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The isotopic composition and mass balances of sources and sinks of sulfur are used to constrain the limnological–hydrological evolution of the last glacial Lake Lisan (70–14 ka BP) and the Holocene Dead Sea. Lake Lisan deposited large amounts of primary gypsum during discrete episodes of lake level decline. This gypsum, which appears in massive or laminated forms, displays δ34S values in the range of 14–28‰. In addition, Lake Lisan’s deposits (the Lisan Formation) contain thinly laminated and disseminated gypsum as well as native sulfur which display significantly lower δ34S values (−26 to 1‰ and −20 to −10‰, respectively). The calculated bulk isotopic compositions of sulfur in the sources and sinks of Lake Lisan lacustrine system are similar (δ34S ≈ 10‰), indicating that freshwater sulfate was the main source of sulfur to the lake. The large range in δ34S found within the Lisan Formation (−26 to +28‰) is the result of bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) within the anoxic lower water body (the monimolimnion) and bottom sediments of the lake.

Precipitation of primary gypsum from the Ca-chloride solution of Lake Lisan is limited by sulfate concentration, which could not exceed 3000 mg/l. The Upper Gypsum Unit, deposited before ca. 17–15 ka, is the thickest gypsum unit in the section and displays the highest δ34S values (25–28‰). Yet, our calculations indicate that no more than a third of this Unit could have precipitated directly from the water column. This implies that during the lake level decline that instigated the precipitation of the Upper Gypsum Unit, significant amounts of dissolved sulfate had to reach the lake from external sources. We propose a mechanism that operated during cycles of high-low stands of the lakes that occupied the Dead Sea basin during the late Pleistocene. During high-stand intervals (i.e., Marine Isotopic Stages 2 and 4), lake brine underwent BSR and infiltrated the lake’s margins and adjacent strata. As lake level dropped, these brines, carrying 34S-enriched sulfate, were flushed back to the shrinking lake and replenished the water column with sulfate, thereby promoting massive gypsum precipitation.

The Holocene Dead Sea precipitated relatively small amounts of primary gypsum, mainly in the form of thin laminae. δ34S values of these laminae and disseminated gypsum are relatively constant (15 ± 0.7‰) and are close to present-day lake composition. This reflects the lower supply of freshwater to the lake and the limited BSR activity during the arid Holocene time and possibly during former arid interglacials in the Levant.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the stratigraphy and sediments deposited in Lake Samra that occupied the Dead Sea basin between ∼ 135 and 75 ka. This information is combined with U/Th dating of primary aragonites in order to estimate a relative lake-level curve that serves as a regional paleohydrological monitor. The lake stood at an elevation of ∼ 340 m below mean sea level (MSL) during most of the last interglacial. This level is relatively higher than the average Holocene Dead Sea (∼ 400 ± 30 m below MSL). At ∼ 120 and ∼ 85 ka, Lake Samra rose to ∼ 320 m below MSL while it dropped to levels lower than ∼ 380 m below MSL at ∼ 135 and ∼ 75 ka, reflecting arid conditions in the drainage area. Lowstands are correlated with warm intervals in the Northern Hemisphere, while minor lake rises are probably related to cold episodes during MIS 5b and MIS 5d. Similar climate relationships are documented for the last glacial highstand Lake Lisan and the lowstand Holocene Dead Sea. Yet, the dominance of detrital calcites and precipitation of travertines in the Dead Sea basin during the last interglacial interval suggest intense pluvial conditions and possible contribution of southern sources of wetness to the region.  相似文献   

