral measurements of the eucrite Moama in the lab show a decrease in Band I and Band II depths and BAR from the lowest phase angle 13° to 30°, followed by possible small increases up to 90°, and then a dramatic drop between 90° and 120° phase angle. Temperature-induced spectral effects shift the Band I and II centers of the pyroxene bands to longer wavelengths with increasing temperature. We have derived new correction equations using a temperature series (80–400 K) of HED meteorite spectra that will enable interpretation of telescopic and spacecraft spectral data using laboratory calibrations at room temperature (300 K).  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(10):1328-1345
The planetary fourier spectrometer (PFS) for the Mars express mission (MEX) is an infrared spectrometer operating in the wavelength range from 1.2 to 45 μm by means of two spectral channels, called SWC (short wavelength channel) and LWC (long wavelength channel), covering, respectively, 1.2–5.5 and 5.5–45 μm.The middle-spring Martian north polar cap (Ls∼40°) has been observed by PFS/MEX in illuminated conditions during orbit 452. The SWC spectra are here used to study the cap composition in terms of CO2 ice, H2O ice and dust content. Significant spectral variation is noted in the cap interior, and regions of varying CO2 ice grain sizes, water frost abundance, CO2 ice cover and dust contamination can be distinguished. In addition, we correlate the infrared spectra with an image acquired during the same orbit by the OMEGA imaging spectrometer and with the altimetry from MOLA data. Many of the spectra variations correlate with heterogeneities noted in the image, although significant spectral variations are not discernible in the visible. The data have been divided into five regions with different latitude ranges and strong similarities in the spectra, and then averaged. Bi-directional reflectance models have been run with the appropriate lighting geometry and used to fit the observed data, allowing for CO2 ice and H2O ice grain sizes, dust and H2O ice contaminations in the form of intimate granular mixtures and spatial mixtures.A wide annulus of dusty water ice surrounds the recessing CO2 seasonal cap. The inner cap exhibits a layered structure with a thin CO2 layer with varying concentrations of dark dust, on top of an H2O ice underneath ground. In the best-fits, the ices beneath the top layer have been considered as spatial mixtures. The results are still very good everywhere in the spectral range, except where the CO2 ice absorption coefficients are such that even a thin layer is enough to totally absorb the incoming radiation (i.e. the band is saturated). This only happens around 3800 cm−1, inside the strong 2.7-μm CO2 ice absorption band. The effect of finite snow depth has been investigated through a layered albedo model. The thickness of the CO2 ice deposits increases with latitude, ranging from 0.5–1 g cm−2 within region II to 60–80 g cm−2 within the highest-latitude (up to 84°N) region V.Region I is at the cap edge and extends from 65°N to 72°N latitude. No CO2 ice is present in this region, which consists of relatively large grains of water ice (20 μm), highly contaminated by dust (0.15 wt%). The adjacent region II is a narrow region [76–79°N] right at the edge of the north residual polar cap. This region is very distinct in the OMEGA image, where it appears to surround the whole residual cap. The CO2 ice features are barely visible in these spectra, except for the strong saturated 2.7 μm band. It basically consists of a thin layer of 5-mm CO2 ice on top of an H2O ice layer with the same composition as region I. A third interesting region III is found all along the shoulder of the residual cap [79–81°N]. It extends over 1.5 km in altitude and over only 2° of latitude and consists of CO2 ice with a large dust content. It is an admixture of CO2 ice (3–4 mm), with several tens of ppm by mass of water ice and more than 2 ppt by mass of dust. The surface temperatures have been retrieved from the LWC spectra for each observation. We found an increase in the surface temperature in this region, indicating a spatial mixture of cold CO2 ice and warmer dust/H2O ice. Region IV is close to the top of the residual cap [81–84°N]; it is much brighter than region III, with a dust content 10 times lower than the latter. The CO2 grain size is 3 mm and strong CO2 ice features are present in the data, indicating a thicker CO2 ice layer than in region II (1–2 g cm−2). The final region V is right at the top of the residual cap (⩾84°N). It is “pure” CO2 ice (no dust) of 5 mm grain sizes, with 30 ppm by weight of water ice. The CO2 ice features are very pronounced and the 2.7 μm band is saturated. The optical thickness is close to the semi-infinite limit (30–40 g cm−2). Assuming a snowpack density of 0.5 g cm−3, we get a minimum thickness of 1–2 cm for the top-layer of regions II and III, 4–10 cm for region IV, and ⩾60–80 cm thickness for region V. These values are in close agreement with several recent results for the south seasonal polar cap.These results should provide new, useful constraints in models of the Martian climate system and volatile cycles.  相似文献   

