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公开DEM辅助无地面控制点国产卫星影像定位方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在全球测绘的背景下,为实现无地面控制点的卫星摄影测量,提出了利用公开DEM辅助国产卫星影像进行无控定位的方法。为充分利用公开DEM在大范围内具有一致稳定的高精度特性,将其作为基准与从影像中提取的待定位DEM进行表面匹配,匹配时采用引入截尾最小二乘估计的最小高差(LZD)法,并根据对应点高差的分布自适应探测及剔除DEM之间的差异;匹配确定的变换参数用于对直接定位结果进行物方改正。设计了多组针对天绘一号和资源三号国产卫星影像的对比试验,结果表明本方法切实可行,能充分利用基准DEM的优势,具有较好的稳健性;定位精度很大程度上取决于但不限于基准DEM的精度,基本不受其分辨率的影响;当待定位DEM分辨率较高时,单景影像利用SRTM DEM即可得到能较好满足1∶5万比例尺地形图测制要求的无控定位精度。本方法还为卫星影像定位精度的检核提供了一种新的有效手段。  相似文献   

作为"云控制"摄影测量理论和方法的发展,研究了DEM约束的立体卫星影像区域网平差方法。与DEM仅作为高程控制信息使用,或者是通过DEM表面匹配实现绝对定向的间接定位方法不同,DEM作为平高控制信息被直接引入至基于RFM模型的卫星影像区域网平差之中。本文方法将连接点地面高程与DEM格网内插高程之差作为虚拟观测值构建约束方程,不仅利用了DEM高程信息,并且利用了其地形曲面包含的平面信息,以"云控制"方式在区域网平差过程中有效消除卫星影像RPC参数中包含的整体偏移及区域网内部的扭曲变形,实现了无地面控制点条件下卫星影像平面及高程绝对定位精度的大幅提升。使用覆盖山东全境的330景天绘一号立体卫星影像进行试验,分别以AW3D30、ASTER GDEM和SRTM GL3共3种开源DEM作为控制信息,并使用100个外业实测控制点进行精度评测。试验表明,以DEM作为控制可显著提高区域网平差的平面与高程精度,卫星影像绝对定位精度与DEM自身精度有关。当使用AW3D30作为控制时,可以取得与使用100个外业控制点平差同等精度,平面中误差为5.0 m(约1像素),高程中误差为2.9 m。试验结果证明了DEM替代外业控制点作为平差控制信息的有效性与可行性。  相似文献   

为了评价国产资源三号测绘卫星DSM数据精度,在顾及地貌类型的情况下,以涵盖平原、台地、丘陵等地貌的高海拔山区为研究案例,并以1∶1万实测地形图DEM为假定真值,以90m分辨率SRTM DEM为评价参照,从高程精度和地形描述精度两个方面,对15m分辨率ZY-3DSM进行精度评价分析。研究结果表明:ZY-3DSM高程精度优于SRTM DEM,前者高程中误差仅为后者的1/6;就地形描述精度来讲,ZY-3DSM与SRTM DEM相比,其地形描述精度更接近理论值,前者RMS Et实际值仅为理论值0.99倍,而后者的实际值却是理论值5.13倍。由此看来,ZY-3DSM数据精度整体上高于SRTM DEM。  相似文献   

雷达干涉测量技术获取多分辨率山区高程模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用一组间隔仅为一天的高分辨雷达卫星COSMO-Skymed影像获取西部某山区4个不同分辨率(4m、10m、20m、50m)的数字高程模型(DEM)。由于西部高山空白区缺乏实测资料,所以以航天飞机雷达地形测绘(SRTM)为参考数字高程模型(DEM)并从其中获取较为可靠的足量地面控制点,从图像中选取高坡度、低坡度、低相干性三个区域,分别从坡度、相干性、分辨率三个方面,比较、分析山区DEM的精度。研究表明:利用合成孔径雷达干涉(InSAR)技术获取的与SRTMDEM基本一致;低坡度区域比高坡度区域的精度更高;相比于低坡度地区,高坡度地区的高程差值对分辨率的变化更为敏感;DEM分辨率越高,与SRTMDEM的差值就越大,与SRTMDEM本身的分辨率较小有关;对于低相干区域,其可靠性有待商榷,即使其50m分辨率的DEM与SRTMDEM也存在较大差距。  相似文献   

