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We suggest that planets, brown dwarfs, and even low mass stars can be formed by fragmentation of protoplanetary disks around very massive stars (M ? 100 M). We discuss how fragmentation conditions make the formation of very massive planetary systems around very massive stars favorable. Such planetary systems are likely to be composed of brown dwarfs and low mass stars of ~0.1–0.3 M, at orbital separations of ~ few × 100–104 AU. In particular, scaling from solar-like stars suggests that hundreds of Mercury-like planets might orbit very massive stars at ~103 AU where conditions might favor liquid water. Such fragmentation objects can be excellent targets for the James Webb Space Telescope and other large telescopes working in the IR bands. We predict that deep observations of very massive stars would reveal these fragmentation objects, orbiting in the same orbital plane in cases where there are more than one object.  相似文献   

We perform numerical simulations to investigate potential Earth-like planets in the GJ 876 planetary system. We show that the secular resonances ν1 and ν2 (resulting respectively from the inner and outer giant planets) can excite the eccentricities of Earth-like planets with orbits 0.21 AU  a < 0.50 AU and cause them to be ejected out of the system in a short time. However, in the dynamical sense, Earth-like planets potentially exist in the region 0.50 AU  a  1.00 AU, in stable low-eccentricity orbits which may last up to 105 yr.  相似文献   

The reflex motion of a star induced by a planetary companion is too small to detect by photographic astrometry. The apparent discovery in the 1960s of planetary systems around certain nearby stars, in particular Barnard’s star, turned out to be spurious. Conventional stellar radial velocities determined from photographic spectra at that time were also too inaccurate to detect the expected reflex velocity changes. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the introduction of solid-state, signal-generating detectors and absorption cells to impose wavelength fiducials directly on the starlight, reduced radial velocity errors to the point where such a search became feasible. Beginning in 1980, our team from UBC introduced an absorption cell of hydrogen fluoride gas in front of the CFHT coudé spectrograph and, for 12 years, monitored the radial velocities of some 29 solar-type stars. Since it was assumed that extra-solar planets would most likely resemble Jupiter in mass and orbit, we were awarded only three or four two-night observing runs each year. Our survey highlighted three potential planet hosting stars, γ Cep (K1 IV), β Gem (K0 III), and ? Eri (K2 V). The putative planets all resembled Jovian systems with periods and masses of: 2.5 years and 1.4 MJ, 1.6 years and 2.6 MJ, and 6.9 years and 0.9 MJ, respectively. All three were subsequently confirmed from more extensive data by the Texas group led by Cochran and Hatzes who also derived the currently accepted orbital elements.None of these three systems is simple. All five giant stars and the supergiant in our survey proved to be intrinsic velocity variables. When we first drew attention to a possible planetary companion to γ Cep in 1988 it was classified as a giant, and there was the possibility that its radial velocity variations and those of β Gem (K0 III) were intrinsic to the stars. A further complication for γ Cep was the presence of an unseen secondary star in an orbit with a period initially estimated at some 30 years. The implication was that the planetary orbit might not be stable, and a Jovian planet surviving so close to a giant then seemed improbable. Later observations by others showed the stellar binary period was closer to 67 years, the primary was only a sub-giant and a weak, apparently synchronous chromospheric variation disappeared. Chromospheric activity was considered important because κ1 Cet, one of our program stars, showed a significant correlation of its radial velocity curve with chromospheric activity.? Eri is a young, magnetically active star with spots making it a noisy target for radial velocities. While the signature of a highly elliptical orbit (e = 0.6) has persisted for more than three planetary orbits, some feel that even more extensive coverage is needed to confirm the identification despite an apparent complementary astrometric acceleration detected with the Hubble Space Telescope.We confined our initial analyses of the program stars to looking for circular orbits. In retrospect, it appears that some 10% of our sample did in fact have Jovian planetary companions in orbits with periods of years.  相似文献   

