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极地大气科学与全球变化研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
南极和北极是地球上的气候敏感地区, 也是多个国际科学计划研究全球气候变化的关键地区。极地大气科学考察与研究是极地科学研究的重要组成部分。中国气象科学研究院的极地大气科学考察与研究始于20世纪80年代, 25年来有较大进展。中国气象科学研究院参加了我国组织的23次南极考察、2次北冰洋考察和3次北极考察; 承担了南极长城站和中山站、北极黄河站气象业务建设和维持, 以及中-澳合作南极冰盖3个无人自动气象站工作; 进行了常规地面气象、Brewer大气臭氧、近地面物理、冰雪和大气化学等观测, 获得了较为系统的极地大气环境资料。开展了有关极地大气科学与全球变化的研究, 在极地天气气候特征及气候变化时空多样性、极地海冰变化和南极海冰涛动、极地近地面物理特征和海-冰-气相互作用、中山站臭氧变化特征及南极臭氧洞和大气化学、气候代用资料获取和古气候环境以及极地大气环境变化对东亚环流和中国天气气候影响等方面的研究取得了新进展。中国极地大气科学正积极通过多学科交叉、走国际合作道路, 努力提高对极地在全球变化中作用的认识水平, 并积极探索极地变化对我国气候、环境的影响。  相似文献   

近20年来中国极地大气科学研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
南极、北极和青藏高原是地球上的 3大气候敏感地区 ,是多个国际计划研究全球变化的关键地区。中国的南极和北极实地考察研究 ,分别始于 2 0世纪 80和 90年代 ,起步较晚 ,但近 2 0余年来有较大的进展。极地大气科学考察与研究是极地科学研究的重要组成部分。讫今为止 ,中国已组织了 2 0次南极考察和 3次北极考察 ,建立了中国南极长城站、中山站和北极黄河站等 3个常年科学考察站 ;进行了常规地面气象、Brewer大气臭氧、近地面物理、高层大气物理、冰雪和大气化学等观测 ,获得了较为系统的极地大气科学第一手资料 ;开展了有关极地与全球变化的研究 ,取得了新的进展。南极地区大气温度、臭氧和海冰的气候变化在时间和空间上都是多样的。南极地区的增暖主要发生在南极半岛地区 ,在南极大陆主体并不明显 ,近 10余年来还有降温趋势。中国南极长城站和中山站的观测资料也证实了这一点。此外 ,还揭示了南极半岛西侧和罗斯海外围的海冰变化具有“翘翘板”特征 ,由此定义的南极涛动指数可用来讨论南极海冰状况和海冰关键区的活动 ;用实地考察资料研究了极地不同下垫面的近地面物理和海 -冰 -气相互作用特征 ,给出了边界层特征参数 ;讨论了极地天气气候和大气环境特征及其对东亚大气环流和中国天气气候的影响 ;利用  相似文献   

极地气象是全球大气科学的重要组成部分。南、北极地区作为大气的两大冷源,对全球热量平衡起着重要作用,极地的大气环流对中低纬度地区的天气气候有很大影响,甚至可影响到南北半球大气的热量、动量、水汽和质量交换。有关这方面的研究工作愈来愈受  相似文献   

极地大气科学考察研究与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高登义  邹捍  周立波 《大气科学》2008,32(4):882-892
本文包括四部分。第一部分是对中国科学院大气物理研究所1984年以来的极地大气科学考察研究工作概要地作了回顾;第二部分是中国科学院大气物理研究所近5年来在极地大气科学方面研究的主要进展;第三部分是对未来极地大气科学考察研究的重点问题的展望与建议;第四部分是结论与讨论。作者认为,未来极地大气科学考察研究的重点问题应该包括:(1)南极北极冰雪变化差异成因,(2)北极冰雪变化异常与我国气候变化关系,(3)南极冰雪变化与人类未来。  相似文献   

