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We study a theory for the ninth satellite of Saturn, Phoebe, based on the literal solution we have obtained in the main problem of the lunar theory.These series were computed by solving, by successive approximations, the Lagrange's equations expressed in variables, functions of the elliptic elements.We may consider the case of Phoebe simpler than a lunar case because we seek less precision (1/10 geocentric) than in the Lunar case, although the eccentricity of Phoebe is stronger.Main problem: our series are computed to the complete seventh order and a great part of the perturbations of the eighth and ninth order, where we have attributed to the small lunar parameters the order 1 tom 0=n/n 0,e 0,e, sin (i 0/2), the order 2 to 0=(a 0/a)((M 1–)/(M 1+M)) and the order 4 toµ 0(a 0/a)M 1 M/M 1 2M 2.In the case of Phoebe,µ 0 equal zero and ±0 is the ratioa 0/a.We study the further development of these series by using, instead of parameterm 0, the quantity m 0=n/n 0m 1 wherem 1 is an approached value ofm 0, in order to accelerate the convergence of the series with respect tom 0.Comparison with a numerical integration we are adjusting a numerical integration to the observations. We have already more than 100 observations, for the period 1900–1957.At first, we compare the series of the main problem to a numerical integration of the Keplerian problem.

Proceedings of the Conference on Analytical Methods and Ephemerides: Theory and Observations of the Moon and Planets. Facultés universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix. Namur, Belgium, 28–31 July, 1980.  相似文献   

The anomalous Doppler-shift interaction between positive ions and right-hand (RH) polarized E.M. waves propagating at a small angle to a static magnetic field is investigated. The linear rate of growth of the resulting instability is obtained and compared with the growth rate for the parallel propagation case. For conditions typical of the solar wind at about 1 AU, the rate of growth always decreases with increasing propagation angle. For very large ion pressures (1) and temperature anisotropies (T T 1), the rate of growth may increase with increasing propagation angle.  相似文献   

Data on a statistic derived from the angular covariance function show that (contrary to the claim of Peebles that galaxies are distributed continuously with no distinct scales), superclusters and the maximum size of clusters are probably defined at scales of 15 and 2.0h –1 Mpc. This suggests some stepped-density profile like the idealized models of de Vaucouleurs and Wertz: consideration is therefore given to a semi-continuous hierarchy in which there are galaxies outside clusters, clusters outside superclusters etc. Theories of the origin of clustering by gravitational clumping and the escape of galaxies from clusters suggests the hypothesis that the average mass (m g) of galaxies outside clusters is smaller than that of those inside (=fractionf of the total), a hypothesis supported by results on the continuity of the angular and spatial covariance functions. In a semi-continuous hierarchy, the overall packing fractionf e and the fraction (1-f) of galaxies outside clusters both appear to increase as the distancer from a local origin increases, because a line-of-sight to greater depths intersects systems of the hierarchy of continually greater size (R i). If the hypothesis is valid thatm g inside clusters is slightly larger thanm g outside, the apparent effect is to makem g systematically distance-dependent from a local origin with and 10.3. No direct data on galaxy masses exist to refute such a small trend, but since the absolute magnitudes of galaxies are known to be correlated (very weakly) with their masses, a semi-continuous hierarchy has a location-dependent luminosity function, (M). Within uncertainties as to the steepness of (M) at the bright end, the model is consistent with optical number counts to a limiting photographic magnitudem pg (isotropic slope,q=0.6; semicontinuous modelq=0.64; observation,q=0.67±0.03, standard error.) this removes the discrepancy between the determinations by de Vaucouleurs and Sandageet al. of the thinning factor (1.7). Predictions of the semi-continuous model are made which are at present observationally feasible to carry out. In particular, it is predicted thatq(20<|M|<22)/q(14<|M|<19)2(±0.2).  相似文献   

Main results of computations of evolution for massive close binaries (10M +9.4M , 16M +15M , 32M +30M , 64M +60M ) up to oxygen exhaustion in the core are described. Mass exchange starting in core hydrogen, shell hydrogen and core helium burning stages was studied. Computations were performed assuming both the Ledoux and Schwarzschild stability criteria for semiconvection. The influence of UFI-neutrino emission on evolution of close binaries was investigated. The results obtained allow to outline the following evolutionary chain: two detached Main-Sequence stars — mass exchange — Wolf-Rayet star or blue supergiant plus main sequence star — explosion of the initially more massive star appearing as a supernova event — collapsed or neutron star plus Main-Sequence star, that may be observed as a runaway star — mass exchange leading to X-rays emission — collapsed or neutron star plus WR-star or blue supergiant — second explosion of supernova that preferentially disrupts the system and gives birth to two single high spatial velocity pulsars.Numerical estimates concerning the number and properties of WR-stars, pulsars and X-ray sources are presented. The results are in favour of the existence of UFI-neutrino and of the Ledoux criterion for describing semiconvection. Properties of several well-known X-ray sources and the binary pulsar are discussed on base of evolutionary chain of close binaries.  相似文献   

