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热带太平洋海洋混合层水体振荡与ENSO循环   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了热带太平洋温跃层和海面风应力年际变率主要模态及它们之间的相互作用, 探讨了ENSO循环的可能形成机制, 得到如下结果: (1)热带太平洋温跃层异常具以160°W为纵轴的东西向偶极子分布和以6~8°N为横轴的南北向跷跷板分布等两种主要模态, 两者(相位差90°)组合构成El Niño/La Niña循环, 表现为混合层水体(指温跃层界面之上海温垂直分布较均匀的上层海洋)在赤道与12°N之间的热带太平洋海盆内反时针三维振荡; (2)热带太平洋风应力异常具两种主要分布型, 第一特征向量场反映了热带太平洋信风异常导致的赤道太平洋异常纬向风应力及散度场与离赤道北太平洋异常越赤道风应力及反相散度场, 第二特征向量场反映了热带辐合带(ITCZ)异常导致的异常风应力及相应散度场; (3)信风异常对ENSO事件的形成、强度和相变都有决定性的作用, 它导致海面倾斜, 提供了混合层水体振荡初始位能, 同时造成赤道太平洋西部与东部之间和赤道太平洋与12°N北太平洋海盆之间温跃层同步反相位移, 限定了热带太平洋混合层水体振荡的振幅和路线. ITCZ异常主要对ENSO相变过程有一定影响; (4)热带西太平洋海洋热力异常导致海面风应力异常, 它伴随热带太平洋混合层水体振荡沿赤道由西向东扩展, 造成热带太平洋信风异常, 产生有利于水体振荡的异常风应力及散度场, 反过来进一步加强混合层水体振荡. 这一海气耦合过程与混合层水体振荡一起为ENSO循环提供了相变和年际记忆机制. 研究指出, ENSO循环实质上是由信风异常和海气耦合过程共同作用下产生的热带太平洋海洋混合层水体在赤道与12°N之间热带太平洋海盆内的惯性振荡. 海气耦合过程产生的作用力大于或等于水体运动阻力时, ENSO循环将加强或维持, 不足以克服水体运动阻力时, 水体振荡减小, ENSO循环将逐渐减弱, 直至中断.  相似文献   

下透光带钙质超微化石Florisphaeraprofunda的相对丰度 ,为揭示混合层厚度等海水上层结构的变化提供了新的可能 .冲绳海槽南北 3个站位近两万年来的沉积分析一致表明 ,F .profunda的百分比从冰期到全新世显著增高 ,海槽南部在距今约 4ka前再次一度减低 ,其变化与热带深层水种浮游有孔虫Pulleniatinaobliquiloculata的趋势一致 ,反映冰期时黑潮东移 ,海水混合层减薄 ,温跃层变浅 ,同时海水上层的浊度可能增大 .距今 4ka前黑潮可能再度东移 .  相似文献   

利用“延平2号”科学调查船于2005年6月下旬在台湾海峡中部(119.2°E,24.3°N)实施的定点连续观测资料,研究了夏季风期间障碍层的日变化过程及其局地反馈特征.障碍层开始形成时,由于非太阳辐射局限于上混合层,而太阳辐射可以穿透混合层底直至温跃层,导致障碍层内累积了最多热能,形成逆温层.随着障碍层内部热量的不断累积,障碍层与上混合层之间的热交换过程逐渐增强,上混合层显著增暖。此外,障碍层对应浮力频率极小值区,具有较弱的层结稳定性;针对海气通量的分析表明障碍层造成了显著的局地感热、潜热通量异常.进一步分析表明,海表风搅拌产生的湍动能在向下传输过程中,次盐跃层和温跃层构成了两个界面,大部分湍动能被较浅的盐度层结阻挡,限制在混合层以上,部分穿透混合层底的湍动能再次被温跃层阻挡,障碍层对应湍动能的薄弱区.  相似文献   

应用1949~2005年热带气旋(台风)年鉴资料,对西太平洋以及登陆我国东南沿海地区的热带气旋活动的特征进行了分析,发现西太平洋生成热带气旋个数和登陆我国热带气旋的个数有略为减少的趋势,而登陆我国热带气旋的强度有显著增强趋势.2005年西太平洋生成热带气旋数偏少,但其中登陆我国的强热带气旋比例却明显偏高.对导致这种异常现象的大尺度环流条件的分析表明,前期南亚高压和副热带高压势力偏强,台风期副高偏强、东亚夏季风偏弱、水平风垂直切变等因子不利于热带气旋生成;而西太平洋西部异常的水汽输送、弱风垂直切变、海表面温度异常以及中低纬系统之间相互作用等则可能是导致登陆我国热带气旋强度异常偏强的主要原因.  相似文献   