The Ca–Mg relationship in groundwaters strongly points to the overall dolomitization and local albitization. The Mg/Ca ratios reveal two trends by which saline waters develop: increase of Mg/Ca ratio by evaporation and decreasing Mg/Ca ratios due to dolomitization and albitization. Br/Cl vs. Na/Cl ratios demonstrate that albitization does not play a major role which leaves dolomitization to be the main source for decreasing Mg/Ca ratios in saline waters. In the eastern and southern Region of Lake Kinneret, salinization occurs by mixing with a Ca/Mg molar ratio <1 brine (Ha’On type). Along the western shoreline of the Lake, a Ca/Mg > 1 dominates, which developed by the albitization of plagioclase in abundant mafic volcanics and the dolomitization of limestones. The most saline groundwater of the Tabgha-, Fuliya-, and Tiberias clusters could be regional derivatives of at least two mother brines: in diluted form one is represented by Ha’On water, the other is a Na-rich brine of the Zemah type. Additionally, a deep-seated Ca-dominant brine may ascend along the fractures on the western side of Lake Kinneret, which is absent on the eastern side. Groundwaters of the Lower Jordan Valley are chemically different on both sides of the Jordan River, indicating that the exchange of water is insignificant. All saline waters from the Dead Sea and its surroundings represent a complex mixture of brines, and precipitation and local dissolution of halite and gypsum. Many wells of the Arava/Araba Valley pump groundwater from the Upper Cretaceous limestone aquifer, the origin of the water is actually from the Lower Cretaceous Kurnub Group sandstones. Groundwater drawn from the Quaternary alluvial fill either originates from Kurnub Group sandstones (Eilat 108, Yaalon 117) or from altered limestones of the Judea Group. The origin of these waters is from floods flowing through wadis incised into calcareous formations of the Judea Group. On the other hand, as a result of step-faulting, hydraulic contact is locally established between the Kurnub- and the Judea Groups aquifers facilitating the inter-aquifer flow of the confined Kurnub paleowater into the karstic formations of the Judea Group. Two periods of Neogene brine formation are considered: the post-Messinan inland lagoon resulting in drying up of the Sdom Sea and the evaporation of the Pleistocene Samra Lake, which went further through the stage of Lake Lisan to the present Dead Sea. For the first period, major element hydrochemistry suggests that the saline waters and brines in the Jordan-Dead Sea–Arava Valley transform evolved from the gradual evaporation of an accumulating mixture of sea-, ground-, and surface water. Due to the precipitation of carbonates, gypsum, and halite, such an evaporating primary water body was strongly enriched in Mg, Br, and B and shows high molar ratios of Br/Cl, B/Cl, and Mg/Ca but low Na/Cl ratios. The development of the Br/Cl ratio is chemically modelled, showing that indeed brine development is explicable that way. Along with the evaporation brine, evaporites formed which are leached by infiltrating fresh water yielding secondary brines with Na/Cl ratios of 1. When primary brines infiltrated the sub-surface, they were subjected to Mg–Ca exchange in limestones (dolomitization) and to chloritization and albitization in basic igneous rocks turning them into Ca-Cl brines. These tertiary brines are omnipresent in the Rift. The brines of the late Lisan and Dead Sea were generated by evaporating drainage waters, which leached halite, gypsum, and carbonates from the soil and from the sub-surface. All these brines are still being flushed out by meteoric water, resulting in saline groundwaters. This flushing is regionally enhanced by intensive groundwater exploitation. In variable proportions, the Neogene and late Lisan Lake and Recent Dead Sea brines have to be considered as the most serious sources of salinization of groundwaters in the Rift. Deep-seated pre-Sdom brines cannot strictly be excluded, but if active they play a negligible role only. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The freshwater Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) and the hypersaline Dead Sea are remnant lakes, evolved from ancient water bodies that filled the tectonic depressions along the Dead Sea Transform (DST) during the Neogene-Quartenary periods. We reconstructed the limnological history (level and composition) of Lake Kinneret during the past ∼40,000 years and compared it with the history of the contemporaneous Lake Lisan from the aspect of the regional and global climate history. The lake level reconstruction was achieved through a chronological and sedimentological investigation of exposed sedimentary sections in the Kinnarot basin trenches and cores drilled at the Ohalo II archeological site. Shoreline chronology was established by radiocarbon dating of organic remains and of Melanopsis shells.The major changes in Lake Kinneret level were synchronous with those of the southern Lake Lisan. Both lakes dropped significantly ∼42,000, ∼30,000, 23,800, and 13,000 yr ago and rose ∼39,000, 26,000, 5000, and 1600 yr ago. Between 26,000 and 24,000 yr ago, the lakes merged into a unified water body and lake level achieved its maximum stand of ∼170 m below mean sea level (m bsl). Nevertheless, the fresh and saline water properties of Lake Kinneret and Lake Lisan, respectively, have been preserved throughout the 40,000 years studied. Calcium carbonate was always deposited as calcite in Lake Kinneret and as aragonite in Lake Lisan-Dead Sea, indicating that the Dead Sea brine (which supports aragonite production) never reached or affected Lake Kinneret, even during the period of lake high stand and convergence. The synchronous level fluctuation of lakes Kinneret, Lisan, and the Holocene Dead Sea is consistent with the dominance of the Atlantic-Mediterranean rain system on the catchment of the basin and the regional hydrology. The major drops in Lake Kinneret-Lisan levels coincide with the timing of cold spells in the North Atlantic that caused a shut down of rains in the East Mediterranean and the lakes drainage area.  相似文献   

