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The present study proposes a methodology for predicting the vertical light nonaqueous-phase liquids (LNAPLs) distribution within an aquifer by considering the influence of water table fluctuations. The LNAPL distribution is predicted by combining (1) information on air/LNAPL and LNAPL/water interface elevations with (2) the initial elevation of the water table without LNAPL effect. Data used in the present study were collected during groundwater monitoring undertaken over a period of 4 months at a LNAPL-impacted observation well. In this study, the water table fluctuations raised the free LNAPL in the subsurface to an elevation of 206.63 m, while the lowest elevation was 205.70 m, forming a thickness of 0.93 m of LNAPL-impacted soil. Results show that the apparent LNAPL thickness in the observation well is found to be three times greater than the actual free LNAPL thickness in soil; a finding that agrees with previous studies reporting that apparent LNAPL thickness in observation wells typically exceeds the free LNAPL thickness within soil by a factor estimated to range between 2 and 10. The present study provides insights concerning the transient variation of LNAPL distribution within the subsurface and highlights the capability of the proposed methodology to mathematically predict the actual LNAPL thickness in the subsurface, without the need to conduct laborious field tests. Practitioners can use the proposed methodology to determine by how much the water table should be lowered, through pumping, to isolate the LNAPL-impacted soil within the unsaturated zone, which can then be subjected to in situ vadose zone remedial treatment.  相似文献   

Light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) represent one of the most serious problems in aquifers contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons liquids. To design an appropriate remediation strategy it is essential to understand the behavior of the plume. The aim of this paper is threefold: (1) to characterize the fluid distribution of an LNAPL plume detected in a volcanic low-conductivity aquifer (∼0.4 m/day from slug tests interpretation), (2) to simulate the recovery processes of the free-product contamination and (3) to evaluate the primary recovery efficiency of the following alternatives: skimming, dual-phase extraction, Bioslurping and multi-phase extraction wells. The API/Charbeneau analytical model was used to investigate the recovery feasibility based on the geological properties and hydrogeological conditions with a multi-phase (water, air, LNAPL) transport approach in the vadose zone. The modeling performed in this research, in terms of LNAPL distribution in the subsurface, show that oil saturation is 7% in the air–oil interface, with a maximum value of 70% in the capillary fringe. Equilibrium between water and LNAPL phases is reached at a depth of 1.80 m from the air–oil interface. On the other hand, the LNAPL recovery model results suggest a remarkable enhancement of the free-product recovery when simultaneous extra-phase extraction was simulated from wells, in addition to the LNAPL lens. Recovery efficiencies were 27%, 65%, 66% and 67% for skimming, dual-phase extraction, Bioslurping and multi-phase extraction, respectively. During a 3-year simulation, skimmer wells and multi-phase extraction showed the lowest and highest LNAPL recovery rates, with expected values from 207 to 163 and 2305 to 707 l-LNAPL/day, respectively. At a field level we are proposing a well distribution arrangement that alternates pairs of dual-phase well-Bioslurping well. This not only improves the recovery of the free-product plume, but also pumps the dissolve plume and enhances in situ biodegradation in the vadose zone. Thus, aquifer and soil remediation can be achieved at a shorter time. Rough calculations suggest that LNAPL can be recovered at an approximate cost of $6–$10/l.  相似文献   

Accidental release of petroleum hydrocarbons to the subsurface may occur through spills around refineries, leaking pipelines, storage tanks, or other sources. If the spill is large, the hydrocarbon liquids may eventually reach a water table and spread laterally in a pancake-like lens. Hydrocarbons that exist as a separate phase are termed light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs). The portion of the LNAPL that is mobile, not entrapped as residual saturation, is termed "free product."
This paper presents new analytical solutions for the design of long-term free-product recovery from aquifers with skimmer, single- and dual-pump wells. The solutions are for steady-state flow, based on the assumption of vertical equilibrium, and include the effect of coning of LNAPL, air, and water on flow. The solutions are valid for soils of large hydraulic conductivity where the effect of capillary pressure on coning is small.
The results show how to estimate the maximum rate of inflow of LNAPL for skimmer wells, i.e., wells in which LNAPL is recovered with little or no water production. The paper also shows how to calculate the increase in LNAPL recovery when water is pumped by single- or dual-pump wells. A simple equation is given that can be used to adjust the water rate to avoid smearing of the LNAPL below the water table.  相似文献   