在无控制点的卫星影像正射校正中,大多采用DSM/DEM数据作为辅助数据来消除或限制因地形起伏引起的形变,然而经不同格网密度的DSM/DEM正射校正后的影像对后续处理会产生不同程度的影响,如对地物分类精度产生影响。针对这一问题,本文分别采用不同的DSM/DEM数据(China DSM 15 m、ASTER GDEM 30 m和SRTM 90 m)对资源三号影像进行正射校正,然后对正射校正后影像利用支持向量机进行分类,比较正射校正后影像结果的分类精度。结果表明:在相同重采样方法下,影像经China DSM 15 m DSM正射校正后结果的分类精度优于ASTER GDEM 30 m DEM和SRTM 90 m DEM。  相似文献   

ICESat激光高程点辅助的天绘一号卫星影像立体区域网平差   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
无地面控制点(简称无控)区域网平差是实现卫星影像无控测图的一项重要技术,对于境外和外业测控困难区域的测图具有重要意义。然而,无控区域网平差的定位精度一般难以满足对应比例尺测图规范要求。利用公开、可稳定获取的公众地理信息数据辅助区域网平差,是提高卫星影像无控定位精度的有效途径,其中ICESat激光高程点便是一种良好的高程控制数据。为了提高天绘一号卫星影像无控定位精度,本文提出ICESat激光高程点辅助的卫星影像模型法立体区域网平差方法。首先,以30 m分辨率SRTM估算的地形坡度作为限制条件,结合激光高程点自身质量评价信息,自动提取高质量ICESat激光高程点;其次,利用自动匹配的连接点进行模型法自由网平差,实现卫星影像几何定位精度的相对一致性(内部一致性);最后,将激光高程点自动量测至卫星影像作为控制点,其平面坐标根据自由网平差结果前方交会计算而得,高程坐标取自激光点高程,再次进行区域网平差精化定向参数,提高卫星影像的绝对高程精度。最后本文利用山东全省的天绘一号卫星影像进行试验,验证了本文方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

针对更加精确地对亚米级影像进行正射纠正应用时存在不利因素的问题,该文通过对资源三号立体像对的相对定向、绝对定向、核线匹配等方法提取数字表面模型。结合不同侧摆角的北京二号、高分二号亚米级卫星遥感影像数据,选取不同分辨率的DEM对不同侧摆角的亚米级卫星影像进行正射纠正实验,并对其进行精度评价。实验结果表明:侧摆角的大小对正射纠正的误差有影响,以同一DEM作为控制,当侧摆角增大时,正射纠正的整体误差呈现上升的趋势;不同分辨率的DEM对平差精度影响不大;不同分辨率的DEM对正射纠正精度影响相对较大,尤其山区地形变化较大。通过本文方法利用资源三号立体像对提取的DSM进行正射纠正的精度明显优于30 m和90 m分辨率的DEM,说明资源三号具有现势性。  相似文献   

高分辨率光学卫星影像高精度定位技术与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星影像高精度定位技术的核心是建立一套适合其成像特点的数学模型和解算方法。在分析严密几何成像模型和通用数学成像模型的基础上,提出了无需了解具体卫星平台、传感器结构和检校参数,具有明确几何意义模型参数,可通过RPC参数计算得到的,理论上适用于各种光学卫星影像几何处理的抽象几何成像模型;并介绍了基于该模型的自检校区域网平差及其在卫星影像高精度定位中的实际应用。为了满足区域网平差对连接点数量和分布的要求,探讨了基于SIFT特征点与角特征点相结合的连接点自动提取算法以及获取高精度同名点像点坐标的方法。针对实际应用中卫星影像通常存在明显系统误差的问题,介绍了自检校区域网平差过程中的3种系统误差在轨检校和补偿方法,并通过实际数据验证了综合使用这3种方法对系统误差检校和补偿改正的有效性。为提高卫星影像无控定位精度,研究了在卫星影像区域网平差中使用SRTM作为控制信息以提高平面和高程无控定位精度的技术和方法。实验数据表明,使用SRTM作为控制信息,单景资源三号立体影像的无控定位精度可达平面5.6 m,高程2.4 m。以一个约18.4万km~2的区域为实验区,介绍了多时相多次覆盖大区域资源三号立体卫星影像无控自由网的整体平差,外业精度检查表明,其平面精度为5.42 m,高程精度为2.85 m。  相似文献   

资源三号测绘卫星影像平面和立体区域网平差比较   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
针对弱交会条件下卫星遥感影像区域网平差无法正确求解的问题,本文提出了利用数字高程模型(DEM)作为高程约束的平面区域网平差方法提高其对地目标定位精度的策略。首先,选取带仿射变换项的有理函数模型(RFM)作为卫星影像平面区域网平差的数学模型。其次,在平差过程中更新连接点的地面坐标时仅求解地面点的平面坐标,高程值利用DEM进行内插获得。最后,在布设少量控制点的情况下通过平面区域网平差求解所有参与平差的卫星影像定向参数和连接点的地面平面坐标。利用两个地区的资源三号正视影像的平面区域网平差以及前正后三视影像的立体区域网平差的对比试验表明,对于资源三号卫星影像在1:50000DEM的支持下,平面平差可以达到和立体平差相当平面精度。对于近似垂直正视的资源三号影像,全球1km格网的DEM和90m格网的SRTM可以取代1:50000DEM作为高程控制,平面精度几乎没有损失。最终,试验结果证明了平面区域网平差方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