This study establishes for the first time the chronology and limnological history of Lake Amora (Dead Sea basin, Israel), whose deposits (the Amora Formation) comprise one of the longest exposed lacustrine records of the Pleistocene time. The Amora Formation consists of sequences of laminated primary aragonite and silty-detritus, Ca-sulfate minerals, halite and clastic units. This sedimentary sequence was uplifted and tilted by the rising Sedom salt diapir, exposing ∼320 m of sediments on the eastern flanks of Mt. Sedom (the Arubotaim Cave (AC) section).The chronology of the AC section is based on U-disequilibrium dating (230Th-234U and 234U-238U ages) combined with floating δ18O stratigraphy and paleomagnetic constraints. The determination of the 230Th-234U ages required significant corrections to account for detrital Th and U. These corrections were performed on individual samples and on suites of samples from several stratigraphic horizons. The most reliable corrected ages were used to construct an age-elevation model that was further tuned to the oxygen isotope record of east Mediterranean foraminifers (based on the long-term similarity between the sea and lake oxygen isotope archives).The combined U-series-δ18O age-elevation model indicates that the (exposed) Amora sequence was deposited between ∼740 and 70 ka, covering seven glacial-interglacial cycles (Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 18 to 5).Taking the last glacial Lake Lisan and the Holocene Dead Sea lacustrine systems as analogs of the depositional-limnological environment of Lake Amora, the latter oscillated between wet (glacial) and more arid (interglacial) conditions, represented by sequences of primary evaporites (aragonite and gypsum that require enhanced supply of freshwater to the lakes) and clastic sediments, respectively. The lake evolved from a stage of rapid shifts between high and low-stand conditions during ∼740 to 550 ka to a sabkha-like environment that existed (at the AC site) between 550 and 420 ka. This stage was terminated by a dry spell represented by massive halite deposition at 420 ka (MIS12-11). During MIS10-6 the lake fluctuated between lower and higher stands reaching its highest stand conditions at the late glacial MIS6, after which a significant lake level decline corresponds to the transition to the last interglacial (MIS5) low-stand lake, represented by the uppermost part of the Formation.δ18O values in the primary aragonite range between 6.0 and −1.3, shifting cyclically between glacial and interglacial intervals. The lowest δ18O values are observed during interglacial stages and may reflect short and intense humid episodes that intermittently interrupted the overall arid conditions. These humid episodes, expressed also by enhanced deposition of travertines and speleothems, seem to characterize the Negev Desert, and in contrast to the overall dominance of the Atlantic-Mediterranean system of rain patterns in the Dead Sea basin, some humid episodes during interglacials may be traced to southern sources.  相似文献   

