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The International Workshop on "Expanding Transboundary Cooperation for Water and Environment Security in Asia's International Rivers" was held on December 10-14, 2005, Dali, Yunnan, China. It was organized by Tsinghua University, the World Bank Institute (WBI), the United Nations University (UNU) and Asian International Rivers Center (AIRC). A total of over 60 scholars from the USA, Canada, Australia, Finland, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, India, Sri Lanka, Iran and China participated in this workshop. The topics include seeking reasonable utilization and sustainable conflict resolutions related to transboundary water resources, and transboundary eco-security maintenance; expanding cooperation between Asia and the rest of the world on international river issues, identifying potential opportunities; and possibility of a common research agenda for addressing environment changes in Mekong River Basin.  相似文献   

合浦海上丝绸之路始发港理论研讨会在广西北海召开   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩北 《地理科学》2005,25(1):125-126
2004年12月27-29日,由广西文化厅和北海市政府主办在广西北海市合浦县举行了合浦海上丝绸之路始发港理论研讨会。中国科学院资深院士、中国地理学会名誉理事长吴传钧教授等近50位来自全国各地的专家、学者参加了会议,考察、研讨了北海(合浦)在海丝路历史上的地位、作用和相关的自然生态、人文地理、旅游资源开发利用问题。会议收到论文50多篇,通过交流、研讨,取得两方面共识:合浦作为中国古代海丝路的最早始发港,文献和实物确证无可置疑,且比同为最早始发港的徐闻重要和繁荣;北海(合浦)应充分利用海丝路丰富的文化遗产与资源,抓住机遇,促进经济文化的繁荣与发展。  相似文献   

On December 18th-19th,2021,the First Asian Young Geographers Workshop was held online.Initiated by the Young Geographers Working Group of the Asian Geographical...  相似文献   

The remarkable ease with which the xenophobic tenor of the Hindu Right nationalist organizations or Sangh Parivar found favour with many privileged Indians in the early 1990s cannot be easily or comfortably discounted. Indeed, it even perniciously swayed a moderate secular central government led by the long dominant Congress Party. By mid–1992, when Sangh Parivar made the manifold dangers of the unsanctioned immigration by growing numbers of poverty–stricken Bangladeshi Muslim peasants their rallying cry, the lenient attitude of the Indian state towards these immigrants had hardened with astonishing rapidity. Unsettled by this sweeping tide of Hindu chauvinism, a hurriedly enforced "Action Plan" to locate and identify these undocumented immigrants was followed by brisk efforts under "Operation Pushback" to deport them from New Delhi — India's capital city and locus of bureaucratic, political and financial power. Haphazard and sporadic in implementation, Operation Pushback, while unmasking partisan dispositions coursing through the Indian bureaucracy, also exemplified Congress' belated attempts at redeeming its enervated standing. It is also worth noting that the highly circumscribed material realities of the Bangladeshi immigrants residing in Delhi's numerous slums made them easy targets of these perverse politics, and that subsequent opposition, internally and from neighbouring Bangladesh, to the gratuitous brutality displayed towards the first groups of deportees contributed to the Operation's abrupt truncation.  相似文献   

"活地"是宗教的传奇,而由于以往知识与技术的限制以及宗教圣地的"不可侵犯性","活地"也成了大自然的千年未解之谜。通过现场考察和资料调研,明晰了"活地"所在地区的地质构造特征。采用高频率表面波监测、分析技术,通过现场试验,研究了"活地"附近地表浅层岩土体分布情况。采用图像分析技术,经室内试验研究得出了"活地"及周围地区出露岩石的矿物组成。最终,对于"活地"的成因提出以下看法:1.否定了地下深层生长性岩脉诱发"活地"现象的观点;2.膨胀岩及膨胀土吸水膨胀对"活地"的隆升有一定作用,但这不是"活地"的主要诱因;3.提出"活地"是岩石风化作用及特殊地理环境综合作用结果的观点:风化作用使岩体疏松、体积增大,地面隆起;两侧山体运动对其交界处岩石产生挤压作用,为"活地"的持续隆升提供动力源。  相似文献   

丹东地区板栗栽培历史悠久 ,资源丰富 ,现有栗树 8.2万公顷 ,年产量 2 5 0 0万公斤。全省板栗产量和面积的 90 %集中在丹东 ,其中 ,宽甸县被列为全国板栗基地县 ,2 0 0 0年被国家林业局命名为名特优经济林板栗之乡 ;凤城市被列为全国经济林示范县 ;东港市被列为全省板栗基地县。近年来 ,丹东市政府利用自身的资源优势 ,提出了建设“山上丹东”的宏伟蓝图。经过广大栗农的辛勤耕耘 ,板栗生产已经成为“山上丹东”规划中的一个重要“支柱产业” ,是山区农民脱贫致富的重要途径。1 示范推广 ,提高板栗生产水平为了搞好板栗生产 ,在省林业厅领…  相似文献   

土耳其地跨欧亚大陆,具有独特的区位和地缘政治优势。土耳其立足自身需求和交通基础,提出“中间走廊”倡议,旨在欧亚大陆跨国运输和经贸往来中充分发挥枢纽功能,提升区域大国影响力,“中间走廊”倡议对周边地区和国家具有潜在的地缘政治影响。“中间走廊”倡议进一步强化土耳其、阿塞拜疆、格鲁吉亚等国之间的政治联盟关系,存在孤立亚美尼亚嫌疑,对俄罗斯的交通区位优势和地缘政治影响力有一定的冲击;对中亚地区的影响具有多维性,既有积极因素,也有潜在风险。在欧亚大陆互联互通层面,“一带一路”倡议与“中间走廊”倡议存在合作基础,二者战略对接过程中,中国需要根据时局变化,充分认识和评估彼此的战略诉求和利益布局,以及文化和历史差异,求同存异,寻求利益契合点,规避潜在的地缘政治风险。  相似文献   

