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Identifying socio-economic drivers of small-scale fisheries is a fundamental step to understand impacts and pressures on fishery resources, and the behaviour of seafood trade actors. It is especially relevant for developing countries where such information is usually lacking and fisheries management is greatly needed. To address this gap, this study maps the structure of value chains of fish and marine invertebrates caught by small-scale fisheries from São Vicente, Cape Verde (West Africa), and examines the main socio-economic drivers behind the seafood trade on the island. Specifically, it shows how drivers, such as tourism and the local market, shape the preferences for certain species and how they affect the distribution of income among actors involved in the seafood trade. To collect this information, interviews were done with fishers, small-scale traders, market vendors, and restaurant owners, in all fishing communities of the island of São Vicente, in 2015. Tourism and the local market drive the exploitation of a wide variety of marine species, from small demersal low trophic level fish and marine invertebrates, to large pelagic high trophic level fish species. Moreover, the local seafood market, and especially tourism dynamics, contribute to the unequal distribution of income among actor groups, benefiting mostly restaurant owners due to their direct access to tourist consumers. Such findings have implications for local fishery resources management, food security, and fishing communities’ livelihoods.  相似文献   

This article addresses the present status of seafood-oriented environmental methods and analyses, and pinpoints areas for further development. A recent study of the CO2 emissions associated with the production of farmed salmon in Norway, following the life cycle from hatching to consumption, is presented. The study was initiated due to the increased focus on environmental impacts from food production among consumer organizations, retailers, and authorities. In general, several methods are being currently applied to measure environmental performance. Unfortunately, different methods provide quite different results. An additional challenge is that most of these methods were originally developed for land-based production. If assumptions about the performance of the seafood industry are established on the basis of incorrect information, consequences for both the management and the market level may not be desirable.  相似文献   

Norway is the world's largest producer of farmed salmon. Aquaculture is the country's second largest export industry and thus vital for employment in coastal areas of Norway. The industry is dependent on public acceptance and good standing in local communities in order to gain access to new sites and to be able to sell its product. Public opinion (and assumptions about public opinion) on aquaculture may influence the industry's framework conditions and policy. Being located in coastal and rural areas, the industry must rely on the media to spread information to the public about the industry. Therefore, the media are an important source of information about farmed salmon, and the way the media present aquaculture issues has an impact on public opinion as well as authorities. This article examines how the aquaculture industry is portrayed in Norwegian newspapers and discusses how media topics and media framing may influence public opinion. The analysis shows that the most frequent topics covered in Norwegian newspapers are connected to the environment, aquaculture industry, and politics, where the concerns about the environment are dominant within the risk frame. The negative images portrayed by the media have a strong agenda-setting force and may skew public opinion to a narrow focus on environmental risks, influencing both the debate's content and the regulators’ increased emphasis on environmental risks. This is strengthened further by the focus on sustainability, where the focus is solely on the dimension of environment, making other sustainability dimensions less prominent in the media coverage.  相似文献   

In 2007 salmon, mollusk and seaweed aquaculture production in Chile totaled 904 thousand tonnes, making the nation the leading marine aquaculture producer in the western world. Salmonids grown in open cage net pens account for over 73% of the production. This review summarizes the current status of Chilean aquaculture and proposes the establishment of new regulations and monitoring programmes that encourage and accommodate emerging bioremediation technologies. In contrast to a rapidly expanding, well-financed and technologically advanced industry, the regulatory structure in Chile is outdated and based on insufficient science. The number of publications on the environmental impacts of salmon aquaculture in Chile is low relative to its production level. Nevertheless, the impacts of organic and inorganic waste on benthic communities, pelagic organisms and bird populations are documented. The technology to reduce these impacts using integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) strategies exists, but has not been implemented at commercial scales. We call on the government and industry to support the creation of a well-financed and politically independent agency responsible for developing and enforcing science-based environmental regulations in Chile. The agency's immediate goal should be to fund research required to develop a transparent, ecosystem-based regulatory framework that promotes IMTA. Monitoring programs and licensing procedures must consider the impacts of individual sites and the cumulative impacts from multiple sites across a wide range of spatial scales. Before such changes are realized, environmental threats and human health risks will remain unacceptably high and salmon farming in Chile will not meet any reasonable definition of sustainability.  相似文献   