Jacoby  Y.  Weinberger  R.  Levi  T.  Marco  S. 《Natural Hazards》2015,75(2):1649-1676
Natural Hazards - Early Holocene seismic activity triggered fluidization and clastic-dike emplacement within Late Pleistocene lacustrine Lisan Formation sediments in the Dead Sea basin (DSB)....  相似文献   

The Dead Sea is surrounded by chemical and detrital sediments that were deposited in its larger precursor lakes, Lake Samra and Lake Lisan. The sedimentary history of these lakes was recon-structed by means of 230Th/234U ages of 30 samples, mostly of argonite laminae, from 8 columnar sections up to 110 km apart. The general validity of the ages was demonstrated by subjecting them to tests of internal isotopic consistency, agreement with stratigraphic order, and concordance with 14C ages. In the south, only the part of the Samra Formation older than 170,000 yr is exposed, while the aragonite-detritus rhythmites found in the central and northern region are generally younger than 120,000 yr. The Lisan Formation started accumulating about 63,000 yr B.P., with the clay and aragonite beds in the south-central area reflecting a rise in water level to at least −280 m. The upper part of the Lisan Formation, the aragonite-rich White Cliff Member, started accumulating about 36,000 yr B.P. The lake probably reached its highest level sometime after this, based on the ages of Lisan sediments preserved in the southernmost reaches of the basin.  相似文献   

A varied assemblage of algal stromatolites was encountered in caves along the northern section of the Dead Sea Fault Escarpment. The caves are situated at the lower part of the escarpment at altitudes ?310 to ?188 m relative to mean sea level (m.s.l.), i.e. ca 110–230 m above the present Dead Sea level. The cave stromatolites are mainly composed of aragonite yielding U–Th ages of ~75–17 ka. The altitude, mineralogy and ages, as well as comparison with previously documented stromatolite outcrops in the area, ascribe the cave stromatolites to the aragonite-precipitating hypersaline Lake Lisan—the Late Pleistocene predecessor of the Dead Sea.The stromatolites are used as a lake level gauge, based on the algae being reliant upon the light of the upper water layer. Preservation of the original structure and aragonite mineralogy of the stromatolites, suggests a closed system regarding the radioactive elements, enabling reliable U–Th dating. A curve of Lake Lisan levels is constructed based on the stromatolite ages and cave elevations. The following points are noted: (1) Lake levels of ?247 m relative to m.s.l., are recorded at ~75–72.5 ka; (2) relatively high lake levels above ?220 m relative to m.s.l., are achieved at ~41.5 ka, and are still recorded at ~17 ka; (3) the peak level is ?188 m relative to m.s.l., at ~35.5–29.5 ka. These results indicate lake stands up to 80 m higher than previously accepted, for large parts of the Lake Lisan time span. This difference is explained by tectonic subsidence of up to 2.2 m/ka within the Dead Sea depression since the latest Pleistocene. This subsidence rate is in the same order of magnitude with previously calculated subsidence rates for the Dead Sea depression [Begin, Z.B., Zilberman, E., 1997. Main Stages and Rate of the Relief Development in Israel. Geological Survey of Israel report, Jerusalem]. Unlike previous Lake Lisan level estimations, the new curve is measured at the relatively stable shoulders of the Dead Sea depression.  相似文献   

