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Gas giant planets have been detected in orbit around an increasing number of nearby stars. Two theories have been advanced for the formation of such planets: core accretion and disk instability. Core accretion, the generally accepted mechanism, requires several million years or more to form a gas giant planet in a protoplanetary disk like the solar nebula. Disk instability, on the other hand, can form a gas giant protoplanet in a few hundred years. However, disk instability has previously been thought to be important only in relatively massive disks. New three-dimensional, "locally isothermal," hydrodynamical models without velocity damping show that a disk instability can form Jupiter-mass clumps, even in a disk with a mass (0.091 M middle dot in circle within 20 AU) low enough to be in the range inferred for the solar nebula. The clumps form with initially eccentric orbits, and their survival will depend on their ability to contract to higher densities before they can be tidally disrupted at successive periastrons. Because the disk mass in these models is comparable to that apparently required for the core accretion mechanism to operate, the models imply that disk instability could obviate the core accretion mechanism in the solar nebula and elsewhere.  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper the known results on the gravitational interaction of a massive black hole with the surrounding stars in a galactic nucleus are discussed. The tidal disruption of stars in close encounters with a black hole is reviewed. Expressions for the flux of stars on a black hole are given, taking into account energy and angular momentum diffusion of stellar orbits. The scenario of star disruption and accretion of the released stellar matter is depicted. The growth of a black hole in a typical galactic nucleus on account of gas accretion from disrupted stars is discussed. A comparison with the upper limit to the luminosity of the nucleus of our Galaxy puts rather severe constraints on the mass of a hypothetical black hole at the galactic centre. Possible mechanisms preventing the formation and growth of black holes in normal galactic nuclei are discussed.The second part of the paper (Section 8) deals with the hypothesis that massive black holes are the primary energy sources in active galaxies and quasars. The luminosity requirements of bright quasars and weak Seyferts can probably be accounted for in such a model, but there are difficulties in explaining the intermediate range. Mass ejection from Seyferts and quasars is not a severe problem. The same applies to the spectrum. A much more serious objection is the observed periodic and quasi-periodic variability. Another unsatisfactory feature of this hypothesis is that one needs two different evolutionary tracks for quasars and active galaxies, and for normal galaxies.  相似文献   

频繁的超新星爆发可用以解释活动星系核与类星体的超高金属丰度。星团中的恒星与吸积盘相互作用导致致密天体中子星和黑洞的形成率很高,这些致密天体与红巨星很容易形成双星系统,而后形成(NS/BH,NS/BH) 双星由于引力辐射最终导致并合而形成伽玛射线爆发。我们估计了伽玛射线爆的爆发频率,发现与观测相符。  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of two-component (stars + gas) self-gravitating galactic disks show that the interstellar gas can significantly affect the dynamical evolution of the disk even if its mass fraction (relative to the total galaxy mass) is as low as several percent. Aided by efficient energy dissipation, the gas becomes gravitationally unstable onlocal scale and forms massive clumps. Gravitational scattering of stars by these clumps leads to suppression of bar instability usually seen in heavy stellar disks. In this case, gas inflow towards the galactic center is driven by dynamical friction which gas clumps suffer instead of bar forcing.  相似文献   

In this paper, perturbations of an accretion disk by a star orbiting around a black hole are studied. We report on a numerical experiment, which has been carried out by using a parallel-machine code originally developed by Dönmez (2004). An initially steady state accretion disk near a non-rotating (Schwarzschild) black hole interacts with a “star”, modeled as an initially circular region of increased density. Part of the disk is affected by the interaction. In some cases, a gap develops and shock wave propagates through the disk. We follow the evolution for order of one dynamical period and we show how the non-axisymetric density perturbation further evolves and moves downwards where the material of the disk and the star become eventually accreted onto the central body. When the star perturbs the steady state accretion disk, the disk around the black hole is destroyed by the effect of perturbation. The perturbed accretion disk creates a shock wave during the evolution and it loses angular momentum when the gas hits on the shock waves. Colliding gas with the shock wave is the one of the basic mechanism of emitting the X-rays in the accretion disk. The series of supernovae occurring in the inner disk could entirely destroy the disk in that region which leaves a more massive black hole behind, at the center of galaxies.  相似文献   