The Second Byurakan Survey (SBS) is a well known combined survey, which uses the presence of UV-excess radiation in the continuum, or the presence of emission-lines in the spectra for the identification of active and star-forming galaxies. This paper reports on a comparative study of 77 galaxies identified with UV-excess, and 34 galaxies identified via emission-line techniques in the fields of the SBS. The spectroscopic parameters used for the comparison are the [OII]3727/H and [OIII]5007/H emission-lines ratios, the equivalent widths of [OII]3727, [OIII]5007 and H emission-lines, and the C [OII]-C H index. Spectroscopic parameters as well as new redshifts were determined from the spectra obtained with the 6m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory (Russia). The main results are: 1) Galaxies discovered via UV-excess technique are preferably more active. 2) Galaxies discovered via emission-line technique are preferably high-excitation low-luminosity star-forming galaxies. 3) UV-excess galaxies with faintest UV-excess radiation are likely candidates to be LINER or Sy2 type objects.  相似文献   

Prentice (1978a, b), in his modern Laplacian theory of the origin of the solar system, has established a scenario in which he finds the ratio of the orbital radii of successively disposed gaseous rings to be a constant 1.69. In an attempt to understand this law in an alternative way, Rawal (1984a) assumes that during the collapse of the solar nebula the halts at various radii are brought about by the supersonic turbulent convection and arrives at the relation of the formR p=Rap, whereR is the radius of the present Sun anda=1.422, is referred to, here, as the Roche constant. Kepler's third law assumes the form:T p=T0(a 3/2) p ,T 0 being the rotational period of the Sun at the time it attained its present radius.R p satisfy Laplace's resonance relation without any exception. The present paper investigates inter-relations among the concepts of supersonic turbulent convection, rotational instability, and Roche limit.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

Comparison of the large-scale density and velocity fields in the local universe shows detailed agreement, strengthening the standard paradigm of the gravitational origin of these structures. Quantitative analysis can determine the cosmological density parameter, , and biasing factor,b; there is virtually no sensitivity in any local analyses to the cosmological constant,. Comparison of the dipole anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background with the acceleration due to theIRAS galaxies puts the linear growth factor in the range 0.6 /b = 0.6 –0.3 +0.7 (95% confidence). A direct comparison of the density and velocity fields of nearby galaxies gives = 1.3 –0.6 +0.7 , and from nonlinear analysis the weaker limit > 0.45 forb > 0.5 (again 95% confidence). A tighter limit, > 0.3 (4–6), is obtained by a reconstruction of the probability distribution function of the initial fluctuations from which the structures observed today arose. The last two methods depend critically on the smooth velocity field determined from the observed velocities of nearby galaxies by thePOTENT method. A new analysis of these velocities, with more than three times the data used to obtain the above quoted results, is now underway and promises to tighten the uncertainties considerably, as well as reduce systematic bias.  相似文献   

High resolution OVRO CO 1–0 observations of the inner 30 in the LINER galaxy NGC 5218 reveal the presence of a double centrally peaked molecular concentration with extensions out to a radius of 12. The molecular mass detected is 2.4 × 109 M and the gas surface density is high, 3000 M pc square in the inner 500 pc. The SFR is 2–3 M yr–1 and the SFE is 13, which are low or moderate values for that gas surface density. We interpret the inner feature as a rotating molecular ring with a radius of 200 pc. We furthermore suggest that the LINER activity in NGC 5218 is not caused by an aging starburst, but by a buried AGN.  相似文献   

The Goldberg-Unno method is analysed. Accounting for the instrumental profile correction reduces the derived microturbulent velocities only slightly. A similar effect may be caused by an unresolved macroturbulence. The method of accounting for the damping effect is considered. The correction for the influence of the damping effect does not change substantially the general trend of the variation of t with 0. The microturbulent velocity t is reduced appreciably.An attempt to analyse the microturbulent velocities by the Goldberg-Unno method under deviation from LTE is made.The main conclusion is that the Goldberg-Unno method, especially in its modified form, is valid and useful.  相似文献   

The published photometric and spectroscopic data of the symbiotic binary V 1329 Cyg are interpreted. It is shown, that V 1329 Cyg is an eclipsing binary with an elliptical orbit orbit (e=0.28). The cooler component fills up the Roche-lobe at periastron. A model of moving gaseous structures in the system is proposed and their influence on the radial velocity curve is shown. The following characteristics of the system are derived: the cooler component is an M6 giant with mass 7.9M , radius 339R and luminosityM bol=–5.42, the hot component is a white dwarf surrounded by an accretion disk. The mean distance between the components is 842R and in periastron it decreases to 605R .  相似文献   

