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The seismic analysis of the volcanic tremors preceding and accompanying the Etnean eruption of March–August, 1983 has shown a significant variation in the spectral content before the beginning of the eruption, the tremor peaks at 1.4 and 1.6 Hz — which might be associated with the feeding pipes of the NE crater (Schick et al., 1982a) — being the dominant feature of the spectra.A model of eruption mechanism is proposed where a feeder dyke would connect the NE crater with the effusive fracture.  相似文献   

Visible phenomena accompanied by volcanic explosions at Sakurajima Volcano in Kyushu, Japan, were recorded by means of a TV camera and still cameras to make clear the process of explosive eruption of a Vulcanian type by image analysis and to enable a discussion of the process of explosive eruption. The most interesting phenomenon observed by the TV camera was visible shock waves passing through the atmosphere above the crater. The instant disappearance of thin clouds and the condensation of dense clouds were induced by the passage of shock waves. Explosion-quakes, which occurred at a depth of 1–2 km beneath the active crater, clearly preceded the explosion at the crater bottom. The atmospheric shock waves were generated in the crater 1.1–1.5 seconds later than the occurrence of the explosion-quake and propagated with the velocity of Mach 1.3–1.5 in a height range from 300 m to 600 m above the crater. Eruption clouds expanded subspherically for several seconds after the ejection and then the eruption column developed upwards at a certain velocity. The maximum ejection velocity of volcanic blocks, which was obtained from the analysis of photo-trajectories, was 112–157 m/sec. The internal pressure which ejected the volcanic blocks was estimated to be 138–271 bars in the case of the explosive eruptions analyzed. The results of analysis suggest that a high-pressure gas chamber was formed just beneath the crater bottom before the explosive eruption and that pressure waves caused by the explosion-quake acted as the trigger for the explosive eruption.  相似文献   

Orakei maar and tuff ring in the Auckland Volcanic Field is an example of a basaltic volcano in which the style and impacts of the eruption of a small volume of magma were modulated by a fine balance between magma flux and groundwater availability. These conditions were optimised by the pre-85?ka eruption being hosted in a zone of fractured and variably permeable Plio-Pleistocene mudstones and sandstones. Orakei maar represents an end-member in the spectrum of short-lived basaltic volcanoes, where substrate conditions rather than the magmatic volatile content was the dominant factor controlling explosivity and eruption styles. The eruption excavated a crater ?80?m deep that was subsequently filled by slumped crater wall material, followed by lacustrine and marine sediments. The explosion crater may have been less than 800?m in diameter, but wall collapse and wave erosion has left a 1,000-m-diameter roughly circular basin. A tuff ring around part of the maar comprises dominantly base surge deposits, along with subordinate fall units. Grain size, texture and shape characteristics indicate a strong influence of magma–water and magma–mud interactions that controlled explosivity throughout the eruption, but also an ongoing secondary role of magmatic gas-driven expansion and fragmentation. The tuff contains >70?% of material recycled from the underlying Plio-Pliestocene sediments, which is strongly predominant in the >2 ? fraction. The magmatic clasts are evolved alkali basalt, consistent with the eruption of a very small batch of magma. The environmental impact of this eruption was disproportionally large, when considering the low volume of magma involved (DRE?<?0.003?km3). Hence, this eruption exemplifies one of the worst-case scenarios for an eruption within the densely populated Auckland City, destroying an area of ~3?km2 by crater formation and base surge impact. An equivalent scenario for the same magma conditions without groundwater interaction would yield a scoria/spatter cone with a diameter of 400–550?m, destroying less than a tenth of the area affected by the Orakei event.  相似文献   