We consider a model for quasar formation in which massive black holes are formed and fuelled largely by the accretion of hot gas during the process of galaxy formation. In standard hierarchical collapse models, objects about the size of normal galaxies and larger form a dense hot atmosphere when they collapse. We show that if such an atmosphere forms a nearly 'maximal' cooling flow, then a central black hole can accrete at close to its Eddington limit. This leads to exponential growth of a seed black hole, resulting in a quasar in some cases. In this model, the first quasars form soon after the first collapses to produce hot gas. The hot gas is depleted as time progresses, mostly by cooling, so that the accretion rate eventually falls below the threshold for advection-dominated accretion, at which stage radiative efficiency plummets and any quasar turns off. A simple implementation of this model, incorporated into a semi-analytical model for galaxy formation, overproduces quasars when compared with observed luminosity functions, but is consistent with models of the X-ray background, which indicate that most accretion is obscured. It produces few quasars at high redshift owing to the lack of time needed to grow massive black holes. Quasar fuelling by hot gas provides a minimum level, sufficient to power most quasars at redshifts between one and two, to which other sources of fuel can be added. The results are sensitive to feedback effects, such as might result from radio jets and other outflows.  相似文献   

Several planets have recently been discovered around stars that are old and metal-poor, implying that these planets are also old, formed in the early Universe together with their hosts. The canonical theory suggests that the conditions for their formation could not have existed at such early epochs. In this paper we argue that the required conditions, such as sufficiently high dust-to-gas ratio, could in fact have existed in the early Universe immediately following the first episode of metal production in Pop. III stars, both in metal-enhanced and metal-deficient environments. Metal-rich regions may have existed in multiple isolated pockets of enriched and weakly-mixed gas close to the massive Pop. III stars. Observations of quasars at redshifts z~5, and gamma-ray bursts at z~6, show a very wide spread of metals in absorption from [X/H]??3 to ??0.5. This suggests that physical conditions in the metal-abundant clumps could have been similar to where protoplanets form today. However, planets could have formed even in low-metallicity environments, where formation of stars is expected to proceed due to lower opacity at higher densities. In such cases, the circumstellar accretion disks are expected to rotate faster than their high-metallicity analogues. This in turn can result in the enhancement of dust particles at the disk periphery, where they can coagulate and start forming planetesimals. In conditions with the low initial specific angular momentum of the cloud, radiation from the central protostar can act as a trigger to drive small-scale instabilities with typical masses in the Earth to Jupiter mass range. Discoveries of planets around old metal-poor stars (e.g. HIP 11952, [Fe/H]~?1.95, ~13 Gyr) show that planets did indeed form in the early Universe and this may require modification of our understanding of the physical processes that produce them. This work is an attempt to provide one such heuristic scenario for the physical basis for their existence.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the fate of a high-velocity star confined to a massive gas cloud, the hydrodynamic behavior of a radiation-dominated flow past a finite-size gravitating object is calculated. Such a study is important in the context of quasars and active galactic nuclei, since large gas clouds have been suggested to be associated with the phenomena occurring in these systems. In particular, we study the processes of mass and energy exchange between the ambient gas and the star. A significant result is that the effective accretion cross-section is found to be a substantial fraction of the stellar geometrical cross-section. Consequently, the buildup of massive stars via accretion of the surrouding gas may be important in determining the evolution of the system of stars confined to the cloud.  相似文献   