We numerically explore the obliquity (axial tilt) variations of a hypothetical moonless Earth. Previous work has shown that the Earth’s Moon stabilizes Earth’s obliquity such that it remains within a narrow range, between 22.1° and 24.5°. Without lunar influence, a frequency map analysis by Laskar et al. (Laskar, J., Joutel, F., Robutel, P. [1993]. Nature 361, 615–617) showed that the obliquity could vary between 0° and 85°. This has left an impression in the astrobiology community that a big moon is necessary to maintain a habitable climate on an Earth-like planet. Using a modified version of the orbital integrator mercury, we calculate the obliquity evolution for moonless Earths with various initial conditions for up to 4 Gyr. We find that while obliquity varies significantly more than that of the actual Earth over 100,000 year timescales, the obliquity remains within a constrained range, typically 20–25° in extent, for timescales of hundreds of millions of years. None of our Solar System integrations in which planetary orbits behave in a typical manner show obliquity accessing more than 65% of the full range allowed by frequency-map analysis. The obliquities of moonless Earths that rotate in the retrograde direction are more stable than those of prograde rotators. The total obliquity range explored for moonless Earths with rotation periods less than 12 h is much less than that for slower-rotating moonless Earths. A large moon thus does not seem to be needed to stabilize the obliquity of an Earth-like planet on timescales relevant to the development of advanced life.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(10-11):1183-1200
Interior models of Jupiter and Saturn are calculated and compared in the framework of the three-layer assumption, which rely on the perception that both planets consist of three globally homogeneous regions: a dense core, a metallic hydrogen envelope, and a molecular hydrogen envelope. Within this framework, constraints on the core mass and abundance of heavy elements (i.e. elements other than hydrogen and helium) are given by accounting for uncertainties on the measured gravitational moments, surface temperature, surface helium abundance, and on the inferred protosolar helium abundance, equations of state, temperature profile and solid/differential interior rotation. Results obtained solely from static models matching the measured gravitational fields indicate that the mass of Jupiter’s dense core is less than 14 M (Earth masses), but that models with no core are possible given the current uncertainties on the hydrogen–helium equation of state. Similarly, Saturn’s core mass is less than 22 M but no lower limit can be inferred. The total mass of heavy elements (including that in the core) is constrained to lie between 11 and 42 M in Jupiter, and between 19 and 31 M in Saturn. The enrichment in heavy elements of their molecular envelopes is 1–6.5, and 0.5–12 times the solar value, respectively. Additional constraints from evolution models accounting for the progressive differentiation of helium (Hubbard WB, Guillot T, Marley MS, Burrows A, Lunine JI, Saumon D, 1999. Comparative evolution of Jupiter and Saturn. Planet. Space Sci. 47, 1175–1182) are used to obtain tighter, albeit less robust, constraints. The resulting core masses are then expected to be in the range 0–10 M, and 6–17 M for Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. Furthermore, it is shown that Saturn’s atmospheric helium mass mixing ratio, as derived from Voyager, Y=0.06±0.05, is probably too low. Static and evolution models favor a value of Y=0.11−0.25. Using, Y=0.16±0.05, Saturn’s molecular region is found to be enriched in heavy elements by 3.5 to 10 times the solar value, in relatively good agreement with the measured methane abundance. Finally, in all cases, the gravitational moment J6 of models matching all the constraints are found to lie between 0.35 and 0.38×10−4 for Jupiter, and between 0.90 and 0.98×10−4 for Saturn, assuming solid rotation. For comparison, the uncertainties on the measured J6 are about 10 times larger. More accurate measurements of J6 (as expected from the Cassini orbiter for Saturn) will therefore permit to test the validity of interior models calculations and the magnitude of differential rotation in the planetary interior.  相似文献   