印尼穿越流连接西太平洋和印度洋,调节这两个大洋之间的热量和水汽的交换,继而在全球气候变化中扮演着重要的角色.印尼穿越流的通量、水体性质和垂向分层受东亚季风和厄尔尼诺.南方涛动(El Nino-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)等气候现象强烈影响.本文研究了钻取于帝汶海区印尼穿越流出口处S018462孔的沉积物,分析浮游有孔虫表层水种和温跃层水种壳体的氧同位素和Mg/Ca比值,恢复了末次冰期以来印尼穿越流表层水和温跃层水的温度和盐度以及垂向温度梯度的变化,并与钻取于西太平洋暖池中心的3cBX孔记录进行了对比.结果显示,末次冰期时帝汶海与西太平洋暖池的表层海水性质几乎一致,自大约16ka以来帝汶海相对暖池的表层海水淡化显著,但二者之间的温度差异变化不大.冰消期时,帝汶海和暖池温跃层海水温度均呈现升高趋势,在大约11.5ka达到峰值;之后,暖池中心的温跃层海水温度总体维持不变,而帝汶海的温跃层海水温度逐渐降低;6ka以来,帝汶海和暖池温跃层海水性质总体趋于一致.上述结果表明,早全新世(11.5—6ka),类拉尼娜状态以及东亚夏季风降水的增加,使得区域内表层海水盐度降低,抑制了印尼穿越流表层流,导致温跃层流加强.6ka以来,除了东亚冬季风影响下最终造成帝汶海温跃层变浅外,ENSO的频繁活动也可能是重要的影响因素.  相似文献   

大尺度海洋环流是海洋能量再分配的基本物理过程之一,研究西太平洋海洋环流在全球气候变暖背景下的多年代变化趋势对理解和预测未来西太平洋气候变化具有重要意义.本文利用最新发布的世界大洋数据集(WOA18)的年代平均水文观测时间序列,计算了1955~2017年间热带西太平洋北赤道流、北赤道逆流、棉兰老流、源地黑潮和新几内亚沿岸潜流的地转流,估算了各支海流的流量及其多年代变化趋势,分离并讨论了温度变化和盐度变化在海流变化中的贡献.结果发现,北赤道流、棉兰老流和新几内亚沿岸潜流在过去60多年中均表现出显著的长期增强趋势,主要是温度变化贡献的,动力高度的变化趋势模态与各西边界流的变化趋势吻合.分析发现,各支海流同纬度西太平洋海域的区域平均纬向风应力可比较准确地刻画各海流流量的年代际变化特征和多年代增强趋势,表明信风强迫在热带西太平洋海洋环流的年代际变化趋势中具有重要作用.本文还讨论了热带西太平洋历史水文观测数据和流量趋势估计中存在的不确定性.由于WOA18数据集比较完整地涵盖了历史上在热带西太平洋获取的水文环境采样数据,因此本文为估计西太平洋大尺度海洋环流的多年代变化趋势提供了重要观测证据.  相似文献   

北太平洋涛动与台风和飓风频次的关系研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
研究了北太平洋涛动(NPO)和西太平洋台风及热带大西洋飓风频次的联系. 结果表明, 在1949~1998年这50 a间, NPO和西太平洋台风频次的相关系数是0.37, 而和热带大西洋飓风频次的相关系数是-0.28, 都达到了95%的置信度水平. 进一步的研究揭示: 6~9月NPO的变化和西太平洋及热带大西洋区的纬向风垂直切变幅度、海平面气压以及海表面温度、区域大气辐散辐合等存在显著的关联, 而这些气候环境的变化都和台风及飓风生成与发展的热力或动力过程密切相关. 这就是NPO与台风及飓风频次相联系的原因. 还进一步研究了与NPO有关的大气遥相关以及两个区域大气环流的变化, 以便进一步理解NPO和台风及飓风活动频次的联系. 最后分析了一个海气耦合模式的积分结果, 初步印证了由观测资料所得到的结论.  相似文献   