We investigated the Sea-Rain-Lake relation during the Last Glacial-Holocene in the East Mediterranean region by comparing the δ18O and δ13C records of authigenic aragonite deposited in Lake Lisan, the Dead Sea, Mediterranean foraminifera, and speleothems. The Lisan Formation data display long- and short-term variations of δ18O, representing steady-state conditions of the lake (e.g., 5.6‰ ± 0.5‰ and 4.5‰ ± 1‰ in the Upper and Lower Members of the Lisan Formation, respectively), and short-term excursions reflecting large floods and droughts. The long-term (steady-state) δ18O values of the Lisan aragonites show similarity to the corresponding time-equivalent records of the Eastern Mediterranean foraminifera and Judea Mountain speleothems: The Last Glacial deposits are in all of them 2‰-3‰ heavier than the Holocene ones. We interpret this similarity as reflecting the significance of the source effect on the long-term behavior of isotopic reservoirs: Speleothem δ18O is strongly influenced by the marine reservoir that contributes its vapor to rain formation; the lake δ18O is dominated by the composition of the inflowing water. Short-term variations in the isotopic composition of rainfall are dominated by the amount effect and the temperature and those of the Lake’s upper water mass by the lake’s water balance.δ13C values are more variable than δ18O in the same Lisan sequences (e.g., δ13C in the Lower Member is 1.0‰ ± 1.7‰, whereas δ18O is 4.6‰ ± 0.7‰) and are 1‰ to 1.5‰ higher in the Upper Member than in the Lower and Middle Members of the Lisan Formation. These variations reflect significant increase in primary productivity of the lake and algal bloom activity. It appears that the hypersaline-saline lakes were not as “dead” as the Dead Sea is and that algal activity had an important impact upon the geochemistry of Lake Lisan.The δ18O data combined with independent geochemical and limnologic information (e.g., level fluctuations) indicate that Lisan time was characterized by high precipitation-high lake stands-high atmospheric humidity, whereas the Holocene Dead Sea shows the opposite behavior. This paleoclimatic reconstruction is consistent with independent evidence for significantly wetter conditions in the East Mediterranean region during the Last Glacial period.  相似文献   

Due to a lack of visible tephras in the Dead Sea record, this unique palaeoenvironmental archive is largely unconnected to the well-established Mediterranean tephrostratigraphy. Here we present first results of the ongoing search for cryptotephras in the International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) sediment core from the deep Dead Sea basin. This study focusses on the Lateglacial (~15–11.4 cal. ka BP), when Lake Lisan – the precursor of the Dead Sea – shrank from its glacial highstand to the Holocene low levels. We developed a glass shard separation protocol and counting procedure that is adapted to the extreme salinity and sediment recycling of the Dead Sea. Cryptotephra is abundant in the Dead Sea record (up to ~100 shards cm-3), but often glasses are physically and/or chemically altered. Six glass samples from five tephra horizons reveal a heterogeneous geochemical composition, with mainly rhyolitic and some trachytic glasses potentially sourced from Italian, Aegean and Anatolian volcanoes. Most shards likely originate from the eastern Anatolian volcanic province and can be correlated using major element analyses with tephra deposits from swarm eruptions of the Süphan Volcano ~13 ka BP and with ashes from Nemrut Volcano, presumably the Lake Van V-16 volcanic layer at ~13.8 ka BP. In addition to glasses that match the TM-10-1 from Lago Grande di Monticchio (15 820±790 cal. a BP) tentatively correlated with the St. Angelo Tuff of Ischia, we further identified a cryptotephra with glass analyses which are chemically identical with those of the PhT1 tephra in the Philippon peat record (13.9–10.5 ka BP), and also a compositional match for the glass analyses of the Santorini Cape Riva Tephra (Y-2 marine tephra, 22 024±642 cal. a BP). These first results demonstrate the great potential of cryptotephrochronology in the Dead Sea record for improving its chronology and connecting the Levantine region to the Mediterranean tephra framework.  相似文献   