Raoul Island, the largest of the Kermadec Group, is about 8 km across and is situated about 1100 km north-east of Auckland, New Zealand. An eruption of steam and mud occurred on the island on 1964 November 21 (local date); this was preceded by an earthquake swarm which started on 10 November. Records made with the Willmore seismograph at the Meteorological Station on the north coast of the island show that within four hours of the start of the swarm, the frequency of shocks had risen to a peak of more than 80 an hour. Most shocks had sharp beginnings with S-P intervals of 1 to 2 seconds. Tremor was noticeable on 11 November and increased until by 12 November it was continuous, masking all but the largest of the discrete shocks. The level of tremor and the number of recorded shocks then decreased, until by the time the largest earthquake occurred on November 14, only 30 to 40 shocks were being recorded per hour. The largest earthquake was assigned a magnitude of 5.7 from recordings made in New Zealand, and was felt on Raoul Island at intensity 7 on the Modified Mercalli scale. Further shocks and tremor were recorded, and on 15 November the tremor was particularly active for several hours. On 21 November, an eruption occurred, throwing steam, mud, and rocks to an estimated height of 800 m from a crater on the edge of Green Lake, about 2 km from the Meteorological Station. During the eruption the seismograph recorded a peak vibration 30 to 40 times the amplitude of the normal background level. By two hours after the eruption, the level of vibration had stabilised at double that before the eruption. The island was evacuated from 23 November until 6 December, during which time the seismograph was inoperative. From 6 December to 11 December three portable seismographs were recording in addition to the permanent station. By this time the frequency of recorded shocks had dropped to about two per hour. The earthquakes were located in the vicinity of Denham Bay, some kilometres to the west of the main crater. Volcanic activity has been observed previously in Denham Bay, and it is thought that the Bay may be a former crater.  相似文献   

During the 2000 activity of Miyake-jima volcano, Japan, we detected long period seismic signals with initial pulse widths of 1-2 s, accompanied by infrasonic pulses with almost the same pulse widths. The seismic signals were observed from 13 July 2000, a day before the second summit eruption. The occurrences of the seismic signals were intermittent with a gradual increase in their magnitudes and numbers building toward a significant explosive eruption on 18 August. After the eruption, the seismic and infrasonic events ceased. The results of a waveform inversion show that the initial motions were excited by an isotropic inflation source beneath the south edge of the caldera at a depth of 1.4 km. On the other hand, the sources of the infrasonic pulses were located in the summit caldera area. The times at which the infrasonic pulses were emitted at the surface were delayed by about 3 s from the origin times of the seismic events. It is suggested that small isotropic inflations excited seismic waves in the crust and simultaneously caused acoustic waves that traveled in the conduit and produced infrasonic pulses at the crater bottom. Considering the observed time differences and gas temperatures emitted from the vent, the conduit should have been filled with vapor mixed with SO2 gas and volcanic ash. The change of the time differences between the seismic and infrasonic signals suggests that the seismic source became shallower within half a day before the August 18 explosive eruption. We interpret the source process as a fragmentation process of magma in which gas bubbles burst and quickly released part of the pressure that had been sustained by the tensional strength of magma.  相似文献   

The monitoring of the state of active volcanoes, carried out using different parameters, including geochemical, is very important for studies of deep processes and geodynamics. All changes which occur within the crater before eruptions reflect the magma activation and depend on the deep structure of volcano. This paper gives the results of prolonged monitoring of Ebeko volcano, located in the contact zone between the oceanic and continental plates (the Kurile Island Arc). The geochemical method has been used as the basis for eruption prediction because the increase in the activity of the Ebeko in the period from 1963 to 1967 that ended in a phreatic eruption was not preceded by seismic preparation. Investigations carried out at Ebeko volcano give evidence that change of all the chosen geochemical parameters is a prognostic indicator of a forthcoming eruption. This change depends on the type of eruption, and the deep structure and hydrodynamic regime of the volcano.  相似文献   

The first historic activity of Santa María volcano, Guatemala constituted one of the ten largest historic eruptions in the world, producing 5.5 km3 of debris. In hindsight, the six-month period before the October 1902 eruption was one of extremely abnormal seismicity in all of western Guatemala. The pyroclastis from the eruption were scattered widely over Western Guatemala and Southern Mexico and also caused world-wide atmospheric effects. The volcanics produced were of andesitic-dacitic composition, but there was wide variation from place to place in the sampled material — a fact apparently chiefly attributable to atmospheric-fractionation. There was apparently a change in chemistry of ash during the two-day eruption as well, the first, most voluminous ash was pumicious and white; later ash was finer, denser, darker, and slightly less silicious. The kinetic energy/thermal energy partition is determined to be similar to the value derived for Krakatoa,E k/E th ? 5.0 %. The thermal energy of the eruption was estimated at 4.2×1025 ergs. The explosion crater left on Santa María’s southwest flank after the eruption had a volume equal to less than 0.5 km3, a small fraction of the volume of material erupted. The two-day 1902 blast has greatly overshadowed subsequent activity; extrusion of the Santiaguito dome, which has occurred since 1922 in the explosion crater, has produced about 0.7 km3 of dacite lava and 1.6×1025 ergs of thermal energy in 48 years of activity.  相似文献   