热带西太平洋纬向风异常对 ENSO 循环的动力作用   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
根据观测资料,分析了1982/1983,1986/1987,1991/1992和1997/1998年ElNino事件发展和衰减以及LaNino事件发生过程中赤道西太平洋对流层下层环流和纬向风异常及其作用.结果表明,在ElNino事件发展阶段前,在热带西太平洋上空对流层下层产生气旋性环流异常,从而使印度尼西亚和赤道西太平洋上空产生西风异常;而当ElNino事件发展到成熟阶段,在热带西太平洋上空对流层下层产生反气旋性环流异常,从而使印度尼西亚和赤道西太平洋上空产生东风异常.还利用一个简单的热带海洋动力学模式,计算了20世纪最强的1997/1998ENSO循环过程中赤道海洋波动对实际海表风应力距平的响应.结果表明,热带西太平洋海表附近的纬向风异常,通过激发Kelvin波与Rossby波对ElNino事件的发展与衰减和LaNino事件的发生起到重要的动力作用.  相似文献   

采用浮游生物分层拖网取样和Rose-Bengal染色方法,揭示了南海2个断面春季活体放射虫的空间分布特征,探讨了热带海域活体放射虫生态分布对环境的响应.活体放射虫丰度高值多数出现在25~75 m层,与叶绿素a和初级生产力最大值层有较好的对应;但在冷涡发育区丰度最高值出现0~25 m层,且在垂向上呈现随深度增加逐渐降低的趋势;发现在湄公河口外的冷涡发育区,受冲淡水的影响,盐度值大幅度波动,从而抑制了活体放射虫的繁盛;此外,发现温度的大幅度变化可能也不利于活体放射虫的繁盛.属种组成以热带-亚热带暖水种为主要优势种,发现了几个具有热带生态环境意义的指示种:活体Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus tetrathalamus是热带上表层水或混合层的指示种,且可以指示贫营养;活体Tetrapyle octacantha可作为热带海域温跃层、富营养的指示种;活体Acanthodesmia vinculata是一个热带表层、次表层水种;进一步指出T.octacantha和A.vinculata仅在外海海域对冷涡(上升流)有很好的响应,可指示热带上升流;推断活体Siphonosphaera polysiphonia喜营群居生活,其分布与暖涡密切相关;活体Cyrtopera laguncula和Cornutella profunda被发现能在热带海域上层水体甚至是在表层水中出现,表明它们并不是仅限于生活在中深层水中,用作中深水指示种的定义需要进一步商榷.  相似文献   

热带太平洋-印度洋温跃层海温异常联合模及其演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
黎鑫  李崇银  谭言科  张韧  李刚 《地球物理学报》2013,56(10):3270-3284
利用SODA次表层海温再分析资料和卫星遥感海面高度异常数据,分析了热带太平洋和印度洋温跃层海温之间的联系,提出了太平洋-印度洋温跃层海温异常联合模(PITM)的概念、并定义了该联合模指数.结果表明,联合模指数具有准两年和3~5年的年际变化周期以及2011-2012年的年际变化周期,并具有季节锁相和振幅不对称等特征.联合模的演变过程与温跃层海温异常(TOTA)的发展和传播过程紧密相联:在太平洋,TOTA一般从西太平洋出发沿赤道(5°S-5°N)向东传播,到达东太平洋之后折向北,再沿10°N-14°N纬度带向西传播到达太平洋西岸并向赤道西太平洋扩展,形成一条回路;南太平洋也有类似回路但信号较弱;在印度洋,则主要沿8°S-12°S纬度带向西传播,到达西岸后折向北,然后迅速沿赤道(1.25°S-1.25°N)向东扩展,也形成一条回路.对NCEP/NCAR再分析风场资料的合成分析则表明,联合模的演变过程与大气环流尤其是纬向垂直环流(Walker环流)的变化密切相关,联合模的正位相对应着赤道印度洋区域顺时针的Walker环流以及赤道太平洋区域逆时针的Walker环流;而联合模的负相位则有相反的情况.此外,联合模演变过程中,TOTA的传播发展与850 hPa异常纬向风的传播发展有很好的相关.  相似文献   