开发青岛旅游商品之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高玉玲 《海岸工程》1999,18(2):76-80
青岛旅游业近年来蓬勃发展,但纵观旅游商品市场无论从学是从深度来看,与青岛旅游业的发展极不相适应的,同其他省市和国外旅游业发达的国家七地区相比,则差距更大,主要是旅游商品市场馈乏,对旅游开发的力度不够,营销队伍不成熟,因而旅游商品销售在旅游总收入中所占的比例甚少。本文分析了青岛旅游商品开发力度不足的原因,提出了开发对策。  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(2-4):143-154
Chile has a very diverse and variable coastal zone, with a series of phenomena that occur unexpectedly and which demand great flexibility from the management models that are implemented. The oceanographic characteristics have provided Chile’s coastal zone with important pelagic fisheries in the country’s north and center and benthonic fisheries in the south. They have also led to the explosive growth of aquaculture in the last ten years, mostly in the canals zone. In the northern and central regions, megaprojects have dominated coastal zone investments and are about to go into the far north. Also a sustained popùlation increase in central and southern coastal areas is expected as a consequence of the saturation of big cities and development in road, transport and communications.The incorporation of Chile into trade blocks such as APEC, NAFTA, and MERCOSUR together with some recently signed bilateral trade treaties will undoubtedly give a push to the port activity. The construction of different corridors throughout the country that will provide access to the Pacific for some regions in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina will have a similar effect.Alterations in the quality of the environment (Pollution), threats to the coastal zone’s diversity (exhausted resources) and conflicts among users are mentioned among the principal problems affecting coastal zone urging for an integrated management approach for this critical and sensitive area.A coastal zone management plan for Chile, more than creating new regulations, many of which already exist, should be able to set up effective mechanisms among the different sectors involved in the use of the coastal zone, generate mechanisms to resolve differences, provide adequate scientific and technical information for decision making and establish simple and realistic mechanisms for education and citizen participation. The National Management Plan should be essentially FOCUSED, REGIONALIZED, INTEGRATED AND INFORMED. In fact, the basic idea promoted by Fundación Chile and the Navy’s Maritime Territory National Board would be to generate a system supported by one or two central coordinating institutions articulated with regional institutions, which would carry out the above-mentioned objectives. The greatest benefit of a Plan like this one is that Chile’s coastal zone and its resources can be used sustainably with the appropriate mechanisms, but in an informed and integrated way and respect regional and local peculiarities. Some of the major features of this approach are presented and discussed here.  相似文献   

Recent research has on the basis of general equilibrium models warned that trade liberalisation in non-optimally managed renewable resources might cause over-exploitation and reduced steady-state welfare. Welfare effects of trade liberalisation in open access and optimal management are found case specific and dependent on factors such as the country's status as importer or exporter, the state of the fish stocks and the size of the countries on the world market. The present paper develops an alternative partial equilibrium framework capable of identifying welfare effects of fish trade liberalisation also in the presence of complex but realistic management schemes, such as regulated open access and regulated restricted access. The case dependency known from the general equilibrium analysis is confirmed, but the introduction of realistic fisheries management schemes in the partial equilibrium model extended this case dependency. The welfare effect of trade liberalisation in an exporter country is negative under open access, but was found positive under regulated restricted access in the present paper.  相似文献   

As the world’s largest importer of marine ornamental species for the aquaria, curio, home décor, and jewelry industries, the United States has an opportunity to leverage its considerable market power to promote more sustainable trade and reduce the effects of ornamental trade stress on coral reefs worldwide. Evidence indicates that collection of some coral reef animals for these trades has caused virtual elimination of local populations, major changes in age structure, and promotion of collection practices that destroy reef habitats. Management and enforcement of collection activities in major source countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines remain weak. Strengthening US trade laws and enforcement capabilities combined with increasing consumer and industry demand for responsible conservation can create strong incentives for improving management in source countries. This is particularly important in light of the March 2010 failure of the parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to take action on key groups of corals.  相似文献   