Light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) are a problematic challenge for obtaining site closure or no further action remediation sites. The source of the LNAPLs varies from leaking underground petroleum storage tanks, to manufacturing facilities where oil leaks create LNAPL accumulations beneath factory floors. Active recovery using pumping or periodic vacuum recovery from wells or sumps is used for remediation, but usually has disappointing results when LNAPL reaccumulates to thicknesses exceeding the 0.01-foot action level recognized by many states. This paper presents a simple passive approach for recovering persistent LNAPL using nonwoven hydrophobic oil absorbing cloth. The method used laboratory trials to assess physical properties of the cloth. Parameters observed and assessed included sorptive capacity and rate, buoyancy, and LNAPL wicking. It was determined that the cloth could be rolled and secured with cable ties for placement in the wells/sumps. Two placement designs were developed, one where rolled sorbent freely floated on the well/sump fluid surface and a second where the sorbent roll was placed in the fluid column at a fixed depth. Sorbents were then used at two manufacturing facilities where LNAPLs persisted for decades. In both instances, many wells/sumps were reduced to thicknesses below the action level in less than 2 months. In most wells, LNAPL did not reaccumulate. Where it did reaccumulate, it was less than 50% of the original thickness. Using laboratory-derived recovery rates, cloth sorbents could be sized to minimize placement/recovery frequency while effectively recovering LNAPL.  相似文献   

This article deals with the quantification of saltwater upconing below horizontal wells in freshwater lenses using analytical solutions as a computationally fast alternative to numerical simulations. Comparisons between analytical calculations and numerical simulations are presented regarding three aspects: (1) cyclic pumping; (2) dispersion; and (3) finite horizontal wells in a finite domain (a freshwater lens). Various hydrogeological conditions and pumping regimes within a dry half year are considered. The results show that the influence of elastic and phreatic storage (which are not taken into account in the analytical solutions) on the upconing of the interface is minimal. Furthermore, the analytical calculations based on the interface approach compare well with numerical simulations as long as the dimensionless interface upconing is below 1/3, which is in line with previous studies on steady pumping. Superimposing an analytical solution for mixing by dispersion below the well over an analytical solution based on the interface approach is appropriate in case the vertical flow velocity around the interface is nearly constant but should not be used for estimating the salinity of the pumped groundwater. The analytical calculations of interface upconing below a finite horizontal well compare well with the numerical simulations in case the distance between the horizontal well and the initial interface does not vary significantly along the well and in case the natural fluctuation of the freshwater lens is small. In order to maintain a low level of salinity in the well during a dry half year, the dimensionless analytically calculated interface upconing should stay below 0.25.  相似文献   

Dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) accumulation and recovery from wells cannot be accurately modeled through typical pressure or flux boundary conditions due to gravity segregation of water and DNAPL in the wellbore, the effects of wellbore storage, and variations of wellbore inflow and outflow rates with depth, particularly in heterogeneous formations. A discrete wellbore formulation is presented for numerical modeling of DNAPL accumulation in observation wells and DNAPL removal from recovery wells. The formulation includes fluid segregation, changing water and DNAPL levels in the well and the corresponding changes in fluid storage in the wellbore. The method was added to a three-dimensional finite difference model (CompSim) for three phase (water, gas, DNAPL) flow. The model predictions are compared to three-dimensional pilot scale experiments of DNAPL (benzyl alcohol) infiltration, redistribution, recovery, and water flushing. Model predictions match experimental results well, indicating the appropriateness of the model formulation. Characterization of mixing in the extraction well is important for predicting removal of highly soluble organic compounds like benzyl alcohol. A sensitivity analysis shows that the incorporation of hysteresis is critical for accurate prediction. Among the multiphase flow and transport parameters required for modeling, results are most sensitive to soil intrinsic permeability.  相似文献   