In the present study, the temperature- and pressure-dependent transport and thermal properties, i.e., viscosity, phonon thermal conductivity, thermal expansivity and heat capacities, as well as electronic and radiative thermal conductivities, have been derived for the mantles of super-Earths. These properties are necessary to understand the interior dynamics and the thermal evolution of those planets. We assume that the mantles consist of MgSiO3 perovskite (pv), but we discuss the effects of the post-perovskite transition, and we elaborate on an addition of periclase MgO and incorporated Fe. However, MgO is found to only significantly influence the phonon thermal conductivity – the viscosities, heat capacities and thermal expansivities of pv and MgO remain comparable. We use the Keane theory of solids, which takes into account the behavior of solid matter at the infinite pressure limit, adopt the Keane equations of state, and adjust for pv and MgO by comparison with experimental high-pressure and high-temperature data. We find the theory of the infinite pressure limit of Keane to be in excellent agreement with recent ab initio studies and experiments. To calculate the melting curve, we further use the Lindemann–Stacey scaling law and fit it to available experimental data. The best data fitting melting temperature for pv reaches 5700 K at 135 GPa and increases to 20,000 K at 1.1 TPa, corresponding to the core-mantle boundary of a 10 Earth mass super-Earth (10MEarth). We find the pv adiabatic temperature (with a potential temperature of 1700 K) to reach 2570 K at 135 GPa and 5000 K at 1.1 TPa. To calculate the pressure-and temperature-dependent viscosity, we use the semi-empirical homologous temperature scaling to relate enthalpy change, and hence viscosity, to the melting temperature. We find that the resulting activation volume of pv decreases from 2.8 cm3/mol at 25 GPa to 1.4 cm3/mol at 1.1 TPa-resulting in a viscosity increase by ~15 orders of magnitude through the adiabatic mantle of a 10MEarth planet. Furthermore, the thermal expansivity (of pv and MgO) decreases by a factor of eight, and the total thermal conductivity (phonon, radiative and electronic) of an Earth-like pv/MgO composite increases by a factor of seven through an adiabatic mantle of a 10MEarth super-Earth. At higher temperatures, i.e., for super-adiabatic temperature profiles, the electronic and radiative thermal conductivities strongly increase and dominate the conductive heat transport. All findings indicate an increase of heat transfer solely by conduction in the lower mantles of super-Earths. Thus our results disagree with Earth-biased full-mantle convection assumptions made by previous models for super-Earths, and additionally raise questions about the differentiation of massive rocky exoplanets and their ability to generate magnetic fields or sustain plate tectonics.  相似文献   

This study presents the absolute parameters of the contact binary system V376 And. CCD photometric observations were made at the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Observatory in 2004. The instrumental magnitudes of all observed stars were converted into standard magnitudes. New BV light curves of the system were analysed using the Wilson–Devinney method supplemented with a Monte Carlo type algorithm. Since there are large asymmetries between maxima (i.e., O’Connell effect) in these light curves, two different models (one with a cool spot and one with a hot spot) were applied to the photometric data. The best fit, which was obtained with a large hot spot on the secondary component, gives V376 And as an A sub-type contact binary in poor thermal contact and a small value of the filling factor (f  0.07). Combining the solutions of our light curves and Rucinski et al. (2001)’s radial velocity curves, the following absolute parameters of the components were determined: M1 = 2.44 ± 0.04 M, M2 = 0.74 ± 0.03 M, R1 = 2.60 ± 0.03 R, R2 = 1.51 ± 0.02 R, L1 = 40 ± 4 L and L2 = 5 ± 1 L. We also discuss the evolution of the system, which appears to have an age of 1.6 Gyr. The distance to V376 And was calculated as 230 ± 20 pc from this analysis, taking into account interstellar extinction.  相似文献   

We present the results of our investigation on the geometrical and physical parameters of W UMa-type binary TYC1174-344-1 from analyzed CCD (BVRI) light curves and radial velocity data. The photometric data were obtained in 2009 at Ankara University Observatory (AUO) and the spectroscopic observations were made in 2008 at Astrophysical Observatory of Asiago (Italy). Light and radial velocity observations were analyzed simultaneously by using the well-known Wilson–Devinney (2007 revision) code to obtain absolute and geometrical parameters. According to our solutions, the system is found to be a low mass-ratio A-type W UMa system. Combining our photometric solution with the spectroscopic data, we derived mass and radii of the eclipsing system as M1 = 1.381 M, M2 = 0.258 M, R1 = 1.449 R and R2 = 0.714 R. We finally discussed the evolutionary condition of the system.  相似文献   

