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高位滑坡灾害链成为我国西南山区典型地质灾害,引起公众极大关注。2018年10月10日,西藏自治区江达县白格村发生特大型高位岩质滑坡-堰塞湖灾害,造成金沙江断流2日。本文基于地质调查、多期遥感影像解译、现场变形监测及其数值方法等对白格滑坡进行深入的探讨与分析。以无人机影像获取的高精度DEM为基础,采用3D Analyst工具计算得到,第一次下滑体积约3.50×10~7m~3,堰塞体积约2.40×10~7m~3,第二次滑动体积1.60×10~6m~3,后缘残存块体总体积约3.95×10~6m~3。变形监测和数值模拟发现,残存块体目前处于基本稳定状态。研究表明,高山峡谷地貌、金沙江构造断裂带岩性破碎是地质灾害发育的基础地质条件,地震、冻融和降雨是此次滑坡的诱发条件。 更多还原  相似文献   

地球上的总水量为1400×10~(15)立米。可再生的部分为每年500×10~(12)立米(约占总水量的0.036%),其中从海洋上蒸发的为430×10~(12)立米,从陆地上蒸发70×10~(12)立米;落到海洋上的降水为390×10~(12)立米,落到陆地上的降水为110×10~(12)立米。在参与循环的水中,理论上可用的水量每年为40×10~(12)立米,实际可用的每年为14×10~(12)立米。 1972年全世界淡水总耗用量为3×10~(12)立米,其中2.4×10~(12)立米用于灌溉;5×10~(12)立米的水分布在荒凉地带,另6×10~(12)立米的水量只有在大量投资和采用先进技术条件下才能开发利用。  相似文献   

问:听说地震是严重的自然灾害,房屋倒塌,甚至整个村庄、城市都会陷落下去,有这样事吗? 答:地震,顾名思义就是地壳震动。这是地壳运动的一种自然现象,全世界每年约发生五百万次地震,有感地震只占百分之一,其中可能造成灾害的破坏性地震,每年平均有十几次。每次破坏性地震的发生都是对人民生命、财产和国家资源、建设的巨大威  相似文献   

我国处于环太平洋地震带与喜马拉雅-地中海地震带世界这两大主要地震带之间,是一个多地震的国家,有关地震的事件史不绝书.地震如同刮风下雨一样,是一种常见的自然现象.地震的规律是可以认识的,也是可以预测、预报和预防的.全世界每年大约发生500万次地震,一天要发生1万多次;不过能为人们感觉到的只占1%,能造成严重破坏的大地震更是极少.世界上约有99%的地震要靠灵敏仪器才能察觉.  相似文献   

2018年8月6日中午12时,汉源县富泉镇西沟发生大规模滑坡,约1.50×10~6 m~3松散碎块石土在前期持续降雨作用下沿西沟右岸高速滑出、解体,并在主沟道内形成堰塞坝,体积约4.00×10~5 m~3。滑坡造成1人失踪,近6.70×10~3 m~2耕地被毁,紧急转移50余人。通过现场实地调查,结合无人机航飞、三维建模、地质、地震、水文、气象等资料,对康家坡滑坡基本特征进行了调查研究,调查表明,有利的地形条件、松散的覆盖层、充沛的前期降雨入渗及溪水对坡脚的冲刷是形成滑坡的主要原因。西沟原本为一条高频泥石流沟,本文在此基础上分析了堰塞坝溃坝的可能性及灾害链成灾模式。  相似文献   

地震现象地震俗说地动,就是我们居住的地方忽然摇晃起来了。它与日蚀、月蚀、台风、暴雨、洪水、冰雹、寒流、霜冻……等一样,是一种经常发生的自然现象。地球上每年约发生地震五百万次,其中大部分是轻微震动,人感觉不出来,用仪器才能记录到。从历史记载看,人能感觉到的有五万次左右,破坏性大地震全世界每年只有十几次,而且大部分发生在大洋里或人烟稀少的山区,发生在陆地上人口稠密的地方就更少。  相似文献   

赵得秀 《地学前缘》2001,8(2):225-233
大气环流所需能源除太阳辐射为主要能源外 ,地震亦是不容忽视的外在能源。据统计 ,每年全球发生震级M >5以上的地震约 10 0 0次 ,每次地震在震中附近有一个增温区 ,可向大气环流补充能量。特别是环太平洋地震带 ,这里既是地震多发区 ,又是台风多发区 ,地震能影响台风运动并影响大气环流运动。除日食能影响大气环流外 ,地震亦是一个不可忽视的因素。通过对 1993,1999年用日食效应及日食、地震效应数学模拟计算 ,充分证明地震是可以影响大气环流运动的新因素。  相似文献   