To test and evaluate the ability of commonly used constitutive relations for multifluid flow predictions, results of numerical flow and transport simulations are compared to experimental data. Three quantitative experiments were conducted in 1-m-long vertical columns. The columns were filled with either a uniform sand, a sand with a broad particle-size distribution, or with a layered system where a layer of a course-textured uniform sand was placed in an otherwise finer-textured uniform sand. After establishing variably water-saturated conditions, a pulse of a light nonaqueous-phase liquid (LNAPL) was injected uniformly at a constant rate. Water and LNAPL saturations were measured as a function of time and elevation with a dual-energy gamma-radiation system. The infiltration and redistribution of the LNAPL were simulated with nonhysteretic and hysteretic parametric relative permeability-saturation-pressure (k-S-P) models. The models were calibrated using two-phase air-water retention data and an established scaling theory. The nonhysteretic Brooks-Corey k-S-P model, which utilizes the Burdine relative permeability model, yielded predictions that closely matched the experimental data. Use of the nonhysteretic and hysteretic k-S-P models, based on the van Genuchten S-P relations and k-S relations derived from the Mualem relative permeability model, did not agree as well with the experimental data as those obtained with the Brooks-Corey k-S-P model. Explanations for the differences in performance of the three tested parametric k-S-P models are proposed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of river stage and waste water discharge on the unconfined aquifer near the N nuclear reactor on the U.S. Department of Energy-operated Hanford site in Washington State. River levels were statistically correlated with water-level data from 12 wells.
During the course of this study, water table elevations declined in the study area primarily as a result of a significant decrease in discharge to waste water disposal facilities, A minor contributing factor was the regional decline of the water table caused by decreasing waste water discharges upgradient of the study area.
High-frequency river-level fluctuations (e.g., short-term daily fluctuations) had good correlation with water-level variations in a well approximately 750 feet inland. Low-frequency river-level fluctuations (e.g., long-term seasonal fluctuations) had good correlation with water-level variations in a well approximately 1000 feet from the river shore. Time lags and attenuation generally increased with distance from the river as expected, with the exception of two northern wells. These two wells were relatively more responsive to river-level fluctuations at a greater distance inland from the river. This suggests that hydraulic properties (e.g., hydraulic conductivity) are a control on the aquifer reponses.
During peak river stage in June, the river level rose above water table elevations in several wells implying a temporary reversal in ground water flow direction near the river.  相似文献   

Petroleum liquids, referred to as light non‐aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs), are commonly found beneath petroleum facilities. Concerns with LNAPLs include migration into clean soils, migration beyond property boundaries, and discharges to surface water. Single‐well tracer dilution techniques were used to measure LNAPL fluxes through 50 wells at 7 field sites. A hydrophobic tracer was mixed into LNAPL in a well. Intensities of fluorescence associated with the tracer were measured over time using a spectrometer and a fiber optic cable. LNAPL fluxes were estimated using observed changes in the tracer concentrations over time. Measured LNAPL fluxes range from 0.006 to 2.6 m/year with a mean and median of 0.15 and 0.064 m/year, respectively. Measured LNAPL fluxes are two to four orders of magnitude smaller than a common groundwater flux of 30 m/year. Relationships between LNAPL fluxes and possible governing parameters were evaluated. Observed LNAPL fluxes are largely independent of LNAPL thickness in wells. Natural losses of LNAPL through dissolution, evaporation, and subsequent biodegradation, were estimated using a simple mass balance, measured LNAPL fluxes in wells, and an assumed stable LNAPL extent. The mean and median of the calculated loss rates were found to be 24.0 and 5.0 m3/ha/year, respectively. Mean and median losses are similar to values reported by others. Coupling observed LNAPL fluxes to observed rates of natural LNAPL depletion suggests that natural losses of LNAPL may be an important parameter controlling the overall extent of LNAPL bodies.  相似文献   

Light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) flow in in fractured rock is governed by the same physics as porous media, but LNAPL discharge to a well from fractured rock is subject to the unique geometry of the fractures within the rock and the degree of interconnectivity between the factures. Previous conceptualization and definition of drawdown of nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPL) has employed a single drawdown value to represent the entire vertical interval of mobile NAPL. Application of the single drawdown model may result in erroneous calculation of NAPL transmissivity in fractured rock settings. This work illustrates how drawdown in multiphase systems can be variable over the vertical interval of mobile NAPL. In settings with discrete fracture networks, it is clear that consistently applying a single drawdown value will not accurately represent the pressure gradients. This work presents the multiphase head (MH) model, which is proposed as a comprehensive methodology for evaluating NAPL drawdown in fractured rock, and unconsolidated porous media. The MH model utilizes fluid statics and physical principles to accurately represent pressure differences in the formation and convert those into NAPL drawdown for discrete elevations. This first principles approach to describing how drawdown varies with NAPL-production zone elevations and fluid levels, resulting in a more accurate representation of discharge vs. fluid elevation behavior. Application of the MH model to various scenarios has identified that dissimilar scenarios can represent similar behavior during recovery from a NAPL removal event or baildown test. The resulting understanding improves the selection of representative portions of baildown test data to use in NAPL transmissivity analysis. Proper conceptualization of drawdown in bedrock identifies an alternate analysis method, the Z-factor, to estimate NAPL transmissivity. The resulting drawdown calculations and transmissivity analysis method result in a comprehensive approach to calculating NAPL transmissivity in both bedrock and unconsolidated porous media.  相似文献   