We present numerical simulations of stellar wind dynamics in the central parsec of the Galactic Centre, studying in particular the accretion of gas on to Sgr A*, the supermassive black hole. Unlike our previous work, here we use state-of-the-art observational data on orbits and wind properties of individual wind-producing stars. Since wind velocities were revised upwards and non-zero eccentricities were considered, our new simulations show fewer clumps of cold gas and no conspicuous disc-like structure. The accretion rate is dominated by a few close 'slow-wind stars' ( v w≤ 750 km s−1), and is consistent with the Bondi estimate, but variable on time-scales of tens to hundreds of years. This variability is due to the stochastic infall of cold clumps of gas, as in earlier simulations, and to the eccentric orbits of stars. The present models fail to explain the high luminosity of Sgr A* a few hundred years ago implied by Integral observations, but we argue that the accretion of a cold clump with a small impact parameter could have caused it. Finally, we show the possibility of constraining the total mass-loss rate of the 'slow-wind stars' using near infrared observations of gas in the central few arcseconds.  相似文献   

In order to constrain the initial mass function of the first generation of stars (Population III), we investigate the fragmentation properties of metal-free gas in the context of a hierarchical model of structure formation. We investigate the evolution of an isolated 3 sigma peak of mass 2x106 M middle dot in circle that collapses at zcoll approximately 30 using smoothed particle hydrodynamics. We find that the gas dissipatively settles into a rotationally supported disk that has a very filamentary morphology. The gas in these filaments is Jeans unstable with MJ approximately 103 M middle dot in circle. Fragmentation leads to the formation of high-density (n>108 cm-3) clumps that subsequently grow in mass by accreting the surrounding gas and by merging with other clumps up to masses of approximately 104 M middle dot in circle. This suggests that the very first stars were rather massive. We explore the complex dynamics of the merging and tidal disruption of these clumps by following their evolution over a few dynamical times.  相似文献   

We have calculated the relativistic reflection component of the X-ray spectra of accretion disks in active galactic nuclei (AGN). Our calculations have shown that the spectra can be significantly modified by the motion of the accretion flow, and the gravity and rotation of the central black hole. The absorption edges in the spectra suffer severe en- ergy shifts and smearing, and the degree of distortion depends on the system parameters, in particular, the inner radius of the accretion disk and the disk viewing inclination angles. The effects are significant. Fluorescent X-ray emission lines from the inner accretion disk could be a powerful diagnostic of space-time distortion and dynamical relativistic effects near the event horizons of accreting black holes. However, improper treatment of the re- flection component in fitting the X-ray continuum could give rise to spurious line-like features. These features mimic the true fluorescent emission lines and may mask their relativistic signatures. Fully relativistic models for reflection continua together with the emission lines are needed in order to extract black-hole parameters from the AGN X-ray spectra.  相似文献   

The peaks in the spectra of the accretion disks surrounding massive black holes in quasars are in the far-UV or soft X-ray band, which are usually not observed. However, in the disk corona model, soft photons from the disk are Comptonized to high energy in the hot corona, and the hard X-ray spectra(luminosity and spectral shape) contain information on the incident spectra from the disk. The values of black hole spin parameter a*are inferred from the spectral fitting, which are spread over a large range, ~-0.94 to 0.998. We find that the inclination angles and mass accretion rates are well determined by the spectral fitting, but the results are sensitive to the accuracy of black hole mass estimates. No tight constraints on the black hole spins are achieved, if the uncertainties in black hole mass measurements are a factor of four,which are typical for the single-epoch reverberation mapping method. Recently, the accuracy of black hole mass measurement has been significantly improved to 0.2- 0.4 dex with the velocity resolved reverberation mapping method. The black hole spin can be well constrained if the mass measurement accuracy is50%. In the accretion disk corona scenario, a fraction of power dissipated in the disk is transported into the corona, and therefore the accretion disk is thinner than a bare disk for the same mass accretion rate,because the radiation pressure in the disk is reduced. We find that the thin disk approximation, H/R0.1,is still valid if 0.3 m 0.5, provided half of the dissipated power is radiated in the corona above the disk.  相似文献   