汶川地震的发生对周围断层稳定性影响的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
大地震发生后, 研究地震的发生对周围断层的影响尤为重要.利用川西-藏东地区三维粘弹性有限元模型,考虑地表高程和粘弹性松弛等因素的影响,研究主要断裂带库仑应力累积速率和汶川地震的发生对周围断层的影响.结果表明:(1)龙门山断裂带年累积速率为0.28×10-3~0.35×10-3 MPa/a,这种较小的累积速率与龙门山断裂带强震较长复发间隔一致;(2)汶川地震的发生除造成震源区应力减小外, 还造成断裂带北东段不同程度的应力增加, 这与震后余震的分布基本吻合;(3)鲜水河断裂北西段、东昆仑、龙日坝、岷江以及虎牙断裂库仑应力水平增加显著,且汶川地震对于玉树地震的发生有微弱的加载效应;(4)汶川地震的发生造成鲜水河断裂带强震复发间隔缩短约52~104 a,是值得关注的强震危险区.   相似文献   

<正>龙洞煤矿后山滑坡位于四川省兴文县周家镇龙洞村四组,系2018年12月16日兴文5. 7级地震引发的同震滑坡。滑坡体物质组成主要为第四系残坡积层,滑体后缘宽约40 m,前缘宽约90 m,主滑方向长约450 m,面积约16 000 m~2,平均厚度约15 m,堆积体方量约2×10~5m~3。前缘堆积体堵塞沟道,在降雨工况下易发生局部滑动  相似文献   

海原活动断裂带破裂行为特征研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
通过对海原断裂带18个探槽资料的研究,分析得出海原断裂带是10ka以来共发生10次古地震事件,这些古地震事件具有分级破裂的特征,第一次和最后一次是沿全断裂的破裂事件,其他都是沿次级段落的破裂事件。在时间上,古地震事件的分布是不均匀的,具有丛集的特征;在空间上,具有西段或中东段(中段)来回迁移的特征。沿全断裂的破裂事件震级约8.5级左右,沿次级断裂的破裂事件震级约7.5级左右。  相似文献   

沂沭断裂带纵贯山东省中部,属郯庐断裂带中段。在沂沭断裂带及其近区新元古代—新生代的沉积地层中,到目前,已识别出25个地震事件层位。这些地震事件层位的名称取自不同年代或年龄的含地震记录的岩石地层。大多数地震记录是震积岩,少部分为震火山岩,它们的时空分布支持该断裂带生成—活动与发展历史分2个阶段: 古郯庐断裂带阶段(新元古代—古生代)和中—新生代阶段。新元古代初鲁中至苏皖北部NNE向韧性剪切带的形成,沟通了秦岭大别与苏鲁洋间的NEE走向的转换断层,可能是沂沭断裂带或古郯庐断裂带的成因机制。在纵向上,古郯庐断裂带阶段形成了8个地震事件层位,其中5个地震事件层位较密集地分布于南华系至中下寒武统;中—新生代阶段形成了17个地震事件层位,其中12个层位较密集的分布于白垩系—古近系。因此,南华纪—早中寒武世、白垩纪—古近纪分别为2个发展阶段的强地震事件频繁发生时段。在这2个发展阶段,该断裂带地震活动的动力来源不同: 古郯庐断裂带阶段主要源于华北与华南板块的相向运动与碰撞;中—新生代阶段主要源于太平洋板块向欧亚大陆板块下俯冲。在横向上,有15个(占60%)地震事件层位分布在此断裂带内或由该断裂带内向两侧延伸,这体现了沂沭断裂带一直是研究区内发震构造的主体。所有地震事件地层分布于该断裂带纵中轴线两侧150~180,km以内的同沉积盆地,这证明该深大断裂带的两侧近区是强构造地震活动区。作者关于地震事件层位的时空分布的论述和图解,展示了该断裂带自形成以来的地震作用的过程与历史,清晰地勾绘出了这条长期活动地震带的影响范围,这不仅对分析此类深大活动断裂带及其附近由地震引发的软沉积物变形与地震作用具有重要意义,而且对评价此类地震带对地表和建筑物的地震破坏效应也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

5.12汶川特大地震后,为了监测地震的发展趋势,探讨大范围的构造应力场作用,在龙门山断裂带上及时布设临时数字地震台网。数字台网由11个数字地震台组成,遍布龙门山断裂带的北东缘和南西端。为了分析WFSD数字地震台网监测能力及其动态范围,随机抽取一定数量台站观测数据,通过傅立叶变换和功率谱密度分析,获得台基地动噪声均值,进而分析观测系统的动态范围和台网监测能力。根据计算结果与记录的大量微震对比研究,表明在龙门山断裂带上,WFSD数字地震台网具有监测ML 1.5级微地震的能力,且与中国地震局台网中心发布的地震结果基本吻合。因此,WFSD数字地震台网可为龙门山断裂带变形机制研究提供基础的观测资料。   相似文献   

Although the upper Mississippi embayment is an area of low relief, the region has been subjected to tectonic influence throughout its history and continues to be so today. Tectonic activity can be recognized through seismicity patterns and geological indicators of activity, either those as a direct result of earthquakes, or longer term geomorphic, structural, and sedimentological signatures. The rate of seismic activity in the upper Mississippi embayment is generally lower than at the margins of tectonic plates; the embayment, however, is the most seismically active region east of the Rocky Mountains, with activity concentrated in the New Madrid seismic zone. This zone produced the very large New Madrid earthquakes of 1811 and 1812.