The tenth list of objects from the BIG (Byurakan-IRAS Galaxies) sample, containing 104 galaxies identified with 60 point sources from the IRAS PSC catalog, is introduced. The identifications have been made in the region +69°+73° and 09h50m15h20m with an area of 107 sq.deg. The identified objects include 13 Sy candidates, 5 compact star-formation galaxies, 11 interacting pairs (including 5 merger candidates) and 1 interacting triple system, 5 LSB galaxies, and 5 groups. 21 objects are also identified with radio sources. The optical coordinates, their deviations from the IR coordinates, V stellar magnitudes, morphological types, angular sizes of the central regions, and position angles have been determined. The identified galaxies are of Sa-Sc, SB, and Irr morphological types, the optical stellar magnitudes lie in the range 15m.0-21m.5, and the angular sizes of the central regions lie in the range 3-32. Finding charts from the DSS2 are included for these objects.  相似文献   

A model of a first generation intermediate star of 5M , with Z=0 has been considered. The model is at an advanced stage of its evolution and has a double shell burning. It burns helium in the inner shell, and hydrogen, via CNO cycle, in the outer shell. =(log/log) T and T =(log/logT) were computed allowing for the oscillations of the relative mass abundance of the reagents in nuclear reactions. Including =(log/log) T and =(log/logT) of mean molecular weight and the effect of the oscillations of abundances due to nuclear reactions, stability was studied. Contrary to the results of the static calculations, we found that instability due to the excitation mechanism provided by the high temperature sensitivity of energy generation rate propagates up to the surface. Thus the model in question was found to be unstable against radial adiabatic pulsations, in its fundamental mode.  相似文献   

Relativistic, isentropic, homogeneous models are constructed by a method that automatically detects instabilities, and evolutionary tracks of central conditions are shown on a (T, ) diagram. Models heavier than 20M become unstable because of pair creation. Iron photodisintegration causes instability in the mass range between 1.5M and 20M . General relativistic effects bring about the onset of instability in models of 1.2–1.5M when the central density is about 1010 g/cm3. Lighter models become white dwarfs. It is pointed out that general relativistic instability will prevent the formation of neutron stars through hydrostatic evolution and may be relevant in setting off low-mass supernovae.  相似文献   

We report the first detection of a water megamaser in a radio-loud galaxy, 3C 403, and present a follow-up study using the VLA. 3C 403 has been observed as a part of a small sample of FR II galaxies with evidence of nuclear obscuration. The isotropic luminosity of the maser is 1200 L. With a recessional velocity of cz 17680 km s–1 it is the most distant water maser so far reported. The line arises from the densest (> 108 cm–3) interstellar gas component ever observed in a radio-loud galaxy. Two spectral features are identified, likely bracketing the systemic velocity of the galaxy. Our interferometric data clearly indicate that these arise from a location within 0.1 (110 pc) from the active galactic nucleus. We conclude that the maser spots are most likely associated with the tangentially seen parts of a nuclear accretion disk, while an association with dense warm gas interacting with the radio jets cannot yet be ruled out entirely.  相似文献   

By combining two two-dimensional subspaces, closed into themselves due to curvature, it is possible to create a model of three-dimensional space of the same properties. If the Universe is a space of this type, its effect is that of a monstrous lens. Close objects are observed to diminish according to the normal law of perspective; however, the remote galaxies are seen to be very highly magnified.The apparent angular size2 of a galaxy is more than the size1 in flat space according to relation:2 =1 cosec , where is the angular distance from the observer to the galaxy. The diameter2 d of a galaxy in curved space must be in the same relation to a diameter1 d with no curvature of space:2 d=1 d cosec . The apparent angular size2 and diameter2 d are distorted shapes in consequence of an optical illusion caused by the spatial curvature.It is necessary to distribute the multitude of galaxies into two parts in accordance with their location on the close or reverse hemihypersphere of the Universe. The minimum of apparent angular size2 of a galaxy of diameter1 d is at the equatorial zone.The most likely candidates for location in the reverse hemi-hypersphere are cD's of apparent supergiant sizes due, probably, to the curvature of space. The existence of supergiant sizes of galaxies is the second indirect proof, besides superluminal velocities, that the Universe is closed into itself through curvature. The third indirect evidence, i.e., inductive confirmation of the same fact, is the superposition of galaxies which need not inevitably be a new alternative to the present theories of collisions, cannibalism, merger, etc.The fourth indirect proof of the positive curvature of the Universe is the occurrence of background radiation, because that must vanish in hyperbolic space irrespective of its origin. The gravitational lens effect acquires another theoretical form, as usual, in the case of remote galaxies, because it is impossible to distinguish between gravitator and lensing image.  相似文献   