The influence of coronal streamer background with nested and closed magnetic fields on the of the triggering of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is investigated in the meridian plane. In the coronal streamers’ background magnetic structure there are three small-scale closed magnetic fields, of which the middle one has a direction opposite to that of the global dipolar field of coronal streamers. The trigger model of CMEs emerges from beneath this small-scale closed magnetic field and possesses a concentric circular structure with radius of a = 0.1Rs (Rs being the solar radius). The direction of the magnetic field in the front half of the CME trigger model is opposite to that of the small-scale closed field and is the same as that of the streamers’ global dipolar field. As revealed by numerical simulation, when the ratio of the plasma pressure at the center of the CME trigger model to the boundary pressure is m  2, then the emerging model can trigger CMEs. When m < 2, then it cannot. The error in this critical value of 2 is less than 1%.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(3):234-245
We present the Galactic model parameters for thin disc estimated by Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data of 14 940 stars with apparent magnitudes 16 < g0  21 in six intermediate latitude fields in the first Galactic quadrant. Star/galaxy separation was performed by using the SDSS photometric pipeline and the isodensity contours in the (g  r)0  (r  i)0 two colour diagram. The separation of thin disc stars is carried out by the bimodal distribution of stars in the (g  r)0 histogram, and the absolute magnitudes were evaluated by a procedure presented in the literature (Bilir, S., Karaali, S., Tunçel, S. 2005. AN 326, 321). Exponential density law fits better to the derived density functions for the absolute magnitude intervals 8 < M(g)  9 and 11 < M(g)  12, whereas sech/sech2 laws are more appropriate for absolute magnitude intervals 9 < M(g)  10 and 10 < M(g)  11. We showed that the scaleheight and scalelength are Galactic longitude dependent. The average values and ranges of the scaleheight and the scalelength are 〈H = 220 pc (196  H  234 pc) and 〈H = 1900 pc (1561  h  2280 pc) respectively. This result would be useful to explain different numerical values claimed for those parameters obtained by different authors for the fields in different directions of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

This paper presents the absolute parameters of RZ Dra. New CCD observations were made at the Mt. Suhora Observatory in 2007. Two photometric data sets (1990 BV and 2007 BVRI) were analysed using modern light-curve synthesis methods. Large asymmetries in the light curves may be explained in terms of a dark starspot on the primary component, an A6 type star. Due to this magnetic activity, the primary component would appear to belong to the class of Ap-stars and would show small amplitude with δ Scuti-type pulsations. With this in mind, a time-series analysis of the residual light curves was made. However, we found no evidence of pulsation behaviour in RZ Dra. Combining the solutions of our light curves and Rucinski et al. (2000)’s radial velocity curves, the following absolute parameters of the components were determined: M1 = 1.63 ± 0.03 M, M2 = 0.70 ± 0.02 M, R1 = 1.65 ± 0.02R, R2 = 1.15 ± 0.02 R, L1 = 9.72 ± 0.30 L and L2 = 0.74 ± 0.10 L. The distance to RZ Dra was calculated as 400 ± 25 pc, taking into account interstellar extinction. The orbital period of the system was studied using updated OC information. It was found that the orbital period varied in its long-period sinusoidal form, superimposed on a downward parabola. The parabolic term shows a secular period decrease at a slow rate of 0.06 ± 0.02 s per century and is explained by the mass loss via magnetized wind of the Ap-star primary. The tilted sinusoidal form of the period variation may be considered as an apparent change and may be interpreted in terms of the light-time effect due to the presence of a third body.  相似文献   