Geological and geophysical evidence of neotectonic activity in the upper Mississippi embayment includes faulting in the Benton Hills and Thebes Gap in Missouri, paleoliquefaction in the Western Lowlands of Missouri, subsurface faulting beneath and tilting of Crowley's Ridge in northeastern Arkansas and southeastern Missouri, subsurface faulting along the Crittenden County fault zone near Memphis, Tennessee, faulting along the east flank of the Tiptonville dome, and numerous indicators of historic and prehistoric large earthquakes in the New Madrid seismic zone.

Paleoearthquake studies in the New Madrid seismic zone have used trenching, seismic reflection, shallow coring, pedology, geomorphology, archaeology, and dendrochronology to identify and date faulting, deposits of liquefied sand, and areas of uplift and subsidence. The cause of today's relatively high rate of tectonic activity in the Mississippi embayment remains elusive. It is also not clear whether this activity rate is a short term phenomenon or has been constant over millions of years. Ongoing geodetic and geological studies should provide more insight as to the precise manner in which crustal strain is accumulating, and perhaps allow improved regional neotectonic models.  相似文献   

深埋隧洞微震活动区与岩爆的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于锦屏二级水电站深埋引水隧洞和排水洞大量微震监测数据及上百个不同等级岩爆实例,研究了深埋隧洞微震活动区与岩爆之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)微震活动分布范围主要介于掌子面后方3倍洞径至前方1.5倍洞径之间,而岩爆高发区位于掌子面后方3倍洞径以内,表明岩爆高发区与微震事件主要分布范围相吻合;(2)隧洞工程岩爆潜在风险重点关注区域是掌子面后方3倍洞径已开挖范围,以及掌子面前方1.5倍洞径施工范围;(3)微震事件及岩爆分布呈区域性集结特点,其中一部分岩爆发生于微震事件集结区内部,另一部分岩爆发生于微震事件集结区边缘,这是岩体破坏过程中所固有的现象,与微震事件集结区边缘局部应力集中密切相关。  相似文献   

全新世以来青藏高原东部巴塘断裂带活动强烈,地形地貌和地质构造复杂,历史地震频发,并诱发大量滑坡灾害。基于巴塘断裂带地震滑坡长期防控的需要,在分析区域地质灾害成灾背景和发育分布特征的基础上,采用Newmark模型完成了巴塘断裂带50年超越概率10%的潜在地震滑坡危险性预测评价,并完成地震滑坡危险性区划。结果表明:巴塘断裂带及其临近的金沙江断裂带区域、金沙江及其支流沿岸具有较高的潜在地震滑坡危险性,地震滑坡危险区具有沿断裂带和大江大河等峡谷区分布的总体趋势,受活动断裂和地形地貌影响显著;距离断层越近、坡度越大的斜坡,地震滑坡危险性越高;规划建设中的川藏铁路经巴塘县德达乡、白玉县沙马乡,向西北延伸,跨越金沙江,可以穿越较少的地震滑坡危险区,金沙江水电工程规划建设需加强潜在地震滑坡危害研判及防控。巴塘断裂带潜在地震滑坡危险性评价结果可为区域城镇开发和重大工程规划建设的地震滑坡长期防控提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated a plausible link between surface and near-surface tectonic features and the vertical projection of the Commerce geophysical lineament (CGL). The CGL is a 5- to 10-km-wide zone of basement magnetic and gravity anomalies traceable for more than 600 km, extending from Arkansas through southeast Missouri and southern Illinois and into Indiana. Twelve kilometers of high-resolution seismic reflection data, collected at four sites along a 175-km segment of the CGL projection, are interpreted to show varying amounts of deformation involving Tertiary and some Quaternary sediments. Some of the locally anomalous geomorphic features in the northern Mississippi embayment region (i.e., paleoliquefaction features, anomalous directional changes in stream channels, and areas of linear bluff escarpments) overlying the CGL can be correlated with specific faults and/or narrow zones of deformed (faulted and folded) strata that are imaged on high-resolution seismic reflection data. There is an observable change in near-surface deformation style and complexity progressing from the southwest to the northeast along the trace of the CGL. The seismic reflection data collaborate mapping evidence which suggests that this region has undergone a complex history of deformation, some of which is documented to be as young as Quaternary, during multiple episodes of reactivation under varying stress fields. This work, along with that of other studies presented in this volume, points to the existence of at least one major crustal feature outside the currently defined zone of seismic activity (New Madrid Seismic Zone) that should be considered as a significant potential source zone for seismogenic activity within the midcontinent region of the United States.  相似文献   