近20年中国南极科学考察的气象业务进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
近20年来,中国南极科学考察的气象业务取得了长足进展。1985年在南极半岛建立了中国长城气象站;1989年在南极大陆建成了中国中山气象台;2001年与澳大利亚南极局合作在距中山站160km的南极冰盖上安置了LGB-69自动气象站(AWS)。在长城和中山两站开展了常规地面气象观测、站区天气预报服务、气象卫星高分辨率图像传输资料(HRPT)接收等业务;在中山站进行Brewer大气臭氧和紫外辐射(UV-B)等要素的观测;在赴南极考察的航渡期间进行气象观测和预报服务。南极常规气象业务已为研究南极在全球气候变化中的作用积累了丰富资料,为航渡和站区考察项目的实施提供的气象服务保障,为我国南极科学考察和研究事业作出了重要贡献。进一步提高南极气象业务水平,拓展气象业务和大气科学考察研究领域,是今后极地大气科学考察和研究的重要任务。  相似文献   

2007年大气科学考察是"2007~2008国际极地年"(IPY)中国行动计划和中国第24次南极考察的重要内容.我院与国家海洋局极地办公室和中国极地研究中心合作,选派汤洁、逯昌贵等赴南极长城站和中山站进行度夏和越冬考察,开展了大气成分本底、臭氧垂直廓线探测、大气边界层和气象观测等科考项目.主要观测项目有:  相似文献   

2008年是第4次国际极地年实施的第2年,中国气象科学研究院选派的张东启、逯昌贵、汤洁、丁明虎等10人参加了中国第24、25次南极考察队,分别在南极长城站、中山站和南极冰盖DOME—A地区考察;逯昌贵、汤洁、窦挺峰参加了中国第3次北极北冰洋考察;马永锋参加了中国黄河站北极考察。  相似文献   

陈善敏 《气象》1986,12(12):15-16
南极大气科学考察研究工作,是南极综合性多学科考察研究的重要组成部分。随着我国南极科学考察工作的逐步开展,1981年起先后派出了一批中青年的气象工作者,参加友好国家的南极考察队进行大气科学考察。1984年底国家气象局气象科学研究院的四名科技人员,参加了中国首次南极考察队,在南极乔治岛上建立了中国第一个南极长城气象站。目前WMO已将该站纳入世界天气监视网,并作为南极地区的基本气象站。该站1985年开始了南极气象要素的观测、资料数据的收集和大气样品的采集工作,为开展我国的南极大气科学研究工作打下了初步的基础。近两年来,我国的南极气象科研人员,利用自己在南极收集的宝贵气象资料以及国外的南极气象资料,进行较为细致的分析研究,取得了一批南极大气科学研究的初步成果。1986年9月23—25日,国家气象局气象科学研究院与中国南极研究学术委员会大气与空间科学组,在北京联合召开了第一次南极气象研究学术讨论会,较系统地反映了当前南极大气科学研究的状况。  相似文献   

北极对我国气候具有极其重要的影响,因此多年来中国气象科学研究院(以下简称“气科院”)坚持参与北极黄河站考察及北冰洋考察,布设气象和大气化学观测仪器,实地采集相关样品,并进行了大量有关研究。2018年是国际极地预报年(YOPP)的集中观测特别年,气科院专门设立了基本科研业务项目“极地预报年中国北极大气探测行动计划”专项,与国家海洋环境预报中心联合实施YOPP特别观测期的北极大气探空计划。  相似文献   

中国气象科学研究院是中国气象局直属科研单位,是中国大气科学综合研究基地,其前身是成立于1956年的中央气象科学研究所。中国气象科学研究院成立50年来,始终面向中国气象事业的发展和国际大气科学前沿,在大气探测、中尺度气象学、气候学、极地和高原气象学、数值天气预报、农业气象学、大气化学与大气环境、云雾降水物理与人工影响天气、大气雷电等领域开展了广泛而深入的研究,并开展了东亚季风、台风、暴雨、高原气象、极地气象等方面的综合科学试验,取得了丰硕的研究成果,为中国气象科研与业务事业发展做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

南极海冰的变化和全球大气环流关系密切。南极各区海冰的不同变化, 对南北半球大气环流有着不同的影响。文中基于对南极海冰变化的客观分区, 定义了南极海冰北界涛动指数 (ASEOI), 并结合中央气象台提供的南方涛动指数、北半球500 hPa和100 hPa高度场资料以及我国160站降水、温度资料, 利用诊断分析方法, 对ASEOI与我国夏季天气气候的关系进行了研究。研究表明:ASEOI对我国长江中下游降水及全国大部分地区温度具有指示意义。若前一年10月ASEOI偏低, 则当年7月我国长江中下游降水偏多, 引发洪涝灾害的可能性很大; 温度场上, 我国北方气温偏高, 南方气温偏低, 而高温往往伴随着少雨, 这无疑会加剧华北本就严重的旱情。  相似文献   