Knowing the collisional process among small porous icy bodies in the outer solar system is a key to understanding the formation of EKBOs and the evolution of icy planetesimals. Impact experiments of sintered porous ice spheres with 40%, 50%, 60% and 70% porosity were conducted by using three types of projectiles at the impact velocity from 2.4 to 489 m/s, and we studied the effects of porosity on the collisional processes. Projectile sticking occurred at the impact velocity higher than 44 m/s for 60% porosity targets and higher than 13 m/s for 70% porosity targets. The antipodal velocity of the porous ice target increased with the increase of energy density, Q, and it increased slightly with the increase of porosity, although it was exceptionally high in cases when the projectile penetrated the target. The shattering strength of porous ice targets was found to decrease from 100 to 31 J/kg with the increase of porosity from 40% to 70%. The cumulative fragment mass distribution was found to depend on the energy density and the target porosity, and the slopes of the distribution in the small fragment region were almost flat for more porous targets. We reanalyzed the cumulative fragment mass distribution and first obtained the empirical equation showing the fragment mass distribution of porous ice targets as a function of the energy density and the porosity.  相似文献   

The exosphere of an atmosphereless icy moon is the result of different surface release processes and subsequent modification of the released particles. At Europa icy moon, water molecules are directly released, but photolysis and radiolysis due to solar UV and Jupiter’s magnetospheric plasma, respectively, can result in OH, H, O and (possibly) H2 production. These molecules can recombine to reform water and/or new chemical species. As a consequence, Europa’s neutral environment becomes a mixture of different molecules, among which, H2O dominates in the highest altitudes and O2, formed mainly by radiolysis of ice and subsequent release of the produced molecules, prevails at lower altitudes. In this work, starting from a previously developed Monte Carlo model for the generation of Europa’s exosphere, where the only considered species was water, we make a first attempt to simulate also the H2 and O2 components of the neutral environment around Europa, already observed by the Hubble Space Telescope and the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph on board Cassini, during its flyby of Jupiter. Considering a specific configuration where the leading hemisphere coincides with the sunlit hemisphere, we estimate along the Europa–Sun line an O2 column density of about 1.5 × 1019 m?2 at the dayside and 3 × 1018 m?2 at the nightside. In this work we also improve our previous estimation of the sputtered H2O exosphere of this moon, taking into consideration the trailing–leading asymmetry in the magnetospheric ion bombardment and the energy and temperature dependences of the process yields. We find that a density of 1.5 × 1012 H2O/m3 is expected at altitudes ~0.1RE above the surface of the trailing hemisphere. Additionally, we calculate the escape of H2O, O2 and H2. The total number of neutral atoms in Europa’s neutral torus, is estimated to be in the range 7.8 × 1032–3.3 × 1033.  相似文献   