张力  孙钰珊  杜全叶  韩晓霞 《测绘科学》2019,44(6):96-104,132
针对国产光学卫星影像的特点,该文介绍一种适用于超大规模立体/单景覆盖的多源高分辨率卫星影像的全自动连接点、参考控制点匹配及精准几何信息(DSM/DEM)提取方法。该方法引入精度已知/精度可验证的参考地理数据作为几何约束,采用由粗到精的多层金字塔逐级影像匹配策略进行影像连接点和参考控制点的自动提取,并实现超大规模影像整体联合区域网平差处理,精化定向参数;结合半全局匹配算法(SGM)与基于物方几何约束的多影像相关匹配算法(GC3)完成多角度多视影像匹配及密集点云的自动提取,并利用已有DEM对密集匹配的DSM中的云遮挡区域和大面积水域进行修补,完成精准几何信息提取并自动生成高精度DSM/DEM/DOM影像产品。最后,利用多组典型实验区的国产高分辨率光学卫星影像数据验证了本文方法的适用性、可靠性和精度,结果满足卫星影像几何定位精度及DSM/DEM/DOM生产要求。  相似文献   

针对天绘一号卫星高分辨率影像,采用面向对象分类方法对怀柔水库区域进行水体信息提取,在多尺度分割的基础上,统计地物的光谱信息、形状因子和亮度均值等,建立水体信息的特征集,充分利用高分辨率的特点提取水体信息,同时选取了参数相近的SPOT和RapidEye两幅国外高分影像进行对比研究,使用相同方法进行水体提取,对实验过程和结果进行了对比分析。针对提取结果,采用野外采样和矢量图分析两种方法综合进行精度评价,根据采样数据得到的精度分别为96.97%,95.45%,92.42%,分析实验结果的矢量图,其中天绘影像水体提取面积为5 537 412.5㎡,SPOT影像为5 398 225㎡,RapidEye影像为5 053 262.5㎡,对实际水域的面积覆盖分别达到了101.40%,98.85%,92.54%,天绘影像的整体精度较高,但在细节表现上较为模糊,主要误差来自于对湿地的误分。实验制定了适用于天绘影像的水体提取方法和规则,分析不同因素对分割与分类结果的影响,同时,我们比较了天绘影像与国外同级别高分影像的优劣性,为天绘影像的进一步应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

The frequency of coastal flood damages is expected to increase significantly during the twenty-first century as sea level rises in the coastal floodplain. Coastal digital elevation model (DEM) data describing coastal topography are essential for assessing future flood-related damages and understanding the impacts of sea-level rise. The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM) are currently the most accurate and freely available DEM data. However, an accuracy assessment specifically targeted at DEMs over low elevation coastal plains is lacking. The present study focuses on these areas to assess the vertical accuracy of SRTM and ASTER GDEM using Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite, Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (ICESat/GLAS) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Global Positioning System (GPS) field survey data. The findings show that DEM accuracy is much better than the mission specifications over coastal plains. In addition, optical remote sensing image analysis further reveals the relationship between DEM vertical accuracy and land cover in these areas. This study provides a systematic approach to assess the accuracy of DEMs in coastal zones, and the results highlight the limitations and potential of these DEMs in coastal applications.  相似文献   

对海岛礁及周边的复杂地形环境及特点进行了分析,针对岛礁区域复杂地形要素的特点,提出了适用于海岛礁及周边复杂地形海陆一体化三维建模的方法,能够有效地对海岛礁及周边复杂地形进行建模。以舟山群岛附近海域海岛及周边地形作为实验数据,对海岛礁及周边复杂地形进行了海陆一体化三维建模,并在GeoGlobe等平台上进行了验证。实验表明,该方法对海岛礁及周边区域海陆一体化三维建模有较好的实用性。  相似文献   

The DEM of the Bhuj earthquake affected area of 50 x 50 km was generated using the ERS-1/2 SAR tandem data (May 15—16,1996). Region growing algorithm coupled with path following approach was used for phase unwrapping. Phase to height conversion was done using D-GPS control points. Geocoding was done using GAMMA software. A sample data of DEM of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) of the Bhuj area is made available by DLR Germany. The intensity image, DEM and Error map are well registered. The spatial resolution of this DEM is about 25 m with height accuracy of a few meters. The DEM derived through ERS SAR data is prone to atmospheric affects as the required two images are acquired in different timings where as SRTM acquired the two images simultaneously. An RMS height error of 12.06 m is observed with reference to SRTM though some of the individual locations differ by as much as 35 m.  相似文献   