During the 1971–1972 eruption of Soufrière volcano on St. Vincent Island, a lava mass was extruded subaqueously in the crater lake. An investigation of the chemistry of the lake indicates that over 50,000 tons of dissolved solids were taken into solution during the eruption, in addition to 9000 tons of iron precipitated as ferric oxide in syngenetic metalliferous sediments on the crater floor. Leaching of hot disintegrating lava and volcanic glass is the principal source of cations dissolved in the lake (Na, Ca, Mg, Si and K), whereas chlorine and sulfur were introduced during injection of acid volcanic gases from the submerged lava mass. Concentrations of the common cations in the lake are not affected by mineral solubility, except in the case of Fe3+, but rather by the rate of leaching, evaporation, and water-rock reactions. Variations in Cl/Na, total Cl and acidity have aided in identification of distinct fumarolic phases during the eruption, which may correlate with observed increase in frequency of minor volcanic tremors in the crater. Accumulation of ferric oxide in sediments on the crater floor is thought to be due to leaching of ferrous iron at high temperature from the lava mass, followed by oxidation and precipitation of hematite in the cooler lake.  相似文献   

A sudden eruption at Santa Ana occurred on 1 October 2005, producing an ash-and-gas plume to a height in excess of 10 km above the volcano. Several days before, thermal infrared images of the crater provided precursory signals of the eruption. A significant increase in the extent and intensity of the fumarolic field inside the crater rim and of the surface temperature of the crater’s lake was observed. Changes in energy input was also estimated to explain the increase in lake temperature based on energy/mass balance calculations.  相似文献   

Erta Ale volcano, Ethiopia, erupted in November 2010, emplacing new lava flows on the main crater floor, the first such eruption from the southern pit into the main crater since 1973, and the first eruption at this remote volcano in the modern satellite age. For many decades, Erta Ale has contained a persistently active lava lake which is ordinarily confined, several tens of metres below the level of the main crater, within the southern pit. We combine on-the-ground field observations with multispectral imaging from the SEVIRI satellite to reconstruct the entire eruptive episode beginning on 11 November and ending prior to 14 December 2010. A period of quiescence occurred between 14 and 19 November. The main eruptive activity developed between 19 and 22 November, finally subsiding to pre-eruptive levels between 8 and 15 December. The estimated total volume of lava erupted is ??0.006?km3. The mineralogy of the 2010 lava is plagioclase?+?clinopyroxene?+?olivine. Geochemically, the lava is slightly more mafic than previously erupted lava lining the caldera floor, but lies within the range of historical lavas from Erta Ale. SIMS analysis of olivine-hosted melt inclusions shows the Erta Ale lavas to be relatively volatile-poor, with H2O contents ??1,300?ppm and CO2 contents of ??200?ppm. Incompatible trace and volatile element systematics of melt inclusions show, however, that the November 2010 lavas were volatile-saturated, and that degassing and crystallisation occurred concomitantly. Volatile saturation pressures are in the range 7?C42?MPa, indicating shallow crystallisation. Calculated pre-eruption and melt inclusion entrapment temperatures from mineral/liquid thermometers are ??1,150?°C, consistent with previously published field measurements.  相似文献   