Understanding the collisional behavior of ice dust aggregates at low velocity is a key to determining the formation process of small icy bodies such as icy planetesimals, comets and icy satellites, and this collisional behavior is also closely related to the energy dissipation mechanism in Saturn’s rings. We performed head-on collision experiments in air by means of free-falling centimeter-sized sintered snowballs with porosities from 44% to 80% at impact velocities from 0.44 m s?1 to 4.12 m s?1 at ?10 °C. In cases of porosity larger than 70%, impact sticking was the dominant collision outcome, while bouncing was dominant at lower porosity. Coefficients of restitution of snow in this velocity range were found to depend strongly on the porosity rather than the impact velocity and to decrease with the increase of the porosity. We successfully measured the compaction volume of snowballs after the impact, and it enabled us to estimate the dynamic compressive strength of snow with the assumption of the energy conservation between kinetic energy and work for deformation, which was found to be consistent with the upper limit of static compressive strength. The velocity dependence of coefficients of restitution of snow was analyzed using a Johnson’s model, and a diagram for collision outcomes among equal-sized sintered snowballs was successfully drawn as a function of porosity and impact velocity.  相似文献   

We present a far ultraviolet (FUV) spectrum of Saturn’s moon Enceladus from the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We have put upper limits on emission from C, N, and O lines in Enceladus’ atmosphere and column densities for the C lines assuming solar resonance scattering. We find these upper limits to be relatively low—on the order of tens to thousands of Rayleighs and with C column densities on the order of 108–1015 cm?2, depending on the assumed source size. We also present a segment of a reflectance spectrum in the FUV from ~1900–2130 Å. This region was sensitive to the different ice mixtures in the model spectra reported by Hendrix et al. (Hendrix, A.R., Hansen, C.J., Holsclaw, G.M. [2010]. Icarus, 206, 608). We find the spectrum brightens quickly longward of ~1900 Å, constraining the absorption band observed by Hendrix et al. from ~170 to 190 nm. We find our data is consistent with the suggestion of Hendrix et al. of the presence of ammonia ice (or ammonia hydrate) to darken that region, and also possibly tholins to darken the mid-UV, as reported by Verbiscer et al. (Verbiscer, A.J., French, R.G., McGhee, C.A. [2005]. Icarus, 173, 66).  相似文献   

We address key factors involved in determining water flow conditions in outflow channels on Mars, including the temperature of the sub-surface water being released and the environmental conditions of low temperature, low atmospheric pressure, and low acceleration due to gravity. We suggest how some of the assumptions made in previous work may be improved. Our model considers the thermodynamic effects of simultaneous evaporation and freezing of water, and fluid dynamical processes including changes in flow rheology caused by assimilation of cold rock and ice eroded at the channel bed, and ice crystal growth due to water freezing. We model how far initially turbulent water could flow in a channel before it erodes and entrains enough material to become laminar, and subsequently ceases to erode the bed. An ice raft will begin to form on the flood while transition occurs between turbulent and laminar flow. Estimates are given for water transit times, ~17–19 h, initial water depths, 50–62 m, and average flow speeds, 5–12 m s?1, in the Mangala and Athabasca Valles. We show that these two outflow channels, and by implication others like them, could plausibly have been formed in single water release events. Resulting mean erosion rates are approximately 0.7 mm s?1, a factor of three greater than previous estimates based on combinations of estimates of flood duration and required water volumes. This is explained by the consideration of the effects of eroded ice and the physics of thermal erosion in the present study.  相似文献   