By considering the consecutive effects of synchrotron reabsorption, Compton scattering and other kinds of energy losses of relativistic electrons, it may be possibile to form a universal distribution of electrons in the region of reabsorption (synchrotron reactor). This will be either a power law with a power index of the energy spectrumn r=3–5, or a relativistic Maxwell distribution with an electron temperatureT e=4T b(1+), where is the ratio of Compton (or other losses) to synchrotron losses, andT bis the brightness temperature of the radiation. Since the total energy losses of electrons in the reactor is equal to zero, this ensures the continuous existence and accumulation of relativistic electrons in the region of reabsorption and their associated hard scattered radiation. Multiple Compton scattering produces a specific stepped power distribution of scattered radiation by which we can identify the reactor. In the nuclei of quasars W Hand, therefore,n r=3; hence the spectral index of scattered radiation in the corresponding ranges (optical, UV, X- and -ray) is .Consideration of other kinds of losses and gains of energy by electrons can lead to the dependencen =3–5(E) — where (E) may have either positive or negative values—which, in turn, leads to the frequency dependence of the spectral index of scattered radiation = 1 – (), |()| < 1, |(E)| < 1.Within the framework of the model being considered, the physical parameters of the nucleus of quasar 3C 273 are calculated.  相似文献   

A three-component fluid model of the Universe during the recombination era is analysed for = c ( c is the critical density). In addition to the well-known instability of the Jeans mode at 109 M , we find two more unstable modes at 1012 M .  相似文献   

The diagramV - log(1 +z e ) as function of (, ) is considered for the quasars. HereV is the apparent visual magnitude,z e is the emission line redshift, and are the equatorial coordinates. Two opposite extreme spots NE and SE are observed on the sky, where the inclination of the straight line fitting the dependenceV - log(1 +z e ) is maximum and minimum. The coordinates of the centres of these extreme spots are ( NE, NE) = (282°, +42°) and ( SE, SE) = (70°, -38°) with errors 5°. A hypothesis of the Superattractor (SA) is proposed to explain such an effect. Two independent tests of this hypothesis are realized. First, the dependence or the frequency a of the absorbers in QSO spectra on (, ) is investigated. A region of the larger a is found. The coordinates of its centre are (, ) = (82°, - 10°) with error 5°. Second, the cases ofz a >z e are plotted in the Mercatorial projection (, ). The most of the casesz -z e > 0.02 are concentrated within the circle with radiusR = 34° and centre (, ) = (50°, - 15°). The both anomalous regions overlap the Southern extreme spot around SE. The SA direction is (, ) = (67°, -21°) with errors about 12°. The redshift of SA isz SA = 1.7 ± 0.3 that corresponds to the distancer SA = (3100 ± 300)h –1 Mpc for the Hubble constantH 0 = 75h kms–1 Mpc–1. The SA mass isM SA ~ 1018-1020 M . The orientation of the normal to the quasiperiodical large-scale sheet structure on the sky occurs near SA.  相似文献   

Two spherically symmetric time-dependent Green's functions of the equation of transport for cosmic rays in the interplanetary region are derived by transform techniques. The solar wind velocity is assumed radial and of constant speedV. In the first model the radial diffusion coefficient =0 r (0 constant), and in the second solution =0= constant. The solutions are for monoenergetic, impulsive release of particles from a fixed heliocentric radius. Integration of the solutions over timet, fromt=0 tot=, gives the steady-state Green's functions obtained previously.  相似文献   

A detailed abundance analysis of the Hg–Mn star And is carried out with the method of fine analysis based on high-dispersion spectrograms obtained at the Haute Provence Observatory. In the derivation of effective temperature, we have considered the spectral energy distribution from far UV to the near IR, the line blanketing in the UV region and the reddening of And. The observed energy distribution, manganese ionization equilibrium and hydrogen-line profiles indicate that the atmosphere can be represented by a model withT eff=13850350 K, logg=3.850.15 (in CGS) and with =3.00.5 km s–1. Our analysis shows that the abundances of C and Si are normal; Mg, S, and Fe slightly overabundant; and P, Mn, Ga, Sr, Y, Zr, Eu, and Hg are considerably overabundant by 2.02, 2.68, 5.48, 1.13, 3.70, 3.35, 4.40, and 6.02 dex, respectively, relative to the solar values. A comparison of our abundances with those by others shows large discrepancies.A discussion of the atmospheric structure of And suggests that the star has a circumstellar envelope, and that there is some contribution to the observed spectrum from that envelope.On leave of absence from the Dept. of Astronomy, Faculty of Sciences, University of Ankara, Ankara, Turkey.  相似文献   

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