In this study, we present the first Johnson BV photometry of the eclipsing binary star ET Bootis, which is member of a physically connected visual pair. Analysis of times of light minima enables us to calculate accurate ephemeris of the system via OC analysis and observed an increase in period which we believe is a result of the light-time effect in the outer visual orbit. Secondly, we determined the total brightness and color of the system in light maxima and minima. Photometric solution of the system indicates that the contribution of the visual pair to the total light is about 40% in Johnson V band. Furthermore, photometric analysis shows that the primary star in the eclipsing binary has F8 spectral type while it confirms the G5 spectral type for the visual pair. Masses of the components in eclipsing binary are M1 = 1.109 ± 0.014 M and M2 = 1.153 ± 0.011 M. Absolute radii of the components are R1 = 1.444 ± 0.007 R and R2 = 1.153 ± 0.007 R. Physical properties of the components leads 176 ± 7 pc distance for the system and suggests an age of 6.5 billion years.  相似文献   

The discovery of 51 Pegasi is the result of a continuous improvement of cross-correlation spectrographs to obtain more precise radial velocities. Three generations of instruments developed over 30 years have allowed us to increase the radial-velocity precision by a factor 1000, from 250 m s?1 in the 70s to a value close to 0.25 m s?1 today. The statistical results gathered on exoplanet properties over the last 14 years have revealed the amazing diversity of extrasolar planetary systems. Our solar system does not appear to be a typical example of planetary systems. These discoveries have provided strong constraints for planet-formation models. At the beginning the detections were mostly focused on gaseous giant planets. Today, the best precision is achieved by the HARPS spectrograph. This makes possible the discovery of planets with masses comparable to the mass of the Earth. A new category of very low mass with minimum masses below 10 Earth masses, which may well be solid objects, has recently been revealed. This newly discovered population (apparently quite numerous) reveals specific statistical properties offering useful constraints for planet-formation models. The continuously improving precision of the radial velocity technique strengthens our hope that real Earth-type planets could be identified in the very few coming years.  相似文献   

The equilibrium suggested as a buffer for CO2 in the Venus atmosphere, CaCO3 + SiO2 = CaSiO3 + CO2, cannot act as a buffer at the Venus surface/troposphere – the pressure–temperature slope of the equilibrium and that of the atmosphere (dry adiabat with significant greenhouse heating) do not provide buffering capacity (if indeed CaCO3 were present). Instead, perturbations to T or P(CO2) can produce catastrophic expansion or collapse of the atmosphere. This instability can be generalized to all devolatilization reactions that produce a radiatively active gas in a planetary atmosphere dominated by such gases, and gives a simple thermochemical criterion for whether a reaction could buffer such an atmosphere. Simple decarbonation reactions fail this criterion, suggesting that the abundance of CO2 in a CO2-dominated atmosphere cannot be buffered by chemical reactions with the surface; a similar conclusion holds for the abundance of H2O in an H2O-dominated (steam) atmosphere. Buffering of minor gases is more likely; a mineral buffer equilibrium for SO2 proposed for Venus, FeS2 + CO2 = Fe3O4 + SO2 + CO, passes the thermochemical criterion, as does a reaction involving Ca sulfate. These inferences can be generalized to atmospheres in ‘moist’ adiabatic equilibria, and to extrasolar Venus-like planets, and will help in interpreting the compositions of their atmospheres.  相似文献   

This paper presents new CCD Bessell BVRI light curves and photometric analysis of the Algol-type binary star TX Her. The CCD observations were carried out at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Observatory in 2010. New BVRI light curves from this study and radial velocity curves from Popper (1970) were solved simultaneously using modern light and radial velocity curves synthesis methods. The general results show that TX Her is a well-detached eclipsing binary, however, both component stars fill at least half of their Roche lobes. A significant third light contribution to the total light of the system could not be determined. Using OC residuals formed by the updated minima times, an orbital period study of the system was performed. It was confirmed that the tilted sinusoidal OC variation corresponds to an apparent period variation caused by the light travel time effect due to an unseen third body. The following absolute parameters of the components were derived: M1 = 1.62 ± 0.04 M, M2 = 1.45 ± 0.03 M, R1 = 1.69 ± 0.03 R, R2 = 1.43 ± 0.03 R, L1 = 8.21 ± 0.90 L and L2 = 3.64 ± 0.60 L. The distance to TX Her was calculated as 155 ± 10 pc, taking into account interstellar extinction. The position of the components of TX Her in the HR diagram are also discussed. The components are young stars with an age of ~500 Myr.  相似文献   