极涡研究进展   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
张恒德  高守亭  刘毅 《高原气象》2008,27(2):452-461
极涡是北极地区的一个深厚系统,它以极地为活动中心,最能体现高纬大气活动特征,属大气环流最主要的系统之一,通常与副热带高压、阻塞高压、季风等环流系统相互配合,在全球天气气候变化中起着至关重要的作用。本文就极涡的气候特征、对天气气候的影响、变化机理及数值模拟等几方面的研究进展进行综述。在行星波破碎、平流层爆发性增温、平流层对流层的动力耦合等过程中,极涡也扮演着重要角色;极涡对HNO3、臭氧等大气化学成分渗吸和输送过程的影响显著,而这些化学成分的再分布对极涡有较强的反馈作用;极涡还受到海温、冰雪、植被甚至太阳活动等的影响。前人已经关于极涡做了不少研究,但在气候动力学方面,还存在一些问题,有待进一步加强研究。  相似文献   

Climate model simulations available from the PMIP1, PMIP2 and CMIP (IPCC-AR4) intercomparison projects for past and future climate change simulations are examined in terms of polar temperature changes in comparison to global temperature changes and with respect to pre-industrial reference simulations. For the mid-Holocene (MH, 6,000 years ago), the models are forced by changes in the Earth’s orbital parameters. The MH PMIP1 atmosphere-only simulations conducted with sea surface temperatures fixed to modern conditions show no MH consistent response for the poles, whereas the new PMIP2 coupled atmosphere–ocean climate models systematically simulate a significant MH warming both for Greenland (but smaller than ice-core based estimates) and Antarctica (consistent with the range of ice-core based range). In both PMIP1 and PMIP2, the MH annual mean changes in global temperature are negligible, consistent with the MH orbital forcing. The simulated last glacial maximum (LGM, 21,000 years ago) to pre-industrial change in global mean temperature ranges between 3 and 7°C in PMIP1 and PMIP2 model runs, similar to the range of temperature change expected from a quadrupling of atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the CMIP simulations. Both LGM and future climate simulations are associated with a polar amplification of climate change. The range of glacial polar amplification in Greenland is strongly dependent on the ice sheet elevation changes prescribed to the climate models. All PMIP2 simulations systematically underestimate the reconstructed glacial–interglacial Greenland temperature change, while some of the simulations do capture the reconstructed glacial–interglacial Antarctic temperature change. Uncertainties in the prescribed central ice cap elevation cannot account for the temperature change underestimation by climate models. The variety of climate model sensitivities enables the exploration of the relative changes in polar temperature with respect to changes in global temperatures. Simulated changes of polar temperatures are strongly related to changes in simulated global temperatures for both future and LGM climates, confirming that ice-core-based reconstructions provide quantitative insights on global climate changes. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The Western Antarctic Peninsula is one of the most rapidly warming regions on earth. It is therefore important to analyze long-term trends and inter-annual patterns of change in major environmental parameters to understand the process underlying climate change in Western Antarctica. Since many polar long-term data series are fragmented and cannot be analysed with common time series analysis tools, we present statistical approaches that can deal with missing values. We applied U-statistics after Pettit and Buishand to detect abrupt changes, dynamic factor analysis to detect functional relationships, and additive modelling to detect patterns in time related to climatic cycles such as the Southern Annular Mode and El Niño Southern Oscillation in a long-term environmental data set from King George Island (WAP), covering 20 years. Our results not only reveal sudden changes for sea surface temperature and salinity, but also clear patterns in all investigated variables (sea surface temperature, salinity, suspended particulate matter and Chlorophyll a) that can directly be related to climatic cycles. Our results complement previous findings on climate related changes in the King George Island Region and provide insight into the environmental conditions and climatic drivers of system change in the study area. Hence, our statistical analyses may prove valuable for other polar environmental data sets and contribute to a better understanding of the regional variability of climate change and its impact on coastal systems.  相似文献   