We present the results of fitting deep off-nuclear optical spectra of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars and radio galaxies at z ≃0.2 with evolutionary synthesis models of galaxy evolution. Our aim was to determine the age of the dynamically dominant stellar populations in the host galaxies of these three classes of powerful active galactic nuclei (AGN). Some of our spectra display residual nuclear contamination at the shortest wavelengths, but the detailed quality of the fits longward of the 4000-Å break provides unequivocal proof, if further proof were needed, that quasars lie in massive galaxies with (at least at z ≃0.2) evolved stellar populations. By fitting a two-component model we have separated the very blue (starburst and/or AGN contamination) from the redder underlying spectral energy distribution, and find that the hosts of all three classes of AGN are dominated by old stars of age 8–14 Gyr. If the blue component is attributed to young stars, we find that, at most, 1 per cent of the visible baryonic mass of these galaxies is involved in star formation activity at the epoch of observation, at least over the region sampled by our spectroscopic observations. These results strongly support the conclusion reached by McLure et al. that the host galaxies of luminous quasars are massive ellipticals which have formed by the epoch of peak quasar activity at z ≃2.5.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the accretion flows into the accretion disk around the black holes of active galactic nuclei (AGN), and the jets which they produce. A large-scale accretion flow around the nucleus is proposed as the thick dusty toroid structure of the unified model. Physically, this is similar to the Kahn ‘cocoon star’ model. High (super-Eddington) accretion rates into the accretion disk are needed. It is assumed that all black holes produce relativistic jets. However, entrainment of thermal (wind) material into the jet determines the AGN class, radio-loud or radio quiet. The jet interacts with the ambient medium as it expands, generating a cocoon of fast radiative or partially-radiative shocks around it. Such a model can explain both the radio properties and the emission line properties over a wide variety of AGN classes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We analyse conditions of the innermost portion of an accretion disk and establish a set of equations for this region. A stable innermost region may exist, which can probably explain the observed UV and X-ray spectra, avoiding the unstable emission. We then discuss the detailed radial structure of a disk around a black hole for typical AGN parameters and obtain different kinds of- relationships for different regions of a disk. On the basis of this, we discuss the stability. A new type of cycle is present, which we call a double S shaped cycle. In this cycle, the extent of accretion rate variability is much larger than that in dwarf nova cycles. This probably solves the problem of violent variability of AGN. In the meantime, the very high accretion rate at the hottest state in limit cycles in the unstable region may provide continuous injection of matter to the jet and power the relativistic motion of the jet.  相似文献   

The “fundamental plane of accreting black holes” and an empirical connection between X-ray binaries (XRBs) and active galactic nuclei (AGN) based on variability properties is presented. Following these connections we construct disc-fraction luminosity diagrams (DFLD), a generalisation of hardness-intensity diagrams used for XRBs. We show that the radio-loudness of AGN depends on the position in the DFLD similar to what is observed in XRBs. For those XRBs and AGN on the right side of the diagram (hard state XRBs, LLAGN and many radio-loud quasars) we show that the jet power and accretion rate can be estimated from the core radio emission. This accretion measure is used to explore the dependence of the bolometric luminosity on the accretion rate.  相似文献   

本文研究了大质量黑洞吸积盘的自引力,用薄盘位形上积分的方法计算了吸积盘自引力的径向与垂向分量,着重讨论了径向自引力。主要结果为:对于大质量黑洞(M~10~8—10~(10)M_⊙)吸积盘,在(R/R_g)~10~5—10~4的距离上,径向自引力会超过中心天体引力。在这个距离上,吸积盘的动力学结构完全不同于开普勒盘。提出了径向自引力不稳定扰动作为一种能源机制。本文还得到吸积盘自引力与中心天体引力量级比较的两个判据,并由此得到大质量黑洞吸积盘外半径的近似解析估计。本文结果可用于类星体和星系核吸积盘。  相似文献   

The redshift, central black hole mass and accretion rate are important parameters when studying the AGN evolution. The central black hole masses for 172 quasars and Seyfert galaxies are calculated in this paper using the reverberation mapping method. The distributions of central black hole masses, redshifts and the Eddington accretion rates are analyzed, to verify the transition from the quasar to the Seyfert galaxy in the course of evolution.  相似文献   

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