Understanding light nonaqueous-phase liquid (LNAPL) movement in heterogeneous vadose environments is important for effective remediation design. We investigated LNAPL movement near a sloping fine- over coarse-grained textural interface, forming a capillary barrier. LNAPL flow experiments were performed in a glass chamber (50 cm×60 cm×1.0 cm) using two silica sands (12/20 and 30/40 sieve sizes). Variable water saturations near the textural interface were generated by applying water uniformly to the sand surface at various flow rates. A model LNAPL (Soltrol® 220) was subsequently released at two locations at the sand surface. Visible light transmission was used to quantitatively determine water saturations prior to LNAPL release and to observe LNAPL flow paths. Numerical simulations were performed using the Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases (STOMP) simulator, employing two nonhysteretic relative permeability–saturation–pressure (kSP) models. LNAPL movement strongly depended on the water saturation in the fine-grained sand layer above the textural interface. In general, reasonable agreement was found between observed and predicted water saturations near the textural interface and LNAPL flow paths. Discrepancies between predictions based on the van Genuchten/Mualem (VGM) and Brooks–Corey/Burdine (BCB) kSP models existed in the migration speed of the simulated LNAPL plume and the LNAPL flow patterns at high water saturation above the textural interface. In both instances, predictions based on the BCB model agreed better with experimental observations than predictions based on the VGM model. The results confirm the critical role water saturation plays in determining LNAPL movement in heterogeneous vadose zone environments and that accurate prediction of LNAPL flow paths depends on the careful selection of an appropriate kSP model.  相似文献   

Detecting and quantifying small drawdown at observation wells distant from the pumping well greatly expands the characterized aquifer volume. However, this detection is often obscured by water level fluctuations such as barometric and tidal effects. A reliable analytical approach for distinguishing drawdown from nonpumping water‐level fluctuations is presented and tested here. Drawdown is distinguished by analytically simulating all pumping and nonpumping water‐level stresses simultaneously during the period of record. Pumping signals are generated with Theis models, where the pumping schedule is translated into water‐level change with the Theis solution. This approach closely matched drawdowns simulated with a complex three‐dimensional, hypothetical model and reasonably estimated drawdowns from an aquifer test conducted in a complex hydrogeologic system. Pumping‐induced changes generated with a numerical model and analytical Theis model agreed (RMS as low as 0.007 m) in cases where pumping signals traveled more than 1 km across confining units and fault structures. Maximum drawdowns of about 0.05 m were analytically estimated from field investigations where environmental fluctuations approached 0.2 m during the analysis period.  相似文献   

A field tracer test was carried out in a light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) source zone using a well pattern consisting of one injection well surrounded by four extraction wells (5‐spot well pattern). Multilevel sampling was carried out in two observation wells located inside the test cell characterized by heterogeneous lithology. Tracer breakthrough curves showed relatively uniform flow within soil layers. A numerical flow and solute transport model was calibrated on hydraulic heads and tracer breakthrough curves. The model was used to estimate an average accessible porosity of 0.115 for the swept zone and an average longitudinal dispersivity of 0.55 m. The model was further used to optimize the relative effects of viscous forces versus capillary forces under realistic imposed hydraulic gradients and to establish optimal surfactant solution properties. Maximum capillary number (NCa) values between injection and extraction wells were obtained for an injection flow rate of 16 L/min, a total extraction flow rate of 20 L/min, and a surfactant solution with a viscosity of 0.005 Pa?s. The unconfined nature of the aquifer limited further flow rate or viscosity increases that would have led to unrealistic hydraulic gradients. An NCa range of 3.8 × 10?4 to 7.6 × 10?3 was obtained depending on the magnitude of the simulated LNAPL‐water interfacial tension reduction. Finally, surfactant and chase water slug sizing was optimized with a radial form of the simplified Ogata‐Banks analytical solution (Ogata and Banks 1961) so that injected concentrations could be maintained in the entire 5‐spot cell.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate whether 222Rn in groundwater can be used as a tracer for light non‐aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) quantification at a field site treated by dual‐phase LNAPL removal. After the break of a pipeline, 5 ha of soil in the nature reserve Coussouls de Crau in southern France was contaminated by 5100 m3 of crude oil. Part of this oil seeped into the underlying gravel aquifer and formed a floating oil body of about 3.9 ha. The remediation consists of plume management by hydraulic groundwater barriers and LNAPL extraction in the source zone. 222Rn measurements were performed in 21 wells in and outside the source zone during 15 months. In uncontaminated groundwater, the radon activity was relatively constant and remained always >11 Bq/L. The variability of radon activity measurements in wells affected by the pump‐and‐skim system was consistent with the measurements in wells that were not impacted by the system. The mean activities in wells in the source zone were, in general, significantly lower than in wells upgradient of the source zone, owing to partitioning of 222Rn into the oil phase. The lowest activities were found in zones with high non‐aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) recovery. LNAPL saturations around each recovery well were furthermore calculated during a period of high groundwater level, using a laboratory‐determined crude oil–water partitioning coefficient of 38.5 ± 2.9. This yielded an estimated volume of residual crude oil of 309 ± 93 m3 below the capillary fringe. We find that 222Rn is a useful and cheap groundwater tracer for finding zones of good LNAPL recovery in an aquifer treated by dual‐phase LNAPL removal, but that quantification of NAPL saturation using Rn is highly uncertain.  相似文献   