Regional magnitudes and patterns of Arctic winter climate changes in consequence of regime changes of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) are analyzed using a regional atmospheric climate model. The regional model has been driven with data of positive and negative NAO phases from a control simulation as well as from a time-dependent greenhouse gas and aerosol scenario simulation. Both global model simulations include a quite realistic interannual variability of the NAO with pronounced decadal regime changes and no or rather weak long-term NAO trends. The results indicate that the effects of NAO regime changes on Arctic winter temperatures and precipitation are regionally significant over most of northwestern Eurasia and parts of Greenland. In this regard, mean winter temperature variations of up to 6 K may occur over northern Europe. Precipitation and synoptic variability are also regionally modified by NAO regime changes, but not as significantly as temperatures. However, the climate changes associated with the NAO are in some regions clearly stronger than those attributed to enhanced greenhouse gases and aerosols, indicating that projected global changes of the atmospheric composition and internal circulation changes are competing with each other in their importance for the Arctic climate evolution in the near future. The knowledge of the future NAO trend on decadal and longer time scales appears to be vitally important in terms of a regional assessment of climate scenarios for the Arctic.  相似文献   

2019年9月,IPCC正式发布《气候变化中的海洋和冰冻圈特别报告》(SROCC),这是IPCC首次以高山地区与极区冰冻圈和海洋为主题的评估报告。报告全面评估气候变化背景下海洋和冰冻圈变化及其广泛影响与风险,其核心结论包括:气候系统变暖背景下高山地区和极区的冰冻圈普遍退缩,未来冰冻圈将继续消融,高山地区和极区将面临更高的灾害风险;20世纪70年代以来全球海洋持续增暖,未来海洋将继续变暖、加速酸化,影响海洋生物多样性并危及海洋生态系统服务功能和人类社会;近几十年全球平均海平面加速上升,未来数百年海平面仍将持续上升,极端海面事件频发将加剧沿海地区社会-生态系统的灾害风险。报告强调,采取及时、积极、协调和持久的适应与减缓行动,是有效应对海洋和冰冻圈变化,实现气候恢复力发展路径和可持续发展目标的关键所在。本研究认为,需要高度重视海洋和冰冻圈在气候系统变化中的长期和不可逆影响,强化应对气候变化紧迫性认识;高度重视我国冰冻圈和沿海地区面临的气候风险,强化适应能力建设;推动我国牵头的国际大科学计划,强化跨学科、跨领域协同创新,持续提升我国在相关领域的国际影响力和科技支撑能力。  相似文献   

Recent Rapid Regional Climate Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that mean global warming was 0.6 ± 0.2 °C during the 20th century and cited anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gases as the likely cause of temperature rise in the last 50 years. But this mean value conceals the substantial complexity of observed climate change, which is seasonally- and diurnally-biased, decadally-variable and geographically patchy. In particular, over the last 50 years three high-latitude areas have undergone recent rapid regional (RRR) warming, which was substantially more rapid than the global mean. However, each RRR warming occupies a different climatic regime and may have an entirely different underlying cause. We discuss the significance of RRR warming in one area, the Antarctic Peninsula. Here warming was much more rapid than in the rest of Antarctica where it was not significantly different to the global mean. We highlight climate proxies that appear to show that RRR warming on the Antarctic Peninsula is unprecedented over the last two millennia, and so unlikely to be a natural mode of variability. So while the station records do not indicate a ubiquitous polar amplification of global warming, the RRR warming on the Antarctic Peninsula might be a regional amplification of such warming. This, however, remains unproven since we cannot yet be sure what mechanism leads to such an amplification. We discuss several possible candidate mechanisms: changing oceanographic or changing atmospheric circulation, or a regional air-sea-ice feedback amplifying greenhouse warming. We can show that atmospheric warming and reduction in sea-ice duration coincide in a small area on the west of the Antarctic Peninsula, but here we cannot yet distinguish cause and effect. Thus for the present we cannot determine which process is the probable cause of RRR warming on the Antarctic Peninsula and until the mechanism initiating and sustaining the RRR warming is understood, and is convincingly reproduced in climate models, we lack a sound basis for predicting climate change in this region over the coming century.  相似文献   

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