Mixed-layer water oscillations in tropical Pacific for ENSO cycle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The main modes of interannal variabilities of thermocline and sea surface wind stress in the tropical Pacific and their interactions are investigated,which show the following results.(1) The thermocline anomalies in the tropical Pacific have a zonal dipole pattern with 160°W as its axis and a meridional seesaw pattern with 6-8°N as its transverse axis.The meridional oscillation has a phase lag of about 90° to the zonal oscillation,both oscillations get together to form the El Ni?o/La Ni?a cycle,which be-haves as a mixed layer water oscillates anticlockwise within the tropical Pacific basin between equator and 12°N.(2) There are two main patterns of wind stress anomalies in the tropical Pacific,of which the first component caused by trade wind anomaly is characterized by the zonal wind stress anomalies and its corresponding divergences field in the equatorial Pacific,and the abnormal cross-equatorial flow wind stress and its corresponding divergence field,which has a sign opposite to that of the equatorial region,in the off-equator of the tropical North Pacific,and the second component represents the wind stress anomalies and corresponding divergences caused by the ITCZ anomaly.(3) The trade winds anomaly plays a decisive role in the strength and phase transition of the ENSO cycle,which results in the sea level tilting,provides an initial potential energy to the mixed layer water oscillation,and causes the opposite thermocline displacement between the west side and east side of the equator and also between the equator and 12°N of the North Pacific basin,therefore determines the amplitude and route for ENSO cycle.The ITCZ anomaly has some effects on the phase transition.(4) The thermal anomaly of the tropical western Pacific causes the wind stress anomaly and extends eastward along the equator accompanied with the mixed layer water oscillation in the equatorial Pacific,which causes the trade winds anomaly and produces the anomalous wind stress and the corresponding divergence in favor to conduce the oscillation,which in turn intensifies the oscillation.The coupled system of ocean-atmo-sphere interactions and the inertia gravity of the mixed layer water oscillation provide together a phase-switching mechanism and interannual memory for the ENSO cycle.In conclusion,the ENSO cycle essentially is an inertial oscillation of the mixed layer water induced by both the trade winds anomaly and the coupled ocean-atmosphere interaction in the tropical Pacific basin between the equator and 12°N.When the force produced by the coupled ocean-atmosphere interaction is larger than or equal to the resistance caused by the mixed layer water oscillation,the oscillation will be stronger or maintain as it is,while when the force is less than the resistance,the oscillation will be weaker,even break.  相似文献   

Based on the merged satellite altimeter data and in-situ observations,as well as a diagnosis of linear baroclinic Rossby wave solutions,this study analyzed the rapidly rise of sea level/sea surface height(SSH)in the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans during recent two decades.Results show that the sea level rise signals in the tropical west Pacific and the southeast Indian Ocean are closely linked to each other through the pathways of oceanic waveguide within the Indonesian Seas in the form of thermocline adjustment.The sea level changes in the southeast Indian Ocean are strongly influenced by the low-frequency westward-propagating waves originated in the tropical Pacific,whereas those in the southwest Indian Ocean respond mainly to the local wind forcing.Analyses of the lead-lag correlation further reveal the different origins of interannual and interdecadal variabilities in the tropical Pacific.The interannual wave signals are dominated by the wind variability along the equatorial Pacific,which is associated with the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation;whereas the interdecadal signals are driven mainly by the wind curl off the equatorial Pacific,which is closely related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.  相似文献   

Two modes of dipole events in tropical Indian Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By analyzing the distributions of subsurface temperature and the surface wind stress anomalies in the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans during the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events, two major modes of the IOD and their formation mechanisms are revealed. (1) The subsurface temperature anomaly (STA) in the tropical Indian Ocean during the IOD events can be described as a “<” -shaped and west-east-oriented dipole pattern; in the east side of the “<” pattern, a notable tongue-like STA extends westward along the equator in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean; while in the west side of the “<” pattern, the STA has opposite sign with two centers (the southern one is stronger than the northern one in intensity) being of rough symmetry about the equator in the tropical mid-western Indian Ocean. (2) The IOD events are composed of two modes, which have similar spatial pattern but different temporal variabilities due to the large scale air-sea interactions within two independent systems. The first mode of the IOD event originates from the air-sea interaction on a scale of the tropical Pacific-Indian Ocean and coexists with ENSO. The second mode originates from the air-sea interaction on a scale of the tropical Indian Ocean and is closely associated with changes in the position and intensity of the Mascarene high pressure. The strong IOD event occurs when the two modes are in phase, and the IOD event weakens or disappears when the two modes are out of phase. Besides, the IOD events are normally strong when either of the two modes is strong. (3) The IOD event is caused by the abnormal wind stress forcing over the tropical Indian Ocean, which results in vertical transports, leading to the upwelling and pileup of seawater. This is the main dynamic processes resulting in the STA. When the anomalous easterly exists over the equatorial Indian Ocean, the cold waters upwell in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean while the warm waters pileup in the tropical western Indian Ocean, hence the thermocline in the tropical Indian Ocean is shallowed in the east and deepened in the west. The off-equator component due to the Coriolis force in the equatorial area causes the upwelling of cold waters and the shallowing of the equatorial India Ocean thermocline. On the other hand, the anomalous anticyclonic circulations and their curl fields located on both sides of the equator, cause the pileup of warm waters in the central area of their curl fields and the deepening of the equatorial Indian Ocean thermocline off the equator. The above three factors lead to the occurrence of positive phase IOD events. When anomalous westerly dominates over the tropical Indian Ocean, the dynamic processes are reversed, and the negative-phase IOD event occurs. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40776013), National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB403601) and the Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX-SW-222)  相似文献   