The Moringa Cave within Pleistocene sediments in the En Gedi area of the Dead Sea Fault Escarpment contains a sequence of various Pleistocene lacustrine deposits associated with higher-than-today lake levels at the Dead Sea basin. In addition it contains Chalcolithic remains and 5th century BC burials attributed to the Persian period, cemented and covered by Late Holocene travertine flowstone. These deposits represent a chain of Late Pleistocene and Holocene interconnected environmental and human events, echoing broader scale regional and global climate events. A major shift between depositional environments is associated with the rapid fall of Lake Lisan level during the latest Pleistocene. This exposed the sediments, providing for cave formation processes sometime between the latest Pleistocene (ca. 15 ka) and the Middle Holocene (ca. 4500 BC), eventually leading to human use of the cave. The Chalcolithic use of the cave can be related to a relatively moist desert environment, probably related to a shift in the location of the northern boundary of the Saharo-Arabian desert belt. The travertine layer was U-Th dated 2.46 ± 0.10 to 2.10 ± 0.04 ka, in agreement with the archaeological finds from the Persian period. Together with the inner consistency of the dating results, this strongly supports the reliability of the radiometric ages. The 2.46-2.10 ka travertine deposition within the presently dry cave suggests a higher recharge of the Judean Desert aquifer, correlative to a rising Dead Sea towards the end of the 1st millennium BC. This suggests a relatively moist local and regional climate facilitating human habitation of the desert.  相似文献   

The laminated lacustrine sediments deposited in the last glacial Lake Lisan represent annual deposits of primary aragonite and silty detritus that reflect the annual supply of bicarbonate‐bearing freshwater to the lake. A varve‐counting curve was constructed for the time interval of ca. 17.4–22 cal. ka BP based on aragonite U/Th, and atmospheric radiocarbon ages of organic debris recovered from the studied section. Radiocarbon in the primary (evaporitic) aragonite comprises both atmospheric and old carbon (reflecting the reservoir age). The aragonite reservoir ages were determined by comparing the aragonite radiocarbon dates to the varve counting curve, and are found to lie in the range 1900–600 a and display a continuous decline. This opens the possibility for high (annual) resolution monitoring of the reservoir age, similar in quality to tree ring counting, during the upper part of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2. Our work also demonstrates that a ‘uniform’ reservoir age correction is inappropriate when determining the chronology of short‐term climate events in lacustrine environments. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The geochemical history of Lake Lisan, the Pleistocene precursor of the Dead Sea, has been studied by geological, chemical and isotopic methods.Aragonite laminae from the Lisan Formation yielded (equivalent) Sr/Ca ratios in the range 0.5 × 10?2?1 × 10?2, Na/Ca ratios from 3.6 × 10?3 to 9.2 × 10?3, δ18OPDB values between 1.5 and 7%. and δ13CPDB from ?7.7 to 3.4%..The distribution coefficient of Na+ between aragonite and aqueous solutions, λANa, is experimentally shown to be very sensitive to salinity and nearly temperature independent. Thus, Na/Ca in aragonite serves as a paleosalinity indicator.Sr/Ca ratios and δ18O values in aragonite provide good long-term monitors of a lake's evolution. They show Lake Lisan to be well mixed, highly evaporated and saline. Except for a diluted surface layer, the salinity of the lake was half that of the present Dead Sea (15 vs 31%).Lake Lisan evolved from a small, yet deep, hypersaline Dead Sea-like, water body. This initial lake was rapidly filled-up to its highest stand by fresh waters and existed for about 40,000 yr before shrinking back to the present Dead Sea. The chemistry of Lake Lisan at its stable stand represented a material balance between a Jordan-like input, an original large mass of salts and a chemical removal of aragonite. The weighted average depth of Lake Lisan is calculated, on a geochemical basis, to have been at least 400, preferably 600 m.The oxygen isotopic composition of Lake Lisan water, which was higher by at least 3%. than that of the Dead Sea, was probably dictated by a higher rate of evaporation.Na/Ca ratios in aragonite, which correlate well with δ13C values, but change frequently in time, reflect the existence of a short lived upper water layer of varying salinity in Lake Lisan.  相似文献   