Spectral observations have detected methane within the martian atmosphere (Formisano, V., Atreya, S., Encrenaz, T., Ignatiev, N., Giuranna, M. [2004]. Science 306, 1758–1761; Mumma, M.J. et al. [2009]. Science 323, 1041–1045), however, the origin of the methane has not been determined. Methane clathrate (also referred to as methane hydrate) has been suggested as a potential subsurface reservoir, storing and releasing biologic and/or abiogenic methane. In this study, rates of methane hydrate formation and dissociation were measured experimentally at 234–264 K and 1.4–4.7 MPa to test the clathrate reservoir hypothesis. Initial formation rates range from 4.3 × 10?6 to 8.1 × 10?5 mol m?2 s?1. Results show decreasing rates of formation over time in individual experiments, indicating initial rapid clathration, followed by diffusion-limited transport of methane into the ice through the previously formed hydrate. These experiments indicate increased pressure results in increased formation rates, likely the result of higher concentration gradients, enhancing the methane diffusion flux into the solid phase. Experiments conducted at elevated temperatures produced faster initial rates of formation, resulting from increased kinetic energy of methane molecules and/or thickening of the Quasi-Liquid Layer. Based on this temperature dependence, the activation energy for methane hydrate formation from ice was determined to be 35.9 kJ/mol. Hydrate dissociation experiments initiated by depressurization or warming at conditions between 222 K and 265 K and 0.1–2.0 MPa were conducted following each formation experiment, yielding methane hydrate dissociation rates from 3.01 × 10?6 to 9.92 × 10?5 mol m?2 s?1. While both hydrate dissociation and formation showed decreasing instantaneous rates over the course of each experiment, the transition between the initial rate of dissociation and the interpreted diffusion-limited period of continued dissociation was more abrupt than that observed in formation experiments, supporting an ice shielding effect. The initial concentration of methane in the solid phase had a significant effect on hydrate dissociation rates. Higher methane concentrations in the solid phase produce faster initial rates, likely due to increased concentration gradients, thus increasing the diffusion component of dissociation. Increased temperatures also produced faster dissociation rates, yielding an activation energy for dissociation of 32.7 kJ/mol. The rates determined within this study suggest that small near-surface methane hydrate reservoirs are a feasible source for recent methane plumes detected on Mars. Rates of methane release from gas hydrates also indicate that gas hydrate dissociation may have played a role in forming ancient chaos terrain and associated outflow channels.  相似文献   

We have carried out a search for Main Belt Asteroids (MBAs) co-orbiting with the large MBA Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres. Through improving the search criteria used in Christou (Christou, A.A. [2000b]. Astron. Astrophys. 356, L71–L74) and numerical integrations of candidate coorbitals, we have identified approximately 51 (44) objects currently in co-orbital libration with Ceres (Vesta). We show that these form part of a larger population of transient coorbitals; 129 (94) MBAs undergo episodes of co-orbital libration with Ceres (Vesta) within a 2 Myr interval centred on the present. The lifetime in the resonance is typically a few times ~105 yr but can exceed 2 × 106 yr. The variational properties of the orbits of several co-orbitals were examined. It was found that their present states with respect to the secondary are well determined but knowledge of it is lost typically after ~2 × 105 yr. Objects initially deeper into the coorbital region maintain their coorbital state for longer. Using the model of Namouni et al. (Namouni, F., Christou, A.A., Murray, C.D. [1999]. Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2506–2509) we show that their dynamics are similar to those of temporary coorbital NEAs of the Earth and Venus. As in that case, the lifetime of resonant libration is dictated by planetary secular perturbations, the inherent chaoticity of the orbits and close encounters with massive objects other than the secondary. In particular we present evidence that, while in the coorbital state, close encounters with the secondary are generally avoided and that Ceres affects the stability of tadpole librators of Vesta. Finally we demonstrate the existence of Quasi-Satellite orbiters of both Ceres and Vesta and conclude that decametre-sized objects detected in the vicinity of Vesta by the DAWN mission may, in fact, belong to this dynamical class rather than be bona-fide (i.e. Keplerian) satellites of Vesta.  相似文献   