 Lascar Volcano (22°22'S, 67°44'W) is the most active volcano of the central Andes of northern Chile. Activity since 1984 has been characterised by periods of lava dome growth and decay within the active crater, punctuated by explosive eruptions. We present herein a technique for monitoring the high-temperature activity within the active crater using frequent measurements of emitted shortwave infrared (SWIR) radiation made by the spaceborne along-track scanning radiometer (ATSR). The ATSR is an instrument of low spatial resolution (pixels 1 km across) that shares certain characteristics with the MODIS instrument, planned for use as a volcano monitoring tool in the NASA EOS Volcanology Project. We present a comprehensive time series of over 60 cloud- and plume-free nighttime ATSR observations for 1992–1995, a period during which Lascar experienced its largest historical eruption. Variations in short wavelength infrared flux relate directly to changes in high-temperature surfaces within the active crater. From these data, interpretations can be made that supplement published field reports and that can document the presence and status of the lava dome during periods where direct, ground-based, observations are lacking. Our data agree with less frequent information collected from sensors with high spatial resolution, such as the Landsat thematic mapper (Oppenheimer et al. 1993) and are consistent with field observations and models that relate subsidence of the dome to subsequent explosive eruptions (Matthews et al., 1997). Most obviously, Lascar's major April 1993 eruption follows a period in which the magnitude of emitted shortwave infrared radiation fell by 90%. At this time subsidence of the 1991–1992 lava dome was reported by field observers and this subsidence is believed to have impeded the escape of hot volatiles and ultimately triggered the eruption (Smithsonian Institution 1993a). Extrapolating beyond the period for which field observations of the summit are available, our data show that the vulcanian eruption of 20 July 1995 occurred after a period of gradual increase in short wavelength infrared flux throughout 1994 and a more rapid flux decline during 1995. We attribute this additional, otherwise undocumented, cycle of increasing and decreasing SWIR radiance as most likely representing variations in degassing through fumaroles contained within the summit crater. Alternatively, it may reflect a cycle of dome growth and decay. The explosive eruption of 17 December 1993 appears to have followed a similar, but shorter, variation in SWIR flux, and we conclude that large explosive eruptions are more likely when the 1.6-μm signal has fallen from a high to a low level. The ATSR instrument offers low-cost data at high temporal resolution. Despite the low spatial detail of the measurements, ATSR-type instruments can provide data that relate directly to the status of Lascar's lava dome and other high-temperature surfaces. We suggest that such data can therefore assist with predictions of eruptive behaviour, deduced from application of physical models of lava dome development at this and similar volcanoes. Received: 1 October 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

The Rockeskyllerkopf Volcanic Complex (RVC) comprises three overlapping monogenetic volcanic centers: Southeast Lammersdorf (SEL), Mäuseberg (M) and Rockeskyllerkopf (RKK). Each volcanic center comprises proximal wall deposits with a well defined crater wall unconformity and crater fill deposits that partially to completely cover the outer crater wall. The SEL Center is a phreatomagmatic tuff ring composed of lithic rich tephra deposited by pyroclastic falls and surges. The second center, Mäuseberg, with its crater to the northwest of the SEL Center is predominantly magmatic. Topographic and outcrop patterns suggest that this center may have formed a series of overlapping scoria cones along a N–S trending fissure. The youngest center, RKK, which lies on a poorly developed palaeosol within the earlier Mäuseberg deposits, comprises a well developed proximal crater wall sequence. This sequence of magmatic, likely Strombolian, fall and grain avalanche deposits passes upward into a crater fill sequence that comprises variably welded bombs. The final eruptions in the center were massive lava flows that were ponded within the RKK crater. Ar–Ar age dating of reequilibrated fragments of phlogopite megacrysts in the SEL lavas indicates volcanic activity began at 474?±?39 ka. Literature K–Ar dates for the youngest lava flows in the RKK Center give ages of 360?±?60 to 470 ka. Our interpretation of the age data and the presence of the poorly developed palaeosol between the Mäuseberg and RKK centers indicates that volcanism in the RVC began around 470 ka with the eruption of the SEL and Mäuseberg centers followed a few thousand years later by the eruption of the RKK Center.  相似文献   

We report on the evaluation of in situ measurements of eruption velocities and relative mass flux, collected by Doppler radar, as well as acoustic and infrared data, that were recorded at Stromboli volcano. Doppler radar observations were made alongside thermal, acoustic and seismic measurements, to (1) further investigate the complex waveforms of the SW crater by combining infrasonic, infrared and Doppler radar measurements, (2) establish a relationship between infrared, acoustic and Doppler radar measurements and (3) verify that all instruments observe the same behavior in terms of relative mass eruption rate. We also explore the relationship between kinetic and acoustic energy released during an eruption. Comparing the different methods to each other we are able to show that the mass erupted can be estimated either from the total reflected Doppler radar energy or from infrared observations. However, neither thermal nor reflected energy can provide a value in terms of absolute mass in kg. The erupted masses of different eruptions can only be evaluated relative to each other. Using the combined three data sets we especially focus on the eruption dynamics of the SW crater of Stromboli, namely its fluctuations in eruption strength. These pulses in one eruptive event, so called ’pulsations’ dominate more than 40% of the eruptions of SW crater. Previous models that explain pulsations to be generated by multiple consecutively exploding bubbles are supported by our combined analysis of infrasound, thermal data, particle velocities, and the reflected energy.  相似文献   