正From October 26th to 27th, 2018, the Academic Workshop on Ecological Civilization and Green Development in Sandy Area, co-sponsored by China Society of Desert in the Geographical Society of China, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Key Laboratory of Desert and Desertification, CAS, Key Laboratory of Eco-hydrology of Inland River Basin, CAS, Shapotou Desert Research and Experiment Station,Naiman Desertification Research Station and Linze Inland River Basin Research Station, was successfully held in Changsha, Hunan Province.  相似文献   

罗北凹地液体钾矿床位于新疆罗布泊地区北部,是一个大型的综合性盐类矿床。对矿区两处"成矿远景区"进行专门研究,从其与相邻地带的地层接触关系、水文地质和氢氧同位素条件分析,指出此区具备与罗北凹地相似的液体钾矿成矿条件,仅地层时代不同期,与矿体边界及周边湖岸阶地形成一种地垒模式,为指导在本地区或其它类似地区寻找新的不同时期、相同成矿条件的成矿带提出一种成矿模式。  相似文献   

"古河道学"是专门以"古河道"为研究对象的科学。它属于河流学、地貌学、地质学的综合性学科,有其独特、完整的研究内容和系统、综合的研究方法。它应日益发展的生产实践的需求而诞生,又为生产实践的进一步发展提供更多的科学依据。同时,它还可丰富已有学科的理论,并为新学科的诞生提供理论基础。  相似文献   

正The workshop on the innovative development of Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions(SCAR)was successfully held on October 14,2017 in Lanzhou Library of Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Academician Guodong Cheng—Editors-in-chief of SCAR—hosted the meeting,more than 20 experts from Lanzhou University,Northwest Normal University and Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources attended this conference.  相似文献   

福建海坛岛青峰老红砂剖面以棕红色砂层和黄橙色砂层的交替旋回变化为显著特征。通过野外考察、采样和测定分析,对青峰老红砂剖面的粒度特征及其古气候意义进行深入研究。结果表明:(1)青峰剖面棕红色砂层以细砂为主,黄橙色砂层以中砂为主,细砂-中砂在剖面上呈现明显的交替旋回变化;(2)棕红色砂层和黄橙色砂层的粒度频率曲线均以单峰加一细尾为主,含有一定量的粉砂、黏土;概率累积曲线以滚-跳-悬三段式为主,但两种砂层在组分含量、斜率等方面存在差异;(3)粒度参数呈现明显的波动旋回变化,可能指示沉积时期区域风力、搬运动力、化学风化强度方面发生了周期性变化,即棕红色砂层显示了暖湿气候条件下的红壤化过程,黄橙色砂层则显示凉干气候条件下的黄壤化过程。因此,青峰老红砂旋回沉积表明第四纪晚期以来,福建东部沿海的古气候古土壤可能经历了南亚热带(赤红壤)和暖温带(黄壤)的交替变迁。  相似文献   

This article traces the emergence of a negative strain in European and North American representations of the tropics, as earlier images of natural abundance were supplemented, and partly supplanted, by the fears and frustrations of would-be colonisers and the growing realisation of the technical difficulties of tropical "development". Taking Pierre Gourou's The Tropical World (1947) as an exemplary text that embodies attitudes accumulated over the previous century of scientific activity and colonial administration in the tropics, it is possible to see how, despite recognition of wide regional variations, the tropics as a whole were seen as constituting an impoverished and pestilential region, largely unsuited to white settlement and agriculture, and yet reliant upon outside agency for prospects of development. Without entirely ceasing to be landscapes of desire, the tropics represented a more primitive world than the northern temperate zone, a domain of largely untamed nature that served, by contrast, to demonstrate the moral and material "superiority" of northern climates, races and civilisations.  相似文献   

We reported a special type of lamination formed in the sediments of Lake Xiaolongwan, northeastern China. The lamination consists of light- and brown-colored laminate couplets in the thin sections. The brown-colored layer is composed mainly of dinoflagellate cysts. The grey-colored layer consists of other organic and siliceous matter (plant detritus, diatoms, chrysophyte cysts) and clastics. Preliminary sediment trap results show that a distinct peak of dinocyst flux occurred in November. The dinocyst flux maximum also corresponds to the peaks of diatom flux and chrysophyte stomatocyst flux. These suggest that "red tide blooms" occur in this freshwater lake. We speculate that the dinocyst flux maximum could be related to autumn overturn due to increased nutrients, and the availability of cysts for germination from the lake bottom. Additionally, it may also reflect increasing dissolved organic matter after leaf fall. An independent chronology derived from 137Cs and 210Pb shows a good agreement with counted laminations. From the sediment trap data and the independent chronology data, the dinocyst microlaminae appear to be annually laminated, and probably could be called dinocyst varves. Although vegetative (thecate stage) cells of Peridinium volzii and Ceratium furcoides are found in the water samples, it is not possible to relate the dinocysts to these two dinoflagellate species. Based on morphological and ecological analyses, we suggested that they have affinities with species of Peridinium (sensu lato), most probably to P. inconspicuum. Detailed investigations should be carried out to understand the red tide history in this freshwater lake. Annually laminated dinocyst microlayers in freshwater and marine sediments not only provide an uncommon archive for understanding the history of red tides and harmful algal blooms, and why and how certain species periodically bloom over several thousands years, but also provide important records of paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes at seasonal to annual resolution.  相似文献   

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