The martian polar regions have layered deposits of ice and dust. The stratigraphy of these deposits is exposed within scarps and trough walls and is thought to have formed due to climate variations in the past. Insolation has varied significantly over time and caused dramatic changes in climate, but it has remained unclear whether insolation variations could be linked to the stratigraphic record. We present a model of layer formation based on physical processes that expresses polar deposition rates of ice and dust in terms of insolation. In this model, layer formation is controlled by the insolation record, and dust-rich layers form by two mechanisms: (1) increased summer sublimation during high obliquity, and (2) variations in the polar deposition of dust modulated by obliquity variations. The model is simple, yet physically plausible, and allows for investigations of the climate control of the polar layered deposits (PLD). We compare the model to a stratigraphic column obtained from the north polar layered deposits (NPLD) (Fishbaugh, K.E., Hvidberg, C.S., Byrne, S., Russel, P.S., Herkenhoff, K.E., Winstrup, M., Kirk, R. [2010a]. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L07201) and show that the model can be tuned to reproduce complex layer sequences. The comparison with observations cannot uniquely constrain the PLD chronology, and it is limited by our interpretation of the observed stratigraphic column as a proxy for NPLD composition. We identified, however, a set of parameters that provides a chronology of the NPLD tied to the insolation record and consistently explains layer formation in accordance with observations of NPLD stratigraphy. This model dates the top 500 m of the NPLD back to ~1 million years with an average net deposition rate of ice and dust of 0.55 mm a?1. The model stratigraphy contains a quasi-periodic ~30 m cycle, similar to a previously suggested cycle in brightness profiles from the NPLD (Laskar, J., Levrard, B., Mustard, F. [2002]. Nature, 419, 375–377; Milkovich, S., Head, J.W. [2005]. J. Geophys. Res. 110), but here related to half of the obliquity cycles of 120 and 99 kyr and resulting from a combination of the two layer formation mechanisms. Further investigations of the non-linear insolation control of PLD formation should consider data from other geographical locations and include radar data and other stratigraphic datasets that can constrain the composition and stratigraphy of the NPLD layers.  相似文献   

It has recently become possible to do a photometric survey of many asteroids at once, rather than observing single asteroids one (or occasionally a couple) at a time. We evaluate two such surveys. Dermawan et al. (Dermawan et al. [2011]. Publ. Astron. Soc. Jpn. 63, S555–S576) observed one night on the Subaru 8.2 m telescope, and Masiero et al. (Masiero, J., Jedicke, R., Durech, J., Gwen, S., Denneau, L., Larsen, J. [2009]. Icarus 204, 145–171) observed six nights over 2 weeks with the 3.6 m CFHT. Dermawan claimed 83 rotation periods from 127 detected asteroids; Masiero et al. claimed 218 rotation periods from 828 detections. Both teams claim a number of super-fast rotators (P < 2.2 h) among main belt asteroids larger than 250 m diameter, some up to several km in diameter. This would imply that the spin rate distribution of main belt asteroids differs from like-sized NEAs, that there are larger super-fast rotators (monolithic asteroids) in the main belt than among NEAs. Here we evaluate these survey results, applying the same criteria for reliability of results that we apply to all results listed in our Lightcurve Database (Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. [2009a]. Icarus 202, 134–146). In doing so, we assigned reliability estimates judged sufficient for inclusion in statistical studies for only 27 out of 83 (33%) periods claimed by Dermawan, and only 87 out of 218 (40%) periods reported by Masiero et al.; none of the super-fast rotators larger than about 250 m diameter claimed by either survey received a reliability rating judged sufficient for analysis. We find no reliable basis for the claim of different rotation properties between main belt and near-Earth asteroids. Our analysis presents a cautionary message for future surveys.  相似文献   

Direct sublimation of a comet nucleus surface is usually considered to be the main source of gas in the coma of a comet. However, evidence from a number of comets including the recent spectacular images of Comet 103P/Hartley 2 by the EPOXI mission indicates that the nucleus alone may not be responsible for all, or possibly at times even most, of the total amount of gas seen in the coma. Indeed, the sublimation of icy grains, which have been injected into the coma, appears to constitute an important source. We use the fully-kinetic Direct Simulation Monte Carlo model of Tenishev et al. (Tenishev, V.M., Combi, M.R., Davidsson, B. [2008]. Astrophys. J., 685, 659?677; Tenishev, V.M., Combi, M.R., Rubin, M. [2011]. Astrophys. J., 732) to reproduce the measurements of column density and rotational temperature of water in Comet 73P-B/Schwassmann–Wachmann 3 obtained with a very high spatial resolution of ~30 km using IRCS/Subaru in May 2006 (Bonev, B.P., Mumma, M.J., Kawakita, H., Kobayashi, H., Villanueva, G.L. [2008]. Icarus, 196, 241?248). For gas released solely from the cometary nucleus at a heliocentric distance of 1 AU, modeled rotational temperatures start at 110 K close to the surface and decrease to only several tens of degrees by 10–20 nucleus radii. However, the measured decay of both rotational temperature and column density with distance from the nucleus is much slower than predicted by this simple model. The addition of a substantial (distributed) source of gas from icy grains in the model slows the decay in rotational temperature and provides a more gradual drop in column density profiles. Together with a contribution of rotational heating of water molecules by electrons, the combined effects allow a much better match to the IRCS/Subaru observations. From the spatial distributions of water abundance and temperature measured in 73P/SW3-B, we have identified and quantified multiple mechanisms of release. The application of this tool to other comets may permit such studies over a range of heliocentric and geocentric distances.  相似文献   