The Salmon industry in Norway includes three sectors, namely sea and river fishing for wild salmon, and salmon farming, or aquaculture. The three sectors provide different social, economic and cultural benefits to society, but also face many problems and challenges. They have different interests, practices, traditions and audiences, and are also administered by different authorities and regulated under varying management regimes and legislations. On the one hand, they complement each other in terms of product supply, employment creation and income; on the other hand, they face conflicts over management objectives and strategies. This paper provides an overview of the salmon sectors associated with their status, challenges and management regimes. It further analyzes their interests and conflicts over economic contribution and management. Finally, some potential solutions are suggested in an attempt to solve these conflicts.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2003,46(1-2):157-174
In aquaculture, harvesting presents an unavoidable risk of disease transmission. The spread of the disease infectious salmon anaemia appears to have been associated with harvesting in both Scotland and Norway. An assessment is made of the relative risks of disease transmission associated with various different means of harvesting farmed salmon based on the assumption that best practice is followed for each harvest method. The assessment is qualitative, quantitative data being absent for most of the processes involved. Slaughter on the farm risks the spread of infection to adjacent farms, whereas, infection at a processing plant may be rebroadcast by well-boats. The risks associated with transporting live fish in cages and of storing live fish near centralised processing plants are discussed. Provided the vessel does not release contaminated water in the vicinity of salmon farms, transport of live fish directly to the processing plant for immediate slaughter by sea may be the safest means of collecting harvest.  相似文献   

Salmon fishing used to be the primary source of income in many rural areas of Arkhangelsk oblast in northwest Russia. People who settled in the area received a name Pomory, from Russian po moriu, meaning by sea, because their subsistence activities became marine fishing and hunting and seafaring. Local fisheries have undergone significant changes as post-Soviet Russia embraced the market economy and the state introduced fishing concessions. The current Russian law only allows fishing for salmon through officially registered recreational or commercial fisheries. Both these options are often either unavailable or unaffordable to rural dwellers, which leaves them with limited or no legal access to their traditional salmon fisheries. There has been a growing concern for protecting communities’ fishing rights among wider society in Arkhangelsk oblast. City activists promoted Pomory identity and appealed to the Russian government to grant Pomory an indigenous status to secure their access to fisheries. Although Pomor activism did not reach most of its proclaimed goals, it has contributed to promoting the image of Arkhangelsk oblast as a homeland to Pomor fishing. This image has played an important part in what Arkhangelsk authorities have called socially-oriented fisheries management. Officials have made good attempts to better accommodate rural communities’ access to fishing resources. Yet, these attempts have failed to include fishermen as active participants in the process. This paper looks at constraints on community participation in fisheries management in Russia. It considers both historical and contemporary reasons for the low participation of local community in fisheries management.  相似文献   

Measures to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing increasingly seek to constrain access to markets. These measures include enhanced seafood traceability and catch documentation schemes, the blocking of port access and landings, the identification and assessment of vessels engaged in IUU fishing and the prohibition on imports, transhipments or trade of fish products. It is important that such measures are in accordance with international law, including the agreements of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). This article evaluates a range of market-related measures for compatibility with international trade law, including the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. The law requires measures to be non-discriminatory and, for certain technical regulations, not more trade-restrictive than necessary to achieve a legitimate objective. However, there are exceptions to these rules, including for measures relating to the conservation of exhaustible natural resources or for measures necessary for the protection of animal life or health, public morals, or to secure compliance with certain laws or regulations. While the design of current unilateral measures to combat IUU fishing appears to accord with trade law requirements, this article argues that there is scope for a wider and more collective approach. In this vein, new provisions in the recently concluded Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) are identified. The article concludes with recommendations for governments, international organisations, private actors and the global community wishing to take action in this area.  相似文献   

Changes in ownership of limited entry permits by “local” residents of the region where a fishery occurs may have significant economic and social implications for fishery-dependent regions. This paper examines changes in local permit ownership in Alaska salmon fisheries, for which a long-term decline in rural local permit ownership is an important policy concern. Theoretically, permit markets allocate permits over time to the individuals who are willing to pay the most for them. Any factors that differentially affect what local and non-local residents are willing to pay for permits may affect the equilibrium share of permits held by local residents. For remote rural fisheries in particular, these may include differences between local and non-local residents with respect to access to and costs of financing permits and boats, costs of travel to the fishery, opportunity costs of participation in the fishery, and many other factors. As a fishery increases in profitability, differences between local and non-local residents in access to financing matter more while differences in costs of travel and opportunity costs matter less in the relative ranking of what local and non-local residents are willing to pay for permits. This tends to increase the share of non-local residents among buyers willing to pay the market price for permits, reducing the equilibrium share of permits held by local residents. This leads to a conflict between two important policy goals: increasing fishery profitability and maintaining rural local permit ownership. Consistent with predictions of this theory, the local share of permit ownership in Alaska salmon fisheries is negatively related to permit prices (an indicator of fishery profitability).  相似文献   