Variations of polythionates (sulfane disulfonates) and sulfate in the Yugama crater lake, Japan, have been monitored for more than 25 years. Just before the 1982 eruption at the crater lake, polythionate ions decreased to zero from the normal level of about 2000 ppm and sulfate ions increased from 2500 to 5000 ppm. During the 1982 eruption polythionate and sulfate ions varied inversely in concentration and the variations exactly coincided with the frequency of volcanic earthquakes and subsequent explosions. These observations are interpreted in terms of aqueous reactions of fumarolic SO2-H2S gases, resulting in precipitation of alunite. The behavior of polythionate and sulfate ions strongly suggests that they are useful indicator for prediction of impending volcanic hazards from active crater lakes.  相似文献   

Geochemical data and mapping from a Karoo flood basalt crater complex reveals new information about the ascent and eruption of magma batches during the earliest phases of flood basalt volcanism. Flood basalt eruptions at Sterkspruit, South Africa began with emplacement of thin lava flows before abruptly switching to explosive phreatomagmatic and magmatic activity that formed a nest of craters, spatter and tuff rings and cones that collectively comprise a crater complex >40 km2 filled by 9–18 km3 of volcaniclastic debris. Rising magma flux rates combined with reduced access of magma to external water led to effusion of thick Karoo flood basalts, burying the crater-complex beneath the >1.5 km-thick Lesotho lava pile. Geochemical data is consistent with flood basalt effusion from local dikes, and some lava flows likely shared or re-occupied vent sites active during explosive eruptions at Sterkspruit. Flood basalt magmas involved in Sterkspruit eruptions were chemically heterogenous. This study documents the rapid (perhaps simultaneous) eruption of three chemically distinct basaltic magmas which cannot be simply related to one another from one vent site within the Sterkspruit crater complex. Stratigraphic and map relationships indicate that eruption of the same three magma types took place from closely spaced vents over a short time during formation of the bulk of the crater-complex. Two magma types recognized there have not been recognized in the Karoo province before. The variable composition of flood basalts at Sterkspruit argues that magma batches in flood basalt fields may be small (0.5–1 km3) and not simply related to one another. This implies in turn that heterogeneities in the magma source region may be close to each other in time and space, and that eruptions of chemically distinct magmas may take place over short intervals of space and time without significant hybridisation in flood basalt fields.  相似文献   

松辽盆地营城组火山机构-岩相带的地震响应   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
松辽盆地徐家围子断陷多期次喷发的火山岩在纵向和横向上相互叠置,造成火山岩地震响应特征复杂,影响了对火山岩储层的地震预测精度和地质规律的认识.本文基于钻井和连片三维地震资料,结合区域构造认识,建立了徐家围子断陷营城组火山机构-岩相带的地震响应模式,并利用相干体和地层切片等属性分析技术实现了火山机构-岩相带的空间识别.从火...  相似文献   

The Miyake-jima volcano abruptly erupted on July 8, 2000 after 17 years of quiet and gave birth to a crater, 1 km in diameter and 250 m deep. This expected unrest was monitored during the years 1995–2000 by electromagnetic methods including DC resistivity measurements and self-potential (SP) surveys. Beneath the 2500 yr old Hatcho-Taira summit caldera audio-magnetotelluric soundings made in 1997–98 identified a conductive medium, 200–500 m thick (within the 50 Ω m isoline) located at a few hundred metres depth. It was associated with the active steady-state hydrothermal system centred close to the 1940 cone and extending southward. A DC resistivity meter set in a Schlumberger array with 600, 1000 and 1400 m long injection lines evidenced strong resistivity changes between September 1999 and July 3, 2000 in the vicinity of the newly formed crater. The apparent resistivity has reached about three times its initial values on the 1400 m long line and has lowered to about 20% on the 600 m line. Just prior to the July 8, 2000 eruption SP mapping made inside the summit Hatcho-Taira caldera revealed negative anomalies where positive ones had occurred during the previous tens of years. The largest negative anomaly, −225 mV in amplitude, mainly took place above the 1940 cone which collapsed in the crater formation. A permanent 1 km long SP line across the caldera suggests accelerating changes during the 3 months preceding the eruption. On a larger scale, the comparison between 1995 and 2000 surveys has shown a global increase of the hydrothermal activity beneath the volcano. Its source could have been 250 m to the south of the crater. These observations suggest that the hydrothermal system was slowly disturbed in the months preceding the eruption while drastic changes have occurred during the 2 weeks before the summit collapse when tectonic and volcanic swarms have appeared.  相似文献   