A series of observations of the venusian hydrogen corona made by SPICAV on Venus Express are analyzed to estimate the amount of hydrogen in the exosphere of Venus. These observations were made between November 2006 and July 2007 at altitudes from 1000 km to 8000 km on the dayside. The Lyman-α brightness profiles derived are reproduced by the sum of a cold hydrogen population dominant below ~2000 km and a hot hydrogen population dominant above ~4000 km. The temperature (~300 K) and hydrogen density at 250 km (~105 cm?3) derived for the cold populations, near noon, are in good agreement with previous observations. Strong dawn–dusk exospheric asymmetry is observed from this set of observations, with a larger exobase density on the dawn side than on the dusk side, consistent with asymmetry previously observed in the venusian thermosphere, but with a lower dawn/dusk contrast. The hot hydrogen density derived is very sensitive to the sky background estimate, but is well constrained near 5000 km. The density of the hot population is reproduced by the exospheric model from Hodges (Hodges, R.R. [1999]. J. Geophys. Res. 104, 8463–8471) in which the hot population is produced by neutral–ions interactions in the thermosphere of Venus.  相似文献   

Titan’s optical and near-IR spectra result primarily from the scattering of sunlight by haze and its absorption by methane. With a column abundance of 92 km amagat (11 times that of Earth), Titan’s atmosphere is optically thick and only ~10% of the incident solar radiation reaches the surface, compared to 57% on Earth. Such a formidable atmosphere obstructs investigations of the moon’s lower troposphere and surface, which are highly sensitive to the radiative transfer treatment of methane absorption and haze scattering. The absorption and scattering characteristics of Titan’s atmosphere have been constrained by the Huygens Probe Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) experiment for conditions at the probe landing site (Tomasko, M.G., Bézard, B., Doose, L., Engel, S., Karkoschka, E. [2008a]. Planet. Space Sci. 56, 624–247; Tomasko, M.G. et al. [2008b]. Planet. Space Sci. 56, 669–707). Cassini’s Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) data indicate that the rest of the atmosphere (except for the polar regions) can be understood with small perturbations in the high haze structure determined at the landing site (Penteado, P.F., Griffith, C.A., Tomasko, M.G., Engel, S., See, C., Doose, L., Baines, K.H., Brown, R.H., Buratti, B.J., Clark, R., Nicholson, P., Sotin, C. [2010]. Icarus 206, 352–365). However the in situ measurements were analyzed with a doubling and adding radiative transfer calculation that differs considerably from the discrete ordinates codes used to interpret remote data from Cassini and ground-based measurements. In addition, the calibration of the VIMS data with respect to the DISR data has not yet been tested. Here, VIMS data of the probe landing site are analyzed with the DISR radiative transfer method and the faster discrete ordinates radiative transfer calculation; both models are consistent (to within 0.3%) and reproduce the scattering and absorption characteristics derived from in situ measurements. Constraints on the atmospheric opacity at wavelengths outside those measured by DISR, that is from 1.6 to 5.0 μm, are derived using clouds as diffuse reflectors in order to derive Titan’s surface albedo to within a few percent error and cloud altitudes to within 5 km error. VIMS spectra of Titan at 2.6–3.2 μm indicate not only spectral features due to CH4 and CH3D (Rannou, P., Cours, T., Le Mouélic, S., Rodriguez, S., Sotin, C., Drossart, P., Brown, R. [2010]. Icarus 208, 850–867), but also a fairly uniform absorption of unknown source, equivalent to the effects of a darkening of the haze to a single scattering albedo of 0.63 ± 0.05. Titan’s 4.8 μm spectrum point to a haze optical depth of 0.2 at that wavelength. Cloud spectra at 2 μm indicate that the far wings of the Voigt profile extend 460 cm?1 from methane line centers. This paper releases the doubling and adding radiative transfer code developed by the DISR team, so that future studies of Titan’s atmosphere and surface are consistent with the findings by the Huygens Probe. We derive the surface albedo at eight spectral regions of the 8 × 12 km2 area surrounding the Huygens landing site. Within the 0.4–1.6 μm spectral region our surface albedos match DISR measurements, indicating that DISR and VIMS measurements are consistently calibrated. These values together with albedos at longer 1.9–5.0 μm wavelengths, not sampled by DISR, resemble a dark version of the spectrum of Ganymede’s icy leading hemisphere. The eight surface albedos of the landing site are consistent with, but not deterministic of, exposed water ice with dark impurities.  相似文献   