使用斯克里普斯海洋研究所(SIO)整编的海洋上层(海表至400m)热储量资料,研究了热带太平洋上层热力状况季节变化的正压特征,指出与SST的分布不同,热储量在北纬5°N~10°N之间有一东西贯穿整个太平洋的带状热储量低值区,其季节变化率的分布特征分为两种,一是11月至2月为代表的“北半球冬季型”和5~8月的“北半球夏季型”,3月、4月和9月、10月为过渡阶段. 北半球10°N和2°N的季节变率的时间变化反位相,南半球的10°S、2°S?其季节变率随时间变化的位相则比较一致且与沿10°N位相大致相反. 东太平洋季节变化明显早于中、西太平洋,具有明显自东向西传播的特征. 10°S与10°N之间东、西太平洋的季节变率随时间的演变也基本上呈现反位相特征.  相似文献   

Variability of the subsurface temperature, current, and heat content in the tropical Pacific Ocean has been extracted in association with the two dominant modes of the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA): the low-frequency mode and the biennial mode. In a recent paper, these two modes were identified as the major modes of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The low-frequency mode, which explains about 36% of the total SSTA variability, represents the dominant component of SSTA variability in the tropical Pacific, and is associated not with a fast physical evolution but with a slow stochastic undulation. The biennial mode, which is the second dominant component and explains about 12% of the total variability exhibits, on the other hand, a strong physical evolution. The space–time patterns of the subsurface variability were derived from an assimilated data set via a cyclostationary empirical orthogonal functions (CSEOF) analysis and the regression of the resulting principal component (PC) time series on the target PC time series of the surface modes. Extracted space–time patterns describe the detailed evolution of the physical changes in the upper ocean of the tropical Pacific that are associated with the corresponding surface modes. Specifically, they clearly show the surface and subsurface connection of the physical changes during ENSO events, and the role of equatorial waves in the manifestation of physical changes at the surface. The derived patterns of heat content, subsurface temperature, and zonal current anomalies realistically depict the detailed temporal changes of those variables and are consistent with our understanding of the physics in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The biennial mode appears to depict faithfully the phase progression of El Niño and La Niña. The propagation of equatorial Kelvin waves along the thermocline is clearly visible during El Niño and La Niña events in the cyclostationary representation of the physical modes in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Although the low-frequency mode explains three times more SSTA variability than the biennial mode, the former does not induce strong equatorial wave activity. This observation is significant considering that both El Niño or La Niña are often viewed simply in terms of a significant SST change in the tropical Pacific. The results of the present study indicate: (1) that the two ENSO modes represent significantly different physical evolutions; (2) that the amount of SST warming or cooling does not dictate the physical evolution of ENSO; and (3) that the two modes play essentially different dynamical roles including the generation of equatorial waves.Responsible Editor: John Wilkin  相似文献   