An explosive eruption occurred at the summit of Bezymianny volcano (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia) on 11 January 2005 which was initially detected from seismic observations by the Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT). This prompted the acquisition of 17 Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite images of the volcano over the following 10 months. Visible and infrared data from ASTER revealed significant changes to the morphology of the summit lava dome, later seen with field based thermal infrared (TIR) camera surveys in August 2005. The morphology of the summit lava dome was observed to have changed from previous year’s observations and historical accounts. In August 2005 the dome contained a new crater and two small lava lobes. Stepped scarps within the new summit crater suggest a partial collapse mechanism of formation, rather than a purely explosive origin. Hot pyroclastic deposits were also observed to have pooled in the moat between the current lava dome and the 1956 crater wall. The visual and thermal data revealed a complex eruption sequence of explosion(s), viscous lava extrusion, and finally the formation of the collapse crater. Based on this sequence, the conduit could have become blocked/pressurized, which could signify the start of a new behavioural phase for the volcano and lead to the potential of larger eruptions in the future.  相似文献   

The eruption commenced on July 7th 1963 with activity at the summit crater which had been dormant for at least 50 years. Production of lava spatte r characterised the opening stages of the eruption, and although hot lava blocks avalanched down the north-eastern slope no flows were produced. In August a crater opened at a height of approximately 1,000 metres at the head of a north-west trending fissure, the site of the 1960 eruption. Intermittent lava fountaining up to a height of 600 feet took place at the crater which was active throughout the remainder of the eruption, and viscous steep-sided tongues of «aa» lava flowed from it. A new east-west trending fissure 200 feet deep and 400 feet wide opened in September at a height of approximately 240 metres and extended up the slope to a point approximately 660 metres above sea level. From this fissure lavas of more fluid character though identical in mineral composition to tongues issuing from the flank crater flowed into the sea until mid November when activity at the fissure ceased. Whilst the fissure was active gas issued from a vent located immediately beyond it’s uper end. The slopes above the anchorage at Tematu were the site of subsidiary activity. Four small fissures opened at heights of up to 180 metres above sea level from mid-October to February 1964 producing short tongues of «aa» lava which flowed into the water. Emission of small ash clouds at sporadic intervals was noted at a crater situated in the highest fissure during a visit in December, 1963. There was a change from activity of «Strombolian type» with associated production of lava flows at the flank crater from November 1963 when the proportion of ash emitted increased. Ash emission became the predominant type of activity throughout the remainder of the eruption. Although the interval between successive outbursts lengthened progressively during 1964 the activity reached a climax on April 8th when the ash column attained a height of 30,000 feet, the maximum recorded during the course of the eruption. There was also an increase in July culminating in the production of a dense ash cloud 15 miles in diameter on the 26th. The activity entered a new phase in July 1964 when fissures producing lava tongues opened not only on the northern slopes but on the east side of the volcano as well. Activity continued on the opposite side to the north-west quadrant in which it had previously been localised when a fissure with a small crater at it’s head appeared in September on the south-east slopes a few hundred metres above sea level. The infrequency of outbursts during 1965 suggests that the present cycle of activity is waning, and that the volcano will soon become quiescent once more. Structures of interest in the lava flows include channels and tunnels. Hypersthene andesite was produced simultaneously with tholeiitic olivine bearing basalt during the opening stages of the eruption although the lavas produced later were all of the latter type. It is suggested that the hypersthene andesite was formed by magmatic differentiation of an olivine-bearing basalt parent magma, the lighter more acid fraction being tapped first at the beginning of the eruption. Such differentiation could account for similar basalt-andesite associations in older volcanic sequences within the central area.  相似文献   

A Pleistocene pyroclast flow of dacitic andesite composition is described from the island of Dominica, Lesser Antilles. Lateral zonation, from welded tuff to a tuffaceous zone of no welding and pumiceous distal facies is observed with distance from the vent. Comparable but less distinct zonation occurs in vertical sections. Variations in physical properties of the pyroclast flow, such as specific gravity, flattening ratio and grain size are described, and related to the degree of welding. Source of the pyroclast flow is located in the former crater of Micotrin volcano, now plugged by a dome. Eleven chemical analyses reveal small, but significant variations in composition, which, together with systematic variations in phenocryst content, are related to crystal sinking in the magma column prior to eruption.  相似文献   

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