Proglacial lake sediments at Goting in the Higher Central Himalaya were analyzed to reconstruct the summer monsoon variability during the Last Glacial to early Holocene. Sedimentary structures, high resolution mineral magnetic and geochemical data suggest that the lacustrine environment experienced fluctuating monsoonal conditions. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating indicates that the lake sedimentation occurred before 25 ka and continued after 13 ka. During this period, Goting basin witnessed moderate to strengthened monsoon conditions around 25 ka, 23.5 ka–22.5 ka, 22 ka–18 ka, 17 ka–16.5 ka and after14.5–13 ka. The Last Glacial phase ended with the deposition of outwash gravel dated at ~11 ka indicating glacial retreat and the onset of Holocene condition. Additionally, centennial scale fluctuations between 16.5 ka and 12.7 ka in the magnetic and geochemical data are seen.A close correspondence at the millennial scale between our data and that of continental and marine records from the Indian sub-continent suggests that Goting basin responded to periods of strengthened monsoon during the Last Glacial to early Holocene. We attribute the millennial scale monsoon variability to climatic instability in higher northern latitudes. However, centennial scale abrupt changes are attributed to the result of albedo changes on the Himalaya and Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

The Lisan Peninsula is located within the Dead Sea basin which represents the plate boundary between African and Arabian plates. This basin constitutes a good example of a pull-apart basin because of its large dimensions, its structural simplicity and its active subsidence . The gravity data reveal that the Dead Sea basin can be divided into segments, each of them about 30 km long in N-S direction , where the Lisan Peninsula represents the deepest one (9 km thick Pleistocene sediments ), overlying about 6 km thick Mesozoic sediments . In addition , 20 km of extension was predicted along the Dead Sea basin, which indicates that the Dead Sea basin should be about 3.3 Ma in age . Furthermore, the Precambrian basement under the Lisan area is characterized by high susceptibility contrast that is related to continuous tectonic activity in the region.  相似文献   

The Dead Sea Basin is the lowest point on earth and is tectonically subsiding. During the Holocene Period the climate became much drier with increasing evaporation whereby initially lacustrine sediments were deposited from the non-marine brines, giving a multi-layered stratigraphy of lime carbonate and halite sediments. The lime carbonate sediments are comprised of laminated, clay to silt sized, clastic sediments (calcite) and authigenic aragonite and gypsum. The halite commonly appears as rock salt. Chemical industries, based on harvesting the salts from the Dead Sea, have developed on both the Israeli and the Jordanian sides of the basin. The lime carbonate soils are used for dike construction, and these soils, together with significant salt layers, are encountered in the foundations of structures, dikes, and tailings dams, requiring definition of their geotechnical properties. Use of standard soil mechanics definitions and testing approaches for the lime carbonates have been found inapplicable, particularly in view of their exceptionally high saline content, and it has been necessary to develop new concepts. The rock salt is encountered at shallow depths, with unit weights considerably lower than those usually discussed in the literature, and with correspondingly different mechanical properties. The geotechnical properties of these soils, and approaches used to define them, are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The Bet She’an and Harod Valleys are regional recipients and mixing zones for groundwater draining to these valleys from a multiple aquifer system. This aquifer system includes two different carbonate aquifers, several groundwater-bearing basalt flows and deep-seated pressurized brine, the upflow of which causes salinization of fresh groundwater bodies. These aquifers drain through two groups of springs. Due to lack of information on the subsurface structure of the valley the flow-paths of groundwater feeding the springs, the initial distribution of salinities along the valley and particularly, the inflow-paths of the brines, have never been understood but were assumed to be fault-controlled. The interpretation of seismic profiles and analysis of gravity anomalies revealed the subsurface structure of the valley and namely the occurrence of a dense network of faults which branch out from those delineating the Jordan-Dead Sea Rift. The faults formed a series of uplifted and down-warped horst-and-graben structures. By joint analysis of structural, hydrological and geochemical evidence, it occurs that groundwater flow-paths leading to the springs emerging in the middle of the Bet She’an Valley are determined by structural elements such as major faults and fault-controlled structures. The penetration of the pressurized Ca-chloride Rift brines and their inflow into fresh groundwater bodies occurs prevalently along the faults outlining the western margins of the Dead Sea Rift Valley and at their intersection with outbranching NW–SE-striking faults.  相似文献   