E.A. Cloutis  P. Hudon  T. Hiroi  M.J. Gaffey 《Icarus》2012,217(1):389-407
Powdered samples of a suite of 14 CR and CR-like chondrites, ranging from petrologic grade 1 to 3, were spectrally characterized over the 0.3–2.5 μm interval as part of a larger study of carbonaceous chondrite reflectance spectra. Spectral analysis was complicated by absorption bands due to Fe oxyhydroxides near 0.9 μm, resulting from terrestrial weathering. This absorption feature masks expected absorption bands due to constituent silicates in this region. In spite of this interference, most of the CR spectra exhibit absorption bands attributable to silicates, in particular an absorption feature due to Fe2+-bearing phyllosilicates near 1.1 μm. Mafic silicate absorption bands are weak to nonexistent due to a number of factors, including low Fe content, low degree of silicate crystallinity in some cases, and presence of fine-grained, finely dispersed opaques. With increasing aqueous alteration, phyllosilicate: mafic silicate ratios increase, resulting in more resolvable phyllosilicate absorption bands in the 1.1 μm region. In the most phyllosilicate-rich CR chondrite, GRO 95577 (CR1), an additional possible phyllosilicate absorption band is seen at 2.38 μm. In contrast to CM spectra, CR spectra generally do not exhibit an absorption band in the 0.65–0.7 μm region, which is attributable to Fe3+–Fe2+ charge transfers, suggesting that CR phyllosilicates are not as Fe3+-rich as CM phyllosilicates. CR2 and CR3 spectra are uniformly red-sloped, likely due to the presence of abundant Fe–Ni metal. Absolute reflectance seems to decrease with increasing degree of aqueous alteration, perhaps due to the formation of fine-grained opaques from pre-existing metal. Overall, CR spectra are characterized by widely varying reflectance (4–21% maximum reflectance), weak silicate absorption bands in the 0.9–1.3 μm region, overall red slopes, and the lack of an Fe3+–Fe2+ charge transfer absorption band in the 0.65–0.7 μm region.  相似文献   

Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (HST/WFPC2) images of Io obtained between 1995 and 2007 between 0.24 and 0.42 μm led to the detection of the Pele plume in reflected sunlight in 1995 and 1999; imaging of the Pele plume via absorption of jovian light in 1996 and 1999; detection of the Prometheus-type Pillan plume in reflected sunlight in 1997; and detection of the 2007 Pele-type Tvashtar plume eruption in reflected sunlight and via absorption of jovian light. Based on a detailed analysis of these observations we characterize and compare the gas and dust properties of each of the detected plumes. In each case, the brightness of the plumes in reflected sunlight is less at 0.26 μm than at 0.33 μm. Mie scattering analysis of the wavelength dependence of each plume’s reflectance signature suggests that range of particle sizes within the plumes is quite narrow. Assuming a normal distribution of particle sizes, the range of mean particle sizes is ~0.035–0.12 μm for the 1997 Pillan eruption, ~0.05–0.08 μm for the 1999 Pele and 2007 Tvasthar plumes, and ~0.05–0.11 μm for the 1995 Pele plume, and in each case the standard deviation in the particle size distribution is <15%. The Mie analysis also suggests that the 2007 Tvashtar eruption released ~109 g of sulfur dust, the 1999 Pele eruption released ~109 g of SO2 dust, the 1997 Pillan eruption released ~1010 g of SO2 dust, and the 1995 Pele plume may have released ~1010 g of SO2 dust. Analysis of the plume absorption signatures recorded in the F255W filter bandpass (0.24–0.28 μm) indicates that the opacity of the 2007 Tvashtar plume was 2× that of the 1996 and 1999 Pele plume eruptions. While the sulfur dust density estimated for the Tvashtar from the reflected sunlight data could have produced 61% of the observed plume opacity, <10% of the 1999 Pele F255W plume opacity could have resulted from the SO2 dust detected in the eruption. Accounting for the remaining F255W opacity level of the Pele and Tvasthar plumes based on SO2 and S2 gas absorption, the SO2 and S2 gas density inferred for each plume is almost equivalent corresponding to ~2–6 × 1016 cm?2 and 3–5 × 1015 cm?2, respectively, producing SO2 and S2 gas resurfacing rates ~0.04–0.2 cm yr?1 and 0.007–0.01 cm yr?1; and SO2 and S2 gas masses ~1–4 × 1010 g and ~2–3 × 109 g; for a total dust to gas ratio in the plumes ~10?1–10?2. The 2007 Tvashtar plume was detected by HST at ~380 ± 40 km in both reflected sunlight and absorbed jovian light; in 1999, the detected Pele plume altitude was 500 km in absorbed jovian light, but in reflected sunlight the detected height was ~2× lower. Thus, for the 1999 Pele plume, similar to the 1979 Voyager Pele plume observations, the most efficient dust reflections occurred in the region closest to the plume vent. The 0.33–0.42 μm brightness of the 1997 Pillan plume was 10–20× greater than the Pele or Tvashtar plumes, exceeding by a factor of 3 the average brightness levels observed within 200 km of 1979 Loki eruption vent. But, the 0.26 μm brightness of the 1997 Pillan plume in reflected sunlight was significantly lower than would be predicted by the dust scattering model. Presuming that the 0.26 μm brightness of the 1997 Pillan plume was attenuated by the eruption plume’s gas component, then an SO2 gas density ~3–6 × 1018 cm?2 is inferred from the data (for S2/SO2 ratios ?4%), comparable to the 0.3–2 × 1018 cm?2 SO2 density detected at Loki in 1979 (Pearl, J.C. et al. [1979]. Nature 280, 755; Lellouch et al., 1992), and producing an SO2 gas mass ~3–8 × 1011 g and an SO2 resurfacing rate ~8–23 cm yr?1. These results confirm the connection between high (?1017 cm?2) SO2 gas content and plumes that scatter strongly at nearly blue wavelengths, and it validates the occurrence of high density SO2 gas eruptions on Io. Noting that the SO2 gas content inferred from a spectrum of the 2003 Pillan plume was significantly lower ~2 × 1016 cm?2 (Jessup, K.L., Spencer, J., Yelle, R. [2007]. Icarus 192, 24–40); and that the Pillan caldera was flooded with fresh SO2 frost/slush just prior to the 1997 Pillan plume eruption (Geissler, P., McEwen, A., Phillips, C., Keszthelyi, L., Spencer, J. [2004a]. Icarus 169, 29–64; Phillips, C.B. [2000]. Voyager and Galileo SSI Views of Volcanic Resurfacing on Io and the Search for Geologic Activity at Europa. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Ariz., Tucson); we propose that the density of SO2 gas released by this volcano is directly linked to the local SO2 frost abundance at the time of eruption.  相似文献   

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