新安江水库(千岛湖)热力学状况及热力分层研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
利用2012年1-12月在新安江水库(千岛湖)6个点位的每月一次的水温及其他环境因子的周年观测资料,分析了水库水温逐月变化、季节变化、垂直分布及温跃层的形成与变化,探讨了温跃层特征量(温跃层深度、厚度、强度)与表层水温、水体透明度的关系.新安江水库表层和中层水温与气温存在显著的线性相关,又以表层水温线性关系最好,而下层水温与气温没有显著相关性,说明下层水温受气温的影响很小,全年处于相对恒温状态.水库表层和中层水温逐月变化明显,呈现夏季最高、春秋季次之、冬季最低的变化趋势,其中中层水温最高值出现的季节较表层水温明显后延,下层水温没有明显的逐月变化和季节变化.水温垂直分布显示,4个季节均存在不同程度的温跃层和温度分层现象,其中水深最深的大坝前水温分层最明显.小金山、三潭岛和大坝前3个典型点位从春季的4月份到冬季的2月份温跃层深度由1.61±0.47 m逐渐增加至39.37±5.35 m,而温跃层厚度和强度则在夏季最高、冬季最低,温跃层随着季节的变化呈现增强稳定减弱消失的周期变化.温跃层深度与水体透明度存在显著正相关,与表层水温存在显著负相关,并基于透明度和表层水温建立温跃层深度的多元线性回归模型.  相似文献   

利用中等复杂程度热带大气和海洋模式研究了热带太平洋和大西洋SST通过风应力桥梁的相互作用.利用1958~1998年NCEP分析的海表面温度场(SST)强迫大气模式得到的表面风应力与NCEP分析的同期热通量共同驱动海洋模式,作为控制试验;和控制试验平行,但强迫大气模式的SST在某一海盆取为多年气候平均值的试验作为敏感性试验;比较控制试验与敏感性试验模拟,则可反映风应力桥梁作用下热带某海盆SST异常对其他海盆的影响.结果表明,热带某一海盆SST暖(冷)异常总是引起局地海盆表面西部西(东)风异常和东部东(西)风异常;热带太平洋SST暖(冷)异常导致的该海盆东部表面东(西)风异常可以扩展到热带大西洋,从而导致热带大西洋SST冷(暖)异常;热带大西洋SST暖(冷)异常导致的该海盆西部表面西(东)风异常可以扩展到热带太平洋,从而导致热带太平洋SST暖(冷)异常.  相似文献   

The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) links upper ocean waters of the west Pacific and Indian Ocean, modulates heat and fresh water budgets between these oceans, and in turn plays an important role in global climate change. The climatic phenomena such as the East Asian monsoon and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) exert a strong influence on flux, water properties and vertical stratification of the ITF. This work studied sediments of Core SO18462 that was retrieved from the outflow side of the ITF in the Timor Sea in order to investigate response of the ITF to monsoon and ENSO activities since the last glacial. Based on Mg/Ca ratios and oxygen isotopes in shells of planktonic foraminiferal surface and thermocline species, seawater temperatures and salinity of both surface and thermocline waters and vertical thermal gradient of the ITF outflow were reconstructed. Records of Core SO18462 were then compared with those from Core 3cBX that was recovered from the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP). The results displayed that similar surface waters occurred in the Timor Sea and the WPWP during the last glacial. Since ~16 ka, an apparent difference in surface waters between these two regions exists in salinity, indicated by much fresher waters in the Timor Sea than in the WPWP. In contrast, there is little change in difference of sea surface temperatures (SSTs). With regard to thermocline temperature (TT), it increased until ~11.5 ka since the last glacial, and then remained an overall unchanged trend in the WPWP but continuously decreased in the Timor Sea towards the late Holocene. Since ~6 ka, thermocline waters have tended to be close to each other in between the Timor Sea and the WPWP. It is indicated that intensified precipitation due to East Asian monsoon and possible ENSO cold phase significantly freshened surface waters over the Indonesian Seas, impeding the ITF surface flow and in turn having enhanced thermocline flow during the Holocene. Consequently, thermocline water of the ITF outflow was cooling and thermocline was shoaling towards the late Holocene. It is speculated that, in addition to strengthening of East Asian winter monsoon, increasing ENSO events during the late Holocene likely played an important role in influencing thermocline depth of the ITF outflow.  相似文献   

利用IAP9L-AGCM模式考察了模式中与南极涛动异常相关的海温敏感区,发现南半球高纬海温异常能够强迫出南极涛动异常,而赤道东太平洋海温异常与太平洋南美型密切相关.研究了南极涛动异常对冬春季北半球大气环流及亚洲北部气温的影响,结果表明,南极涛动加强,能够引起北半球高纬环流异常和欧亚西风加强,以及亚洲北部地表气温和850 hPa气温显著增温.数值模拟支持了已有的诊断结果,也证实了冬春季节南极涛动异常下两半球高纬间的经向遥相关存在.  相似文献   

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