The alluvial–fluvial drainage system in the Wadi Araba, southern Jordan, incised into Cambrian clastic sedimentary and felsic igneous rocks giving rise to a disseminated Cu–(Mn) mineralization of diagenetic and epigenetic origin along the southern branch of the Dead Sea Transform Fault (=DSTF). During the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, the primary Cu sulfides were replaced by secondary minerals giving rise to hypogene to supergene encrustations, bearing Cu silicates, Cu carbonates, Cu oxychlorides and cupriferous vanadates. They occur in fissures, coat walls and developed even-rim/meniscus and blocky cements in the arenites near the surface. The first generation cement has been interpreted in terms of freshwater vadose hydraulic conditions, while the second-generation blocky cement of chrysocolla and malachite evolved as late cement. The Cu–Si–C fluid system within the Wadi Araba drainage system is the on-shore or subaerial facies of a regressive lacustrine regime called the “Lake Lisan Stage”, a precursor of the present-day Dead Sea. Radiocarbon dating (younger than 27,740 ± 1,570 years), oxygen-isotope-based temperature determination (hot brine-related mineralization at 60–80 °C, climate-driven mineralization at 25–30 °C) and thermodynamical calculations let to the subdivision of this secondary Cu mineralization into four stages, whose chemical and mineralogical composition was controlled by the variation of the anion complexes of silica and carbonate and the chlorine contents. The acidity of the pore water positively correlates with the degree of oxidation. The highest aridity and most intensive evaporation deduced from the thermodynamical calculations were achieved during stage 3, which is coeval with late Lake Lisan. Geogene processes causing Cu-enriched encrustations overlap with man-made manganiferous slags. The smelter feed has been derived mainly from Cu ore which developed during Late Pleistocene in the region.  相似文献   

16ka以来青海湖湖相自生碳酸盐沉积记录的古气候   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
研究了青海湖沉积物碳酸盐的组成、来源及其同湖水物理化学性质的关系,建立了文石饱和指数同温度和湖水Mg/Ca比值(可指示盐度)的关系,利用碳酸盐的组成探讨了青海湖16ka B.P.以来的古气候环境演化过程。结果表明,青海湖沉积碳酸盐大都是自生的,16ka B.P.以来沉积碳酸盐以文石为主。文石的高含量时段同暖湿气候相对应,低含量则同冷干气候相对应。15.2ka B.P.为末次冰期盛冰阶进入晚冰期的界限,晚冰期气候的冷暖波动频繁,幅度较小,13.4-13ka B.P.,11.6-12ka B.P.和11-10.4ka B.P.之间的冷颤动分别相当于老仙女木、中仙女木和新仙女木事件,12-13ka B.P.和11.6-11ka B.P.之间的暖期则分别对应于博令和阿勒罗得暖期。全新世初期(10.4-10ka B.P.)白云石含量的突然增高和文石的消失,可能同淡水快速补给前期盐度较高的湖水有关,反映了全新世开始时气温和降水的增加具有突变性的特点。全新世大暖期的鼎盛期,即6.7ka B.P.左右时湖水的盐度较低。6.7-4ka B.P.为气候转型过程中的冷暖和干湿的快速波动期。4ka B.P.以后碳酸盐含量急剧降低,气候逐步向冷干化方向发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fanning structures radiating from a central perturbation are known in various geological environments, where different processes have produced similar geometry. The present contribution describes and analyses fanning clastic dykes in the Dead Sea Rift, a new example of diapir-related deformation. The dykes are opening-mode fractures exposed in lacustrine varved marl of the Lisan Formation, deposited 70–15 ka. They are arranged mainly in a radial and tangential geometry. The radial traces converge at the 'Black Hill' structural dome. The geometry of the fractures is consistent with stresses exerted by the rise of a salt diapir located underneath the Black Hill. The estimated extension of the radial fractures is in good agreement with the present topographic elevation of the hill. The absence of fractures in the overlying Holocene alluvium probably indicates that either the rise of the Black Hill salt diapir paused or is associated now with a different style of deformation.  相似文献   

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