The association between hydrocarbon‐rich reservoirs and organic‐rich source rocks means unconventional oil and gas plays usually occur in mature sedimentary basins—where large‐scale conventional development has already taken place. Abandoned wells in proximity to hydraulic fracturing could be affected by increased fluid pressures and corresponding newly generated fractures that directly connect (frac hit) to an abandoned well or to existing fractures intersecting an abandoned well. If contaminants migrate to a pathway hydraulically connected to an abandoned well, upward leakage may occur. Potential effects of hydraulic fracturing on upward flow through a particular type of leaky abandoned well—abandoned oil and gas wells converted into water wells were investigated using numerical modeling. Several factors that affect flow to leaky wells were considered including proximity of a leaky well to hydraulic fracturing, flowback, production, and leaky well abandonment methods. The numerical model used historical records and available industry data for the Eagle Ford Shale play in south Texas. Numerical simulations indicate that upward contaminant migration could occur through leaky converted wells if certain spatial and hydraulic conditions exist. Upward flow through leaky converted wells increased with proximity to hydraulic fracturing, but decreased when flowback and production occurred. Volumetric flow rates ranged between 0 and 0.086 m3/d for hydraulic‐fracturing scenarios. Potential groundwater impacts should be paired with plausible transport mechanisms, and upward flow through leaky abandoned wells could be unrelated to hydraulic fracturing. The results also underscore the need to evaluate historical activities.  相似文献   

Measurement of LNAPL flow using single-well tracer dilution techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sale T  Taylor GR  Iltis G  Lyverse M 《Ground water》2007,45(5):569-578
This paper describes the use of single-well tracer dilution techniques to resolve the rate of light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) flow through wells and the adjacent geologic formation. Laboratory studies are presented in which a fluorescing tracer is added to LNAPL in wells. An in-well mixer keeps the tracer well mixed in the LNAPL. Tracer concentrations in LNAPL are measured through time using a fiber optic cable and a spectrometer. Results indicate that the rate of tracer depletion is proportional to the rate of LNAPL flow through the well and the adjacent formation. Tracer dilution methods are demonstrated for vertically averaged LNAPL Darcy velocities of 0.00048 to 0.11 m/d and LNAPL thicknesses of 9 to 24 cm. Over the range of conditions studied, results agree closely with steady-state LNAPL flow rates imposed by pumping. A key parameter for estimating LNAPL flow rates in the formation is the flow convergence factor alpha. Measured convergence factors for 0.030-inch wire wrap, 0.030-inch-slotted polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and 0.010-inch-slotted PVC are 1.7, 0.91, and 0.79, respectively. In addition, methods for using tracer dilution data to determine formation transmissivity to LNAPL are presented. Results suggest that single-well tracer dilution techniques are a viable approach for measuring in situ LNAPL flow and formation transmissivity to LNAPL.  相似文献   