Abu-Dabbab area is the most active seismic zone in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt, where seismic activities are daily recorded. The reported earthquakes are microearthquakes of local magnitudes (ML < 2.0). A spatial distribution of these microearthquakes shows that the earthquakes of the area follow an ENE–WSW trending pattern, which is nearly perpendicular to the Red Sea Rift. Focal mechanisms of different fault styles were recognized with dominant normal faulting (with a strike-slip component) events characterized by focal depths greater than 7 km and reverse ones of shallower focal depths. Several lines of evidence indicating that the brittle-ductile transition zone underlies the Abu-Dabbab area occurs at a relatively shallow depth (10–12 km) and it is acting as a low-angle normal shear zone (LANF). Field-structural, EMR and seismic data (this study) reveal that the maximum compressive stress (σ1) in the area is perturbed from the regional NW–SE direction to ENE–WSW orientation. This stress rotation is evidently akin to the reactivation of the crustal scale Najd Fault System (NFS), where such reactivation is attributed to the ongoing activity/opening of the Red Sea. Our tectonic model proposes that the continuous activity on the brittle-ductile transition zone including the LANF led to stress localization, which triggering a brittle deformation in the upper crustal-levels and associated shallow dipping thrusts. Such bimodal tectonic model suggests that the deep earthquakes are owing to the tectonic movement on the LANF (transtension), whereas the shallow earthquakes are related to a brittle deformation inside the fault blocks of the upper crust (transpression). Deformation creep along this zone didn’t permit continuous accumulation of strain and hence reduce the possible occurrence of large earthquakes.  相似文献   

强震区城市地质灾害风险管理的研究内容与方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地质灾害风险管理是一种寻求更加合理有效的地质灾害减灾防灾的理念和模式。随着山区城市化进程的加快,经济和人口在城市的相对聚集,加之强烈地震活动,使得山区城市面临风险不断地提高。研究强震城市风险管理,已成为当前城市防灾减灾工作的一项重大课题。本文概述了国内外研究进展,提出该研究方向的主要研究内容和研究方法。未来研究内容应该包括(1)强震区城市地质灾害风险结构与风险量化分析,(2)城市地震地质灾害风险判据研究与风险准则建立,(3)强震区城市地质灾害管制的途径和方法研究,(4)强震区城市地质灾害管制的效能监控机制研究,(5)强震区城市地质灾害风险管制的模式与规范体系研究。  相似文献   

中国大陆岩石圈壳幔韧性剪切带系统   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
众多地震测深剖面的地质构造解析显示,大陆岩石圈存在既有显著差异又有密切联系的两套断裂系统,即以地壳表层脆性剪切带为主的浅层断裂系统和以切割莫霍界面的壳幔韧性剪切带为主的深部断裂系统。根据地震测深速度结构特征,结合深部构造岩石地球化学的综合研究,将切割莫霍界面或壳幔过渡带的壳幔韧性剪切带划分为三类(俯冲带、缝合带和剪切带)五型(大陆岩石圈边缘海沟俯冲带、大陆岩石圈碰撞缝合带、挤压型壳幔韧性剪切带、伸展型壳幔韧性剪切带和走滑型壳幔韧性剪切带)。建立起中国大陆岩石圈构造变形由地壳表层向深部扩展以及由壳幔过渡带向地壳中上部扩展的岩石圈双向扩展模式。壳幔韧性剪切带既是无机成因天然气等深部流体的通道,又是地震活动区的发震构造之一,因此研究大陆岩石圈壳幔韧性剪切带具有重要学术价值和实际意义。  相似文献   

The Tjörnes facture zone (TFZ) connects the EW extension of the Mid-Atlantic ridge north of Iceland to the extension of the North volcanic zone (NVZ) of Iceland. Earthquakes up to magnitude 7 (Ms) can occur in TFZ, volcanic eruptions have been observed and large crustal deformations are expected in similar way as have been observed in the NVZ. Most of the zone is below ocean, which limits the historical information and geological observations. For studying the dynamics of the zone we must rely on interpretation and modelling based on seismic observations, especially on microearthquake observations for the last 10 years. In this paper we demonstrate how microearthquakes can be applied to map the details of the plate boundary, and how this information can be applied to find epicenters and fault planes of large historical earthquakes, also how seismic information can be applied in dynamic modelling and to infer spatial and temporal interplay in activity, and to enhance hazard assessment.  相似文献   

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