Global trade in fishery products plays a significant role in shaping the harvesting and use of fish, and therefore will be an important part of a transition to sustainable fisheries. This article provides an overview of global trade flows in fish and fishery products as well as future trends affecting the sector. It then moves on to review trade policy measures applied in major producing and importing countries, including tariff, non-tariff measures, and fisheries subsidies. It ends with an overview of recent developments in international frameworks governing trade in fish and fishery products at the global, regional and national levels.  相似文献   

This paper describes how and why a relatively minor, mostly native non-market economy founded on subsistence-caught Chinook salmon in Alaska has become the object of controversy and increasing regulatory pressure. Small-scale exchanges of cash for subsistence-caught fish conflict with a neoliberal emphasis on markets, profit maximization, and private property. This paper clarifies the role of neoliberal policies in shaping and even causing the controversy over these exchanges, and the consequences for management of Chinook salmon on the Yukon River.  相似文献   

This article considers corporate power in the fishing industry of southeast Alaska and Puget Sound, Washington State, USA, as experienced by direct marketing salmon gillnet fishermen. Tracing the evolution of a small family-based fish business, this paper examines survival strategies of independent fishermen in a context of concentrated corporate power. Topics addressed include corporate domination of the fishing industry, “niche” alternatives to the commodity system, alliance with the farmers’ market movement, obstacles to direct sales and the critical role of family participation.  相似文献   

About half of the world's oil supply, a fifth of coal supply and a tenth of natural gas supply are traded by ship. Accordingly, any significant shift in the size and shape of the global energy system has important consequences for shipping, which underpins international trade and supports economic development. The Paris Agreement requires an acceleration of the drive towards energy system decarbonisation. Yet, the International Maritime Organisation's understanding of the future is more in line with the high-carbon scenarios analysed here. This paper is a first comprehensive and global assessment of implications of fundamental changes to global and regional energy systems for international shipping, under-researched in energy scenarios consistent with deep decarbonisation. It concludes that, despite uncertainties (particularly with negative emission technologies), fossil fuel trade by the middle of the century will almost certainly be significantly lower under low-carbon than under high-carbon scenarios, and (for oil and coal) lower than in 2012. As to bioenergy and captured carbon dioxide, while their supply is expected to increase during a low-carbon transition, worldwide shipped trade in these commodities will not necessarily grow, based on the analysis in this paper. In other words, if the low-carbon futures envisioned in the Paris Agreement materialise, energy-related shipping will likely decline (by a quarter for oil and by 50% for coal in the median < 2 °C scenarios by 2050), with significant ramifications for policies and regulation in the shipping sector and international trade.  相似文献   

Up to one-third of commercial fishery stocks may be overfished at present. By analyzing catch trends and applying an empirical relationship derived from stock assessments, this article tracks the geographic spread of overfishing at the country level in terms of lost catch and lost revenue, from the start of industrialized fishing in 1950-2004. The results tell a cautionary tale of serial depletion to meet the ever-rising demand for fish. Examining country losses with respect to fishery management reveals that overcapacity and excess fishing effort are widespread, but also that recent trends towards sustainability can stabilize or reverse losses (e.g. for Norway, Iceland, the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand). Global trade effectively masks the successive depletion of stocks, so that without decisive action to reduce fishing effort, many more stocks will suffer and undernourishment impacts for the major exporting, food-deficit nations will only magnify.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of market information and learning in multiple unit combinatorial markets for fishing quota. Combinatorial auctions allow trading of packages of different types of quotas (for example for different regions or industry) in the same auction market. Bidders can submit package bids which would allow them to enjoy synergy benefits. However, to realize the full benefit bidders require comprehensive understanding of the market. This article focuses on the impact of varying levels of information feedback on performance in multiple unit forward combinatorial auctions using laboratory experiments. In a general context of trade in fishery quota, it was asked whether (a) providing additional market information and (b) learning through time helps in more efficient outcomes. It is found that much of the benefits of information are derived from structural effects, like repeated rounds and package valuations. Providing additional market information does not improve auction performances to a large extent. These results will be useful in designing more efficient combinatorial markets for fisheries quota.  相似文献   

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