Depending on scale, topographic maps depicting the shape of the land surfaces of the Earth are produced from different data sources. National topographic maps at a scale of 1:25 000 (25K maps) produced by General Command of Mapping are used as the base map set in Turkey. This map set, which consists of approximately 5500 sheets, covers the whole country and is produced using photogrammetric methods. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) created from these maps are also available. Recently, another data source, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometric data, has become more important than those produced by conventional methods. The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) contains elevation data with 3 arc-second resolution and 16 m absolute height error (90 percent confidence level). These data are freely available via the Internet for approximately 80 percent of the Earth's land mass. In this study, SRTM DEM was compared with DEM derived from 25K topographic maps for different parts of Turkey. The study areas, each covering four neighboring 25K maps, and having an area of approximately 600 km2, were chosen to represent various terrain characteristics. For the comparison, DEMs created from the 25K maps were obtained and organized as files for each map sheet in vector format, containing the digitized contour lines. From these data, DEMs in the resolution of 3 arc-second were created (25K-DEM), in the same structure as the SRTM DEM, allowing the 25K-DEMs and the SRTM DEM to be compared directly. The results show that the agreement of SRTM DEM to the 25K-DEM is within about 13 m, which is less than the SRTM's targeted error of 16 m. The spatial distribution of the height differences between SRTM-DEM and the 25K-DEM and correlation analysis show that the differences were mainly related to the topography of the test areas. In some areas, local height shifts were determined.  相似文献   

Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) contain topographic relief data that are vital for many geoscience applications. This study relies on the vertical accuracy of publicly available latest high-resolution (30?m) global DEMs over Cameroon. These models are (1) the ALOS World 3D-30?m (AW3D30), (2) the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission 1 Arc-Second C-Band Global DEM (SRTM 1) and (3) the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Global DEM Version 2 (ASTER GDEM 2). After matching their coordinate systems and datums, the horizontal positional accuracy evaluation was carried out and it shows that geolocation errors significantly influence the vertical accuracy of global DEMs. After this, the three models are compared among them, in order to access random and systematic effects in the elevation data each of them contains. Further, heights from 555 GPS/leveling points distributed all over Cameroon are compared to each DEM, for their vertical accuracy determination. Traditional and robust statistical measures, normality test, outlier detection and removal were used to describe the vertical quality of the DEMs. The test of the normality rejected the hypothesis of normal distribution for all tested global DEMs. Overall vertical accuracies obtained for the three models after georeferencing and gross error removal in terms of Root Mean Square (RMS) and Normalized Median Absolute Deviation (NMAD) are: AW3D30 (13.06?m and 7.75?m), SRTM 1 (13.25?m and 7.41?m) and ASTER GDEM 2 (18.87?m and 13.30?m). Other accuracy measures (MED, 68.3% quantile, 95% quantile) supply some evidence of the good quality of AW3D30 over Cameroon. Further, the effect of land cover and slope on DEM vertical accuracy was also analyzed. All models have proved to be worse in the areas dominated by forests and shrubs areas. SRTM 1 and AW3D30 are more resilient to the effects of the scattering objects respectively in forests and cultivated areas. The dependency of DEMs accuracy on the terrain roughness is evident. In all slope intervals, AW3D30 is performing better than SRTM 1 and ASTER GDEM 2 over Cameroon. AW3D30 is more representative of the external topography over Cameroon in comparison with two others datasets and SRTM 1 can be a serious alternative to AW3D30 for a range of DEM applications in Cameroon.  相似文献   

This study reports results from evaluation of the quality of digital elevation model (DEM) from four sources viz. topographic map (1:50,000), Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) (90 m), optical stereo pair from ASTER (15 m) and CARTOSAT (2.5 m) and their use in derivation of hydrological response units (HRUs) in Sitla Rao watershed (North India). The HRUs were derived using water storage capacity and slope to produce surface runoff zones. The DEMs were evaluated on elevation accuracy and representation of morphometric features. The DEM derived from optical stereo pairs (ASTER and CARTOSAT) provided higher vertical accuracies than the SRTM and topographic map-based DEM. The SRTM with a coarse resolution of 90 m provided vertical accuracy but better morphometry compared to topographic map. The HRU maps derived from the fine resolution DEM (ASTER and CARTOSAT) were more detailed but did not provide much advantage for hydrological studies at the scale of Sitla Rao watershed (5800 ha).  相似文献   

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