The stability of subsurface Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPLs) is a key factor driving expectations for remedial measures at LNAPL sites. The conventional approach to resolving LNAPL stability has been to apply Darcy's Equation. This paper explores an alternative approach wherein single‐well tracer dilution tests with intermittent mixing are used to resolve LNAPL stability. As a first step, an implicit solution for single‐well intermittent mixing tracer dilution tests is derived. This includes key assumptions and limits on the allowable time between intermittent mixing events. Second, single‐well tracer dilution tests with intermittent mixing are conducted under conditions of known LNAPL flux. This includes a laboratory sand tank study and two field tests at active LNAPL recovery wells. Results from the sand tank studies indicate that LNAPL fluxes in wells can be transformed into formation fluxes using corrections for (1) LNAPL thicknesses in the well and formation and (2) convergence of flow to the well. Using the apparent convergence factor from the sand tank experiment, the average error between the known and measured LNAPL fluxes is 4%. Results from the field studies show nearly identical known and measured LNAPL fluxes at one well. At the second well the measured fluxes appear to exceed the known value by a factor of two. Agreement between the known and measured LNAPL fluxes, within a factor of two, indicates that single‐well tracer dilution tests with intermittent mixing can be a viable means of resolving LNAPL stability.  相似文献   

Although confined and perched light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) have previously been recognized, the majority of technical LNAPL literature focuses on unconfined LNAPL. Little information exists regarding the appropriate use of LNAPL distribution and transmissivity data to distinguish between confined, perched, and unconfined LNAPL hydrogeological scenarios. This paper describes three case histories that illustrate how the observed behavior of LNAPL can be used to identify the hydrogeologic condition of LNAPL at a given site and improved methods for calculating LNAPL drawdown based on these hydrogeologic conditions. The assessment methodology uses routinely available data such as fluid gauging, boring lo, laser‐induced fluorescence, visual observations of soil cores, and LNAPL baildown testing. Identification of the correct LNAPL hydrogeologic condition results in more accurate LNAPL conceptual site models, improved estimates of LNAPL recovery rates and volumes, more appropriate technology applications, and improved accuracy of LNAPL remediation metrics such as LNAPL transmissivity.  相似文献   

Groundwater monitoring wells are present at most hydrocarbon release sites that are being assessed for cleanup. If screened across the vadose zone, these wells provide an opportunity to collect vapor samples that can be used in the evaluation of vapor movement and biodegradation processes occurring at such sites. This paper presents a low purge volume method (modified after that developed by the U.S. EPA) for sampling vapor from monitoring wells that is easy to implement and can provide an assessment of the soil gas total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) and O2 concentrations at the base of the vadose zone. As a result, the small purge method allows for sampling of vapor from monitoring wells to support petroleum vapor intrusion (PVI) risk assessment. The small purge volume method was field tested at the Hal's service station site in Green River, Utah. This site is well‐known for numerous soil gas measurements containing high O2 and high TPH vapor concentrations in the same samples which is inconsistent with well‐accepted biodegradation models for the vapor pathway. Using the low purge volume method, monitoring wells were sampled over, upgradient, and downgradient of the light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) footprint. Results from our testing at Hal's show that vapor from monitoring wells over LNAPL contained very low O2 and high TPH concentrations. In contrast, vapor from monitoring wells not over LNAPL contained high O2 and low TPH concentrations. The results of this study show that a low purge volume method is consistent with biodegradation models especially for sampling at sites where low permeability soils exist in and around a LNAPL source zone.  相似文献   

The impact of lost circulation during rotary drilling near an existing monitoring well cluster was evaluated by periodic measurements of water levels and contaminant concentrations at the well cluster. Due to regulatory concerns, changes in water levels or VOC concentration in the well cluster during drilling would trigger monitoring well redevelopment. The borehole was drilled approximately 30 feet northeast of four nested monitoring wells that screen Devonian and Silurian carbonate bedrock at depths of 15, 60, 130, and 190 feet. Following complete circulation loss at depths of 177 and 1 S3 feet in the borehole, a rapid decrease in water levels was observed in the upper three monitoring wells. The water level in the well that was screened through the lost circulation zones increased slightly.
Decreasing water levels in formations located above the point of circulation loss appear to occur in response to a sudden decrease in borehole fluid pressure caused by the flow of drilling fluid into the formation. The relative contribution of contaminated formation water lo the borehole can be estimated by using the time-drawdown relationship and estimates of transmissivity. At the point of circulation loss, significant dilution of contaminant concentrations occurs from the loss of drilling fluid into the contaminated zone. Contaminated formation water entering the borehole during periods of complete lost circulation may mobilize contaminants from upper lo lower formations. Lost circulation into a formation would be signaled by a water level increase in monitoring wells. The wells would subsequently require development to remove the volume of fluid lost to the formation, including both drilling fluid and contaminated formation water. Monitoring wells exhibiting declining water levels following lost circulation would not require development since drilling water has not entered the zones screened by these wells.  相似文献   

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