We obtained multi-colour light curves of the overcontact binary system HH Boo and analysed the orbital period variation of the system. Our analysis tentatively indicates either mass transfer from the secondary to the primary or mass loss from the system at a rate of -5.04 × 10−7 M per year. Through a combined analysis of the published radial velocity curve and light curves, we determined an inclination (i) of 69°.71 ± 0°.16 and a semi-major axis (a) of 2.246 ± 0.064 R for HH Boo. The masses of the primary and secondary components were found to be 0.92 ± 0.08 M and 0.58 ± 0.06 M, respectively. The radius determined for the primary was 0.98 ± 0.03 R, while that determined for the secondary was 0.80 ± 0.02 R. We demonstrated that HH Boo is most likely a member of the A-type subclass of W UMa binaries.  相似文献   

A rich population of low‐mass planets orbiting solar‐type stars on tight orbits has been detected by Doppler spectroscopy. These planets have masses in the domain of super‐Earths and Neptune‐type objects, and periods less than 100 days. In numerous cases these planets are part of very compact multiplanetary systems. Up to seven planets have been discovered orbiting one single star. These low‐mass planets have been detected by the HARPS spectrograph around 30 % of solar‐type stars. This very high occurrence rate has been recently confirmed by the results of the Kepler planetary transit space mission. The large number of planets of this kind allows us to attempt a first characterization of their statistical properties, which in turn represent constraints to understand the formation process of these systems. The achieved progress in the sensitivity and stability of spectrographs have already led to the discovery of planets with masses as small as 1.5 M (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2009,30(6):366-372
We present results of a search for relativistic magnetic monopoles with the Baikal neutrino telescope NT200, using data taken between April 1998 and February 2003. No monopole candidates have been found. We set an upper limit 4.6 × 10−17 cm−2 s−1 sr−1 for the flux of monopoles with βm = 1. This is a factor of 20 below the Chudakov–Parker bound which is inferred from the very existence of large-scale galactic magnetic fields.  相似文献   

In gravitational microlensing, distant planetary systems may be discovered by utilizing them as naturally occuring lenses. Efforts to find planets by this technique began in the 1990s. The first definitive detection of an extrasolar planet by microlensing was made in 2003 in the event OGLE 2003-BLG-235/MOA 2003-BLG-53, where the observed light curve was best reproduced using a binary microlensing model with a mass ratio of 0.004. Further observations with the HST revealed that the lens system comprises a 2.6 Jupiter mass planet in a 4.3 A.U. wide orbit around a 0.6 Solar mass K dwarf at a distance of 5.8 Kpc. Subsequently, the number of planets detected by microlensing is increasing.  相似文献   

We present the results of the study of the contact binary system BO CVn. We have obtained physical parameters of the components based on combined analysis of new, multi-color light curves and spectroscopic mass ratio. This is the first time the latter has been determined for this object. We derived the contact configuration for the system with a very high filling factor of about 88%. We were able to reproduce the observed light curve, namely the flat bottom of the secondary minimum, only if a third light has been added into the list of free parameters. The resulting third light contribution is significant, about 20–24%, while the absolute parameters of components are: M1 = 1.16, M2 = 0.39, R1 = 1.62 and R2 = 1.00 (in solar units).The O-C diagram shows an upward parabola which, under the conservative mass transfer assumption, would correspond to a mass transfer rate of dM/dt = 6.3 × 10?8M/yr, matter being transferred from the less massive component to the more massive one. No cyclic, short-period variations have been found in the O-C diagram (but longer-term variations remain a possibility).  相似文献   

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